The Conceptualization Phase: Races

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Okay so our name is Piss and we are the Mafioso
genre: high fantasy

So I'm thinking I should start doing more roleplay-related things around here. Probably not groups or one-on-ones, considering how volatile they are going to be at this point in time, but maybe a quest? Yes, I like that idea very much.

In this thread, I'll be leaving a number of profiles with the usual - basic info as well as some interesting details about the characters I've made. Pretty much the sort of things you'd learn if another character were to tell you about them.

I'm sort of a position to receive feedback, but there are no profiles to show here as of now. If you have any thoughts of your own to share on these characters when they start popping up, or even just the concepts you've seen so far, I'd love to hear about them in a reply to this thread! If you want to know more about these folks, feel free to send me a message privately as well!

My plan with this thread is not just to showcase the characters I have, it's to see what kind of novel details I can implement to make some of them feel like they came straight from the character. Among what I plan to include is the main feature: every single section can have its name changed, which should work wonders for immersing the reader into things. Like you've stepped into their shoes, so to speak.

Let's see what it looks like.
(Replace this with the character's name. Feel free to include their titles and nicknames as well.)

Gender: (It's optional. I mean, you can tell which way they lean based on what they're referred as when you read the rest of the profile anyways, right?)

Volition: (Their purpose, their vocation, their profession... whatever the they like to do, whether it's for a living or for the benefit of others.)
Affiliation: (Who are they associated with? If it's pretty obvious, like with the characters in this thread, you really don't need this section.)

Appearance: (What do they look like, and what do they wear on a typical day? Are there any pictures to look at? Alas, I have none to show for any of my own characters.)
Personality: (I originally didn't want to have this section, but it seems pretty significant to have what will essentially represent someone else's first impressions of the character. Plus, some personalities may be far less conducive to engaging roleplays than others with a lack of experience.)

(This can also be referred to as the backstory, if you somehow managed to get the character to open up to you about their life. Or maybe you're reading their diary. Shame on you.
If you don't want to do that, you could also talk about what they've done in recent times and why they're here. That sort of information is much easier for another character to learn.)

(Skills, perks, and traits ranging from the intrinsic abilities of the character's race to the magic spells they know how to cast. If you're unsure whether or not something should be included here, you should totally add it anyways!)

(The character's stuff. What do they bring with them when venturing out into the world? What do they carry their stuff in, and does anything else, such as their outfit, have any notable aspects worth mentioning?)

Once some characters have been posted here, you'll be able to jump to each one simply by clicking their name on this list or whenever it shows up in a profile.

| Races
The various inhabitants that populate this vast and still largely unexplored fantasy world. Some of them are perfectly normal or unexplainably strange, depending on who you are or who you ask.

| Dreamers
Somewhere in the world, there's a quiet valley that's well-hidden from prying eyes of all sorts. Within this valley, someone or something apparently decided it would be a good idea to bring together several individuals of differing races, backgrounds, and cultures, and see how well they get along. Several years have passed since then, and things are going far better than the valley's host could have ever anticipated.
Of course, that can't possibly be the only reason to bring six people together like this. These characters seem to be connected through the abilities they possess and their willingness to work towards... something. It's not quite obvious what it is yet, but it's becoming clearer as time goes on.

• A mild-mannered lady who has a penchant for picking out sounds and patterns from her natural surroundings and even the sky. After all, gazing at the stars is something that can be done without getting off the hammock or going through any sort of physical effort!
• A young and eager fellow with a wonderful flair for acrobatics as a result of his time spent among a group of travelling entertainers. As of late, he's been forced to go through many more mental and physical exercises than anyone else - as if he's being prepared for something.
• The spirited member of the group. He fancies himself an instrument player and storyteller - and he certainly isn't lacking for words. Even though he doesn't seem to remember anything about his past, he likes to make up something different whenever he shares his own "story" with new people.
• She's the healer, the doctor, the one who specializes in tinctures, mending, and blood magic. Life in her culture wasn't exactly tame, and as a result she was highly valued and almost uplifted for her abilities. Unlike her clan, however, she highly favors straightforward, practical solutions over dubious rituals.
• Of the few members of this intrepid group, he has the distinction of being the most knowledgeable one. His profound interest in history and weaponry gives him a sharp eye for hunting as well as the occasional bit of trivia that might come in handy when exploring new places.
• The leader of the group, who either reinforces or begrudgingly accepts the decisions of her mystery companion. She is taciturn and severe, and suffice to say she doesn't spend too much time working with the others unless there's something that needs to be said. Who knows what she likes to do on her own time?
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In a fantasy setting such as this one, you might find yourself shocked - or, perhaps, a little relieved - that the common inhabitants of this world definitely aren't of the standard variety. That is to say, there are certainly people like us living there, but I opted for something other than... y'know. I think it'll allow for more interesting and creative directions as I go about building this setting.

As with the information and lore in the character list, races will begin to reveal themselves as more characters are added to this thread. When that happens, it would probably be a good idea to read this beforehand so you have a better idea of what certain characters might look like.

| Human
Of the common races in the world, humans are, well, the most common, by a decent margin. Who would have guessed, right?

What does make them unique from other races, however, is their ability to immediately adapt to their environment at some point before they are born. The conditions for each adaptation to occur are quite simple, but this barely falls below common knowledge and adventurous couples are often caught off guard by the unusual qualities of their children. If you're unsure about what might become of your own child, make a point to consult your local healer on matters like these before conception.

• The most common of the common, nomads are almost always found the temperate southern areas of the world where humans originated from - and even if they consider themselves to be the most normal, they too have their own distinguishing qualities. Their handy level of flexibility and dexterity gives them quite the edge for interfacing tasks of all kinds, which explains why their settlements and cities are only getting bigger and bigger.
• If you've ever come across people who love walking around in the rugged mountains, the frigid cold, or the arid desert with nothing but bare arms and they're still smiling after the fact, they must be one of the vherid. Born in exactly the sort of places one would expect them to be, these callused folks are used to the backwoods lifestyle and have no issues shrugging off the sorts of ailments and diseases that would keep most city dwellers in their beds.
• If there's magic in the air, there's certain folk that are sure to be around. Whether it's from being around areas with a high concentration of magical activity or being part of a lineage of adepts, sprylet are well known for having bright upbringings. What makes them easier to tell apart than others are their vibrant eye colors and their affinity towards magic. They have a much easier time memorizing and learning spells by example.
• There are a few accounts that claim a person who is born beneath the surface of the world will always end up being a little... different, but it's uncertain just how deep one has to go. What makes them stand out from other races are their eyes, which seem to be luminescent and almost inverted in color when seen in total darkness. Their nocturnal senses are complemented by their heightened fight-or-flight response, giving them the sort of adrenaline rush other races are utterly incapable of achieving naturally.

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