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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || Monster Hunting RP [OPEN]

Location: Guildhall bar

Percival turned as Anat called after him. He looked surprised to see she had Ramirez’s book in her hands. Had he misplaced it already? How could he be so careless. He took the journal with an embarrassed smile. “Thank you Lady Anat.”

“I apologise for being impertinent. It’s just… I came here to protect the North. It’s my duty to defend its people.” Or it would be someday. He took a breath and sighed. “… but you were right… rushing into battle against an unknown enemy would be foolish.”

“So you’re a Cleric?” Percy curiously asked. He’d assumed Anat was a mage like Meg. “Which Gods do you serve?”

Yonsisac Yonsisac


Location: Guildhall bar

Barry went to prepare Balthazar’s drink, returning soon after with the honeyed mead.

“You want feedin’, yer gonna have ter sign up ter the guild.” Barry explained to the Wizard’s talking dog friend. “We only serve members ‘ere.”

MrMopp MrMopp


Location: Infirmary doors

Beryl stomped after the sad snake. “Seems I’m playing butler this evening.” The Half-orc grumbled as she held open yet another door for Pestle. It was the door to the infirmary. At least she could palm the critter off onto Hannah. The Wood Elf took an interest in weird creatures anyway.

nathanKmcwilliams nathanKmcwilliams
Location: Training Yard

Callan staggered about on the spot, disoriented by the unexpected blow. Understandably, once he’d steadied himself, he was a very angy bird.

“… right. You’ve ‘ad it!” The Siren announced, raising his sword and flying at the rookie, intending to give him a ruddy good hiding.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo
Tobias laughed loudly and started legging it around the yard, vaulting over the weapon racks and dummy as if playing a game of tag, taking opertune times to poke the siren when he was least expecting.
Location: Training Yard

“Stand still… so I can beat the sh*t out of yer!” Callan yelled as he chased after the spritely rookie. Frustratingly, he was tired and encumbered, not to mentioned drunk, so he was always one step behind.

“Grrr!!!” After receiving a fly-by smack on the backside, the Siren finally lost it and angrily lobbed his wooden weapon at Tobias.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo
Tobias took the lobbed weapon to the face with a rather satisfying "KLONK!!!" as he staggered and fell back feet in the air.
Location: Training yard

Callan punched the air in restrained celebration as his hit landed. He took a second to calm down, then confidently swaggered over with a satisfied smirk on his face.

“-can’t even see straight and I still got yer.” The Siren casually boasted. “… you alright?” He asked, offering his hand to Tobias.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo
Toby blinked the stars from his vision and took Callan's hand before pulling him down and pinning him to the floor. "GOTCHA!"
Interaction: Percy Genii Genii
Location: Guildhall

She understood the man, she wanted to save them but with all the time that has passed, it was to late. "I see, i know its sometimes our duty to help those in need...but judging from how the others came and the time, don't think there was much we could do" she said sorrowful as, it hurt knowing lives were in your hands but now there is not much you can do. But there is something she did know, they could help those that still need it and its not to late. "But now its best we focus on helping those who still needed, as we discussed, a village still need help out there as, oddly, there male population vanishes. And surely there is still time to help them." with a more grateful smile as it was not in there power to help the others, but accepting this quest, percy could have matters in his own hands and as a team help the ones in need directly and successfully.

She smiled as percy asked "Yes i am a cleric and mage, My devotion lies with Herne the deity of the woodlands." she said as pulling the holy symbol around her neck, that of a stag, to show. Even do her garments did have holy connotations, none had the specific representation of Herne. She is a cleric to all people's eyes and would aid those who need it, her studies represent that, a professional in zoology and a experienced physician for animals and mythical creatures alike. "I bet you have seen it different ways, but my preferred representation is that of the stag" Smiled mostly proudly at her devotion, she looked at Percy, he might be wearing NOT hic clothes but when he saw him in the pass, his armor showed a lot and was fine aspect "So i imagine you are a knight or something of that nature yes? Your armor did give me that thought" Asking politely....she wondered how good he was in combat really. She has been in combat training and has her fair share of injuries in battle that will never heal properly.
This was gold. Urzoth was going to go back to this memory for years. Callan was running after his chick like a chicken with its head cut off. Having gone flying with him before, they knew how agile the siren could be. He better be sober enough to remember this come morning. Tobias at least certainly will.

When Callan stopped in anger and threw his weapon, Urzoth began heading closer to the two. From the sound of it, he’d used most of his strength in the throw. Was he so drunk he’d forgotten this was a spar? They expected Tobias to be bloody and in need of Hannah, but instead, the little scamp just pulled Callan down to wrestle. Kenai crowed in excitement, but Urzoth frowned. “Be careful there Tobias, head injuries are no joke.” Though at least they didn’t see any blood.
Meg watched the ball of light in awe. The magic caused it to shimmer, but she was sure the light was somehow contained. When Arthy (Arthagus was such a big name for such a little guy) actually tackled it, she realized it was even solid.

Belatedly, she drew her attention back to him with a sheepish smile, “I see you’re a mage.” She began to stack the dishes from everyone’s meals, readying them to take back.
Interactions: Meg (Guildhall)

Lost Echo Lost Echo

When she calls him a mage, Calixto faintly smiles. "It's difficult to explain." He cleared his throat before continuing, "I'm a Nephilim, a child of a Celestial and mortal. My abilities mostly involve healing, but I have a bit of combat magic." He watches as the ball rolls back with Arthy in tow, his pupils widening in pure bliss. Cal watched as she gathered the dishes. He stood up and held out his hands. "Please, allow me to do it. You've seemed troubled as is."
Location: Guildhall Bar

“You’re right…“ Percival agreed, glancing over at the overflowing quest board. There were plenty of people who needed their help in this part of the kingdom, and all were equally just as important. “- we should help the people of Darby first.”

Percival listened as Anat explained her calling and showed him the stag necklace. “My Mother had one just like that. She would talk about Herne often… tell me all the fables.” He smiled softly at the memory.

“A Knight? Not really.” Percy confessed. “-but my mentor was a Knight… Sir Henry. He commissioned the armour for my eighteenth birthday.” He explained with great fondness. The teen was unable to bare the weight of his Father’s plate - for the moment at least, so the knight had gifted him something more suitable.

“I have no magic, but… I am proficient with a sword, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to become a great monster Hunter.” He stated with a modest but sure confidence. “If the wall should fall, I will stand in its place.”

Yonsisac Yonsisac


Location: Yard

Callan hadn’t expected to be thrown and pinned. He coughed in an effort to get his breath back, which turned into a chuckle

His smile instantly dropped as he heard Kenai and Urzoth. He hadn’t noticed they were in the yard. His face reset to its usual hard frown.

“Ged’off me.” The Siren grumbled, giving Tobias a shove.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo Lost Echo Lost Echo
Interactions: Callan, Urzoth, and Tobias
Genii Genii Gwenymoo Gwenymoo Lost Echo Lost Echo

Godefroi was scanning the shelf of her precious beverage collection, trying to figure out which one would be perfect for consumption. Her eyes settled on a bottle of red brandy made by a well-known ale-making company. The ale was said to have magical features thanks to the company hiring mages to boost the flavors of the drink. She didn't know if it was true, as she hadn't gotten the chance to drink it. Godefroi had earned this as a reward for getting rid of a few bandits months back and protecting a stagecoach owned by a wealthy merchant. She gives the bottle a judging look, "Huh. You've been sitting here for a while. Might as well drink it before it goes to waste." She could drink it on the way to the training grounds, and if she runs into Callan, she gets to shove it in his face. So, she strolls out of the room and down the halls towards the training grounds. Next, removing the cork with her teeth and then shoves it in her pants pocket.

When she stepped outside, she withholds a beautiful sight: Callan getting tackled by a Rookie. She starts laughing, approaches the forming group, and gives Callan a cheeky smile. "Hello, Songbird." Her eyes gleamed with mischief, swishing the expensive bottle around to tease him a bit. "I would give you some, but this is for winners." She takes a sip of the bottle, waiting for him to get up, and passes it to him. "I'm only pulling your feathers. Now you get to sulk while drinking the finest of brandies." Her eyes turn to Tobias, giving the Rookie a thumbs up, "Well done, Rookie. Now watch yourself. The grumpy elder might hit you with his cane whatever chance he gets." Talking about Callan, the childish smile plastered on her face.
Location: Guildhall bar

Barry went to prepare Balthazar’s drink, returning soon after with the honeyed mead.

“You want feedin’, yer gonna have ter sign up ter the guild.” Barry explained to the Wizard’s talking dog friend. “We only serve members ‘ere.”
Cricket jerked her head towards the dwarf who just manifested her universe, her head arched back in in curious surprise that she failed to notice someone because of their hight. “Oh!” She blinked. Then laughed. “That’s awkward”.

She was about to ask where to sign up when to old guy next to her with the face-fluff started talking.
The old man analyzed the creature with great curiosity - “In all my years around, I’ve never seen anything remotely like you.”
The little dogs head whipped towards the old man, her gimped ear flopping backwards from the force. He was the center of the universe now. “Hm?” She asked attentively.
He studied her, looking at her from head to hind-foot - “I mean, one that talks. Curious.”
Cricket ginned broadly. She didn’t mind this
examination at all! in fact, this was pretty standard greeting protocol where she came from so she stood up straighter and turned her body a bit so he could get get a better look at her. It was about TIME she met someone with manners around here! “Put in a copper piece and I’ll sing and dance, too!” She laughed. “I’m a Coventinian. We’re talkers”.*

The elderly gentleman tried to identify if there was any sort of magic within that canine - “What is your name?” - the mage asked, very intrigued by her.
Cricket smiled and stuck out a paw for a shake. The claws on it were long and untrimmed for banjo picking, but were far from sharp. “Cricket Swatfly.” She intoduced herself with profesional pomp and pride. “Rambler, Ambler, Beggar, and Bard. Still trying to get that on a business card.” She laughed at her own joke. “How ‘bout you? By the way, LOVE he hat.”

The hat… Something dawned on her that made her ears perk up. “Wait, OHMYCOD,” She gasped. She sniffed the old human up and down searchingly, grabbed his beard and buried her face into it for some intense snuffling, and as if finding what she was looking for to confirm her suspicions (probably the scent of bat guano or lizards eyeballs or some magic crap,) she looked back up at him and beamed. “YOU’RE A 🤩WIZARD 🤩AREN'T YOU!?” Her paws went up to her muzzle, a fan-girling grin stretched from ear to ear, her feet were doing a little happy dance and her tail was wagging a million miles an hour. “Ohmycodohmycodohmycod dude, you have GOT to turn me into a bat! Just for a minute? Pleasepleasepleaseplease! OOOH! Or make me frigg’n tall!”

(* Genii Genii suggested to me that the Island of the Dogfolk might be something that some people have heard of but most think is a tall tale. The race if fairly young, after all, and very few people see them besides the dubiously credible sailors who trade with them. A learned fella like Bal? I’m sure he’s heard something).
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Tobias huffed letting cal get up and rubed his bruised forehead, seems theyd attracted a crowd during their spar. He dusted himself off and gave Urzoth a thumbs up
Ah, good old Godefroi. Someone who was more of an ass than they were. They were about to add their game of duck, duck, goose; when they saw Callan’s face fall. They hadn’t even realized he was smiling until it was gone again. Fuck, it’d looked natural. What was Tobias to him? The rookie had said Callan had left him with supplies and never came back. That story doesn’t add up to the connection the two had. It was as if Tobias really was his pup.

As Godefroi teased the siren, Urzoth neared Tobias, “Tricky of you to do that. Good that you can still move when you’re stunned.” Nodding to the red spot, they continued, “You’d best get that checked by Hannah. As hardheaded as you may be, that was a heavy blow.” It'd be good practice to instill early in him. Their eyes cut to Callan, “Remember I want to talk to you about Marahute Callan, don’t pass out yet.” Obviously, Marahute was fine, but the eagle’s care would be best served by Callan, hence the lie.
Location: Training Yard

Callan got up, looking pretty irritable as Godefroi appeared to rejoice in his defeat. He ignored the woman until she handed him the bottle.

“I’d already knocked him on his arse before you got ‘ere.” The Siren defended. “I’m callin’ it a draw.”

He was about to have a taste of Godefroi’s brandy when Urzoth mentioned they wanted a word. He’d gotten carried away at the bar and forgotten all about it.

“Best we do that now then, ‘cause I’m headed that way.” He said, pushing the bottle into Toby’s hands, the rookie had won after all.

Astrophil Astrophil Gwenymoo Gwenymoo Lost Echo Lost Echo
"Oh uhhh il be ok Ive had worse" tobias grinned flashing his fangs. Before having the bottle shoved at him too. "Oooo" he beamed and sniffed it before downing it.
Urzoth frowned at Tobias’s blase attitude, “That’s stupid of you. Use a healer when you have one, work through it if you don’t.” Still, if his mother hen wasn’t worrying (assuming he was sober enough to remember), they wouldn’t. Turning back to Callan she shrugged, “My room?” they offered, backing out then wheeling inside, assuming he’d follow. “How likely is Tobias to wake up vomiting in the middle of the night from a concussion?” They asked as they traveled up the ramps to the dorms. They'd cover his mess up in private.
Interactions: Callan, Urzoth, and Tobias

Genii Genii Lost Echo Lost Echo Gwenymoo Gwenymoo

Godefroi chuckles, "I'm only teasing you, Songbird. I'm sure you did good and I'm glad that we're getting decent Rookies joining the guild." Giving him a comforting pat on the shoulder, "I'll buy you a tankard whenever you're free." She was lucky enough to witness Tobias down the entire brandy, and yes, she was getting increasingly afraid of the younger generation by the minute. If he doesn't fall flat drunk the next couple of minutes, Godefroi would be heavily concerned. "I didn't expect you to chug the whole damn thing in one go." Mumbling to the Rookie, "Urzoth is right on seeing Hannah. If you suffer a concussion then we'll get punished for it. Mainly Callan. Well," she turns to Callan, "I'm off doing Godefroi things. If Ber asked where I'm at, tell her I'm arm wrestling a dragon." She walks away from the Guildhall, waving goodbye to the group and heads in the direction of the nearest town.
Tobias blinked unevenly "whats a con..con..cusion?" He scratched his head and shrugged...oh...just him now... he didnt even know where the rooms were
Location: Ditching Toby again

“I’ll hold yer to that, Goldie.” Callan said to Godefroi as he put the training swords back in their racks.

He followed after Urzoth, but gave Toby an order before they left, “Go n’ see Hannah!” He called. Even if the rookie was fine, he knew the Wood Elf would do a good job of babysitting him. Callan might have forgotten to say where to find her.

“I think It’d be from the all the booze, but… I wouldn’t worry ‘bout him.” Callan said as he followed Urzoth up the ramp. He was flagging a bit after all the racing around.

“… what’s this all about?” He finally asked once they neared Urzoth’s room.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo Lost Echo Lost Echo
Today with the-” Urzoth stopped grasping the handle, with her eyes up in the middle of the door. Then they started laughing. “It’s…” Clutching their belly, they leaned back and roared with laughter, Kenai joining in. “It’s…Fifi” It took them almost a minute to get under control enough to open their door and welcome the siren inside. They immediately turned, then backed up until they hit the wall, so they could see Callan completely. “That’s brillant. Luck, he’s been good for you.” Shaking their head, their chuckles slowed down. “I needed that.
Still holding a dish, Meg blinked. She was not sure she understood, but “Did you just say you’re half angel?” No wonder Arthy trusted him so fully. Wow. Was she supposed to bow or something? Was that why he was so pretty? Trying to act natural, she commented, “Knowing to heal would be amazing. I know mundane stuff, like stitches and bandages, but to not need any of that…” Then he offered to take the dishes, something that was automatic, from doing it practically every day. “So, is the angelic thing required? Don't worry about it.” She teased with a smile, “You probably haven’t even eaten yourself.

((Sorry for the delay--I thought I'd finished and posted this...but I hadn't. Sorry))

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