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Realistic or Modern THE LOVE CLUB.



location: school grounds

theme song: x

outfit: x

mood: studious, observant, slightly excited.



The notoriety of a club that was spiraling into complete chaos?
Not quite.

Ever since she had appointed the McLaughlin teens to handle the operation, they had taken it into their own hands to wreck everything that she had worked so hard to establish and too many times she had scolded the spoiled brats for their numerous stays in the local police department. It seemed that parties were a common thing when it involved the siblings which would have to be amended when she cycled in the newer recruits. Speaking of the newer recruits, Kris suspected that they had already arrived at the school, blissfully unaware of the group they would be joining until they entered their homerooms and, upon seating themselves at their desks, would receive an invitation that some of them would look at with disdain or with unabashed glee. It was almost uncanny how the process seemingly worked so smoothly because, like it or not, the McLaughlins had done one thing right:
Making the club seem more intimidating than it actually was.

Truth be told, Kris had no interests in drugs or parties or even the conditioning of youthful minds. No, what she had in store was something far more better and she was looking for those who treated the club like an adult would a paycheck. Those were the ones she knew would easily succumb to the trap she had already sprung months ago and the other ones...well, they were going to be the actual members. They were the ones she wanted. After all, change is never easily mastered with blind followers. Stepping onto the carefully trimmed grass, Kris studied the school from a distance, a group of moderately loud girls quieting as they passed her and waving when she smiled in their direction. She had always found it pleasing to watch the other kids that attended the school and their mannerisms, it made it more easier when she had to rid herself of them. There was a certain security in someone who faded into the background, a person that was never quite social but not too afraid of communicating with others. It meant that when situations became...uncontrollable, the finger could be directed at the wolf rather than the rabbit that prompted it.

And Kris could've easily slipped into either category. For now, the young woman disappeared into the crowd of students that were too occupied with their own thoughts to realize that something drastic was going to occur. Something that could affect all of them whether it was warranted or not.

It was only a matter of time before the rabbit learned to hide after having been hunted for so long.
Elizabeth walked up to the school, her new school, for the second time now. The first time was before the year had even started, so that she could enroll. She hadn't even needed to come at the time, but her mother had wanted her to come anyways to "get the layout" of the school, whatever that was supposed to mean. She walked through the front doors, rolling her eyes at a gaggle of girls. They were talking loudly and giggling, demanding her attention. To be fair, she was in that kind of group at her last school, but she didn't want to be that way this year. Plus, now that she was on the outside, she could see how incredibly annoying that was.

Luckily Elizabeth already had her classes, like most of the students there. That was something she had been worried about before. She always liked to get to her classes early. There was nothing like getting to pick the first seat. Plus, coming in and being forced to awkwardly sit around two people you barely knew was awkward as hell, and being the new student she wasn't looking forward to that possibility.

She stopped at her locker, putting away her extra notebooks and binders that her mother had bought her. Her mother did go a little bit overkill on this kind of thing, for whatever reason. She probably thinks that if Elizabeth has everything she needs and more she'll actually do the work, but that was absolutely not true. In fact, Elizabeth had no intentions of doing any actual work this year at all. As far as she was concerned, this was just a daycare for big kids. It wasn't that she was stupid either, she could get good grades when she wanted to, but now that she'd been moved away from all her friends and everything she knew, well, she frankly didn't give a shit.

Slamming her locker shut, she walked down the hallway, looking at room numbers. Their first class was, of course, homeroom. She was in room 1201, which took her awhile to find. The room numbers in the school didn't make a bunch of sense, and every time she thought she had figured it out they would randomly jump around again. Nonetheless she still managed to get there before most everyone. A teacher was sitting at her desk when she walked in, and when she looked up and saw Elizabeth, she said, "Oh, you're the new girl, right? ...Elizabeth?" she said, reading off an envelope. Elizabeth nodded, and took the envelope when it was handed to her. What could this be? It was her first day - everyone's first day. There was no way she could be in trouble already. And all her fee's had been paid, she knew because she had paid for them herself, mostly.

Elizabeth frowned at the envelope, sitting down in one of the chairs in the back of the classroom. She set her stuff down on the floor next to her and ripped open the envelope, pulling out the letter inside and opening it up. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, it only had a few words in it, no directions.

"You are invited to the Love Club."

That was it. No information, no directions, nothing. She frowned, staring at it for a second before folding it back up and shoving it in her book bag. What the heck was that supposed to be? She had heard of all types of clubs, but never a love club. What was this, a matchmaking thing? Elizabeth rolled her eyes, but something piqued her interest nonetheless. Maybe it was how vague the letter was? Probably that, she was one for a mystery. It wouldn't hurt to just go and see what it was all about. Right?

Travis yawned as he sat in the car, staring at the passing scenery with a blank look in his eyes. First day of his third year. Just one more year to get through and he'd leave this hell hole. For another one. But it wasn't like he was expecting better. He was no idealistic fool. The world was rotten. A hard truth he had been forced to accept 9 years ago when he had still foolishly believed that somewhere out there was a better place, a utopia when such places only existed in dreams.

"Young master?" Travis' eyes opened and he glanced lazily at the chaffeur who dipped his head respectfully. "We've arrived at your school." Travis yawned yet again as he retrieved his bag and stepped out of the car with no word of thanks for his driver as strolled onto the school grounds where students were already out and about mingling and some freshman were already getting a taste of Alameda. He shifted his gaze as he made his way into the school building, taking a leisurely stroll down the corridors towards his classroom. It would be a good experience for the new students. Coming to Alameda would open their eyes up to reality. The Love Club would force them to. Even if the process was a painful one it would benefit them in the end. There were countless such sayings about that. No pain, no gain and what was it, we cannot learn without pain. It was one of the few silly things teachers loved to spout that he actually agreed with. After all living in that bubble of happiness only served to deceive one of the truth, of what a cruel place the world was. Power was everything. That was a lesson some of the freshman would learn up close and personal in a years time.

No doubt, Travis noted as he took his seat at the back of the class by the window, the new recruits had received notice of their admission to the love club. An invitation to be exact though it was more of an order than anything. There wasn't exactly a choice to the matter and those who had no interest in joining would learn that pretty soon.

Hanging his beige jacket on the back of the chair, Travis propped up his feet on the table and leaned back in his seat, the top button of his white shirt undone, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his grey trousers. Speaking of the club he was running out of his supply. Fast. The past few weeks had not been kind to him so he'd run through his stock much faster than he'd planned to and it left him with only enough to last another week at most. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he tilted his chair back on its hind legs ever so slightly as he glanced out the window, a scowl on his face. He'd need to speak to Kris about restocking as soon as possible when he saw her. The last thing he could afford was to run out.
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location: school grounds // homeroom​
mood: hurried, excited, impish​
dream log: tugging a cactus around town in a red wagon​
why the sour face?
Lupe was late, and it wasn't by choice this time.

No, the phrase 'on-time' was not one Lupe was acquainted with personally in regards to school hours. She had long ago deemed the eight hours a day spent sitting in a desk and pretending that whatever the teacher was babbling on about truly mattered in the real world a waste of her time. It wasn't a matter of pride; Lupe simply had better things to do.

But the Latina had truly put an inordinate amount of effort into being on time today, on the first day of her last year at Alameda High. It would be in the very first minutes of school that a few select freshman would receive their invitations, and watching their reactions took Lupe back to freshman year in a way that nothing else could. She'd watched the eyes of each freshman as they eyed the tiny, simple envelope, flipped open its top, and read the few words its contents held. For three years now she had studied their reactions; the slight tug of a proud smile, the furrows and arches of brows, the dilation of pupils that searched and searched for some sort of explanation hidden upon the withholding chit of paper. The human brain works in a such a way that it would split itself apart if it is given only the bare minimum - if boundaries are placed on its capacity, if it is only given a piece of a puzzle it knows can be solved. Lupe's watched countless freshman spend all day staring at their invitation, ripping it to shreds, analyzing every detail in an effort to satiate the mind's undying hunger for information. If this year's batch wants to survive, however, they need to wrap their mind around one simple fact, and that is that if Kris wants to keep you in the dark, you're not seeing sunlight for a very long time.

As much as Lupe had wanted to see the new recruits this morning, her brothers had momentarily detained her when she had awoken to the smell of smoke, drifting in through her window. Ángel and Nixon had decided that 6:30 in the morning was the perfect time to test out their homemade rocket, which, as was customary of any of the boys' creations, caught fire. When she had managed to stumble down the stairs and outside, the boys were throwing shoes at their failed invention in a futile attempt to extinguish its flames.

So that was how Guadalupe's morning started - with a fire, two panicking brothers, and yet another tardy in her dossier.

Upon entering room B134, Lupe immediately engaged in one of the few activities that brought the Latina joy on a Monday morning - looking for Kris. Lupe had used the tardy slip the main office had so graciously bestowed upon her to brainstorm all the ways in which she could possibly aggravate Kris, and had decided that leaping at the stick of a human being was the best course of action.

She found her target seated at the far end of the first row of seats, gazing outside the window, perhaps contemplating the existence of humanity or, more probably, the slew of angst-ridden teenagers she was allowing into the ranks of the Love Club. The early September sunlight coaxed red tints out of her deep brown hair and outlined her petite features with a glow, an incandescence - a seraphic halo. For just a moment - for the smallest fraction of a fleeting second - staring at Kris Truman, the incessant tick of the clock in Lupe's mind, forever reminding her that she would never be able to recover the seconds she lost, stopped. She could stand and stare for days on end, let the seconds, the minutes, the hours slip by her like passersby on a New York street, and not give a care in the world, because Kris [i[was[/i] her world - and Lupe absolutely despised her for it.

The moment ended, Kris turned her head towards the doorway, and a mischievous grin spread itself across Lupe's face as she barreled towards Kris's desk and threw herself atop the delicate darling of Alameda High.
note: the lemons are accordions. click 'em. go ahead. they don't bite.​

location: campus
theme: x
outfit: x

5.39am. In just under five minutes, the sleeping teen had flung herself out of bed in a way similar to that of a stranded whale, and stumbled through piles of books, laundry and one too many empty bags of chips. One would think that she was the type of girl who'd have her whole room perfectly organized. She has the simple, minimalist fashion sense, and her feelings are kept intact. But her room - and her bag - is a whole other story.

By the time she had walked out of her bedroom, Penelope was all dressed in black, with the only hint of color being her dark brown hair, which really didn't make much of a difference. She was about to head to the shared bathroom down the corridor she lived in, but her stomach roared so loud that she prioritized her breakfast this morning. Only problem was, in the fridge was nothing but a few bottles of ketchup and a jar of mayo. When closing the door to the fridge, she spotted the note that her roommate had put up before he left this morning. 'Please, buy some groceries on your way home (:', it said, to which she replied with a heavy sigh.

A few minutes later, when she was on her way out of the apartment complex, she was met by Abraham, the infamous creep who lived a few doors down.
"Jesus, who woke satan?" Said he, with a smirk unsettling enough to cause a shiver down your spine. Apparently, Pen's choice of clothing made her look somewhat like the ruler of hell. Or perhaps it was the dead look she had in her eyes.
"I'd love to chat, but duty calls. Gotta' go and collect the souls of the damned. Bye." With that said, Penelope brushed past him like a tiny black cat and the clicking noise of her shoes made it's way out the front door.


For a solid minute, she stood just in front of the main entrance of the school and stared into the abyss. It was still while before classes started, but other students had already begun to appear, each rushing past her as if they were running from wolves. She, too, followed the still sparse stream of people and asked around some of the nicer faces until she found her way to what seemed like the principals office. There was no principal around at the time, but the assistant was good enough help. Penelope was handed books and informative papers that really did not help anyone, and was assigned a locker and given a schedule of her classes. Before she knew it, she was once again standing outside the office, now more confused than she was a few minutes ago.

No one bothered to say a word to her, which was nice considering that it made it so much easier to focus on finding her way around campus. She managed to find her locker, in which she pressed her grey woolen coat and black scarf before she smashed the door shut and with a staged determination headed to a random direction in hopes of finding the right classroom.

Eventually, she found what seemed like the right classroom. There were already some students inside, though not enough to fill every seat. She said nothing as she walked inside, and had no hint of emotion plastered across her face, she was the blankest of canvases. By the seat in the far corner near the wall, she sat down. No more than half a second later, she was handed an envelope. Inside was nothing but a nearly blank paper, with one single line. 'You are invited to the love club." it said, nothing more, nothing less. She raised a brow and looked around the classroom to see if there was anyone else with a similar letter in their hands. Sure enough, a few seats from her, a kind of strawberry-blonde girl sat with the exact same look on her face. Penelope stared at the stranger, observing the reaction. Not sure if the girl saw her or not, she mouthed:

"What the fuck?"






anxious, excited, self-conscious | x x x | x x x | on campus

"Come on Randall you can do this," she said to herself, sitting behind the wheel of her white sedan, attempting to build up her "confidence" enough to walk into the school," It's just another day."

Letting out a defeated sigh, she got out of the car anyway, grabbing her bag from the backseat and plastering on a smile.

Enough people said hello on her way in that she felt she would be okay that day, so she walked with her head a bit higher. Hanging her bag on the back of her chair and sitting down, it took her a glance around the classroom to notice that... something was going on. Frowning, her eyes fell to her own desk and her expression changed to that of puzzlement and curiosity. A note sat there, one that was rather official looking. Looking back up at two of her classmates, one she knew and one she didn't, she noticed that they held two of the same notes in their hands. Picking it up and unfolding it gingerly, her heart nearly skipped a beat. Inside, there was the simple yet all important and near to holy message: "You are invited to the Love Club".

Paris' breath caught in her throat. Could this actually be happening? She'd always wished to be part of the Love Club; the Love Club meant you were royalty in their little California slice of the world.

If she'd only known then what the Love Club really entailed, perhaps she would've tossed that note right then and there. Not that she could have refused, even if she wanted to.
coding by: @wheat


Elizabeth Smalls

Elizabeth sat there, arms crossed, staring at nothing in particular as a few more students walked into the classroom. The seats were starting to fill up, which disapointed Elizabeth as much as it was a relief to her. She wanted the day to start so it could end, basically. That was how she always felt. Plus, she needed to get a new "guy" after school today, so she'd have to talk to people before they left campus, somehow. She wouldn't describe herself as a stoner but she did enjoy to smoke on occasion, as well as drink - but that was a lot more often. She also needed someone to get her some cigarettes until she could find some shitty gas station that wouldn't card her. She had enough to last her awhile, thanks to her smart thinking before moving, but it wouldn't last forever.

Elizabeth looked to her side as she heard the crinkle of an envelope, and saw a girl a few seats down opening a similar envelope to her own. Then the girl looked at her, mouthing "What the fuck?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. She must have seen her open her own envelope, and assume it was the same thing. She sat up, picking up her backs and subtly moving a few seats down, next to the girl. It was definitely unlike Elizabeth to move willingly next to someone, but this girl had probably been going to this school longer than she had - or at least knew the people here better than Elizabeth did.

"You got one too?" she asked, leaning over to look in the girls envelope. Yep, it said the same exact thing as Elizabeth's had said. The girl didn't look like she knew anything, now that she was up close. "I thought maybe it was a matchmaking club," Elizabeth said, leaning back in her seat again. She crossed her arms, looking straight forward as she had earlier. "I was going to go anyways, just to see what it was about. I'm not really interested in being "match-maked" though," After a moment she added, "I don't know where it is either. I have no idea where you find out, or why they wouldn't just add the stupid room number into the note."



Code by Cecilia
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Virgo Anderson
"I'm walking on sunshine"

Virgo's foot tapped along with the beat against the concrete bleachers as she took a long drag from the cheap cigarette that dangled from her long fingers. It wasn't unusual for the girl to spend her school mornings on the bleachers listening to the radio and having her daily smoke. Virgo enjoyed the isolation from school, the building filled with teen angst, high school scandals and pimples had always given her stress, especially with the mythical 'Love Club' that kept floating around like they were on Cloud Nine. Virgo's gaze was fixated on the messy notepad that was decorated with messy handwriting of names ranging from the blonde bimbo who throws herself onto any male teacher to earn an A and the group of druggies who would smoke the devil's substance in the bathroom of the local church. Virgo didn't dare exclude anyone, she yearned to break the mysterious 'Love Club' and expose it, her article in the school newspaper would make her famous in school. She could see her name in bright lights as everyone cheered for her. Yet, Virgo's day dream was quickly ruined as the school bell rang in her ears. The female quickly stood up, throwing her belongings into her black back pack before rushing away from the bleachers.

Virgo entered the school building with her head down and her high ponytail trying to cover her face as she dodged through the crowd of hormonal teens. She felt multiple shoulders bump her own shoulders as she sped to her locker, keeping her gaze focused on her ruined converses as Virgo made it to her locker alive. Virgo threw her backpack into her locker before her things for her first class and began to rush to home room. Virgo quietly slipped into the classroom without the teacher noticing her as she quietly rushed to her seats, slamming her books onto her wooden desk in a huff. She noticed a envelope sticking out underneath her books, almost begging her to read it. Virgo curiously picked up the envelope and tore it open, not caring if she made a mess around her. Her eyes widen as she read the tiny, neat font on the piece of paper, her heart racing with curiousity and excitement.
"You are invited to the Love Club"

outfit - xxx
where - bleachers > homeroom
with - no one
tags - n/a


. Jade .
Mentioned: amxlia amxlia : Paris

Today jade was a little out of it. She'd stolen her mom's whiskey last night and had a little too much. She was planning on taking one glass, becuase she probably wouldn't notice, but it ended up being half a bottle and now she was in the shits because she had to somehow produce 70 bucks to buy her a new one. How was she supposed to do that on one fucking shift a week at a shitty little grocery store? Her mother must be kidding herself! She felt a little bad though, given that her dear old mum didn't earn much more than her and she'd bought that whiskey as a treat for herself, hoping it would last her quite a while. Oh well, she'd find the money somehow. At least that dickwad of a boyfriend was away on some job in another state for a week so she didn't have to deal with him. He was honestly not got for her mother, but hey, when did anyone ever want her opinion?

She sauntered into school, just barely making it on time. But by the time she arrived most of the kids were in their seats already, chattering away. She sat next to a random blonde girl, not really paying attention to her surroundings when taking her seat. She didn't really care if she didn't know the person she'd had to sit with, Jade could make conversation with anyone pretty easily so long as that individual had a sence of humour. She had a quick peek at the girl as she sat though, mostly because she was quite stunning, even in her obnoxious and nauseatingly girly floral pants! As she peeked she noticed what the girl was doing. There was an envelope on her desk that she had just opened. She looked happy with whatever was inside it.

Jade looked down at her own desk seeing a letter be placed there too by an unknown person. Scrunching her ginger eyebrows together she read the words inside. "The fuck is that?" She said outloud, then tapped the blonde on the shoulder "'Scuse me, but you seem to know what this is, could ya tell me?" She asked, holding the eight words up near her face.

Mylo Stenfield


Tick. Tick-tick-tick. The sound of the girl's high-heeled shoes was driving Mylo crazy. He couldn't explain why, since he usually found it to be a fun, musical sound. However, to be fair, almost everything was setting him on edge today. The noise of the coffee maker, the dripping of the bathroom facet, that stupid mockingbird that always followed him to school. Usually he found at least the bird comforting, but today..... He frowned slightly as he remembered his parents' fight last night. It had lasted longer than usual, keeping him from sleep until some time past three o'clock in the morning. He rubbed his forehead with the heel of his hand, trying to force himself to relax. Lack of sleep was no excuse to ruin a perfectly fine day. After a moment, he started walking again, looking at the faces that surrounded him to distract himself. Many of them were new faces, and rather scared-looking. Others were familiar, but glazed over; some of them were just realizing that this was their last year of school. For a lot of them, that realization came with the even less pleasant knowledge that they still weren't popular, cool, or interesting. He almost felt bad for them.
He paused just before he reached the entrance, taking a moment to enjoy the brilliant blue sky. The person behind him sighed and pushed past him, shaking him out of his momentary trance. As much as he enjoyed watching the little wispy clouds dance across the sky, he knew better than to be late to class. His mother would probably throw an even bigger fit than usual if she heard. And that wasn't something he needed.
He joined the ever-moving crowd again, slipping through small openings so that he could get to his locker quicker. The bell rang just as he reached it, which added a bit more urgency to his movements as he grabbed the books he needed. He didn't bother to squeeze between people, he just ran around them in his rush to make it in time. Fortunately, homeroom was fairly close to his locker, so he easily made it with a couple minutes to spare. He frowned as he approached the empty desk towards the back of the room. A neat envelope was sitting there, waiting and begging to be opened. For a moment, he considered that someone else had chosen that desk already, but the the majority of the class was already seated. He slipped into the chair quickly, taking a moment to organize his books before he picked up the letter. He tore into it unceremoniously, his initial attempts at care being pointless. He unfolded the letter with a growing sense of dread.
'You are invited to the Love Club.'
Mylo cringed inwardly as he stared at those seven words. His surprise at being invited was overwhelmed by....nausea, perhaps? Whatever that feeling was, it wasn't good. Even if he declined...he had seen what the Love Club did, and letting something go that they wanted wasn't an option for them. Which only left one question. Why him? A quick glance around the room showed that there was no one nearby to answer that question. His attention was drawn to a few other people who seemed to have envelopes as well, but he wasn't in the mood to analyze this strange turn of events. Instead, he tucked the letter into his jacket pocket and dutifully turned his attention to the front of the classroom.

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location: school grounds

theme song: x

outfit: x

mood: surprised, mildly amused.

tagging: Rida Rida

Kris had intentionally chosen a classroom that would separate her from the lower ranks in order to avoid being approached by anyone who knew she was truly the owner of the club. For now, she would allow them to remain babes in their innocence and would let them simmer in their confusion, possibly wondering why they had even received such a letter seeing as they had done nothing of significance. At least, not yet. Gazing out the window, Kris allowed the commotion of her classmates to fade into background noise, eyes intently focused on a swaying tree outside although her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door to the classroom open once more, her brain connecting the obvious passage of time with the fact that only one person managed to be late each week.


There was a split second in which she was able to turn her head and make eye contact with the young woman before she was being attacked, her counterpart slipping her arms around her waist and burrowing her face into her shoulder which caused everyone in the room to turn and stare in unabashed shock. Although Kris was quite friendly and open to physical contact, not many dared to embrace her and those who did often found themselves in quite an awkward position when the teen did not know how to respond to such attention. Nevertheless, Lupe was a different story altogether and Kris's momentary surprise sidled into mild amusement, the prominent smell of coconut oil and vanilla invading her nose as she pressed her face into the shorter woman's hair. She adored Lupe for the action however it seem that others had taken to whispering already and Kris sniffed in displeasure, untangling herself from Lupe and staring at her with a humorous expression. Raising a single eyebrow, Kris tilted her head.

"Evening, Ms. Lupe. Am I mistaken or is that a new outfit?" Truman gestured to Lupe's attire, the corners of her mouth lifting into a hint of a smile.

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