Other Teeth and smiles


Two Thousand Club
Why are people on the news and shit so toothy all the time? What's the point of baring your teeth to smile? I can't just move the tips of each end of my fucking mouth? I have to show you the parts where I RIP AND TEAR shit to consume?

It pisses me off.
Shit, are people really annoyed by this? The way a person fucking smiles? Unless they have really fucked up teeth, I don't really see the problem here.
What do you mean by that?

What do you think I mean?

I'm thinking in more objective and animalistic tones (if that's even the right word). Baring your teeth can easily be seen as a sign of aggression in that lens. Ergo, if I'm unnevered by it, I probably think like that, and I think that's similar to how autistic individuals feel in some cases.

I'm no psychologist so feel free to tell me that's fucking wrong.

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