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Futuristic The Madness- A futuristic Horror RP.

China founded the idea so they have bunkers 1-6, russia has bunkers 7-10, india has bunkers 11-15 europe has bunkers 16- 18, canada has bunkers 19 & 20, The US has bunkers 21-24, central america has bunkers 25-27, south america has bunkers 28-30, africa has bunkers 31-34, the middle east has bunkers 35 & 36, Australia has bunkers 37 & 38. The Philippians has bunker 39, greenland has bunker 40. Antarctica has X-bunker 1, and The Arctic Has X-Bunker 2.
Dark running gag: She's a screamer. Everytime she gets injured and even with dulled pain, she cries out in pure, undiluted fear and agony.
Well here is the basic idea of what we are dealing with.
The average infected possesses inhuman strength, speed, durability, and slight regen. They are imnune to pain, fear, disease, and radiation.

Then we have Variants
Which are infected and mutated animals.

But the most dangerous tier are the Ultra's. These are the ones that have abilities beyond the norm. Such as energy projection or higher levels of super strength.
Count me with superhuman sensory. I'll put up a cs after work today. I was going to go with Pyro-Hemo (Liquid fire) buuuut then I thought, "dang if I make a female character her time of the months can become a horror story in of itself" thus ruining it for myself lol
Count me with superhuman sensory. I'll put up a cs after work today. I was going to go with Pyro-Hemo (Liquid fire) buuuut then I thought, "dang if I make a female character her time of the months can become a horror story in of itself" thus ruining it for myself lol
Acknowledged, the Cs page is up im debating wether to put Delta vault 23's A.I. Frank up as a character or not.
Saw the infected and had to sign up, this sounds fun. I'll take the superhuman strength, I'll post my sheet later :ghost:
I'm sorry, I can't Discord :-_-lines:

And technically we still don't have anyone with the pyro-hemo powers, right? So I guess it's still open?

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