The Affliction: New Beginnings

'Gasmask' kept his foot pressed upon the throttle. No intention of slowing down. He didn't even look back into the van to meet the Rooskie's gaze. He only readjusted the rear mirror until he could make visual with the man who spoke only Russian and broken English.

"My sobirayemsya, chtoby poluchit' yedu na dom." The driver considered it an easier option to communicate in this man's native language. Too much difficulty to speak just English. He likely wouldn't even catch a single word in the exchange.

@KuroNoKami39 @Kabboom
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More Russian from the masked man. It took a bit longer this time for Adam to decipher it. It was also a bit harder, as the weight of the kid on his lap was starting to get heavier as his legs got tired. The thick accent through the even thicker mask makes it hard to understand the guy. After he deciphered it, he was a bit surprised, maybe even insulted that this guy would actually try to convey such a simple message in his own language. He was perfectly capable of understanding it if he had said it in English!

But maybe this man is like those guys he heard about from Mama and friends. Those Yankees who think it's funny to just talk a whole lot of verbose, "advanced" English towards those who do not speak their language well. Maybe this man is one of them. But maybe he just doesn't give a damn. Adam thinks he is the latter, for he wishes to avoid having a frustrating... "relationship" with this unlikely accomplice so early on.

"My English actually better than you think. I have problem with 'tense', and the 's' at end of words, that all." Adam said first, trying his best not to sound offended, but if this man really is the kind who doesn't give a damn, his efforts wouldn't matter, thankfully.

After a short pause, he continued. "Where is house? Far?" he really wanted to know, because the kid is starting to get heavier and heavier, and there's just not enough room for him to scoot around.

@AxelWelrod @KuroNoKami39
The Subaru continued roaring down the street, music blaring. Inside, the group of 5 sang along to the French rock music. As an instrumental break finally came in, Val asked Lou "So, Louie, what were you up to in that part of town?" Lou responded "The usual.  Lil scavving run. Saw you get got and figured I'd go help ya and get some easy karma from the Major while I was at it." Val laughed and said "Typical Lou. Always tryna benefit from a bad situation"  Continuing towards Dorval and their base in Trudeau Airport, they saw a largish group of bandits attempting to barricade the road. Lou snapped his fingers and said "Rich! Grenades, now!" Richard grabbed a small grenade launcher from the bottom of his seat, and leaned out the window. He fired, exploring the barricade and the bandits trying to shoot at them. Val high fived Richard, and the three drove onto the freeway leading to the airport.
The driver to this armoury on wheels tried to take in the words that escaped the Rooskie's mouth. It was a bit hard to drive in a straight line and have a little chat altogether. Soon the van swayed left, taking the nearest exit (well, the nearest exit that hadn't been leveled already, or guarded by a detail of banditos). 'Gas Mask' tried to ease his way out as best as one could possibly do so in his situation.

It was getting a bit stuffy. Probably because Philip had been breathing up all that nice used air. It was about time to get some fresh, exhilarating oxygen. The Englishman removed the gas mask from his facial region with one hand. Pretty much trying to keep the other on the wheel so he wouldn't crash and burn.

"That's better." Spoke thee. "Now, what were you saying?"

@KuroNoKami39 @Kabboom

Kristen.. Jane had always hated her for reasons she couldn't explain. Jay was one of her closest friends, but when he was with her it was like he was too busy to even spend time with Jane. Kristen was one of the unspoken people Jane hoped to never find. Which sounds terrible and all, but with everyone dying and so few living, it wasn't uncommon to think "Hey, I sure hope the girl that took my friend away didn't make it through this shit.". A bit sadistic? Probably. The truth? It happens. Jane braided and unbraided her hair a few times, running over the possibility that they did find Jay's late girlfriend. Chances were extremely unlikely, but it wasn't impossible. Then Jay spoke, breaking through Jane's thoughts, informing her that the food was ready, and pulling her out of her fantasies of his dead girlfriend. 


Without hesitation, Jane began to eat. Her starving belly felt the relief the moment the toast entered her mouth. She ate slowly, to ensure she didn't miss a moment of taste. The bread was a bit stale, but still better than the canned shit she had been eating for the past few weeks. Though she was hesitant to do so, Jane fed Skye a small portion of her bread. As she watched the hungry dog devour the toast in less than two seconds, she began on her eggs. "Add dog food to the grocery list for today." she grumbled to Jay, feeling a shady towards the dog that had been entitled to a part of her meal. 


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"I'm headed to Canada where it might be safer, care to join me?!" Harris shouted back. It was kinda awkward that he asked a random stranger who he knows little about for help, as it was likely that now nobody would trust each other but it was worth a try. Surviving in this new world would be hard to do by yourself, and he's going to need as much help as he can.

He considered it for a moment. Why not? Even if he died right then stepping outside its a better chance then living in this shithole his whole life. He slowly unlocks the door and opens it. Stepping outside the door, his .22 loaded but pointing downwards. He walks up to the man, his face or featured unmoving. He was trying to be stoic and failing miserably. So he resorted to his next best thing, small talk. "Name's Micheal, yours"
Jay almost immediately regretted mentioning Kristen. It was always an awkward topic with Jane. He wasn't sure what it was, but she never really could talk with him about her, nor did she like Jay talking about her. Maybe it was that time where they were both drunk on Jane's birthday and...stuff happened. All close friends had times like that, though. Thinking of Jane in that way made Jay uncomfortable, his childhood friend couldn't ever be his lover. That was just too weird. But, then again...she had been a part of his life for most of it. Since they were in the 4th grade or so, they had been best friends. During the 8th grade dance, Jay had poured punch on a Jane's date after he had tried to cop a feel. He had thought he was just being protective, but, as he looked back on it, the reason was that he was just jealous. Jay almost asked her to senior prom, but that was dashed when he had to move to Georgia.

After graduation, he attempted to make frequent trips to visit her, but the closeness sort of decayed after his dad died. His mom up and left, moving somewhere in Europe, and Jay secluded himself for a while. As he ate, Jay watched Jane from across the dying fire. Skye hadn't gotten a lot of food lately, and she was basically the glue that held them together. Maybe he should tell her how he felt, but he didn't wanna screw everything up. There was definitely a better time to do it, this wasn't the situation for it. He wanted to get it off his chest. Absentmindedly nodding as he heard her speak, Jay tentatively stood up and stepped over to her. "Uhm...Jane, I should probably tell you something. We've been travelling together for a while now, and we've known each other for an even longer time. I...I...uh..."

Jane finished up her eggs, and wiped her hands off on her blue jeans. Jay had been quiet for the past few moments, which wasn't a usual thing for him. When she looked up, she noticed the intensity in his eyes as he looked at her. It was as if he was pulling her apart, like a messed up puzzle of some sorts. For a moment, she wondered why, but then again. maybe she was a messed up puzzle. There were parts of her that even she couldn't comprehend, and there were pieces missing. Her family, it was like they were torn away from her and lost under the couch after game night. There were other things too, but this had hit her the hardest. She just wished she could fix it, or maybe not feel so much. That was it, Jane felt too much.

She looked back at Jay, the boy whom she used to chase on playgrounds and climb trees with. He had been there for her for a very long time, no doubt about  it, he was her best friend. She wondered what happened to the luck that he just so happened to be visiting when this thing broke out, and sighed. Would this ever come to an end?

Suddenly, Jay was opening his mouth. He seemed to be stumbling on his words, confusing Jane. "You what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He looked over at the location where her voice originated from, unable to help himself but think how elegant she looked. Despite those thoughts in hand, he shrugged and nodded, lifting up his balaclava once again; more of muscle memory than anything else. "Yeah, could do with some things myself. Running low on food. And water. And ammo. And meds. And... everything else." He laughed, the mask of his tugging upwards as his lips moved into a bright grin. Humour was probably the only thing keeping his mental status sane and stable in times like those. 

And so, without further ado, he started towards the crumpled building, dragging the firearm of his into his hands comfortably. He wasn't the best shot, he knew that, but it kept him safe at least at arm-length. He still hadn't been bitten or scratched after all, so that must have signified something. "So, what did you do? Before all this started?" He circled around the ruins and pushed in the door that ironically was hanging onto only one hinge, falling down with a loud, sharp thump after the nudge. He rolled his eyes at the unnecessary noise but stepped inside, taking a look around the salloon with a critical eye.

He considered it for a moment. Why not? Even if he died right then stepping outside its a better chance then living in this shithole his whole life. He slowly unlocks the door and opens it. Stepping outside the door, his .22 loaded but pointing downwards. He walks up to the man, his face or featured unmoving. He was trying to be stoic and failing miserably. So he resorted to his next best thing, small talk. "Name's Micheal, yours"

"Names Ha- Matt." Harris was better off lying about his identity to avoid suspicion if he'd gonna stay alive. "So, can I come in without getting shot?" He replied, awaiting an answer.
"J-Jane, I..." Jay just couldn't spit the words out. He didn't want to seem like a total ass, thinking more about getting laid than about surviving. Jane might be horrified at the news, and then it'd just be

painful the rest of the time they stuck together. His gaze drifted to Skye, and he kneeled down, stroking her fur. It was most likely best to go ahead and get this over with. On one hand, she might flip out and their friendship would go down the drain, but on the other, she might feel the same. It was worth it, Jay decided. All cards should be put on the table in times like these. He petted the animal at a faster pace, building up the courage. The silence just created tension, and that made a bad situation worse.

"Jane, I'm in love with you," Jay suddenly blurted out bluntly. "I have been before I even knew what love was."
"Names Ha- Matt." Harris was better off lying about his identity to avoid suspicion if he'd gonna stay alive. "So, can I come in without getting shot?" He replied, awaiting an answer.

Micheal shrugged lightly "ahh. Sure." He says walking back into the apartment. His door being left open for the man to come in. He went back to watching the hoard. He suspected the hoard would be here in a few hours. Maybe sooner.
Micheal shrugged lightly "ahh. Sure." He says walking back into the apartment. His door being left open for the man to come in. He went back to watching the hoard. He suspected the hoard would be here in a few hours. Maybe sooner.

Harris sighed in relief. He started to unload the food and drinks from his pickup truck, including his axe which added lots of weight, and carrying it into the building. The elevator obviously wasn't working so he went up the stairs, to the 4th floor. Upon going through the door and looking through the hallway, the condition was... not the best. The floor was dirty and the wall had a few holes in them, and it smelt like expired food. One of the rooms had a door lacking a lock, so he kicked it open and started laying his snacks in the room. There was a window in the room and it had a few cracks but wasn't broken. He saw the faint shape in the distance of a group of people; or at least he hoped were people, walking towards the apartment building.
The Subaru finally pulled into the parking lot at Trudeau Airport. Val climbed out as well as the rest of Lou's group. "Where you off to now?" Lou called. "Off to the ammo dump, maybe sell some supplies, then hang at home for a while. That's what I was thinking." Lou nodded and waved goodbye, as Val made his way into the airport terminal building, which was basically the central market of the area. First stop was the Ammo Dump, basically the main place to buy and sell ammo in the market. He showed the vendor some .45 ammo, and managed to exchange it for some 9mm rounds.  He bought some 5.56s and proceeded to stop at some other stores. Eventually, he walked back to the hotel that was his home with the Aviateurs. In the lobby, a member of Lou's group, who was talking with some other people, called out and waved to him. Val waved back and went up the elevator to his floor. 
"I was a paramedic for a while. Liked it a lot," she informed him as she followed him through the small gap. "You?" The first room they entered was a living room. Half of it was burnt to a pile of ash and soot and the other half had a dusty couch with overturned cushions, a smashed television, and several crooked family photos hanging on the wall. She bypassed the room altogether, heading through the doorway and into a room with tiled flooring.

The stove and refrigerator signaled to her that this was what she had been looking for - a kitchen. "In here!" she hollered back to the man, ignorant to the fact that any loud noise could attract more walkers. She heard him shuffling around in the other room, so Cara began raiding the cabinets for anything good. She opened each cabinet, searched through it's contents, and shoveled anything valuable into her bag. In a matter of minutes her bag was satisfyingly heavy, although she was still in desperate need of water.  To be safe, she grabbed a couple steak knives out of their holder's and, wrapping them up in the towel, she stuffed it alongside her other items. 

Cara worked her way over to the fridge, pulling open the door. A terrible stench leaked out and she gagged, forcing the door closed once more. "Jesus Christ," she heaved, gathering herself for a moment before she pulls the door open again, this time with her nose plugged. As she suspected, it was full of rotten food; the milk was discolored and chunky, packages of meat have begun to grow mold, and there wasn't a single bottle of water in sight.

She slammed the door shut with frustration. Why was finding water so damn hard? The blazing heat didn't help any, and she was thankful for the cool fall nights, but her need to get some fluids into her only got worse. She figured she didn't know Emanuel well enough to ask him if he had any spare water (which he probably didn't, who would have spare water in a fucking apocalypse?) so she tried to push it to the back of her mind which was surprisingly easy thanks to the sound of something slamming against the walls.

She glanced over at Emanuel, who seemed equally confused, and headed back towards the living room windows which had been poorly barricaded with boards from the floor. A mangled, bloodied arm had managed to find it's way through a gap between the boards, grasping and grabbing at the air in hopes of catching onto one of them. Cara hurried over, yanking on the arm, surprised to see it didn't take much strength to tear the thing's arm off at the shoulder. The limb fell inside, landing on the floor just in front of her feet with a thud. The stench of the biter was almost as bad as the stench from the fridge but she forced herself to swallow it down. She could make eye contact with the ugly fucker from behind the boards and fished the pocket knife she carried out, sliding it open and ending it's life with one quick jab to head.

She heard something strange, though. No, it definitely wasn't more biters.. People? Other people? She peered out through the gap once again, the window overlooking the front yard and onto the road. There it was. At the end of the street, heading this way, was a group of survivors. "Others," she said, motioning for Emanuel to come look. "Looks to be about.. ten, fifteen. They've got guns too.. big guns." 

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He nodded at the job description, raising his brow. Apparently, people still were full of surprises. "Chemistry and biology teacher. Was taking a lecture when the alarms were sounded." He shrugged the memories off and went further into the living room, crouching at a bloodied specimen which he could only identify as a puppy. A chow-chow, from the looks of it, its usually white fur dusted and mainly covered in dry, almost black lifeblood, its belly gaping open with its intestines lying around. "Jesus.." he pointed out to himself in a quiet whisper, his head shaking in horror. As quickly as he could, he stepped past the small creature and to a collapsed glass coffee table, picking up a photo frame.

It held a picture of most likely a family; a handsome young man in his late twenties, a woman of similar age. In their hands was a small human baby, clad in adorable blue pyjamas, whereas the adults were wearing a sharp fresh dark suit and a white gown. It looked as if they just returned from a cinema to their child, but that was only an assumption. From respect, he put the photo back down and went on his merry way up the stairs, seeing as nothing else was salvagable.

Above the staircase, he found the floor being crumpled in half, with the billows of smoke towering above the ruins of Atlanta. Nothing was ever going to be the same as it once was, he was sure of that, but he had other priorities on hand. Like that high-pitched grunting coming from a room to his right. White-knuckle clenching the grip of his tokarev, he slowly pushed the door in. From the room, foul stench was smelled, only signifying death. It was the master bedroom by the look of things, with a family bed for two in the middle, a small old-fashioned TV aside and a topped over baby bed. In which, there was a child-like mutilated zombie, squealing its undead symphony, only octave higher.

Emanuel's lips started trembling at the sight; the toddler's parents were nowhere in sight, did they just leave him there? On another thought, the main dominance of the room was covered in a huge pool of blood as well, so that wasn't good news. Trying to ignore the cries, he forced back the tears that were daring to enter his sentimental heart and eyes, rumagging around the cabinets for anything worth taking; two packs of batteries, a walkie talkie and a few sets of crayons. There were also a few stacks of clothing, as if just ready to grab, but he didn't see the need for them. Maybe he was just being respectful to the dead, he thought.

Slamming the door behind himself, he heard her shouting from below, causing him to quickly run to the ground floor once more and accompany her. He arched a brow at the severed rotten hand on the floor, but his mind was quickly occupied with new problems; the gang. "Yeah, no, I'm not taking any chances. We can get out through the ruins, shouldn't see us there. Hope you got something worth." He said and without other words started to the other side of the building.

The swerve to the left pushed Adam, plus the kids, to the right of the van, due to inertia and the other important laws of physics. Something pointy poked at Adam's ass, instinctively sending it in the other direction. He turned around to identify the culprit, a single, spiked-ish barrel of a specialized shotgun. The thing that the Amerikanski SWAT use to breach doors; the spikes will dig into the surface, effectively jamming it in place, securing it for the shot or something. Works on people, too. Adam should know, since, back in his hooligan days, they ran into a fairly rich guy who was also ex-SWAT, who managed to purchase a gun with a spiked barrel, through all the taxes and permits and stuff. Stuck one of his best friends real good.

The masked man took off his mask, and now is just a man. Or is it unmasked man? That reminds Adam something: he still doesn't know this man's name.

"Now, what were you saying?" inquired the man. Adam continued. "I say, where is house? Far? And what is you name?"

@KuroNoKami39 @AxelWelrod
Val was relaxing in his room, toying around with some of the interesting stuff he had collected that day, when the radio that was in his hotel room suddenly changed to an announcement. "Aviateurs, this is your leader,  Commander Leduc. All aerial forces are to report immediately to the International terminal for briefing.  That is all" Val got up from his chair, grabbed his Aviateurs sweater from its hook, and pulled it on, as he made his way downstairs, towards the terminal building. On the way, he stopped by a statue of one of the first Canadian aircraft, to say a quick prayer to Joseph-Armand.  As he made his way towards the international terminal, he ran into Tony, another one of his friends. He'd hung with Val since university, and they were both from the Ottawa area. They ran into each other again when they were assigned the same platoon when Val joined the Aviateurs. As they took their seats, Tony asked "What do you think it is now?" Val replied, "prolly something to do with the damn Boeings, AGAIN" he sighed at the thought of them, then looked forward and waited for someone to speak on the stage that had been assembled."
The masked... well, unmasked driver behind the wheel slammed on the throttle. For reasons why? Not so sure. Possibly to get away from that armed bandito group with guns 'n all. It was quite risky coming through here considering how ripe it was with bandit activity. For reasons why again? Not so sure... again.

The Englishman tried to take in the broken English spoken from the mouth of the Rooskie. After deciphering Vladimir's lingo here, he responded with a quick "Well, not much of a house. More of an apartment building." 'Gas Mask' here couldn't really be bothered to share the details. Though the odd question about his name was a little personal, considering these lot only just met.

"Name's Philip. Philip Walter."

@Kabboom @KuroNoKami39
Cara nodded, following after Emanuel to the opposing side of the building, in the opposite direction of the intimidating group of survivors. Rubble crunched underneath her boots no matter how quiet she tried to be and she cursed herself under her breath, the careless chatter of the gang growing increasingly louder. She was pleased to find Emanuel was rather agile and quiet for an older man, escaping the ruins and entering the backyard effortlessly. They were going in the wrong direction if they wanted to reach Nova Scotia.  In fact, they were heading back towards Atlanta if her sense of direction was right, but she was in no position to argue with a likely group of bandits behind her.

She picked up her pace, closing the distance between her and the other man, encouraged not only by the threat of conflict but also because the sun was slowly setting. The nearest house was just shy of a mile away, meaning they wouldn't make it before sunset if they didn't run the entire way but she was far too tired to do that. Exhaustion and dehydration were creeping up on her and soon she feared she would be too weak and become a burden to her newfound friend. She glanced at him out of her peripheral view. "Have you been outside at night?" she asked, hoping he had so she wouldn't have to explain - or try to, at least - whatever changed in the biters after the sun went down. It made little sense, but it was dangerous and alarming nonetheless. They continued away from their destination in search of a place safer than the one they had found, still getting used to being in each other's presence.

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The man indeed fairly rapidly managed to scoot his way out of a small pile of debris he had managed to fall down into, dusting himself off while jogging forwards to catch up with the other woman. Or Cara, as he realized again. She sounded slightly alarmed in her tone, although he couldn't put a reason why. Maybe a traumatic experience could have been the source. "No, I have not. Watched the streets in apartments, this is the first time I actually got out of the city. I tend to stick to daily searches, instead of nightly. I don't like to put up with them then." He nonchalantly replied, glancing around his shoulder to check up on how their situation with the presumable bandits was going.

It was dusk already, with the blood red sun firing last of its rays down at the grim present that was the world, Emanuel's expression darkening ever so slightly. "We've got to head to the city. If we stay out here at night... well, I'd rather not. I don't have a tent on myself or anything, and I don't consider sleeping in the treetops the safest." He shook his head and scratched his chin, taking a stop to look around the countryside. "Unless you've got a better plan, of course."
Cara shook her head, worry and frustration dwelling in her stomach. The further the sun sank behind the horizon, the more her anxiety skyrocketed. "The city is our only option," she agreed, "but we better hurry or a place to sleep will be the last thing on our minds." With that, she sped up her pace, making a half circle across the field and landing back on the street, heading back the way she came.

Cars were piled up for miles, making travel by vehicle impossible - which really sucked because it would be a good solution to their time problem - so together they swerved, hopped over, even went under the automobiles obstructing their path. As they trudged on, she became less and less sure of their plan to head towards the city.. what if more biters were waiting for them there? More bandits? She imagined her death in a million ways, each one more gruesome than the last, but she found herself unable to produce another viable option. She imagined the terrifying creatures that came out at night.. the terrifying creatures that would soon accompany them on their journey if they didn't move as fast as humanly possible. She could see their long, deranged fingers, their bloodied mouths chomping angrily at the air, just waiting to sink into her flesh.. She shivered at the thought, gripping her knife until her knuckles turned white, desperately wishing they had another plan. 

She couldn't quite find the words to explain how dangerous being out past sunset was to her fellow traveler, unable to fully comprehend the atrocities herself. Maybe she was selfish, maybe she was stupid, but she decided that she'd keep her mouth closed and let Emanuel see with his own eyes what lurks in the shadows. "Let's just keep up a good pace, okay? And.. just.. tell me if you see anything weird."

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Jane stared down at a leaf between her feet as Jay talked. Sometimes he could be bad about getting to the point. There had been times when he elaborated for thirty minutes when he needed to tell her he needed to stop and pee. It didn't matter though, Jane always knew what the point was before he even opened his mouth. She knew things about him. Just by the way his eyes popped or hung low, she knew him well. So, when he finally said he loved her, she wasn't very surprised. it had been obvious to her for years. Jane opened her mouth, rolling over the all the things she could say back to this confession. Luckily, she didn't have to say anything.


Skye rose up from between Jay's feet, the fur on her back standing up as far as it could go, and began to growl. A twig snapped somewhere behind Jane, and it was like a switch had been flipped inside of her. It was like this every time. Jane was on her feet before she knew it, undergoing what most people might call the fight or flight instinct. There were four of them, grouped together. They always seemed to be in herds. Jane reached out and grabbed Skye's collar, holding her away from the monsters that were heading her way. Skye fought against Jane, as usual. The dog was terrified of the things, and Jane new her instinct was to fight, something she couldn't possibly survive. As she struggled to hold her dog back she looked up at Jay grimly, "I think we should just leave.". Hopefully he agreed, because Jane was already gathering her things and walking away from the dead.


@Quillicious ( this is so bad im sorry lmao )
Jane's eyes didn't meet his as Jay spoke, not even as the confession left his lips. She seemed like she already knew what he was gonna say before he even did so. It was always like that, but he couldn't understand how. Was he that transparent? That was one of the skills Jane had, being able to read him like an open book. It made him feel naked and exposed. Maybe he was just too obvious by how he acted, or they had spent so much time together and were so close that she just knew him. After all, she was the only one that really did. Most anyone else was met with a cold gaze and short, clipped responses. All Jay's secrets went straight to Jane, directly to her as soon as he next saw her, which usually wasn't very long at all. Usually they were kept, but only in rare circumstances would she let anything slip.

The twig snapping instantly caused Jay to step in front of Jane and Skye. Infected, and quite a few of them. "Damn geeks have impeccable timing," Jay muttered softly. "Yeah, let's go. We can discuss this later. Or not. It's just that in times like these, things aren't better left unsaid." That much was true, but a connection like that might lead to death. Actually, their closeness now could have that chance. Jay couldn't ever put Jane out of her misery, not in a million years, and she couldn't kill Skye. Hesitation would mean the end, though, but without Jane...what else did he have?

@Catharsis ((nah, it's coolio. sorry for my responses being on the shorter side. they look good on mobile, but turn out short. bleh.))
It was about midday. The sun was shining up in the sky, gifting the city of it's bright light that reflected in glorious ways off the windows of the buildings. It was a nice time to take a walk down the street. Mostly because the zombies were weaker at this specific time. And so, Zee Captain was walking down a road that was near the center of the city. More than walking, he was joyfully jumping around and humming the lyrics of "Living in the sunlight", without a care in the world.

After a bit of jollygagging around he suddenly came at a stop. In front of him, there was a candy shop. It was gorgeous. It had a big red door, full of decorative plastic sweets, even the handle was a candy cane. Yes, there were some rotting corpses here and there, but it was a candy shop non the less! "Outrageous! I have found a sugar dispensatory station! Better have a look inside.. Onwards!" As captain pronounced those words, he put his hand on the handle of the door, and opened it. Once he stepped inside, he was left speechless. Even if the shop got raided, some candy containers were still intact, and full of rainbow colored sweets. But most importantly, there was a tap, connected to some sort of transparent barrel with a blue liquid inside. The label of the container stated


                        "Sugary drink for kids and adults!"

                        "Warning : May cause severe sugar overdose and diabetes if drunk in unresponsable amounts"

Zee Captain gasped at such beautiful sight, he quickly managed to fill his "Hello Kitty" bag full of those delicious looking rainbow colored candy, and then proceeded to fill up his mug with "Sprunk" and decided to proceed along his merry way. He walked towards the door and outside the building, when he noticed something laying on the ground. It was a lollipop. Not just any lollipop, a 70 cm ( 28 inch ) long shiny metallic lollipop, with a white cane and a round pink metallic part. Zee captain fell in love with it. He took it and inspected it, then gave a little headshake of approval, jabbed it into the purse almost tearing it apart, and proceeded on his merry way.


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