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Fantasy The Epic Saga of Markus and Dahlia


Character Name: Dahlia Linhro

Race/Species: Song Dragon

Gender: Female

Age: 312

Career/Class: Bard, Songstress, Healer

  • Dagger
  • Any instrument
Physical Description:
As a woman she stands 5'4. Dripping wet she might weigh a grand total of 128 pounds. Maybe. Making her a slip of a woman. All soft curves. Tendrils of long platinum hair fall down around her shoulders and curl at the ends. Colorful strips of ribbon are laced in the hair sporadically to keep it back out of her face. Smooth alabaster skin seems to go well with the white hair. Nomadic blue eyes shine like diamonds against the muted colors of her skin and hair.

As a dragon she is a rather impressive sight. Almost 20 foot long in length and about 10 feet tall. Her wing span is about 40 foot. All white scales with a golden accent. Unlike other dragons she has 4 wings and tuffs of fur around the base of her wings, neck, and tail.

  • Leather if any
  • Normally dressed in casual traveling garb. Sage green corset with a cream shirt or over coat. Light brown pants with boots that fit snugly up to her knees
Favored Skills:
  • Performance (Highly Proficient): Performance is a key skill for all song dragons. Making it easier to blend in with the people around her.
  • Persuasion (Moderately Proficient): What kind of bard would she be if she couldn't talk her way out of a few scrapes. She would rather sing it out if she had a choose. But fighting isn't her forte
  • Healing (Somewhat Proficient): Although she doesn't work as a healer, it's a skill all song dragons know. Could be a stronger healer if she worked at it a bit more.
  • Acrobatics (Somewhat Proficient): Dancing and moving around during a performance. Changing shapes. Some level of Acrobatics is needed.
  • Athletics (Somewhat Proficient): She isn't really the athletic type. But it does take muscle and endurance to fly. Just don't expect her to go chasing down a person or wrestling a man in human form.
  • Dahlia only keeps on her a few bags to hold shiny things that she's collected, a few extra strings for her lute, and that's about it.
Mental Description/Personality:
Dragons. Known for being big mean man eating monsters. And one could almost say that was true about Dahlia. Well no, not really. As a human she is voicetress and outgoing. Like she is more comfortable with herself. Always putting on a show. This also means she rarely lets anyone get close to her or know her true self. Always pretending she doesn't care about much. Often times it leads her to feeling rather lonely and isolated, even when she is surrounded with people. Although the hand full of people who she has truly befriended have seen that rare caring and selfless side. The dragon in her loves shiny things. Anything that glitters. Can come off rather greedy since she is often times unwilling to part with anything she calls treasure. This causes her to become easily distracted and trying to procure new treasures.

Simply wants to travel and see the world. Collecting as much treasure as she can along the way.

Song dragons are the only known dragon that doesn't need to cast a spell to change shape. They naturally have a humanoid form that they can take at will. Dahlia has always been a little different. Even for a dragon. Especially for a dragon. Preferring her human form over the dragon one. Maybe it's because being human tends to be safer than being a dragon. Or maybe it's because she can pretend for a brief moment that she isn't all alone.

Most dragons live a very solitary life after hatching. Song dragons however normally stay with another of their kind until they've mastered the art of performance. Only as a hatchling, Dahlia found herself all alone. Dragon Slayers had come and killed everyone and took the egg for when it hatched. Hoping to sell off the baby dragon to the highest bidder. However she wasn't going to make it easy. As soon as the first person let their guard down around her, she escaped. Once far enough away she took human form and tried to stay in human form as much as possible.

Growing up all she ever heard were tells of how evil dragons were. How people hunted and slayed them for alchemy parts and money. A part of herself started to hate that she was born a dragon. In turn she decided to never reveal her other form if she didn't have to. Staying on the move if fear of being found out. Trying to keep her greed under control.

Fandralore, the last town anyone might see for a while if traveling on past this point. The town itself was gorgeous with shingle rooftops, pine wood walls and fields of golden grains waving for as far as the eye can see. To the south luminous blue sky fades into a dreary gray as plumes of smoke from the volcanic mountains soar upwards in hopes to block out the heavens. As the mountains travel more to the west they become more glacial with white and blue snowy tops. The north however is much flatter with towering trees stretching up as high as they can. Which takes us back to the rolling fields in the east.

Dahlia wasn't sure where she was going. Just as long as she was moving was all that mattered to her. That and collecting her coin. The Dwarven greed had nothing on the young dragon. chasing after anything that glitters. Finds ways to help people part from their coins. Although after being in the town for a week she had pretty much warmed out her welcome. Thankfully there was a caravan about to leave. Last time she tried to head out, she was attacked by bandits. Yeah, fighting back was an options. However giving herself away was not. Nothing worst then a bunch of half cocked dragon hunters on her tail. Literally. Thankfully there was rumors that a fighter or two might be joining this join.

The woman only looked to be in her twenties. With her platinum hair pulled back into a braid. Having it pulled back made travel easier. Dressed in brown leather pants and matching corset. With a green undershirt. Knee high boots and bracers completing the attire. Quietly she sat at the bar in the local tavern, slowly strumming her lute as she waited for the ground to get ready to head out. The lingering odors of ale, sweat, and fresh bread left an interesting aroma hanging aloft. An occasional moment of humming or a few stray lyrics left her lips as she thought over her next destination.

Maybe it was time to pick a place and start building her lair? God, she hated that thought. why did a dragon have to live in a den or lair when everyone else got to live in a home? Surely it shouldn't be an issue if she called it a home as well? That's what it would be, her home. With her piles of horded treasures she'd been collecting over the years. Although she has shared some on the rare occasion. Most of it was squirrelled away for another time.

The tavern door opened, bringing with it the scents a Dragon might expect from outside; horses, men, trees, cook fires and food wafting from chimney's across the street. But she could smell something else, unmistakably human, but with something else tacked on. When he walked in, it was clear. The smell of a handsome young adventurer. Her nose wouldn't fool her, at least not this time.

Markus Flintbrook stepped inside, his dark eyes glinting in the firelight as a stray breeze swept in, ruffling his mane of hair along with his cloak. Clearly he was a mercenary in his traveling leathers and hauberk of chainmail. The bastard sword at his side looked well forged, and he looked like a man who knew how to wield it. On his back was a shield, though he would be hard pressed to use his sword at full capacity if he donned it. Must be for emergencies or to guard his back against archers.

He strode in confidently, making his way past the patrons and raucous rabble rousers until he made it to the bar, where he bought a drink. There were some leaves and stray twigs stuck to his cloak, betraying that he had just come in from a long trek from parts unknown. Truth be told, Markus was just looking for work wherever he can find it. If the stories were true, the Marches were teeming with money for sellswords and adventurers, though he was as liable to lose his head in the process. It was a gamble he wouldn't mind taking, though he still wasn't overly optimistic on his chances of survival going alone.

Running a hand through his thick head of dark hair, he turned and saw a woman in the corner, strumming a instrument and singing a few lyrics every now and then.

Well, maybe not everything here is drab, he thought to himself.

Not waiting for him to change his mind, he decided to order two drinks. One for him and the other for the pretty girl. He walked over to her, placing her cup in front of her and giving a bow. With his cloak about him, he almost looked kingly, in a travelworn sort of way. "May I sit?" he asked her. "I don't get to speak to many minstrels, and it's been a long day."
Her eyes lifted as light flooded into the tavern momentarily. Glazing over the latest stranger to enter the establishment. It was clear that he was a fighter of some kind. The armor and sword giving it away. Still she strummed on, simply watching as she often times did. People were fascinating to watch with there disabiding ways. Still, as the newest arrival of the place grabbed two drinks she couldn't help but to let the corner of her lips turn upwards. "By all means, you look like you could use the rest." Dahlia replied, letting her fingers glide over the strings a few more times before bringing the melody to an end.

Setting the lute off to the side, Dahlia gave the stranger her full attention. Crossing one leg over another as she leaned back against her seat. "A wonderer? Mercenary maybe? So what brings you all the way out here to Fandralore?" At least this one wasn't an affront to her senses. Unlike others who have tried to join her in the past. This man was better kept then that. There was an air about him. One she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Where are my manners? I'm Dahlia, and you are?" Upon giving a simple introduction she held out a hand for his. Hand shakes spoke volumes about a person as did their garb. His garb said he wasn't afraid of a hard day's travel. Possibly even getting into a scrape or two along the way. Where hers was more polished. The long stay in towns was making her soft. Not that she minded. Fighting wasn't for her. No matter what form she was in. It wasn't an issue of being able to hold her own. It was more a matter of not wanting to see the aftermath.

With a wave of her hand a plate of food was placed on the center of the table. Some meat, grapes, cheese, and bread arranged on it. "You look like you could use a bite. Please, help yourself." If she was lucky he would be a sword for hire. Hopefully a decent one at that. Traveling was much easier in her dragon form. However that attracted hunters and they were a pain to deal with. In human form it was a bit harder to get around. Especially since her soft flesh didn't offer the same protection as her scales did. Plus attacks have reportedly been on the rise. Monsters and bandits seemed to plague just about every major road. Again, not something she wanted to deal with on her own.
Markus was surprised at the warm welcome. Initially he thought he had been overplaying his hand, but it looked like she was just as interested in him, which was weird. He was used to things never going his way. But she was winning him over, and fast. At first he had simply wished to talk to a bard and perhaps flirt a bit with a lovely woman, but every movement, every word of hers was a bit enchanting to him. Markus had always been confident, but she certainly had the home field advantage. Even her name was like music to his ears.

"Thank you..." He said breathlessly, not knowing how to respond at first. He took her hand and shook it. Clearly he attempted to be gentle, but his callused hands were strong. The indentions left on his skin from the hilt of his sword had yet to fade, indicating he had used it recently. "Markus. Markus Flintbrook, and yes I am a mercenary, you could say." Truthfully, that was exactly who he was, but some didn't trust people who used their weapons and skills of war for mere coin. If Dahlia was particularly well traveled, she would also know that the 'brook' meant he was a bastard, likely of noble lineage. "Well, ok yes that is what I am." He chuckled, smoothing his hair over his ear. "Though I would like to think of myself as more of an adventurer and treasure seeker."

When the plate of food was set down suddenly, his normally cool demeanor fled and his eyes widened. As if on cue, his stomach growled like an angry beast. "Are you sure? I..." At her insistence, however, he dug in. He wasn't about to let such an offering slip through his grasp. To his credit, he ate very politely for someone who had likely not eaten since early morning. He set the cheese and meat between the breading to make a trencher, and ate the grapes at his leisure. He had almost forgotten her earlier question at what led him here. "I heard tell of local baron's hiring out mercenaries to keep the roads clear. Apparently the wardens haven't been enough."

He realized now just how tired he was. Perhaps not physically, but he was usually far more aloof even in such pleasant company. He supposed he hadn't eaten a good meal or spoken to someone his age in a long time. "Are you here to perform for any local lords?" He asked, feeling slightly awkward. "Forgive me, but you seem out of place in a frontier land like this."
Dahlia couldn't help but to chuckle as she watched his reactions play out. At least she had learned that he was possibly from a noble lineage. That and he was indeed a sword for hire. Good for her. Maybe she would have safe passage to the next town after all. But it was his own question that had her off guard. "Out of place? Really? What if I said I prefer the towns like this over the bustling metropolises." Leaning forward she took a sip from the drink he provided before speaking on. A few platinum strands falling down across her face in the process. "I perform for myself and the people of the towns. I have no interest in preforming for some stuffy lord that has no care for his people."

Clearly the bard didn't think highly of the local nobles. Most of which were more consurned with lining their pockets then aiding those who suffered. Only paying to have their private roads cleared. Little to no help to aid the farmers. Letting the weak fend for themselves. "Are you under contract now?" She inquired as her fingers drew lazy circles in the swest dripping down the stein. Mercenaries were dime a dozen these days. However finding one that could actually be up to the task was a challenge.

"You fight frequently." It wasn't a question but a statement. His rough calloused hands were proof. From the looks of things he probably got into a scrap not long before arriving. She had just met the man but something told her he would be her safest bet. Taking another sip as she watched him. "I'm ready to move on myself. I'll provide you a room and double your normal pay if you take me as far as you can. The direction doesn't matter." Like most bards she went where the wind took her.

Finishing off her drink, she snatched a bit of meat and cheese. Although her demeanor was calm and collected, Dahlia was ready to burst at the seams. Waiting to see if he would take her request. It's not that she didn't want to travel with the caravan. She just didn't trust them to make it to their next destination. Where Markus seemed more than capable. "I wouldn't mind following the caravan or taking a differnt path if that helps at all." Her face void of expression as she sat back in her chair once more.
Markus did not know what to say, at first. This was all happening quickly to him as he was used to people beating around the bush to drive his price down. He hadn't even been looking for work from her, but she was willing to pay double? He would be a fool to pass it up, even with his skeptical nature. It seemed she thought little of the aristocracy, and he couldn't blame her. Unfortunately they were the best paymasters for someone like him, at least until now. Now fortune smiled on him in a different way. Politely he wiped his mouth with a cloth before he spoke next, and he tried not to sound too eager.

"When do we leave?"

Minutes later, the two travelers found themselves outside, well fed and rested. Markus was a bit tired, but he was as used to walking as any marching soldier. He could move for days without respite if he truly needed to. Often times one did in the wilderness. Whilst she grabbed her things, Markus procured a cloak for her from a local seammaster, and he brought it to her once she stepped outside. Her luxurious hair and brilliant eyes were even more beautiful in the light of the sun. He had never been one to gawk, but he was getting annoyed at how difficult it was not to stare. He decided to play it off, looking away and handing her the cloak.

"For you," he explained as she took it in her dainty hands. "To keep warm at night, and to hide your hair if you ever need to. Sometimes standing out isn't the wisest thing, even if it did get us to work together."

They had decided to travel to the town of Blaidon, where Markus had heard tell of increasing numbers of Orcish raids, but also importantly it had the finest Inn past Fandalore. He considered guiding Dahlia 'overtime' pay, and Blaidon the much needed break he would appreciate. She likely would too. Big Inns paid minstrels quite a bit if they played well enough. He had a sinking suspicion she was quite good at what she did, considering how much she was offering him.
"What about my hair?" She asked running her fingers over it before taking the cloak Markus offered. Unsure now if she should try to dye it before heading out. Not that she had thought they would be leaving right then. At least packing for her was easy. A change of clothes and her instruments along with a few hefty belt pouches was all she owned. Or at least that was all she had with her. Looking to her newly hired guide then around the town. "If heading out right now we should get some horses don't you think?" Not really worried about bed rolls or tents. Sleeping on the ground or curled up in a tree wasn't an issue. However she was normally a dragon for that. "Or at least get a nights rest and head out at first light?"

Draping the cloak over her shoulders, she fastened the cloak pin. Making a few turns with in on getting use to the wait. "I know a man who has a few draft horses that he would be willing to part with if your in that much of a hurry." Dahlia added. Coming to a stop where she could face him. The brown color of the cloak matching well with the outfit she had on. Her hands quickly glided over her pockets and pouches, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "So, when would you like to head out?" She finally asked with a raised brow. Making sure he was ready. After all, Markus was the one charged with fighting.

Before his answer could be given a man with six escorts came charging into town. "By the authority of the king, all fighters shall accompany me to Blankenship." It was a small waste of a town between here and Blaidon. Rumors had it that the town had been overrun by trolls and goblins. Now most just bypassed the place on their way to Blaidon. Pretending that Blankenship didn't exist.

"Well you can't have this one. I've already hired him to escort me." Dahlia snapped. Granted they were going in the same direction. She wasn't wanting to take any unnecessary risks. All it would take was one slip and everyone would know her dirty little secret. One that she worked hard to keep hidden from the world.

The man on the horse narrowed his eyes on the woman below him. Then to Markus. "Are you a sword for hire?" He asked. " I'm Kanagan and the law in this part. As of today I'm also roadwarden. Now, you will assist as ordered or you'll rot in a cell." The goliath turned his lips up in a cold smirk before speaking again. "Don't worry. If your worried about the money then you will be compensated. If you live."

Dahlia huffed as she rolled her eyes. "One your done at Blankenship we can head out to our destination?" Not that she cared about Blaidon. She simply hated men who thought they could throw their weight around as if they were some kind of god. From the size of the goliath she would say he was easily between seven and eight feet tall. Going against a man like that would prove to be rather bothersome. "The decision is up to Markus." Dahlia huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"No, I mean, it's pretty! I just...it stands out." He tried to explain, scratching the back of his head. He didn't expect or want her to hide her hair on their travels, but if they were ever pursued, that was likely the first thing an enemy would try to pinpoint. Markus might have rugged looks, but he was otherwise nondescript, save for his skill with the sword. He gave a smile at her suggestion they stay the night and rest up, and gave a playful, dramatic bow. "My lady, you are the boss, and I, am but your humble servant." The man's voice, usually low and smooth, had an air of poshness to it. Despite the jest, it was true. She was the boss and her wish was his command as long as she was the paymaster.

Horses were a grand idea. He would have suggested that had he any money, but he should have guessed they had connections. Markus was a bit surprised she wanted to get him a horse, however. Usually a noble wouldn't buy one for the help, and it made him realize yet again she was different from his usual business partners. As he opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by a brute of a man and his followers galloping into the town square, ordering men about like they were his household servants. Markus simply crossed his toned arms and silently watched, his cloak draped about his shoulders.

"Oh, you're the Roadwarden, of course." Markus remarked, grinning. "And I'm the Satrap of Izyria. Forgive me for not wearing my crown, I like to pander to the common man." He received a few chuckles for his sarcasm, but the big one wasn't endeared. When Dahlia huffed and crossed her arms, they looked comical. Two young travelers crossing their arms and glowering right beside one another, and yet everything else about them down to their height and the color of their hair were opposites. Whether the Goliath was bullshitting or not, he still seemed to have some authority over the other swords for hire. "Sorry but you heard the lady. She's paying me, not you."

The man showed his teeth in a snarl, reining his horse about. The beast whinnied as it drew nearer to Dahlia, though no one noticed the strange occurrence. "Don't be a selfish fool, boy! This is for the welfare of the citizens. Now we're either your allies or your enemies. How safe will your precious woman be if we're the latter, eh?"

The reality of it fell on Markus like an unwanted rain. The man was right. If he wanted to keep Dahlia safe, it was best to do what he said. Stepping forward, Markus looked back at the woman and then to the rider, placing a hand on the hilt of his blade. "Very well, we'll accompany you. But her safety is my top priority." He warned, and turned before the fellow could even grant a response. He regarded Dahlia, holding out an arm for her to take. "Let us go and grab our mounts, Madam Fluteplayer." He said, prepared to escort her. "Before he gets any smell on us."
Dahlia rolled her eyes at the two men. Still she took Markus's arm as they headed off to the farmer with the horses. Looking back only to eye the horse that reacted to her. Hopefully the other mounts would stay calmer around her. Any attention from the animals was unwanted attention. If she had to there was a song she could sing that would guarantee they would stay calm for the trip. But that would be a waist of energy. "Thank you by the way. For trying to take my side of things." It was good to know at least the man she hired wasn't a turncoat.

It didn't take long for them to get to the farmhouse with horses for sale. They were all older draft horses who no long work in the fields. They weren't really meant for combat but would have been good for riding. The old man and his wife greeted them with warm smiles. "Dahlia, back again I see. Come for a horse?" The woman asked with her salt and pepper hair braided down the sides of her face and weathered skin that looked like age leather. "And I see you have someone with you this time. Good for you."

Clearing her throat, Dahlia held up a hand before the woman could say too much. "Not like that Emma. This is Markus and he is my escort to the next town. We do have an unexpected side trip. Could we get two of your horses?" Looking to Markus, she felt like she wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Especially after the old woman implied they were together.

The man waved a hand for the two to follow. "I'll take ya to the horses and let you two pick any you want. Same fee as last time sound good?" Nathen had dark gray hair with a thinning beard. He hobbled along favoring the left leg as he moved. "I don't have as many to pick from but they're all calm and gentle."

"Thank you Nathen." Dahlia said inclining her head to them. "And yes, same as last time works for me." She kept the conversation vague. It was no bodies business but hers what she paid for things. Granted she hated parting with her coin. Every shilling was precious to her. But that didn't mean she couldn't part with it when needed. Besides, helping the locals was a good thing. "Markus, why don't you pick out the two you think are the best. After all, we have to tag along with Kanagan for a bit it seems."

The stable was small and worn down. Like many of the farms in the area. There were stalls for six horses but only three of them were housing mounts. All of them small draft horses with a few years on them. Thankfully the old geldings didn't seem to mind her presence. "Not a lot to choose from this time is there."

"Times have been hard. This is all we have left but you are welcome to them." Nathen said as he took a seat on one of the stools in the barn. Waiting for them to settle on what they wanted.
"I wouldn't be much of a hire if I didn't help you when you needed it," He said with a wink.

To Markus' surprise, she knew the owners and farmhands who worked these fields. He guessed she had either been here longer than he thought, or she had a way with people. Likely the latter, he surmised. He inclined his head to the elderly workers. "It's an honor to meet you. We'll be out of your hair soon." He said, and walked among the stalls of the stables, eyeing each horse with a practiced eye. He began to whisper, stroking their snouts as he did so. It became evident he was speaking the language of the elves, soothing the beasts with a soft litany of words foreign to all but he and the horses themselves.

One draft horse, the youngest of the lot, snorted and stamped on the ground irritably when Markus approaching, but the sellsword calmed it gently, taking its reins and keeping it from getting too excited. It's grey fur shined brilliantly in what little sunlight peeked through the roof. "Shan an el brev te," He repeated, and soon he smiled as the muscled mount calmed over the following minute, and even approached Markus as close as it could.

"Do they have names?" Markus asked Nathen, the old man shaking his head. "Two of them do, but most we've gotten from trade and bargains."

"I'll take this one then," the sellsword announced, and grinned. He reached into his pack and produced an apple, letting the beast eat at its leisure. "I'll call you Greycloak."

Less than an hour later, the two companions cantered off the farmland with their mounts, finding a small train of wagons filled with fighters and swordsman, with mounted men-at-arms flanking their position as a screen. A good formation as long as their armor held, Markus realized. "Come, let's get closer to the front," he reasoned, guiding their horses that way. Not the vanguard, but just behind. Were they in the back, they might be picked off by opportunists. Were they in the middle, they might be stuck during an engagement. It was just behind the first men that was safest. Close enough to see the danger but not the first to be struck.
Watching him, she couldn't help but to smile. "Your full of surprises Not many humans speak elven." Dahlia said keeping the conversation light. She didn't even speak it. Never had a need to since she rarely encountered the fay. "How long did it take you to learn?" She asked in curiosity. Finding that she wanted to know more about this sellsword beside her. As they met up with the caravan, she nodded as Markus insisted that they stay closer to the front. She didn't mind in the least. If that was where he felt more comfortable then it worked for her.

"It will be almost a full day's ride to Blankenship. Rest up while you all can. Expect to encounter goblins, trolls, and possibly kobolds as we get closer to the town." Kanagan paused to let the information sink in as his booming voice echoed throughout the caravan. "Our mission is to clear out the vermin and make sure there are no dens in the area. No mercy to the black hearted beasts."

Dahlia frowned as she listened to the ordered. Quickly she looked to Markus unsure if he would understand or agree if she asked him to do something a little different. "Would you kill everything, even if it was only a young one?" She asked. Deciding that would be the better approach. Get a feel for his views on the matter that way. "I mean a child is still a child." Many would also argue that a monster was still a monster. Maybe she was just being foolish in her thoughts. Still, many would and have called her a monster. Yet she was spared to live another day. "I don't like the goliath leading this group." Her voice soft as she spoke. Not wanting to be over heard.

Handing over her reins to Markus, she pulled the lute from over her shoulder and started to strum. A little music was better than marching in silence. "How long have you been a sword for hire?" Dahlia asked before looking over at the man beside her. He was easy on the eyes and she found she didn't mind him being around. More than she could say for the rest of the people there. A small yawn escaping as she chatted with Markus.
"Two years of hard study, actually." He said, somewhat embarrassed. "I shouldn't get much credit. I had a good teacher that had the patience to deal with me." Markus wished he was speaking modestly, but it was true. What seemed easy and obvious now was a farcry from his early days as a student. "The language comes in handy sometimes, mostly with animals. You don't see many elves in these parts."

As they rode, the leader of the troupe's words went through one ear and out the other with Markus. He had been living this life long enough to hear such things weekly. The rakish swordsman almost did a doubletake at the question Dahlia asked him, and he looked pensive. "Well..." He said, thoughtful. "I've never seen a child orc or gnoll. I suppose it would depend, really. If their parents raided a village and killed men and women, and we killed their parents, they are likely to starve. Perhaps killing them would be a mercy, in a way." Markus reasoned, though it was still a hard question. No matter what, the other men's enthusiasm wasn't something he shared.

The next topic was far more pleasant. In fact, were they traveling alone, with her playing her instruments while Markus talked, he would have felt the trip took no time at all. He looked back at her, and they caught one another's eyes, lingering for a moment before Markus looked away. "Around seven years." He admitted, clearing his throat as the music wafted past his ears like a dream. "There was nothing for me at home, so I left. I wanted to make my own way in the world, you know?" There was always more to it, but if they got to know one another better he would tell the long story.

The time did seemed to pass swiftly actually, Markus speaking about his travels. From the battle of Caltendale to the excursion into the Blackwood and his various adventures, filled with sword and sorcery. The landscape about them shifted slightly, from lighty wooded to deep forest, with surprise gulleys they had to traverse. But the sun still out and the road at least somewhat maintained, it looked like smooth sailing to what would no doubt be a hamlet they would need to fight for.

"What about you?" He asked Dahlia, handing her an apple in case she was hungry again. He smiled, his dark eyes glinting with clear interest as he took out his own apple. "What made you choose the bardic life?" The swordsman bit into it as he led them both along, their horses bobbing rhythmically beneath them.
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Two years? Not that long at all to learn a new language. It was remarkable that he could even pick it up at all. Elven sounded like it wasn't easy on the tongue. However the answer did upon up more questions. Still, it was is reply to the first question that held her attention. He didn't give a straight answer. Instead he stumbled all over the place with his words. And he made a few very valid points. It was nice to see even a mercenary could have a bit of honor now a days. "I see." Dahlia said simply as he spoke on. About home life and simply leaving. "To prove you can do it with your own two hands. I get it."

Her eyes danced around as she watched the scenery change. Surely they were starting to get close. Never have been to Blankenship herself, she had no idea as to were they were going. It wasn't uncommon for towns to be in the woods or hidden away from time to time. Normally the people that lived there liked it like that. A town to hide their little secrets.

Her mind snapped back to the forefront as Markus followed up with his own question. She sank her teeth into the fruit. Almost moaning at the taste as the juices ran down the back of her throat. It gave her a minute longer to think how she wanted to answer. He didn't ask how long. He asked what made her, "Following in my families footsteps." She answered as soon as her mouth wasn't full. "I come from a long line of performers." It wasn't a lie. Her mother, and her mothers mother were both performers. Although they weren't as nomadic as Dahlia. "I have a nack for it so it seemed the natural choice."

Watching Markus through occasional sideways glances as they road on. He was charming in a rugged sort of way. She was just about to say something else when a musk hit her nose. A few of the horses smelt it too as they started to stomp about. "Trolls." She whispered. Doubting that anyone else would have picked up the scent through the pine. Taking back her reins to pull her mount to a stop. "There's something close."
"You do have a knack for it," he agreed.

Markus's brow furrowed, the flirtation giving way to alertness. He looked about, smelling the air as the men laughed and argued with one another. He couldn't smell anything at first, impressed by Dahlia's senses. But then he caught the telltale whiff of the mountain creatures. It was a musky scent, stuffy and old like an abandoned cellar. A cellar that just happened to be filled with chests stuffed with corpses and pig shit. It grew more unpleasant the further they rode, and soon even the other men began to comment on something feeling 'funny.' Unfortunately it was too late.

The sound of a sapling suddenly being uprooted was just behind the two of them, Markus wheeling Greycloak around in time to see the brutish thing's immense strength rip the tree out of the ground and bellow. Had it not been stooped, it would have been twice Markus's height, and it easily weighed seven times the sellsword did. In the light of the sun, its skin looked like leather mixed with gravel, and its ugly face was both primitive and primal. "Stay back!" Markus told Dahlia, pulling his sword free just as the troll swung its new weapon.

The tree swiped across the center of the caravan like a guillotine, launching men off their frightened mounts and knocking two of the fighter's heads clean off. The grotesque sight was unnerving, but Markus kept his cool. Instead of using his sword, he sent Greycloak into a canter towards one of the wagons and picked up a lazily dropped spear, kicking the horse into action with an elven phrase shouted out like a hero of old. As the troll looked dumbly at the carnage it wrought and the men who now scrambled for their weapons, it looked up just in time to receive a spear plunging into its fat chest.

The thing howled wheezily, evidently one of its lungs now collapsing from Markus's makeshift lance. Angrily it shoved at Greycloak, the two muscled beasts snorting angrily as it grabbed Markus and yanked him out of the saddle. Quickly, Markus swung his sword about with all his strength just before the troll opened its maw to try and bite his head off. Steel flashed in the daylight, his bastard sword cleaving the thing's big head in twain with a wet crack. The monster spasmed as if struck by lighting, throwing its body to the ground along with the sellsword.

A dozen fighters rushed toward the fray now, axes and swords hacking at what was now a corpse to gain some sort of glory or renown. Grunting and now under a slab of troll arm, Markus forcefully shoved himself off the ground, wiping the dirt off his jerkin and leaves out of his hair. He hoped there wasn't more.
Stay back he said. She didn't need to be told twice. Although there was guilt rising in the pit of her stomach. A dragon! She was a dragon for petes sake hidin in human form. Scared to let herself be known. Ashamed of what she really was. Still Markus wasn't a lightweight in combat it seemed. Dahlia had yet to name her mount. As it Whinnied and stomped about. She allowed the beast if burden to put some distance between them and the thing that lumbered out.

The troll seemed to get the first good attack in. Creating a separation in the caravan as he did his swipe. Mercenaries and retired soldiers alike went flying. Dahlia held her breath as she watched men being slayian by the monster. Quietly realizing she feared more for Markus's safety than the others.

"1, 2, 3..." she was counting the wounded and dead. Her abilities were nothing compared to a real bard. But she could help ease their pains. Her eyes kept going to Makrus as he faught. Not sure if she wanted to see him get hurt. Taking a deep breath, Dahlia dismounted and headed to were the bulk of the injured were. If Markus could tackle the troll by himself then she could do this.

The strums on her lute were a little different. A bit more dramatic as she started to sing. Each word ringing out crystal clear. Making sure she was heard and understood.

"Fill the vessel with strength and courage.
Universal mystery.
It is the power of life, the power if healing.
Glorious guidance to a safe victory."​

Whether the power came from her or the song, everyone close enough would feel a tinge of healing. Small wounds closing. Bleeding stopped. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. As the troll fell and everyone suddenly jumped on bord stabbing it, she looked to see what happened to Markus. Spotting him up on his feet gave her a momentary since of relief.

Sniffing the air, she couldn't smell anything else. Then again the pungent aroma of the troll was a direct insult to her senses. Making it hard to detect anything else. "Didn't that blowhard captain say something about trolls and goblins?" Dahlia asked as she slowly made her way to her sellsword. Her song now at its end.
It was a poor experience, being buried under troll for a bit. Once he was out, he began to help the wounded back on the wagon, not slowing down else he'll want to stop completely. Even that small battle was enough to make him want a cold drink and a nice, long sleep. But he was nothing if not resilient. Too busy with the beast and getting up, he only caught the tail end of Dahlia's song and wasn't fully soothed, even if it was beautiful. It actually gave him a bit of anxiety, because he did realize he was embarrassed at how ridiculous he had likely looked in front of her. At least a bit. And he was embarrassed he was embarrassed! He fixed his hair as nonchalantly as he could, finally being able to catch his breath for a moment.

"He did, you're right," Markus replied, clearing his throat. He had seen Goblins and Trolls before. The little buggers liked to follow the big ones unless the troll was hungry, in which case they stayed away. The smart ones, anyway. "We'll probably find more soon near Blankenship."

He strode up to her, Greycloak following in his wake. He smiled at the mount, the horse snickering happily as well. "You're a fine horse," he said to him, before kneeling down to help Dahlia back on her steed. Markus insisted, for her safety. If there truly were Goblins around or ahead, he advised her to stay mounted until the threat was neutralized. He hopped on Greycloak next just as the leader galloped up, the troll's head now tied to his saddle.

"This will sell for a good price, ay?" He asked, smiling wickedly, having not forgotten Markus' and his disagreement. Usually the mercenary would have cut him down, or at least taken it back, but he was already getting paid by someone far nicer. All Markus did was turn away toward's Dahlia, giving a smile. "Let's ride on, my lady. The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll reach Blaidon too."

Behind them the men were nearly finished scavenging what they could off of the troll, taking meat, bones, skin, and teeth where they could. Troll parts were useful in a lot of potions and were used to create various items. Watching Markus, Dahlia, and the group leader begin to move, they all did as well.
Her stomach turned as she watched the troll being gutted. Knowing they were cutting it up to make things out of it. They would do the same to her if they only knew. A bit shaken by the scene she only nodded as she let Markus help her back up onto the mount once more. "The sooner we are done with this, the better." Her voice soft as she spoke. An underline note of fear hung in those words. "Yes. Hurry so we can get to Blaidon."

Dahlia was very quite as they rode on for a while. Not sure what to say. "You fought well back there." His skill with the blade was rather impressive. throughout her years there had been less than a handful of men that impressed her so with a blade. "Seven years you said as a mercenary? I think your underpaid for your skill." Maybe we was, maybe we wasn't. He seemed happy enough with the coin she offered.

Looking around the group then to Kanagan. She didn't like the man. Something about him set her hair on end. Rubbed her the wrong way. Then again, her three hundred and some years had taught her a thing for two. Even if she didn't look much older than her 20's as a human. Her eyes dropped to the head that Kanagan carried.

"Maybe I should name the horse." Dahlia quickly said changing the subject completely. She was so uncomfortable. Couldn't focus on anything. All over the place in her conversation. "How about Achilles? Rowan?" The horse let out a few snorts. As if it understood her. " Fine. Wendell." She laughed trying to say focused on her horse and Markus. "What name does the horse like best?" She finally asked. "Maybe you can teach me some elven when we finish here."
Markus watched her with concern and empathy, beginning to understand just how kindhearted she was. It made him see just how jaded he, himself, had become. Killing and self interest were everyday occurrences to Markus, even if he didn't partake as readily as other mercenaries. He almost spoke to her there, about to say something stupid and hopelessly romantic, but he caught himself. It wasn't something he was good at. Flirty yes, but words from his heart were a foreign thing, so he knew it would be clumsily said.

He decided to change the subject along with her, giving a smile as they cantered down the road, followed by the mercenaries and Kanagan at the fore. The man watched the two of them with contempt, though whether out of jealousy or just plain brute glumness, it was hard to tell. The handsome mercenary grinned and set his horse to ride closer, gathering what attention of hers he could.

"Allow me to ask him," he told her, offering her his hand to take as they rode side by side. In a low voice, he asked the horse in the fey tongue what it would wish to be called. It was a strange question, he knew. Most horses did not care, as long as it was well fed and taken care of. When one spoke the elven tongue to beasts, they felt at ease and better understood the person's words. Her horse neighed comfortably, and though Markus could not truly understand the beast, he felt it give consent to one of her suggestions.

"Rowan. He quite likes Rowan but..." He smiled slyly, and a bit shyly. "He tells me Dahlia is a very lovely name, and he wishes there was something he could do to cheer you up?"
She said nothing as he moved closer to her. Their horses side by side. Their legs practically touching. "By all means ask away." Her eyes dropping to his hand. There was some hesitation but finally she laid her hand to rest in his. Upon hearing his words she couldn't help but to blush lightly. "Well thank you... Rowan." Her eyes danced with delight just being there like this. Almost forgetting what they had to do. He was going to help clear out the goblins and any remaining trolls from a town. "Tell him someone is already doing a good job of it."

The shadows were starting to grow long across the ground. The ride to the town had been a long one. The earlier fight hadn't helped with anything. Only adding to the want for rest and sleep. "Maybe after this is done and over you wouldn't mind hanging around Blaidon for a couple of days? Are you familiar with the town?" The thick forest was starting to give way to a clearing with a few old buildings up ahead. Most of them looked to be in bad need of repair. Even if they did clean out the down it wouldn't be livable for a while. At least not to many people. Not with roofs starting to crumble and walls knocked in. A few were completely demolished.

Dahlia frowned as she looked at the state of the place. "Why are we clearing out this town again? It doesn't look like anyone has been here for a while now." Her voice soft, low in tone as she spoke. Not wanting the others to overhear her. A feeling grew in the pit of her stomach telling her to run. That something wasn't right with all of this. Clearing out an area was one thing. But clearing a town that looked like it had been abandoned for a while was another.

"Ok boys and girls. Listen up. We are braking up into four groups. I want the first group to patrol around the outskirts of the town. Make sure nothing leaves here alive. Groups two and three will clear out the buildings. Group four is with me to check out a few near by caves." With a rough kick to his horse, Kanagan moved over to the two. "To keep the girl safe she will be part of my group. However your welcome to tag along."

Her hand tightened on Markus's. She wasn't going to go anywhere with out him at this point. Not really wanting to go with Kanagan at all. "Good. Cause I'm not going anywhere without my mercenary." She said curtly. Goosebumps running up and down her spine. "And since he is in my serves he isn't going anywhere with out me. Something about Kanagan scared her immensely. All she could think about was leaving with Markus. Getting to the next major town safely as quickly as she could.
"I'd love to," He said, a little too quickly for his sensibilities. Damn, he needed to reign himself in. Smoothing his dark mane of hair, he reiterated. "I was planning on staying at Blaidon a few days anyway, and you're nicer than a lot of paymasters I've had. In fact, once we get there ,I can keep protecting you too, when you're playing..." He rubbed his neck, taking a breath. "I'd also like to take you to dinner. Off the clock, as it were. If you'd like to, of course." His heart was beating faster than when he fought the troll, and he decided whatever her answer was, he would respect it and hold no grudge, even were it a no. He would always try to do it regardless, but she had a rough time of it on this road. He just wanted to help.

As for the town, he cleared his throat. "I suppose Kanagan or whoever wants to use this town later. It's not too unusual to rebuild after someplace has been destroyed. Businessmen hire us to do such things all the time, if the area is wild enough." Still, she was right to be wary. Even without impending goblins, Kanagan didn't help matters with his insisting on her joining him. Markus growled at the man, clearly annoyed.

"Kanagan I don't know if you know this, but you're not my king. She goes wherever she wishes," He started, and Kanagan sneered. Then she said he would always be by her side. His anger fled and his heart began to beat faster again. He gripped her hand more firmly, riding a bit closer to her again. Kanagan snorted and turned. "As long as she's with me, I don't care where you go, boy." and he sent his horse cantering off, expecting them and his group to follow. At Dahlia's behest, they did.

The group waded through some of the rubble before reaching the treeline, entering an old goat path. Markus recalled her earlier question just when he realized he was wondering just how well Kanagan knew the area. "I've been to Blaidon once, years ago. I've never been here." He admitted. Thinking his wariness might frighten her, he smiled and kissed the back of his hand. "I'll stay close. We'll be in Blaidon soon."
Those light blue eyes of hers widened as she realized what he was doing. He had asked her out. How long had it been since she had such a proposition? 40, 50 years? Yes, men flirted all the time and even invited her to their rooms. But he was asking for dinner and a night of conversation. Giving Markus a little nod to his question. "Yes." She said simply. "Sounds fun." They were being marched off to check for things in the cave and she was saying yes to a date. What was her issue? Acting like a hatchling around this man. What was it about him? Flustered by the fact she couldn't put her finger on it. "Can't wait. Sounds like a good time."

Her free hand came up and brushed back a few strands of platinum hairs out of her face. Staying close to Markus's side. Still, she didn't miss the extra men that joined them. So much for the little groups. "Do we really think there will be trouble here?" She asked looking over to Kanagan. The so called road warden, an arrogant man, had been getting on her nerves the entire trip. At least Markus made since to her. Where Kanagan did not. All she saw in him was his greed.

"I don't know about us finding trouble but you will." He flashed a toothy grin as he and the other men pulled their swords from the sheaths. They all looked like cold blooded killers. All of them looking to get more from the looting by thinning the group a little more. "We will dispose of you two and one of the groups. Got to leave some so we don't raise to much suspicion. After all, it's good to share a little." With that the hand full of men came at the two.

Gods she hated fighting and combat. But that didn't mean she wouldn't defend herself when needed. Quickly Dahlia reached for her dagger only to realize she didn't have it this time. Inwardly she scolded herself before pulling the lute from her shoulder. Instead of playing it, Dahlia swung it like a bat, braking it over one of the men's head. While a boot was plunged into the gut of another. Although they were outnumbered, almost 3 to 1. Markus might be ok but she wasn't so sure about herself.

Kanagan pulled back, not wanting to get his hands dirty. He had never committed murder. Only had his underlings do it for him. "Time to check on the others." He chuckled. "Do try to leave the woman alive for just a little bit." He gave a wink before heading off to lead attacks on some of the others.

"Cowered!" Dahlia spat as she struggled against the onslaught of men. Feeling her hand being yanked from Markus in the process.
"Bastard!" Markus cried at Kanagan, wishing beyond anything that he could pursue the craven fool, but knowing he couldn't leave Dahlia. Were she a normal woman, he would have done the same. But he hoped they would share many wonderful things and it was like an arrow piercing his chest, thinking of them harming his companion. He drew his sword in time to block a thrust, redirecting its trajectory and swiping his sword across the man's throat. Blood bubbled up from the wound, the man dropping his weapon and falling off his steed as he clutched his neck. Markus cried out in elvish, Greycloak dancing to the left, his large body moving aside another horse to better shield Dahlia.

A spear flew at him, and he ducked, knocking it aside. Three other men bore down on Dahlia, and Markus felt the cry being torn from somewhere deep inside of him. "NO!"

As Dahlia banged her instrument over the head of a man, Markus threw his long dagger, the weapon flying end over end to bury itself into the man's back. The merc reared back in a wordless scream as Markus charged past, ramming Greycloak into the third man's horse. It harmed the animal, but not overtly. Mostly the man was knocked off balance. An arrow hit Markus in the shoulder, biting into his armor. He grimaced but did not slow, dueling the man that had attacked Dahlia until he lopped the fellow's head off. Another arrow hit his shield at his back, and Markus turned toward the horse archer.

Knowing he was in danger from the two, the horseman dropped his bow and galloped off in the opposite direction.

Markus breathed heavily, though he couldn't pause now. That damned Kanagan! "Get on Greycloak with me," he told her, offering his hand. "Rowan will follow, don't worry. But I can't protect you if you're not close. Plus we have a date I don't plan on missing." He said, grinning with a grim playfulness.
It was all happening so fast. Even for her everything seemed to be speeding around her. Letting the broken lute drop to the ground as she pulled a small sword from the belt of a dead man. Dahlia wanted to shift and fill the area with her breath. Then she really would be the monster everyone claimed her to be. Hitting friend and foe. No, she couldn't do that. Before she could react further Markus was taking charge if the situation. His skills with a blade were that of legends. Or it would be once she had time to write a ballad about the battle.

He wasn't just her sword, he was her shield. When it was all said and done, she only had a few bruises and scratches. But he had an arrow in his shoulder. "Your hurt!" She gasped. Looking at the hand he now offerd her. Taking his hand, Dahlia allowed Markus to pull her up. Stuffing the short sword into her belt. For the first time she could see the death and carnage left behind. But she wouldn't weep for them. Kanagan and his men wanted them dead.

Fearful eyes widened as she sat behind Markus, a horrifying thought racking her hard. This Kanagan was collecting parts. Cutting up monsters for the money they were worth. Did he know? Her horns, scales, heart. Just about every part of her could be sold to make a man rich beyond imagination. That is if she was killed as a dragon. Wrapping her arms tight around Markus as her body trembled.

"Date? Your hurt and your worried about dinner?" Dahlia couldn't help but the laugh at that. He was a strange man. Their lives were on the line and he was flirting. Made her feel a little better to be honest. "We can go on a date after we get that arrow out of your shoulder."

The merriment didn't last however as screams rang out from up head. Kanagan wasn't clearing out a ruined village. He was using it to house his goblins. They were under his control! Attacking mercenaries and looting bodies. The man was worse then she had ever imagined. Goblins danced over fallen victims before they stared another round of war chatters. "He isn't killing goblins, he's leading them." Dahlia wanted to cry. And humans had the nerve to call her s monster?

Kanagan was already on the move once more. Making sure he as lonf gone and couldn't be reached. But that left one hell of a mess behind. Only a hand full of mercenaries remained, fighting for their lives. "I get it now. He needed help with the troll then used us to apease the goblins." She said softly. Dahlia wasn't going to ask Markus to fight on. Not after his injury. Not after the ambush. However it seemed wrong to leave these men there to die.
The arrow hurt like hell, and even her caring concern for him couldn't blot out his pain fully, though it gave him renewed energy. "We can take the arrow out once we're in Blaidon. For now, hold onto me," Markus cautioned her and kicked Greycloak forward, the horse grunting with unbridaled strength as it charged ahead. Markus used his unwounded arm, wielding his sword and trampling any of the green imp-like creatures in his path. They gave high pitched screeches and shrieks, not suspecting an attack from behind. Five soon lay dead from his steel blade and stomping hooves, and a few others ran and cowered, cowardly creatures when their master was not around.

Kanagan laughed with venom as he set his goblins to surround the last of the mercenaries, mocking them as they were closed off. "If only I could get better help these days! Can't even fight off a few little goblins!" The man gave a feirce, cruel grin as he teased them, the goblin's closing in with short, stabbing spears. A few of them fell from the strokes of the mercenaries, but they were too outnumbered. Markus handed Dahlia his sword for a moment.

Grabbing a spear embedded in the ground from horseback, Markus spurred Greycloak into the ruins of the town and onto the bleak scene. "Wish me luck," he bade her, and tossed the spear up before catching it, and he threw the projectile like a javelin. It soared and pierced into Kanagan's rumbling chest from behind, spurting out the front of him, iron now covered in crimson blood. Kanagan's laugh died shortly into a gurgle, the man toppling off his horse.

Markus did not slow, taking his sword back from his paymaster and cleaving into the line of goblins, his leg lightly pierced by a spear and he was scratched by a short broadsword, but they were minor wounds. He trampeled and stomped upon the creatures, and the remaining mercenaries cried out in joy and renewed morale, leaping forward to cut down the buggers. Soon the goblins cried out in fear and fled into the woods, screaming for their mad gods.

With that, Markus slumped tiredly, nearly dropping his sword before Dahlia took it again. He coughed, clearly exhausted, but he still smiled. "I hope...I earned my pay...and the dinner, yeah?" He chuckled breathily. He knew he would live, but the arrow being removed would hurt like a bitch, and the scratches would need to be tended. The four mercenaries still alive approached with their shields and swords and open faced helms.

"Let's get going. We can make Blaidon by nightfall." One said, and handed Markus a water flask, which he took and drank greedily.

They left swiftly for better comforts.
Everything was over and they were on their way to Blaidon. Dahlia riding on Greycloak with Markus, Her arms rapped around him for support. He was tired, injured, and looked like he was about to pass out. She only sighed as he spoke about earning his pay. "You've earned more then your pay." As they rode on her eyes kept going to his shoulder. A frown resting on her lips. "If you need to stop say something." Last thing she wanted was him passing out. It would be hard to reasonably explain how she got him back to town on her own. Not that it couldn't be done.

It was late when they made it back. "I'm taking you to my room and getting a cleric. A healer at the very least." She said. Concern laced in her voice as she spoke. "Food and a bath as well if your up for it." She could probably tend the wound by herself. However her healing skills weren't the best. Adequate at most. For him she wanted someone who could do a good job and make sure there was no lingering affects from the wound. "I have pillows and everything. " She teased lightly, not sure if he was up for it or not.

As soon as they entered the inn, all eyes were on them. Not because of her. It was because of him. "Please have a healer, and a little bit of everything brought up. I want some wine and ale. Bread, Stew, and anything else you have." dahlia didn't linger long downstairs. Trying to get Markus someplace he could rest and recover. "At least you get a new scar out of it to charm the ladies with." She was charmed without seeing scars. His presence alone held her attention. There was something about the way he talked, the way he held himself.

"Is there anything else you might need before heading on up?" She asked trying to think over anything he might have need fore. Her arms wrapped around him as they moved. "Fresh clothes maybe?" At this point Dahlia was making alot of assumptions. He might not even want to go to her room for rest. He might have a place of his own. But when they met he had just come from the road so she doubted he had a place of his own to use.

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