The Brimstone From Within.


The Hanu Prince

🔥Name🔥: Ignaticus V. Surtrson

🔥Human Alias🔥: Hearth K. Muspel

🔥Titles🔥: The Prince of Jotunn, Fire Spell, Son of the Eternal Flame, The New King, Outsider, Rebirth, The Chosen Son

🔥Species🔥: Fire-Jotunn

🔥Occupation🔥: Unemployed (officially),Catalyst for Recreation, (formerly) Admiral of The Jotunn Army, Chosen Prince of Muspelheim

🔥Height🔥 Native Form/6’7 | Human Form/5’11

🔥Weight🔥 Native Form/630 lbs| Human Form/ 190 lbs

🔥Eye Color🔥 Native Form/ Glowing Ember Red| Human Form/Deep Burgundy

🔥Gender🔥: Male

🔥Hobbies🔥: Bird-watching, Fishing, Claim the Lives that threaten Re-creation, Meditation,Sword Fighting.

🔥Age🔥: 1,430

🔥Hair Color🔥: Native Form/None| Human Form/ Deep Brown

🔥Unusual Features🔥: Native Form/ Aside from being a coal-black pillar of fire escape every perceivable hole in his body, none| Human Form/ None

-The Articles of Ignaticus

Creation: In a different universe, Surtur knew that the end was near, that Ragnork was quickly approaching. Other gods were slain due to an astronomical event that empowered the Odin in that universe, causing him to be mad with power and for his pantheon to reign supreme. Heroes and Villains alike were preparing for the end of times, conjuring massive weapons to prevent the ultimate fate that was Ragnaork. They tried to fight the inevitable, the death of their Universe by the blade of Surtr’s Twilight, even he himself tried to escape the unbreakable bonds that was Fate. However, He knew that there was a way his seed could live on, and bring to other Universes the blessing of Re-creation.

His current army of Jotunn were too large and lacked proper intelligence to survive what could possibly be out there. So he began to create a being that fitted his vision. To prevent his creation from accidentally growing too large in his expedition, he recited Rune Spells to prevent the overgrowth of his Chosen creation, however the creation has the ability to change shapes. He then sought out Mimir, a man so wise and knowledgeable after The Keeper of Secrets whispered forbidden knowledge into his ear and required him to share his knowledge with the mold of his Chosen one, increasing the potential knowledge of his offspring.

Now embedded with Strength, Breadth, and Wisdom, life was now needed to bring him to being. Not being able to go to Yggadrisl himself, the King of Muspelheim, tricked the Son of Odin into retrieving a branch from the Tree of Life. Not only did the God of Thunder bring back a single branch, but many to prove his strength to the Fire-Jotunn King, enabling Surtur’s mold to not only be able to live but be granted immortality.

Childhood: Now physically molded, the King of Muspelheim had to mentally mold Ignaticus for the possible dangers that may lay head. Ignaticus’s childhood would be rough, but never overly cruel to prevent his Ignaticus from turning against his mission. Ignaticus was exposed to intensive mental training at an early age. Having to make quick judgements of situations and characters if he wanted to avoid punishment. Leadership was one of the things he was quickly exposed to, when at an appropriate age, he chose to contribute to the kingdom by commanding the endless soldiers of Muspehlheim. These led to his ultimate test The Trails Of Ignaticus, placed by both his father and Odin. Along with intensive mental training, Ignaticus had to take practice in physical training such as, most-notably, swordplay. To tone his body to withstand pain and to increase his physical capacity.

Arrival: Centuries from his birth, the reason he was created for has come, gods and mortals fought alike against Muspelheim and its allies to prevent Ragnorak. The armies of Muspelheim fought hard in the war as well as the opposition. Seeing how everything has come together and that his purpose has come. He was propelled from his universe by the combined might of Surtur’s Eternal Flame and the All-Father and ended up here with his new purpose to ensure that Re-creation begins.

The Triad Blessings- Throughout the multiple successes of his trails, he has received blessings of power from an array of different gods which contributed to his overall success of his missions, however, those were temporary. Only Three Gods, Logi,Loki, and the goddess Eir contributed their blessings permanently.

-Logi | During one of his trials Iganticus had to extinguish the ravaging flames of Logi from burning the forests of Elfdalian, the ancient viking forest . While Ignaticus mostly failed against Logi’s fire, Logi saw the determination and courage that burned within him and engraved into his being a piece of himself.

_______________________ _______ __=The Blessings Of Logi= _____________________________________________________________________

Strength of Replenished Fire: While Ignaticus’s strength is at its base, much weaker than the average giant. It grows the more heat is absorbed by Ignaticus. Heat and Fire are the foundation of Jotunn, due to this it is Logi who embedded unto Ignaticus with this gift of getting strength because he felt similarly to Ignaticus’s fiery hunger and desire to complete his mission. This also applies to any burning sensation such as the feeling from acid or the sting from lightning (although the electrical force of lightning doesn’t add to his strength). This also plays off of Ignaticus’s internal fire, which burns hotter whenever he feels an intense emotion, not necessarily anger.

Calling Of Flames: Most Fire Jotnar, with the exception of Surtr himself, lack the ability to call the flames that they were formed from. Fortunately,after melting 10% of Jotunheim to replenish Midgard’s oceans, Ignaticus was looked upon favorably by the Fire God once again. Logi granted the ability to call upon him and any of his fires to aid him in any future adventures Pyric Spectrum Manipulation

Authority Of Logi’s Right Arm: During his last venture and with the might of Tyr, Ignaticus had to subdue the newly empowered Ægir, empowered by the new waters from Jotunheim, long enough for Odin’s Valkyries to arrive. In the process of subduing the great sea jotunn, Ignaticus had to remove the additional water from the seas. However, controlling mass amounts of Logi’s flames caused him to lose his right arm in the midst of battle. Logi, having experienced it, arrived and gave his own right arm and attached it to Ignaticus (although his own right hand would grow back in a couple of hours), thus making Ignaticus’s arm the personification of fire, and along with it. Authority over those who control the flames and aren’t gods themselves.

________________________________=The Vanities Of Loki=_______________________________________

Calling Of Shifting: One of the trails that Ignaticus was assigned was the chase down and bind the Trickster God, Loki, three times.. Through the first trial, Ignaticus tracked the God Of Mischief through the forests of Alfheim, Land of the Elves. Unknown to Ignaticus was the shapeshifting abilities that the Trickster God possessed. At one time, Ignaticus befriends a wolf to help him track down Loki. However, the wolf’s sense of smell was ultimately deceiving, leading him into continuous conflicts with the natives of the land. Until,it was revealed to him through the act of unlocking the wisdom of Mimir, that Loki was ,in fact, the wolf and was trying to get him killed before by the Elves of the land. Impressed by Ignaticus’s physical prowess and mental deduction. After being bound, He gifted him the ability to shapeshifter as well, but can only be one foot shorter than himself.

Deceptive Voice Of Mimicry: While still in Alfheim, the second stage of the chase has begun. However, his father called for his return because the Midgardians had waged an early war against them. Prompt to destroy them because of the army’s unruliness. Yet, when he had returned home, his father had said otherwise. Deducing that this is once again a trick from Loki, so he returns to Alfheim, and after a conflict with the natives there, found the Mischief God mimicking his father. Then ripping out his voice-box from pure anger for bringing his father’s voice to defile them. This resulted in Ignaticus being blessed by the Elves to mimic voices.

____________________________=The Excellency of Emir _________________________________________

Healing Of Emir: The mission for Emir was different, instead of simply stopping or escorting her. This mission was from Surtr, this was an outright assassination of Emir, the major goddess of healing to weaken the Asgardians. This was to ensure that Surtur would be able to hold off Odin enough in the end of things to ensure Ignaticus’s safety. However, killing the Goddess of Healing would prove difficult because her divine healing saved her from death. So, to get around this, Ignaticus had to travel to Helheim and ask Hela,Goddess of Death for temporary power for death for Emir’s soul. Which she declined, wanting both his and Emir’s soul in exchange for what he asks. He agreed to this, encasing his soul in fire to differentiate his from the rest. Having Hela’s powers over death, he incinerated Emir, and drank her blood to empower himself with the regenerative powers of Emir. Enabling himself to heal from his wounds. His soul returned to his body after the day of Ragnarok

______________=Physical Prowess of Ignaticus=_____________________________________

Divine Durability: (WIP) Mountainous+

Supernatural Strength: 60 Tons (Base)

Speed: 3600 miles/h | Instantaneous (Short Range due to Pryoportatuon)

Stamina: 2 Weeks before the need for replenishment

-The Abilities Of Ignaticus

Sword-Play: For the entirety of his existence, Ignaticus was being instructed in the way of swordsmanship. Learning how to make sword fighting his second nature for centuries. He learned many types of styles both orthodox and unorthodox. He has become as used to the blade as a person is to the air they breathe. His swordsmanship has even brought compliments from Frey himself in one of the trials that he has faced. Ignaticus’s sword, The Blade of Ignaticus, is testament to his great sword play after defeating 10,000 of his bethern in battle.

Physical Combat: Aside from sword-play, Ignaticus is proficient in the ways of hand-to-hand combat, and has learned many styles, he is most comfortable with boxing and grappling. He is a hard striker and can quickly maneuver around. Along with swords, Ignaticus is pretty decent at predicting his opponent(s) strikes. He wrestled with giants and was even able to overpower Thor, the god of Thunder, not through brute strength but with fighting prowess.

Hunting & Tracking: The years of tracking Loki has significantly heightened his hunting and tracking skills. Enabling him to track and hunt down targets across the world. Very little have slipped out of his grasp. He even tracked down a let loose Fenrir. Binding it back to its place before it could cause any major havoc. Accomplishing these with only a single strand of the wolf’s fur and a faint scent in the distance


**Sverð Heitr-Stjama (Sword Of The Burning Star) or simply Heitr:

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= The Golden Blade was gifted to Ignaticus as the ultimate reward for his many trials and challenges, Heitr was a prize that both received and loathing from the gods of Asgard. For, despite its power, it was seen as an abomination, being a mixture of Jötunn fire and Dwarven magic and steel. Heitr is a direct chip off of its parent sword, Sverð of Surt, or the Sword of Surtr, and has fashioned by Dwarves (though it would be assumed that the Dwarves faced destruction if they disobeyed, seeing how the were on opposing sides with Surtr’s kingdom). The sword itself carries with it the fundamental properties of its parent sword, along with new magical engraving to protect itself and Ignaticus. One of the mystical properties that the sword has received through the basic property of its material is the ability to cut through anything, as it was originally destined to end all and bring forth the new. Another was that was granted though it being made of Royal Muspelheimian metal is the ability to both conducted an unlimited amount of heat and fire and redirected towards Ignaticus’s strength, it can also redirect other forms of attacks short of a couple gigatons with the sheer nigh-indestructible material it is made of.

Whenever Ignaticus, in his native form, calls forth for Heitr, it will appear through fire, whether already existence or summoned by Ignaticus. It can also transfer momentum when it is travelling though its fiery gates, enabling Ignaticus to form unpredictable chains of attacks. Added by the magical enchantments of the Dwarves, the sword will protect Ignaticus from magical items, and curse as long it is in his hands. If the blade comes in contact with a mystical object (other than a significant weapon, a loophole added by the Dwarves to allow Thor to potentially kill Ignaticus) it will drain the magic from that item.=

Physical Appearance:

37 Inches

Sword Style: Single-Handed Sword

Weight: 230 Lbs

___**Eldr-Vísdómr (Kunnigr) (Knowledge from Fire) or simply Eldr=

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The last gift Ignaticus has received before departing his universe, consisting of a small portion of the essence of the All-father and his father's final moments before the end. Despite being a small fraction of what it used to be, Eldr is a very powerful object, so much so that Eitri, Brok, and Buri had to make a brace inorder to maintain its power. While Eldr itself is a singular entity, it acts as two separate ones that consist of the essences and morals of its creators; a proper analogy would be an angel and devil that are on a person's shoulders (although Eldr never speaks). Eldr uses the wisdom and morals of Odin and the power and rawness of Surtr to sway the decisions of Eldr, however, much like its creators Eldr is always at conflict with itself as both energies want to dominate over the other. The essences are called Allbrajter (Light of the Allfather) and Vald (Strength of the Fire King). However, whenever influenced by Ignaticus's motives, one force will temporarily dominate the other, affecting Ignaticus in different ways.

Allbrajter's Gift: Allbrajter usually takes effect when Ignaticus is in times of confusion or loss. It acts as a moral and objective compass to guide Ignaticus through his mission. Displays prophecies and guidance in visions ( audio or optical) or by giving him slight hunches in his subconscious. Due to Odin being the supplier of Mimir's wisdom, and Mimir being the supplier of Ignaticus's. The wisdom of Ignaticus is increased. However, due to the Muspelheim nature of Ignaticus and how it conflicts with Asgardian nature his overall power is decreased as much as his knowledge increased.Besides providing wisdom, Allbrajter can provide a means of transportation, channeling energy from the Biofrost to transport Ignaticus to different places.

Vald's Gift: Vald comes into effects whenever Ignaticus is in times of extreme anger or extreme pride. Instead of acting as a moral compass, Vald is an adrenaline rush that increases both the focus and overall physical capabilities of Ignaticus, along with boosted capabilities Vald also increases the determination and willpower of Ignaticus; as it is his father's essence and he draws strength from him. But due to the knowledge of Mimir conflict with Surtur's nature, Ignaticus's wisdom dealt a heavy blow.

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