The Goldenview Alliance

The DoomyFish

The Avatar of the world soul.
The city, as painted by a veteran of the last war and is just now ___.jpg

Here in the city of goldenview the people bustle around as if the apocalypse were not going on outside the walls. Guards were positioned at every entrance, and exit to the city, and at nearly every public area. Magic has been deemed illegal within the city on account of the energys attracting demons. Here the five remaining kings of the mortal world have gathered and sent out a message to the far corners of the globe.

"The world falls, those with the power to fight come and do so, this is the last opportunity we will have to stand as one powerful unit, the world depends on your answer."

the letters were mass produced and sent out by the thousands. Now the kings wait in the goldenview for the heroes to come and save them...
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Aegon Calderan

The young knight was only a few days travel from GoldenView when the letters went out. So it wasn't very long before he and his horse Faraday began seeing the glistening gold of the rooftops. In the midst of the glorious city stood the Monolith, the greatest fortress palace Ever built by man. It had stood the test of time for more than 2000 years and seemed to be the final bastion of hope.


As he rode and the roads to goldenview began to merge the traffic became heavier. It was a sea of people around the gate that caught his attention, there must've been hundreds of thousands of people gathered there the crowd extending out for four miles around the gate, they were jammed shoulder to shoulder leaving no room to pass.

"there has to be a better way in" he said halting faraday and looking around for a break in the crowd but with no luck. Digging his heels in he rode around to eastern gate to find much of the same. "A crowd this size will take days or even weeks to disperse, perhaps the river can lead me to the harbor." he said digging in his heels into faradays side sending him galloping forward towards the Mead River Tavern. Which neighbored the saw mill across the river.
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✵ Rosalee Teera ✵

Rosalee woke up in her chambers as usual. The light from her window was blinding to her waking eyes but happiness that nothing more had happened through-out the night. She did her usual morning exercise of push-ups, lunges, and head-ups before dressing herself in her day time attire. A loose tight turtle neck blouse with elegant black trousers tucked into what most would perceive as blacksmiths boots. She exited out of her room walking down the corridors before meeting her mother and father for breakfast. "Good morning, mother, father do you fare well?" Rosalee was always polite to her parents. They had kept her safe and taught her much, conversing for most of the morning over drink and food it was time for Rosalee to depart out into the city, that was until her mother pulled her aside. "You must control it remember. Magic is what attracts them." Rosalee nodded, her father didn't know of the power she possessed and neither her or her mother intended on telling him. Rosalee headed out of the large doors, before walking to the hall where those who received letters could great themselves and make themselves known.

She took her place in the largest seat in the middle of a long table, to her right and left she found her father loyal advisory but even still her father was never far. He had given her this job in the hope she would pick the appropriate people for the right task. One man stood forth and passed the latter to Rosalee, she smiled to him as she did to anyone and everyone within the Kingdom. "Welcome to Goldenview sir. We thankyou for coming to us at this grave time, I hope the travel wasn't too-..  that you got here safe." Struggling with how to work what they world was truly like, she asked him for his skills and assigned him to the blacksmiths were he would help prepare and make the armour for those who would fight. And so, Rosalees day began.

(Hope this is okay, wasn't sure where to start >.<)
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Ghile De Bas


Bas found himself among the crowd pouring into the grand city before him, however he felt out of place to some extent; As his eyes wandered from soul to soul in the massive crowd, he saw not much of a warrior to behold. Just a sea of your everyday folk, his gaze shifted down to the letter he'd received. "Those with power." The simple statement went through his mind as he glanced back around the crowd, his hazel eyes glaring through the helm. How many of these people truly held some kind of prowess in combat, how many of them knew the rush of taking another man's life? However his  thoughts were soon cut off, being shoved slightly forward as the man before him was issued. His eyes peered around the crowd now for the most part behind him, those infront had already been assigned a task he'd assume. A long table caught his attention, a woman sitting at its crest, two men within her arms reach. He didn't  speak, but simply kept inspecting the room around him, the stone walls, the cobblestone walkway beneath his feet. He felt somewhat trapped, almost like an animal being lured into what would be its cage for the next several years.

He shook the feeling quickly, inspecting the woman once over. His gaze being somewhat protected by the steel of his helm. She seemed young, perhaps one of the men nearby was a guardian; But what kept Bas's attention was the slight copper tone of the woman's hair, it drew in his gaze like a moth to the flame. Her green eyes reminding him of the fields that he once called home. He let out a slight grunt, still feeling uneasy about the entire event unfolding before him, but he was none the less ready to get this done and over with.

Sir Balmond Calderan.

6 days ago...


as the town around him fell into chaos Balmonds path was very straightforward. Based on what he knew of the hellmaws and the dimensional convergence he knew he had very little time before the town fell into disarray, minutes at the most. So he Walked quickly to the stables. The horse owner immediately began to tell of prices and bargains on the beasts of burden. Before the poor soul could finish his pitch though the dreadknight cleaved the man in twine, he had no time for speaking. Mounting one of the horses he began to ride and not a moment too soon it seemed as the town fell into the abyss behind him and lesser demons took to the air. A few flew at him but an axe swing and two bolts of his greenish dark energy ended them quickly. "and yet more land falls why are the heroes of this era so apathetic, Garrot would've already ended this ridiculousness."

he said with a sneer as he rode.

coming across a royal courier from goldenview made him pause however that was mighty far from here, so what was he doing. Rather than question the man he simply blasted him off his horse and raided his belongings. There he found the letter.


Present day.

After a long ride to goldenview the dreadknight dismounted. The large crowd of people drew a grimace beneath his helm. Walking forward he began shoving people over moving towards the gate. Many who saw him cowered in fear backing away from the dreadknight while still many others glared at him with fury. But he marched on debating in his mind whether or not he was really gonna go trough with this...
✵ Rosalee Teera ✵

Rosalee continued on assigning who would go where and who wouldn't. She didn't wish to disappoint her father, nor' the kingdom. Her people were everything to her, they were the life, the sun and the land. Few came up which she believed would be good enough to fight amongst the army. She need strong willed people, those with skills that could be made into perfection beyond belief. But she was scared, the amount of loss that had already occurred may be heavy to bare, but the loss that may come even sooner could be the end to her beating heart. "Next in line please." Rosalee continued on with a smile looking to the next person. She held out her hand for the letter he should have, but her brows furrowed slightly seeing that the gentleman was wearing a helmet. "Please remove you're helmet when speaking, it will make all of this much easier. And I like to see the man behind the mask." She smiled to him warmly, not meaning to be rude or demanding. Rosalee had to be sure that the right people were chosen. Her advisory around her began to speak to one another behind her watching the man in-front of her with caution. 

Ghille De Bas


His hazel eyes peered from below the mask toward the woman's smile, following soon to her hand. His hands clasp a pouch on his belt, soon pulling the letter from its depths, he'd place it in her hand softly. But it wasn't until her gentle voice hit his ears that he let out a sigh. His hands moved upwards to his helmet and around to the back of his neck, undoing the clasp of the chainmail; He removed the helmet, placing it on the end of the table that rest in front of his prodigious frame. By some means he might have been an attractive man in his younger days, but all that was left now was the aftermath of war. Long red hair coming down to about the mans shoulders, contrasting against his hazel eyes which watched the woman carefully, shifting soon to one of the men nearby. His face was ladened with scars which turned like roots, branching across the mans jawline. To which part of the skin on the mans jaw was missing; A glasglow smile now showing part of his jaw on the righthand side of his face. He spoke up "My apologies ma'am, I mean not offend, but I'd prefer if I left the helmet on." He seemed somewhat, sunken about how mangled his appearance was, but none the less he waited patiently for the woman's verdict.
 What was he doing.  What was he doing. He was doing just fine out there, on his own...but that was why he was here. Being alone was so...dull.

 So here he was, looking about the ocean of people. It was vast, and varied, like the true sea. But this was a call to arms. Many people in this crowd were looking for safety...but this was pribably the most dangerous place in the country. So many people. So many...lives...the demons will come...

 The thought of those...things coming here. The memory of those he had already seen...a frown adorned his lips, a hand running across his forehead to nurse he quick coming migraine.

 Shifting up,he barely heard the conversation between the knight and woman. was a start atleast...
"I said you're commig with us." A burly sounding voice raised above a small part of the crowd, followed by a smooth, experienced, sultry female voice.

"And again I'll ask what for!" White hair shimmered in the sun, and purple eyes glaring at the guard. Clutched in one hand, a package covered in brown paper, tied together with some twine. The perfect size for a book and maybet some coth. In the other, a short cerimonal looking staff.

"Magic is forbidden! You've been seen doing magic you difry knife-ear!" The man said, near shouting at the girl obviously much younger than him. But nobody decided to step to her defense. 

"I've done no such thing within your city limits you old sod! Now leave me be!" She returned, the young elf woman said, taking a step forward.

Seemingly without hesitating,  the guard drew his sword and knocked her down, causeibg her to land hard and drop what was in her hands. She quickly scurried to grab them again, once on her feet; she held the paackage and her staff close to her chest.

"Let that be a lesson you filthy, knife eared whore. One more word ye be doing magic, and your arse is as good as dead," He growled, before sheathing his sword and walking away, his charges following after. 

Lia sighed, gaining her feet, and brushing the dirst off her butt, before continuing on her way. This little elf had big plans, subconsciously patting the letter secured on top of the wrapped package, held down by twine. Big plans indeed.
 Why were people shouting, why were they shouting!? Midas couldnt help but growl, looking toward the commotion. An elf,with hair near as pristine as his, had been thrown out. Magic...a necessary evil...but he couldnt help but say something...

 "Do you really think throwing her out will do any good?magic doesnt just disappear. The amount of people here...this is a beacon to anything that can sense it. One elf isnt gonna change that..."

 Probably not the best choice if words, pointing out that threat. But it was true. He also knew magic abit more than most...
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✵ Rosalee Teera ✵

Rosalee looked up the letter in-front of her after taking it from his hands. Her face didn't hold much of an expression as she looked over his and took in each and every marking. She stood herself up and bowed to him with respect. "Welcome to the city of Goldenview." She smiled to him showing no fear to what his face held, understanding people and their troubles was one of Rosalees top points. Never wanting to shun anyone, size, shape or their history away from a place that needed them more than ever. She sat herself back down, picking up her quill she began to write a few things down again. "You may put it back on if you wish, we understand and respect your wishes. Now I don't think I need ask you any questions, you'll do just fine fighting with us. I hope I am able to lead you well and you serve us well." Her smile remained as she looked up to him, a glint of hope shined in her eyes as she knew things were beginning. 

"My name is Princess Rosalee Teera, I welcome you to our army."
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Aegon Calderan.


the young knight made it to the tavern in good time finding it to be packed as well. He managed to get his horse a stall though. Leaving to the deck beside the rive he began to take off his armor and wrap it up in a leather cloak which he tied to his back. Many ladies on the dock blushed as the knight stripped down to only his undergarments, despite the scars that adorned his back and chest his body seemed to be the pinnacle of human conditioning. Finally he tied his long blood red hair in a knot.

he stepped towards the edge of the dock when a furious looking man approached him in armor. "young man what are you doing, there are women present, my wife and daughter shouldn't have to see a man strip as they eat." looking around for support the man found plenty of fathers and husbands who were looking at him angrily, but none of the ladies seemed able to wipe their smile off of their face. Adorning his face with a grin of his own Aegon removed his breeches letting the last bit of imagination as to his figure fall away. Tossing the breeches to the mans wife.

"perhaps if you took better care of your wife she would not now have such a light in her eye." the man stepped forward to react by Aegon lept into the river with his armor and sword, thanking the heavens that the water was warm. The currents carried him away at an alarming rate. And just as he thought the river went to the Iron grate under the wall. With a quick swipe of gridix the bars were removed and the naked knight flowed into the city. Scrambling towards the edge of the channel he scurried into an ally way to dress himself. His mother would've scolded him for his antics but he liked to think his father would've laughed with him.

"And now to find who sent me that letter."

he said wandering into the city towards the palace.

(open for interaction)


Sir Balmond Calderan


As the dreadknight kept on plowing through the crowd many grew furious with him. The sounds of steel being drawn echoed throughout the crowd. But just as quickly as the men's tempers flared, the were snuffed out. A blast of green energy from balmonds hand tore the man who drew his sword into smoldering pieces causing the courage of the others to fade.

"Come now surely that's not all the bravery you have, if so then you poor sods will only be demon fodder"

the wicked man guffawed in laughter as he proceeded to the desk the princess sat. Men woman and children now scrambling to remove themselves from his path. "Good day princess"

balmond said with feigned politeness. He know she would recognize him. After all he had spent the last twelve years attacking goldenview, this monster of a man was responsible for the deaths of over 120,000 guards, soldiers , and heroes of the glorious city over the years.

" I believe this is yours."

he said handing the bloodstained letter to the princess, and making a point to invade the knight who was at the tables personal space.

(causing a scene at the gate)
 The white haired male gave a grumble when he was ignored, moving to say more. But he was cut off by a small exlposion, and the raining remains of the victem. Turning, he watched as a mountain of a man cackled, before marching on to the table, adressing the woman. 

 This was what he was afraid of. Sometimes the monsters arent just demons...

 A small orb nailed the helmet of the corrupted knight, mostlikely mistakened for a stone, as the smaller, frail looking man stepped forward.

 "Oi. I think you should clean this up. Not many of us care to walk through a corpse..."


Sir Balmond Calderan


The Orb stuck Balmond and he grinned beneath his helmet. Perhaps they did have more courage. Then he heard the man suggesting he clean up the bits of The once bold man. "If you don't want to walk through corpses then by all means clean it up yourself." he said this over his shoulder not even bothering to turn to face him.

"But if you'd rather be a part of the mess feel free to prattle on, I'm sure eventually you can find a nerve to strike."





The man suvked on his teeth for a moment, and sighed."a pompous coward with to much power to handle. This should be fun. So what was the mans crime. Step on your boots? Or was that just compensation for the lay you havent had. Maybe your just to pent up. People get aggrivated when they dont releive themselves. Or maybe your tired of your own stench. That armor can't breath to well... but alas. Your likely able to kill quiet afew of us. So why are you here?wouldnt you be better off planning to raid us?"

Sir Balmond Calderan


"your too kind..." balmond said turning to face the man who spoke to him. "if you must know his crime was raising his weapon at me, and i am not here to kill this little Band of Humans. I am here to take this planet back from the demons so that I may resume its conquest, you'd be wise to count your blessings...I could likely join the Hellspawn if I so wished." he liked this man few were so bold to speak to him in such a manner. Perhaps another day the two could do battle.

"So could I. So could he, and he" the man geastured."you speak with intellect. So you know, sometimes the worst demons are the people you work with. I really dint care how strong you are. I would take someone who has never fought, but will never betray me, before i take a warrior with a hidden dagger for me"

 He gave a sigh, examining his hands."so, the way i see it, any blessings from a traitor will likely end as a curse..."

Sir Balmond Calderan


Balmond laughed at the mans Words. "Well then your Solution is obvious, ally yourself with the weaklings and march, You make a mistake in thinking I am here to Help you all." he spoke up Louder so the others around could hear as well. "Marching against those hordes and trying to fight them off is a fools errand. You only delay the inevitable, these Gates originate from the pit, I will Stop them and Any who wish to help me may do so, but this city won't hold forever." looking back at the man who spoke before he addressed him alone. "The knife at your back will never be as deadly as the hellfire on your backside, If you would choose a cur who would die easily, over a warrior who may or may not betray you, then you show how ill prepared

you are to fight these beasts." balmond turned back to the desk leaving his words to be repeated through the crowd as those gathered began to lose hope In their safety there.

(give it some more time for @Mycoid
✵ Rosalee Teera ✵

(Not sure when @Mycoid is gonna be on, so I'll post this >.<)

Rosalee continued on with her work before she heard the voice approach her. The bloody letter laid onto the table in-front she dare not to look up as she took it into her hand. Her emotions were welling up inside. As if water trying to move through a blocked cave, each little drip put more pressure onto the stones that prevented the soon explosion of emotions. Her fist clenched the letter into her hand before her eyes met with Balmonds, her spine froze in fear. She knew this, this, this person. What he had done and all the terror he had caused for her people. But there must have been a reason for him being here. Would such a person come to a place like this if they did not wish to truly help? She supposed time would only tell. Unable to speak for a moment, not knowing what words to say in what correct order, the princess and her advisers stay quiet before she looked over to one of her sergeants leaning against the wall in the shadows of the sun light. He knew then she needed help with this and stood by her side, but he had the up-most confidence that Rosalee could handle this. For one day, she really will have to. And that day is today. 

That was until one brave soul stood up and spoke out before she had the chance. Her emerald eyes glanced towards Balmond in fear of what he may do, but then it finally sank in. He had committed more crimes than anyone she had known, he had committed a crime right in-front of her and she could not use he powers against him. Perhaps one day, she may be able to fight herself, but the power of magic in the city had been forbidden. The pit of her stomach sank, as the sergeant whispered into her ear. "Confidence. You know this man, and his crimes as well as I do. But there may not be anything we can do about that now. Speak, your words are your power as of now."  A simplistic nod soon followed from Rosalee. The need to act was now before any other lives were taken, not only by the demons but as Midas had said, some were monsters in the city already. The time was now. She stood up quick but making a large amount of nose as the chair she was sat on pushed back. "That is enough!" Her voice rose like fire in a forest. Stern and aggravated she clenched her fist to keep her emotions in check. Slowly she began to walk around the table while speaking to the people within the city.

"You all know why you are here today. Because you are the lucky ones to be alive. You also know why you are here right now, in-font of me. My father sent out letters all over the land looking for those with courage, strength and the power to help themselves and the people around them. We have been taken down by the demons and devils around us, we do not need to turn on each other like dogs fighting for meat. I was given the task to assign you to the appropriate stations of your skills and experience, but I am also the heir to this throne and will not stand for this behaviour within this city."
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James sits in the woods waiting for the crowd to die down since walking towards a crowd with two hell hounds is a perfect way to get run through since everyone is jumpy currently.

He hums a small song.
As he left the ally, Lia accidentally bumped into the knight. Dropping her package along with a new pair of white sandles, and elf sighed. Bending over to pick up her things, before looking up at the knight. "Sorry."


Aegon Calderan


Leaving the alleyway Aegon was focused on looking to the sky thanking the gods that he wasn't seen. His thankful prayers were interrupted however when an elf bumped into him.

Though he was a sturdy man, he hadn't expected to literally bump into someone. Avoiding steping on the persons hand he fell in a very ungraceful way his chin meeting the pavement with his backside in the air He was going to get irritated and lecture the pot sod who had bumped into him but as he rose he found himself speechless in the face of the beautiful elf before him. After a few awkward seconds of staring he spoke. "its ok...i should be watching where I'm going." regaining his composure the knight rose. "and who might you be if you don't mind my asking?"

he asked helping her to gather her things. The poor boy was obviously mesmerized, it would take a fool not to notice.

She smiled warmly, "It's okay!" She notcied his staring and his general put of sorts, but this was something she was use to. There were only a few snow elfs in these parts, so many didn't know what they looked like. Far more attractive than a normal elf, human, and even some sirens. "I'm Lia Nightwind, it's nice to meet you!"

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He wanted to say more, truely he did, but he couldnt bring himself to.  The princess was right. If they couldnt even stand together, they wouldnt help much.

 "Apologies...princess. i was out of line. Forgive me..." he sighed,shifting the bag that rested on his shoulder. "Your here to assign us...where would you like us to go?"
She smiled warmly, "It's okay!" She notcied his staring and his general put of sorts, but this was something she was use to. There were only a few snow elfs in these parts, so many didn't know what they looked like. Far more attractive than a normal elf, human, and even some sirens. "I'm Lia Nightwind, it's nice to meet you!"


Lyla's communication crystal began to vibrate and pulsate a purple light. Someone was calling.

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