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Fantasy The Iron Children





On days like this when the sky was a dusty grey people would carry deep colored umbrellas although it would never rain, habit more likely than anything else. It hadn't drizzled or dripped or dropped a single bit of rain in the city in ages, the clouds had been scared off because of the horrible masses of smoke that plumed from nearby factories. The lances around the city had once been sparse fields of green, not a huge amount as it was near but it wasn't like this where every nook of the ground was covered in some sort of pavement whether it was tar or concrete. The people walking past hurried in a false sense alarm that the rain would come but in reality, it was only the factories starting for the day. The edges of the city had a semi-decent view of them and you could almost hear the shrieking of machines as smoke huffed from the large towers in blackened plumes of smoke.
In the dark alleyways, if you would look, there was always some sort of pain, whether it was in the mind or body the alleys radiated it. there were small children with bruises and pointed ears and there were small puddles that bubbled with breath from monsters that shouldn't fit in the small pool too shallow for even a foot. The men and woman and children walked by without a glance at small hands begging for coin and they ignored the fake calls for help that came from empty alleys because nothing good came to those who followed false calls.

But if you ran from the city, it would take days, maybe even weeks depending on how fast you went, you could find the forest that sprung suddenly from the ground that seems to just appear. The forest was the opposite of the city with rain-heavy leaves and bright green and every color of flower you could think of. It was lovely and dangerous and almost seemed alive in its own way. There were girls with silver horns tangled with vines and faeries that watched with large eyes and child-like curiosity. The forest was incredible but when you walked to the forest with intent to hurt, it was ugly, bloodstained teeth, claws sharp enough to cut through metal, and horrors that those who lived through would never speak of. But the forest was lovely and as leaves dripped a scarlet red and small mouths and hands grasping a near-cleaned bone. The forest was like a rose dipped in poison, beautiful but deadly and that's the way it would stay.

So as the world claws and tears with renewed strength the gods and goddesses look down at their pawns and sigh, the queens and kings that once ruled had long ago been cast aside. but their children still walked the earth with bloodied hands and burnt minds.

They spoke as one, a prophecy for the children, one to guide or to doom that was what was to be decided.

The memories are not what they seem, sleep; they lie in wait.

and as their words twisted and broke into nonsense they smiled
The chosen awoke,
eyes open wide all they could see was the color of

A>{Red Roses}
The Sky}
Rusted Steel}
Old Wood}
Dirty Water}
Autumn Leaves}
Worn Paper}

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Oh, man. Look at these choices here.
I'm feeling Rusted Steel or Autumn Leaves right now, but the latter feels best.

You see, the reasoning behind this choice is that Autumn Leaves don't just hit a single color, they hit a bunch of 'em. Red, orange, yellow, and everything in between. If you want to become the color wizard, autumn boy is better than rusty boy in that respect. Waaay better.

I hope you'll consider how significant this might be and help make the autumn boy (or girl) a reality. But if you have a reason for anything else, I'm all ears.
marc122 marc122 Yeah, it's the classic choose-your-own-adventure deal, where each update to the quest provides the results of your majority choices and a new batch of decisions to decide between. They're super easy to get into on the fly. There are a few other quests, mainly the ones updated within this month, that you might also be interested in.

For this quest, I'm pretty sure we're just trying to figure out our character... or, from what I'm seeing, characters. And it all begins with a choice of one of these seven colors.





1 1 2
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Cool air brushed through the leaves above him rustling them playfully, like an invisible force running through them and knocking them astray leaving them to float twirling to the ground like a rain of embers. Taking one from the ground beside him he smiled twirling the stem between his fingers. Footsteps walked towards him with the creaking of old worn leather, looking up, he smiled at his brother they were near perfectly the same with the exception of their eyes. His bright golden met his brothers cherry red "Mom wants you inside" he sighed brushing his silver-white hair behind his pointed ear with a grimace.
laughing he pushed himself off the ground with a smile
"why?" rolling his eyes "did she remember you burning the water-" he cut off with a yelp as his brother tackled him "MOOOOMMMM Sellian is being mean!" he shouted pushing away from him and rolling through the grass.
Huffing loudly Sellian's head shot up with tousled hair, leaves stuck in it looking crazy
"I am NOT! You started it!" he yelled as he scrambled up to his feet and chasing his sibling into the house. "Hey!" he yelped as he slid around a corner nearly knocking into a wall.
"Both of you behave!" their mother's loud voice cut through the air startling them as they slipped and fell onto each other with twin grunts. rounding the corner their mother walked over "What in the world are you two doing?" she asked in a soft voice rubbing the bridge of her nose as her long hair fell over her face, the same color as both of their "come on Sein, Sellian go watch your sisters" looking between the both of them "be good okay?" she spoke softly glancing down the hallway with worried eyes.
"yes, mama" they hummed together before going separate ways Sellian going up the stairs two at a time as Sein took his mothers hands and followed her into the kitchen plopping himself into a wooden chair with a huff.
"Sein" she sighed while shaking her head "you know not to start fights with your brother, especially not inside!" she hissed as she stirred the ground meat in the pan with a frown.
"I'm sorry ma" he mumbled looking at the floor "can I help you with cooking?" he asked looking up with hopeful gold eyes meeting her maroon.
"Wash your hands first" she hummed watching him out of the corner of her eyes "then you can chop the vegetables" she tossed her head towards the counter where a small bowl sat.
"Okay!" he chirped darting over to the sink pulling a chair so he can reach everything.

>------<>------<There are secrets>------<>------<

"Sealia, Sevanna" he chirped pushing into their room to see his two younger sisters playing on the floor with stuffed bears a light purple and blue color.
"Ian! Ian!" they chirped dropping their toys in order to dart over to him with huge smiles. "Play with us?" they asked as they pulled his shirt with small hands.
shaking his head he smiled, dolls was never a fun game for him, "what if I read you guys a story instead" he offered, looking towards the small stack of old books in the corner of their room.
"Yes!" Sealia chirped jumping up and down,
"Read the princess story!" Sevanna sang already sitting ready to listen. "please?"
"Okay, okay!" he laughed at their excitement before walking over and pulling the book off the top, it was the most commonly read out of all of them.
"once upon a time, there was a queen and a king who ruled over a kingdom the color of silver. They had ruled for ages and ages and as they grew old the need for an heir increased. Thier first child was a young girl with hair the color of fire and eyes bright blue. She was a wild child and not what they had wanted at all. they needed a boy! So the young princess with a head of flames was-" he cut off jerking suddenly as there was a crash outside of the room, his head whipping to the door before turning to his sisters who looked scared, faces ashen "Go!" he hissed pushing them towards their bed "both of you hide under there, and don't come out until I say so, okay?" he watched the both of them until they nodded together and he pushed away to stand up and darting towards the door. He opened it slowly and peeked out to make sure the hallway was clear before stepping out.
"Stay away from him!" snarled his mother baring fangs and ears pointed back "Get away!" he froze for a moment before throwing himself down the stairs to see his mother in front of his brother snarling with her arms thrown to the sides.
"Sellian!" his brother cried softly with wide eyes as he shook crouched into a small ball behind his mom as 'He' stood in front of the two of them hands in fists. 'He' was their fake-father only claiming them for publicity in the news and free workers. He was awful and no one noticed anything, or if they did no one cared enough to help them away.
Looking around the kitchen Sellian held back panic as he looked for a way to help his family. there was a phone,'his', on the table, a knife as well.

V they won't listen V
A>{Call 911}
V Maybe V
B>{Attack With Knife}
V What if you come back to an empty house V
C>{Run Away, Get Help}

I was thinking about the decision to choose for a while, and I think I agree. While a drastic action will end up with an even more drastic result, sometimes you just gotta go "fuck this guy, enough is enough" and attack with knife. I'm willing to change my decision if anyone can convince me otherwise.
The police would be too slow to act before I'm killed. I can't run away to get help, otherwise I would be painted as a coward. I guess my only option is to attack with knife.





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His eyes flickered around the room for a moment, just a moment, before falling upon the knife. It was laying on the cutting board a few feet behind ‘him’ it felt and sounded as if the wooden floor creaked with every step he took. It was a moment that seemed like an eternity, to him at the very least it did, as he walked to grab the knife. Once he did he could see with more clarity than before how much his hands shook. Oh, how the world seemed to sway with every step he took towards him, only three. He counted. ‘He’ hadn’t turned to look at him yet, too focused on his mothers yelling to ‘Him’ it must have been very loud but to Sellian it was a buzzing in the back of his head. Like an annoying fly. It was done, faster than he thought it would be, the knife wasn’t dull at all as it cut into the larger man. ‘He’ turned to look at Sellian with the now red knife in his hand.

And Sellian stabbed him again

“Kill him” the voices whispered

And again

“K i l l h i m”

And again

Until his chest was minced meat his last few breaths sounded like he was trying to speak while drowning, which, he supposed he was.

His body was on the ground


R e d

Formed a shapeless pool around him


R e d

Dripped, dripped, dripped from the k n i f e still held in his hand.

His mother’s hand was held over her face as she shook watching her baby dripping with
r e d.

And then they ran.

Its nearly an hour later when he wakes up and he has never seen his brother so scared of him.
His mother seem to be as well but he didn't understand w h y he got rid of the threat, he saved them. he did the right thing. didnt he?
Before he had lost conciousness he had felt proud because that man was bad and he had murt mama before and he did the right thing because he s a v e d them! He saved them.
But his hands were still coated with red, now turning dirty brown from drying, and his mother had handprints of red on her shirt and on her hands and she looked h o r r i b l e the bags under her eyes stood out so much more and she looked like she had been crying.
His sisters, hiding behind mama, looked so t i r e d and he think he heard them asking why they werent alound near him and he didnt know what to do because he did the right thing! He saved them.

and now his mama is scared

and now his brother wont come near him

and now they arent at home and he doesnt know what he did wrong

because he got rid of the wicked man who hurt them, and surely that was the right thing to do.
wasnt it.

his head h u r t like someone was driving nails into his eyes and ears and he wanted to c r y but he didn't.
he sat on the ground and s l e p t hoping this was a nightmare because his mama had to love him. because he did the right thing. because his brother shouldnt be afraid of him and niether should his sisters.

as his eyes fluttered shut he could hear his mama whispering to him.

p o i n t l e s s . m e a n i n g l e s s . w o r d s . . .

>------<>------<The choice was made>------<>------<

The eye that watched him turned away, sometimes looking grim, or,
proud, or, upset. They, if they wanted to, could feel the pain-sadness-worry of his mother or the confused-screaming-fear of his brother and it was Lovely.

And his innocence was beautiful.

And the blood was artistic.

and they smiled as the boy fell asleep in the dark alley because they knew he would grow and become a warrior.

but maybe he wouldn't and that was wonderful

and if they got to see him break, oh how amazing that would be.

the smiles they had didn't fit their faces



and the caused fear with their eye watching the boy and their bodies s h i v e r i n g with delight. teeth showed through the many mouths they had
and their hands, dripping, not keeping shape, stroked the illusion of the boy and in his sleep, he s h o o k.

and they smiled

they smiled

they s m i l e d

and their laughter, deformed as it was, crackled through the air.

and their eye shifted to the next because the boy would need rest, to put his head back onto his body before they continued.

A Stream}
Stuffed elephant}
A Plastic Bag}

Click Here To Open

Whoop! so~ just to clarify this isn't a 'THIS IS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT' spoiler but more, like, info about a few things because one thing I haven't mentioned and another I don't think anyone has noticed!

Okay, first the thing that has never been said, which now that I think about it is multiple things!
1. The writing style might change a few time before I find what fits, how I want the story to read really, so if you can please give feedback it would be lovely!!!!

2. It's not going to be posted, ever, but everyone has a stat page and the choices made change the stats they have! IF CERTAIN THINGS HAPPEN THINGS WILL HAPPEN, so vague I know, these things aren't good like 80% of the time!

3. The story isn't really coming into play yet!!!! once all the characters have been met chapter 2 will start!!!! which is where it starts coming together and stuff!!!

alright onto the next thing

Again if you want to figure this stuff out on your own close this and LOOK CLOSER

If you HAVE noticed this 10/10 its gonna be important later!




!!!Last chance to look away!!!




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There are SECRETS hidden in each page, they don't really MEAN anything much YET but certain times they will give info about the story!!! THEY ARE ONLY IN THE STORY PARTS, not little info things like this, AS THE STORY PROGRESSES IT WILL GET HARDER TO FIND THEM RIGHT NOW IT IS REALLY EASY TO SEE

except for the very first page where you pick the character I made that one harder than I thought it would be. oopsie



With A being the introduction into a serial killer documentary, C being the closest, most convenient comfort, and the other options providing slightly more bizarre paths, B does seem like the go-to here.

This kid deserves to live a good, long life so we really do want to start with B and only B.

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