The Federated Colonies: Lore


The Provisional Government of the Federated Colonies
Die Provisorische Regierung der Föderierten Kolonien

"Einheit, Freiheit, und Gleichheit!"
"Unity, Freedom, and Equality!"

The Federated Colonies (Colonial Standard: Die Föderierte Kolonien
), also known by their old name, the Colonial Federation (CS: Der Koloniale Bund), officially the Colonial Federal State (CS: Der Koloniale Bundesstaat), also the Colonial Federal Republic (CS: Die Koloniale Bundesrepublik), colloquially the Colonies(CS: die Kolonien), with the common name for their current government being: "the Provisional Government of the Federated Colonies (CS: Die Provisorische Regierung der Föderierten Kolonien), abbreviated as ProvGov in GS or ProReg in CS, are a Federal Parliamentary Republic, composed of around 250 million worlds that have ratified the Federal Articles of Colonization, mainly centered in the Milky Way, with the capital on the word of Venyron. The Federated Colonies were created in the chaos of the Secession Wars, when the original 1 million worlds ratified the Articles that marked their secession from the Terran controlled Human Colonial Alliance. While a large part of their population is human, the Federated Colonies are one of the most racially diverse states of the known universe. Throughout their history, the Colonies have gained their reputation as one of the most liberal and democratic states, and also as one of the most militarized. Even if the Federated Colonies have experienced a decline in the last century, plagued by problems like rebellions, extremism, xenophobia, corruption, and a general exhaustion of their institutions, they are still a beacon of light and hope in this dark universe.

The weakening of the Colonies caused by the effort they had to make during the Second Great War allowed the Axiom Church, led by Cardinal to lead a coup d'etat, which recreated the Human Colonial Alliance from parts of the former Colonies. The loyalist forces were reunited by the creation of the Provisional Government, on the 1st of December 3176 after the Human Standard Calendar, or Anno Coloniae 526. Although weakened by the war with the new HCA, the Colonies remain a strong nation, and the Armistice that is about to be signed will give them a time to recover. But what will the Federal Republic do, when it is faced with instability both on the inside, and on the outside? That remains to be seen, but the Colonials will continue to protect their ideals and freedoms.
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Official Name: The Federated Colonies (Colonial Standard: Die Föderierte Kolonien), also known by their old name, the Colonial Federation(CS: Der Koloniale Bund), officially the Colonial Federal State(CS: Der Koloniale Bundesstaat), also the Colonial Federal Republic( CS: Die Koloniale Bundesrepublik), colloquially the Colonies(CS: die Kolonien). The common name for the current government is "the Provisional Government of the Federated Colonies (CS: Die Provisorische Regierung der Föderierten Kolonien), abbreviated as ProvGov in GS or ProReg in CS.

Demonym: Colonial(CS: Kolonial), also sometimes Federal(CS:Föderal)

Government Type: Federal Parliamentary Republic

Leader(s): To be revealed ICly. Currently, the main three leaders are the Federal President(CS:Bundespräsident), the Chancellor(CS:Bundeskanzlerin), and the Inspector General of the Colonial Armed Forces (CS: Generalinspekteur der Kolonialen Streitkräften)

Galaxy: The Milky Way

Territory: Difficult to say. Mainly centered around the Centaurus and the Norma Arm, on the opposite side of the Galactic Center from Sol.

Number of Systems: Around 250 million systems, yes.

Influence Rank: 4

Capital World: Venyron
Population by Race: Around 3.5 quintilion, from which 1.5 quintillion are humans, the rest being formed by countless alien races. The population is mainly centered in the so called Central Colonies, and the most populated planet is ironically, the abandoned Xalion.

Technology Rank:8.6

FTL Travel:Colonial Faster-than-Light Jump Drives. Also commonly known as ShockJump Drives.
The technology behind Colonial FTL systems is such that, providing the relevant data is known, ships can jump with a high degree of accuracy, allowing ships to rendezvous in space and even "park" in a synchronous orbit directly above a given point on a planet's surface. Advanced FTL drives even enable ships to arrive in crowded areas, such as the middle of an asteroid field or other ships, without the risk of collision and damage.The drives are based on the use of Superstring Theory and M-Theory that essentially enable the "jump drive" systems to "fold" space, reducing the distance between any two points by creating a "corridor" through space that links them together. The ability to process that data is dependent from the computing capacity of the ship using it. At least in theory, the Colonial FTL drives should not have any range limits, but the capacity of the computers limits it considerably. Even the most advanced Acruani AI's would stop at a certain point, where the calculation involving the data contains too many errors. Practically speaking the further one attempts to Jump, the calculations involved become more complicated, and the variables that have to be taken into equation increase. All computer systems known will stop at a certain time, where the number of errors is too high for the jump to be considered safe, that is the so called Red Line, an an imaginary sphere enclosing a vessel which denotes the maximum safe limit for an FTL jump.

The other limit of Colonial FTL Drives is the energy. Colonial FTL Drives are powered by Nuclear Fusion Reactors, fueled by Highly Refined Opilium. Opilium is a material found in many worlds, but useless in its brute form. The Colonies have developed a highly secret refinement process. Its result, the Refined Opilium, is highly volatile, but used in reactors, it can provide an enormous amount of energy, the energy necessary to support the drives and the entirety of a space vessel. The output of the reactors also limits the range of a FTL jump. The use of Refined Opilium also makes the reactors and the drives highly prone to explosions if damaged.

"Spooling up" a Colonial FTL drive takes some time when the drive has been offline, although the advancements of the recent years have considerably reduced that time. Even so, because of this, when ships enter dangerous situations, they keep their FTL drives "spun up". Drives cannot be kept spun up indefinitely, as system crashes or serious damage to the drive will occur. A "cooldown" time is required after a jump for new jump calculations, so a ship that has jumped into a new location cannot jump to another location for a brief period of time.

Technological Development Focus: Military related technology mostly, although civilian technology isn't neglected either. Colonial technological development is mainly focused on genetic development, the integration of cybernetics and genetics, and the advancement of their military technology.

Exceptional Technologies: The Colonies widely use Veranium and Veranium based alloys in their ships and technology, which is widely regarded to be one of the best metals in the known universe.The Colonials are known for being masters of kinetic armament in all sizes and uses, bringing it to near perfections. The integration of their ships with computer systems, and their synchronization in the so called Colonial Strategic Network and the Colonial Tactical Network are also widely appreciated for their advantages. Their best known technology is however the Genome with its many variants, which has helped parts of the human race to evolve to higher standards. That, combined with the Project Centoria are some of the most advanced technologies the Colonials have worked on.

Culture: Describing the culture of the Colonies, especially briefly, would be a near impossible task, due to the sheer number of nations and races which form them. Generally though, the Colonials are united by their firm belief in their ideals. Unity, Freedom, and Equality. Because of that, most of the states which are part of the Federal Republic are republics or constitutional monarchies, and despite the existence of extremists, the Colonials are strong believers in democracy and its power. The Colonials are also highly individualistic. They believe that each individual should be the master of their own destiny and pursue their own goals, dreams, and ambitions. True freedom can only be achieved by giving extensive rights and freedoms to each individual, Freedom of thought, of speech, of movement, of trade. The Colonies are also known for being highly xenophilic. Except for the races which have endangered the existence of the Federal State, and for those which have proven their bad will, the Colonials are delighted to interact with new races and to change ideas and technology, considering all races to be equal, and willing to expand their ideals for all races in the known universe. Their nearly constant state of war has however made the Colonial society pretty militaristic, with the military being well regarded by the population, and with joining the military being considered to be an honor. Courage and discipline are considered to be important attributes, and the Colonies have often been compared to a military state. Due to their past, the Colonials are also highly materialistic, rejecting the spiritual things, and focusing on science and technology, fully acknowledging the cruelty of reality.Most religions are moderate, and the existence of religious fanatics, although real, is looked down upon.

The day to day life of the Colonies is fairly comfortable, due to the high care the Federal Government has for its citizens of all races. Despite problems in the past, the living standards of the Colonials are high, and the Federal citizens enjoy free healthcare and free education, and a strong support from the state that has eradicated poorness and homelessness, which make the Colonies an important target for many immigrants. The introduction of machines in the Colonial industry and agriculture have led to the Colonial citizens having a lot of time for themselves, which they spend by entering science, arts, politics, or trade. Many people volunteer for the military though, where life is tougher, but being a part of the Federal Defense Force is considered to be highly honorable by all parts of the society.Following the politics is however one of the most popular activities, and elections are generally followed by mass debates and discussions in all population centers, since the Colonials take pride in their freedom and rights.

The Federated Colonies are a federal parliamentary republic, made up of three branches that follow the principle of the Separation of Powers(CS: die Gewaltenteilung), divided between multiple Constitutional Organs and Positions (CS: Verfassungsorgane und Verfassungspositionen), which derive their powers from the Constitution of the Federated Colonies, the Articles of Colonization (CS: Die Artikel der Kolonisation).

The Executive Branch(CS: die Executive)
is represented on a federal level by the Federal President of the Colonies (CS: der Bundespräsident der Kolonien), and the Federal Cabinet of the Colonies, or the Federal Government of the Colonies (CS: Bundeskabinett der Kolonien or Bundesregierung der Kolonien), and on a local level, by the Local Governments(CS: Die Lokale Regierungen), and the Local Representatives of the Federal Institutions(CS: Die Lokalen Vertreter der Bundesinstitutionen).

The Legislative Branch (CS: die Legislative) is represented on a federal level the Federal Council (CS: der Bundesrat) and the Federal Diet (CS: der Bundestag), and on a local level by various parliaments and diets.

The Judicial Branch (CS: die Judikative
) is independent and represented by the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the Federal, on both a federal and a local level.


The Colonial Armed Forces( Die Koloniale Streitkräfte), commonly known as the Bundeswehr (CS: [ˈbʊndəsˌveːɐ̯], the Federal Defense) are the unified armed forces of the Federated Colonies, with their administration and procurement authorities. The states of the Federated Colonies are not allowed to maintain armed forces of their own, since the Articles of Colonization state that military matters fall into the sole responsibility of the Federal Institutions. The Colonial Armed Forces are some of the most technologically advanced, largest, and most powerful armed forces in the known universe, having fought the wars of the Federated Colonies ever since their creation in 2650 after the Human Standard Calendar. The Colonial Armed Forces are also renowned for their strict discipline and high training, which makes them a force that's able to take on numerical superior enemies like the Keltakens and the Invaders. Even so, the Colonial Armed Forces are unfortunately affected by many problems, including corruption, a lot of useless bureaucracy, and many difficulties in managing armed forces that are so racially diverse.The massive military losses experienced in the last time in the Second Great War aren't exactly helping either.

The collapse of the central authority in the Federation has led to the military being divided between the so called loyalists, who recognize the authority of the Provisional Government, and the rebels, who have already been integrated in the Armed Forces of the Human Colonial Alliance. Various parts of the military have also remained static, not joining any of the sides. This has led to the Colonial Armed Forces themselves, currently formed by only the forces under the authority of the ProvGov to be much weaker than what the unified Bundeswehr had once been.

The Colonial Armed Forces are divided into two main categories, Star Forces(Sternkräfte), and Planetary Forces(Planetenkräfte), each with their subdivisions. All the Armed Forces fall under the command of the High Command of the Armed Forces( Oberkommando der Streitkräfte).

Originating from the various states that were created among the Colonies of Mankind during the Long Night that followed the First Great War, the Federated Colonies were created in 2650 after the Human Standard Calendar, when many of the former colonies of Earth allied themselves with the alien races which had lived under Earth's yoke in the past. The delegations of the first million systems gathered on the planet of Terra Nova, where they negotiated and ratified the Articles of Colonization, giving birth to the Federated Colonies. This sparked the First Secession War between the Colonies and the Human Colonial Alliance, which resulted in a Colonial victory and independence, and the collapse of the Human Colonial Alliance, which was reformed into the United Republics of Earth. The Eternal Armistice was then signed, starting the Golden Age of the Colonies. During the Armistice, the Colonies reached their height. The Colonial civilization developed enormously, and the Colonies nearly reached the ideals for which they were created. But such a time could not possibly last.

In 3014 HSC, the Terrans broke the Armistice however, with the help of a virus that disabled most Colonial defenses, leading the Massacre of Terra Nova, a mass genocide which resulted in the capital of the Colonies being turned into a barren radioactive wasteland. The Colonies managed to fight back, however, and the war ended indecisively, with none of the sides being able to defeat the other fully, leading to the Second Armistice.

With an uneasy peace in the Milky Way, the Federated Colonies and Earth started the race to colonize Andromeda, with both nations trying to take over more systems in the neighboring galaxy. ThWith the tension between Earth and the Colonies rising however, the Colonials looked for allies, finally finding them in the old Andromedan alien nation known as the Keltaken Empire.However, tensions between the Colonials and the Keltakens started to rise due to the many xenocidal actions of the Keltakens against other, underdeveloped races in the Andromeda, and because of the general despotism of the Keltakens, which clashed with the ideals of the Colonies.

This situation slowly continued until 3148 HSC, when a new situation sparked an unimaginable conflict. The Battle of Drathia, in which the Colonials fought against their so called allies, the Keltakens, officially began the First Intergalactic War. The First Intergalactic War was one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of the known universe. The war ended with the defeat of the Colonies, which called for an armistice, once the Dothvalian Confederacy and the Acruani Collective also joined the Keltakens.. Despite losing the war, the Federation became the most influential nation in the Milky Way, losing all its territory in the Andromeda though.

But the armistice wasn't enough. With tensions rising again, the Colonials called for a conference on board of the Colonial Space Station Astral Flame, that was hijacked by Colonial extremists, stopping the conference. This started a Second Intergalactic War, that after years of fighting, ended indecisively, with both the Keltakens and the Colonies being left alone by most of their allies, for various reasons. The war ended after a mysterious supernova explosion destroyed most of the Colonial and Keltaken forces, while they were fighting their final battle. An uneasy peace was signed.

With the death of the Hegemon, the power in the Colonies was taken by the Circle, a military junta, which soon started to rule with no regard to the Articles of Colonization. The new Hegemon however led a rebellion which culminated in the destruction of the Circle, and the return to democracy. The Colonies tried to mend the tensions with their former enemies, but it all changed, when they appeared. The Invaders.

Once again, the mysterious race known as the Abyssals invaded the Milky Way, focusing on defeating the Colonies.The Intergalactic Alliance was formed to stop the Abyssals, with countless nations joining them. Through the efforts of the Colonies and of their ally, Jupiterra, the Alliance managed to recover the old Archives of Earth, and gained possession of the weapon that had been used in the past to stop the Invaders. The Alliance made its final stand around the planet of Terra Nova, stopping the Invaders once and for all with the help of Heaven's Fall. That marked the end of the Second Great War.

The war left the Colonies weakened though, and the extremist Axiom Church took advantage of it. On the capital of the Colonies, Xalion, the Axiom Church, led by the entity known as Cardinal, severely damaged the planet, and took control over a large part of the Colonies through a coup which recreated the old Human Colonial Alliance and its System. The fall of the central government in Xalion marked the end of the Federated Colonies as they were known. With many former federal states becoming independent, a loyalist movement took stance on the planet of Venyron, creating the Provisional Government, starting the civil war against the so called Human Colonial Alliance. For three year long years, the war continued, with no part being able to gain the decisive advantage. And the war continues to this very day. But the Provisional Government, one of the very few nations still believing in democracy, is determined to protect the ideas of the Colonies until the end. Unity. Freedom. Equality.

Extended variant of the history:
Originating from the various states that were created among the Colonies of Mankind during the Long Night that followed the First Great War, the Federated Colonies were created in 2650 after the Human Standard Calendar, when many of the former colonies of Earth allied themselves with the alien races which had lived under Earth's yoke in the past. The delegations of the first million systems gathered on the planet of Terra Nova, where they negotiated and ratified the Articles of Colonization, giving birth to the Federated Colonies. This sparked the First Secession War between the Colonies and the Human Colonial Alliance, which resulted in a Colonial victory and independence, and the collapse of the Human Colonial Alliance, which was reformed into the United Republics of Earth. The Eternal Armistice was then signed, starting the Golden Age of the Colonies. During the Armistice, the Colonies reached their height. The Colonial civilization developed enormously, and the Colonies nearly reached the ideals for which they were created. But such a time could not possibly last.

In 3014 HSC, while the Colonies were celebrating the Armistice Day, with the help of traitors inside the Colonial Defense Network, the Terrans placed a virus on most of the interconnected Colonial Armed Forces. With their systems shut down, the Colonial ships around Terra Nova were left defenseless, as the Terrans started one of the largest offensives in their history. The forces of Earth ravaged the system of Sol Nova, exterminating civilians, and using nuclear weapons to eradicate the surfaces of most of the system's planets, especially Terra Nova, which was rendered into a barren, radioactive wasteland. Hundreds of billions died in the Massacre of Terra Nova, starting the Second Secession War. Initially nearly crushed, the Federated Colonies managed to fight back however, stopping the Terran advance in the Stand of Xalion. The war ended indecisively though, since although the Terran offensive was crushed, the Colonies lacked the manpower to do anything else but continue to defend their territory. The Fragile Armistice was signed in 2019 H.S.C. This marked the beginning of the slow but sure decline of the Federation. The capital was moved to Xalion, which also changed the basic mentality of most of the Colonial politicians. Corruption began to spread more and more, and a general decadence and incompetence started to be noticed.

With an uneasy peace in the Milky Way, the Federated Colonies and Earth started the race to colonize Andromeda, with both nations trying to take over more systems in the neighboring galaxy. This has lead to the creation of the Andromedan Colonies, and to a huge military development of the Colonial Armed Forces. With the tension between Earth and the Colonies rising however, the Colonials looked for allies, finally finding them in the old Andromedan alien nation known as the Keltaken Empire. The Colonial-Keltaken alliance is signed in 3033, and the expansion of both powers continue, as the Colonies gain the upper hand in the Andromeda due to the help of their Grand Fleet of the Andromeda. However, tensions between the Colonials and the Keltakens started to rise due to the many xenocidal actions of the Keltakens against other, underdeveloped races in the Andromeda, and because of the general despotism of the Keltakens, which clashed with the ideals of the Colonies.

This situation slowly continued until 3148 HSC, when a new situation sparked an unimaginable conflict. The Battle of Drathia, in which the Colonials fought against their so called allies, the Keltakens, officially began the First Intergalactic War. The First Intergalactic War was one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of the known universe. Although it initially began well for the Colonies, which pushed back their enemies with the Grand Fleet of the Andromeda, the tables were turned when the Keltakens launched a massive invasion of the homeland territory of the Colonies, in the Milky Way, murdering and slaughtering everything in their way, while also using biological warfare on a large scale. The entrance of the Acruani Collective and of the Dothvalian Confederacy on the side of the Keltakens, forming the Imperial Intergalactic Alliance however, was decisive. Hegemon Raphael Verayne signed an armistice with the IIA, just around the time when the United Republics of Earth also collapsed. Despite losing the war, the Federation became the most influential nation in the Milky Way, losing all its territory in the Andromeda though.

But the armistice wasn't enough. With tensions rising again, the Colonials called for a conference on board of the Colonial Space Station Astral Flame, that was hijacked by Colonial extremists, stopping the conference. This started a Second Intergalactic War, that after years of fighting, ended indecisively, with both the Keltakens and the Colonies being left alone by most of their allies, for various reasons. The war ended after a mysterious supernova explosion destroyed most of the Colonial and Keltaken forces, while they were fighting their final battle. An uneasy peace was signed.

With the death of the Hegemon, the power in the Colonies was taken by the Circle, a military junta, which soon started to rule with no regard to the Articles of Colonization. After brutal Hegemonic Games, a new Hegemon was chosen, which just happened to be the son of the former Hegemon, Julius Verayne. Upon being chosen however, the young boy refused to let himself be controlled by the junta, and after taking command of the Volunteer Corps, the new Hegemon started the Interim War, a brutal civil war which resulted in the defeat of the Circle, and a return to the democratic regime. Under the rule of the new Hegemon, the Colonies made real progress, and due to the friendship between the Hegemon and the new Empress of the Keltakens, peace seemed possible, despite a continuation of the tensions. But their arrival changed everything. The Invaders.

Once again, the mysterious race known as the Abyssals invaded the Milky Way, focusing on defeating the Colonies. After a heroic resistance in the Colonial Defensive Lines of Maria, Rose, and Stacia, the Colonials managed to stop the Invader assault on the Line of Stacia, while the Intergalactic Alliance was formed to stop the Abyssals, with countless nations joining them. Through the efforts of the Colonies and of their ally, Jupiterra, the Alliance managed to recover the old Archives of Earth, and gained possession of the weapon that had been used in the past to stop the Invaders. The Alliance made its final stand around the planet of Terra Nova, stopping the Invaders once and for all with the help of Heaven's Fall. That marked the end of the Second Great War.

The war left the Colonies weakened though, and the extremist Axiom Church took advantage of it. On the capital of the Colonies, Xalion, the Axiom Church, led by the entity known as Cardinal, severely damaged the planet, and took control over a large part of the Colonies through a coup which recreated the old Human Colonial Alliance and its System. The fall of the central government in Xalion marked the end of the Federated Colonies as they were known. With many former federal states becoming independent, a loyalist movement took stance on the planet of Venyron, creating the Provisional Government, starting the civil war against the so called Human Colonial Alliance. For three year long years, the war continued, with no part being able to gain the decisive advantage. And the war continues to this very day. But the Provisional Government, one of the very few nations still believing in democracy, is determined to protect the ideas of the Colonies until the end. Unity. Freedom. Equality.

Goals and Hooks:

  • Strengthen its legitimacy as the sole and actual successor of the last official government of the Federated Colonies, which ended in 3175 HSC with a Vote of No Confidence and the inauguration of martial law, before the coup of the Axiom Church.

  • Defeat the Human Colonial Alliance in the civil war, and retake control of the former Colonial territories.

  • Reestablish diplomatic connections with its former allies, and convince them to recognize the ProvGov as the Government of the Colonies. Searching for new allies is also a priority.

  • Rebuild the Colonial Armed Forces and stabilize the Colonial economy.

  • Protect the democracy of the Colonies and their ideals by all means necessary.

Misc. Notes: None for now.
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The term "the Colonies", alternatively known as "die Kolonien" in Colonial Standard, or "les Colonies", "las Colonias", or "vot Kolonii" in some of the languages of the Old Earth, has been firstly used back during the First Jump, the creation of the first colonies of the nations of Earth in and around the Sol System, to describe those very colonies. The term gained an official meaning after the ratification of the Union Act of 1970, and the Confirmation Act which was signed in 1989 after the Unification Wars, when it was directly used to refer to the colonies of all nations of Earth, and later, to the colonies of the UGE. But after the Second and the Third Jumps, and the following Continuous Jump, which led to the human race expanding all across the Milky Way and the Andromeda, and to the creation of countless colonies, the term started to be used only to refer to those second rank and later colonies, which hadn't been colonized by Earth itself, but by the very colonies of Earth, which came to be known as "first rank" colonies, and are most often considered to be Terran in their nature.

With the creation the Human Colonial Alliance, the term retained its meaning, but with the fall of the HCA and the Long Night which paralyzed the Milky Way, from the perspective of Earth and the Sol System, the term of "the Colonies" started to be used for all of the colonies they no longer had under their control, so for most of the human inhabited planets of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Once the FTL Point Drive was invented, and the First Secession War started, the name changed its meaning. Soon, all secessionist systems and worlds across the galaxies, whether they were human or alien, became to be known by that name, with the name of Colonial being applied to all rebels, no matter of their origin. And with the victory of the secessionists, the name was officially adopted with the ratification of the Articles of Colonization, and the creation of the Federated Colonies as a state.

Today, the term "the Colonies" is used to describe all the systems and worlds under the control of the Federation, and with the decline of the Earth, and the contacts the Federation has been having with other galaxies, the term is often used to refer to most of the systems inhabited by the humans and their allied races, while in the eyes of foreign nations, like the Keltaken Empire, the term has become synonymous with the human race as a whole.
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The Federated Colonies have one of the bloodiest and most chaotic history among all the nations in the known universe. Born during the chaotic years that marked the end of the Long Night, carrying the dreams of unity, freedom, and equality of many human and alien systems and worlds that came together to face a common enemy, Earth, the Federated Colonies had a really violent past. In their five centuries of history, the Colonies have continuously been at war, expanding and protecting their three ideals, despite all the efforts of the Colonies to face the fate and build a lasting peace. The Federated Colonies have come to represent the history of most of the human and alien nations which broke away from the influence of the Old Earth. Times of despair and times of victory have marked their long history, which have all led to the present state of the Federation.

The Seeds of Secession, the Long Night of Mankind(2180-2600)

The Spark of Secession, Earth's Second Expansion(2600-2650)

The Rebellion, the First Secession War(2650-2800)

The Armistice, the First Cold War, and the Golden Age(2800-3014)

The Years of Desperation, the Second Secession War(3014-3019)

The Decadence, the Second Cold War(3019-3148)

The Dark Years, the First Intergalactic War(3148-3152)

The Years of Peace, Between the Intergalactic Wars(3152-3155)

The Years of Blood, The Second Intergalactic War(3155-3160)

The Years of Chaos, After the Second Intergalactic War(3160-3165)

The Years of Recovery, Preparing for War.(3165-3172)

The Final Decline, The Second Great War, the The Colonial-Terran War(3172- present)
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Government of the Federated Colonies

The Federated Colonies are a federal parliamentary republic, made up of three branches that follow the principle of the Separation of Powers(CS: die Gewaltenteilung), divided between multiple Constitutional Organs and Positions (CS: Verfassungsorgane und Verfassungspositionen), which derive their powers from the Constitution of the Federated Colonies, the Articles of Colonization (CS: Die Artikel der Kolonisation).

The Executive Branch(CS: die Executive) was represented on a federal level by The Hegemon of the Colonies (CS: der Hegemon der Kolonien), recently replaced by the Federal President of the Colonies(CS: Bundespräsident der Kolonien) and the Federal Cabinet of the Colonies, or the Federal Government of the Colonies (CS: Bundeskabinett der Kolonien or Bundesregierung der Kolonien), and on a local level, by the Local Governments(CS: Die Lokale Regierungen), and the Local Representatives of the Federal Institutions (CS:Lokale Vertreter der Bundesinstitutionen)

The Legislative Branch (CS: die Legislative) is represented on a federal level the Federal Council (CS: der Bundesrat) and the Federal Diet (CS: der Bundestag), and on a local level by various parliaments and diets.

The Judicial Branch (CS: die Judikative) is independent and represented by the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the Federal, on both a federal and a local level.

The Federal Institutions of the Colonies (CS: die Bundesinstitutionen der Kolonien) have their seat in the Federal District on the Provisional Capital World of the Federated Colonies, Venyron. Due to the recent decline of the Colonies, the Federation is in the middle of a big political instability.

The Executive Branch


The Hegemon of the Colonies

The Hegemon of the Colonies (CS: der Hegemon der Kolonien) had the highest executive authority in the Federation, and was the commander in chief of the Colonial Armed Forces, his position being superior to that of any other leaders on federal and local levels in the Colonies. The position of a Hegemon has traditionally been one of a military leader, taking inspiration from the military position held by the Hegemons of the Human Colonial Alliance. The Colonial position was created in the midyears of the First Secession War, by giving the executive authority of the former position of the Federal President of the Colonies (CS: der Bundespräsident der Kolonien) to the Grand Admiral(CS: Großadmiral) Alexander von Scheerling, the then commander-in-chief of the Colonial Armed Forces, who became the first Hegemon of the Federated Colonies.

The Hegemon is chosen from the military, as being part of the Colonial Armed Forces is a requirement for this position. The military forces organize a series of trials, which are meant to find the strategists and tacticians in the Colonies, after which the best of the best take part in the election held throughout the entirety of the Federation.

In its position as both the supreme military and civilian leader, the Hegemon is the true ruler and authority in the state, a direct result of the increased influence the Colonial Armed Forces have had on the Colonies, his office being often called as "the Hegemony"(CS: die Hegemonie).

Besides from its ceremonial powers as the official Head of the State (CS: Staatsoberhaupt), and his position as the Commander-in-Chief of the Colonial Armed Forces (CS: Oberbefehlshaber der Koloniale Streitkräften), the Hegemon is the Head of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government of the Colonies. The Hegemon proposes the Chancellor, which is then accepted by the Federal Diet and the confirmed by the Federal Council. The Hegemon must then approve the members of the Federal Cabinet proposed by the Chancellor, and then to oversee the oath that the Chancellor and the Federal Cabinet are required to take in front of the reunited Diet and Council. The Hegemon also has the power to dismiss the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Cabinet, but only if a Motion of No Confidence (CS: Misstrauensvotum) is passed in a reunited meeting of the Federal Diet and the Federal Council. In that case, the Hegemon temporarily takes over all executive powers, until a new Chancellor is proposed and accepted. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Colonial Armed Forces, the Hegemon can also declare Martial Law (CS: Kriegsrecht).

While some might consider that the position of Hegemon could possibly threaten the existence of a democratic rule in the Colonies, the powers of the Hegemon are limited by the Articles of Colonization. A Motion of No Confidence can be voted upon by the Federal Diet and the Federal Council against the Hegemon, and if that motion passes with a majority of votes, the Hegemon will be temporarily suspended, until a referendum will be held throughout the Colonies. If the referendum to impeach the Hegemon passes, the current Hegemon will be removed from his function, and a new one will be elected.
However, the recent political circumstances have stopped the Federated Colonies from choosing a new Hegemon, so the Federal Council and the Federal Diet voted for the restoration of the position of Federal President in the Provisional Government.


The Federal President

The Federal President of the Colonies (CS: der Bundespräsident der Kolonien), commonly referred to as the President of the Federation, shortened to FedPres(GS) or BPr(CS), is the head of state of the Federated Colonies. The title was originally created with the Articles of Colonization, but after the death of the first incumbent, the then Hegemon of the Colonies, Alexander von Scheerling, motivated to win the First Secession War, absorbed the position of the President under the title of the Hegemon. No other President was elected for nearly 500 years, until when the Provisional Government of the Federated Colonies, not being able to elect a new Hegemon, decided to temporarily revive the title, hence why the current position is sometimes named as the Provisional Federal President of the Colonies (CS: der Provisorischer Bundespräsident der Kolonien).

The Federal President holds the highest executive authority in the state, and is directly elected once every four years by the citizens of the Federation. Besides from its ceremonial powers as the official Head of the State (CS: Staatsoberhaupt), the President is the Head of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. The President proposes the Federal Chancellor, after being advised by the leading political faction, which is then accepted by the Federal Diet and confirmed by the Federal Council. The President must then approve the members of the Federal Cabinet proposed by the Chancellor, and then the President oversees the oath that the Chancellor and the Federal Cabinet are required to take in front of the reunited Diet and Council. The President also has the power to dismiss the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Cabinet, but only if a Motion of No Confidence (CS: Misstrauensvotum) is passed in a reunited meeting of the Federal Diet and the Federal Council. In that case, the President temporarily takes over all executive powers, until a new Chancellor is proposed and accepted.

The powers and attributions of the President are limited by the Articles of Colonization. A Motion of No Confidence can be voted upon by the Federal Diet and the Federal Council against the President, and if that motion passes, the President is suspended, until an impeachment referendum is held throughout the Colonies. If the referendum passes, the President is impeached, and new elections will be held.


The Government of the Colonies

The Federal Cabinet of the Colonies, or the Federal Government of the Colonies (CS: Bundeskabinett der Kolonien or Bundesregierung der Kolonien)
is the chief executive body of the Federated Colonies. It consists of the Chancellor and the cabinet ministers. The fundamentals of the cabinet's organization as well as the method of its election and appointment as well as the procedure for its dismissal are set down in the Articles of Colonization.

The Federal Chancellor (CS: Bundeskanzler/Bundeskanzlerin) is responsible for guiding the cabinet and deciding its political direction (CS: Richtlinienkompetenz). According to the Principle of Departmentalization (CS: Ressortprinzip), the cabinet ministers are free to carry out their duties independently within the boundaries set by the Chancellor's political directives. The Chancellor also decides the scope of each minister's duties. If two ministers disagree on a particular point, the cabinet resolves the conflict by a majority vote, known as the Principle of Deference (CS: Kollegialprinzip). The Chancellor is in charge of the government's administrative affairs, which are usually delegated to the head of the Chancellery. Details are laid down in the government's rules for internal procedures (CS: Geschäftsordnung).

The Chancellor is elected by Federal Diet and confirmed by the Federal Council after being proposed by the Hegemon/the President. If the Federal Diet and the Federal Council consider that none of the proposals of the Hegemon/the President are acceptable, they can propose and elect their own proposed Chancellor, which however still requires the confirmation of the Hegemon/President to take office. Following the election, the Chancellor is officially appointed by the Hegemon/the President. The ministers are appointed (and dismissed) by the Hegemon/President upon the proposals of the Chancellor. Eventually, before taking office, the Chancellor and ministers swear an oath in front of the reunited Council and Diet.

The Chancellor also presides over the reunited meetings of the Council and the Diet and plays an active role in supervising the legislative powers of the Council and the Diet. The Chancellor also has a veto power, which can not be used more than once during the term, but which can block any sort of laws or proposals.

The Federal Chancellor and the Federal Government can be taken down by a vote of no confidence in a reunited meeting of the Federal Council and the Federal Diet, with a simple majority being required to win, but with the condition that the group opposing this vote of no confidence would not gain more than a third of the votes, case in which the vote fails. In cases of extreme emergency, the Chancellor can use her veto power to cancel a vote of no confidence, but is forced to justify it in front of the population.

The Local Governments

The Local Governments(CS: Die Lokale Regierungen), are various semi-autonomous governments at a local level, that exist all along the Federated Colonies, as most of the nations and planets in the Colonies have their own local government. Various types of local governments exist, even if they mostly lack power compared to the representatives of the Federal Institutions. For a local government to be recognized by the Federated Colonies, it must follow the points of the Federal Articles of Colonization. The most important points are these:

  • Local Governments must recognize the power and authority of the Colonial Federal Institutions.

  • Local Governments must ratify and follow the Federal Articles of Colonization.

  • Local Governments must follow all Colonial laws.

  • Local Governments will recognize the Local Representatives of the Colonial Federal Institutions.

  • Local Governments must follow the edicts and laws emitted by the Colonial Federal Institutions. Any protests against an edict or a law emitted by a Colonial Federal Institutions will be taken to the Colonial Court through the local government's representatives in the Parliament of the Colonies.

  • All military forces of the Local Governments will be considered a part of the Colonial Armed Forces or the Colonial Defense Forces, and will be under the formal authority of the Central High Command of all the Armed Forces of the Federal Colonies.

  • All forms of corruption in the Local Governments are strictly forbidden, and will be punished in accordance with the Colonial laws.

  • All Local Governments must respect the status of Colonial citizens that their own citizens hold, including all the rights and obligations that come with it.

Local Representatives of the Federal Institutions

The Federated Colonies are represented on a local level by multiple positions and institutions, appointed by the Federal Diet, with the accord of the Federal Council.

The Federal Governor( CS: der Federale Governor), is a position that exists in every state that is part of the Federated Colonies, as the direct representative of the Federated Colonies in that respective state.Federal Governors are chosen by the Federal Diet and confirmed by the Federal Council and must receive a vote of confidence from the population of the state they are assigned in.

The Federal Commissar(Der Federale Kommissar), is the position of the representative of the Federated Colonies on a planet. His office is known as a Federal Commissariat (CS:Bundeskommissariat).Each planet in the Federated Colonies has its own Commissar. The Commissars are subordinated to the Federal Governor of that state, and partially, to the local ruler of that state, if one exists. The Commissars are chosen by the local population, and must receive a vote of confidence from the Colonial Parliament.

The Legislative Branch


The Federal Council
Der Kolonale Bundesrat (CS:" the Colonial Federal Council"; pronounced[ˈbʊndəsʁaːt]) is a legislative body formed by the various leaders and representatives of the member states of the Federation, which represents those states on a federal level.The Bundesrat participates in legislation, alongside the Bundestag, the directly elected representation of the people of the Colonies, with laws affecting state competences and all constitutional changes requiring the consent of the body. For its similar function, it is often described as an upper house of parliament, but it's more like a ruling body, keeping the balance between the many states forming the Federated Colonies. The political makeup of the Bundesrat is affected by changes in power in the states which form the Federation, and thus by elections in each state. Each state delegation in the Bundesrat is essentially a representation of that states government and reflects the political makeup of the ruling majority or plurality of each state legislature.

The Federal Council has to confirm every bill or motion submitted and voted upon by the Federal Diet, and has the power to veto bills. The Federal Diet can overrule a refuse of the Federal Council to confirm a bill, or to veto it, but that requires a majority of two thirds of the Federal Diet, ensuring the will of the people. In the event of disagreement between the Federal Diet and the Federal Council a conciliation committee is formed to find a compromise.

The composition of the Federal Council is different from other similar legislative bodies representing states in the history of the human races, as the members of the Federal Council are not elected—either by popular vote or by the state parliaments—but are delegated by their respective state governments. In special cases, the delegations of the member states can be represented by the very leaders of those states, which often happens only when the most important of decisions have to be taken.

The number of votes a state is allocated is based on a form of degressive proportionality according to its population. This way, smaller states have more votes than a distribution proportional to the population would grant. The allocation of votes is regulated by the Articles of Colonization. All of a state's votes are cast en bloc—either for or against or in abstention of a proposal.

The Federal Council can be dissolved by the president on the recommendation of the Chancellor if the latter has lost a vote of confidence in a reunited meeting of the Federal Diet and the Federal Council, and if the recommendation is made and accepted before the Federal Diet acts to elect a new Chancellor.

The Federal Council can start, and vote on motions of no confidence against both the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Hegemon/President, but in order for such a motion to be voted upon, a majority of the Federal Council must agree on it, and the Federal Diet must hold a vote, in which a majority agreeing on the motion must be won. After those requirements are held, both the Federal Diet and the Federal Council reunite in a special meeting, and held a vote, with different requirements for the motion to pass existing, depending on if the motion is oriented against the Hegemon/President or the Chancellor.


The Federal Diet
Der Koloniale Bundestag (C.S. pronunciation: [ˈbʊndəstaːk], literally " the Colonial Federal Diet") is a constitutional and legislative body at the federal level in the Colonies. For its similar function, it is often described as a lower house of parliament. The Federal Diet is acting as the main legislative body of the Federation, making up laws and overseeing the government.

The Federal Diet is formed by Colonial citizens from all across the Federation, elected directly by the other citizens of the Colonies, by universal, equal, direct, secret, and freely expressed suffrage. Members serve four-year terms, with elections held every four years, or earlier in the relatively rare case that the Federal Diet is dissolved prematurely by the Hegemon. The Federal Diet can be dissolved by the president on the recommendation of the Chancellor if the latter has lost a vote of confidence in a reunited meeting of the Federal Diet and the Federal Council, and if the recommendation is made and accepted before the Federal Diet acts to elect a new Chancellor.

The members of the Federal Diet are the only federal officials directly elected by the public; the Federal Diet in turn elects the Chancellor, which is accepted by the Federal Council and confirmed by the Hegemon, and, in addition, exercises oversight of the executive branch of the government.

Any member of the Federal Diet can propose laws, bills, and motions, after which debates will be held between the members of the Diet, before of a vote. Any law, bill, or motion requires a simple majority to pass, with special exceptions. After a bill, law, or motion is passed, it is confirmed or not by the Federal Council. In the case in which the Federal Council does not confirm a bill, or in the case the Council vetoes it, the Federal Diet can overrule that refusal of confirmation or veto, but only with a majority of two thirds of the Federal Diet.

The Federal Diet can also start, and vote on motions of no confidence against both the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Hegemon, but in order for such a motion to be voted upon, a majority of the Federal Diet must agree on it, and the Federal Diet must confirm it. After those requirements are held, both the Federal Diet and the Federal Council reunite in a special meeting, and held a vote, with different requirements for the motion to pass existing, depending on if the motion is oriented against the Hegemon or the Chancellor.

State Parliaments

Each state of the Federated Colonies, no matter of its form of government, has a legislative body recognized by the Federation, which acts in a similar way to the Federal Diet, just on a state level. Known as State Parliaments (CS: die Landesparlamenten), those bodies are formed by citizens of each state, elected by the other citizens of that state, once every four years. With legislative powers on a state level, these bodies protect the existence of democracy in all states which form the Federation.

The Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch (CS: die Judikative) of the Federated Colonies is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the Federation.

The Colonial legal system is a civil law mostly based on a comprehensive compendium of statutes, as compared to the common law systems. In criminal and administrative law, the Colonies use an inquisitorial system where the judges are actively involved in investigating the facts of the case.
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The Colonial Armed Forces( Die Koloniale Streitkräfte), commonly known as the Bundeswehr (CS: [ˈbʊndəsˌveːɐ̯], the Federal Defense), are the unified armed forces of the Federated Colonies, with their administration and procurement authorities. The states of the Federated Colonies are not allowed to maintain armed forces of their own, since the Articles of Colonization state that military matters fall into the sole responsibility of the Federation as a whole. The Colonial Armed Forces are some of the most technologically advanced, largest, and most powerful armed forces in the known universe, fighting the wars of the Federated Colonies ever since their creation in 2650 after the Human Standard Calendar. The Colonial Armed Forces are also renowned for their strict discipline and high training, which makes them a force that's able to take on numerical superior enemies like the Keltakens and the Invaders. Even so, the Colonial Armed Forces are unfortunately affected by many problems, including corruption, a lot of useless bureaucracy, and many difficulties in managing armed forces that are so racially diverse. The massive military losses experienced in the last time in the Second Great War against the Invaders isn't exactly helping either, and the split and coup d'etat which has led to the creation of the Human Colonial Alliance has weakened the Bundeswehr, forcing the Provisional Government to use only the forces that are loyal to them. The other remains are split between forces that have been taken over and integrated in the Human Colonial Armed Forces, and into various forces that remain neutral, not recognizing the Provisional Government or the Human Colonial Alliance.


The Colonial Armed Forces are divided into two main categories, Star Forces(Sternkräfte), and Planetary Forces(Planetenkräfte), each with their subdivisions. All the Armed Forces fall under the command of the Central High Command of all Armed Forces of the Federated Colonies(CHCAFFC)/Zentraloberkommando aller Streitkräfte der Föderierte Kolonien(Z.O.K.S.F.K.), commonly referred with names like Central(Zentral), the Central High Command(der Zentraloberokommando), or C.H.C.(Z.O.K.)

Morale and Discipline

"Who'll survive and who will die? That's up to the Kriegsglück to decide..."~Colonial military saying

Due the Federated Colonies having been continuously at war for nearly the entirety of their existence, due to many external and internal factors, their culture is really martial.The Armed Forces are really popular among the citizens of the Federation, and in most of the worlds of the Colonies, serving in the Federal military is perceived as a honor and a duty. The members of the military are in general perceived well by the population, with many of them being considered heroes and used in propaganda.

Despite the many defeats of the last decades, the Colonial Armed Forces remain with an high morale. The Colonial soldiers trust their officers, and have faith in their equipment and ships. The Colonials strongly believe that their armed forces are some of the most advanced armed forces in the universe, and that they are able to defeat any of their enemies. Fighting for the Colonies and the freedom, unity, equality and the rights of their citizens are considered to be an ideal by many of the members of the Armed Forces. Although not necessarily fanatic, they believe in what they are fighting for, and are ready to die fighting, for the Colonies they have sworn to protect. This mentality often led to the Colonial soldiers doing heroic acts during their battles, like when they evacuated the planet of Drathia with unimaginable losses in order to save the Drathian people from extinction at the hands of the Keltakens, protecting civilian ships until death, or blowing up their damaged ships to slow the enemies.

The Colonial soldiers are also known to be in general rather indifferent to the danger of death in battle. While that doesn't mean that they are suicidal, they are ready to die at any time, and will do anything it needs to be done while fighting for their ideals. The Colonial soldiers, especially the veterans, usually think that the fate of a man in battle is decided by the Kriegsglück, the fortunes of war. A Colonial soldiers has to do his best, and put his fate in the hands of the Kriegsglück.

The Colonial soldiers are also known to be extremely loyal to the Colonies, with armed rebellions or acts of disobedience being extremely rare. Even with the political instability of the Colonies, and the many secessions of the last decades, the Colonial Armed Forces have remained loyal to Federal Government and its ideals, with any dissidents among the armed forces usually doing that due to a different view on the way those ideals should be protected. Most Colonial soldiers are a true example of the Nibelungentreue ( a compound noun, literally "Nibelung loyalty", expressing the concept of absolute, unquestioning, excessive and potentially disastrous loyalty to a cause or person. Derived from what seems to be an ancient myth on Earth).

The Colonial Armed Forces are also universally renowned for their discipline, and strong sense of duty. Ever since the creation of the Federation and its armed forces, discipline and obedience were the main values of the Colonial soldiers, values which have also swept through the civilian population. Following the rules of the Military Index, believing in his Cause, trusting his officers, that is the Colonial soldier. Their discipline has become almost legendary, and that, together with their training,makes the Colonial Armed Forces really strong, even at the level of individual soldiers.
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The Colonial Star Forces

The Colonial Star Forces(Die Koloniale Sternkräfte) are one of the two main branches of the Colonial Armed Forces. Divided into the Colonial War Fleet( Die Koloniale Kriegsflotte), and the Colonial Star Guards( Die Koloniale Stern-Garde), they are under the command of the High Command of the Star Forces(Oberkommando der Sternkräfte, OKS). The Colonial Star Forces have the mission to fight and win the battles and wars of the Federated Colonies in space and in orbit.


The Colonial War Fleet

The Colonial Fleet of War(CS: Koloniale Kriegsflotte), mostly known as the Kriegsflotte( literally, the Fleet of War, or the Military Fleet), also known by various names like the Colonial Starfleet(CS: Koloniale Sternenflotte), or simply the Colonial Fleet(CS:Koloniale Flotte), is one of the main branches of the Colonial Armed Forces, tasked with fighting the battles and wars of the Federated Colonies in space, by using a wide array of spaceships, starships, space stations and bases. Using mainly heavy and versatile Ships of the Line, equipped with Colonial FTL Drives for faster-than-light travel, the Kriegsflotte is one of the strongest space fleets in the known universe, with a long and proud history, having been created during the fires of the First Secession War, and having fought for the Federation ever since. Ever since its creation, the Kriegsflotte has went through a lot of changes, but has remained an example of how strong the fleet of a federation of countless races can be.
The Colonial War Fleet is subordinated to the High Command of the War Fleet(CS: Oberkommando der Kriegsflotte), which is on its own subordinated to the Central High Command of the Armed Forces(CS: Zentraloberkommando der Streitkräfte)

Equipment and Classification

The Colonial War Fleet is using a wide variety of ships and ship classes, mostly trying to follow the principle of "quality over quantity". Throughout the countless battles and wars in which the Kriegsflotte was involved, the Colonial ships have proven themselves to be equal, and in many cases, superior to those of their opponents.​

The Colonial War Fleet classifies its military spaceships through three categories. Generation. Type. Class. Although it might seem strange and complicated to foreigners, these three categories make sure that each ship has its own good classification.Colonial ships usually receive a name, in front of which the designation “Colonial Military Ship/CMS” is added.​

The main category after which the Colonial military ships are classified is the Generation. Throughout their history, the Colonies have often had to massively modernize their military ships. Every time a huge technologically improved class has been reached, a new generation was born. Until now, four generations have been officially recognized by the War Fleet, with some variations, called the .5 Generations.Some ships and ship classes, although they were created in one of the generations, were successfully upgraded to new generations. The best example would be the Gen 1.5 CMS Terra Nova, which suffered extensive upgrades over the time, being currently in the middle of an upgrade process that will bring it to Gen4.​

1st Generation/Gen1
The first generation of Colonial ships, created before and during the First Secession War. Huge, slow, and primitive by many points of view, the ships of the first generation have however successfully managed to win the First Secession War for the Colonies, pushing back the Terran force. Although really old, some of the Colonial 1st Generation ships still exist, mostly as museum ships.​

1.5 Generation/Gen1.5
After the end of the First Secession War, important upgrades have been brought to many of the 1st Generation ships of the Colonies, resulting in what the Kriegsflotte usually calls the 1.5 Generation. Improved by advances such as a synchronized computer network, and automated systems, the 1.5 Generation proved to be nearly fatal for the Colonies, as the Terran Armed Forces, using a backdoor, cyberattacked the 1.5 Generation ships, destroying most of them, and leading to catastrophes like the Massacre of Terra Nova.
Examples: Nova Class( CMS Terra Nova, CMS Sol Nova)​

2nd Generation/Gen2
The second generation of the Colonial military ships was created during the end of the Second Secession War, and especially during the period known as the Second Galactic Cold War, which was practically a huge arms race between the Federated Colonies and the United Republics of Earth. Unfortunately, even if many lessons had been learned from the SSW, the Colonies failed to apply many of them. The cybernetic failure of the 1.5 Generation ships led to a paranoia against computers between the higher ranked Colonial officers, leading to basic computer systems being used, which became quickly outdated, and were protected by many failsafes, reducing the battle capabilities of the ships. The armament race was also more directed at creating bigger and stronger ships, rather than the more technologically advanced ships the Colonies needed.The Gen2 Ships were still in use at the start of the First Intergalactic War, and were one of the main reason for the Colonial defeat in that war.​

2.5 Generation/Gen2.5
During the First Intergalactic War, the clear technological inferiority of the Colonial ships to their enemies has led to many provisional changes and improvements to be done, like the restart of the Colonial Defense Network and the creation of better computer systems. All these improved ships are considered to be part of the Gen2.5.​

3rd Generation/Gen3
The lessons learned in the First Intergalactic War have led to a major reorganization of the Kriegsflotte. The peace period was rather short, but with everyone preparing for another war, the Colonies prioritized making their ships more technologically advanced. A giant leap was made, and the result of that leap were the Gen3 ships. Much more advanced than any of their predecessors The effort put up by the Colonies was huge, but this created some very good ship classes. Those classes proved themselves in the Second Intergalactic War, which unfortunately ended indecisively due to the disaster that struck during the final battle between the Colonial and Keltaken forces. Even so, many 3rd Generation ships have continued to fight until they were upgraded to Gen4 after the start of the Second Great War.
Examples: Admiral Hipper Class(CMS Prinz Eugen, CMS Seydlitz)​

3.5 Generation/Gen3.5
Due to the unexpected start of the Second Great War with the Abyssal Invasion of the Milky Way, the Kriegsflotte had to delay the work on the 4th Generation ships it had done, and sent many ships back to combat with only summary upgrades. This created the so called Gen3.5, with ships that had been upgraded over the level of a normal 3rd Generation ship, but didn’t spot the same technology level as that of a Gen4. The CMS Prinz Eugen, which was upgraded with the help of the Jupiterrans was considered a Gen3.5, and so were the CMS Bismark and CMS Tirptiz, Gen4 ships that were finished in a hurry, and fully upgraded to Gen4 later.​

4th Generation/Gen4
Working to upgrade the previous 3rd Generation ships to even better and more powerful standards, the Kriegsflotte worked on the 4th Generation ever since the end of the Second Intergalactic War, starting to massively use the Gen4 ships after the beginning of the Second Great War. Greatly innovated, the 4th Generation ships are currently some of the most advanced and most powerful ships in the known universe, being able to take the fight back to the Invaders. The Kriegsflotte plans to upgrade all its existing ships at Gen4.
Examples: Hegemon Class(CMS Alexander von Scheerling, CMS Julius von Vylkov)
4th Generation/Gen4
Working to upgrade the previous 3rd Generation ships to even better and more powerful standards, the Kriegsflotte worked on the 4th Generation ever since the end of the Second Intergalactic War, starting to massively use the Gen4 ships after the beginning of the Second Great War. Greatly innovated, the 4th Generation ships are currently some of the most advanced and most powerful ships in the known universe, being able to take the fight back to the Invaders. The Kriegsflotte plans to upgrade all its existing ships at Gen4.
Examples: H Class(CMS Alexander von Scheerling, CMS Julius von Vylkov)​

4th Generation/Gen4
Applying the knowledge and information that was gained during the Second Great War, the Science Divison of the Colonial Armed Forces has started to work on a new generation of Colonial ships, the 5th Generation. The first class of the new generation is going to be the Astral Class of Super Heavy Battlecarriers, with the first of them expected to be finished soon.

The second category used by the Kriegsflotte to classify its ships is the type. The Colonial War Fleet mainly divides its ships into three big categories, based on their purpose in battle.​

Ships of the Line/Linienschiffe
The Ships of the Line are the main type of ships used by the Kriegsflotte. The pride and strength of the Federated Colonies, the ships of the line form the backbone of any Colonial fleet, well known throughout the known Universe as the symbols of the reach and power of the Federated Colonies. Resistant, powerful, and versatile, the ships of the line are the height of the Colonial technological and military advancement.
  • Battlecarriers
  • Battlecruisers

Support Ships/Unterstützungschiffe
The Support Ships of the Kriegsflotte are lighter, faster, and more agile ships used by the Colonials in combat, mainly designed for supporting the ships of the line in battle, but also for missions and battles which require faster and more agile ships. Built on the highest Colonial military and technologically standards, the Support Ships play a major role in every Colonial fleet.​

Auxiliary Ships/Hilfsschiffe
While the Ships of the Line and the Support Ships are fighting and taking the battle to the enemy, they need to be helped during battles and campaigns by a myriad of other types of ships, like medical ships, supply ships, refinery ships, and transport ships. All those different ships enter the Auxiliary Ships Type, helping the Kriegsflotte fight its battles, for the Federated Colonies.​

A Ship Class is a group of military spaceships of a similar design, built in the near same time, belonging to the same type and generation. The ships which belong to a class are usually named similarly, and are considered to be sister ships. Colonial ship classes have varied names, but they also receive an alphanumeric recognition code.

FTL Travel


The Colonial Star Guards
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The Colonial Planetary Forces

The Colonial Planetary Forces(Die Koloniale Planetenkräfte), are one of the two main branches of the Colonial Armed Forces. Divided into the Colonial Army(Der Koloniale Herr), the Colonial Navy(Die Koloniale Marine), the Colonial Air Force(Der Koloniale Luftwaffe) and the Colonial Orbital Force(Die Koloniale Orbitenkräfte), they are under the command of the High Command of the Planetary Forces(Oberkommando der Planetenkräfte, OKP).The Colonial Planetary Forces have the mission to fight and win the battles and wars of the Federated Colonies on any type of planet, anywhere in the universe.
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Special Forces
Despite their strict organization, the Colonial Armed Forces also have a number or organizations that do not enter in the above mentioned organization of the Colonial military. These are considered to be Special Forces (CS: Spezialeinheiten), and exist separately from the rest of the Federal Defense Forces.

The Special Command Units of the Colonial Armed Forces (C.S. Das Spezialkommando-Einheiten der Kolonialstreitkräfte), commonly known as SPEKO (abbreviation, CS: Spezialkommando, literally Special Command), are the elite military formations of the Federated Colonies, and their main special operations force, subordinated to the Special High Command(CS: Spezialoberkommando), the division of the Central High Command used to supervise the special operations of the Colonial Armed Forces.​

Considered to be even more of an elite forces than the Colonial Space Guards, the SPEKO units take care of the operations and situations that can't be handled by the normal units of the Colonial Armed Forces. All SPEKO members are recruited from the other branches of the Colonial Armed Forces, and are the best trained units of the Colonial military, being able to fight anywhere, at anytime, against anyone. In accordance with the Colonial laws, everything about the SPEKO is held in high secrecy, including their numbers, equipment, and true purpose.Although it has never been confirmed, it's assumed that the SPEKO have taken part in many of the most important battles and operations of the Colonial Armed Forces, and are probably often used as a last resort.



"Freiheit oder Tod!"
"Freedom or Death!!"

The Colonial Volunteer Corps (CS: Das Koloniale Freiwilligenkorps), most often known by their shortened name in Colonial Standard, Freikorps( CS:the Free Corps), is a volunteer based military organization directly under the command of the Central High Command of the Armed Forces, but separated from the rest of the Colonial Armed Forces. Often considered to be a militia type of organization, the Freikorps is called upon in situations when the regular armed forces can not handle the problem on their own.​

Originally though, the Freikorps were the first military organization of the Federated Colonies, preceding the even creation of the Federation itself through its direct predecessor, the First Volunteer Corps (C.S.: Das Erste Freiwilligenkorps), which was created in 2645 H.S.C. on the planet of Terra Nova by various groups of rebels and secessionists supported by the Republic of Terra Nova, in the street fights fought against the attacking troops of the Human Colonial Alliance which had come to reclaim the planet. Through their resistance, the First Freikorps sparked the rebellion in Terra Nova, which would engulf half of the galaxy once the Freikorps defeated the 55th Human Colonial Fleet in the Battle of Kiela. The Freikorps was the first officially recognized military organization of the Federated Colonies after their creation in 2650 H.S.C., and together with the newly created Colonial War Fleet(C.S.: Die Koloniale Kriegsflotte), the Freikorps fought and won the First Secession War for the young Federation.

With the end of the First Secession War, the Freikorps was retired into the role it plays today, that of a force to be called only in times of need and desperation. The Freikorps is formed by volunteers, so, with the compulsory military service of the Federated Colonies, those volunteers are either to young to have been called upon in the regular military forces, or old veterans called back on duty, making the military capacity of the volunteers to be much lower than that of the regular forces, and despite the harsh training the volunteers receive, as the Freikorps often lacks the same kind of advanced materiel the military forces receive, and those volunteers often have no sort of actual battle experience at all, or in the case of the veterans, no recent battle experience, its military power is still often too small for regular front missions, hence why their reputation as a militia force.

The Freikorps units are mostly used as reserves, or in cases where no other regular military units are able to intervene, but mostly, their objective are missions in friendly territory behind the front, like peacekeeping and helping the police, or in other situations which require volunteers. In the case of an enemy breakthrough, the Freikorps is often used for guerrilla warfare, an objective they can often do perfectly. The Freikorps can be called upon by the Hegemon, and ever since their original creation, they were called in full numbers only a couple of times, during the most dangerous moments in the history of the Colonies, as during the Second Secession War. But in the last decades, they have been called multiple times, during both Intergalactic Wars, during the Interim Wars, and more recently, at the beginning of the Second Great War. The Freikorps has proved its use in all these instances, and especially during the Interim Wars, where led by the chosen Hegemon. Julius Kingsley, the Freikorps brought the victory to the loyalist side against the military junta of the Circle(C.S.: Der Kreis).

Despite being a volunteer militia corps, and being often considered inferior to the regular military, the Freikorps is one of the best known Colonial military organizations, and the one with the longest history. As a volunteer force, all of its members have joined on their own free will, and that's why they often have an even higher morale and fanaticism than the regular units, making them an enemy worthy to be faced on the battlefield.
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The Colonial Ministry for State Security (CS: Koloniale Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, KMfS), commonly known as the KOLSI (abbreviation CS: Koloniale Staatssicherheit, literally the Colonial State Security), also the Federal Security Service (CS:Bundessicherheitsdienst, BSD), is the official state security service of the Federated Colonies, reuniting the foreign and domestic intelligence agencies of the Federation into a single security organization.The KOLSI was created during the Second Intergalactic War.

The KOLSI has the task to protect the Federated Colonies, its government, citizens, constitution, and principles, against all foreign and domestic threats that might threaten the integrity and sovereignty of the Colonies, or the freedom and equality of its citizens.Operating in accordance with the Articles of Colonization, as a federal organization, the KOLSI is mainly used as a civilian and military intelligence and counterintelligence agency, working legally inside the Colonies under the Federal Government, and also most likely spying other nations from this corner of the universe.


The KOLSI is formed by two organizations. The Colonial Intelligence
Agency(CS:Bundesnachrichtendienst. BND)
, the foreign intelligence service of the Federation, which acts as an early warning system to alert the Federal Government to threats to the independence, sovereignty,or territorial integrity of the Federated Colonies from abroad, and to supervise and obtain intelligence about any target deemed necessary by the Government. The BND maintains an extensive network of spies through many areas of the known universe, and is well known for its secrecy, professionalism, and experience, being one of the oldest intelligence agencies in the galaxy. Although the BND must act within the laws of the Colonies while on the territories of the Federation, it is completely free to use all possible methods abroad, except for those that would heavily contradict the ideals and objectives of the Federation.


The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (CS: Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), the domestic intelligence service, is tasked with intelligence-gathering on threats concerning the democratic order, the existence and security of the federation or one of its states, and the peaceful coexistence of peoples; with counter-intelligence; and with protective security and counter-sabotage. It acts solely on the territory of the Federation, and as such, it acts within the limits of the Federal laws. The largest objective of the BfV is, as its name states, the Protection of the Constitution of the Colonies, the Articles of Colonization, and for that, it has in its subordination offices in each of the states of the Federation, known as the State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution (CS:Landesbehörden für Verfassungsschutz; LfV).
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