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Fantasy The Bad Guys, Again: Main (Old)

Mina Inugami
I couldn't help but nod. "I would hope so. But, if not, I guess I've always got my stealth."

StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Majima Fuyutsuki
I listened intently while enjoying my spaghetti. And, upon the end of the lesson, I'd give a nod before speaking up once more. "How did you end up here, if I might ask?"

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 , StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Dei-Loki Alaois & Lorcan Azouf
Lorcan would stare at the... simply repeated term. "Studying." The draconic did clarify.

Dei-Loki would slowly make his way over to the two, mostly curious as to what had been going down. And yet, he didn't say anything and simply listened.

Scheani Scheani
Sterling: I listened intently, taking in the information and trying not to feel inferior for knowing less about Indiana than Atlas knew about Hell.
"Yeah, how did you end up here? You'd think that they'd have the best evil school in hell."
Francis: "I guess I'm okay at drawing animals and people, but only ok. I consider myself a jack of all trades an master of none, really." I felt a bit insecure about it. Everybody always thought I was smart because I knew something about everything, but really I wasn't an expert at anything.
Sam: "That'll also come in handy."
Mayhem: I took a bite of my sandwich and looked at the probable expendable with a dry expression.
"I never did get your name. I'm Mayhem, but you can can call me May for short." I said it as though she needed my permission before so much as asking.
Theia leveled him with a dry glare, not appreciating his snarky comment. Maybe he was trouble. But Poseidon take her, was he an addictive kind of trouble. She made a face at him from across the table, more irritated with the betrayal of her own mind than his flirtatious jokes.

She tried to hide her interest, but it was impossible to disguise. As a girl she had learned about the different circles of hell, but extensive lessons on them were...limited. Without being a demon the knowledge itself was hard to come by, but her mother had been around for a very long time and had procured a certain level of knowledge. Still, it was interesting to hear it from Atlas. She would have never guessed that he grew up there, he had always seemed...different from what she pictured a demon from hell to look like. Enu, however, she would not be surprised if he had grown up there given the sort of demonic presence he displayed rather openly.

Blue eyes shifted to the others quickly before looking back down at her half eaten food. "I come from a small island off the coast of Greece, Kos. Most Sirens inhabit the surrounding waters and islands but Kos is reserved for the....rich." Her nose scrunched slightly at the thought before she glanced up the the guys, hesitant to tell them anything more about where she grew up so she left it at that. The last thing she needed Atlas to know was that she was a Princess of sorts back home.

"Her mother is the Queen."

Theia instantly bristled, head snapping in the direction of the smug looking demon next to her. Enu gave her a smoldering smile, the glint in the depths of his violet eyes telling her that he knew exactly what she didn't want to say. "There is no Queen." She floundered, attempting to soothe over the blunder he had made of her attempt at a humble back story. "Siren's have a Matriarchy and your mother is THE Matriarch. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that make her a Queen?" Enu continued, eating the rest of his food nonchalantly and as if Theia wasn't having a near meltdown. A strangled noise left her, unable to come up with an excuse that would be suitable enough to become a believable lie. But Enu had already blown the truth wide open and she secretly found herself wanting to strangle the demon. "Fine. Yes. My mother is the last true daughter of Poseidon and therefore the Queen." She grumbled, the icy glare that she gave Enu told of the amount of pain she wanted to inflict upon him. The purple eyed demon only gave her a shit-eating grin in return before turning towards the rest of the others.

"I am also from the second circle."

She barely heard Enu respond, too busy looking off into the throngs of people as they settled in at other lunch tables. She took notice of the various others who looked in their direction and for some reason that only seemed to sour her mood. Theia cast a look at the other three boys, "He probably wanted to test his schmoozing abilities on the mortal or other such creatures." She retorted dryly before moving her gaze back to their surroundings, her food completely forgotten. There was a group of girls a couple tables over, fresh meat if she had to guess, who were giggling and talking in hushed whispers as they looked in their direction. Theia pulled her hood down a bit more self-consciously. Some siren she was, hiding from the attention that her sisters would have bathed in.
Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Sterling: I listened intently, taking in the information and trying not to feel inferior for knowing less about Indiana than Atlas knew about Hell.
"Wow, I never expected to meet anyone from Hell let alone two of you."
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Popping out his bottom lip in annoyance veiled thinly by his prior amusement he stated blandly, "Yes studying." His eyebrows flicked up for a breath as his head tilted as if a confused puppy. "Am I not allowed to? I'm afraid I never saw that in the book." His eyes narrowed for a moment as if scrutinizing the tall and small creatures in front of him, before lighting once again to a cheery expression. "Oh dear, I hope you're not that easily offended." He giggled moving to brush past them to get a glance at the board holding his placement, having grown bored of the blanched conversation.

Interacting (indirectly)With: Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil (Dei-Loki, Lorcan)
Atlas Isaac Raider
Atlas was about to answers both Sterling's and Majima's question when Theia had spoken up about where she was from. He brought his attention to her as she spoke, then to Enu as he added on. He chuckled a bit as the two of them went back and forth a bit. In was entertaining to him, to say the least.

It was definitely interesting to hear that Theia was the daughter of a Queen. Something he wished he would have known earlier, but oh well, that information won't change how he acted around her, but it does mean he could use a new nickname to get on her nerves more than ever. He took his gaze from Theia and stared at Enu for a bit as he spoke about also being from the second circle. "Why am I not surprised Enu?" Atlas smirked and chuckled a bit before turning back to Majima and Sterling to finally get to their question.

Though before any words could leave his mouth, Theia spoke up. He again brought his gaze toward her, this time raising an eyebrow as he smirked devilishly. His usual purr came out as he spoke to her. "Listen, Princess," He paused for only a second, liking how that word rolled off his tongue when he spoke to Theia. Maybe he'll use that nickname more often. "I wish it was that simple," He again paused before bringing his attention back to Majima and Sterling. "But no. I'm here because I refuse to become a damn minion to the big man down there. Those who go to the schools in hell often lose much of their freedom after they complete. Yes, they are highly trained and they can do some of the best work out there, but they basically become slaves to the boss man afterwards. Which isn't always bad, they still get plenty of time to do as they like, but in some aspects they are limited. I can always go through the training and schooling later in life, it's not like I don't have a few thousand years to change my mind, it's just right now I prefer to keep my full freedom even if it means I'm here instead of some top-notch school."
"Jack of all trades?" Ash mumbled softly almost confused at first but nodded."Why's that? Haven't you ever wanted to be the best at something?" Ash asked curiously as she tilted her head a bit. She sure hoped she wasn't prying or making Francis uncomfortable.
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Ruko Maburrow
Ruko watched as Alexandru stood and began to leave. She gave a quick nod to him when he had mentioned stopping by to see him to chat, though she had little to no desire to do so. She watched as he walked off, not quite sure how she felt about the boy. At first, he had seemed nice enough, yet now she was feeling confused and... uneasy.

Ruko let out a soft sigh and soon after stood. There was no need to stay sitting here with someone who made her uncomfortable. That and she no longer felt hungry. She gave the girl a short nod for a goodbye and headed out. She just wanted to get to her room and settle down for the day, possibly just sleep the rest of the day off if she could.
Scheani Scheani StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Willock Traft Smith
Slowly he made his way to the meal hall. He paused, standing outside, he had no need to eat the physical food that the school served the kids, nor did he care to, it would not end his eternal hunger, nor would it help it at all. He kept his gaze peering into the meal haul with blank eyes, watching as students entered and left. By this point most students were finishing up or already eating, so the lunch lines were now short, but not yet empty.

Noah Blackwood
Once finally through the long line Noah took his food and sat on the outskirts of the lunch room, some people had already finished up and had made their ways out of the lunch room, leaving a table free for the taking. Sitting down, Noah began to slowly eat, mostly picking at the food rather than consuming it. He let out a soft sigh before taking a few bites and pulling out one of the books from his bag. He might as well read while he ate, it wasn't like there was anything else to do around here at the moment.

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