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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Leave Kulka and Her Dog New
Option 1: 1 Vote (14% - Range: 1-14)
Option 2: 5 Votes (71% - Range: 15-86)
Option 3: 1 Vote (14% - Range: 87-100)
Fae Roll: 63

2. Leave Kulka and Her Dog - You turn to your elder. "Kulka, the rest of us can handle whatever's on the other side of this door... You've already been through a lot today," you say with a wry smile. She seems reluctant to take a back seat, but she can't help but acknowledge your point.

"...Teleportation would be very risky for me anyway, and if anyone else is left in the manor, I'm the only one who can fight alone," she says with a grim smile. "Good luck in there. I hope it's just locked tight and warded, but if Callypseae set a trap, it's probably going to be based on light magic. She always enjoyed her captive mages..."

You nod, now understanding the source of some of the Manor's strange enchantments and wards. "Ready, Seith?" you ask.

"For anything at all," he replies, flippantly.

You sigh. "Corrinth, come here," you say, and the changeling obeys, looking small and afraid in your shadow. Your disgust with her rises a bit at her ongoing child act and so you adjust the compulsion again. "...Drop your disguise, already. You're older than I am!" you hiss.

She hangs her head, letting her blonde, and then white, hair fall over her face as her skin drains of color, and she rises from the ground on growing, fidgeting, and popping limbs until, at last, her body returns to its true shape. "S-sorry..." she says quietly. "I- I forgot I was acting."

"Let's go," you say to your allies as you grab Corrinth by her shoulders, ignoring both her apology and the way she flinches at your touch. Seith puts his hand on Sharyx, and a moment later, both pairs dissolve and reappear on the opposite side of the wall, careful not to pass through the warded chamber door along the way. Regardless, you experience a deeply uncomfortable sensation as soon as you reappear, and you realize that it's because you didn't travel as far as intended and only just barely cleared the wall. You look to Seith, and while the man never seems to be bothered, he has at the least lost his smile for the moment in surprise.

The entire room is warded. You can't use your magic here, and you can't teleport out. But there's something much worse below your feet. The floor itself seems to slither out from under you, but it isn't snakes crawling across the polished stone... It's vines.

"What the in the hells is this?" you ask.

Seith laughs a bit, ominously. "Looks like she aims to strangle us to death."

Sharyx grunts in annoyance, drawing her sword again and then taking a few, hacking swings at the vines trying the curl themselves around her ankles. "Can't you just undo the ward?" she asks, bitterly.

"Not while we're standing in the middle of it, no," Seith replies. "There's probably a charm or a scroll that's meant to unmake it from the door outside."

You take out your sickle, but frown as you remember how fragile its tip is. Now would have been a good time for a proper harvesting sickle, but at least any blade is better than your claws. "...Alright, everyone, keep moving," you instruct. "Don't let your feet rest for too long anywhere. Let's figure out where all these things are coming from."

The room you've entered is the first of several belonging to the Elder of Sonamille, and - behind and beneath the heaps of undulating plant matter - there's a seating arrangement, a low table, and bookshelves. You can see into the next room, but the vines crawling across the walls have narrowed the passage to a nerve-wracking degree. There's something large and grotesque in there.

"I'd assume that pulsating red mass is the source of our problem," Seith says, tugging his leg loose from the grip of the vines, "but what do I know?"

He winds up being the first to enter the second room. After him, Sharyx follows, grumbling under her breath. "I'm going to cut it down, or run it through..." she promises.

You feel a tight grip around your wrist, much tighter than the vines had been up to this point, and look back to realize that it's actually Corrinth trying to hold on to you as she's tangled already and can't get loose. "Let go of me, Corrinth" you order her, surprised that she had moved at all without your permission, but then she begins to cackle madly in your face, a hate-filled look in her tear-filled eyes. "Oh... Oh shit!" you tell as you realize what's happened.

...The ward has broken your compulsion on Corrinth.

As she holds you there and laughs, you feel the vines coil more around both of your ankles and legs, slowly working their way upwards and increasing in strength. If you can't get loose, Corrinth will succeed in killing you both!

1. Push Her Over - If she won't stop pulling, you'll push and send her to the ground, to be swallowed up by the vines until she's either too crushed or too frightened to hold on.

2. Cut Off Her Hand - She's got a good grip, and you've got a sharp sickle.
Seems pretty straightforward...

3. Channel Divinity - This whole situation reminds you of the very first time you tapped into your latent divinity, when Corrinth first compelled you to hold still. The ward might be strong enough to keep your magic from working, but gods can't be beholden to such things, can they?
Channel Divinity New
Option 1: 1 Vote (14% - Range: 1-14)
Option 2: 3 Votes (43% - Range: 15-57)
Option 3: 3 Votes (43% - Range: 58-100)
Fae Roll: 83

3. Channel Divinity - This whole situation reminds you of the very first time you tapped into your latent divinity, when Corrinth first compelled you to hold still. The ward might be strong enough to keep your magic from working, but gods can't be beholden to such things, can they?

It's strange; standing in this room with its ward has given you the sensation - or lack thereof - of being... incomplete. This is the first time since your awakening that you haven't felt magic lurking in your veins, and that absence is allowing you to focus more intently on your other senses. You close your eyes, tune out the sound of Corrinth's laughter, and look beyond it all.

You feel it clearly for the first time.

It's like you've just noticed a door you've never seen on a familiar path, and when you peek through, you're looking in at an entire world unseen by mortal eyes. It's powerful. Ancient. Forbidden. And it's yours for the taking. But as you reach for it, it shrinks away from you as if shy to your touch. You can't take all of it, not yet, and so you seek to do what you've done before and take only a dram - except now, perhaps, an ounce instead - of godhood for your own purposes.

It comes to you gently.

A shiver runs down your spine as your instincts awaken, like discovering witchcraft all over again - but this time, you have no reservations about your progress. You look around you at the chaotic scene you've fallen into, and now you see what you saw only once before - in the dream where you first encountered Sharyx - a weave of runes and sigils, signatures of the gods upon the world they've created together. It's all so suddenly pliable; just a minor change here or there could completely alter your situation. And of course, you can change it - without Syrith's guidance.

Your heart races in the midst of this epiphany, and you notice Corrinth's grip slacken as you look at her; she's struck by the way your eyes are glowing red, just like the Pandemonium Door. You turn your hand over and allow one of the vines overtaking your body to grow out into your palm before closing your hand around it, focusing the divinity into the secret sigils. Calmly, decisively, you alter it.

The entire plant monster seizes and begins to quiver. Sharyx, who until this point has been hacking away unsuccessfully at its fleshy core, turns back to you on the valid suspicion that you had done something incredible. She witnesses the miracle you're performing with unrestrained adoration, and soon, Seith joins her with fascination. The plant, meanwhile, grows more slack until it no longer poses a threat, and it sprouts leaves from every vine... And then, more than that: as you open your hand, you reveal a blossom emerging from the stalk, which quickly grows and forms a mass that changes from green to red. After only seconds, an apple comes to rest in your palm, precisely where you grabbed the vine.

"Wha-" Corrinth stammers, suddenly brought back to lucidity for a moment out of sheer awe. "What the fuck did you just do? What are you!?"

"I think we went over that last night, didn't we? Weren't you listening?" Seith replies, peeking in through the partially-obstructed doorway. He points a finger at you and chuckles. "Let's see... Tabaxi, Sister of Lythrefang, Terrorchild... demigod...? Take your pick."

Wordlessly, you smile and hold out the fruit and offer it up to Corrinth, just to see her reaction. The sigils fade from your perception and your eyes return to their natural amber shade, but she still wheels backwards to get away from you regardless, and trips over the limp vines in a blind panic. Collapsed on the floor, she sits clutching her head, her stunned, tearful silence interrupted periodically by eerie, unhinged laughter that raises in pitch as she once again dons her childlike disguise.

In the next room, Sharyx plucks another apple off of a vine and examines it. "You made apples grow on a vine," she says, unable to resist stating the obvious. "Is it safe to eat...? We don't even know what this plant is." She then probes the fleshy core one final time, and to her surprise, it splits as the tip of her sword presses into it, as if your divine touch had altered it to such a degree that its skin no longer offered protection. You and Seith watch as she works her blade upward, cutting the pod open until its hollow interior is visible. Then, from within, there's movement. "Eeh, what's that!?" Sharyx yelps as jumps back, drops the apple, and adopts a two-handed grip so she can thrust the tip into the emerging monster.

"A dryad!" Seith lauds as you hurry over for a better look. The creature moves like a human, but is made up of leafy green matter and lacks a proper face. Its limbs end in thorn-like protrusions that could easily rip the flesh from your bones. Sharyx drives her blade into it and twists, but the creature hardly reacts, forcing her to leap backwards before a claw swipe could maim her. "...It's been a long time since I've seen one," Seith mutters as he moves closer, taking a small vial out of his pocket.

"Stand back, my lady. The only proper way to dispose of a dryad is with fire or blight, and I'm not waiting around for it to catch a cold," he warns.

The drow complies, and after dousing the dryad with whatever oil was inside of the vial, Seith takes the torch out of the chamber's wall sconce and holds it up to the dryad. It recoils from the light and heat, but nonetheless slashes with its thorns, and the fire leaps onto the creature's arms before aggressively burning up to the shoulders. A horrible, hollow ringing sound emits from its mouthless head as it thrashes and falls back into its pod, becoming kindling for the fire that will destroy the entire core of the plant.

The threat posed by the monstrous plant finally dealt with, you notice Sharyx hesitating uncomfortably before frantically picking and gathering apples from around the chamber, stowing them in a satchel. At first, you're skeptical that she would actually want to eat them after seeing what sort of monster had grown them, but then you reconsider; Sharyx is not a normal person. None of you are, but nonetheless - her enthusiasm for your ascent makes you uncomfortable, and you begin to wonder what would happen if those apples were planted in good soil. Would they grow apple trees, or more monstrous, dryad-bearing plants? And what if a person were to eat one and swallow a seed by mistake?

You shake it off as the smell of burning fae plant material reaches your nostrils. It's very, very sweet-smelling, and you feel a bit sick to your stomach. "Let's hurry up and check these rooms for anything useful so we can get the hells out of here," you say, waving the smoke away from your face. You soon join Sharyx and Seith in the second room and make sense of your surroundings. The retreating vines have revealed a writing desk with a keyring and a journal. You pick them both up, figuring that the journal will contain any information you might be looking for. Nevertheless, there's two doors here, and with the use of the key ring, you get each one open.

The first is Callypsea's bedroom, which is richly decorated with many small mementos and what can affectionately be referred to as personal treasures. A portrait hangs on the wall near the bed of a stately, red-haired elf in attire that borders on regal in appearance. You turn back and quickly unlock the second door with one of the remaining keys, and within, you find an ominous trunk. You're already coughing on the smoke, and so you need to make a decision.

1. Search the Bedroom - "You two, search her bedroom. I'll get the door into the rest of the manor unlocked," you say as you wheeze a bit on the smoke. You hurry through the burning room and back into the library, where you try keys in the locked door to the landing until one works and frees you.

2. Search the Trunk - "There's a locked trunk in here!" you call out. "Help me figure out how to get it open, and then we'll get out of here," you say as Seith and Sharyx meet you. Without hesitating, Sharyx jams the end of her sword into the crack between the trunk's lid and its body and breaks it open.
Search the Trunk New
The vote is tied - DEALER'S CHOICE:

2. Search the Trunk - "There's a locked trunk in here!" you call out. "Help me figure out how to get it open, and then we'll get out of here," you say as Seith and Sharyx meet you. Without hesitating, Sharyx jams the end of her sword into the crack between the trunk's lid and its body and breaks it open.

The lid flies back violently and smashes against the wall behind it. You peer inside and find that the trunk contains a small collection of handwritten (and possibly darkinscripted) books bound in dark leather, a handful of charms, amulets, and artifacts, and several maps, expertly drawn on parchment. "...This all looks pretty important," you say to the others. "Do you think we can lift the whole trunk and move it?"

Sharyx cocks her head. "It had to have been placed here by someone else, so yes," she replies.

"Yeah, but they might have used telekinesis to do it," you reply as you look for a place to grip the side of the trunk.

Placing her sword back in its scabbard, Sharyx makes a dismissive sound. "...To my understanding, telekinesis is an advanced skill, requiring a powerful pneuma," she argues.

You gesture, broadly, at your surroundings. "I think Callypseae would've been up to the challenge."

"But would she have wasted a day's magic just to move furniture?" she contends. "She wouldn't have had the Door."

"Ladies," Seith interrupts with a nervous chuckle. "The room is on fire."

You look back and realize that the flames which passed from the monstrous plant have made the leap onto the plaster walls and are now creeping around the edges of the doorway. "...Fuck! Seith, grab on and lift!" you shout, and the elf quickly steps over to the opposite corner of the box from you and Sharyx. With all three lifting, you get the trunk off the ground and push through the door, past the crumbling remains of the dryad plant and into the library, which is thankfully not quite as burned as the deeper rooms. You look over your shoulder and realize that the fire is engulfing everything behind you, and wonder if the enchantment protecting the manor will restore all the items within.

You shake off any hesitations. Coughing and wheezing as you reach the exit door, you drop the trunk and fish out the key ring, trying a few in the lock before finding the proper fit and turning the tumbler over. As soon as the door is unbolted, the ward is broken, and you feel the dark presence of your magic surge once more. You throw the door open, grab the trunk with telekinesis, and quickly stumble through to the landing, where you collapse in a heap, gagging for air. Sharyx staggers out behind you, and then, finally, Seith emerges with Corrinth in his arms, who's apparently passed out from the smoke and heat. He drops to his knees and places her down gently.

Before anything else, you ensure that your compulsion is reinstated over the changeling. Then, you take stock of your surroundings.

There's obviously been a fight. Another two witches lay dead at the bottom of the stairs, and Kulka's dog is guiltily licking and chewing on the corpses. At the top, Kulka and Embryx are seated on the edge of the first step, and it takes you a moment to realize that the latter has been crying recently. Kulka must have been trying to comfort her while you were away, which you don't imagine she was very good at. And then, finally, you realize that Embryx has returned without Stalna. Most of your questions are answered immediately as your heart drops. You barely knew her, but what you did know, you had a great deal of sympathy for. Despite the way you clashed over Corrinth's captivity, you recognize that Stalna was a lot like you - a poor girl from the Empire turned bad, far from home, but on her way back to bring a small bit of justice to the people she cared for.

Her family probably won't even realize she was trying to return to them, trying to make things better and get them out of poverty. Even if she was in your pact circle, she probably won't attain the sort of reputation that your other sisters will carry for the remainder of their lives - as the ones who overthrew King Faldin with the Terrorchild. Her obscurity in death vaguely sickens you. You wish the whole world could have known what she achieved and what she desired.

"There you are!" Kulka says, a bit irritably as she turns towards the commotion just emerging from the private chambers. "We were getting worried about you."

Embryx blinks at the reddish glow beyond the entrance. "...Is that room on fire?"

"Yeah, it's on fire," you reply, tiredly, before coughing hard on the smoke.

Kulka snatches her cane off the ground. "Why!?"

"There was a dryad and a mess of vines in there, and the whole room was warded. We had to light it on fire to kill it," you rasp. "...Kulka, we really need some water. Let's talk outside."

"Tch," she hisses contemptuously. "That's your fault for having lungs."

Sharyx, ignoring Embryx's apparent distress, gives a vicious grin. "Tell them about the rest," she urges.

"Water first," you snap.

Outside the manor, you draw some water from a pump and wet a rag, wiping your face and eyes clear before passing it along. It's not until after you've gotten yourself a drink from the same source that you feel ready to address everything which has happened. "...How did she die?" you finally ask.

"They caught us by surprise... and then they slit her throat." Embryx replies, numbly.

You feel even worse for the girl. She didn't even go down fighting. "...Why did this happen?" you demand, not expecting a proper answer. Instead, Embryx reveals that she's already gathered the information you were seeking when you went into Callypseae's chambers.

"Sister Callypseae was planning to join Diala when the time came to stand against Kulka outright," Embryx begins, her eyes twitching. "When we killed Diala, Callypseae didn't know what to think, and so she waited to see whether we'd also take out Kulka - you know, to stick to the plan. Then we didn't, and we all started heading south, so she thought we were on our way to kill her. That's why she laid a trap for us. Most of her pact didn't go for it, though, so she killed some dissenters and replaced them, but it didn't stick, and her pact broke down. The situation in Sonnamille is a fucking mess right now, and we walked right into it."

Kulka thumps her cane furiously against the cobbles. "My old sisters are dead or scattered to the wind, driven out of town by Callpseae's greed. Hateful woman, I thought she was better than this! That's why I didn't recognize anyone here - they were all from the villages out of town, called in by their elder to wage war on the sisterhood!"

"Yeah, well she's not the only one," you reply, enraged at the entire situation. "There's no way that Nytha didn't know about the in-fighting here in Ellifarre. We didn't 'walk in' to it, Embryx, she led us into this trap by keeping her mouth shut!" You grit your teeth, wondering how differently things might've turned out if you had just traveled west overland to Mardenaal once you were finished in Thandan, rather than going south toward the elven kingdom.

"Agranne," Embryx pleads, "When they had her with a blade to her neck, and said they wanted to talk. I- I should've played along - tried to figure something out, but I couldn't think straight," she bemoans. "I couldn't stop myself from attacking them, thanks to the damned fae touch! I want my mind back, Agranne! You-" she says, pointing angrily at Seith, "what do you need to make it happen? Be specific!"

Seith, amused by her intensity, points to himself as if he isn't sure if she was talking to him, before grinning playfully. "Well, first off... I'll need a nice, deep, dark wood to settle into and make a bonfire. I'll need a fair amount of fae essence and raw mystika, and a couple of hours to set it up. If you two can forgo a bed tonight, then we can set it up just after sundown."

"What do you mean by fae-essence?" you ask before Embryx asserts on your behalf that you're okay with camping tonight.

Seith gestures to Corrinth. "Her blood," he replies with a shrug.

"It's settled then," Embryx replies, darkly. "We should leave as soon as possible, too. Some of the locals saw me fighting Callyspeae's assassins, so I made sure they were too afraid to get in my way. If we wait too long, there'll be hunters to deal with, too." After a murmur of agreements from your allies, Embryx turns to you and your trunk of souvenirs. "Now, what else happened up in Callypseae's chambers, and what's in that trunk?"

You begin by telling her about how the unique predicament within the private chambers allowed you to isolate the thread of divinity which you have never intentionally called upon, and what occurred when you succeeded in doing so. Your ability to warp and change the form of the plant monster into one which bares apples is utterly fascinating to your new audience, and Embryx immediately asks whether you brought any back with you. Sharyx responds by opening her satchel and displaying her strange little harvest with a freaky little smile. "I want to know as soon as possible whether they're safe to eat," she confides. She clearly has some sort of plan, and you're not eager to hear it.

You shake off your intuition and instead focus on answering Embryx's other question before they can get carried away by another discussion. "As for the trunk," you begin, calling her and the princess's attention back to the heavy chest, "it's mainly books, charms, jewelry, and so on, but there's a few maps inside that should be useful to us."

"Oh?" Kulka asks, opening the lid and looking in. "Oh... Ohho! I know exactly what this is, and I'm very happy to see it in such good shape."

Sharyx crosses her arms, impatiently. "...And? What is it?"

The old lich rises with one of the leather-bound books and opens it reverently. "Agranne, when we traveled west from Thandan, we had quite a discussion. I told you all about the true origin of the gods and of Syrith's rebellion against Zephimus, and how I learned of these things from many teachers. Their sources are scattered around the world, but these books contain many of the tales passed down from the beginning - retold and rewritten over and over, trying to keep the truth alive."

"Oh," Sharyx says, indifferently.

Kulka halts in the middle of her speech to look at the drow incredulously. "...Little girl, do you not understand the importance of possessing such a record? If you should ever seek to become master of the world as you so clearly desire, you should first understand how it came to be - if only to exploit its inherent biases."

The drow walks up to the trunk without paying Kulka heed, and gets knocked in the head by her cane as a reward. "Fah! You-"

"Agranne, rein in your little sister," Kulka says, and when Sharyx looks back to you attentively, you simply stare at her. She immediately grasps that she's out of line, and takes a step back from the goblin.

Ashamedly, she invites Kulka to continue. "Go on, elder sister."

"...As I was saying, these books contain more than just history. They contain a nearly-complete compendium of all-known forms of witchcraft - including some which have not been mastered in centuries - names and locations of hundreds of our circles, the burial sites of elder sisters lost to the ages, and the last-known whereabouts of powerfully-enchanted items. They may not be of much use to us right here and now, out of the box, but they will provide more value to you than perhaps anything else we could have found for your future goals, Sharyx." Kulka then looks down and laughs once, triumphantly. "Look! Callypseae even kept maps of the locations mentioned within the records!"

Now, the drow smiles, despite the ache in her skull.

Embryx, on the other hand, is still unsatisfied. "...What about the rest? The jewelry must be enchanted or something if it was all kept in the same box," she suggests.

Kulka hums thoughtfully as she picks up one of the charms. "...If I had to guess, these are the belongings of deceased witches - ones that Callypseae has great admiration for. Perhaps she..." The goblin trails off as she holds one amulet in her hand, looking at it quizzically at first before hanging her head. "...This one, I recognize. I'll tell you about it on the road if you desire, but it holds no importance to your goals. It's merely a bitter reminder of the past."

"So we don't know where Callypseae went, and nothing we recovered from that room will help us with our travels in Sonnamille," you summarize, bitterly. "I was hoping that we wouldn't be traveling blind."

"Actually," Embryx admits, "I got her assassins to tell me where she went. She's headed to the Empire to get protection from the elder there."

You nod. "Well, at least that's something. Let's get everything packed up for the ride ahead. We need to get as far away from here as possible," you instruct, and soon Seith is assisting in getting the trunk loaded into the wagon.

As you help load Corrinth's unconscious body in behind it, Kulka appears to remember that she had something to tell you, before you became busy before. "...Agranne, about the dog," she begins, "when I told you to do what you did, I was being irrational. I made a few assumptions about your divine abilities, and they proved insufficient."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

Kulka looks at the dog for a moment. "...An ordinary witch couldn't have managed to swap a human soul into a dog's body like that - or even a human soul into a different human's body. It takes a particular touch to overcome the innate bond between a soul and its rightful body. That touch took me years to learn. Decades. ...And I was always toying with my own soul, and no one else's. But," she adds, tiredly, "I assumed that your divinity might grant you the ability to bypass such things, to graft one into the other and have it stick. Not only was it wrong of me to use you to carry out my wishes like that, but you did something I didn't anticipate."

"The souls combined," you reply. "You thought I was going to rip the dog's soul out to make room, and I didn't."

The goblin nods, grimly. "...It seems that you have a particular gift for changing the souls of others to your liking. To be fully honest, such a power frightens me like nothing else I've learned about you. What you did cannot be undone by death."

"You mean...?"

She hesitates to answer, tapping her cane on the ground a few times. "The price that woman paid for siccing her dogs on us will be to spend eternity in the afterlife as what she is now. I ask you this - not as your elder, nor as a teacher, but as a mortal in fear of the divine: please be very careful with what you've learned today."

You nod, uncomfortably, as Kulka moves beyond you to take her place within the wagon. Embryx does the same, too overwhelmed from the guilt of causing Stalna's death and the knowledge of your godlike powers manifesting before your allies' eyes to have any real concern for you right now. You decide to give them all space, and yourself as well - without a proper teamster to drive the animals, nor anyone inconspicuous enough to stand in for one, you ultimately decide to use Embryx' tactic of scaring everyone in your path to clear them out of the way.

As you set out, you and the others repeatedly send out crows to warn others to clear the road - dozens of birds begin to land near passers-by and town guardsmen alike, warning them: "Run!" And as word gets around that a crazed drow beheaded someone while screaming about Syrith in the afternoon, it isn't long before your demands are met, and the only other riders upon the darkened roadways are witch hunters. Even then, they don't approach, as any time they get within line-of-sight of the wagon, they find you floating on air above it, ready to steal their souls away if they get too close.

This continues well into the night, until at last, Seith requests you leave the roadway and enter a shady glen. You touch down and join the team as you disappear into the darkness between the trees, and soon, you reach your stopping point. You set to constructing a fire as the dog howls mournfully into the night, setting your enchanted flame upon whatever dry wood you can gather amidst the shallow and patchy snow. While Seith prepares the ritual for Corrinth's restoration, and presumably yours and Embryx' as well, you have a moment to spare. You want to talk to Embryx, but she seems reluctant to speak with you at the moment. You imagine she'll feel better once the fae touch has been removed from your minds and you get a good night's rest.

That just leaves you with the question of what to do instead.

1. Ask Kulka about the Amulet - You're still curious about why Kulka reacted as she did when she fished that particular amulet out of the trunk. Even though she told you that it would offer no benefit to your quest, you would still like to satisfy your curiosity.

2. Offer Sharyx a Lesson - Unlike Embryx and Kulka, Sharyx is in high spirits, having cared little about Stalna. You decide you could use some levity, and ask her what she would like to learn tonight.
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