Spooky Writing Contest 2017 The Eyes Have It


The mediocre Gatsby

[Slight gore and language warning.]

The Eyes Have It

"...the eyes are the windows to the human soul, which is probably why it is the hardest to copy."
-Dr. Bates; The Art of Realism

Time: 6:45 A.M.
Date: 31st of October

Teddy Mulaney's eyes watered so badly, he had to stop for a while to compose himself. "Screw this shit," he cursed under his breath as he snatched the water bottle sitting on the hood of his Jeep. Without any hesitation, he dumped the remaining contents on his kerchief, and wrapped the wet cloth over his reddening nose. The balding officer may have years of experience under his belt, but not even that can prepare him for this. Ignoring the sudden lurch in his stomach, the redhead hesitantly turned on his heels and trudged back to the crime scene.

"You sure took your sweet time, getting back," his partner stated, all the while eyeing the kerchief wound tightly around the lower half of his face. "What can I say? I prefer the fresh air over the stench of a slaughter fest any day. Like a regular fucking person," Teddy muttered, which earned a chuckle from the brunet. It irked him. Robert may be a loveable asshat, but oftentimes, his asshattery knows no bounds. Sometimes he wished the damn man has an on and off button somewhere so he can just make him shut the fuck up, and sit the fuck down. "The hell are you smiling about Robby boy? A girl's murdered. Get your damn ass back in there. I don't want to miss anything crucial." Robby raised a brow at his partner's statement. His pale blue eyes flicked to Teddy, then back again at the bus before them. "Murdered? Have we been seeing two different versions of the same scene? 'Cause Teddy, I'm pretty sure the word you meant is 'eaten.'"

Yellow caution tape swung lazily against the foul breeze, as the two officers went back in the sealed perimeter. At first glance, anyone can mistakenly make the assumption that the vehicle's walls and windows were deliberately painted with a deep shade of red. That is until they look to the ground. From the photos, Amanda Carrol appeared to be a beautiful, vibrant young woman brimming with life. She had a lovely mess of long, blonde hair, and freckled almond skin, both of which now littered the ground in numerous clumps of bloody splotches. Amanda, or what was left of her at least, was everywhere.

Across the walls.

On the plastic chairs and table.

Over the ceiling.

And against the door.

Teddy closed his eyes and cursed when his shoes squelched upon contact with the floor. "Lunch and dinner are officially canceled," Robby announced as he crouched and gingerly picked up a bright, orange phone with a gloved hand. Bits of pink flesh slid off the device's surface, while short strands of light blonde hair stayed plastered on the screen. Teddy ignored his partner's last bit, too preoccupied with convincing himself that he did not just step on a shredded piece of human fucking flesh.


The mobile lit up and pierced the oppressive silence in the room. "Bingo," Robby exclaimed as he walked over to the redhead, all the while wondering why his partner devolved into a statue for the last fifteen minutes. "Girl last left a voice mail to someone named Emmie. I can send this over to Technical so they can trace the call and retrieve the message." Teddy opened his eyes and angrily pulled the cloth away from his face. The piece of shit only shortens his breath, and does close to nothing to block the stench. "Send it over to Forensics first for fingerprints," the redhead ordered, "then find the whereabouts of that Emmie." "Yes sir." Robby dropped the phone in an Evidence Bag and moved to exit the bus. The cleanup crew will be here soon to retrieve the body. "Do you... Do you really think she was... eaten by something?" Teddy asked the brunet. Robby's light blue gaze drifted to the bloody corpse tucked inside the sleeping bag. The bones stared hollowly back at the two of them. "Yeah I think so," the brunet gestured to the scene before them," how do you explain all this then? Forensics said they're missing a huge chunk of her flesh. Hair too. The organs are gone. Everything basically. Then... There are the bite marks. Said they can only be made by human molars..." "Jesus Christ," Teddy muttered under his breath, "What do you think ate her, then?" Robby shook his head. "Not what. Who." His partner looked at him incredulously. "The fuck are you on Robby? I swear you're not fucking funny. If you thin--" But before he can finish, the brunet cut him off. "Listen Teddy. Before you piss yourself, mind explaining to me how the fuck did an animal manage to tuck her back to bed after dinner? Because last I checked, they definitely aren't that polite."


Location: Woods
Time: 7:58 A.M.
Date: 31st of October

"And please sign here sir. And here. Thanks."

Dead leaves crunched under the weight of the gurney, as the crew transported Amanda out of the bus. The poor girl deserved better, and Teddy is sure of it. Whatever wrongs she might have done in her life, she still deserved better than to be reduced to a pile of skin and bones in a body bag. Nobody could have done something like this. Nobody. Whatever Robby or the Forensics might think, nobody can just sink their teeth into human flesh and think it's a bright fucking idea to consider it a day's meal. Like an animal. It's got to be an animal. Maybe a wolf, or a fox, or heck, maybe even a bear. But a singular thought kept tugging at Teddy's mind. "--mind explaining to me how the fuck did an animal manage to tuck her back to bed after dinner?" No matter which way you look at it, Robby is right. Animals aren't that polite. But humans can be. And according to what he can still remember from his high school Biology and History class, humans are animals. And hell, they always have been.



"Officer (static) Mulaney, you copy?"

Teddy lifted the walkie from his belt. The cleanup crew's van rumbled on in the distance.

"I copy."

"It's Sam, from Technical. We recovered part of t-(static) me-(static)-ssage. Director wants you an-(static)-- Robby to get ba-(static) --re stat. "

Teddy frowned and tapped the walkie twice with the palm of his hand. The damned thing always loses a signal when it's needed.

"Sam, sorry but I'm getting interference. What did the message say?"

"Mulaney it's n-(static) --rtant. We n-(static) ----ack!"

"I'm still getting interference. What did it say?"

"(static) ---says the killer looks lik-- (static)-er. It took he- (static)-r form. Please ge-(static) --ack imme--(static)-- offic-(static) --ere! We found someth-(static) --strange in the DNA. If you see anyone wit-(static) -ange eyes engag-(static)-mediately- (static)"

"Sorry, what? Sam, what is the perp's profile? Took her where? What did you find? And what's this about eyes?"


"Sam, do you copy?




Teddy threw the walkie on the ground in frustration. As soon as he gets back to the Station, he's finally going to give the Director a piece of his mind about the lack of working, reliable equipment in the workforce. With growing irritation creeping at his insides, the redhead sighed and bent to pick up the jet black phone. It's not a particularly bright idea to destroy Government-issued equipment, no matter how dead-beat it might be. They always come to bite you back in the ass for it. However, before his fingers managed to reach the device, at the corner of his eye, he spotted something round near a dead bush, slightly covered with dried leaves. From afar, it somewhat looked like a marble. Teddy left the now radio-silent walkie from where it lay, his attention now transfixed to the small object. Brows furrowing in confusion, he stood back up and took a step forward before stopping completely.

From the the distance, Robby is standing at the edge of the clearing, with his back before him. There is nothing strange about the brunet, apart from the fact that he is as still as a statue, with his arms and legs frozen mid-walk. "Hey Robby," the redhead called as he jogged over to the younger officer. "I-- I uh.. I think I found something. What... are you doing?" As soon as Teddy was a few paces away, Robby began to move once again. "What? What happened?" the brunet chuckled, as he slowly turned around. "You tell me. You looked like a damn mannequin seconds ago. You were uh... frozen in place? And why in God's name do you have those shitty shades on?" The brunet tried to dodge the officer's hand, but Mulaney was quicker. He snatched the shades off and tossed them back to his partner's dirt-stained outstretched hand. "It's seven in the morning and there's no fucking sun. How many times do I have to tell you that it doesn't make you look cool, you fucking idiot?"

Robby's dark green eyes stared dully at him. For a split second, Teddy thought one green eye tracked slightly on the other direction, away from the other. But he blinked, and Robby is staring straight at him once again. "Oh come on Ted. They don't look too bad on me do they? And what do you mean frozen? Man, you
need a fucking break. All that built-up stress has you hallucinating." Teddy frowned and rubbed his eyes. Something doesn't feel right, but he can't quite put a finger on what it is that feels so off. "You said you found something?" Robby smiled at him. "Uh.. yeah. Over there, near the bushes." Mulaney led the way back to the rear of the bus, while the brunet followed close behind. The object still sat on where he spotted it, waiting for the both of them. Crouching on his heels, Teddy reached with in a gloved hand, and pulled the object from underneath the dead leaves. The eyeball left a warm trickle of blood running down the length of his arm. It was fresh. In a mix of fascination and horror, Teddy gingerly rotated it until a pale blue iris stared back at him.

Pale blue.

Then it hit him.


Amanda Carrol's Phone Log #1
Recovered at: 7:40 AM
Status: Reported
Agent: Sam Willoughby

<call log history>|
<voice mail #08> || <callerID unknown>|
<3:15 AM> || <call start>||
<file corrupted>||

-electronic beep-
Emm! Emmie, list--(static) --- -e. I think someone's fol(shuffling)
(heavy breathing) look what-(hurried footsteps)-ever you do, don't -(static)
Please! you got t--- -elieve me!(static) ---n't trust me!(muffled voices)
It looks like me-(static) I... I don't understand!
Emm please, you-(heavy breathing)-got to help me! It's not human!(hurried footsteps)
I don-(static)

---know it's me 'cause my eyes are dif-(static). Please! I know it's weird but I'm not fucking joking okay!--
---Kill y(static)
(high pitched screech) (static) (squelching noise)

(footsteps) Hey Emm! Hope I didn't scare you ! (laughter). It was jus-- (static) -- prank! Happy Halloween girl. (squelching noise) See you soon! (static) --ugs and kisses!
-electronic beep-

<3:30 AM> || <call end>||
<file corrupted>|
<delete file>||

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