• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Kids Aren't Alright | Main

MOOD: Completely exhausted, possibly delirious

OUTFIT: outfit

Te soup kitchen


TL;DR Sleep deprived soup covered
Hayden Anderson
you get what you give

Hayden just laughed as Madi spoke so innocently, despite growing up with so many brothers she didn’t seem to know how her brothers’ friends thoughts were likely not as innocent as her own. “Where was my invite.” Hayden watched as her expression changed, feeling bad for not having invited him. “Stop, I was just kidding.” He grabbed her wrist gently to distract herself from her social anxieties. “I don’t feel left out, I was only messing with you.”

Hayden let go over her wrist so that she could continue to wash the soup out of his hair.

“I think, coffee is a great idea.” He smirked. He had already proven himself tired to Madi, the bags under his eyes gave that away in the first place.

Madi and Hayden had met at the coffee shop around the time his mother had just passed, somehow, when no one could get him to talk. A stranger like Madi had gotten to him, he talked about losing his mom and Tatum at the same time. While they drank coffee in one of the booths, ever since then they had been extremely close friends.

“Miss smarty pants over here.” He bit his lower lip.

“I’m glad cheer is still going alright for you.” Hayden had noticed Kat had come back, forgetting that she had once been a Hartfield student. “She seems to be a bit of a jerk.”

“Very self-involved.”

Hayden shook his head. “Unlike you it seems.”

“You’re an amazing person Madi, I don’t know why you put yourself down.”

code by valen t.

Harper busted her way into Sawyer's room mere minutes after her father had made his departure. Sawyer laughed at her entering words and glanced down at her stomach, patting it a few times before throwing her arms back above her head. Shirts were so overrated Sawyer never really understood why guys could just walk around with their skin bare and she couldn’t. After all, Sawyer only really ever wore sports bras and those things covered more than even bikini tops. Maybe she just wanted to show off, it would be unlike her to want otherwise. Oh well.

“Shirts are stupid anyway, I have these nice abs that I worked so hard for and I never get to show them off.” Sawyer complained before Harper started speaking again, changing the subject. English. Fuck. Sawyer turned her head ever so slightly to glance at her backpack thrown awkwardly in the corner of her room. Inside that backpack was probably whatever stupid assignment Mr. Shwartz had given them that Sawyer had promptly thrown in there and forgotten about. She could see his face now as he handed it to her, with that weird mole on his nose practically staring her down and his beady little eyes boring into her soul and calling it stupid. Sawyer shivered. Harper was right, she hadn’t started the assignment. In fact, she hadn’t even thought of it since the day it had been assigned. Procrastination was Sawyer’s middle name and to hell if she wasn’t really fucking good at it. Sawyer would probably do the thing at like eleven tonight and it would get a solid C, maybe even a B if she tried really hard. Either way it would get done some time or another. Besides she was a lot more interested in Harper’s Max conundrum than she was in doing school work.

“That boy does the absolute most, doesn’t he?” Sawyer turned over on her side and propped herself up on her elbow she grinned at Harper, “I think he likes you just a little bit.” She twisted a strand of Harper’s hair around her finger and pulled the most disgusting kissy face that she possibly could, “He’s all like, ‘Oh, Harper, look at me I’m so big and strong and protective. I’m your white knight. Kiss me!’” She made obnoxious kissy noises and fell back onto her pillow.

“You know, except in sign language.” She laughed a little and turned to face Harper again, “In all seriousness, he’s kind of a stubborn ass. He never gives it up, even when there’s like a ton of people telling him to or no one shows up to protest.” Sawyer shook her head, “I guess that can be a good trait though.” She poked Harper in the nose, “Do you like him or is this whole thing unrequited?”

"Stubborn as mule."
location? The Andrews' Residence
outfit? still that jacket, around her waist this time, minus the fucking beanie, now shirtless
interactions? Harper Dazzle Dazzle
any last words? Free the abs
coded by incandescent

Harper busted her way into Sawyer's room mere minutes after her father had made his departure. Sawyer laughed at her entering words and glanced down at her stomach, patting it a few times before throwing her arms back above her head. Shirts were so overrated Sawyer never really understood why guys could just walk around with their skin bare and she couldn’t. After all, Sawyer only really ever wore sports bras and those things covered more than even bikini tops. Maybe she just wanted to show off, it would be unlike her to want otherwise. Oh well.

“Shirts are stupid anyway, I have these nice abs that I worked so hard for and I never get to show them off.” Sawyer complained before Harper started speaking again, changing the subject. English. Fuck. Sawyer turned her head ever so slightly to glance at her backpack thrown awkwardly in the corner of her room. Inside that backpack was probably whatever stupid assignment Mr. Shwartz had given them that Sawyer had promptly thrown in there and forgotten about. She could see his face now as he handed it to her, with that weird mole on his nose practically staring her down and his beady little eyes boring into her soul and calling it stupid. Sawyer shivered. Harper was right, she hadn’t started the assignment. In fact, she hadn’t even thought of it since the day it had been assigned. Procrastination was Sawyer’s middle name and to hell if she wasn’t really fucking good at it. Sawyer would probably do the thing at like eleven tonight and it would get a solid C, maybe even a B if she tried really hard. Either way it would get done some time or another. Besides she was a lot more interested in Harper’s Max conundrum than she was in doing school work.

“That boy does the absolute most, doesn’t he?” Sawyer turned over on her side and propped herself up on her elbow she grinned at Harper, “I think he likes you just a little bit.” She twisted a strand of Harper’s hair around her finger and pulled the most disgusting kissy face that she possibly could, “He’s all like, ‘Oh, Harper, look at me I’m so big and strong and protective. I’m your white knight. Kiss me!’” She made obnoxious kissy noises and fell back onto her pillow.

“You know, except in sign language.” She laughed a little and turned to face Harper again, “In all seriousness, he’s kind of a stubborn ass. He never gives it up, even when there’s like a ton of people telling him to or no one shows up to protest.” Sawyer shook her head, “I guess that can be a good trait though.” She poked Harper in the nose, “Do you like him or is this whole thing unrequited?”

Liz allowed herself only a few moments of vulnerability in front of Max and Clark. While she trusted them enough to not spread around the fact that Elizabeth Bishop had cried, she felt really uncomfortable 'showing weakness' for longer than a couple minutes. Sweater sleeve wiped beneath hazel eyes, destroying the evidence of the treacherous liquid. Liz was fine, everything would be fine...

After sending Max off to be taken home by Isa, Liz gently rested her hand on Clark's arm. "Thanks for showing up for me...you know I'm not good with..." she trailed off, the exhaustion already evident in her eyes. She would never be able to fully explain why she felt the need to come off as tough but she knew Clark understood. Words never really needed to be said between Clark, Josie, and Liz. The three had been friends for so long that they just knew each other. To Liz those two were extra family members.

A solemn nod was given as Liz couldn't find any more words other than "See you later." Silently Liz got in her car, gave her friend a small wave, then headed off to the hospital. Over the past year she had come to hate hospitals. In her mind they now represented something closer to a prison than a place of healing. In fact Liz would prefer to be heading to a prison right now than a hospital; at least then she'd know she be able to see her mom in a few years.

When Liz made it to her mom's room Riley was just leaving. The two shared a long hug with the elder sister whispering in her ear to call her if Liz needed anything. While all three of the siblings were highly independent women who could be pretty stubborn they were very close as far as siblings go. Meg, being the oldest, was the responsible one that the other two always looked to for guidance and advice, especially since their mom had gotten sick. Riley was always the most fun, creative, and goofy of the three. She was the one that always put a smile on her sister's faces when times were tough growing up. She always broke awkward silences with a stupid joke and despite the groans she got the family loved them regardless. Liz looked up to her sisters almost as much as she did her mother. She wanted to be like them from a young age and even tried to be as responsible as them despite the age difference.

Liz was reluctant to leave the embrace of her sister; she wasn't looking forward to seeing her mother sick and now probably dying. She could barely even bring herself to think about that. She didn't want to accept anything of the sort. She took a deep breath to steady herself. She had to be stronger than ever for mother, but today...she just wasn't sure she had it in her. As quietly as possible she opened the door to the hospital room and slipped inside. Her mom was sleeping so she sat down silently in the chair by the bed. Just the sight of her mom sleeping there, hooked up to medical equipment with an unknown amount of time left was enough to make Liz choke on the lump forming in her throat. Daughter reached out to carefully hold the hand of her mother, tracing small circles and gently squeezing.

"Lizzie?" Bonnie Bishop's eyes barely flickered open. "Hey mom." Liz's voice barely squeaked out. She pushed air out of her nose, almost laughing at how pathetic she probably looked right now. "Is your girlfriend coming too?" the youngest Bishop hadn't told her mother about the breakup. Liz didn't want to have her mom worry about her. It wasn't a secret how much Liz cared for her girlfriend when they were dating. She was almost a different person around her ex. Really, she still was like that. God, she was such an idiot for pushing that away. A single tear rolled down Liz's cheek. "No...she's uhh...she's not coming mom, we...we broke up..." her head drooped and dark locks fell, framing her face. Through blurred vision she watched several droplets fall to the cold white floor. She hated hospitals so much.

It was mother's turn to reassuringly squeeze her daughter's hand. "I'm sorry sweetie. She was a really sweet girl and I know how much you liked her." Liz nodded solemnly. Even when learning that her time was running out her mother was still focused on her daughter's wellbeing. That was why she hadn't told her mom about the breakup in the first place. She wished her mom could just once be selfish and worry about herself. Liz leaned forward so she didn't have to pull her mother's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "Get some rest mom. I'll be here all night if you need anything."


Liz barely slept that night; the chair was uncomfortable and anxiety's roommate was insomnia. Most of the hours were spent just watching the form of her sleeping mother, memories playing like a projector onto the sheet of her mind. The sepia tones of times gone by bringing both smiles and tears until the Bishop girl felt she had no more water inside her. Before leaving the hospital Liz woke her mom up to tell her she had to go. "You always keep your promises...one of the reasons I'm so proud of you." The smile her mother gave her was a knife to the heart. As much as she didn't ever want to leave her mom's side again there was a certain sense of relief with leaving. She didn't have to feel the pain outside that room; she wouldn't let herself. She'd make herself numb any way possible.

Looking in the rearview of her car Liz could see that she looked absolutely terrible. She considered going home to shower but knowing that she was going to a...protest? or whatever Max wanted to call it, she didn't think it was that necessary. Who glams up to go be civilly disobedient? She pulled on a beanie to cover the mess that was her hair and put on her spare hoodie in place of the now tear stained sweatshirt. There wasn't anything she could really do about the dark circles under her eyes but she could probably throat punch anyone that asked about them. Throat punching was always a fun option.

A quick read through of twitter brought a flurry of emotions through Liz. She really didn't have the energy to deal with all that crap today. Her whole body felt tense and maybe that was mostly from sleeping in a terrible chair all night but at least part of it was stress. Thankfully she planned an outing with Isa to smash some junk. That was one of Liz's favorite stress relieving pastimes. She was also planning on getting some extra help from Isa, but that was just a bonus. While she had originally been wary of the other girl due to her obvious fondness for Josie- Liz was very protective of her baby sister- Isa was turning out to be someone Liz could be good friends with. Their personalities had enough similarities that could either work really well together or go off like a bomb.

Having promised to bring Max coffee and water Liz made a stop along the way. While waiting for the coffee she sent a couple of private messages to Nomi. She still had that sweatshirt of hers in her car's trunk and as much as she wanted to keep it forever it hurt too much every time she looked at it. In exchange Liz would be getting her only house key back. The fact that she had given her ex the only key she had to get into her home was testament to how hard she had fallen for the older girl. It didn't feel right to take it back but was she supposed to do? Tell her ex to keep it? No, Nomi offered it back so Liz had to take it...right?

The last stop before town hall was Nomi's house. There was some sort of freak on twitter talking about murdering cats and Nomi was worried about her own. Liz offered to check on them knowing how much she loved her furry children. Despite what may be said, Liz felt the same way about Shoebox. Hazel eyes rolled at the fact that she still would do pretty much anything for her ex. Elizabeth Bishop really was hopeless, all it took was a single slip up of being called 'baby' and she was back in the deep end. She tried to focus on the kiss from last night to remind herself that clearly Nomi was moving on and so she should too but...

After what felt like forever Liz finally made it to town hall. She wasn't really in a hurry, honestly she couldn't care less about the protest itself, but she promised Max she'd be there. Max was there for her last night the least she could do was show up and pretend she cared. By the time she approached the door where the younger boy was locked up there was already a cop there. Casually she strolled up to the smallest protest she'd ever seen. She placed Max's coffee and a bottle of water next to him. Anyone could see that she had had a long night but Liz was doing her best to carry herself in such a way that said not to mention it. She sipped her own coffee before looking at the cop. Damn. Liz was very particular about the type of guys she did find attractive and he...well he checked almost all the boxes. "What seems to be the problem officer..." she wanted to say sexy but that would probably not be the best choice. "...friendly?"

Liz's tired hazels moved from the cop, to the dog with him, and back again, before finally resting on who else but her ex. Her heart lurched and she wanted to bite her lip so hard it bled but she kept her composure...mostly. Her gaze definitely lingered on Nomi's golden orbs for far longer than she should've and the softest smile couldn't be suppressed. Even if they were broken up, she could still think she's pretty right? Liz forced her attention back to Max and almost painfully slowly fingerspelled 'Need anything specific from me? ' it was a little embarrassing that she could only really fingerspell but she at least put effort into communicating with Max in ASL. Academics weren't really her strong suit and she especially struggled with language based subjects like literature or foreign languages. She just hoped that Max didn't find her failure of not mastering the full language to be somehow condescending. She really did consider him a friend would love to be able to fluently communicate with him but her brain just didn't want to comprehend anything more than the basics. Chimney Swift Chimney Swift LooneyLani LooneyLani TexasKingPin TexasKingPin Mentions: KingofAesir KingofAesir
MOOD: Defeated




Lewis TexasKingPin TexasKingPin
Liz PenguinFox PenguinFox

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

Cops are here. Brought an angry dog. Max is stuck. Help.
Max Berkowitz

Give until it hurts

The officer kept talking, and Max kept staring, icy blue eyes narrowed and almost unblinking. Max was trying very, very hard not to betray the fact that his whole body felt broken and on fire and he was suppressing the urge to vomit. He assumed that throwing up on a cop would be a bad way to die. He was no longer looking at the dog, finding the stern stillness of the animal was making him a little nervous. Max wasn't afraid of dogs, per se, but they were unpredictable to him. He never really knew, in situations like these, whether or not he was about to get mauled.

How long was this guy going to keep talking? Max didn't have even half of the mental energy required to attempt to read his lips... not that he was any good at that anyway. All he could think about was his friends, scattered around the town, and the deranged cat murderer tracking their every move...

You can't protect them.
You did this to them, didn't you?
No one even cares about this town, anyway.
Stupid of you to think you could do this on your own.

Max fought down on his own thoughts, trying to busy his mind by watching the man in front of him, but by the time he surfaced himself from his self-doubt monologue, Mr. Policeman had walked back to his car with the dog trotting after. Were they leaving? Max couldn't believe it. They had to just be calling for backup, right? Or just coming back to wrench him off the door for an arrest. An old, faded notepad fell at his feet. Some sort of note had been jotted down for him to read. Huh. Max supposed the officer had finally figured out that he couldn't hear. Through his headache-blurred vision, the message was hard to make out, but eventually the letters came into focus.

“Do you know that this is the side door that is only for Sheriff’s deputies to use? No one else comes in this door.”

Side door???

Oy gevalt.

Max went white and made a quiet sort of choking-gagging sound, pressing back against the doors as if to try and get away from the terrible bone-chilling note. He was on the wrong fucking door. How was he supposed to know!? This stupid building looked the exact same from all sides. The same ugly concrete pillars, looming glass windows...

Max suddenly had a desperate desire to curl up and die.

"Where's Flint?" he asked frantically, his hand spelling her last name out with palpable contempt. His hands shook, held up weakly at the elbow as his shoulders were dragged down by the weight of his own slender arms. He knew at this point that the officer was not a signer, but there was no way in hell he was going to talk with his mouth at the guy, and he couldn't reach the notepad... not that he even had a pen. Had the mayor just slipped in through the main entrance and gone about her day!?
This was all for nothing.
He was stuck to a door, sick half to death from a hangover, his all friends in serious danger, a possible killer on the loose...
And here he was probably about to get dragged off to the station.

This is your own fault.
You dug your grave.
You dug your friends' graves.

Max grimaced, lowering his head. There was no way he could bring himself to surrender outright, but he knew, in his heart of hearts, that he was staring into the uncaring abyss of defeat.

Then, finally, after what felt like a decade of waiting, Liz walked around the building, coffee in hand and looking just about as tired and miserable as he felt. He couldn't help but soften a little, raising his free arm for a weak "Hello, Liz." If Max was having a hard day, he could only imagine how much Liz was going through. He felt awful having asked her to come at all, knowing what hell she'd been through last night. Liz's mother was dying, under Max's own father's care no less. Being the only oncologist in town, Max was all too used to knowing his father's patients all too personally. Harper and Hayden's mother a few years ago, now this...
There was nothing he could do.
It hurt him.
The last thing she needed right now was to be dragged into the stupid mess he'd created.

Liz set down the coffee she'd promised him, but Max only eyed it sadly for a moment. Anything he tried to drink right now was just going to come right back up. He smiled at her anyway, a despondent but genuine smile. She looked out for him, and in return, he always tried to look out for her. The difference was that she always seemed to know how to offer support, even as the walls closed in around her... meanwhile Max only seemed to dig himself into a deeper hole.

He knew this. He always knew this.
But unlike most in the town, he had not a defeatist bone in his body. No matter how many miserable failures, the worst failure of all was the failure to try. He felt terrible having done this stupid demonstration, but if he hadn't? He would never be able to live that down.
Getting arrested, getting in trouble with his parents, whatever the hell-- none of that mattered as much as trying to stand up for whatever change could be made in this messed-up little town. He regretted none of those things.
What ate away at him was being stuck here away from his friends when they faced real and imminent danger.

Liz's hand slowly, painstakingly spelled out "Need anything specific from me?" Max felt his heart crack. Now, after everything that had happened to her, she wanted to help him?
He shook his head, once again smiling, but this time it had a shaky forcefulness to it.
He responded with the only ASL phrase he was fully confident she knew. She'd seen him use it probably a thousand times.
"I'm fine."

code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: emotionally drained.

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: Back in Sawyer's bedroom
Chimney Swift Chimney Swift (max)
KingofAesir KingofAesir (sawyer)
TL;DRHarper listening to Sawyers haunted house stories
Harper Anderson
when you wear a mask for so long, you forget who is behind it.

“You’re so full of yourself.” She laughed elbowing her friend in the side. Sawyer was stupidly fit, and that was one of the main reasons that Harper avoided going to the gym with her at all costs. Though Harper herself was not unfit, she did not compare to Sawyer and the abs that she had worked so hard for.

As Sawyer reacted in the way that she had expected, complete enrage and disgruntlement. “Maybe if you hadn’t thrown your gum across the classroom, he wouldn’t have assigned it.” She said while reaching under her back just to find a cup that had been stashed beneath her covers. “Seriously” She raised her eyebrows as she adjusted herself to be leaning on her elbow, placing the cup at Sawyer’s bedside.

Harper nodded; Max was always trying to do something. There was a lot of good in that too though, he could have been sitting on his butt just watching the days go by. Or he could of gone to a school for the hearing impaired instead of choosing to go to Hartfield with everyone he knew.

Harper’s expression changed as Sawyer dropped a bomb, her eyes went wide and her lips flat. “No, no he doesn’t.” She shook her head. “There is no way that Max likes me.” She smiled starting to laugh. “Why does everyone say things like that? We are just friends.” She dropped herself back onto her back staring up at Sawyer’s ceiling.

But- that wasn’t the end of it, it never was with Sawyer. “You’re annoying.” She turned her head to face Sawyer, it was all fun and games. Sawyer would just find something to poke at just to get a reaction out of her, this was the new thing, right? Right.

Harper sat up onto her hip, her legs tucked beneath her. Slyly she grabbed the corner of the pillow, before whipping it at Sawyers face, she fell back down covering her own face. Knowing this was not a fight she should of started. “I surrender I surrender.” She yelled laughing from behind her covered face.

She peaked from between two fingers when it seemed like it might have been safe to sit back up again. She propped herself back up onto her elbow again, squinting her eyes as Sawyer poked her in the nose. “He is stubborn.” She sighed, but then came the real question, the question Harper didn’t truthfully have an answer to.

“I….” Harper stopped, she hadn’t ever thought about Max as anything more than a friend. She didn’t even believe Sawyer when she said that he liked her, she would know if he liked her. He would of told her, he is open about everything. Why wouldn’t he be open about this. “I don’t have time for a relationship, even if he did like me. Which he doesn’t.”
code by valen t.

  • filler

Some part of Noemie was sure the day couldn't get any worse, but in all honesty when did Parish Point ever really give any of them a, much deserved, break from madness? Her mind was trapped in its usual bubble of anxiety, blocking her off from the desperation of the troubled Max. Maybe, despite what it seemed so many people in her life believed, she truly wasn't that good a friend. The troubles of her mind lay in constant wait to envelop her whole in a haze of crippling anxiety, rendering her closed off to friends reaching out for solace. Maybe, on top of being a not so good friend, perhaps she too wasn't a good person.

How good a person could you really be when you seemed to loose every good thing?

The strong grip of anxiety slowly began to lessen, enough for the sounds around Noemie to trickle back in and remind her where she currently sat. Her eyes remained closed for another moment as she worked to draw in a breath that wasn't shuddering, waiting as patiently as she could bare for the shakiness of her fingers to lessen.

Once enough strength was gathered to raise her head, the last thing Noemie expected was to come faced with a K9 unit dog watching the gathered students intently. What the fuck was happening? Of course, of course today would continue with Nomi finding herself arrested at a protest she still didn't exactly understand the reasoning for. Slowly rising to unsteady feet, Noemie took a small step closer up towards Max's side, perhaps anxiety recognised anxiety. Her less shaky hand reached out blindly behind her to land on the bike chain Max had used to lock himself to the door, the passcode for it remained unknown to her, but perhaps the action itself could lessen some of the burden seeming to weigh down on the younger boy's hunched shoulders.

It was only then that the brunette's focus expanded beyond the canine, head lifting to meet the eyes of the officer that had approached with a notepad. Shoot, in her muddled panic Nomi had forgotten she was meant to ease Max's worry of communication, effectively she'd done the exact opposite. The knawing of her bottom lip was ceased as her golden eyes studied the police man as he grew nearer and .... well. He certainly could arrest her if that had been his intent today. The exact moment the thought crossed her mind, another presence drew her focus from an almost certain impending arrest. And her breath caught.

Of course she knew Liz would be here today, but it felt almost as if Nomi had possibly been imagining that the younger wouldn't show. Now here she stood, looking as if the world wished to crush her beneath its weight. Perhaps the familiar poker face worked for many, but after the countless long nights spent with tangled limbs, Noemie saw through most of the cracks, even when she wished she hadn't. It served a reminder, the private conversation with her ex's sister weighing in the back of her mind still. Liz was struggling. Golden brown orbs softened before the brunette could gain control of her very own mask, the dark brown pools they lingered on for a moment too long was enough to allow Nomi to take a breath. After all this time, it was still Liz that gave her the breath she needed.

Her gaze fell to the nervous hands that finger-spelled towards Max, and the softest of smiles rose to her bitten lips. How was it possible to still be so endeared by your ex?

Fuck. Noemie seemed to jerk back to focus, her attention turning to the policeman once more and eyes narrowing in their protectiveness of the younger students around her. "If this is the side door..", her eyes turned to Max briefly in a newfound slight annoyance at the turn this protest was taking, "then I'm sure we haven't caused much trouble, right? I mean, I'm sure the ever trustworthy police force of Parish Point have much better things to do than arrest a small gathering of passionate students. Especially given the hounding of a deaf boy". Nomi stood straight with narrowed & defensive eyes, despite her earlier anxiety her voice was strong and clear, driven forward by the need to make sure they all could go home without being arrested. For possibly the first time in her life, she was suddenly grateful for lawyer parents and the backbone they'd handed down. Noe turned briefly towards Max again, reaching out once more with steady hands to grasp his arm firmly in a touch of, what she hoped was, comfort. "Its okay, we won't be getting arrested. Drink some water, slowly. I'm handling it", she signed quickly, perhaps giving away the silent anxiety still creeping beneath the surface.

noemie calvet

hartfield senior

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Intrigued

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Out "shopping" (shoplifting)

INT: Piyeone

TerrorKitty TerrorKitty
TL;DR: Meets Penny; is now her simp for life
Paisley Savino

Ain't worrying bout nothin'
cuz she know she the baddest in the Gucci pumps...
Paisley turned the bright lavender shade of lipstick over her in her hands, pretending to be thoroughly considering its color and quality. What she was actually doing was deciding whether or not she should go for the old five finger discount. Payday was still days away, and Paisley certainly didn't want to forego a couple of meals just for some new, overpriced makeup. Yet there was no denying she'd look hot as hell in this shade, and she was tempted. She was encouraged even more so by the ideal shoplifting conditions the universe had gifted her with this afternoon. It was a quiet Tuesday, barely anyone around. The girl behind the counter wasn't paying attention at all, busy aggressively tapping away at her phone screen, thoughtfully nibbling her lip ring.

Still, if anyone happened to be watching...well, Paisley didn't exactly blend in with the wallpaper. The look was very "5-year-old on acid insisted on dressing herself"; a puffy, layered skirt that she'd fashioned together from about five different other brightly colored skirts, paired with a thrifted sweatshirt decorated in all manner of homemade bows, colorful pins, buttons, and embellishments. Two handmade, baby pink fluffs were clipped into her bright, pastel turquoise hair, left unfettered in loose curls bouncing past her shoulders.

Vanity won out in the end, as it so often did for Paisley, and she made the snap decision that, yes, this little beauty would be coming home with her. Emboldened by a sudden rush of adrenaline, Paisley quietly stashed the lipstick in her sleeve. Now just to casually transfer it to her bag, and...

"What the fuck!?" Paisley squeaked in suprise as her wrist was suddenly grabbed, the item easily plucked from her grasp. Annoyance turned to fear as her heart jumped into her throat, briefly terrified she'd been caught by a store employee. But no, she knew from experience an employee was very unlikely to grab a thief in such a way. Primed and ready to start swinging, Paisley's icey grey eyes shot a glare up at the stranger gripping her by the wrist.

To her suprise, a pink-haired vixen in a fierce, expensive-looking ensemble stood before her, deep brown eyes piercing a stern stare right through her. Her intensity made Paisley quiver with excitement, cheeks flushed pink as the girl took a step closer, towering over her in tall, killer heels and staring her down for a few beats of Paisley's pounding heart. With a tender pat to her head, the stranger then turned and sauntered toward the cashwrap, leaving Paisley standing there wondering what the hell just happened.

...What a fucking queen.

Nervously fidgeting by the exit, Paisley looked up sheepishly when the other girl again approached, uncharacteristically awkward and subdued as she was handed the newly purchased lipstick. "Thanks. I'll, uh...get you back another time.." She mumbled, awash with shame as this fancy lady had not only caught her doing something as unseemly as shoplifting, but took pity on her broke ass and purchased the item for her. "Do you go to Parish Bay?" She asked cautiously, studying the other's face, trying to guess her age. She reckoned she couldn't have been much older than herself, but with the air of authority and elegant sophistication she presented, Paisley knew her guess could have been way off. "What's your name?"

"My name's Paisley, by the way." She watched the pink-haired beauty confidently strut through the door, trotting after her like a lapdog. She had no idea where they were going, but Paisley was intrigued, keen to follow this mysteriously glamorous (and obviously minted) stranger anywhere.
code by valen t.

Sawyer was honestly kinda flabbergasted. How did Harper not see that Max liked her? Why else would he be so overly concerned about her crossing a goddamn street? Why else did he follow her literally everywhere. Sometimes the people in this town were so fucking dense it was tangible. Harper wasn’t dense though so that had to mean one of two things: she didn’t want it to be true, or she was convincing herself it was impossible because of some weird self-esteem thing. She didn’t like either of those options really, as annoying as Max was, Sawyer didn’t want him to get his little heart broken and she definitely didn’t want Harper’s self-esteem to be that low. Or maybe Harper really just was totally oblivious, that wasn’t too out of the realm of possibility. A pillow colliding with her face interrupted Sawyer’s thought process. She glared at Harper and moved to retaliate but the loser surrendered before Sawyer even had the chance to hit her. No fun. She fell back onto the bed and listened to the completely ridiculous excuse that was spewing out of Harper’s mouth. Didn’t have enough time? What a complete load of bullshit.

“Okay, first of all..” Sawyer smacked Harper in the face with a pillow, not wanting to let her get out of retaliation, “And second, you are such a liar.” She snorted and sat up completely, pressing her back against the wall behind her bed. She glared down at her boot and decided at that very moment and decided she just didn’t want the thing anymore, so she began taking it off as she spoke.

“You’re seventeen and all you do is hang out with me and dick around, you have nothing but time.” Sawyer pulled the last strap on the boot and practically ripped the thing off and threw it across the room. It hit the wall with a loud thump. “Fuck that thing, damn. Anyway, he totally does like you and you have plenty of time. I thinkkkk, “ She drew out the word and let it set on her tongue for a moment, getting close to Harper’s face, “You just don’t wanna hurt his poor little feelings.” Sawyer poked out her bottom lip and made a crying nose in the back of her throat before pulling away and leaning up against the wall again.

“Man, don’t you just wish I was a gross man?” Sawyer asked wistfully, bringing one of Harper’s hands to her chest, “We’d be perfect and you wouldn’t pretend not to have time for me cause I’m fucking amazing.” She threw Harper’s hand back at her, “But, alas, I’m a woman and you’re just cursed to suffer without me.” Sawyer closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself as a dude. She’d probably still have long hair, seemed like something dude her would like, and would definitely be ripped as fuck. She had to admit even she was attracted to dude Sawyer.

“I’d be a hot dude. I’d probably get less girls, though. Everyone here is gay..” Sawyer sighed and pressed a hand to her forehead, “Oh how the straights suffer in Parish Point.” She turned to Harper and gave her a pity smile, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how you survive. Your only options are a deaf boy and like...actually that’s all.” Sawyer laughed loudly, “I mean, I’m pretty sure the other two that came to mind are like in love with Tatum, so.” She shrugged, “So sad.”

"Where are all the straight people, lol?"
location? The Andrews' Residence
outfit? still that jacket, around her waist this time, minus the fucking beanie, now shirtless
interactions? Harper Dazzle Dazzle
any last words? Parish Point is fucking gay
coded by incandescent

Sawyer was honestly kinda flabbergasted. How did Harper not see that Max liked her? Why else would he be so overly concerned about her crossing a goddamn street? Why else did he follow her literally everywhere. Sometimes the people in this town were so fucking dense it was tangible. Harper wasn’t dense though so that had to mean one of two things: she didn’t want it to be true, or she was convincing herself it was impossible because of some weird self-esteem thing. She didn’t like either of those options really, as annoying as Max was, Sawyer didn’t want him to get his little heart broken and she definitely didn’t want Harper’s self-esteem to be that low. Or maybe Harper really just was totally oblivious, that wasn’t too out of the realm of possibility. A pillow colliding with her face interrupted Sawyer’s thought process. She glared at Harper and moved to retaliate but the loser surrendered before Sawyer even had the chance to hit her. No fun. She fell back onto the bed and listened to the completely ridiculous excuse that was spewing out of Harper’s mouth. Didn’t have enough time? What a complete load of bullshit.

“Okay, first of all..” Sawyer smacked Harper in the face with a pillow, not wanting to let her get out of retaliation, “And second, you are such a liar.” She snorted and sat up completely, pressing her back against the wall behind her bed. She glared down at her boot and decided at that very moment and decided she just didn’t want the thing anymore, so she began taking it off as she spoke.

“You’re seventeen and all you do is hang out with me and dick around, you have nothing but time.” Sawyer pulled the last strap on the boot and practically ripped the thing off and threw it across the room. It hit the wall with a loud thump. “Fuck that thing, damn. Anyway, he totally does like you and you have plenty of time. I thinkkkk, “ She drew out the word and let it set on her tongue for a moment, getting close to Harper’s face, “You just don’t wanna hurt his poor little feelings.” Sawyer poked out her bottom lip and made a crying nose in the back of her throat before pulling away and leaning up against the wall again.

“Man, don’t you just wish I was a gross man?” Sawyer asked wistfully, bringing one of Harper’s hands to her chest, “We’d be perfect and you wouldn’t pretend not to have time for me cause I’m fucking amazing.” She threw Harper’s hand back at her, “But, alas, I’m a woman and you’re just cursed to suffer without me.” Sawyer closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself as a dude. She’d probably still have long hair, seemed like something dude her would like, and would definitely be ripped as fuck. She had to admit even she was attracted to dude Sawyer.

“I’d be a hot dude. I’d probably get less girls, though. Everyone here is gay..” Sawyer sighed and pressed a hand to her forehead, “Oh how the straights suffer in Parish Point.” She turned to Harper and gave her a pity smile, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how you survive. Your only options are a deaf boy and like...actually that’s all.” Sawyer laughed loudly, “I mean, I’m pretty sure the other two that came to mind are like in love with Tatum, so.” She shrugged, “So sad.”

Tatum Browne

Tatum rolled her eyes as Colby let her know she had to pay for the coffee along with the stolen meal of the nerds. AS she pulled out her small wallet, she grabbed out two twenties and handed them to Colby, “Call it a generous tip to the waitress who got screwed. You don’t get a tip.” Tatum stuck out her tongue jokingly before taking a sip of the coffee. The taste of the perfectly brewed coffee melting with the liquid caramel and vanilla. She loved the Hedgehog coffee, though she wished she had gotten a free coffee, for being a good patron but she had the money, so it wasn’t a huge deal to her.

She had brushed off Colby’s comment, “I don’t need a protector, I don’t get why so many people think I need protecting, Ryan is all talk, so it’s whatever. You and Zach were busy doing whatever dumb boys do.” She wished she hadn’t been left alone last night, she wished a lot of things hadn’t happened last night and yet she was still dealing with the aftermath of everything. Hell, everyone was dealing with the aftermath of last night. However, when she heard about dying his hair her interest was piqued, “Yeah, I’ll help but you better tell me this story of why you’re dying your hair. Have a safe delivery” She watched as he left, and she turned back to Jules.

The girl really did look like death, “We can leave in a second. Promise.” Tatum wanted to enjoy the breeze of the outside. As she began to scroll through Twitter and of course post her coffee to her Insta. It was the most exciting part of her whole day. Or it had been until she had gotten into a huge fight with Zach because he had gotten jealous yet again. As they fought, she could feel the hurt rising up within her and then he went brought their dirty laundry out into the public. As she fought back trying to fix the issue, he had caused she felt her heart start to crack. Was there something wrong with her?

All she wanted was to escape, get away from the church, get away from Parish, away from the eyes of everyone. She knew what they were thinking, what they should be thinking. Her hand gripped the phone tightly and she could feel a tear escaping. “Let’s go” she tried to sound more cheerful than she was.

As she directed Jules to her car all she could think is there had to be something wrong with her. They had once been so good and now everything was so bad, and she couldn’t fix anything. Her hand held the door handle for a brief moment before she got into the driver’s seat, she had to keep it together to drive. She had to keep herself together, she couldn’t break down. She was Tatum Browne, and that meant she had to be tough, be strong not let it seem like she ever felt hurt. She could feel the tears glazing over as she turned on the ignition to the car and she couldn’t look at Jules, she couldn’t explain what was wrong.

Instead she drove, she drove without thinking until they were downtown and parked. Yet Tatum couldn’t bring herself to leave the car. She couldn’t bring herself to do anything but sit and stare at the steering wheel. What was wrong with them? What was wrong?

Mention(s): lion. lion. Interaction(s): 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 sunnieside sunnieside


Lemon Pierce

Lemon held the smile on her face as Lulu spoke, the girl had an air around her that made Lemon feel at ease. As if the world itself created a calm an aura of peace if one could decipher it that way. Though Lulu seemed to still be in her own world as she spoke as if everything around her could never fully touch her, “Lulu is a beautiful name and it’s no worries. This building is so confusing, even though I come every Sunday. I still don’t know it at all.” Lemon couldn’t help but giggle at her own moments of being oblivious. Living in her own world as well, maybe not another plane of existence as Lulu but something similar. Maybe something like two sides of the same coin. Though, really how could anyone be sure what was up and what was down, when the only thing they knew was what they believed and learned.

Lulu watched as the girl had a slight flicker in her eyes of another thought before she went back to being in her world, floating between the one Lemon was in and the one she chose to be in. Lemon let her head tilt slightly as Lulu offered her tea to drink. As if the Southerner in her could say no to tea. It wasn’t sweet but that was okay, not every tea had to be sweet.

Lemon startled to rifle around them looking for mugs, but her height was a disadvantage. She quickly used all her strength to prop herself up on the counter to open the higher cabinet, “You would think they’d make places with shorter people in mind.” She giggled as she continued to open the cabinets before stumbling upon mugs and paper cups, “I found them!” she said loudly the excitement clear in her voice. She slid down two ceramic mugs in hand and a sleeve of paper cups between her arm and side.

She set them down next to Lulu, “I thought you’d like a cup of your tea too. So, I got you mug.” She smiled as slid the other mug by Lulu and got herself a cup of the tea. She brought the warm liquid to her lips, “It’s amazing. You’re a good tea maker!” It was one of the best non-sweet teas Lemon had ever consumed

Mention(s): N/A Interaction(s): PenguinFox PenguinFox

MOOD: Tired and confused


Liz PenguinFox PenguinFox

Lewis TexasKingPin TexasKingPin
Noémie LooneyLani LooneyLani

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

Max is un-okay but like hell is he going to admit that.
Max Berkowitz

Give until it hurts

Noémie and the officer talked for a long moment, leaving Max practically hanging off the door handles. His arm was all but numb at this point, and the rest of him ached with a vengeance.

He would never say it, or even let himself think it without contradiction, but he just wanted this to be over. Not that he was going to get any rest after this-- he had to find Isa and Harper and the others, make sure they were safe and they had a plan if the cat murdering stalker came knocking. Anything he could do for them. Anything at all.

If any of them ended up hurt...
He didn't even know what he'd do.

You aren't keeping them safe.
You're letting this happen, aren't you?

Noémie reached out for his arm, and he let her take it, leaning into the touch ever so slightly. His eyes softened, moving from the officer (still talking, to himself it looked like), over to her.

"Its okay, we won't be getting arrested." She started, but Max noticed the tension in her eyebrows and immediately felt unsure. She wasn't just saying that to be comforting, was she? Well... she'd know better than he did what was going on. Still, he could almost feel the anxiety radiating off of her, bleeding into his own until he wasn't even sure if he was empathizing or projecting.

Probably both. Max's feelings were kind of a messy and powerful thing. Though he didn't think of himself this way, he read like an open book. Other people always seemed to know him better than he himself did. Sometimes that was comforting, other times... he wasn't quite ready to face the reality of his own struggles.

"Drink some water, slowly. I'm handling it." There was something oxymoronic about seeing 'slowly' signed quickly. Noémie's hands moved with an urgency, fingers moving gingerly like harp strings. Though Max was stung by the fact that his friends had to sort out this disaster for him, he did as told, reaching over to the bottle of water Liz brought. God, Liz was just too nice to him. He really didn't deserve it, especially from her. Max found himself struggling to unscrew the cap, fingers still sore from fighting against the busted lock and hands shaky and sweating with nerves and pain... not really wanting anyone to see him fumble with a plastic bottle cap, he lowered his head to hide his reddening cheeks until it finally cracked open. Damn it. He couldn't even get something as simple as that done right today.

He took a slow sip, feeling a flash of nausea under his jaw that worried him, but he nervously swallowed it down. He found his eyes once again watching the silver-haired policeman continue to talk to his group, making a slashing movement with his hand that gave Max a split second of panic. They weren't going to cut his arm off-- that would be dumb. Max knew that. After all, he wasn't as ignorant as he acted most of the time. He almost always knew exactly how desperate, how immature, how ridiculous and embarrassing his actions were. He just couldn't stop himself. Ever.

This is why no one likes you--
Shut up

Feeling a sickening sting behind his eyes, Max frantically looked for a distraction. "Noémie..." He started before he even knew what he wanted to say to her. Something, anything, even if it was dumb or pointless, he didn't care. He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts right now. His hand circled in midair, his face blank and withdrawn, before he asked a question he wasn't even sure he wanted the answer to: "...What's going on? Actually. Tell me everything."
code by valen t.
Last edited:

While Oliver's reaction to Ian approaching him hadn't been what the older had hoped, it was better than what he expected. That fact however was concerning in and of itself. It was a serious red flag that Ian had to worry about how he approached another person. Thankfully the younger boy, while seemingly terrified of him, at least was willing to give small doses of trust. Little by little he became less defensive in his posture and demeanor. Now Ian just had to hope nothing he did broke that trust.

To say that Oliver found the hangover elixir to be unappealing would likely be one of the biggest understatements of the year. The way he recoiled from smelling it looked as if he was just punched square in the nose; honestly a fairly common reaction. The blame fell to Ian on that one, usually people were warned beforehand not to smell the drink and look at it as little as possible. This was his first time making it so he hadn't really had any experience on this end of things. Dwyer was always the one making them for Ian's friend group back in California. He was the most reliable friend that he had ever known. Ian couldn't think of a single time that his friend he thought of as an older brother wasn't there for someone in need. The thought of what he was up to now invaded Ian's mind. The most likely answer was being a firefighter or a cop or something like that. One of those big, muscled, hero types that genuinely wanted to see the world be a better place.

Ian was pulled from his thoughts when Oliver spoke. Algae. Yeah, that was a good word to describe the elixir. Green, viscous, probably not meant to be consumed by people. All things that could be used to describe both algae and the drink held in Oliver's hands. There wasn't a single person that had ever not thought the taste of the green liquid was vile, it was just varying degrees of reactions. No one had ever been driven to vomiting from it, but Ian's first time was so bad that his abdomen hurt from lurching and gagging so much. At this point though he could down a whole glass and be fine. He'd had the drink enough times that he could ignore the taste and almost not notice the texture as it slithered down his throat. Oliver's reaction was similar to Ian's first time.

"Yeah that's...that's a typical reaction...sorry I probably should have warned you...but I promise it really does help." Ian gave the younger a reassuring smile and almost reached out to put a hand on his back but thought better of it. Oliver was definitely not the type that would have been okay with that. The girl that was with Oliver when Ian had first approached spoke up and took some of the elixir for herself. "It is safe, you're welcome to try. No one that's had it has thrown up because of it..." another gag. "...yet." Apparently she didn't learn from watching her companion and took way more of a swig than she should have. It was beginning to seem likely that Ian would have to finish this drink himself. He retrieved the bottle and in an effort to show that he wasn't just trying to poison anyone took a few gulps himself, barely wincing as he did so.

It was then that an almost shrill voice cut through the air calling out Oliver's name. The kid came rushing over, sending glares in both Ian and the girl's direction. That was a little rude and uncalled for. He couldn't speak for Oliver's original companion but Ian had certainly never done anything to this kid. A single eyebrow arched for a moment but was rapidly replaced with an expression of concern. The kid was yanking on Oliver's arm and pulling him away. Ian took a step forward, basically closing the distance with half the effort due to his taller stature compared to the other two boys. Clearly this newest arrival knew that Oliver was hurt, so why wasn't he being more careful? Hopefully it just wasn't registering to him that he could possibly be doing more damage, and it wasn't that he was being malicious.

"Hey, hey, easy with the tugging man." Ian's tone still carried the calmness from earlier. He was doing his best to not raise his tone in any way that Oliver might be spooked by. Ian felt terribly guilty that he was almost treating Oliver like a wild animal but he wasn't sure how else to help him. His protective nature was taking over and leading whichever way it thought best; for better or worse. He stood a step behind Oliver, ready to take any action necessary if this kid was going to continue being reckless with someone very obviously not well. Chimney Swift Chimney Swift tamarapasek tamarapasek Dede Dede
MOOD: What!?

LOCATION: The Church


Stu Dede Dede
Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek
Ian PenguinFox PenguinFox
TL;DR Stu is alive!!!
Oliver Dreyfuss
Quiet people have the loudest minds

Oliver couldn't help but be grateful for Ashley as she pried Ian's green potion out of his hands to try it for herself. Really, the small amount he swallowed down seemed to already be trying to claw its way back up his throat.
Even Ashley gagged on the bottle's nauseating contents.
Oliver, unknowingly biting at his left hand again, was trying to muster the courage to tell Ian he couldn't do this, but Ian took a reassuring stance. The oldest of the kids kept himself calm and composed, explaining the noxious sensation of the concoction was typical and nothing to be afraid of. He took a few swallowed himself to prove a point that it was safe to consume, and Oliver watched carefully, peering up with a skeptical stare as if he were expecting Ian would keel over. When he didn't, barely even reacting to the mess of flavors and textures, Oliver looked half amazed and half horrified, pulling back and bringing his other hand to his mouth to cover the one he was still biting at.

He almost reached out to give the mixture a second try, when all of a sudden charging footsteps clattered through the kitchen from the other room, and before any one of the three had time to react, a hand grabbed Oliver's arm and dragged him a few paces. Reflexively acting as if he were about to be murdered, he kicked back and dug his heels in, sharply wrenching his arm free. He reeled his fist back as if to strike, only then able to process what he was seeing fast enough to realize who was in front of him.
His hand dropped immediately.


There was his friend, for the first time since the beach party separated them. Stu, looking just as unhurt as ever, the two boys sharing the same disbelief. Oliver's face flashed through a thousand different expressions: shock, confusion, horrible searing pain (gasping on fractured ribs is something akin to medieval torture...)

Breathless and pale, nearly shaking, deep brown eyes sparkling with relief and unshed tears, Oliver breathed out for the first time in way too long and smiled. Really, genuinely smiled-- almost forgetting about the small gap between his front teeth that he usually took care to conceal.

There was nothing to worry about now. To hell with broken ribs and bruised faces and noisy churches and dubiously toxic hangover concoctions.
Stu was alive.
And for this moment, it was as though nothing else needed to exist.

Suddenly, Stu was demanding to know how Oliver had died. The taller of the two boys visibly recoiled and brought his hands to his head, tapping his fingers over his temples.

"Die!? Died.... died. I died... die..." Oliver echoed himself, hands clamping down over his ears as the sounds in the room were making it too hard for him to think. Everything seemed to spin around, moving as though someone had sped up the whole world like a video recording.
What did Stu even mean? Oliver worried he'd misheard the question.
The question demanded an answer, everything in Oliver's head screaming at him to just say something. Anything. Too slow. Too slow...
"I didn't die. No. Not dead." He rapidly and mechanically blurted out a response, launching instantaneously into a disjointed attempt to elaborate. "Hospital? Ryan... Ryan. Ryan. Five rib fractures, open pneumothorax. He hit my head. And then I hit my head again on the ground. I woke up-- I'm fine. I remembered my name and what year it is and everything. They let me go home-- well, made me go h-- mom took me home. But I'm here. Why would I be dead?" He fell quiet, scared he wasn't giving the right information. He swallowed back on the lump in his throat. "...I thought you were dead. After-- no one knew where you were-- I--"
He drew in a shallow, careful breath.
"You're not dead either."
"We're okay! It's okay. It's okay."

His hands gripped his elbows until his knuckles turned white, bouncing his knees and looking as though the pent up emotion was splitting him apart at the seams.

He gestured with his head back towards Ian and Ashley, who were somehow still there after all the commotion. Ian had rushed to take a protective stance behind him, something Oliver hadn't noticed until just now. He nearly jumped back to see him suddenly so close, but quickly settled back down and continued. "This is Ian and Ashley." Oliver seemed to have totally forgotten that Stu had already met Ashley. Worrisome. "--They're cool. I like them." He started his hand to wave back in their direction, but halfway through the motion he buried his face in his hands and seemed to stifle a scream.

This was... a lot to take in, and it was all happening all at once...

"Stu! You're okay, you're okay..."

code by valen t.

  • filler

The erratic beating of her heart had begun to still in its painful rhythm, her mind clearing of its harrowing anxiety as the need to focus pushed forwards. Noemie had never been a person to take charge, never the one to remain strong, and absolutely never someone to be admired. She felt almost the tiniest hint of pride that her back had remained straight, her head lifted and eyes defiant, voice unwavering in the protectiveness of her friends. Who knew the strength you were capable of following a mind-numbing panic attack?

Her hand remained reached out behind her, resting against the skin of Max's arm. As much as Noemie told herself it was purely so that she could feel if he had moved his hand to communicate, she knew the physical touch was a comfort for herself, something to stabilise her mind.

It wasn't hard to take notice of the growing aggravation surrounding the older man, and Nomi felt a part of herself soften in guilt. It wasn't like he'd asked to deal with this, and the fact they weren't yet arrested Nomi felt almost sure he had no plans of doing so. Her golden brown eyes caught sight of the muttered words whispered in exhaustion, bringing out the tiniest hint of a familiar playful smirk, well if he'd wanted it ... fuck. Not the time.

Nomi straightened slightly as the officer began to speak again, listening closely to his words and readying herself to step in once more if he did in fact decide he'd had enough and would rather throw them all in the cells for a night. It was hard to keep her focus, a part of her mind lingering towards the side of her and to the person standing quietly by, and along with her shift in focus came about the earlier mistakes of the morning. God how was it still only morning?
The slip of a certain endearment had been unwarranted and proved as much a surprise to herself as Nomi was sure it had been to Liz. She knew the moment her eyes had lingered on the set of keys sat securely on her shelf that there were still many emotions attached to her ex. Noemie wasn't so sure it was a good thing. Quite frankly, if she were honest with herself, it terrified her. How long would she continue to hold onto a relationship passed, how long could she handle left-over emotions and unsettled boundaries before she came to regret it all? That was where it seemed the fear lay. That one day, Noemie could come to regret ever having fallen for the younger in the first place.

As if pushed blindly from her thoughts, the words falling from the man's lips registered quickly in a once more muddled mind, Noemie sorting the wave of information as quickly as she could to grasp an understanding of the situation. "No objections, I think we'd prefer the bolt cutters", for once she was thankful that at times her mouth was faster than her mind. Sensing the shift in movement behind her, and catching sight of Max's hand raised, Noemie turned to face the struggling boy completely, seeming to accept that her conversation with the officer was over. Everything, Max wanted to know everything. Once more she scrambled to grasp certain bits of the one-sided conversation. Right, okay. Noemie stilled her hand as it lifted, seeming to ponder on what to say before she continued with a nod of her head in reassurance of herself. "We aren't being arrested as we technically aren't in violation of any laws, I obviously didn't mention what the younger kids were doing. He and his partner, Allie- no no Annie the dog, are really tired and just want to do paperwork. He realised the lock is stuck and is calling a friend from the fire-", the brunette stopped in her motion, confusion taking place as she rummaged for the signage of 'department', wait 'station'? "The fire station to bring a pair of bolt cutters, after we get you free he wants us to head home". Noemie's own exhaustion was starting to catch up to her, her hangover still lingered in the back of her impending headache, and a late night with only alcohol in her belly didn't necessarily make an easy morning. Still she gave a smile to Max, her shoulders relaxing at the realisation of her own words. They could go home.

noemie calvet

hartfield senior

♡coded by uxie♡
Even after the substances was digested, Ashley still felt the aftertaste. It was an odd taste to put it kindly. If she were to be as nasty as possible then she would describe it as hell on earth. She felt saltiness, bitterness, and sourness all at once. She felt her stomach begin to tighten, like someone somebody was squeezing her intestines. She keeled over, barely able to keep it in her. Fortunately for her all that came out of her mouth was gagging.

She was also about to grab a second drink just to make Oliver feel better, only to discover he wasn’t there. He was a few feet away with Stu. What a pleasant surprise! She could begin her plan to get the mascot.

She couldn’t just ask him out of of course. It wasn’t a matter of properness or gender roles. It was that she knew exactly what would happen.

He would run away from her screaming. Because as of now he was either terrified of her or hated her. If he couldn’t even say a word to her then how could he stay calm when she asked him out?

She had to jump on his orbit and hang on for dear life. And that meant hanging out with him any time imaginable. Besides. She met him here without planning didn’t she?

It was fate. It had to be.

In typical Ashley fashion she had the perfect reasoning for why it was fated. A. They were both in charge of School Spirit. B. Both were Christians. C. They had ran into each other at Church of all places! What could be more predestined than that?

They were speaking. They appeared relieved. What they were discussing was beyond her understanding. Whether it be that she wasn’t accustomed to people talking at normal octaves or they were being quiet or that she just had bad hearing was beyond her understanding. But as long as she was not the topic of conversation, she didn’t have an interest in intruding on their personal discussion.

Oliver turned over to her and Ian to introduce them to Stu. “We’ve met.” She informed him before smiling over at Stu. She would have extended a handshake had she not realized some of the green juice had fallen onto her hands. She subtly wiped them onto the back of her dress, hopeful that it would be mostly obscured by her cardigan. But as long as he didn’t run away she wasn’t particularly concerned with how her dress looked.

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift PenguinFox PenguinFox Dede Dede
Vibe Check: Curious Domme


Where?: Parking lot;
Town Hall;


Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Teases Paisley;

drives her home;

heads to town hall;

very confused;

Piyeone (Penny)

Penny for your thoughts?
Piyeone smiled warmly to the store clerk behind the register, who seemed to be much more occupied with the clock on the wall than anything else, at least until she stepped away with her bags of newly acquired goods, in which they immediately shifted that attention to their phone. Piyeone's attention however was now taken by something much more....

"You should only make promises you can afford to keep." She said once again looming over the petite girl before her and reaching into the bag, pulling out the would be stolen, now properly purchased tube of lipstick. "I start going to Hartfield tomorrow, but I have afternoon classes at Parish Bay." She added with a glimmer of curiosity shining behind her eyes. It was obvious this girl was younger, maybe a year or two? At least a confirmed Parish Bay student, perhaps there was more to her than what could could easily be written off as a 'pretty punk wannabe'. "Piyeone, but you can just call me Penny." Piyeone added as she began moving out of the store and into the parking lot. There was still a lot to do today. With any luck she'd be able to pick up the groceries Auntie Rin wanted before it got dark.

The girl, Paisley, kept after Piyeone which she found rather adorable. It was obvious that the smaller girl didn't have much to do, nor anyone to do it with. A loner, the kind who would say it was because they didn't like anyone, but it was really the other way around. Piyeone had been like that at some point in the past, it was a situation she knew all too well. This groupie could be rather useful for making headway in Parish, plus there was no harm in having her around as to be completely fair, Piyeone didn't have any friends either.

Reaching her Rivian R1S, the passenger door opened on it's own. "Come on, I'll take you home." She said as she set herself in the drivers seat, staring at Paisley with daggers until the wild child had their seatbelt fastened securely. When she was satisfied, Piyeone then grabed a blue jolly rancher from the small bag of assorted candy on the dashboard. "Where to?"

It was a bit more of a drive than she expected, apparently Paisley lived in a small trailer park on the edge of town, beer bottles scattered the muddy ground, the smell of alchohol the girl had made more sense, and for a moment Piyeone froze and shuddered as Paisley began to exit the car, feeling a sinking feeling of worry. Was home the best place for her to be..?

"Here." She said taking the candy bag and plopping it into the small hands of the turquoise lass.
Inside was a slip of paper and a phone number.

__ __ __ __

Finally pulling into Town Hall she saw a Firetruck rolling in with a rather confused and frankly annoyed Firefighter stepping out with a large pair of bolt cutters. The scene made her raise a brow but she had other things to attend to. Though as Piyeone began walking up, she spotted a few teens just standing around awkwardly and it almost looked like someone was... Chained to the side of the building... Protest maybe? Either it way it didn't really matter, as she just walked in through the front doors unabated.
code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: reminising

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: Back in Sawyer's bedroom
Chimney Swift Chimney Swift (max)
Soap Soap (ben)
KingofAesir KingofAesir (sawyer)
TL;DRThinking about how every guy in this town is gay
Harper Anderson
when you wear a mask for so long, you forget who is behind it.

Harper sat up cross legged on Sawyer’s bed, she looked down at her phone biting the corner of her lip as a name popped up on her screen that she hadn’t seen for a while. Benny…

A pillow collided with her face, knocking her phone out of her hand and throwing her back into the wall behind her. “Your such an ass.” She laughed, throwing the ammo onto the ground. She knew that starting a pillow fight with Sawyer of all people was a death sentence for her. “How am I a lair?!” She raised her hands up in defense flipping her palms upwards she scowled at Sawyer.

“Stop that.” Harper tried to grab Sawyers hands to stop her from taking off her boot. “You are supposed to wear that till Monday.” Sawyer pulled her leg out of Harper’s grasp. “Don’t you want to play basketball.” Harper sighed as Sawyer tossed it up against the wall, she has obviously lost that fight against Sawyer. Not even Hya was able to change her mind.

Harper didn’t really have a response to Sawyer, she was right all of Harper’s free time was spent hanging out with her or Max. But, dating took so much more energy than just hanging out with friends. “It’s just... different, Sawyer.” Harper pressed her lips together rubbing them together. She had only ever had one serious boyfriend, Benny. Sawyer and her dated the Navarro siblings around the same time. They used to all hang out together. “There’s no feelings to hurt, because he doesn’t like me.” She tilted her head as a strained smile crossed her lips, forcing an airless laugh through her lips.

Harpers strained smile started to disappear as Sawyer went all giddy picturing herself as the male version of herself. She started laughing as Sawyer took Harpers hand and pressed it against her own chest. “Yes.” She chuckled dropping her chin to her chest. “I do wish you were a gross man.”

Harper fell back against the wall behind her as Sawyer threw Harper’s own hand back at her, every stressed feeling relaxed again. “So perfect, and I wouldn’t not have time for you, because I already spend all my time with you.” She placed grabbed her ankles pressing forward lifting herself off the bed ever so slightly. “Yes, that is my curse, being impossibly straight in a very gay town.”

“It is however ironic, you know, that so many of the adults in this town are homophobic.” Harper shook her head smiling she closed her eyes. She shook her head as Sawyer continued to imagine herself as a guy. “It’s a curse I’m willing to suffer.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“You’re funny.” Harper nudged Sawyer with her shoulder. Sawyer wasn’t wrong, there was very few guys in town that their interest could be peaked by someone like Harper. She didn’t find herself interesting, she never had the chance to meet anyone either. The only places that Harper would hang out outside of school was the beach, Sawyer’s house, or the library. And even if someone tried to approach Harper at the library, they likely would only get some dead stare from taking her attention away from her book.

“I’m okay with being single. I have to look after Hayden and be there for my dad. I can’t have another man to take care of.” She laughed trying to take the tension off the situation. She thought about what would have happened if her and Ben had never broken up, he wouldn’t have liked how hard her family took the loss of Harper’s mom. But, it was better this way. Ben not knowing. The last time they saw each other was at Angela’s funeral. Harper told him not to come, he had just moved into college, she didn’t want to disrupt his frosh week.

She was glad he didn’t listen.

Hayden couldn’t bring himself to come to the wake. He went off to who knows where, while Harper had to greet all of the guests. Her dad went into his office and stayed there for most of the day, Ben helped her greet guests and send them off as they left. Finally, he helped her clean up. She always had to be the strong one.

When all the guests had left and the house was clean, Harper just sat down on the bottom of the stairs to her living room. Placing her head in her hands and Ben just quietly sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders she melted into his chest, crying for the first time since her mom had been gone. After that, she never let herself show any weakness again.

Ben and Harper thought it was best to not talk much after that, they were just going to be friends. Harper knew he’d always be there for her, but it was just never in the cards for them to live happily ever after. He had a job to uphold, his family needed him to be strong for them and her family needed her. They both agreed that putting others before themselves was the best option.

“Plus since you’ll never make a move on Hya, you’d miss me to much.” Harper started laughing pushing her friend over so that Sawyer fell flat against her bed. “Come on, we need to get our English homework done.”
code by valen t.

“No, you’re quite alive—”

He said with all the British pomp and circumstance in his tone that made him sound like one of the children who just stepped out of the wardrobe into Narnia.

“Oh, nevermind. . .”

Stu peeked over Oliver’s shoulder at the other boy with scepticism. Although the stranger was not Mr. Tumnus, he was goat-like enough in leanness of face that Oliver probably shouldn’t be drinking whatever the bloody hell he was offering him.

What was in that thing anyway? Goat milk?

Stu ignored Goat Boy and grabbed Oliver by the sleeve of his shirt and pulled a little further. His jaw hung open as Oliver recounted to him the proceedings of the previous night. All that happened while Stu was swimming in a pond of sewage?

Stu sounded as surprised as he looked. (When did he ever not sound or look surprised?)

“What?! You’ve got five broken ribs? And. . . and pneumo—”

He wasn’t even going to try to pronounce that word.

“I didn’t have my phone last night. On account of me falling into a pond. I didn’t die either. But I didn’t break any ribs, or get pneumo. . . Whatever the hell you’ve got. I had no idea you were in the hospital, else I would have come. I swear.”

He peeked about Oliver’s head as if expecting him to still be bleeding from last night.

“Yesterday, I shouldn’t have said your dad was Tom Hanks, or that he was on an island. I shouldn’t have. Even if he was— I mean I know he’s not. I wasn’t being serious.”

He could see Oliver about to tear his own face off with all the anxiety he was in. Why was he talking to a bunch of strangers? He said he hit his head a couple times. Maybe that was why he was stuttering so much, and acting all so strange.

Then again, it could just be Oliver being Oliver.

“That Ryan. That blimmin’ idiot, I knew he was gonna— but am I glad you didn’t die. Shouldn’t you be home and all, or at the hospital?”

I mean, sure. Church was great and all, but there wasn’t much of a chance of his father performing a miracle cure for five broken ribs. Let’s get serious now. He was just a priest, not Jesus or David Blaine or anything. He did bend a fork with his mind once but Stu was pretty sure that was just a crummy trick that he fell for when he was five.

Stu suddenly realised he was still gripping Oliver’s sleeve after all this time.

“And. . . and who are they?”

Goat Boy, now identified as Ian, had stepped up to stand right behind Oliver, taking a silly defensive gesture that made Stu scrunch up his face. Come now, Mr. Tumnus, where are you hiding that umbrella? Up that place where the sun doesn't shine!?!

As for the girl in the cardigan. It turns out she wasn't a stranger after all, only Ashley. Only. . . Ashley. Stu peeked around Oliver to look at her and oh—her face could melt a heart like the sun melted his kitkats on a summer’s day. Oh but Ashley. . . thou art more lovely and more temperate. . .

“O. . . oh, hi, Ashley,” the boy blurted with a little wave. That hand gripping Oliver’s sleeve fell to his side right away, and Stu wilted away into shyness like he had suddenly lost all the bones in his body. Well... all besides one.

Should. . . should he run?

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift tamarapasek tamarapasek PenguinFox PenguinFox
MOOD: All of them. All the moods. Wow.

LOCATION: The Church


Stu Dede Dede
Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek
Ian PenguinFox PenguinFox
TL;DR Stu is alive!!!
Oliver Dreyfuss
Quiet people have the loudest minds

Oliver stayed mostly silent as Stu responded to his stammering, barely coherent answers with his own fast-paced string of apologies. It was evident Stu wasn't there when... well, Oliver had gathered as much.
Some part of him felt like if Stu was there then this never would have happened anyway.

A silly thought, really. What could Stu have done? Perhaps Stu could've stopped him from throwing a crab into someone's eye, but that was about it. Really, it was better that Stu wasn't there, so he didn't have to see it with his own eyes. Oliver would've felt horrible knowing someone who cared had to watch him get hurt.
Oliver was not used to having people who cared. He didn't want to ruin it by traumatizing them.

"It's okay." Oliver's tone stayed quiet, contemplative. "You didn't know. I, uh-- no one was there. Just me. And whoever I hit with a crab," Oliver paused, shivering, "There was a crab on my head. I was... I don't know why. I don't know who I hit. I don't know. I don't know."

Stu's second apology made a lot less sense.
"You said what...?" Oliver had taken on a blank, glassy look, trying to crack through the gaps in his memory for whatever it was Stu was talking about. He said Oliver's father was Tom Hanks? Why would he say that?
That didn't make any sense. The context of the conversation was completely gone from Oliver, so he was more confused than upset.

Besides, Oliver's father was not Tom Hanks. He was --or had been-- a secretary in some lonesome boring concrete Boston office. A tired man, too grey for his age. Grey much like his surroundings, and his demeanor.
It had been 4 years.

Desperate for a change of topic, this was when he pointed out Ian and Ashley. Stu had been watching Ian a very long time. Why? Oliver had no idea. Oliver was not good at telling how people were feeling unless they made it very clear. Clear like Ryan had made it.

Ashley knew Stu already, something which he himself should have known. Ashley lit up with a bright smile, but Stu suddenly lost all his usual pluck and shied away, looking very much like Oliver. There was something a little amusing about it, but it was something Oliver couldn't place. He snickered without meaning to, covering his mouth to make it less obvious. Even Oliver knew laughing at people was sort of rude.

It was only then that Stu dropped Oliver's jacket sleeve. Oliver defensively curled his arms inwards after that. He had started looking around, wondering if they'd missed the whole soup process being holed up and distracted in the corner for so long,

How long had it even been?
Oliver's usually incredibly keen sense of time had become yet another part of the miserable puddle inside his head. Had it been minutes? An hour? When did he even get here?

Perhaps it was best not to think too much about it.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Celebratory

LOCATION: Town Hall -> Sleeping Hedgehog
Harley 0k_mang0 0k_mang0
Evie Soap Soap

Graham Dazzle Dazzle

TL;DR Ivy and Graham take a quick snack break away from the crime scene.
Ivy Dawkins
You say that I'm kinda difficult, but it's always someone else's fault

Harley descended the steps to berate Graham for participating in Ivy's little scheme, but Ivy was already more than bored of this whole affair. "We'd love to stay and chat, but Willy Whale: A New Musical will not be kept waiting! Vive la Revolution and all that. Have fun with the cops! Bye!" As if by prophecy, just as Ivy said this a tired-looking officer and his poised German Shepard dog rolled onto the scene.
That was Ivy's cue to scram.

Wishing she'd brought her roller skates and a pair for her new friend, Ivy was reduced to taking Graham by the arm, stuffing her hard-earned cash into her pockets, and trotting the cobblestone at a quick but easy pace for her more fatigued companion. Truly, she was impressed with his dancing fortitude. It had really helped get them the attention they needed for the operation. Also, Graham was a barrel of laughs and Ivy was glad to spend time with someone new and interesting. It sucked ass that he was a Hartfield kid, though: at this point, who didn't go to Hartfield? The Parish High kids were lame. All of them.

They made way for the Sleeping Hedgehog on the border of the town, not too far off from the square where the town hall sat. Ivy had been only a couple of times. Rarely did she have the money for fancy lattes, and when she did she had a tendency to spend it on more... mature fare. A caramel macchiato was nice, but cheap tequila could go a long way for those seven dollars.

She and Graham picked out the most comfortable table in the place, Ivy appreciating how quiet it was. The whole town must be at that dumb soup kitchen still. Ivy had no idea why that was such a popular choice for how to spend an afternoon, especially when there was a riot supposed to happen. Maybe, if people had rallied behind Mark a little more, there could've been an ACTUAL riot. That would've been more fun. But hey, $75 apiece for her and Graham wasn't too bad of a deal. Graham already knew what he wanted, and Ivy just asked for one of the same because she didn't care much either way. Snacks were nice, but not as nice as company. Ivy promised to cover the blll, since Graham wanted to do actual good with his share for some reason. She guessed he really did care about poor Willy and his cetacean friends.

While she and Graham waited for their celebratory drinks, Ivy idly flipped around on the internet. Played a few levels of Candy Crush, checked up on the time, then scrolled through social media to see what people were saying about the grand little protest they'd just left. It seemed, though, that people had moved on from that topic. Bored, Ivy started picking on whoever she saw online until Isa got angry and threatened to cut off her reward of smokes if Ivy didn't start calling people by their real names. Lame, but Ivy relented.
God, after all this time, Max Berkowitz felt really weird to type out.
Luckily, someone more interesting entered the chat. Ivy's favorite: Veev Blake, the exception to Isa's first-name-basis rule. They immediately started into their usual brutal repartee, dishing out the lowest blows and pithiest put-downs that popped into their boredom-sick little 14-year-old skulls. This continued for a minute or two, Ivy happily tapping her feet under the table as she bounced back and forth with her favorite anti friend.
Evie's next quip popped up on the dash, and Ivy's eyes lit up as she scrolled to the top to read it. This better be good. What would she have to slap back at this ti--
Oh no she didn't.

That little whore really took a stab at the Dawkins crew. There was only one thing in the world Ivy was genuinely sore about-- maybe more, but she didn't consciously make an effort to be aware of those. But you did not bring up her family's surrendering her to foster care.
How did Evie even know about that!? Ivy offhandedly mentioned being in the system a couple of times, but... god, was Evie taking notes!?!? Ivy's nostrils flared, her face blushing pink as she struck her fingers over the screen to deliver the most cutthroat response she could think of.
The thing is, Ivy had been paying close attention to Evie, too. She knew things, and watched what the girl said and implied. Ivy knew Evie's mother was single. She had no clue what the circumstances were, but it didn't matter. If Evie was going for the jugular, so was she.
Her message popped onto the screen.
A few seconds passed.
Evie's page refused to load.
Ivy refreshed the app.

You're blocked. You can't follow or see @Skat8erB0y's Tweets. Learn More

Ivy found herself looking down at her phone with a genuine twinge of pain. Everything had fallen still... she couldn't believe what just happened. It didn't really, did it?
No. That message stuck on her screen like an ugly scar.
Sometimes she forgot shit could have consequences.

At long last, the waitress sidled back to the table with the two decorative cups of hot chocolate. Ivy swilled hers around, trying to find some comfort in the sweet aroma, but found more in turning back to Graham. Graham didn't know, and didn't need to know what the hell just went down. She could just hang with him for the afternoon and forget.
"Cheers, Graham."
After all of this, Ivy was going to need something a little stronger than hot chocolate.

code by valen t.
Nobody said anything. It was mere seconds of silence but still. It may have been the most stressful seconds of her life.

Another exaggeration in complete honesty. She doubted any moment could have been more stressful than that time in cheer practice when she was a flier for the first time.

Falling on the ground hurt like hell. Now she felt like she was falling off of a cliff waiting to see if she’d land on spikes or her bed.

She was sure that Oliver would tell her that if you really fell off a cliff you’d die no matter what you landed on because of impact or something like that. Whatever. Then she’d have to sigh because he was right.

She glanced over at the nerds one more time to see Stu looking at them.Unfortunately it wasn’t her that was the object of his attention. It was Ian.

Why did he look at Ian like that? Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. He gazed at Ian with such focus that it could be clear there was no other option for what was going on. He was a sexual minority wasn’t he?

It was all very clear. He wasn’t looking at her because he didn’t like girls that way. He wanted Ian. But oddly enough that wasn’t extremely discouraging to Ashley. After all she had been convinced she was gay before she realized that she was Bi! Her first crush was a girl wasn’t it? So since sexuality was fluid, maybe she just had to try a bit harder.

The tent in Stu’s pants made it clear he was into one of them. Her? Ian? Both of them? It didn’t particularly matter who he liked now, since she had four years to make the mascot hers.

“Oh! I was going to give Oliver this earlier but I forgot. Maybe you’d like some?” She fished two KitKat’s out of her pocket, handing one to each of them. She cringed a little since they were both slightly melted, but it was the thought that counted right?

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift Dede Dede PenguinFox PenguinFox
MOOD: Pissed. But when is she not?

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Soup kitchen... in the kitchen.
MENTIONS: Ivy Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

INT: Stu, Ian, Ashley, Oliver PenguinFox PenguinFox Dede Dede tamarapasek tamarapasek

TL;DR Evie's sad because Ivy was a bitch, so now she's picking on Stu to make her feel better
I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

This shit was ridiculous.

What the hell did they even want Evie to do? Everyone was always doing everything. People were cooking some kinda dumb food... that smelled really good. A lot of them were setting up chairs, place settings, plastic utensils, trays, plates, literally the whole nine yards.

Grumble, grumble.

This is exactly why Evie had told her mother they should stop to get something to eat. But no, because of shit-face Ivy's weed pen, this was a punishment and it wasn't a fabulous day out. God, if she could wipe off Ivy's trash-whore-bucket eating smirk right off her face she would. So, maybe she was a little more angry than usual at the Russian psychopath. Not that she'd admit it or anything but Evie was a little more than hurt over stupid insults that were said over twitter. Sure, maybe she went a little too far. But it wasn't like she was going to apologize, especially not after the gremlin (who was probably taller than her.) decided to throw back her own insults that hit a little too close to home.

Genevieve pocketed her phone and tied the overly big leather jacket around her hips. There was only so much bagginess she could handle. Evie had her own style and was proud of it, but her dad's jacket proved to be entirely too big for her to even wear normally.

Not to mention the heat in that thing.

She wished she had her own.

It probably wouldn't of felt as comforting as this one though. Oh well, couldn't have it all.

The girl mindlessly roamed around the church, hearing a distinct, high-pitched and overly annoying accent, the girl took in a breathy sigh. Well, there was something that'd cheer her up maybe. "Boys." Evie greeted, walking into the kitchen and stepping between Stu and Ashley.

Ashley, who the girl wasn't all that fond of-- but let's be honest, Evie isn't really fond of anybody.

At least in public.

Look! She was just weird. Evie couldn't tell if she was trying to like... date all the nerds or get knocked up at thirteen. So, maybe she wasn't thirteen. Truth be told-- she's probably older than Evie. Wasn't going to stop what she thought about her though.

Snagging both KitKats Ashley was clearly holding for her newest fascination, the girl hopped onto the counter, already getting to work on unwrapping one before throwing the other towards Oliver.

Yeah, not Stu.

He shouldn't of been a dick that night.

... speaking of that night.

"Ashhhhhhhhhleeyyyyyyy, have you heard about the other night? Y'know, last night, at the beach, where the bathrooms were totally open and free for anyone to use?" Was this cruel? Incredibly so. Was most of it coming from whatever aggravation and hurt she'd bottled up from Ivy's actions and taking her anger out on Stu because he said she wasn't an actual girl?


Ew, these KitKats were kinda melted.

Oh well, she was starving.

Evie took one out, biting a half before she continued. "So, there I was! Minding my own business, and I turn to see Stu! And Stu, you know him and his silliness. And..." Evie put a hand to the side of her mouth, as if she was hiding her words from Ian.

"Nature called-- nonono, nature practically screamed at Stu to let it out right there and then! And the bathroom was just across the beach! Those poor animals, the poor whales that's gonna wash up on that beach and sniff the gross stench that is Stu's bodily fluids."

Evie shook her head, finishing the package of mini KitKats and turning the sink on, leaning her hands over the faucet for a moment, allowing the water to run against her hands and clear her of any gross-chocolated fingers. She glanced around the room searching for a paper towel and when none proved sufficient, she gently yanked Oliver by his shirt and wiped her hands on his booger colored hoodie.

"Anyway, the next thing I knew! He tripped in his own... puddle."

Genevieve patted Oliver on his shoulder in an attempt of a thank you for the towel.


Dorkfuss wasn't that bad.

He only got annoying when he started speaking.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Oy, Vey...

LOCATION: Town Hall -> the Berkowitz Residence
Noemie LooneyLani LooneyLani
Liz PenguinFox PenguinFox

INT: Daniel and Lewis TexasKingPin TexasKingPin

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR So apparently that little son of his is dumber than Joel ever imagined.
Joel Berkowitz

Don't make me recant the Hippocratic Oath

It was that one call no parent ever, ever wants to receive.
"Is that your son locked onto the Town Hall doors?"
"The fire department is there!"
"Someone said it's a protest. Whatever for?"

Joel smacked his hand into his forehead and let out an exasperated groan. So that was what Max was up to last night!? Planning a lock-on against the mayor?

Max hadn't been home since Monday afternoon. The 16-year-old had sent out a clumsily-worded text message at some point in the night saying he was staying with his friend Noemie. Some parents might be suspicious of their son randomly deciding to sleepover with a girl. Not Joel. He knew Max-- all his friends were girls, and as much as he loved the kid... yeah, there was no way Max was confident enough for that. Maybe he just wasn't ready or something. Well, it was probably better that way, after all.

What worried Joel more was that at some point that night Max got suspended from Twitter for violating the "Hate Speech/Harassment" policy, and one of his friends admitted that Max had been acting off because supposedly he hadn't been eating the whole day. Typical, unfortunately.
Max had... some executive functioning issues, to say the least. The boy was smart, Joel could tell, but he was cripplingly disorganized and forgetful. Things like homework, responsibilities, and basic self-care seemed to slip his mind on a daily basis. Therapy would probably be helping more if Max remembered his damn appointments.
Unfortunately, Joel and his wife Rachel couldn't really be there to coach Max through the day. Joel himself was an oncologist, working with patients facing one of the most traumatizing illnesses they'll ever experience, and all too often their last. Rachel was an art teacher at the elementary school, and while she was home more often, she still had late meetings and tutoring sessions, and homework to grade. They were a busy couple, and unfortunately had a son who needed them more often than they could be there for him.

Rachel also worried about some of the kids Max was hanging out with. Isa, a neighbor girl, had a history of delinquent behavior, and while she had always been kind to Max, sometimes the things she did got her banned from visitation privileges. This was one of those times. Apparently, she thought it would be funny to send Max prank threats through an alternate Twitter account. She'd since apologized and evidently taken the account down, but Joel would have to sit down with her mother before she'd be allowed to hang out at the Berkowitz residence again.

But now, the doctor's own son had taken a rebellious turn, it seemed. Now he had to go pick up the dumb kid since the fire department pried him off the doors. Max wasn't hurt, he'd heard, but he hoped those doors weren't damaged at all. Otherwise, Max would be digging deep into his bookstore job savings.

The drive to the town hall was a few minutes. The quiet little hillside neighborhood they lived in was a good distance from Parish Point's downtown area. He found his little dork sat on the concrete steps, head buried in his hands. Max looked just like his father, really... when Joel was younger anyway. The same messy brown hair, skinny frame, and penchant for getting into stupid trouble. He felt for the boy, he really did. But it would be irresponsible parenting to just let this stuff slide.

Joel got out of the car in front of the town hall, just as the officer and the fireman walked back to their cars, and-- did they just kiss? How sweet. Joel was glad the authorities of this town got along so ...intimately, and were able to handle a sticky situation like this one. He smiled warmly, brushing aside the anxiety and embarrassment of having to pick up his son after something so stupid. He waved hello to Max's two friends Noemie and Liz, who'd apparently shown up to support whatever cause brought Max to this dumb idea. With a gentle hand, he shook Max's shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, Max? It's just me." He only started signing once he'd gotten eye contact from his son. He noticed the kid's bright blue eyes were foggy and a little red, deep shadows underneath. It made sense that Max was upset after what had just gone down, but he really didn't look too good. Oy, vey... that kid had gone and gotten himself sick.

"I heard what happened. How long have you been planning to do this?" Max flinched back as if he'd been slapped and didn't answer. That told Joel everything he needed to know: this was another dumb impulsive decision on his son's part. He probably stayed up all night plotting this thing out. "Well, it's time to go. Say goodbye to your friends and get in the car." Having to drive Max home was something Joel was sort of dreading. Max got motion-sick like no one he'd ever met. The 7-minute drive should be okay, but if Max was already getting sick... yeah, this could be bad.

Max didn't say goodbye, though, when he turned back to Liz and Nomi. He brought a hand to his chest and said "I'm sorry."

Once they were home, Rachel Berkowitz was already waiting at the door and wasted no time in letting Max know exactly how much trouble he was in, how furious she was that he'd been out all night with no warning, how embarrassing it was that he'd gotten the police and the fire department involved to wrench him off the doors he got stuck on... poor Max looked close to breaking down. His mother asked if he'd been drinking, and he just looked askance and held his head. Drinking? God, Joel didn't think the boy even had that in him-- shocking, really. Max may be a little reckless, but in his own way, he always did things by the book. Alcohol and drugs, violence, sex... those weren't in Max's vocabulary. Max would later claim it was an accident... what a dumb lie.

Max, clearly still not feeling well, dragged himself off to his messy little plant-filled room and shut the door. Joel could hear him slump down on the bed, then a muffled sob into the pillow. Emotional as ever. Max would always say "I'm fine", or "it's nothing", or "I don't even care", but whenever he thought he was alone the kid would melt. Max probably didn't even know he could be heard like that.

Max was grounded until the weekend, as per Joel's wife. He'd still have school and work and all that, but over the next couple of days, he wouldn't be leaving the house otherwise and would be vigilantly driven to and from. Somehow, though, Joel had a feeling Max would be asking to call out sick in the morning.
Hopefully this time, he'd at least remember to eat while he was home.
Max was a great kid, he really was, but oy... sometimes he was just so stupid.

code by valen t.
still pukey

soup kitchen>thrift store


Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Tatum 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 Colby
juliet everett
Leaving the soup kitchen was more for Tatum than it was for Juliet. Whenever Juliet is feeling sad somewhere, she likes to escape and find something distracting to do to keep her mind off of whatever is making her feel sad. For example, like her shopping addiction? That probably came from constantly running away from her problems and now she can’t help but shop whenever she’s feeling awful. It’s a bad habit to have but at least it’s better than depending on... okay maybe spending money whenever she feels sad is probably not a good thing to do. It would probably lead her to credit card debt, but Juliet will deal with that later. For now, it’s to cheer up Tatum and the only way Juliet knew how is to run away!

Before leaving with Tatum, Juliet ran back into her car to drop off the bag of clothes she was going to give to Oliver. Hopefully he likes them, they might be too girly but at least they’re warm and comfy. Jules had a month of constantly online shopping for baggy sweaters, then she had an influx of them, and now she’s giving some of them away to the half-dead boy. When she came back, Tatum was already in the car and the two went off. Maybe Juliet should have asked where they were going but being hungover as she was, she focused on the road and had air conditioning blowing in her face to prevent her from vomiting out the window. One time, she read a story of how some kid vomited out a window on a school bus. Then, the vomit went around through the windows and hit the other kids who were sitting at the back of the bus. She didn’t want to do that to some unlucky cat who just happened to have their windows down. Also, it’d probably be rude to stain Tatum’s car. Juliet’s mind trailed off to that kind boy giving Tatum a cup of coffee was kind. It made her feel glad she moved here because the kids do seem nice, if they know you. Well, Tatum didn’t really know her and she spent time with her AND drove her. Feeling more nauseous, Juliet shook that thought off and continued focusing on the road. Finally, the two stopped and Juliet found herself in downtown. The hungover girl unbuckled her seatbelt and was getting ready to hop out the car to vomit on the grass, but realized that the sad blonde seemed to be lost in thought.

What should Juliet do? Vomit first and then check in on Tatum? Or check in on Tatum and then vomit? Both options sounded like they would be the quickest way to kill the mood. Or, they’d make Tatum laugh. Okay, but does anyone laugh after seeing somebody vomit? Not Juliet, she’s an empathetic vomiter. She’ll just hold in the vomit and if something comes up, she’ll just swallow it. Bleh. The raven-haired girl leaned over and tapped the blonde on the shoulder, “Do you..wanna thrift?”

If Juliet was sad, she’d like to thrift so therefore it should make Tatum feel better, right? Maybe Juliet was dragging the poor blonde around or maybe she wasn’t but, gosh Tatum just looked really sad. While hunting for a thrift store, Juliet rambled some questions: “If you could tell me who you are in twenty words, what would it be?”

God, she sounds like a freaking guidance counselor. Juliet cleared her throat and awkwardly held up her hands to keep count on her words. “I’ll start: I move around a lot because my parents get bored, then they said they wouldn’t move while I’m a senior.” She grinned, “You’re turn! Actually, if you’re not in the mood, it’s okay.”

They continued to chat or more like Juliet continued to ramble about different things like how her dog, Poncho, is whack or how she’s excited about the thrift store having cute finds. It was okay if Tatum didn’t talk much, if she’s not in the mood then she’s not in the mood and Juliet isn’t going to push that. Well, she is dragging Tatum around downtown. But other than that, she’s not going to push her. Unless Tatum is annoyed by her. Oh geez, I’m overthinking again.. stop! Ooh there’s a cute bomber jacket. Juliet clasped her hand around Tatum’s and walked briskly into the thrift store. Jules grabbed the beige bomber jacket and compared it to Tatum, “This looks super cute on you, you should definitely get this!”

Good thing Juliet didn’t vomit, she forgot about it.. until now.

coded by reveriee

Was that— was she— offering him— Kitkats?

Stu’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and a dimple came to life on his cheek.

‘For. . . for me?’ he said pointing at his chest in a mixture of gratitude and disbelief.

Nobody had ever given him Kitkats before, no one and not in a million years! You could see the glow of happiness on his face. Now the dimple was on his left cheek, now his right. He smiled for so long he had to bite his own lip to make himself stop, and then he was blushing for even longer.

‘Oh. . . thanks— thank you!’

Stu held out his hands reverently like he was about to receive a thing of mystery. They trembled with the raw emotion of the moment. He glanced at Oliver at his side to see if his friend could believe what was happening, that he might partake in the joy of witnessing this rare astronomical event. If Oliver wasn’t there to see it too, Stu would think he was dreaming or hallucinating, and nobody would ever believe it afterwards!

Right at that moment a vulture came out of nowhere and swooped up his gift of KitKats, gobbled it up, and smeared chocolate all over his friend. By the end of it all, Stu’s mouth was left hanging in the shock and grief of a kid who literally had his candy stolen from him.

Oh, and she also told Ashley about what he did at the beach.

Stu couldn’t believe what was happening. He was silent for the most part of it, like his heart had skipped a beat and leapt out of his ribcage. Look, there it was bouncing away on the floor! Genieveneive pulled no punches, went into all the details. All in front of Ashley.

Was he. . . was he crying?

Yes, yes, it’s time to run away. So he did.

tamarapasek tamarapasek Soap Soap Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

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