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Fantasy The Fatebound - A Modern Fantasy Adventure


Joseph Lowery
Villenborough - Ohio

The day of the Invasion began like any other.

The sun cast away the shadows of the night, making way to a brand new day in Villenbourgh, Ohio. The sizable town, however, was already awake hours ago. Trucks with valuable cargo reached the stores and businesses, people already commuting to their jobs, starting yet another day on the city. Some people, however, were lazing around in their bed, cursing the sun from waking them up on their day off. One of those people was Joseph. He woke up begrudgingly, right after trying to cover his face with the sheets. He made a mental note to change the bed position for the third time this week, one that he forgot almost instantly when he saw the heavy two handed axe, sitting on his floor.

Joseph was a simple man. Waking up in almost the same time everyday, if not because of the alarm on his phone, because of the sun on his face or a particularly annoying bird in the windowsill of his rundown apartment. It was a simple life, waking up, taking a shower, force feeding cereal or bread to go to work(or in today's case, just calmly eating for a day of relaxation), working until the last sun rays were hidden by the mountains on the west, then returning home and doing whatever until it was time to sleep, to repeat the cycle anew. It was a mediocre existence, but Joseph was content. Little did he know that the axe in front of him was the sign that the previous day was the last normal day of his life.

He stared at it for a solid minute, unsure of what to do. The sun incident made the vivid dream that he snapped out of vanish from his mind for a moment, but now he remembered. The Light, the Void, everything. The end of the world. He shook his head and rose out of bed, ignoring the medieval weapon sitting on his bedroom floor and headed for the bathroom. He grabbed a handful of water and chucked on his face, taking a deep breath. He rose his face, meeting his own eyes in the mirror. “Let's recap: I had a dream about a weird benevolent being about how the world is going to end in the hands of an... awesome monster, and now there’s a weird axe on my floor. Dunno, why the being thinks the monster is cool, but what the hell, right? I'm clearly going mad.” He talked to his reflection. “ I mean, I’m talking to myself here as well, so it's a matter of time until I get naked and start throwing stones at people.” He sighed, shaking his head. Okay Joseph. You'll go out of this bathroom, eat some marshmallow cereal, and then play some video games, and the day will proceed as normal. There is no impending doom in the world, you are not some chosen one to defeat evil, and there is absolutely not an axe on your bedroom floor. Okay? Okay.” He left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom, screaming a loud “OH GODDAMMIT” when the medieval weapon was still in the same place as he left.

He crouched down next to it, tentatively touching the handle of the axe with his pointer finger, to see if it wasn’t a trick of his mind still. The axe didn't budge, and Joseph could see that it was heavy. When he grabbed the axe, lifting it off the ground, he felt a surge of energy flowing inside of him, an energy similar to the one in his dream. “What the…” He placed the tip of blade on the floor, trying to measure it, but when the carpet caught on fire, he instantly dropped the axe to grab a water pitcher. Dousing the fire, he grabbed the axe with both hands and sat on his bed again, careful not to let the tip touch any of his furniture.. “Now what am I going to do with this?”

He wrapped the huge thing on his blanket, tapping away another small flame and made a strap to put it on his back. He left his apartment, just a few blocks away from the main street of the city, set on finding a library with books on occultism. He had to know what the hell was going on.​

Sostos Sostos , Elowyn Elowyn , RizaTiz RizaTiz , SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , dreamthieves dreamthieves
Emilia Skye

Lincolnton, North Carolina

The sun slowly rose over the horizon, lighting up the small town of Lincolnton, North Carolina. The sunlight shown through the apartment's window, filling the girl's room with light. The girl rubbed her eyes and she slowly sat up from her bed. She moved her blanket to the side as she put on her slippers, stretching and she yawned. Her eyes dashed over to where her gauntlets were, among some props for her cosplays.

A few days ago, she had a, surprisingly, normal dream, compared to some that she's had. A voice warning her about a Void, and that the end of the world was coming. To her, it was just another dream in a fantasy setting, and yet unlike every other dream she's had, she brought something with her. In this case, it was the gauntlets. When she had woken up, she had freaked out for a few minutes as she's obviously never had something like that happen to her. After composing herself, she convinced that God had fulfilled her wishes and made her an anime protagonist. She was hyped to test out whatever magical power she had, so she ran over to the forest nearby her apartment and began trying ridiculous poses in an attempt to unleash whatever power these gauntlets gave her. Within the next few days, she found out at least a few of the powers she had, and she was absolutely excited. She couldn't wait to receive whatever legendary quest to save the world, or get transported to another world and find a party and through their efforts save the world from a great evil! And yet she was still in the normal world, still going to her normal job and still having her normal routine, although now that she had the gauntlets she'd visit the forest occasionally to try out her powers once more.

After taking a shower, getting into her uniform and eating breakfast, she got ready to head to work, placing the things she needed into a small backpack, as well as the gauntlets. As an anime protagonist, she couldn't possibly leave these gauntlets unattended. She'd be a total disgrace. Imagine the embarrassment she'd feel when she gets shamed by God for losing such important items. With a smile, she skipped on over to her bike and went on her way to her workplace.

After arriving and getting ready, she sat behind the counter, her backpack behind her, and began to play on her phone, waiting for any customers to arrive. Even if there wasn't any customers arriving, she still had her co-workers, who she loved to talk about manga with. Sometimes they'd even play D&D to pass the time, having fun all the while. "Wonder if that the new chapter of Boku no Hero has come out..." She mumbled to herself.

Sostos Sostos , Elowyn Elowyn , Gabe Gabe , SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , dreamthieves dreamthieves
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Alistair Hartwood Artis
Location: Lincolnton, North Carolina
Interacting with: RizaTiz RizaTiz

International travel was a goddamn pain. The only upside was that Alistair's real dad was footing the bill. It was part of the contract; he'd be able to visit his mum and Sean for a week once a month in exchange for being notarised into the will - Alistair'd be damned if he didn't milk that for all it was worth so he'd obviously take first class. During the flight, he had a dream. It was inexplicably real and he could still feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing when he woke up.

"Shit, you don't want bad omens like that when you're midway over the Atlantic ocean, the turbulence has been bad..." he muttered to himself as he stretched out the kinks in his neck and arms. There were still a few hours until the plane landed, and what better use of time than the inflight entertainment system? As he picked up the remote (being rich has privileges, first class, remember?) he had the most peculiar urge to inspect it, to take it apart and just learn about it - it was as though the blueprints for the remote were being transcribed into his head, becoming more detailed the more he played around with it but eventually the feeling subsided and he realised that those hours had slipped away and the plane was in fact landing. Alistair looked around his private space on the plane and found his various bags strewn around and opened, as though someone had a feverous exploration of every item that he had packed... he had gotten so engrossed in just looking at everything he had packed that he hadn't noticed how much time had passed, but one glinting item caught his eye. "What? Did I pack a random hammer? No... this looks expensive, maybe dear old dad is trying to coax me over with presents."

His mind cast back to the dream. There was some link there, he could feel it in his bones and his fingertips seemed to be drawn to the handle of the hammer as though they were coursing with electricity but the moment contact was made all he felt was serenity. No, not serenity, clarity. Every item that was scattered around him was ingrained in his mind and he felt as though he had two pathways to take, though the path that felt longer yet more durable was missing something... missing materials. The other path was quick and dirty, though he felt as though it had an ephemeral quality, something almost fragile. He reached out, not physically, but internally. It was as if the hammer shimmered invisibly, though to an outside perspective nothing changed, Alistair found himself gripping the remote of the entertainment system. That was impossible as the remote was also beside him. There were two of them now, indistinguishable from each other. "Now I've really gone mad." Alistair huffed to himself.

He pushed what just happened into the back of his mind, filing it under bullshit-to-review-later and began tidying up the mess of items on the ground back into their respective suitcase and then looked at the one item leftover. The hammer. "So, what do I do with you? You're definitely not getting through the metal detectors..." he mused, and, as if on cue, the hammer vanished. "Ah." was all Alistair could utter.

'To summarise, I've gone mad. Am I goddamn Thor to be having a magic hammer? I need to do some testing. Let's start with-'

"Excuse me sir, we are ready to alight." A voice interrupted, a flight attendant, pretty in the way that flight attendants are had come to notify him of their arrival. He awkwardly nodded with a smile and proceeded to jostle amongst the crowds that had disembarked with him - apparently he had been so engrossed that he didn't realise first class and business had already gotten off, and he was getting off at the same time as economy. Sigh.

Something about being rich introduced a whole new spectrum of problems that Alistair had never had to consider before during his time as one the common folk, and that was security. He had managed to convince ARTIS that he did not in fact need bodyguards since he already managed to live more than 20 years of his life without any, but he had to compromise on taking a convoluted route to his parents' house to "avoid getting tracked" and switch vehicles every so often. Alistair considered it a tad excessive, but then again, he wasn't the one paying. First stop: Lincolnton, North Carolina.

In the car, some discreet testing allowed him to work out a few things. Alistair let out a deep sigh. Frankly, he was tired and could do with a rest, the jet lag was not helping his experimentation. He'd have to spend at least a night in this town simply because he was tired and it would take a few hours for the next car to arrive. He had taken some notes on his notebook.

'One - I can freely summon and dispel the hammer by thinking about it. Two - apparently, this isn't restricted to just the hammer. (More testing required, how big??) Three - the hammer lets me make, for a lack of a better term, any old shit that I've learned about. What counts as learning? No idea. More testing required. Holy shit, is 'more testing required' gonna become my catchphrase? Man, I wanted something cooler than that. Oh, number four - the items disappear after some time, other path? maybe?

'Fuck it, I'm thirsty and I haven't tested whether or not this works on liquids yet. Can't wait for the fluid dynamics lecture I had in secondary to finally come in useful. This place looks nice.'
He thought to himself, ordering some hot chocolate, a milkshake, and a bottle of water at a small café - three different fluids with different mixtures and consistencies. Fluids are complicated, ask any physicist and they'll tell you that, so Alistair pre-empted that this would somehow be harder than the other stuff. It was. Though, as he progressed through them, it did become easier - it's not as though you need to relearn the alphabet every time you write a sentence, and that's what it felt like.

'What I need is a library... Library of Congress has the most books, and the British Library legally has every book ever released in the UK... but I don't have access to those right now. Maybe I'll stop by a library every town I have to visit... or maybe-' Alistair's train of thought was disrupted by him spotting a manga store. 'Hang on, I think I remember reading something similar to my situation before, something to do with Charles Dickens... no, wait, Darwin... Darwin's something or other. Now I think about it, there may be some nuggets of knowledge hidden in similar fiction since I doubt I'm the only one who's ever experienced something weird. Yeah, let's head in and ask.' Alistair entered the store and began browsing, trying to find anything of use, but when his search came up empty, he decided to ask a member of staff for help (a situation he wanted to avoid because he didn't want to bother talking with anyone yet). He approached and started speaking with a semi-forced smile, glancing at the employees name tag before talking.

"Hello... Emilia, I was wondering if you know about this series where someone has a dream about the end of the world and they wake up with some weapon that gives them powers? I think I remember something about... the 'Void', or 'Fatebound', do you have any ideas?" he said, using air quotes where appropriate. He just wanted anything similar just so he had somewhere to start.
Maud Alexandria Westbrook
interactions: none
location: Dallas, Texas

The previous night, for lack of a better term, was long. Maud had been busy all day running errands; laundry, haircut, grocery shopping, and finally a date. Everything went by smoothly, except the date of course. It was awkward and the girl, who'd asked MKud out in the first place, seemed quite disinterested in any conversation she would try to make. The redhead felt relieved, to be perfectly honest. Whatever reason had compelled her to accept the offer for dinner did not take into account that the girl- Lily, her name was, was absolutely not her type. Regardless, it had taken up just enough time so that Maud could get home and begin preparing for her fight that night.

She had showered for the second time that day, threw on some baggy sweats and a sweater, storing her clothes for the fight in her bag, along with a small first aid kit and plenty of water. The rest of the night was quick. She arrived at the location she would be, in her own words, performing, and didn't have to wait long for her opponent to arrive. It went on without a hitch, and considering the relatively low profile of the fight, was over quickly. Maud won in a few short minutes, collected her money, and went back home. Her errand days were always like this. Except for one thing. Usually, a fight would tire her out just enough to fall asleep shortly after getting home, but Maud was lying in bed for what seemed like hours before succumbing to unconsciousness.

Fast forward through an unusually dream-less sleep, Maud was beginning to stir from her sleep when the memory of a dream practically rammed itself into her head. A dream unlike anything she'd ever had. End of the world, the void, and the light. Did she have a dream about some fantasy movie or something? Shoving the slightly sweat-dampened blanket off, Maud slid to sit on the edge of her bed and started typing out the terms she could remember into a search engine. Oddly enough, nothing came up. At least nothing with all the details in one movie, book, or anything of the sorts. "Well, shit," she complained to herself. "Guess there's just some sort of fantasy geek somewhere in here." As she stood up, swiping through the notifications on her phone, Maud kicked something cold. Realizing that there shouldn't be anything cold in a non-air conditioned room in Dallas, Maud looked down to find a pair of swords. Something that really shouldn't be there, much less be cold.

"What the fuck..." she said out loud, tossing the phone onto her bed to tentatively grab the two peculiar swords. They seemed light enough, although the one sitting in her left hand was anything but cold, unlike the one she had initially kicked. Although they had momentarily distracted Maud from the strange dream, her mind suddenly connected the two occurrences. "No. There's no way that's real, right?" She was still staring at the swords, mind frantically searching for any other, mundane reason she could have two swords in her bedroom in that very moment. Nothing, of course, could explain it. "Being of virtue?" she repeated back to herself, remembering a line of the dream she'd had. "There's no way in hell that describes me, right? It must be some sort of prank." She said to herself, knowing full well that the only people who she's even remotely close to were her parents, who were living in Kansas, nearly four hundred miles away.

Realizing she should dress, rather than stand around her bedroom, naked with two swords. A short five minutes later, Maud was sitting at her kitchen's bar, dressed in blue jeans and a black tee, with the two silvery swords laid parallel on the counter. Maybe she could get them appraised? Deciding that was probably as good a solution as any, she stood to leave, grabbing them subconsciously in the same manner as before- warm in left, cool in right, and made her way through the house into her garage. Tossing them in the back seat, she found directions to a sort of antiques appraisal. "You really could make a living doing anything, can't you."
Kaede Yehia
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Location: Kaede's Home - Larose, Ohio
Appearance: Exasperated (plaster hidden on her right calf)
Outfit: Starry leggings and a plain blue top
Interacting with: No one
Mentions: No one
As the warm light seeped out of her mind, Kaede was startled awake by the chilliness of reality. It seemed in the middle of the night she had kicked her duvet off her bed, causing her to scoff and wonder if she was a child again. Despite feeling a bit cold, she laid there motionlessly in thought for a moment, pondering the strange scene she remembered so vividly from last night. It was rare for her to even be able to remember dreams in the first place, much less in that much detail. It was almost as if it was real, which gave her a small sense of awe and joy, seeing as she was finally being able to experience what others had all their lives. It was a weird one sure, something about being a chosen warrior and whatnot, but it was fun to reminisce over and gave her something to think about as she reluctantly got out of bed for the day's chores.

Perhaps due to still being half-asleep and semi-lost in thought, she didn't notice the glimmering metal by her bedside until it had cut her leg. Awakened by the sudden pain, and the sight of crimson trickling down her calf, Kaede finally looked upon the culprit with widened eyes.

It's beautiful.

Was her first thought, despite the fact that it had just caused her injury not even a moment ago. The pristine, silvery metal seemed to glow warmly in the morning sunlight, its swirled engravings of gold only adding to its radiance. Shaped like a circular ring, the strange weapon seemed to be layered, with an outer ring of honed blades, one with engraved golden markings and the last with smooth aquamarine. Tiny turquoise pearls dotted the golden layer, with five similarly coloured crystal shards poking out of it with a dangerous sharpness. A sleek aquamarine handle lay in the center of this fantastical relic, with an opening in the rings for access, which Kaede was strangely compelled to reach towards subconsciously. It was almost as if it was calling her, despite the tiny bloodstain on its leftmost crystal.

She did not give in immediately, rather, she just stared at it as confusion and questions arose. Firstmost, where on earth did it come from? Her windows and doors were locked securely, and the only people who had keys to her little residence were her parents. And they recently went abroad on a well-deserved holiday, returning those keys back to her for safekeeping. They even sent her a selfie just last night after reaching Cairo in Egypt. Lost, she began considering the unlikely possibility that this was some kind of practical joke, until she recalled the oddly realistic dream she had the night before.

A Fatebound warrior. The Void and the Light.

Quickly however, she threw that thought away and came back to the idea of a practical joke. What else could it be, if not that? It was most likely just a coincidence or something that she had that dream at the same time this prank played out... Still, a hidden part of her mind couldn't help but ponder that possibility. Afterall, she'd read those fantasy novels, watched the animes, played those MMORPGs with fireballs flying and swords clashing. Maybe? Perhaps? Still, it was way too unrealistic... maybe some research would help clear her mind.

Deciding to put off her chores till later, knowing that this nagging suspicion would annoy her to no end, she began googling and researching stuff on her PC. Expectedly, she found a lot of fantasy novels, movies, games and shows with similar themes and the like, prompting her to believe that the dream was just a mish-mash of stories she had liked in the past.

But it was only when she touched the chakram's handle for the first time, that she realized this might not be a joke.

"...What on earth..."

She sighed exasperatedly, as the warm glowing shield encapsulated her body, stemming from the light radiated from the weapon's blade.
Emilia Skye
Lincolnton, North Carolina

As she scrolled through her phone, a young man entered the shop, ringing the bell when the door opened. The girl look up from her phone to see who it was and looked at him mildly surprised. He seemed to be new here, considering she's never seen him in the shop nor around town, but it's possible he just lives somewhere nearby that she hasn't visited. "Welcome!" She chirped, but the man didn't respond. 'He probably didn't hear me' she thought, putting her phone on her desk, waiting eagerly for the new customer to come and checkout.

The young man approached Emilia, greeting her with a smile and asking about a series. "Oh sure! There's tons of..." She stopped mid-sentence and thought about what he just said. 'Dream about the end of the world and waking up with a weapon? That's odd, that sounds a lot like...'. Her thoughts were cut off, however, once he mentioned the words "Void" and "Fatebound". The girl's eyes visibly widened at he looked at the young man in front of her. 'Wait wait wait wait wait, oh my gosh, is...'. The girl seemed to just stare at the young man, possibly giving the impression that something was wrong. It wasn't until around a few seconds later when she suddenly pushed her chair backwards, cupping her hands around her face and kicking her feet in the air, weirdly excitedly, at least to Alistair. 'oh my gosh, is this the start of my quest? with such a cute guy??? oh my gosh is this going to be a reverse harem?! oh God almighty thank you so much'

Without the internal monologue, it seemed that Emilia was suddenly blushing and happy, seemingly out of nowhere. A few seconds later she opened her eyes in shock and then turned to look at him "Oh, sorry about that! B-But..." She seemed to stumble over her words, when she suddenly exclaimed "Did you also get the dream!? And something cool to fight off the Void? Areyouoneofmypartymembers!?" She said, speaking the last question rather quickly out of pure excitement. She looked up at him, a bright smile on her face and her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Interacting with: Sostos Sostos
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Alistair Hartwood Artis
Location: Lincolnton, North Carolina
Interacting with: RizaTiz RizaTiz

'What. The. Fuck.' was the immediate thought in Alistair's mind. Never mind the miniature seizure and blushing fit that he had just witnessed in response to his question he was about to ask if she was alright but that worry was quickly alleviated and overshadowed the moment she started speaking.

'Right, this has to be either the mother of all coincidences and she's just fucking with me here, or I was somehow guided to meet this person... as if by fate. Right. Fatebound. Kind of in the name. She seems rather excited by this, huh.' He opened his mouth to reply but couldn't form any words to say, what do you say to someone else who had the exact same dream of the apocalypse as you? Alistair recomposed himself, something about Emilia's pure unadulterated childlike glee had thrown him for a loop - not dissimilar to when a stranger's dog bounds up to you excitedly to ask to play, it was refreshingly pleasant from his previous very clinical approach to the situation. Alistair had just come to realise he was so stuck on working out the logistics of his hammer that he had completely blindsided the last few words of the dream - ...you are not alone. Find the others... - he realised this was probably the starting point. 'I guess it's time to gather the gang.'

He put on a more genuine smile replacing the half-forced smile used to talk to strangers since he finally had an ally. "Alistair would like to join your party. Will you accept?" he quipped, quoting a plethora of RPGs, followed by a wink and exaggerated whisper, "By the way, I'm Alistair, nice to meet you fellow Fatebound Emilia." Alistair reached out his arm to offer a handshake. "Look forward to working with you. But I have one question. What the hell have we gotten ourselves into? I think we have a fair bit to discuss, when are you free to have a proper chat? Wait, that was two questions, but you get the point."

ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · Ezriel · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ​

Ezriel woke with a start. Her mind felt disordered and she instinctively reached out her hand and pressed the button that caused her digital clock to light up displaying the time: 8:22. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Stretched. What did she dream again? She couldn't quite remember. It was all rather foggy. When she tried to stand, her leg nudged a weapon which clattered to the ground. Had she brought a weapon from the dojo home? What was it doing in her bed?

Pulling the dark curtains aside to let in a stream of glorious golden sunlight she took a closer look at the weapon. It was a halberd carved with intricate designs. Huh. That was strange as she didn't remember any such weapon in the dojo. Maybe Tomas gifted it to her as a practical joke. But no... he would have left a note or something, surely. Some thought nibbled at the edges of her consciousness. It was something important, but she couldn't remember what. Ezri had always been bad at remembering dreams, but she was sure it had something to do with the halberd that was currently lying on the floor.

Shrugging, Ezriel lifted it and leaned it against the wall. It was of good heft and well balanced. The wood felt comfortable in her grip, almost like it belonged there. She thought to herself that she would swing it around a bit in the practice arena for fun, then inquire whether it belonged to the dojo. Without another thought, she dressed and washed her face, brushed her hair, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Tomas was already out for his early morning run. Sausages and eggs were piled on a plate in the center of the table thanks to her dad. "Good morning, sunshine," he said. "Morning, dad," she replied as was their routine. "Did Tomas come into my room last night?" she asked, pulling a plate from the cabinet and grabbing a fork. "No, I don't think so. Why?" Her father looked at her curiously. Behind him, something delicious smelling sizzled in a pan. "No reason," she said quickly. She didn't know why, but she didn't want anyone to know that an unknown weapon had somehow found its way into her bed last night. It was most peculiar.

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Joseph Lowery
Villenborough - Ohio

The bus ride downtown was awkward. Joseph sat on the back of the bus, holding an axe almost his size covered in a semi burnt-out blanket - three more fires started since he left home - and the attention was growing. The bus driver almost kicked him out of the bus, the smell of burnt cloth permeating the whole vehicle. He dropped off the bus in the main street of the quaint town, and walked with the thing clutched in his hands, seeking the Villenborough Municipal Library.

The city of Villenborough was just another residential city, serving as housing for a good chuck of Columbus' workforce. The city was well developed, in the metropolitan area of the capital, but far out enough to give the "rural area" feel, even though there were tall buildings on the main area of the town. With the amount of people around, it wasn't a surprise that Joseph was drawing a lot of attention, especially since the blanket covering the axe was now merely a suggestion, the uncontrollable flames making hiding the weapon harder and harder. With ever snuffed flame Joseph walked faster, until he was almost running, hugging the axe close, desperate to reach the library to have an understanding of what the hell was going on.

When he reached the library, there were nothing remaining of the blanket. Joseph cursed in his breath, and a small lick of flame instantly burst from the keen edge of the axe, as if it was responding to his emotions. He tried that a little bit more, this time, hiding on the side of the antique building. He concentrated on the flame, trying his hardest to will it to life, but nothing. When he cursed again, he could finally notice: The wave of anger and frustration flew from his body and coursed through the handle of the weapon, and the edge of the massive axe burst into an orange flame. He stared at it for a while, a smile in his face. "So you work when I'm angry, right? That won't be too hard." He decided to leave the thing in a corner of the alley and enter the library, trying not to think about the consequences of someone finding it and taking it away.

He entered the building, taking a look at the bored looking receptionist, and awkwardly approached her. "Uh, good morning. I'm trying to find some books on Fate, and magic?" He said, feeling his cheeks reddening. The clerk looked at him with an unflinching expression. "Self-help is shelf F, occultism is shelf K." He took a look at the library, seeing the shelves on the middle of a sea of books. "T-thanks." he shuffled it away, looking at the occultism section first. "Hmmmm, what the hell am I looking for, here..." He started browsing the book spines, cringing at the titles. "How to Unlock your Third Eye", "Inner Chakra in the Workplace" and "Spells and Sympathies for Love" were some of them. He sighed heavily, shaking his head. "This was a stupid idea, and now I wasted my morning. Great."

Before he could have another coherent thought, a shockwave hit the library, shaking the whole building, crashing windows and throwing books from their shelves. Joseph covered his head, trying to defend himself from the literary onslaught, and before he could ask what was going on, screaming came from the outside. Rushing to the street, he saw the start of the carnage.

It was a tear in space, as if somebody cut reality with a dull knife. Two dimensional, flowing edges made the whole thing confusing to Joseph's eye, and the whole thing looked crude, aggressive and blighted. People ran away from it like it was the devil, and for a moment, Joseph also thought it was that. It was only then that Joseph saw what was the source of the screaming: Monsters, made of flesh and bone and blood, pouring out of the tear, indiscriminately killing everyone that they could get their appendages on.

The monsters took more and more the shape of humans the more it killed, as if assimilating the characteristics of the people it ate. From shapeless mass to half-human beasts, Joseph saw the carnage start. The first instinct was to be overcome by fear and to run away, but that same energy, that same soothing and encouraging feeling engulfed him, and Joseph felt prepared to fight. [font=Poppins"This... This isn't normal... What the hell am I supposed to do against those things, swing at them with my... Oh goddammit I forgot the fucking axe at the library."[/font] As if called by its owner, the axe materialized in a burst of flame in front of him, clattering on the ground. "Well that's convenient." Right when he grabbed the axe, he felt more shockwaves, but this time, it was a familiar feeling. Around him, perfect circles of light emerged from thin air, portals from other places. He could see other people looking back at him with a range of emotions, from excitement to confusion. Were these the others that the dream mentioned?​


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Emilia Skye
Lincolnton, North Carolina

Her faced turned bright pink when he said the RPG quote, and she looked at his extended hand for a few seconds and squealing in glee and shaking his hand rapidly. "Glad to meet you too, Alistair!!!" She chirped, before noticing that she was kinda shaking his hand a tad bit too fast, letting go. "Oh, sorry!" Giggling, she grabbed her backpack, moving her things aside before she deciding to just bring it up to the counter. "I'm free right now! Oh, this is going to be so fun!" She didn't even try to hide her excitement since Alistair told her about the Void and Fatebound, it was just way too amazing! 'My quest is going to start soon! It must be! Probably tomorrow...And then I can meet my other party members!' She squealed with delight once more before finally hiding her gauntlets. "Oh yeah, what powers did you get? I got these cool gau-" Before she could finish her sentence, she got sucked up by a perfect circle, filled with light. "Woooooooooooooooaaaaah!" She screamed, a bright, wide smile over her face. "Thiissss iissss iiiiiiiittt! Other world, here I co-woah!"

The girl fell out the bright portal from above what seemed to be a street, falling nearly 6 meters to the ground before she began to float for a split second right before she hit the ground, letting her fall safely. "Woooo! Other world, here I am!!!...?" She looked around her, noticing normal buildings, normal cars and normal people screaming in fear. Wait, what? She looked at everyone around her running past her, shoving her and pushing her to the ground. "Eek!" She protected her face until the mob seemed to clear, allowing her to see in front of her and especially what they running from.

She looked at the grotesque flesh monster, impaling whatever it's sharp's appendages could penetrate. Man, woman, child, whatever it could stab, it'd try to do so. Those who were unfortunate enough to get stabbed would get eaten, afterwards the monster seemed to grow a new fleshy humanoid figure, looking like whichever human it ate. Whatever excitement and cheeriness she had quickly disappeared, as she immediately looked away, trying to not vomit. 'Wait no this...what the hell is this, this is not what I imagined. God almighty, I wanted to go to some happy world like Konosuba or something!' She tried to look back towards the monster but it seemed to only grow continually in how grotesque it was, forcing her to look away. As she did, she spotted her backpack a few feet away from her, open with some of her items strewn across the street. Some of which were crushed from the earlier mob, however there was still one item intact. Her gauntlets.

She scrambled to her feet, running to her gauntlets and putting them on, all the while praying for them to work. As if she had drank Echidna's tea, a soothing and calming wave washed over her. As if whatever panic and fear she had felt washed away. She was still disgusted by the monster, but she felt ready to fight, no...Kill it. It was a monster, killing innocent people and desecrating their bodies. As she aimed her right gauntlet towards it, she noticed the few people near her, all with different kinds of weapons and appearances, including Alistair. Like a swift personality change, she blushed and cupped her face once more, smiling excitedly. 'These are my party members!'

Facing the monster once more, she held her gauntlets in front of her, ready to unleash her power against this disgusting, evil monster.

Interacting with: Gabe Gabe Sostos Sostos Elowyn Elowyn SilverFeathers SilverFeathers dreamthieves dreamthieves
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Alistair Hartwood Artis
Location: Villenborough, Ohio
Interacting with: everyone, I guess

Emilia was a bundle of excitement, though perhaps a bit too enthusiastic. Alistair considered her perhaps the scatterbrained kind, the type who got way too into whatever they enjoyed and wanted to share it with everyone who would lend an ear. 'Well, that's not a bad thing, it's kind of like a little kid or puppy...' he thought to himself whilst Emilia grabbed her backpack. And then came the excited whooping of Emilia as the circles of light appeared. Alistair definitely hadn't expected that.

The light was blinding, and Alistair went to shield his eyes as the circle engulfed him, following which he was filled with a sense of weightlessness as if he were falling. Oh, he was falling, though the rising panic was quickly smushed by the fact that he floated at the last moment. Eyes still closed, he heard screaming people and vaguely a female voice cheering about another world. That didn't make sense to Alistair - why would they be sent to another world if their job was to save their own one? He peeled his eyes open one at a time, taking in the sight of... regular buildings with modern architecture and a crowd screaming and panicking, all dressed in 21st century attire (well, there were always a few who weren't, but on the whole everyone was dressed as normal). There were some other circles of light with others that he didn't quite recognise but were clearly 'the others' mentioned in the dream. Sweet, no need to hunt each person down individually.

Then he saw the monsters. These things were not pretty. There was nothing natural about them and every instinct in Alistair's body screamed at him to flee - all but one. His mind was washed with a feeling of clarity and sharpness, it was as though he was in 'analysis mode' as he was on the flight and he calmly considered the best course of action.

'Don't forget, I am not alone.' he reassured himself, though it was different to simply talking to yourself, it was more as though he was simultaneously in a third and first perspective and the two were conversing. He looked at his supposed team mates. The variety in weapons (and therefore, he assumed, abilities) was clear to see and he tried to work out his niche in the group, to see where he fit into the mould. 'Haphazardly swinging a hammer like a barbarian isn't being a team player... I should save the melee range attacks for when I'm in a pinch, so should I help at a range? Perhaps. What do I have?' A million and one thoughts and ideas flew into his head, but he quickly dismissed the majority of them as being too inefficient, risky, or both. 'A gun? No, too many variables, I don't know how to even make gunpowder, that'll need more time and I don't have much. Something simpler so I can use it right now. Ah, I know.'

Alistair was now a man with a plan - in his left hand he summoned his hammer in its single-handed form, and in the right hand he summoned his mobile phone. His thumb flew across the screen, searching up blueprints and schematics, all of which he comprehended with reassuring confidence - he was building a puzzle and he just had to find the right pieces. This took all of three seconds, at which point he smirked and dismissed his phone, replacing it with a loaded repeating crossbow. "Hell yeah, I can't believe that worked." The fact that he could manufacture it so quickly was a double edged sword as the less in-depth he was whilst making an item, the less amount of time that item existed. No matter - he'd just have to make another one when this one vanished in... two minutes. He dismissed the hammer.

"Alright, I guess it's time to kick some monster butt." he remarked, characteristically nonchalant to mask any anxiety he was feeling. As he aimed the cross bow, he felt knowledge, no, experience rushing into his head and body, he subconsciously corrected his stance and muscle movements and he knew that his shots would be pinpoint accurate. He fired, releasing a volley of arrows flying into the air, at which point the crossbow vanished, as if it shattered into shards of ephemeral glass. 'I thought it would last a little longer than just three shots. I guess you can't get it perfect on the first try. Well, practice makes perfect.' He reforged another pair of cross bows, one in each hand as the arrows thudded into meat and sinew with an unpleasant squelch.
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Maud Alexandria Westbrook
interactions: the... party members, according to an overly excited girl
location: Villenborough - Ohio

Maud felt rather uneasy as she sat in the one parking spot allotted to the tiny store. Staring at the two swords taking up the passenger seat, she felt compelled to grab them. Of course, to bring them into the shop, but another.. strange pull emitting from them. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing her bangs to the side as they threatened to compromise her sight. With a heavy sigh, she opened her door, then grabbed the weapons. "Here's to hoping.. I don't know. That some random shopkeep will know what these things are, or where they come from?" She was talking to herself aloud. "Ridiculous. But.. Better an idea than anything else, I guess." She took a step out of her car toward where the sidewalk used to be. In reality, it was a hole in space. Partially blinded, Maud failed to catch herself, as if it would have helped anything.

Swords still in hand, Maud tumbled into the middle of the street. Somewhere completely different than she was a mere second ago, judging by the relatively dramatic change in temperature. That, and the sounds of screams now filled her mind. Stepping up from a near prone position, She surveyed her surroundings. Five others in a similar position as herself, and a clearing crowd of people- the source of the screams. Then she saw them. Strange compositions of flesh that seemed to take the shape of humans as they killed. With the crowds dispersing, the number of potential targets for these monsters would inevitably reach the six who tumbled through portals, Maud included. "What the fuck are those?" She asked, mostly to herself and simply to say something. In fact, a few of the others seemed to be doing the same, one of them seemed quite happy to fall through a portal until she saw the monsters as well. Another formed a crossbow out of thin air and started firing upon the beasts. He was quite competent with it, as well.

Fuck. The dream. This is it, isn't it? It's all real. Glancing down at her filled hands, Maud realized what she would have to do. Entering a stance that was completely alien to her memory, but felt like a sort of muscle memory. Upon making quick movement toward one of the monsters, a few things happened. First of all, her mind entered the state all to familiar to her. She began identifying potential weak points in these.. things, as strange and seemingly impossible as it was to analyze their posture and weight distribution. Second, the sword in her left hand lit aflame. Something deep in her mind told Maud this was supposed to happen, however. The nearest monster turned its attention toward Maud, obviously identifying her as another human to be slaughtered. She made the first move, swinging with the left blade, wondering mid swipe what this one was supposed to do. The cut was clean. Too clean, in fact. Going through the flesh and even bone with little resistance, blood poured through the wound as the beast made an ungodly noise, recoiling from what was probably the first thing fighting back against its rampage.

ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · Ezriel · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ​

If she thought that this morning had been odd, Ezriel's world was about to turn upside down by the end of the day. She was just drinking some oolong tea when suddenly a strange phenomena appeared on her right. It looked like a circular window into another place. "W-woah!" she gasped as it sucked her in and deposited herself in the middle of the fray. People were fleeing from the scene and -- what was that?! Horrified, she saw what the crowd was fleeing from. It was a disgusting monster, the type you see in horror films, not in real life.

Ezriel blanched and froze, for once in her lifetime her reflexes failed her and she was knocked over by a heavyset man. She wished she had a weapon with her. Specifically, the halberd she had found earlier in her bed. When she concentrated on this thought, the weapon flashed into existence before her like some magical summon. There wasn't enough time to gawp and wonder at what was going on. That's when she remembered the dream... the Void, the Light, being called to fight against evil. Yes, she remembered all of the ridiculous dream now. Perhaps it wasn't so ridiculous after all.

There were people fighting, weapons in hand. She saw that now. They'd be the ones she was supposed to fight alongside, right? Then she did the inevitable and possibly stupid thing: she ran towards the creatures with a battle cry, weapon raised. Charging at the nearest creature, she called upon her past martial arts experience and hacked at its joints and ligaments, its face and belly. The blade sliced smoothly through flesh and sinew.


Joseph Lowery
Villenborough - Ohio

"I guess we can't have the luxury of introductions, do we?" Joseph twirled the axe in his hand as he pointed to the monsters, either chasing away the civilians or feeding on them. "Is it just me or I do not fear death, right now?" He said as he smiled. The edges of the axe burned brightly as he screamed, taking a running start before jumping on top of one of the feeding monsters. The creature was caught unawares, eliciting an unholy pain from the beast. As soon as the surprise attack faded, the beast twirled its crooked arm, blindsiding him and throwing him away. Joseph tumbled away from the monsters, skidding on the asphalt, earning a lot of scratches and cuts on his exposed arms. "Grrrahh, holy shit..." He said, stumbling to his feet. "They are sturdier than they look..." He tried to advance but faltered, taking a knee, catching his breath. The monster was advancing at him, and fast.

From the portal, more and more monsters started to pour, from various sizes. The amorphous masses soon took on humanoid forms as soon as they tasted blood. The gash in the middle of the street was pulsating with malevolent energy, as if wanting to suck matter itself towards destruction.
Emilia Skye
Villenborough - Ohio

She was surprised when the others charged in almost immediately, cutting down the fleshy beasts that came from the portal. She smiled and took a moment to analyze the situation. The monsters were flowing from that cut in reality near the middle of the street. These monsters didn't seem to have any other thought process other than "Kill" whatever living being was in their path. Basically, they were like the normal AI monsters in most games. How advanced was their AI? She couldn't exactly tell. They weren't really using anything to their advantage besides their clear ability to kill someone rather easily with their tendrils. Maybe she could...

A few seconds after her party members acted, she aimed her right gauntlet at the portal, right behind it and fired a massive blast of ice, almost causing her to stumble backwards. Like magic, the ice stuck to the ground and began to build upon itself, creating a sort of thick ice wall behind the portal, the cold being able to be felt a few feet away from it. Hopefully that would withstand of good amount of hits. Afterwards, she began using her "Ice Wall" power to block off areas where these creatures could escape towards. Once she was finished the street basically became a kill box for the monsters. Whilst the enemy could do nothing else but go forward, they could advance forward or backwards, giving her and her party members a sizeable advantage of these creatures.

Just as she was going to change her powers, the blue crystal seemed to get drained of it's color as it became a shade of grey. "Guess I won't be able to use this one anytime soon." She giggles and swaps over to her yellow crystal, her right gauntlet giving off the occasional electric sparks. "Ohohoho yeah, this is going to be fun!" She gave a wide grin as she charged towards one of the smaller monsters, fist closed as she went towards the closest one and punched it with all her might, the lightning compressed in her gauntlet transferring towards it. The creature convulsed violently, it's flesh began to burn as it fell on the floor. "Ho-ho-holy shit!" She looked at her gauntlet, at the monster and then back at her gauntlet "That's fucking amazing!" She smirked and charged towards the rest of the monster, readying another "Lightning Punch"

Interacting with: Her dear party members Gabe Gabe Sostos Sostos Elowyn Elowyn SilverFeathers SilverFeathers dreamthieves dreamthieves with the Flesh monsters as special guests.
Alistair Hartwood Artis
Location: Villenborough, Ohio
Interacting with: everyone, and a shit ton of monsters making a cameo

Alistair slowed his volley of arrows as the situation dawned on him. What the fuck, why are we all so calm? This isn't just a normal day at the office so why do I feel like it is? He considered taking Emilia's perspective on the situation, acting as though this was some sort of video game, but he didn't have enough information - monsters were pouring out of the portal but were they coming in waves? Did they simply have to outlast the waves like in some tower defence, or was there some objective to it, like evacuating the civilians or closing the portal? Speaking of civilians, surely the military would have to be employed soon, considering it was the age of information and someone must've streamed the whole situation instead of running for their lives, like any sensible person would do. Shit, does that mean our secret identities are already busted?

The portal was more like a gash in reality so he was a bit stumped on how to close it, there was no door to slam shut or anything. Another discharge of arrows met their mark, some thudding into the meat totems, and some piercing through - it wasn't like he was going to run out of arrows so he continued his rapid fire of arrows in lieu of a machine gun. He really needed to be able to make some better weaponry if they were going to fight monsters on a regular. Emilia had pretty much boxed in the lot so all he had to do was point, fire, summon in a continual loop.

"Yo, anyone got some way to deal with that portal thing? I just make shit and I haven't got anything that can deal with a magical tear in the fabric of space and time." he called out to his fellow Fatebound. God, it was a matter of time until they all had super sentai suits like some sort of knock off Power Rangers at this point.

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