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Multiple Settings The Goodfellow Inn [OOC]

I only took a brief cursory glance at the two new cs's. I have to admit, I'm somewhat surprised there's virtually no hard fantasy submission yet. It's not a problem, it just wasn't the vibe I expected.
I only took a brief cursory glance at the two new cs's. I have to admit, I'm somewhat surprised there's virtually no hard fantasy submission yet. It's not a problem, it just wasn't the vibe I expected.
Yeah, since the RP is centered around the Inn rather than any specific plot right now, I wanted to make a flexible character that isn't specifically focused on combat or magic or any particular act. I tried to do something that fit in with the wackiness of a multiverse rest stop, something from outside the scope of what I usually write hehe
I actually originally was planning to do a vampire from a hard fantasy world, but then decided that I’ve played enough vampires in my life. So I then turned to the idea of a person running away from nuclear war. Initially I didn’t know what kind of magic that setting would have, but I eventually decided on genetic mutation as it’s a simple answer. And that’s how I ended up with Darius.
Lol I'm not complaining. 😅 Just genuinely surprised. I somewhat wrote a slight bias toward fantasy despite knowing the nature of the game could include anime worlds, Fandoms, more realistic settings, etc. I guess technically Cora is a Fandom character. But when I say slight bias, I meant I was making the setting suitable to nocturnal creatures (vampires) and those that require daylight. Plus, the inn is ran by Fae.

Then bam, pretty much all science fiction.

Really it's fine, it'll be a nice departure from my more magically inclined games. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Lost Martian Lost Martian Specialist Specialist Hard Boiled Hard Boiled

You guys are in. I've spoken to pretty much all of you at some point, and it's all gucci. Whilst we still await Novie ( November Witch November Witch ) to get their sheet up, I'm going to a bit of a GM introduction here.

Good to meet you guys. I don't think I've played with anyone here before, though I'm pretty sure I've seen Bugga and Specialist around a time or two in discussions. If you've scouted me out and looked at any of my previous games, you'll probably see this game as a pretty big deviation. That's because it is. My normal tendencies are as a lore master and world builder. I love to craft and finely tune highly detailed and immersive settings and environments for my games. From the big scale to small scale, it all synergizes together. I have a lot of fun doing that and I have even more fun working with people one on one to integrate their ideas into those worlds.

That will not really be the case in this game. I have felt for a long time that my character focus and story-driven nature is often overlooked because I make giant wiki-style pages of background lore. So... the natural course of action is to virtually eliminate that. From the outset of this game, I'm doing just about everything I can to make extremely character-forward and create custom stories for the specific characters involved. They may give fruit to a larger plot, but if so, it will be the culmination of the personal ones. This also puts this game in another unique situation: I normally start my games with a clear storyline and "end goal" per se, but that's not really present here. I have story beats and general ideas, but no immediate overarching story. Not yet, at least.

I'll also not have permanent GNPC's (as part of the group, I may use recurring ones) and we'll probably actually exit the Inn and do some multiversal shenanigans eventually. I am pretty transparent as a GM and I value communicating expectations right out of the gate.

Since we're so close to the actual launch of the IC, I want this time do another hallmark of my GM style: attaining feedback and suggestions. If it's not inconvenient to you and you're comfortable with it, I'd like you guys to answer three real quick questions:

1. What are your expectations for an RP? (for this game or in general)

2. What are you hoping to see in the near future for this game? What type of story or plot comes to mind, essentially.

3. How would you like or at least how do you imagine this group of characters being pulled together in a believable way for some reason?

BONUS: Would you rather the first post be a scene-setting post for you to plop your characters into or for me to paint them into a scene organically?​
Super excited for this!

1. In general, I expect RPs to at least always have a "next step". The most common problem I've had in RPs is when GMs have a really cool base concept or starting location/event and then immediately trip out the gate because they didn't plan where the group is going next. Even if the next step is liable to change, I like some certainty that the RP isn't going to grind to a halt once a scene ends.

I expect players to not take themselves or their characters too seriously. I don't like edgelords, I don't like one-man-armies, and I don't like concepts that lack nuance (e.g. a character whose personality is The Good Guy With Morals Who Is Always Right).

I expect healthy OOC communication to bounce ideas off of and build up the RP together. Doesn't have to be a Discord, but I prefer it. I find it extremely difficult to get immersed in an RP without plenty of OOC chatter and brainstorming.

2. As far as motivation for the plot, perhaps some kind of grave threat to the fabric of the multiverse? Assuming the Inn is a kind of meeting point for all of these different universes, it's possible that an event there could prove catastrophic for other dimensions. Something happens in the Inn that has rippling effects in other dimensions that our characters must go remedy. Or perhaps the Inn itself is in danger, threatening to close the links between the universes and severing interaction between countless lifeforms. Or a new, dangerous rift opens up that threatens the other ones. Lots of ideas.

3. I see Io as more of a supporting character, perhaps one who is off screen for extended periods and reappears when the group is in a different location, as per their abilities. This would be within reason of course, but I think having them be kind of transient with questionable motives works with who they are. Io's goals are tempered by that of their host's, but they do have their own stable objectives (which I'm hesitant to reveal right now hehehe). I think Io would be very quick to get on board with more or less any plot just for the heck of it, but I'd of course need to know what plot we're going with. Io is a spectral entity with centuries worth of arcane knowledge, so they could prove quite invaluable on an adventure!

BONUS: Probably the former, it would be fun to pick who Io would be in the scene :p maybe a bartender
I’m glad to see that Darius was accepted. While I’m pretty sure that we have never roleplayed together before, I’m excited to see what stories we can come up with together. I haven’t done a multiverse roleplay in a while, and this one seems pretty different, being more of a simple story rather than having dozens of canon characters just running about.

As far as your questions go, here are my answers:
1. What are your expectations for an RP? (for this game or in general)
I like to see a roleplay that has both an active GM and player base who are discussing the story regularly, coming up with new ideas or subplots by just simply talking. I don’t really have a set post length, as my own can vary wildly in size, but I do ask that you provide enough that I have something to react to and come up with a logical next step. I also like to see character relationships grow organically. While some planning is great, I do like to have some natural developments based on just how we play off of each other in the story.​
2. What are you hoping to see in the near future for this game? What type of story or plot comes to mind, essentially.
While initially I would like us to stay in the inn, fleshing out that setting, I would like to have some multiversal traveling fun. I think this could be really good for the characters who weren’t even aware of other inhabited universes until they arrived at the inn. Also I think we should develop something to work toward, whether that be a mission or objective, or some kind of bad guy to take down. While free for all roleplays are fun for a little bit, eventually I do think they need to gain some kind of focus.​
3. How would you like or at least how do you imagine this group of characters being pulled together in a believable way for some reason?
My idea for the start of the roleplay is that we are all present at the inn, maybe having a few posts each to set the scene, just getting to know the characters. But after that we could start some kind of mini plot, perhaps something happening at the inn that would draw all our characters in. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a fight or anything, it could be as simple as a really interesting character arriving at the inn.​
BONUS: Would you rather the first post be a scene-setting post for you to plop your characters into or for me to paint them into a scene organically?
I generally prefer a GM, whether its myself or someone else, to set the scene with the first post, allowing the players to naturally insert their characters, while providing a little bit of framework to help guide their first posts.​

Hopefully all that makes sense. I’m excited for this roleplay and I am greatly anticipating the first IC post.
Ooo, I see some interesting feedback immediately coming out of the woodworks. I might bounce some ideas back later, keep the discussion going, but I'll wait on most of those until everyone has had a chance to reply that way they get their chance express their unadulterated opinion(s).

There was one topic I think I'll jump the gun on, though. Like I said, I'm transparent, and I want the decision on why I'm approaching the OOC as I am to also be pretty clear. One of my big mantras, you could say, is that I want the actual game we're all invested in to be good and stand alone on its own merits. I've seen plenty of times where games coast along due to friendships or a community before eventually petering out. I don't do that. If I see issues, I'll either try to fix them or make adjustments, but I don't want a game I run to be on what I call "community life support" and because of that, I don't seek to make a social network either on or off site. If I did that, I'd probably just combine all of my roleplays into one massive Discord.

For example, somehow combine Spellsword, Soul Eater: F.A.T.E., and The Goodfellow Inn into one Discord Server I then separate out. I have plenty of friends that don't even RP with me, but instead game with me or have musical interests, that'd probably hop in, too. The thing is... I'm in servers like that? Other people run those friend servers. It's not always my vibe and I feel like it runs the risk of blurring how purpose-driven I am. I think I do my best work when I can compartmentalize my focus.

And, that's really the thing, guys. I want to write something with you guys that's really interesting and engaging. My goal is to make something where everyone is excited not only for their next chance to post in the IC, but to read any post in the IC. Not that I don't value OOC, obviously I'm engaging with everyone here and now, but I want everything to add to the experience without ever bridging over into the realms of distracting. Cliques and friend groups on the site can be problematic sometimes and I am not the type to offer a lot of preferential treatment.

Unless it becomes like super necessary or I do in fact just end up making a large "Paul's RP Server" Discord thing, this game will probably stick to an on-site OOC.
That's fine by me if there's no Discord. I agree that many RP discords devolve into friendship first, RP second, I just find it a bit alienating and restrictive to only have conversations on a reply-by-reply basis OOC. But it won't be an issue, I don't think.
That's fine by me if there's no Discord. I agree that many RP discords devolve into friendship first, RP second, I just find it a bit alienating and restrictive to only have conversations on a reply-by-reply basis OOC. But it won't be an issue, I don't think.

Oh, if that's just the case, you can all just add me as a friend on Discord: sirlespaul

Send me a DM any time you want to chat. =D
1. What are your expectations for an RP? (for this game or in general)

With an RP as freeform as this, I can't say I expect much in the beginning- not that that is a bad thing at all! I myself a quite laid back and am just happy to be able to bring a character into a unique world entirely alien to them, and have them interact organically from there. If trickles of a plot begin to emerge within the setting, with or without GM input, I tend to build around that and ensure communication is met before moving forward if that's what everyone wants to do. Generally for an RP, I do hold a slight expectation that there is something to work toward, but it doesn't have to be an end goal.

2. What are you hoping to see in the near future for this game? What type of story or plot comes to mind, essentially.

From my experience with Multiversal RP's, people have converged on finding a way out of their predicament if not immediately confronted by threats or each others' hubris. Most of my experience with the multiverse setting was through multiple Garry's Mod communities prior to joining RPN. If people weren't focused on finding a way forward, they were either trying to build a community to survive against the horrors that plagued the land (creatures from OTHER universes, other factions, you name it), or each other. I once had a Spartan IV that was very much a leader-type. Tensions boiled over between the authoritarians of the group that hated her and they ended up splintering off and launching attacks on her community that culminated in a massive battle between them. Similarly, characters sharing identical backgrounds were more prone to sticking together- almost all UNSC characters would group up and attempt to build a small outpost to restore some sense of operational cohesion. Combine players wanted to reactivate Combine technology and start imposing their rule over others. Jedi just wanted peace and often served as third-party diplomats between groups, etc.

Since this is different, honestly I'm not holding those expectations to this game. I'm just happy to be along for the ride and seeing what we can make of it. Some direction would be appreciated if people are stuck, but since we're all getting started it shouldn't be much of an issue.

3. How would you like or at least how do you imagine this group of characters being pulled together in a believable way for some reason?

I've been in RP's where people are brought together in a new world through dying and being 'revived' in this new multiverse (in a 'death is not the end' concept), to being forcibly consolidated in one place at the mercy of a malicious entity seeking to rule over all. My speculation for this setting is that, because there's an established link to this place, the mystery would be in the origins of the Inn itself, and why our characters ended up within it instead of someone else. Surely it serves a greater purpose than just being some fantastical hotel for the weary cosmic traveller, no? : )

BONUS: Would you rather the first post be a scene-setting post for you to plop your characters into or for me to paint them into a scene organically?

I'm fine with either, but that second approach sounds intriguing!
So I'm not super active on Discord, so I would prefer to keep OOC over here. I also think that a good, interesting story should be what fuels a roleplay, rather than just goofing with friendship between the players. So story is paramount to me.
1. What are your expectations for an RP? (for this game or in general)
Basically everything you laid out so far is good. Like im pretty easy going so I can go with the flow. Erybody put up solid apps so all goods with the roster

2. What are you hoping to see in the near future for this game? What type of story or plot comes to mind, essentially.
Soooo like when you said the goofy was gunna get like Adventure time levels in my head I instantly went to a mashup between like Guardians of the Galaxy, Narnia and for some reason Neverland. Basically like get in a flying pirate ship, fly through a mirror teleportal, and jump from weird land to wacky land?

3. How would you like or at least how do you imagine this group of characters being pulled together in a believable way for some reason?
Well my charrie is a sweetheart raised in a matriarchal space warrior people's. She kinda dumb too so like I was just gunna fool around and have her go fish outta water in a society and etiquette that is literally alien to her. I mean like c'mon now she is a giant space orc that loves to wear pink and is called 'Sugar' lol. But her main drive to is to go back home to find her sister, the only known (allegedly) surviving family member other than she herself.

Sooooo like maybe they 'The Chosen' and get called to the Inn to meet someone at the terminator where the day meets dark to be knighted as Space Time Power Rangers! BUT! then like a random wormhole swallows them up? Then like along the way unify them with a 'sliver of hope' to make it back home? lame ikr but can't think of one rn lol

BONUS: Would you rather the first post be a scene-setting post for you to plop your characters into or for me to paint them into a scene organically?
I prefer plot one tbh. Hmmm although plot 2 does trim a lot of fat buuuuut idk I like 1 better lol
Now that everyone, sans Novie who can poke and prod me any time, has chimed in, I'll start up some discourse.

When it comes to the bonus question I asked, it doesn't have to be strictly one or the other. I can do a hybrid approach where I "paint in" the characters of those that might like seeing how someone else would integrate them into the immediate scenery of the Inn while leaving options open for those that prefer to react to the scene. In my experience and with how I play, it's not a feat of control or portraying a character in a highly specific way. In fact, I probably wouldn't describe what they're doing in detail as much as I would reference what they're doing so that you (the players) could fill in the gaps. It's all about options and what you're comfortable with.

The topic of things being goofy, zany, etc. has been brought up before and I do want to take a moment to examine that. In context, I was asked if the RP would be closer to Adventure Time or Rick and Morty. I answered with AT for a handful of reasons, but mostly that when I think of Rick and Morty (which I do love btw), I think of these extremely meta, on-the-nose storylines with clear political messages and pointed humor. Adventure Time is a little more lowkey and often has dual messages. In that sense, I stand by my statement. But, if we're talking about vibes, neither are what I have in mind.

Let me walk you through the annals of my mind and inspiration. When I'm thinking of a serious-but-not-serious story that doesn't take itself seriously but still have tense moments, I'm thinking of Samurai Jack, Owl House, maybe even some Gravity Falls. Warhammer 40K is considered a syfy universe cranked up to eleven where the themes go so hard they're basically satire. Given we're not bound to any one theme or power system, I can let us explore whatever I/we feel like and we can make temporary changes that *poof* go away if we end up not liking them. Character changes and growth that are permanent will be the ones we like.

Now, given we're talking about science fiction, let me run you through some of the styles and aesthetics I love that we might end up seeing, even if only briefly. Think Disney's Treasure Planet, Atlantis, and y'know what? Yeah. Guardians of the Galaxy.

With all that said, consider this: I brought up the idea of the less serious plotlines to make sure the interested players were aware I wasn't going to make this a takes-itself-seriously game again. There will probably be times when the themes are dark, cynical, or realistic, but it's not going to be all the time. One of the things I'm looking forward to with a multiverse-style game is that I can show you guys multiple atmospheres and world designs that are starkly different, but make sense because they're literally not the same world.

Hard break for the next thing because I saw two plot elements that I'd like to address: the Chosen Ones vibes and the save the world storyline. Right out the gate, while the stakes will probably grow, I doubt the scope of this game will ever go as far as "save the multiverse" or the group being some super special set of people. In fact, I want to play with the idea of them just being the average albeit random sort that the Inn attracts in a world full of chaotic coincidence.

Now some ideas I saw I'm more open to is investigating the origins of the Inn or perhaps getting lost in a random universe and needing to somehow get back to the Inn and/or universe-hop to eventually get back to their home universe, lest be stranded in a random, probably highly dangerous universe. Those are ideas I'll work with. Because, in my head, the origins of the Inn are much like the Joker: multiple choice. Figuring out the mystery only for it to be immediately contradicted sounds beautiful to me if executed well. And, getting back to the Inn from a separate universe sounds like the type of team-building endeavor that makes a group stick around for a while.

I'm also not looking to do the whole Isekai storyline thing. It's so overdone now that I think finding literally any other reason to universe hop, including a literal taxi service, would be more interesting.

In any case, I think slightly smaller, more focused stories will give a better chance to tailor them to the characters. Any one can save the world with enough plot armor.

So, yeah, I do think we'll need to build in some focus for the group, but I want to avoid that focus growing into the standard "save the world" trope. I think there are still a million good ideas we can pull from that.
Let me walk you through the annals of my mind and inspiration. When I'm thinking of a serious-but-not-serious story that doesn't take itself seriously but still have tense moments, I'm thinking of Samurai Jack, Owl House, maybe even some Gravity Falls. Warhammer 40K is considered a syfy universe cranked up to eleven where the themes go so hard they're basically satire. Given we're not bound to any one theme or power system, I can let us explore whatever I/we feel like and we can make temporary changes that *poof* go away if we end up not liking them. Character changes and growth that are permanent will be the ones we like.

In any case, I think slightly smaller, more focused stories will give a better chance to tailor them to the characters. Any one can save the world with enough plot armor.

So, yeah, I do think we'll need to build in some focus for the group, but I want to avoid that focus growing into the standard "save the world" trope. I think there are still a million good ideas we can pull from that.
Wanted to single out these lines to say that, I concur! Warhammer is.. insane, both subjectively and objectively- and the absurdity of some situations could actually make for an intricate subplot if done well. Could it be done? Sure. Should it? Probably not. At least, not for the scope of focus like this Inn setting- until that dimensional travel threshold is crossed to another plane however temporarily.

I agree that the Chosen One/Save World motif is overdone and actually can lose the core focus quicker than motivating players to build toward the endgame- because once the world is saved, what then when there's so much else to explore?

I also can't agree more that character change is paramount to success. Trauma, love, loss, hope, success, defeat, triumph is all immeasurably important to a character's individual series of events and how it shapes their personality as much as it does their interaction with the story and environment. Taking a high tier special forces operator and bringing them into the Inn as if for the universe to say "Shuddap, have a KitKat and take a break," is pretty damn hysterical- because it forces them to adapt without explicitly being told to do so. There'll be resistance, perhaps even answering the hero's call specifically out of spite or a way to get back, but for the moment they're stuck there and there's nothing they can do except go forward- since curiosity of the unknown serves as its own driving force. Wherever we go, I'm sure it'll be a fun ride.
I would love to do a story that wasn’t just save the world. I think with the multiverse setting we could come up with so many more varied story lines then that. While I do like the worlds I created for Darius’s back story, I also want to have a good time traveling to crazy other worlds, organically coming up with plot as our characters just come across strange things.
My intention is to start the IC either tomorrow or Tuesday. We may have 1-2 people still joining us through the first round of posting, we'll see, but I myself am a bit tired of the wait.
Gotcha. Just poking and prodding. Curious to see how people set up their intro posts. XD I have a half-dozen ideas for how to proceed afterwards, but which one works best will probably come down to the start-state of the game.
K like sooooo weird. I din't get notif but I just saw my name in the op. Idk what happened but k anywaaaaays I don't have time today or tmrw so like post up this weekend then.

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