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Fantasy The Merge of Realities - Main Thread



Baby Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The red lights on the wall flashed at a steady yet urgent pace, engulfing the metal corridors in an eerie red glow, along with the lights, an intrusive siren blares at a deafening volume, alerting all that there was a serious problem. The siren quietened for a moment as a voice appeared on the comms system. "The Xenocs have the device, we must get it back at all costs!"

Jason landed on the Xenoc ship, he leapt out of his small fighter, a rifle at the ready. He silently darted through the corridors. A humanoid creature covered in what appeared to be some sort of black metal armour, Jason aimed at the creature and fired 6 shots, each shot his the creature in the head and the creature fell lifelessly to the floor. Jason placed his hand to his ear and spoke. "I'm on the enemy ship and in pursuit of the device!" He said, hearing a reply in his ear moments later. "Good job Agent Mathews, best of luck to you!"

The captain of the human ship looked to his crew as he finished speaking with Jason. "Sir, are you sure he can do this?" One of the crew asked him. The captain looked at the girl who'd asked the question. "Honesty, I don't know..." He said with a solemn tone, "But he's the best we've got, so if anyone can then it's him!" He added with a sense of optimism. "But sir, what is that device?" The woman asked. "I guess I can't keep it from you anymore..." The captain replied hesitantly, the red lights still flashing in the room around them.

Jason took down another Xenoc, he checked a small device which had been in his pocket which showed the location of the device he was searching for. He was getting close. He dashed down corridors and darted through doors until he came to the door leading into the room containing the device. He stopped, making sure his weapon was fully loaded and ready for anything that could be waiting for him inside the room with the device.

The captain looked at the woman who'd asked the question, and then looked at each other crew member who was present in the room at that time. "That device is a contraption created by the best scientist we have, Dr Mckenzie. It's designed to assemble a group of heroes to a specific location when activated like a mass teleported but much faster and without as much hassle. It was designed with the purpose of assembling troops such as Agent Mathews at a moments notice should there be need of their services in the war." Everyone listened to the captain intently. "So why is it bad that they have it? Surely if they use it it would just make things harder for them?" The woman asked. The captain sighed. "If only it was that simple..." The captain commented. "As I said the device is currently experimental and is incomplete. Dr Mckenzie ordered us not to activate it yet for numerous reasons. Firstly, no one's been associated with it yet, so it could end up transporting anyone to its location, which puts innocent people at risk. Secondly, it's coordinates haven't been calibrated yet so those people could be sent anywhere, and lastly it's power source is highly unstable so there is a chance that it may explode."

Jason looked at the keypad next to the door, this one was locked so he couldn't just slip through this one as easily as the ones before it. He pulled the device out of his pocket again, placing at against the keypad, the device made quiet noises and moments later the door slid open. Jason put the device away, readied his weapon and quietly slipped into the room. Inside the room was engulfed in darkness, he pulled out a small torch and flicked it on, lighting up the room. He spotted the device and walked towards it. As he neared it, a Xenoc appeared. He fired at it but his gun failed to do anything other than make strained clicking noises. Jason tossed his gun aside, pulling out a sword he charged at the Xenoc, running his blade through the creature. As he did, the device flickered into life. Jason grabbed it, and looked for a way to turn it off, but a moment later it erupted into an explosion of flames killing Jason instantly.

The captain turned as a night glow caught his eye, the Xenoc ship was engulfed with flames. "Activate the shield gen-" He yelled, but was cut off at the Xenoc ship exploded as they were caught in the explosion the human's ship was also obliterated in the blast. Both the human and Xenoc ships, caught in the nearest planet's gravity, drifted to the surface as fiery wrecks, there were no survivors. The device had been destroyed, but rather than stopping it from working, it just meant that there wasn't any way to stop it...


This RP takes place in a sector of space thousands of light years away from earth, there are a few solar systems in this sector and the technology is far in advance of modern day earth. There is currently a war between the Humans as well as some other species who live in this sector and the Xenocs, a merciless species who will stop at nothing to 'cleanse' the sector of any other life.

Due to the fact that the device was incomplete, it malfunctioned upon activation, however rather than just failing, its effects were far more random and unpredictable than could have ever been imagined. The device had fed off the desires of both people present in the room. Jason's desire was for more fighters for the cause to stop the Xenocs and save humanity as well as the other species' fighting against the Xenocs, the desire of the Xenoc in the room was to eliminate all of humanity as well as everyone who opposed them. So the device stretched across galaxies, universes and timelines, plucking heroes from their own timeline and bringing them to help in the war, however it also bought all the villains and anti heroes.


In this RP you play as one of the heroes/villains that were summoned by the device. You can be anyone from any universe such as overwatch, super smash bros, Marvel, you can also be a character of your own creation. Despite your alignment, you won't be immediately assigned to either cause, you will just find yourself in this strange place having been snatched from your timeline. Due to the unpredictability of the device, you will just be placed somewhere in the middle of the events that are going on and will; have no idea of where you are or how you got there, how you proceed from that point is entirely up to you.

I understand that this is rather confusing so you can use my first post as an example, hopefully, that will help clear everything up, if it doesn't, please feel free to ask me any questions you have!
Hana was sitting cross-legged on a swivelly office style chair, she was in a dark room, illuminated only by the flickering of a screen. Next to her sat Lucio dos Santos, the legendary Brazillian musician! Though he had his own seat and was sitting on the chair more 'properly'. The two of them had transformed one of the more unused rooms at an Overwatch watchpoint in Gibraltar, into a temporary gaming facility. They had plugged an old PS6 into one of the older computer monitors, they had a coffee table in front of them which was loaded with drinks like Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Fanta and the such as well as snacks including Doritos, Chocolate and other sweets/crisps. The whole event had been a bit of a dream come true for the both of them. Hana had always loved Lucio's music, she'd bought his new album the second it had been released, and it seemed that he'd been following her through her tournaments as well! They were both clutching a controller in their hands and the screen had their undecided attention. The game was one of the games in the 'Super Smash Bros' Series, despite the fact that Smash was generally made for Nintendo consoles, but they could only find a Playstation so with, a bit of help from Overwatch's AI computer, they'd managed to put a digital copy of the game onto the PlayStation. The game came to an end and Hana threw her hands into the air in celebration. "Yeah!" She cried out as the game's announcer pronounced her the winner. Lucio looked at her with a smile, I will beat you one day!" He promised. "You're welcome to try!" Hana challenged. The screen flickered to an image of a letter A, and a feminine voice spoke through the speakers. "Lucio, D.Va, I am here to inform you that it's currently 3:21 am, I suggest you both try and get some sleep soon." Hana looked at Lucio, he'd been put in charge as he was the oldest of them both, and there were some who still considered Hana a child, which she wasn't hugely overjoyed about. Lucio returned her gaze and smiled. "Ok, Athena, we'll just have one more game!" He said. The A vanished from the screen, returning to the game. They chose their characters and got ready for another game.

Halfway through their fight, the game paused and the A reappeared on the screen. Both Hana and Lucio were a little frustrated but before they could say anything, Athena spoke. "Intruders detected." She said, as her voice disappeared the building's security alarms sprung into life. "The intruders are suspected to be working for Talon." Both Hana and Lucio immediately put down their controllers and picked up their weapons. As they turned to leave the room, Athena spoke again. "Missile incoming." The screen showed a map of the watchpoint with a small dot marking the missile. Before either of them could even react, there was an earsplitting explosion and one of the walls of the room they were in crumbled into a pile of rubble. The blast knocked both Lucio and Hana to the floor. They both sprung to their feet and started rushing through the building's corridors. They ran into a room which was filled with screens and empty peanut butter jars. A large gorilla adorned in armour stood in the room. "I'm glad you're both ok!" He said with relief as the two entered the room. "What's the plan, Winston?" Lucio asked the Gorilla. "We need to defend Athena!" Winston explained. "Talon tried this before, a few months back, they're trying to hack Athena's database, they failed last time, but seem to be better prepared this time! Lucio, you come with me, we'll try and stop them getting into the facility, D.Va, you go to Athena's Servers, should we fail you need to protect her!" Lucio and Hana nodded. Then Winston and Lucio headed out of the room, Hana followed them before splitting away from them and heading towards Athena's hard drives.

Hana stayed on high alert, her gun at the ready, for ages nothing happened, but after a while, a black smoky form entered the room, it blended in well enough for Hana to not notice it. The smoke manifested into the form of a man right behind Hana. The man laughed, a dark and eerie laugh. Which cause Hana to turn to face him. She raised her gun and fired at him, but the shots seemed to go straight through him, without harming him at all. He raised two guns, pointing them towards Hana's face and fired, Hana squeezed her eyes shut, fearing the worst.

After a while, Hana opened her eyes again, she was slightly confused, why hadn't any of the shots hit her? As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a brightly lit room. The room was mostly empty and was very white. She looked around curiously, where was she? She made her way over to a small window, which happened to be the only window in the entire room. As she looked out, Hana saw a planet, slowly turning below her. She stepped back in surprise. She was really confused now. She turned around in search for a door and noticed her mech standing in the corner of the room. A voice filled the room, coming from some kind of speaker system. "Hello traveller, welcome to station X-76, we have been expecting you. Please step through the door to your right." The voice disappeared and a door slid open. Hana cautiously stepped through the door, which lead into a room similar to the first, but this one had screens attached to the walls and a man stood before them. He turned to face her as she walked in. "Hello, I'm professor Navarro, I'm sure you must be a little confused, so let me explain..."
Groot roared. The room he was in was dark and foreboding. It was the ship of Ronan the Accuser. Enemy soldiers fired shots at Groot and his allies. Drax the destroyer used a pair of sickle like knives to carve through enemies. Throwing them into the wall, and delivering kicks where they were needed. Peter Quill, or Starlord as he wished to be called fired his elemental blaster sat the Kree. Gamora, the most dangerous woman in the galaxy used a sword to dispatch her enemies. Last of all, Groot's best friend Rocket Raccoon sat atop the Floral Colossus's shoulder firing a sort of energy cannon at the ship's guards. Groot stretched out an arm and impaled a trio. Throwing one of them into the air for Rocket to shoot. Suddenly there was a flash of light. "I AM GROOT" protested Groot.

Groot raised his head painfully and groaned. "I am Groot" he said. Looking around. He felt his shoulder. No sign of Rocket. Or the others for that matter. He suddenly got to his feet, and gave an angry roar. Swinging his right arm around like a flail. A waste of time. There were no Kree around either. "I am Groot"? He said. Deciding to explore his surroundings. Stomping around, it was definitely a ship, but not the one Groot had been on. It wasn't Kree designed. He hoped the others were okay.
Elisa just was walking around as she covered her eye with her hand as she was in pain since her eye got cut with a knife it was hurting so much she just walked around she was confused where to go she was weak' someone help me' she thought as she started to stumble she was walking around the room as she made it to her room as she looked at her eye it wasn't so bad she just sighed as she was trying to clean up her eyes as she just looked around as she frowned looking at a picture of her mom' ma where are you i miss you' she thought tears coming down her face


The Tornado Mark V seemed to work as intended. Based on an older model he made when he was about ten, the yellow biplane was better than before! Of course it was, though. It wouldn't be much of an engine upgrade if it wasn't actually upgraded. Still, the results almost surprised Tails - now, he was able to create an EF5 tornado by simply flicking a switch. How useful this could be was debatable, but it certainly was fun. As the biplane span around in the huge storm, somewhat unaffected by the high winds (Tails had made sure of that), Tails suddenly received an emergency call over the radio. "Oh yeah, the meteorologists...hmm. Better turn you down a bit, my girl!" As he spoke, he began powering down the Chaos Emerald fuelling the tornado function, causing the gargantuan storm to slowly dissipate - not without leaving a mark, of course.

Ever since Eggman was finally arrested and Sonic settled down to live a more peaceful life, Tails' urge for adventure and thrill became more and more dangerous. Frankly, Tails' powerful mind was bored - how do you entertain someone with an IQ of over 300? He had already fixed the Moon after Eggman blew it up...he even created a failsafe for the ARK Eclipse Cannon in case it was hacked again. No-one was using the planet destroying beam again - except for him, of course. If he needed it. He had no idea where Shadow had gotten himself, so it wasn't even like he could experiment on Omega. Knuckles was at Angel Island like usual, and he was still busy guarding the Master Emerald, so that was out of the picture.

"Hmm...what to do, what to do..." As he thought about what he wanted, he began the landing sequence of his biplane. He sighed as he noticed the trees flung about his runway - again, the tornado was a little stronger than he expected - so he prepared the hover function of his plane. No need to risk a crash landing, after all!

That was, however, until...

Well, he wasn't sure. One minute he was initiating the landing sequence and the next, nothing. He could only describe it as a complete blackout. When Tails opened his eyes, feeling a slight illness in his stomach, his pupils shrank as he saw what was going on. "W-what? How?" Looking around, he saw a window with a planet beneath it. "The ARK? But how...wait, that isn't Mobius!" It was true - the planet that the space station was on wasn't orbiting his home world. So...where was he? His fox ears twitched as he heard a voice over the intercom, directing him to somewhere else - this time, a room that wasn't empty. What was going on? Who were these people? "What's going on? Where is this?"

Geozaki Geozaki Texangamer Texangamer Yahhah Yahhah
Robert was sinking deeper and deeper. The light above was fading as he was going closer to the bottom of the sea. He couldn't feel most of his body, whether it was because of the numbing cold or that invisible force used by the monster to send him flying off the ship, he didn't know, all he could taste was sea salt and all he could feel was the crushing pressure of the ocean against his chest, like the cold hand of death was grasping at his heart. He felt like a stone, he couldn't even move his eyelids. Robert only had his thoughts, but even that would be robbed from him in a matter of moments.

'Damn, Kai couldn't have picked a worse vacation. Honestly I would have rather waited in three hours in line at the amusement park, at least the monsters there, only go after your pockets!'

Robert would have laughed at his own joke if he could, but even that luxury wasn't afforded to him. He was going to die, he was going to drown in the bottom of the ocean. His family and friends would probably never recover his corpse as it would be fish food, they wouldn't even get any closure they would forever be wondering whether he survived or not. Robert was going to die just like how his grandfather did, trying his best to save another, but his Grandfather succeeded, while Robert failed... at that thought Robert realized.


Robert willed his body to move, but it kept ignoring him, until... he felt ripples. It wasn't from the water. It was much more powerful, warmer, and most importantly it was coming from within. He felt his strength renew, no he felt it growing! He opened his eyes he could still the the light of the surface. He kicked towards it, far faster than he ever swam, he was going to reach it, he was going to reach it, he was was going to reach it! He threw out his hand as if to grab his prize... and then blackout.

When he opened the his eyes he was standing on dry land, rather it was a featureless room that he never saw before. There were others in he room, but he was more interested in his arm it was encased in golden armor and a black body suit. He wonder to himself where these articles of clothing came from, but before he could take a closer look at it. The ripples reappear this time vibrating the air making it difficult for the others to see him and when it faded away, his normal clothing returned, but the strength that helped him though had faded away.

Robert fell to his knees, before curling over and coughing up a glob of sea water from his lungs. He stayed in this position coughing his lungs out until the heat entered his body, revitalizing him somewhat. He at least regained the strength stand up, but he was still shivering from the cold as he was soaked from head to toe. He took a look around he what he saw were two girls, a mini mech, and an upright fox. Either he was seeing things or the worst vacation ever, has become even worse. Robert squeezed out in between heavy breaths, too tired to insert his trademark sarcasm.

"Where am I... And what happened... To... the people on... the ship... And the monster?"
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A spark. It seemed so innocent at first.

The Vyra were well known around the galaxy through which they resided. They were revered by some as gods, others as equals, and as they would soon find out, some saw them as a threat; prey even.

A force of beings known as the Creedance were moving through the galaxy. News spread quick; they were out for blood, destroying entire planets and leaving nothing behind save for a husk of a rock. Nobody, not even the Vyra could understand how they managed to cause so much destruction with such ease; until now.

The Creedance arrived at nightfall, appearing as ominous clouds hovering miles above the surface of the Vyra’s home planet, Reya. The Vyra would not be so easy to fool. They knew what those clouds were, and they had assembled their Defenders to protect the planet. They were as ready as they could be. And so the Defenders stood silently. Gazing up at the clouds.

Was this real? It was hard to tell, even now.

Small patches of orange light descended through the fog, making the sky look as though it were on fire. They fell, slowly, down and down. This was not an attack at all. Was this the Creedance way of declaring peace? Perhaps a partnership with the Vyra?

Then the first spark landed, delicately, like the petal of a flower that had had the misfortune of getting swept away in a gust of wind. The second it made contact with the ground, a bright light, a sharp squealing noise, and it left a large crater in the earth.

The Defenders were quick to respond, expelling their energy in an attempt to shield Reya, but it was already done. The sparks overwhelmed them, all of them.

Before Vex could react, he was gone.


Now Vex stood leaning on a guardrail in the bridge of a ship he never even had the pleasure of learning the name of.

He gazed out at the Xenoc ship sillouetted against the backdrop of the planet behind it. Red light occasionally passed across his vision. Somehow he had managed to tune out the alarms already. Perhaps he was so worried, that their blairing became nothing more than irrelevant white noise.

This hadn’t been the first time he had thought back to when he had been taken from his doomed planet and into the future. Usually the thought just came to him, leaving him with nothing more than a sharp pain in his head, and an empty feeling in his gut. But this time was different. The device was somewhere on that ship. It was unstable, and it was his only way back home, even if that function was still being looked into.

They had sent Jason to go get it. That man was legendary. His skills as both a soldier and a warrior still impressed Vex to this day. He had excellent confidence that Jason could retrieve the device and return it safely to the hands of the humans, but he still worried. Vex cared for Jason. Over the time they spent together, they had grown a bond Vex had once thought impossible. If Jason got into trouble, well, Vex didn’t want to think about it.

He had offered to accompany Jason. With Vex’s support they might already have made it to the device and gotten it back, but the captain had made him stay.

“If this goes awry, we’re going to need you to help protect the ship.” Those were his words. Although Vex wasn’t sure he could successfully surround the ship with his energy.

It had been far too long now. Jason had everything he needed to find the thing and be off with it, but nothing was happening. A few times Vex was tempted to leave the ship, find a way over and help Jason, but his feet remained rooted to the metal plating in the ship, and his eyes glued on the Xenoc’s.

“Sir, are you sure he can do this?” Someone said off to Vex’s left. The answer was followed by the captain’s response. Vex was only half listening. Something was wrong. Vex could feel it. Maybe his heightened intake of energy was making him feel paranoid, jitterish.

“As I said, the device is currently experimental and is incomplete.” The captain continued. Vex still wondered about that sometimes. Did they know who they were summoning to their timeline when they pulled Vex from his world’s destruction, or was it random? Had he been handselected or kept from dying by chance?

“-so there is a chance that it might explode.”

The captain had hardly finished speaking when the bridge was illuminated by a flash of light that could rival that of a star’s. The Xenoc ship had erupted, like a volcano had gone off inside of it. Vex didn’t spend anytime hesitating. The idea that Jason had likely just been vaporized didn’t occur to him, he didn’t worry about the device anymore, all he knew was that his arms were already in front of him, and his energy was flowing out of him with tremendous force.

It wasn’t enough though. The next explosion tore apart the rest of the enemy starcraft and sent a terrible bout of flame and shrapnel into the human ship.

People say that sound cannot be heard in space, but the boom that followed was louder than anything Vex had ever heard in his entire life. Everything was gone. The captain, the crew, the ship, all that remained was a scrapyard floating in the midst of a fireball. It took all of Vex’s energy to retain his shield and keep himself from imploding within the vacuum of space.

For a moment, everything seemed to sit still, the only sound a powerful ringing in Vex’s ears. The cold was settling in, but was quickly replaced by a steadily rising heat. Fire began to play along the front of Vex’s force field, not that he was able to register it after all that just happened.

Following the rubble of the two ships, Vex began to plummet to the nearby planet, protected only by his weakened energy field.
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Groot explored his surroundings. There seemed to be screens everywhere. Most of them depicting some human that Groot didn't know why was so important. Groot liked one thing about this place it was much better than the Kree warship. There seemed to be nothing but hallways in this place. Groot lifted his arm to rub the ceiling.

Groot cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. "I AM GROOT" down the hallway. His only answer was an echo. Groot scratched his head. Was this place deserted. Groot heard a muffled boom outside, and found a nearby window. Looking out he spotted what looked to be a battle going on outside. Groot shook his head. Not good. He wished Rocket was around. He knew how to fly ships. Groot was just really strong. Groot ignored the battle being waged outside, and finally heard a voice. Groot ducked his head, and kicked through a nearby door. Looking around. He rose up to his full height once he entered the room. He looked around for the owner of the voice. "I am Groot" he asked?
Navarro introduced himself to each of the newcomers as they filed in, he seemed slightly worried, he knew that this was going to happen but he wasn't expecting this amount of people to be arriving in such a short amount of time. "I understand that you're all probably a little confused..." He started to explain, "you see, we are at war." He paused, possibly to allow it to sink in, possibly for dramatic effect or possibly so he could figure out how he was going to phrase the rest of his explanation, either way, there was a short pause before he continued. "As an attempt to make progress, our lead scientist designed and created a small device that would be used as a means of teleportation but it malfunctioned, and rather than teleporting our soldiers like it was designed to do, it's started tearing people like yourselves out of their normal lives and bringing them here. Unfortunately, the device was destroyed in a terrible accident and so, as of now, we don't have any way to send you home. Though the same scientist who created the device that brought you here is working on a way to send you home as we speak. Also, the device seems to be tearing people out of time as well as out of space so there may be some barriers in terms of communication, technology and all that... uh, stuff..." Navarro trailed off, realising that this would probably be a lot to take in all at once, but he had to explain quickly so he could get back to his official job. "The device brought you here specifically as it has identified you as people of great skill and as people who would be able to further our war effort, however, that being said, we will not force any of you to fight, this is our war and we have no intention of getting you caught up in it, if however, you wish to join the fight we will gladly accept new recruits. If any of you wish to know more, then please feel free to use any of the computers on board, I would stay and talk but I'm afraid I have work to do." With that, Navarro turned and walked out of the room, leaving the newcomers alone.

Hana listened to the whole of the professor's speech, so she'd been dragged from her home and the war back there to this world and a war here. Her thoughts turned to back home, the headquarters on Gibraltar had become her home and the other members of Overwatch had been her family for so long now... She wondered what had happened there since her disappearance, she had been in charge of defending Athena after all... She tried to think about something else, for now, besides, in a weird twist, had the device not brought her here, she'd likely be dead now. She felt someone bump into her and turned around to see a girl someone even younger than her, which made a nice change. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said she'd been lost in thought so just assumed it had been her fault. She then noticed the cut on the girl's face. "Hey, are you ok?" She asked worriedly.
She just looked at the girl she bumped into” I’m sorry I didn’t see you I’m okay ow okay maybe not before I got here someone cut my eye with a knife” she say as she groaned in pain she just sniffed” what’s your name miss” she say blood dripping down her eye as she was in pain” sorry gotta fix my eye” she say in pain Geozaki Geozaki
Tails listened to the man with great intrigue. So, a machine had brought them here? How curious. Perhaps someone had been experimenting with the Chaos Force, like he was prone to doing. Unfortunately, as it seemed, it was only him that actually understood how the Chaos Force worked. That was probably why it failed. Well, it was fortunate that the machine brought him, here - he could probably fix it. Maybe even make it do what it was meant to. Although, the speech about that there was war worried him...his planet, Mobius, had once been at war too so he knew what war was really like. It wasn't as honourable and glorious as history books made it sound. It was hell. If there was anything he could do, Tails decided, he would help. Perhaps he could create a device to help defend, or maybe help the two warring factions sign a peace treaty.

He had many questions, but before he could ask them the scientist who was speaking with them fled out of the room. "Sigh...I could've helped..." Tails decided to let the man go, as there were others in the room. That, however, didn't take his attention. He looked confused at a strange yellow box in the corner of the room. "My tools and my weapons...but, they were in my workshop..." As he spoke in confusion, he wandered over to them before hearing the crying pains of a young girl behind him. "Oh! I can help with that!"

As he speaks, a small device teleports to his hand, seemingly with no trigger. The device appeared spherical in nature, with two blades on the top - like that of a helicopter. It took off almost immediately sensing the girl's injury, and floated over towards her. Within seconds, a beam fired out of a tiny little hole in the main body, and began to heal her wounds. Quite effectively, too. "Is that better?" He looked to the other girl next to the injured one - about his age, probably human but other than that didn't strike out to him as anyone special. Her clothes were...odd, but he had seen worse. She also seemed to have some sort of contraption on her head - a communication device, maybe? "So, who are you guys? I'm Miles, by the way. Most people just call me Tails, though." As he spoke, he flicked his marge, fluffy yellow tails as if to prove why he was nicknamed such.

Geozaki Geozaki Texangamer Texangamer
Groot jumped back. He had been silently listening to the conversation of the humans when a furry thing that slightly reminded Groot of Rocket only it was yellow decided to send over a drone to fix the smaller girls face. Groot had never seen anything like it. He stomped over and inspected it. Than he remembered Rocket talking about what was rude. The mostly gentle giant straightened and waved at the three of them. “I am Groot” he said. Patting the smaller girls head gently, that was how to make things feel better right. Rocket hated it but Rocket complained about almost everything.

Groot then looked back at the door. Now that he knew someone lived here he felt bad about breaking the door. If the war was true Groot would help if he could. Groot was a Guardian if The Galaxy after all. It was his job to protect those who needed his help.

Geozaki Geozaki , Texangamer Texangamer , The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Hana watched in awe as the yellow furry boy, who announced himself as Miles or Tails, sent over a small drone which seemed to heal the cut on the little girl's face. "My name is Hana," she said both answering the little girl's question and responding to Miles. "What's your name?" She asked the girl. She then looked over towards Tails, she was desperately trying to hold herself back from asking the question in her mind but she just couldn't repress her curiosity. "Y-you wouldn't happen to know a Sonic, would you?" she asked. She wasn't sure how she was expecting him to reply, maybe he was super serious cosplayer or fan and would get the reference or maybe, judging on what Navarro said, his reaction could be a little different. As she spoke, her inner love of retro games started to bubble to the surface, she was about to say something else when something caught her attention. There was a boy on the floor, he was coughing and appeared to be soaking wet. She crouched next to him. "H-Hey, are you ok?" She asked the boy worriedly. She wondered if there was some reason that so many people here seemed to arrive after something dangerous had been happening or if it was just pure coincidence.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Texangamer Texangamer Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
Elisa just looked at them” I’m Elisa scarlet” she say as she just smiled looking at them she was only thirteen” yiu know I’m not a child I’m 13 so yeah I’m a teenager and my eye feel much better thank you miss” she say smiling at her

Tails' face twisted into confusion as Hana spoke to him, but he stopped suddenly as he saw someone lying on the floor. He jumped into the air, his twin tails spinning to keep him airborne, in order to move quicker over to the half drowned new person. "Hold on, you'll be fine." He knelt down next to the boy, working on checking his pulse and heartbeat, before the device from before came over to heal the boy with the same beam that healed the 13 year old. It didn't clear up his water-logged clothes, but other than that the beam would heal pretty much everything. Such was the power of the Chaos Force - even the minuscule amounts of power his machine could fake was enough to use Chaos Regeneration to heal almost any wound. It was an amazing thing, the Chaos Force. It was even more amazing when you knew how it worked.

Happy that the boy wasn't going to bleed out or anything, he turned his attention back to Hana. "Say, how do you know Sonic? Do you know him too?" Huh. If she did, he had never heard anything about her - Tails felt like Sonic would tell him about Hana if she did meet him. She stood out so much, after all. He also made a note to talk to the tree person - he seemed pretty interesting - but at the moment he was occupied with some injured people.

Geozaki Geozaki Yahhah Yahhah Shiyonichi Shiyonichi Texangamer Texangamer
A new world... Robert couldn't believe his ears turns out his day did get astronomically worse. He needed to get back, but it was explained that they couldn't, how he even managed to pick that up with his ears filled with water was beyond him. A bubble of guilt and sadness filled his chest. Either way it would seemed that the effects of a full bath of freezing cold water knocked him off his feet again, coincidental that it was right after when their gracious "host" aka kidnapper left.

'Ah, crap I seemed to have fallen and can't get up.'

Robert deadpanned in his own mind. Well it would seem that he was going to be here for while unless the other helped him. Luckily for him it wasn't long before people noticed the half dead man on the ground and it wasn't long before he was hit by some sort of 'healing beam'. Was good way to describe it. He wondered how many doctors would break their hypocratic oaths to get their hands on it.

Robert got up and sneezed, he was still soaked and still smelled of sea water. He needed a change of clothes.

"Who's Sonic?"
Groot looked at the smaller human. Did they all know each other. The bigger human seemed to know the fox, from somewhere at least. The giant raised his arms above his head like a shrug. "I am Groot" he asked her? Watching them tend to the injured one. Groot could heal to, he'd healed Drax on that one occasion but this wasn't near as urgent as that. The tree person did however walk over to the downed man. He stooped down, and looked him over. "I am Groot" he said to him. Looking him in the eye.

Texangamer Texangamer Shiyonichi Shiyonichi
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Hana watched as the small device went to work again, healing the boy before her of any damage that may have been caused to him from... whatever was happening to him before he got here. She watched the drone curiously, the way it worked reminded her a bit of Dr Ziegler... Hana felt a pang of sadness in her stomach, shed barely been gone for an hour but she already missed the gang. She missed her late night gaming and music sessions with Lucio, her conversations with Lena, fixing up her mech with Winston, even her training exercises with Jack, no matter how scary he got from time to time.

Hana was suddenly brought back to reality by Tails' voice. His reply was probably not high on the list of what she was expecting him to say. She hesitated, should she explain that in her world they were characters from a game, or would that bring about more existential crisis stuff that it was worth. "N-no... I wouldn't say we 'know' each other per say..." She said cautiously, "I've just heard so much about you all..." She added. "Sonic, Tails and their gang, you guys save Mobius all the time, I don't know what keeps old Eggman going..." She was obviously feeling a little awkward in the way she spoke, she was just hoping that she wouldn't be questioned further as she really didn't want to be the cause of the first problem since they'd all arrived.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Shiyonichi Shiyonichi Yahhah Yahhah Texangamer Texangamer
Elisa was missing her mother as she just looked around her she just bite on her lip as she just looking down at her bracelet she was feeling homesick she missed Natsu lufy and the whole gang of fairy tail whe just sighed she just wanted to show them her powers but wasn't sure how they will judge her she just wanted to head to her room and cry but she was trying to be strong just like her mother touching her scar she just smiled" heh i guess i look cool just like my mom having a scar it's kinda cool" she say as she wasn't emberressed about it she just looked happy

After a few moments, Tails teleported his device back to whence it came - about a few metres behind him, actually, in the yellow box in the corner. He stared at the woman who was speaking with him with narrowed eyes - she was saying weird things, considering what Tails knew. "But, Eggman was caught ages ago...nothing keeps him going except prison guards." He decided to not think more into it - perhaps she simply did not know about that. After all, what other explanation could there be? Perhaps she was just socially awkward, and make a mistake with her words. It happened. It used to happen to him quite a bit, actually.

Then, he decided to let the soaked man in on the secret. "Sonic is my friend - we saved the world together. Quite a lot actually. There was that one time where the planet blew up and we had to fix it, for example. And then there was that time where Eggman took over the ARK and blew up half the moon...it took ages to get that repaired!" Then, he looked out of the window to the alien planet beneath. "Well, I guess we saved our world together. Not that it matters now, anyways. So, what should we do now guys? Explore?"

Geozaki Geozaki Texangamer Texangamer Shiyonichi Shiyonichi Yahhah Yahhah (sorry its a bit short - its late and i dont wanna hold anyone up
"I see this Eggman character is a real saint... It must be revenge for being given such stupid name."

Robert deadpanned, apparently it would seem that Tails is some sort of hero? Well it would also appear that the girl in the bodysuit (Hana was her name?) is also from the same place from the sounds of it.

"Well the name's Robert, poor nearly drowned bastard, nice to meet you. Thanks for the help and the concerns."

Robert nodded to Groot at the last statement, how he understood his intentions from 'I am Groot' even he didn't know, he just got a feeling that it was the case, maybe he awakened psychic powers from the attack, but when Tails asked about what to do next, Robert knew that he couldn't keep moping around, so he gave a suggestion.

"I don't usually give into a kidnapper's demands, but we should get our bearings. As they say the info is in that terminal over there, assuming all the info is correct and not just propaganda. We should get some idea what's going on."
The heat within Vex’s personal little bubble was growing to unbearable levels. The ringing was dying down, leaving not a trace of sound behind, but then there was a sudden jolt and another loud boom as he blew through what must be the planet’s atmosphere. That or one of the massive chunks of metal falling alongside him. It was kind of hard to tell when you were spinning out of control and plummeting hundreds of miles to the concrete-like sediment below.

Vex could feel his energy dwindling now. It surprised even him just how long he was able to hold his force field for, and especially while under such incredible pressure. The roar of wind had made itself present at some point, though Vex hadn’t realized until just now.

He had to focus. If he let himself go now, he had no chance of surviving this. Had to keep the shield up, had to keep clear of the rubble from the ships, had to find out how close to the ground-

Not a moment later he hit something so hard that it shattered his force field and sent him skipping along dirt for what must have been at least fifty feet before coming to a stop.

Something in his leg had popped out of place. He discovered this right away, but he just lay still. Every ounce of his energy seemed to have been depleted, and for a moment he realized he couldn’t move at all. Maybe he hadn’t survived the fall after all. No, there was more noise now, coming from above him. The ringing was gone, but he was quite sure that he wouldn’t be able to hear properly for some time.

The noise was getting louder now. Vex urged himself to look up, putting everything he had into lifting his head.

“Shit!” He yelled out, flinging his arms out in front of him again. Nothing happened. “Dammit, DAMMIT!”

With no other options, Vex curled up as much as his aching body would allow, as the remains of the ship he had been stationed on not moments ago came careening down and plowing into the earth around him. It certainly wasn’t as loud as when it had exploded up in space, but it was still enough to briefly deafen Vex. A shockwave sent him flying, landing him directly against a sheet of metal which hadn’t yet made contact with the ground. After that he hit the floor again, greeted by a sickening crack in his right arm.

Not much had landed near him. Most of it had actually burned up, and the rest had ended up farther away. Still, the damage was done, and if Vex hadn’t already been in pain from the fall alone, he certainly was now.

Sweat beaded his forehead and the dirt he lie upon caked his burnt and torn clothing. He wasn’t sure if the entry to the planet was what made it feel like he was being roasted alive or if it was due to the burning metal strewn around him.

He quickly decided that his best course of action would be simply to sit there and rest now that everything had settled down. But that’s when he heard the noise off in the distance.
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Groot straightened up, and nodded. "I am Groot" he agreed. Groot moved over to the terminal. The giant had no way to describe what it looked like. Sort of like the controls of a starship, but he had no clue how to work it. He poked it, and was surprised when something popped out at him. Groot turned around and looked at the two who'd tended to the hurt one. "I AM GROOT" he called out nervously. Stepping aside to allow a more tech savvy one to approach it.

Geozaki Geozaki , The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald , Shiyonichi Shiyonichi , Texangamer Texangamer
"O-oh yeah... so he was..." Hana said uncertainly as Tails informed her that Eggman had been caught 'ages ago'. She fell silent, searching for a change of topic when she found one in the form of the walking tree announcing that his name was Groot. Hana stood up and walked over to the terminal the giant was stood beside. Hana curiously browsed through some of the files on the computer, looking up at the tree beside her. "Nice to meet you, Groot." She said with a smile. "So what does everyone want to know?" She asked, she felt that she'd got the hang of how the computer worked, it wasn't too different to the ones they had back home. "Oh and I agree, the scar does look cool!" She added as she spoke to the room, addressing the girl she'd bumped into earlier.

Texangamer Texangamer Yahhah Yahhah Shiyonichi Shiyonichi The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Tails looked suspiciously at the woman, before continuing to walk to the computer mainframe. "Uh huh." Yeah, no, there was something definitely up. He wasn't an easy target to outfox, after all. The woman seemed to be searching the database - like he was planning - so he decided to help, to quicken up the search. As he did so, his fingers working marvels against the computer, he also looked up at the tree. "Say, Groot, are you an alien? Are you able to understand and speak our language? If not, I could probably build you a translator." It was no good if one of his allies couldn't speak and besides, making something as complex as that was child play to him. In fact the first time he built it was when he was in space using nothing but a few pieces of scrap he found lying around.

Geozaki Geozaki Texangamer Texangamer Shiyonichi Shiyonichi Yahhah Yahhah

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