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Fantasy The Divine Conquerors Ⅱ - Nations

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"This is the new world, and I want you to conquer it. It is my gift and my revenge. Now take it for yourself."
Nortestra is known as the Fading Empire of the Eastern Continent, once ruler of the Belldan Trade Confederacy and Mollug until a schism within factions led to a split of the three. The nation is currently under siege from Mollug, who is waging a crusade of genocide and violence against their former rulers. Nortestra and Mollug have been at war for many years now, and it truly shows for the Fading Empire. Nortestra is in ruin, a shell of its former self, ruled by a petty king and governed by a will to survive.

The nation has always been known for its grand cathedrals and many walled cities, having many architectural geniuses among Nortestra’s ranks. Many great warriors have also fought for Nortestra, including Gregory the Hero. Fire magic and martial pride reign supreme in this land, with heat based spells and witchcraft granting status along with knightly pride.

Nortestra is at war with the great nation of Mollug, having been so for many years now. The starting of the war began with a large two-pronged assault that crushed the remainder occupational force that was left behind in Mollug after the great occupation. This force then moved on to crush Nortestra in many great military battles of intense magical might and military prowess. Mollug used the power of the Jaded Tome to keep a steady supply of magical warriors and monsters flowing into Nortestra. This has kept Nortestra in a state of perpetual loss and disaster, leading up to a direct assault on the capital of Castellan.

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The nation of Mollug was once a vassal of Nortestra before developing into an independent nation, a powerful merchant kingdom. Upon the acquisition of the Jaded Tome by the once-benevolent and democratic High Council of Mollug, the nation changed swiftly. Now an Autocratic warmongering nation known for its cruelty and violence, Mollug has changed much from its humble origins.

In the time after Mollug's secession, the power of Nortestra waned. Mollug, seeing an opportunity, declared a dark crusade on the kingdom, calling the acolytes of the Jaded Tome and its many followers to serve Mollug's High Council. Nortestra and Mollug have fought bitterly ever since, with Mollug slowly but surely gaining ground on the wasting kingdom of Red and Gold. Countless innocents have died, and the battles fought are innumerable, and many believe the Mollug High Council simply maintains the war to satiate the economy of Mollug and blood thirst of the many warriors who have found a home in Mollug. However, some believe there may be other more sinister reasons for this age-long war...

Mollug is a dark kingdom, ruled over by the High Council. The High Council takes orders from the High Councilor who reads the Jaded Tome, the overarching commander of the nation. The Jaded Tome is a book of magic many thousands and thousands of pages long; some say it goes on for eternity. Only The High Councilor knows in truth, as he is the most powerful sage on The High Council, and the only being in Mollug (supposedly) strong enough to read and withstand the book.


In Mollug's capital city of Verruk, strength, cunning, and mercilessness reign supreme. The Black Academy, The Ravenrock Fortress and The Walls of Genevault the Unconquered all belong to this dark and cold city. Mollug's capital is a cold place surrounded by mountains and swamps. The road to the city itself dotted with multiple minor fortresses and cities. The capital is surrounded by a near-impenetrable set of walls built by the infamous warlord Genevault the Unconquered, a warrior in ages past said to have tamed an army of dragons. The Ravenrock Fortress is a massive castle studded with mage towers and walls for siege equipment to be placed upon; It is the home of The Mollug High Council and is guarded by the infamous Inquisitors of the Black Academy. Deady warriors and bodyguards all. Wherever the nobility of Mollug is, you can count on at least one inquisitor being nearby.

The nation, despite its strength, is barely being held together. The war and the enemies all around Mollug are the only thing keeping the nation from unraveling. Rebellions and coups in the past have always been shut down with lethal force, and hundreds upon hundreds have been executed for the sake of the nation. Despite the bloody endings to all these coups and revolutions, the people of Mollug still hunger for freedom. Already yet another group has gained influence in the country, gathering many supporters to their side under the command of a trio of mysterious and powerful figures, one of which is said to use the very blood of her enemies to slay them. A revolution would be good for Mollug, but under the command of those three, perhaps not for very long...

The Jaded Tome is a book of spells and consciousness formed by the souls of several thousand dark sorcerers. It is an immensely powerful artifact around before The Age of Demons. The Jaded Tome directs Mollug in most endeavours and is the reason for its warmongering. The book can grant ordinary individuals magic abilities and enhanced strength and stamina, giving itself access to a near endless supply of warriors and mages.

The Jaded Tome was discovered several years after Nortestra, the Fading Empire, lost control of Mollug. Mollug initially took the book and kept it as a secret weapon. However, when it was discovered the book had obtained consciousness, it was brought before The High Council. The High Council, recognizing the divine power of the book, instated it as a ruler/advisor for the kingdom. Its first demand was revenge on Nortestra, so war was called and the book made itself a beacon to warriors and mages throughout the Eastern continent. Soldiers flooded the once peaceful Mollug, and the troops were sent off to wage a devastating war against the Red Empire.

The Jaded Tome, through a mysterious effect of the book, slowly influenced its readers and holders, turning them cunning and violent towards their fellow man. The book is millennia old and is said to be one of the earliest tomes of magic written. Rumors say it is infused with the power of 10,000 dead sorcerers, each purposefully gifting their life and energy in unholy suicide rituals to imbue the book with their power. Whatever the case is, the book is powerful, and that power is being used.

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Czarsnikei is a land of snow-covered plains and forests, with a strange abundance of valuable minerals and metals being found in the few mountains and valleys of the land. The nation has a profitable sea trade empire and its soldiers are often hired out to foreign nations or expeditions. Czarsnikei has also industrialized to a point not seen by many nations with a very efficient bureaucracy system maintaining control to an effective degree. Their weapon manufacturing is high quality, and their training camps have given rise to one of Valucia's most discipline and modern armies.

Czarsnikei has never forgotten the dangers of the beast in the North. In response, they have become an entirely autocratic soldiering nation, utterly dedicated to defense and inner prosperity. Czarsnikei and her soldiers maintain an ever more paranoid watch for the rest of the continent, however ungrateful they may be. Wrapped in long dark trench coats with Japanese styled samurai armor and equipped with blades and magic and advanced crossbow technology, the Czarsnikeians are a force to be reckoned with. Despite their strength, however, the rulers of Czarsnikei fear the North extremely. They have not forgotten the Age Of Demons, and it has turned the country into a potential battlefield because of it. Filled with fortresses, watchtowers and emergency encampments, Czarsnikei is a land that has been molded into a nation-fortress. The people of this land have been raised—not into god-fearing folk, but demon-fearing ones.


The Solomon Fortress is one of the greatest military strongholds on the entire continent, and possibly even in all of Valucia. Defended by the greatest armies of Czarsnikei, the northernmost nation of the continent, it is a battle-hardened area haunted by the scars of age past battles with Nortestra and far more recent conflicts with Mollug. The men defending the post do so with an unshakeable faith in their beliefs and a code of honor that binds them to their comrades and leaders like none other. Commanded by one of the greatest swordsmen in all of Valucia, the stronghold has never fallen to an attacker. Built by Solomon the Architect in the Age of Demons, the fortress is sturdy and bristling with mage spires and archer towers, at one point being the northernmost fortress in all of Valucia. The Age of Demons was a hundred-year strife where the demons of the most northern continent came down from their isolated wasteland to bring terror and ruin to the mortals of the time. Ending in a battle of epic proportions, the demons eventually receded and returned to their homes in the North.

Demons north of the fortress in the heartlands are normally rare, but as of recently, they have been sighted even south of the Solomon fortress, even near Verruk and Nortestra. The ruling class of Czarsnikei is becoming paranoid; Men are being drafted, villages are being emptied, and the major cities have fortified themselves. The northmost fortress on the coast is known as The Klaus Castle, defended by ancient magic and an Order of powerful dragon berserkers known for their mighty War Axes. The Solomon Fortress stands on guard and its commander is wary of assault, he himself convinced the end times are upon them.

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The Xact Empire has been around since the Age of Demons, the time of chaos and summoning 1000 years ago when much of society collapsed. The Empire is believed to have been started by an old Southern king and gained much of its power through the use of the summoned. The Summoned of the Age of the Demons dueled across the continents, using the powers in Valucia and the many nations to cause a state of near constant warring and power grabbing that lasted for hundreds of years. Eventually, power was set and these beings as well vanished and left the eastern continent, seeking more places to conquer. These empires of the summoned eventually split and broke up into warring factions of their own, leading to warmongers and dictators taking power. Xact has lasted, however, a beacon of the strength of the people of Valucia, a bastion of local strength and power, led by powerful generals and governors.

A civilized land of steam, metal and industry, with a side career in foodstuffs. Xact is a land of plenty, with its people being well fed and employed. The Xact Empire is a strict meritocracy, with the most powerful and intelligent rising to the forefront of the nation. This method of rule has led to a military autocracy, with humans, vampires and the elves of the nation all working towards a singular, unified goal.

The nation is powerful, hefted up by a mighty army, plentiful propaganda and many social programs designed to spread the wealth and keep the citizenry from discontent. Despite this strength however, Xact is known for its many rebel groups and uprisings. Many of these uprisings wish to return Xact to the days of the Vampire domination and others still worship the ancient Yoldra and wish to resurrect the undead legions buried beneath Valucia.

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Meredin is a feudal monarchy on the southwestern edge of the Eastern Continent. It is known for the massive gap between rich and poor, and the mage-aristocracy that dominates the country. Those born with magic are considered superior to those born without, and the magic-less, or Touvercais, are second-class citizens without the rights of the nobility, all of whom are mages. There is no way to rise in society if you are not a mage. Its current Monarch is King Televas III of the Jevarou Dynasty. In the capital city and across the nation, however, whispers of rebellion spark like embers in the night. The mysterious outlaw, the Hand of the Commons, brings together a rebellion, a violent uprising against the privileged mage class. And soon, those sparks will become an open flame.


Alsaris is the capital city of the Kingdom of Meredin, the seat of the ancient Touledein Dynasty of Kings, the beating heart of the land. It is a city of contrast. It is of prosperity and squalor, decadence and suffering. Merely walking from the 'Tile' district to the 'Leather' district exposes the city for its truth. Alsaris is a paradise as long as you avert your eyes from the people whose backs that paradise was built upon. The city's magic-wielding nobility rule with an iron fist, their every need attended by servants of the arcane or flesh. Markets prosper, gardens bloom, and the people of the 'Tile' district live happy, fruitful lives, while the nobles live above, on the white cliffs of Arledor, the ancient mountain of heroes, in the Grand Palace, a structure with five hundred rooms, large enough to house the nobility of five entire kingdoms this size. If the 'wealthier' class of citizens in the Tile district live lives entirely separate from the destitute of the Leather district, than those in the Palace District are a world apart.

The city has Four Districts, ultimately. The Palace District is self-explanatory and houses the nobility. The Tile District holds the middle-class of merchants, craftsmen, insignificant nobility, the priesthood, and those of slightly better fortune. It also includes the city harbors. The Iron District is workshops and banks, the smallest, unless compared to the Palace. The last is the Leather district where the city's meany leatherworking and meat-handling industries are. It is a dark underside to the city, with rows and piles of slums and ramshackle housing. This district forever smells of sewage, the leather making plants, and the foul stench of a hundred thousand humans, stuffed into an area far too tight, much like sardines. The guards once simply ignored it, but now swarm like rodents through a part of the city they are outsiders to. The new presence is because of rumors of unrest, uprising. The Commons act united now, and it is the Leather District, not the Palace, that shall see the city change.

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The country of the great desert, second to the snow biome as the most dangerous country because of the natural environment. Its harsh heat and vast land of sands are filled with monsters constantly lurking, looking for prey to feast on. Basin is known for its elite assassin-like militia. They are also known for the high amounts of riches and resources within the entire country. If one dug deep enough, they would either find a sand wyrm or a cache of many jewels.

Basin is less of a nation, and more so a collection of city-states that generally identify as Basinites, and work together under the leadership of the King of Sahara against outside threats. Each of the City-states (Sahara, Bahn, Klhan, and Bur Azghara), compete to control this desert land. The four city-states have several smaller cities under their control and hold the loyalties of various desert tribes. The cities, although all Basinites, can differ in culture, although none so heavily as Bur Azghara, which is populated by the Abhar ethnic group, whose culture differs from the rest of the Basinites.

Basin is filled with multiple underground caves, yet few ever enter any because of their dangers. Each cave has a different artifact within it that could help the traveler on their journey through the desert and its terrors. Yet attaining such artifact has never been a simple task. Each cave is filled with golems, wolves, sand vipers, etc. One cave that made a name for itself has a giant pyramid made within it said to be created by an alien race a millennium ago; the structure is filled with high amounts of mana that even radiates to anyone who comes 1,000 meters from it. The mana attraction usually leads travelers to their demise. There are multiple desert cities that have been swallowed by the sands.


The beautiful capital of Basin; only the rich/royalty/Middle class/Hard workers live amongst the city. Sahara is constantly on watch and even has people riding sand vipers and graptors amongst the magic barrier that protects the city. The castle is in the center of the giant civilization; the castle is home to the Basin's royal family, also in charge of the entire country. The rules are not so strict despite the high military presence; everyone within Sahara are kind people who enjoy the days they live. A giant river the splits the capital in half, and it runs underneath the castle. Even though they dislike the other locations within Basin, they still treat them with kindness and trade with them, save for one.


The most dangerous city within Basin. They usually send their troops of thieves to try to invade Sahara, resulting in devastating wars with casualties numbering in the tens of thousands. Klhan makes trades with any dark guild within the world and make most of their profit that way. Klhan has a giant water source and is known for their dark mages, thieves, etc. Klhan's major palace is filled with undead skeletons roaming it as they serve their king mindlessly. The king of Klhan is a tyrant who doesn't take things kindly and has a pet Basilisk. In the day, the streets are filled with life; come night, and the dirty underworld come out to conduct business.


A few miles away from Klhan, this city is home to most of Klhan's soldiers and valuable markets. There's always a troop standing over the wall near the entrance, checking who comes in. Everything has to be checked: supply animals, people, and even monsters. The winged structures can come to life to as a protection measure against invaders. Kunji is run by the Tyrant Kuku and his flying serpent companion. Kunji also uses the same animals as the other cities, but only thing different is that they have a port for Sand Manti. This is Basin's natural trade area; it keeps all trades within the country and helps the country maintain a small balance between each other. Kunji also is notorious for a club that is filled with "Guild" members. The members are always ready to pay anyone for a bounty. Kunji has a guild building strictly for bounty hunting business. The rules in this guild are to never ask questions about the mission, just do it.


Bur Azghara, or its full and proper name in the tongue of the locals, Bur Azghara, Idr Burz, Opur mol Lajaash, Muldashar mol Qais, Udr mol Qanayaz, Luuj mol Flaama, Luuj mol Naqais (City of Orange Stone, Father of Cities, Pearl of the Desert, Sentinel of the West, Rock of the Kings, Home of the Flame, Home of the Lovers), is the western-most of the cities of Basin, and is notably different from the other cities of that arid land. To foreigners, many call it Azghara, or 'Sandstone City', something the locals take little liking to. Despite its grandiose name, it is one of the land's smaller cities. It sits in the center of the Mugharz mol Gujaaz, or 'Knuckles of the Giants', a region of many barren rock formations and small valleys between them, a maze of red stone mesas surrounded by an ocean of desert. The larger region Bur Azghara occupies is known as the Kalmadar desert. This region also hosts the Alvadari Springs. The city sits next to the Maqir river, around which it has an impressive and innovative agricultural center, fueled by irrigation systems. The city's inhabitants are of the Abhar culture, who once claimed a great empire in that land, but saw it crumble to ruin. The city now is a shadow of its once great legacy. They recognize the authority and magnificence of the King of Sahara to avoid incurring attacks from that much larger city, while they build up their own might in silence. Over the last few decades, through trade contracts and diplomatic deals, the Qanaya of the city has swayed many of the Basin nomads to his side, building an army. A strong, disciplined fighting force from the city's urban dwellers, armed and armored enough to take on even the armies of other nations, supported by the standard Basinite tribal militias, accustomed to guerilla combat out in the desert wastes.

The city grows many dates and Ubula fruits, selling them to traders, while its many armouries and smithies craft the means of war. The city is renowned for its culture and art, the Julhari magic users being able to craft art through song, singing magic spells into existence. However, the city, despite its planning, faces its own issues. Being the western-most of the Basinite cities means it has to contend with foreign aggression, while also facing internal disputes. The current Qanaya, Jaqir, is wise and cunning in his diplomacy, but is ill. Soon, it is expected that he shall perish. Upon his death, it leaves his three children to fight for the throne, as the Qanaya has refused to name a successor. Unless there is intervention, civil war will break out between the three heirs. The first and eldest child is Majaal, a joyful, expressive sort with a love for partying. He has a natural charm, but an inability to make hard decisions. He is a brilliant painter and a natural lady's man, known for his inability to settle down with anyone. However, he is well-loved by the merchant class, and enjoys their support and financial backing. He desires financial expansion, domination of Basin through monopoly and the iron first of the market. He views the other basinites as foolish and easily tricked. The second eldest child is Raqira, who is strong-hearted and renowned for her tactical savvy. She is said to be as radiant as the sun in her charisma and strength of will, but gentle enough to avoid burning those around her. She wields the support of the military, and is renowned for her cunning and merciful, equal in measure. She desires expansion, war against the other city-states to affirm that not only is Azghara the mightiest but also the most merciful, steadying the constant war between the city-states, and uniting all of Basin against foreign aggression. She believes the other Basinites are too short-sighted.

Last, is the quiet Qupaal, who is said to enjoy support from darker circles. He speaks to few, and trusts even less, and many dark rumors swirl around him. He is a skilled master of unknown magical arts, and wields support both among the city's underworld and it is said, with the demons. It is known he is cold and cruel to those he holds power over, and so the people of Bur Azghara hold little love for him. The city's culture is one of knowledge and joy, songs and valor. People of all social classes, races and creeds gather in Amajasaballiz, the 'Song-Parlors', where poetry, song, art and drink is shared. The city is known for its 'dry gardens', where resilient desert plants grow in the shadows of great sandstone statues. The people cover themselves in light, flowing fabrics, colored in bright, eccentric colors. They wear little jewelry, for despite their richness in culture, they are by no means wealthy, compared to Sahara or the other city-states. Yet, they claim to be wealthy in generosity, more so than anyone else. For its defenses, the city is filled with many towers and is built upon a high rocky pillar that slopes upwards, where the palace sits at the top. The city is walled, although the walls are relatively far out, in the mouths of the valleys leading to it. So an attacker is forced to march through one of three narrow ravines to attack a well defended gatehouse to enter the bowl-shaped-valley the city itself sits in. All the while, they are fired down upon by archers in tunnels dug alongside the ravines' walls.

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Known for their heavy naval presence and fish folk. Fishmen walk amongst the humans in complete harmony along with mermaids. People who live within Hamel usually use Water, Light, Purification, Healing, or Wind magic. Social status is not a thing within Hamel; everyone is (almost) the same. At least, that is what the people of Hamel are told to tell outsiders. There are still Royalty and the "normal." There are no shady or poor areas in Hamel; everything is rich. Hamel has many gems that they usually trade with the rest of the world for money. The fish within Hamel's proximity are irregularly huge, and the dangerous fish are even more dangerous. There is the "light" water and the "dark" water. Light has regular, passive that people caneat. The dark water has more dangerous, ferocious fish within it that will kill anyone. There are fleets of boats constantly on watch of Hamel's capital.


Named after the country, Hamil is a large capital full of a variety of life: fishmen, mermaids, humans, etc. The capital is easily noticeable even if you're far away in the ocean. Hamel's people are genuinely kind. They help outsiders who show of good heart and always take people in. In the middle of the capital is the castle that the Royal family live in. The royal family are constantly giving back to their hard-working people and government, constantly helping the people of the ocean. Because of the good relations with fishmen and mermaids/mermen, they have constant watch and help on the ocean defense. Hamel also has a strange pond within the capital that people can only enter if given a certain pass by the royal family. The pond can restore wounds, illness, and mana to people who sit in their taking a normal bath. Over time, the effects of the water will take effect, slowly giving the person(s) the benefit(s).

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The region known as 'The Hivelands' is a dark, ancient jungle. Under its sun-blocking canopies lies a land of danger and darkness. Deep in that emerald hell lie dozens of separate hives of large, humanoid ants that fight each other and any interloping outsiders to the death, day in and day out. It is a dark, confusing place, and the ants, known collectively as 'Insectoids' are less than friendly. Few who venture here ever return, and those who do, speak of the Insectoids as living in a hivemind society, with castes based on the subraces of ants, each made for a different purpose. In the lands are the ruins of old civilizations that the Insectoids have destroyed. There are billions of Insectoids, in different hives. These hives fight each other constantly, but unite against outsider aggression. All hives are incredibly warlike and devour the corpses of their enemies. Rarely, the hives send forces out of their jungles to attack nearby nations. This happens only in lulls of an eternal, incomprehensible political dance the Hives take part in. It is a land of centuries long warfare and only occasional peace. Of all the creatures that lurk in that land, the Insectoids are doubtlessly the worst, and the most violent.

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Far in the blasted North lies the frozen land of Var. It is a cold, mysterious place, besieged eternally by demons and devoid of all life, save for a civilization of sentient golems called Varrites. Deep in the mountains of Var lie citadels of stone, cavernous, labyrinthian places inhabited only by golem warriors. Upon every wall is a carving: a story they have witnessed, and there is always more to be carved. So, the Varrites cavern ever deeper into the mountains. It is a strange place that few have been to, simply for the dangers of the weather and demons roaming the land.

The sentient golems that inhabit it speak of a mason and crafter from a different world that crafted them; that carved them from stone and gave them the goal of guarding against evil. Yet, when they speak of this event, of this mason, they refer to events thousands of years ago, not just hundreds. Once, these stone creatures guarded over the whole of the world, and ensured peace. Yet, no other civilization has records of such a thing, and few even seem to know of them at all. According to the stone creatures, the Varrites, a dark and terrible event that occurred in the past that disrupted this guardianship, and so they drew inward. They are friendly to any outsider foolish enough to brave the wastes to meet them, although the lack of anything edible in the region makes it hard for explorers regardless, as the Golems have no food to give. They make no use of advanced technology, but are extremely resilient to damage, and more than capable of dishing it out. Both through magic, and the strange, exploding stones they throw at their foes. That is, of course, nothing to say of their own bodies, for they wield weapons of a black metal that seems capable of easily slicing through stone, and are more than capable in wielding these weapons.

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A small island nation revolutionized by a Summoned 200 years ago, known only as the 'Founder' to modern Stennites. The Founder toppled the monarchy with firearms and relatively advanced technology, and reshaped the island nation in his own image and ideology. The Founder encouraged weapons of war, to be used against something called 'The Providence', should it ever intervene in world events. The truth of the matter was that the 'Founder' was the jealous brother of the Summoned who created the Providence. He was not angry about the Providence's nature in influencing world events only to benefit the ultra-wealthy, he was upset that he wasn't invited. And so, Stennough became his kingdom on that island. Their technology advanced fast under his guidance, but never came to match that of Providence, although Stennough is far larger, with a larger population and more resources for use.

The Island exists based entirely on the Founder's idea of capitalism without limits, of wealth being the determinator of Darwinism. While the Chairman wished to unite the world via secret deals and diplomacy, the Founder believed it was capital that should run the world. Despite very much having the means to conquer the world with its advanced military, Stennough does not even leave its homeland, for the ancient fears of outsiders; of the Providence. They watch the world from their island, awaiting a dire future in which their old rivals make the first move, launching the world into a conflict unmatched in violence.

The technology of the island is dieselpunk in nature, making use of coal and oil to power vast and terrible machines of industry and war. Stennough, like Providence, revolves around the welfare of the rich and elite. The most advanced technology is saved for their personal use, while the common worker suffers in endless industrial toil. The workers are satiated with bread and circuses, and if necessary, brute force. In Stennough, every living being is valuable only in its capacity for labor, every mind dulled to continue sweating on production lines. The worker exists as a serf to the corporation they work for, living in corporate apartments they cannot leave, paying rent not just on the tenement apartments they occupy, but on their own bodies, for the corporation rents the prosthetics they all inevitably get, losing limbs to industrial machinery. Every day, the common folk are told they labor for a purpose, they labor against the evils of the Providence, yet that is a name none of them know, beyond simply some vague 'foe'. And even so, the 'evils' of the Providence are the very same evils they live under. This is more apparent now than ever before, as smog levels in the island's cities are at fatal levels. The workers die faster than ever, and the elite are ignorant of their plight. This is unsustainable. Now, as ever, there are whispers in the belly of that iron, industrial beast. One day, something will break.

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To outsiders, the frozen, rugged land is called the Fell. The reason being is the ancient Giant King fell in that land, slain by his own sword. The Vodisvaardans tell stories of the old Giants' War from ages past, when Giants fought one another over control of the world. Any outsider may disregard those stories, call them foolish folk tales; stories to tell children. Yet, the Corpse holds these stories true.

The people of the land are cold and hardy, keeping to themselves mostly. Like Czarsnieki, the land is filled with demons, and the Vodisvaardans are often too occupied fighting against this threat for their very lives to do much else. The demons of the inhospitable land are monsters, beasts of fur and fang. They are not truly demon, but to the people of Valucia, they seem similar. The word for the creatures of Fell is Dyridver, and they are ferocious, furred creatures, with horns and claws. Hunting these creatures is a necessity, and those who can slay them in number are renowned heroes to the men of Fell.

As Marda and Chestian have the same issues as Vodisvaard, the three nations have a simple, ongoing friendship. They are different cultures, ethnic groups, and faiths, but they're all mortals. Together, they fight against the Dyridver. Yet, unlike the other two, the Vodisvaardans have little to no contact with the outside. They have ports, but use them mostly for fishing, or trading with other islanders. After all, both the Mardites and the Chestians care more for trade, and to the Vodisvaardans, what is there out there that they need and don't have?

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A Tribal Monarchy society comprising mostly of giants. Elves, dwarves, and other such races are rare. A proud and noble land, Xert'via boasts some of the most divine scenery in all of Valucia. The sprawling plant life is supported by massive ancient giant ruins. With an abundance of wildlife and natural resources, Xert'via is considered a naturalist and survivalist dream world. Massive mountains, sprawling forests, and gorgeous grassland terrain cover the area. Serene beaches cover the coasts and the most complex river system on Valucia. Life in Xert'via runs around the river systems. Fish and other wildlife that use the river are the main food sources. The giant tribes are scattered and have low birth rates. The population is large, but not too much that it hurts the environment. There is a rough total of 1,004,87 giants scattered around the land.

The government of the people is a Tribal Monarchy. This implies that there is a monarchy, but each tribe holds their own monarch. The leader is called Patriarch/Monarch depending on the gender of the leader. Leaders are not chosen by bloodline, but rather they are chosen based on skill and leading ability. A bloodline heir is considered taboo unless the child has been proven the best choice to lead. Above all, the other leaders of the tribes, there is the Grand Monarch/Patriarch. This is the undisputed king or queen of the entire nation. The tribe leader holds power only in their tribes territory. The Grand leader's word is law in all territories despite the opinion of the tribe leaders. However, the opinion of the grand leader is never disputed. The leader is chosen since they are considered being above all others; they renounce any alliance with all tribes to maintain a purely objective point of view.

All decisions regarding the entire nation of Xert'via are made in a voting system. All tribe leaders will give their opinion to the grand leader. The grand leader holds the final decision.

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