Teatime Chats

Apparently I am the 4th oldest person in this RP tho.....huh certainly doesn't feel like it
Not counting ParadoxalPaladin ParadoxalPaladin since I think you're the only one whose age I don't know. :lenny:
'Tis a secret hidden for time immemorial. Only one pure of heart can find it within the depths of an ancient burial ground from long, long ago. However, I do believe I'm younger than you, although because of your difficulty, it is of course impossible to be sure.

And here I thought you were a fellow amurican all this time......
I was fooled as well! How did I miss it, even with the lack of flag waving and patriotism I observed?
How old do you think I am? ;p
Pretz's age.....is a mystery~
Except not really lol. I just like to be difficult. :hornskiss:
Apparently I am the 4th oldest person in this RP tho.....huh certainly doesn't feel like it
Not counting ParadoxalPaladin ParadoxalPaladin since I think you're the only one whose age I don't know. :lenny:
Unless some of the others are catfishing. :p

Btw.....did you saw you were visiting the US...? :0
And here I thought you were a fellow amurican all this time......
Lol, silly, I'll figure out how old you are some day. Just you wait (just don't hold your breath, it might take me the entire length of the RP XD )

And you're not wrong, I am an American, I just don't live there :P I was visiting family
Lol, silly, I'll figure out how old you are some day. Just you wait (just don't hold your breath, it might take me the entire length of the RP XD )

And you're not wrong, I am an American, I just don't live there :P I was visiting family

Well, with the post rate being exactly 0 atm, the entire length of this RP might be my age * 100 lmao jk people you still got plenty time to post no stress

Ah I see, living that true expat life. Well there are a few people in the audience who aren't from the fair lands of Snr Trump, so at least you're not alone there.
Well, there has been some recent movement, so that means it won't be standing still for long :D At least not if I can help it
What is Euthalia's currency?

You guys and your good questions.

We didn't really think past the typical "bronze, gold, silver" stuff (so coinage I guess). If you want something more detailed you can make it up as you go along. I think almost all the countries would be on a standardized system at this point, with the exception of desparate tribes here and there.
*a baby coughs in the distance*

i'm not american. never have been, and i don't think(?) i ever will be.

You guys and your good questions.

We didn't really think past the typical "bronze, gold, silver" stuff (so coinage I guess). If you want something more detailed you can make it up as you go along. I think almost all the countries would be on a standardized system at this point, with the exception of desparate tribes here and there.

ohhh... like a schilling/pence type of thing?
*a baby coughs in the distance*

i'm not american. never have been, and i don't think(?) i ever will be.

ohhh... like a schilling/pence type of thing?

I was thinking more like "gold coin, silver coin" lmao. My knowledge of ancient currencies isn't so great TBH. But if people want to add to the lore in their posts. I can't really complain.
Alright so the continent is called Roserasia, bits of that name could be used for the currency (like a large part of Europe using the Euro)
Like there could be the Rosera which is the equivelant of the gold coin.
If a silver coin is worth half, or a third or quarter of a gold coin (or some other percentage point) then how about Sera. Taking a random example worth between gold and silver you could have 4 Seras equalling one Rosera
If you want to incorporate a bronze coin something could be made up for that of course too.

So what are thoughts on Rosera (plural: Roseras) and Sera (plural: Seras)?
And/or any other ideas?
Alright so the continent is called Roserasia, bits of that name could be used for the currency (like a large part of Europe using the Euro)
Like there could be the Rosera which is the equivelant of the gold coin.
If a silver coin is worth half, or a third or quarter of a gold coin (or some other percentage point) then how about Sera. Taking a random example worth between gold and silver you could have 4 Seras equalling one Rosera
If you want to incorporate a bronze coin something could be made up for that of course too.

So what are thoughts on Rosera (plural: Roseras) and Sera (plural: Seras)?
And/or any other ideas?

That all sounds swiggity swag. I think we should have some kind of bit coin, too. Like maybe 15 bronze coins into 1 Sera and then an even smaller bit coin like 30 tin coins into one bronze. That way there is room for a huge wealth disparity. Maybe even up the number of Seras in one Rosera (like 5 or 6). Just so its exclusivity is secure, hur hur. Like most lower classes will never hold a Rosera in their life.

1 Rosera = 5 Seras = 75 Bronze = 2250 Tin (or something)

< Hasn't gotten a single notif from the IC thread.

I'm done reading now, but imagine my horror seeing 6 posts in the thread when there was only 2 before.
< Hasn't gotten a single notif from the IC thread.

I'm done reading now, but imagine my horror seeing 6 posts in the thread when there was only 2 before.

People better get to posting.... :darkwizardhat:

- - - - -

Also PSA I'm leaving to visit my hometown today and won't be hugely active until after I return (another reason why I gave everyone lots of extra time to post this round).

However, I will be sending out warnings on July 1st to those who haven't posted. And will be trying to lurk if any other questions pop up. ^ ^
People better get to posting.... :darkwizardhat:

- - - - -

Also PSA I'm leaving to visit my hometown today and won't be hugely active until after I return (another reason why I gave everyone lots of extra time to post this round).

However, I will be sending out warnings on July 1st to those who haven't posted. And will be trying to lurk if any other questions pop up. ^ ^
better get to that chat we were having then~!
better get to that chat we were having then~!

aslkasd as soon as I finish packing.
Also if I'm being a shit you can hit me up on Dischord, thanks to the intervention of several people I have been fairly more active on there than I would have ever thought possible lmao.

(That goes for anyone who wants a question answered)
aslkasd as soon as I finish packing.
Also if I'm being a shit you can hit me up on Dischord, thanks to the intervention of several people I have been fairly more active on there than I would have ever thought possible lmao.

(That goes for anyone who wants a question answered)
That all sounds swiggity swag. I think we should have some kind of bit coin, too. Like maybe 15 bronze coins into 1 Sera and then an even smaller bit coin like 30 tin coins into one bronze. That way there is room for a huge wealth disparity. Maybe even up the number of Seras in one Rosera (like 5 or 6). Just so its exclusivity is secure, hur hur. Like most lower classes will never hold a Rosera in their life.

1 Rosera = 5 Seras = 75 Bronze = 2250 Tin (or something)

I like that.
What would say... a loaf of bread cost? To give an estimate of the scale. A tin, half a tin, more?
While a piece of meat like beef (steak) would be... 10 Tin? 20 tin? Way more?
Just trying to figure out the scale of things. Like, how much is one tin worth compared to a dollar or euro? Then we'll seriously know how wealthy the wealthy really are haha (and how poor the poor)

Oh I know, a Bronze could be called a Ronze. Which is literally just the removal of a letter but when pronounced it also sounds like a butchered way of saying Rose. (Edit: actually that part only works if you pronounce it as Ronse which I guess could also be used for the bronze coin?)
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