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One x One The Dragon and the Druid

Pocketing the wooden block she had been working on, she gave the dragon a nod. "Very well. Though I doubt their will be too many of them devoted to it. A lot of them will be busy with the repairs from the fire I set last night before they found me." she said unrepentant of the damage she had dealt. "At least two buildings were still on fire last I had seen."
Orion chuckled. "Well, isn't that fortuitous...? Ideally they'll be too busy with clean up to take notice of two travelers...unless they notice who you are, best put on a hood or something my dear". he spoke without looking back at her. That was convenient, the soldiers of Morfield were well known for their prowess, the fact she was able to escape a number of them was...semi impressive, though Orion would never dare say this out loud.
Giving him a dry look she made a point of unfolding the bear pelt she had and having the head part go over her head like a hood. "Oh look, now they will never recognize me." she drawled out rolling her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed I take pride in NOT looking like one of them and don't exactly think a hood is going to fix that." she said referring to her darker complexion and course hair she kept in a high pony tail that bushed out from where it was bound.
Orion rolled his eyes and shook his head. "...I noticed, which is only going to make this all the more..."
Orion paused and turned back around, to find that they had indeed attracted the attention of a small group of soldiers, each wearing armor and holding spears. He recognized the sigil of the town of Morfield, and groaned.
"What are you two doing here...?" The lead solider, an older man with graying hair and sharp eyes barked as his men stood at the ready.
Orion put his hands in his pockets. "Just passing by sir". He spoke civilly, but there was a edge to his voice that made some of the soldiers a tad bit uneasy. A cross dragon was a dragon to be feared.
The man's gaze moved to Duzzel, and he narrowed his eyes upon getting a good look at her. "You there, girl, step closer".
Duzzel scoffed at the order. "No. If you want a better look you get closer." she said with her hand hovering over the concealed dagger. The same dagger she had been using earlier to whittle wood. Lifting her head proudly, unashamed of who she was or if they would recognize her she glared at the soldiers. Too prideful to realize that doing so was foolishness. She didn't look over at Orion to see what he was doing, though she was surprised to find that he was even bothering with these humans.
Orion whirled around and glared at Duzzel, he'd been hoping to avoid a fight, but it didn't seem to be likely now.
The led guard scowled at the woman's response and took a step closer, his spear pointed upward, wary of any move she may make. "Wait a second...your the-" The solider swore under his breath before issuing an order.
"Attack! Don't let them leave". Orion sighed and rubbed his eyes as the leader charged Duzzel, he swung his spear at her while two of his men attacked Orion.
One man, a runner, turned and made a beeline back down the path, as it was his duty to inform the city council that they had encountered enemies in the town's territory.
Feeling the familiar rush that came with battle Duzzel couldn't help but smile savagely at the soldier as they recognized her. Duzzel wasn't concerned with the soldier that was fleeing to report back. She was sure that they would be able to handle whatever warriors they summon for support because this time unlike the night before, she had a dragon on her side.
Sidestepping the spear the woman swiftly grabbed the handle of the spear and moved in close to the soldier. The dagger that her hand had been hovering over was out in a flash as she moved to plunge it in where the armor met and was weakest.
Orion groaned loudly and glared at the men charging him. "you humans never learn". he said as he side stepped one spear and then stopped the other with his bare hand as it swung down at his head. Grabbing the blade, Orion held the weapon in place before jerking it out of the man's hands. The solider stared at him, bewildered, as Orion tossed the blade to the side. Seeing the man who was running, he frowned. "We can't have that".
His body was surrounded by the black mist, and a pair of leathery wings sprouted from his back, he took to the air with a jump.
"I take it you can handle these idiots". he called down to her with a sneer before he took off after the runner.

The men stared, dumbstruck for a moment, but their leader was focusing on Duzzel, as she sidestepped his attack he readied himself for a counter strike. As she plunged her dagger into his armor he grabbed her hand and attempted to wrestle the blade from her.
As the man grabbed her hand and the dagger was secure in his side, the tribal woman put her feet up on the man's chest before kicking the unsuspecting man in the face with her heel to shove his nose bone back into his skull. Blood sprayed on the woman's face from the close proximity to the attack. "I have these men if you need to kill the coward." she called out to the dragon. As the spear guard fell back, Duzzel yanked the spear and dagger from the man before turning to the other two with a savage growl. Stepping towards them she held out the tip of the spear towards them, waiting for the next one to attack.
While Orion heard Duzzel, he didn't bother answering, if the woman couldn't handle these lowly men, than she was unworthy of learning the magic of his clan. He booked it after the runner, if he managed to warn the city, then they in turn could send warning to their destination, and that was not a headache Orion wanted to deal with.
It wasn't hard for him to catch up to the man, who was on foot. One well placed fireball alter and he was a smoldering corpse on the side of the road. "Well, that takes care of that". Orion said as he blew the smoke off his nails.

Looking back, he wondered if Duzzel had cleaned up her little play dates. "Get her men, don't let her escape!" the old spear man wheezed, the remaining men looked to their fallen commander and then to Duzzel. Plucking up all his courage, one rushed the woman, spear raised, after a moment, his friend did as well.
Knocking the first spear to the side, Duzzel sprinted in close and shoved her dagger in under the man's chin reaching the brain. Not having time to pull the dagger out, she pulled the dead man in front of her to use as a shield for the other man's spear. As the spear impaled the other guard, the warrior woman used the spear in her own hand to stab the other guard while his weapon was stuck.
The confounded spear weiders stood little chance against the skilled warrior that was Duzzel. The first man met a quick end, much to the horror of his friend. He swung wildly at the woman, only to find his spear caught in the corpse of his ally. He cried out in agony as Duzzel stabbed him, he fell to his knees, clawing at the spear in an attempt to get it out. He glared at the woman, unwilling to let himself look anywhere else.
With his man dealt with, Orion flew back, just in time to watch Duzzel dispatch the last man. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Bloody good show there kid". He said as he landed, his winds disappeared in a haze of mist as he looked to the woman. "Well, if your done making a scene...shall we continue?"
Pulling her dagger out of the dead man's skull made a sickening wet sound. Undisturbed by it, she cleaned the blood off the dagger with the guard's uniform. "I don't know what scene you are referring too. These men chose today to die not me." she said standing up and putting the dagger back in it's hiding place. "Why did you go after the coward?" She asked him as she started walking again.
"Because he wasn't being a coward...well, no he was but that isn't the point. He was trying to warn the city about us, and we can't have that Duzzel, it would ruin the surprise". Orion chuckled darkly as he followed after the woman . "Like I said before, the closer we can get to the capital before they know we're coming, the better". So if men insist on fighting us...well, you clearly know how to handle that now don't you?"
Giving an amused grunt Duzzel kept walking. "If you wish to remain unknown till then I suggest we avoid the main roads the metal heads use. It is against my people's customs to be ashamed of or lie about who we are. If they ask or look, I will not turn away." she warned him as she inspected the spear she had taken from the guard's corpse. It was a good quality wood she planned to take to replace her own chipped one. The metal spear head would have to go however.
Orion sighed and rubbed his eyes. "That, dear Duzzel, will make this trip take even longer...". Though she had a point, traveling off the beaten path of only aid their cause when it came to staying hidden. He hated to admit that, so instead he didn't. Looking to her, he sighed, and gestured toward the treeline. "As long as we head due west, we should reach Kingsburrow. With your savage...I mean...primitive...upbringing, I trust you can navigate us?"
Giving him an annoyed and more than slightly insulted look. "Because the one that lives in a cave is SO less primitive." she drawled out irritated before turning her back to him and going into the forest, not caring if the dragon followed after or not. "Yes, I can navigate us there. If you don't have a map and can't use the stars I will lead."
Orion rolled his eyes. "My kind were first to map the stars...whether or not I was a good student when it came to learning them is an unrelated matter". He said as she crossed her arms. "And I'll have you know, my cave is more...modern than any hut you crawled out of". he chuckled . Centuries of draconic history, inscribed on the walls of the caves where the clans lived. He wished his own cave looked so decorated.
Duzzel gave him a dry disbelieving look over her shoulder. "Uh huh. Sure it is. It was a nice cave. Had some of the best cave rocks around." she told him with fake admiration absently as she looked at the forest around them to determine the best route to take through the brush. "And I'll have you know our huts were works of art." she defended her culture. "Each generation added their own story to the hides and walls. Letting us know our ancestors were always with us even after they departed this world." she told with reverence and lost in memories. She smirked back at him. "Some say my tribe was the first to make communication with the great spirits of old. Even when the other tribes let go of their ties with the spirits, we kept ours strong, never forgetting." Duzzel held onto the paw of the bear pelt she treasured thinking of the bond the two had shared spiritually.
Orion just scoffed. "Please, your trivial straw huts were, and are nothing compared to the great caves of old. Massive underground labyrinths where entire clans of dragons lived. The walls, decorated with the hoard and the history of each dragon, each new brood...". He smiled, remembering his childhood home, nestled in the mountains beneath a never ending pool of the stars. "...It was truly beautiful...until you and yours destroyed it...and us along with it". He cast an angry look at Duzzel. "...You know nothing of loss, you foolish girl, I've lived with the pain for nearly a century...and unlike you..." Orion sighed somewhat sadly and looked up toward the sky.
"...I may very well be the last of my kind...not just my clan...all dragons...".
he hadn't seen or heard world of one in what felt like eons, but was in reality about ten years. He knew the humans of old had declared war on their species...and it seemed that they'd been rather successful in their campaign to destroy the winged beasts.
Duzzel swung back to look at him with a snarl of rage with her spear pointed at him even though they were a distance away from each other. "Don't assume to know my pain or what I have been through Dragon. You know nothing of me or what I've lost. But at least I'm not wasting my time moping about it all the time." Duzzel turned her back on him again. It was clear he had struck a nerve in the tribal woman. "I choose to take action about it. If all you plan to do is blame me and my people for something others did fine. But I tire of hearing it." the woman spit at the ground in distaste and to ward off the bad energy of the conversation.
Orion looked to the woman, it was clear that he'd struck a nerve. He rightly didn't care about her lost culture, as far as he was concerned, no human was any better than the other. All deserved to be crushed beneath his heal. However, when she mentioned doing something about it, he grinned. "Oh trust me my dear, once we get back this relic, I shall have the means to...as you say, take action about it...".
The destruction of the capital was only the begining, he intended to bring the modern man to it's knees, and as it begged for mercy...Orion would show how kind he could truly be...and end its pain...after a long bout of suffering.
Not really caring about what he planned to do she rolled her eyes and continued on. "Right. Anyways, I need to find something to eat at some point since SOMEDRAGON" she gave him a pointed glare before continuing on around the brush on the forest floor, "Destroyed my campground before I had time to eat and chased me through a forest."
Orion rolled his eyes. 'You only have yourself to blame for tat girl, you were trespassing. Don't tell me your tribes would do anything different if someone was in their territory uninvited". he scoffed and looked around. "As for finding food...". He could stand to eat, shapeshifting took up a bit of energy, and he needed to be in top form in order to remain effective in battle.
He yawned and looked to Duzzel, a grin came to his face.
"How about we have a little contest my dear...see who can bring down the biggest game".
Scoffing at the idea of her trespassing, Duzzel stopped when she considered his challenge. "You know, if I was less honorable I would use such a challenge to escape." she pointed out to him with narrowed eyes judging what his goal was. "But I will accept your challenge, on the condition that we compete on an even playing field." She told him and stuck her spear in the ground. "Neither of us can use magic. I won't use my druid magic to locate or assist me taking down my prey in any manner, and you shall not use your dragon magic to do the same." she set down the terms. "What is the prize?"

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