Opinion Teacher Moments


bloop idots —>
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Hey— not dissing teachers or anything here. You got to respect them! But has anyone else had those moments where a teacher was just extremely rude or annoying? Like, for any reason at all? I have had PLENTY of moments myself. Note: this is just to share these moments with others. PLEASE don’t go all out on a teacher- their jobs are hard! I’m just interested if other people experience it too.

I remember a few weeks ago I was messing around with my friends, and I felt a huge tug on my backpack, so I fell over. This teacher went over to us and said, “What’s going on?” I responded, saying I fell over, and she started walking away and telling me to follow her, saying I needed to go to the nurse’s office. I told her I was fine, and that I just fell over, and then she started saying I needed to go call my mother! It was ridiculous. I told her that I just had a tug on my backpack and I fell over, and she gave me a look and said, “Do you hear what you’re saying?” and walked off.

I know it might’ve seemed like I was lying, and I understand that. But being accused of lying when I’m not just makes my blood boil!

Anyways, does anyone else have moments with teachers like this?
Huh that's odd of the teacher. Bit of an overreaction for a fall like that, eh? I feel you though. Being accused of lying when you're not is frustrating and there's rarely a way to prove otherwise to them.

I had an English teacher in one of my last years of high school who I generally got along well with. She could be strict at times but it rarely bothered me (I was a good kid anyway). We had to make a PowerPoint presentation about an issue of our choice and then present it to the class in the library. Problem was, I have severe anxiety and even worse stage fright. I tried my best to hold it together before my turn but one student away from mine I lost it. I quickly crawled under a desk just out of sight of my classmates to hide and calm myself down. The teacher noticed me under there as soon as it was my turn and wasn't having it.

In front of all my classmates, in a dead silent library, she started to demand I come out from under the desk. Naturally this stressed me the hell out and I started to sob and dig my fingers into my shoulders. You'd think this would be a sign to leave me be but she continued to press and then leaned down and started trying to pull me out. I experienced something similar to the fight of a fight or flight response, but I didn't want to hurt her, so with nowhere else to direct the feeling I started chomping down on my own arm. She continued pulling at me roughly for what felt like forever but eventually backed off and left me alone, though ended up telling another staff member about my behaviour. Not even in a concerned way, in the way a teacher would report a student for bad behaviour.

Needless to say it was very rude, I felt betrayed, and it really hurt the trust I had in her.
Pretty tame compared to moonXVIII moonXVIII , but in fourth grade my teacher threatened to sue me for leaving a piece of paper on the floor.

I didn't get it then and I still don't. I think she was just crazy and liked lording her authority over kids.
Pretty tame compared to moonXVIII moonXVIII , but in fourth grade my teacher threatened to sue me for leaving a piece of paper on the floor.

I didn't get it then and I still don't. I think she was just crazy and liked lording her authority over kids.
Lol certainly sounds like she was on a bit of a power high. I assume she was getting pissy about littering maybe? Either way it's ridiculous 😂

Got a fair few stories about teachers, but they are nearly all trigger heavy, for the most part. So I won't go into that, but I do have a one that made me go wtf for a while.

Needed to have the afternoon off school for a dental appointment and when I went to hand my homeroom teacher the letter explaining why I needed to be absent for afternoon registration, she read the letter started to cry and said "Why do you all leave me!" and ran out of the room. I still have no idea why and it was never addressed or brought up again after that.
It's a super wild guess, but I'd put money on post-partum depression. Do you remember if she had recently had a kid?
To the best of my knowledge she was single and didn't have any kids. But hey I was 12 and I didn't really look into the home lives of my teachers. It must have been some form of depression or a bit of a mental breakdown. I actually found it stranger than no one talked about it afterwards, it happened in front of the whole class and they all just sort of blanked it.
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Maybe she used her despair to fuel an amnesia spell afterwards and you didn't get hit since you were at the dentist. All my logic and deductive ability leads me to believe this is exactly what happened.
yeah, very possibly... AND what happened to trigger it was that she took our class picture, cut out all of our faces, glued them on little dolls and pretended that we were all a big family. Until one day her boyfriend discovered her weird little collection and freaked out, throwing all of them away and leaving her because she was so disturbed. My trip to the dentist was the straw that broke the camels back. It's all so obvious now.
In eighth grade, I had a digital media teacher who I clashed with a lot. He really didn’t understand why I always showed up to class sad, and why I left to see the guidance counselor every other week. When he made the seating chart for the second semester, he put me at the computer right by his desk and no one else sat close to me. I was very isolated in that class, and eventually it made me snap. On that day, I was really upset (though I don’t remember why), and I sat down at my computer to start working. He immediately jumped to asking questions to the class about the assignment (I think it was a warm up on using the blur tool in photoshop). He called on me when I didn’t have my hand raised, pressured me to answer the question, and got angry when I told him I didn’t know the answer. I started crying, packed up my bag and logged off my computer. I remember telling him he can’t treat me like that and walking out, and the school’s security catching me when I tried leaving campus. My request to be moved out of that class was denied by my AP, and told me to “suck it up”.

I will never understand why I was treated that way. Middle school was really hard for me, and I struggled heavily with mental health issues the entire time. School in general was very difficult, but high school was a smidge easier. I barely passed my classes in senior year, and graduated in 2020.

Not all teachers are mean, but there are some nasty teachers out there that don’t deserve that position of power over developing minds.
Oh, jeez! I agree with you: teachers who don’t respect and try to help students through what you were going through just shouldn’t be teachers. If they don’t know how to deal with it, that’s okay, but treating you like that? Really? I just hate teachers like that when they think they can treat you however they want because they’re your teacher. I feel like there’s just too many teachers like that!
I've always had the feeling that people who choose to teach highschool on purpose are either those people who had 'peaked' during highschool themselves or else are failed academicians who couldn't cut it at higher levels of the education system. Call me a cynic, but I just cannot reconcile the idea that a person who wants to teach would choose to apply that desire to a group of people who are forced to listen instead of a group of people who want to listen.

Plus, children are the worst and teenage children are the worst of the worst.
I had the worst teacher in high school! And needless to say my mom egged this teacher on to keep doing what she was doing (me and my mom are not very close. Our normal daily conversations consist of arguing and yelling. Hence why I moved in with my dad) but I'm pretty sure she won't mind me saying her name since she posted her name online before to complete strangers. BUT to be nice I'll give her a nick name. Miss s.p. miss s.p was my main teacher since I have disability's and she basically was for my study hall, home room, and academic support. There was one year I had my English class with her and yknow in English class you hafto read. Well while i was sitting down she was standing up ( keep in mind she's like 6'9 and I'm like 5'5 ) it was my turn to read to the class. I love reading and writing but I had extreme anxiety and I take medication for my anxiety. So I started reading but my anxiety started kicking in making it hard to breath and I kept swallowing and gulping and stuttering with long pauses to try and calm myself down but at the same time I was trying to make my reading fluent and flow so it sounded really bad. She walked over to my desk and slammed her hand on the top of the desk while leaning over to look at me. I looked up at her startled and she just yelled at me "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! JUST READ!!!" And I have hearing aids so naturally her yelling hurt my ears and I started to cry and this was her response "SHUT UP AND QUIT YOUR CRYING! OR ILL SEND YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL FOR MISS BEHAVING!" luckily though a student (my friend) was recording the entire thing since this wasn't the first time it has happened. And after I got sent to the principal I received a link to the recording. I showed the principal and my teacher got fired. I never trusted a teacher again except for a teacher I was super close to from the beginning of my highschool. Miss R was my absolute favorite. She was super nice to me and came to my graduation party with the best gift ever! A bag full of my favorite Japanese candy! I still have her phone number.... Hehehe...
I actually got expelled from my high school for kicking a teacher (I ended up kicking his leg, but I was trying to kick him in the nuts). Then again, he was an asshole, and he was poorly qualified to deal with special education even though he was in a special ed classroom (I'm autistic, so I needed to be in special ed). The funny thing is, apparently many of the kids in my school hated him, so they weren't even bothered by what I did. I had a lot of issues as a teenager, to put it lightly.
Personally, I was a teacher's pet who got along really well with all my teachers. (It probably helps that a) my mom's a teacher and often worked at the same school as my teachers, and b) I was homeschooled from seventh grade onward, so I didn't have any teachers to clash with in my teenage years.) My mom has a story of one of my teachers whom she had an issue with, though.

When I was in the 4th grade, my teacher was fresh out of college and very by-the-book. One day the teacher sent home some graded assignments, and one of mien was marked wrong. By itself, no big deal; derpy kid gets questions wrong, move on. It was one of those, "circle the object that doesn't fit," questions, and the four pictures were a alligator, a stegosaurus, some other dinosaur, and a dodo bird. The answer was the dodo since it wasn't a reptile (this was before feathered dinosaurs were largely accepted), but I'd circled the alligator. My mom asked why I'd picked the alligator (probably wondering how I'd forgotten basic biology), and I told her it was because the alligator was the only one that wasn't extinct. So technically I was right, I just didn't have the anticipated answer. My mom decided to swing by my teacher's room after school to explain, since they worked in the same building after all. Apparently my teacher adamantly refused to mark the question correct because, "That wasn't the answer in the book." My mom wasn't so irritated that the question was marked wrong, moreso that the teacher was so beholden to the book that she wouldn't consider any answer than the single "right one. (My mom's a big believer that the standardized testing, rote-memorization-at-the-cost-of-critical-thinking method is one of the worst ways to teach.) I don't remember any of it, but my mom still gets steamed when it's brought up.
My mom's a big believer that the standardized testing... is one of the worst ways to teach.
Your Mom's a smart lady.

I believe that public school is a good place to teach your kid to be socially fluent and to learn how to deal with bullies and liars, but certainly not the best place to stimulate intellectual growth. I feel like that's the job of the parents and any close family and friends the parents have.

The first decent teacher I had besides my parents and books was at the university level. Everything before that felt a lot like babysitting where the babysitter brought only boring games along with them.
Well, here's one heck of a teacher story (in my opinion): So, just for some background information, my mother died a while ago, so you can imagine the embarrassment when my sister's teacher, on my sister's birthday, told her in front of the class, once she mentioned it was her birthday, to text her mom that she was an amazing person for birthing her. When she hesitated the teacher asked what was wrong, and then she asked if she could use the restroom, the teacher agreed and my sister promptly cried for a good while (it was quite recent at that point), and during this time frame of my sister being out of the classroom, one of her friends explained the situation to the teacher, he felt bad, so once she came back and everyone was working on schoolwork, she sat down and the teacher came to her desk and put a jolly rancher on it, while whispering to my sister that he was sorry, I think it was quite the bizarre experience for my sister

i am extremely hard of hearing. On top of that, I have ADHD, Dyslexia, extreme photosensitivity, and Sensory Processing Disorder.

When I was an upperclassman in highschool, I had an IEP which is like a specialized education allowance for kids who struggled to comprehend standard teaching. Sometimes it let us sit in a classroom alone for tests so we didn't get distracted by noise, or allow us to wear headphones so we can focus on our work. For me, I was allowed to wear headphones and tinted glasses to help with my photosensitivity. Once I got that accomodation, I went from 2.0~ to an almost 4.0 GPA.

BUT I had ONE FUCKING TEACHER starting second semester...

My US History teacher. She was an absolute tyrant! She forced us to take a specific kind of note while reading the textbook that involved complete sentences and NO bullet points, she also required a proper title on every single page. We were allowed one page a day, and we had to turn it in at the end of class so she could grade them, so we couldn't even bring them home to study.

I could have lived with this, if she didn't also lecture during the. Entire. Class. I can either read or listen, but I wasn't allowed to take notes on what she was saying, only on what I was reading. So naturally I'd put in my headphones - because I was allowed to.

She gave me SO MUCH SHIT for that. She refused to leave me alone whenever she saw them on me, constantly made me answer questions I didn't even hear (because I was WORKING), and failed my notes for the day every time she saw me minding my damn business. Mind you, I also had hearing aids, and she would CONSTANTLY demand to see them because she thought they were wireless headphones. She also constantly made me remove my tinted glasses, which made my eyes hurt and blur because she constantly had on those awful bright white lights and the textbook pages were white and reflective. I'd even get aura migraines and she wouldn't let me go take my meds if I needed to make it stop, and she was my first class so if I had pain start there, I'd have it all day.

it got to the point where I wasn't getting any work or studying done so I completely gave up on the class, which as anyone else with ADHD here knows, made me lose my roll and ALL of my grades began to go down again. Eventually, my mom realized what was going on and brought it to the administration, and they rained HELL on the teacher for violating my accomodations, and she was forced to rescore my entire YEAR of work. I went from a 45% to a 97%. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything else about my other classes, and I graduated with a 3.2 instead of the 3.8-4.0 I was aiming for. I needed a 3.5 for the full ride scholarship I had been offered.

so if Mrs Johnson from Maysville, Ky, is her e: screw you and screw your entire damn curriculum! You told us the trail of tears was "voluntary". DIDNT EVEN TEACH RIGHT.

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