The Cheshire

Ian Temero

Knight of Swords


[SIZE= 28px]Report on the Assassin-for-hire Cheshire[/SIZE]


Code Name: Cheshire

Mundane Name: Currently Unknown

Race: Assumed to be human

Age: Late teens / early twenties

Powers (Inherent Traits):

Spatial Distortion - Cheshire appears to be capable of controlling space-time to a small degree. We have observed this power is used in three different forms...

  • Blink -  Cheshire is able to teleport short distance in an instance. The longest distance observed that she can travel with a single jump is approximately 100 ft. When blinking, she leaves behind an after-image which fades away shortly after. She appears to have a cool down of seven seconds between each jump, but we have seen inconsistency in this timing leading us to believe this limit is merely a bluff to make her enemies underestimate her.

  • Gate -  Cheshire is able to create portals at much greater distances than Blink, though far less frequently and at a far higher energy cost. We believe her maximum range to be a mile or two, but we have no concrete evidence to back this up.

  • Armory - Cheshire appears to have a pocket dimension that she can store weapons and objects in. It is unclear at this time if there is a limit to how much it can hold, but she cannot put living creatures or large object in it.

Enhanced Physical Capabilities - While not on what we would call "superhuman", Cheshire's strength, speed, endurance, agility, and reaction speed is on the same level as an Olympic athlete. Her physique however, while certainly fit, does not suggest such ability leading us to believe her physical capabilities are not "natural".

Night Vision? - Unclear if this is something she possesses or if it is a feature of her mask.

Genius Level Intellect - Cheshire's ability to take in information and memorize it is several times faster than the average human. It is impossible to give more data on this without approaching her ourselves, which would go against your orders.

Abilities (Learned traits):

Weapons Master - While Cheshire specializes in using knives, she appears to be proficient in a large variety of weapons, from swords and shields to automatic rifles, side arms, and sniper rifles. She is a dead shot with a gun, able to shoot a dime out of the air with a pistol and hit a target from 1.25 miles with a sniper rifle. While it is unclear exactly how many weapons she can wield, it should be noted that she avoids more futuristic  weaponry, such as ray guns.

Martial Arts - Cheshire is a master of stealth, espionage, and hand-to-hand combat. She is a master of Nijutsu and shows knowledge of Jujitsu, Kenjitsu, Kung-fu and Capoeira.

Mental Resistance - Cheshire has trained herself to resist mind reading and other mind effecting powers. Note: resistant, not immune.


Despite her strength and power, Cheshire is still only human and can be hurt and killed by normal means.

Her teleportation is limited to areas she can see, areas she has been, and objects she has touched.


The equipment the Cheshire uses changes depending on the situation, however the weapons she uses the most often are a pair of daggers, a ninjato (ninja sword), two Beretta 92FSs, a Desert Eagle .50 AE, and a Mcmillan TAC 50 sniper rifle. She has been known to use grenades and C4, but they appear to be a last resort for her.

Equipment she has on at all times are boots with hidden blades, gloves with retractable claws, and her signature mask. This mask has a gas filter, voice changer, radio, thermal vision, night vision(?), and target tracking.


The Cheshire is easily one of the most dangerous assassin alive today, if not the most dangerous. Luckily she has a few rules she follows...

- She will take any job (not just assassin work) as long as it did not involve selling her body

- She will not take a job that pays less than $20,000

- She will not kill in front of a child (of the three times she has failed to kill her target, two of them were because a child was present)

- She will not kill anyone she is not paid to kill.

End Report

Secret Identity (emphasis on secret)

Name: Lilith Falciani

Race: Mostly Human (Fox child)

  • Unknown to Lilith she is the daughter of a human and a kitsune. While such unions do not create half breeds as one might expect, a human born from a kitsune is never normal. Such children are highly talented, becoming great leaders or heroes in Japanese mythology.

Age: 17
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