Tell an outrageous lie about the user above you.

Tonstad39 Tonstad39 's real name Is Wilhelm von Weiner who was first a Nazi intelligence officer then a KGB operative and finally a Mossad agent working in the Ghaza strip.
Elucid Elucid is kept inside a glass tank and was the amphibious pet for all the post-Stalin soviet dictators. Now he is kept at a supercomputing center in Beijing with it technitions worshipping him as a god of the internet and equality.
The judge sees case files of a Jeb L. Busch who has a criminal record including 2nd degree murder and breaking and entering. The judge sees a packet saying "Exibit A" Containing a bond that belongs to SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 and was also signed by Mr. busch showing that he wanted to smear the name of SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 after he spent the money of said bond on personal items.
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The prosecution objects to this blatant disregard of court procedure claiming that the defendant's legal representative Mr Tonstad39 Tonstad39 hadn't informed the prosecution of this apparently new found evidence and as such the prosecution requests that this piece of evidence be inadmissible and asks that the jury pay no attention to the defendant's representative as of today.
Tonstad39 Tonstad39 is an edgelord who skimmed through a Nietzsche book and declared he is now a philosopher.
Pls it's just a prank

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