Tales of Ikhorus

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With that, Overseer Dahkon nodded to you all and turned around to tend to his own affairs. The group is left inside the temple, where the followers are either in silent prayer or rushing past the main chamber from side door to side door. Not wanting to be a disturbance any longer, you leave the building and get back to the streets of the Military Ward, closer to the base of the hill that Bankshire was built upon. Unsure as how to move through the unfamiliar streets, you move back to the main thoroughfare, where you have been moments before.

The main paved path that connects the east gate to the inner wall that surrounds the Fortress Ward wasn't exactly as it you have last seen it. The sea of people and vehicles that filled the road has now parted, leaving the middle of the street empty. An ornate black carriage is the only thing now crossing the open path while it makes its way uphill. The carriage is escorted through town by a group of guards sporting red colors and armors just as ornate as what they were escorting. Once the group moved through, the road quickly filled itself again.

Now that the show was over, the group of six ragtag adventurers is left by the side of the road to decide where to head to next.
Having a long time before your presence was needed in the Song and Sorrow, you retrace your footsteps from earlier in the day. The six of you follow the streets that curve around the hillside until the sounds of the docks meet your ears. Shortly after, you find yourselves looking over the myriad of different ships being loaded or unloaded, as well as lots of fishers in the lake that stretches almost to the horizon. This part of the town is a lot busier than the Ward you have just been to, thanks to the many goods that have made their way to Bankshire to be sold. Taking in the breathtaking view of the varied assortment of ships and the massive, calm body of water for one second longer, you finally go down the last few streets to the dockside proper.

Now, you walk close to the waterside, amidst the shouting orders of a busy port, appreciating the cool breeze of the nearby lake. Murk, you see the cheap tavern you have stayed the night before, recognizing the low building with a ship on its sign as the Sailing Wish tavern.
Seeing the carriage that was all too familiar from a few days ago, Barost nudged the others, pointing it out before trying to keep a low profile, as much as he could manage, while explaining to the two tabaxi what it represented: a new stone statue in the small village of Dewfall.

Continuing onwards the closer they got to the docks, the happier Barost seemed, eventually his hands stopped sparking by themselves as he took a deep breath of all the smells both pleasant and otherwise emanating from the harbor. Spreading his arms wide at the view before him he smiled, "This -- this is what I love. Stories bein' shared an' challenged, goods comin' an' goin', an' it's all tied to th' waters." Remembering his dream earlier he rubbed the back of his neck, "... all tied to th' waters."

Standing silently for a moment he turned to the others, "If you lot don't mind ... I think I need some time t' spend with th' water. Doesn't do too well t'keep a sailor from it, yanno?" Barost chuckled awkwardly before beginning to head off towards the piers that struck out into the water.
“A new statue for a town, this is a good thing, right?” the tabaxi stared down the docks, watching the boats while they rocked along the docks. “The air here, it smells briny. It burns the nose. Perhaps it could be fun? I’ve never spent much time on or near the water” he watched the sailor walk off and looked to the others “So we travel with a sailor? Are you all also sailors?”
"We aren't sailors, no. At least, we haven't been sailors yet." Says Kaesalor with a hearty chuckle, turning to Snow. However, his tone turns somber as he continues. "I'm afraid that statue isn't a good thing by any means. It was once a person, petrified for his failings that really were the fault of his superiors, the very people who condemned him. Wild animals have a reason to kill, at least..." He says the last sentence mostly to himself, in a lower tone that's hardly understandable with the deep rumbling of his voice.
Murk looks at the rest of group the aghast. "Wait, a creature actually turned someone to stone? I thought it was a metaphor! " His fur stands on end under his cloak. "Like she was just some awful bitch or somethin' and the guy was scared stiff."

A million questions swirl through his head. How did something like that rise to a prominent place in society? Fear and intimidation? How did it even conduct business when no one could look at it?
“That carriage could hold anyone, if they have enough importance to their name. The guards are like a high end protection service.” Crossing her arms, Mel leans on a wooden pole strutting out from the pier. “Theirs a lot of things that happen, that may be misdirected from the truth. In the realm of politics.” Sighing, she fixing her hair. “Rumors spread and are manipulated. So it make since if you truly don’t know what happened. We were just there, front row seats and everything.”

Watching Barost get into the water, she smiles. “Truly, it is a wrenched system. But, fixing something like that will take time.” Lowering her voice, she crosses her legs.
While the four of you are talking, Garret splits from the group and stops at one of the street corners. Opening up his lute case, the half elf starts an impressive performance, an unusual sight in this part of the city. The dock workers smiled at the pleasant ambiance provided by the bard and happily sang along to the songs they knew. This was, truly, an unexpected surprise for the workers still early in their long shifts.

Meanwhile, Barost stepped out to the lake and took in his underwater surroundings. The sailor has dived in plenty of harbors before and this was no different than the norm. A myriad of lost bottles, cracked barrels, and rotten bits of wood littered the bottom of the lake, claimed by these waters gods know how long ago. As the half elf rested on the bottom, he thought he noticed something out of the corner of his eye; a shadow hanging just past his visual range. Quickly turning around to look, your gaze meets nothing. However, the faint presence on the edge of your field of vision remained, regardless of how many times you attempted to turn around and find it.
Slipping into the water felt so nice, even as he startled some small fish that were swimming along the bottom, joined by the aquatic half-elf. Idly he dug through some of the bottles, looking to see if any were still sealed, the barrels if any goods were still within, but every time he tried to search, a movement caught his eye, turning to look.

Squinting through the dark waters, he rubbed the gem in his ear for a moment before returning to his task, only to feel like the image was closer and approaching -- but as he turned it was nothing. He sighed underwater, bubbles of air rising to the surface, on one hand he was pleased to find he could still move in the water as easily as he ever could ... but the constant half-sight of something always seeming to lurk just on the edge of his vision... swimming under one of the docks he sat on the bottom of the sands, head in his hands. Why did he seem so haunted ...?
After Garret finished his performance, Barost already climbed out of the lake and joined the rest of the group. With plenty of things on their mind, the group made their way across the dockside to the Market Ward, curving around the base of the hill the city was built upon. Those of you not familiar with a bustling city's streets are in awe with how many people of all shapes and sizes are passing through the Market Ward. You see dozens humans, halflings, dragonborns, even a few tabaxi and a handful of half-orcs. All of them go on with their business, with only a few glances directed to the firbolg that towers over most of Eldercliff's common denizens.

Finally, you reach the Song and Sorrow Tavern, closer to Bankshire's western gate, where most of you had spent the previous night. Entering the multiple-story tall building, you find yourselves in the open common area of a bar, where tables are scattered around the place and a stage is set next to the right wall. Close to the bar, you see the staircase that climbs to the second floor balcony and then further upwards to the rooms.

Taking a table for yourselves, you get ready to wait around up until you meet the one Ras sent you here to talk to. Still, the sun has just barely set and the exact time until the mysterious halfling with a lion tattoo on his forearm shows up is unknown.
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with Patrons milling about and no one currently on stage, Garret had a thought. A wonderful thought to bring their legend to life and increase his own fame. Not to mention the stage would be an advantageous point to view goings on. Quick as a wink he crossed the room approaching the owner and his nemesis, "Excuse me my friends but I find myself amidst a quandary you may be able to assist me. You see as a..." You could hear him swallow his pride, as he said what he did next, "As a fairly NEW talent in town I find myself in need of a stage. I could not help but notice that yours was currently empty and i wondered... If well I may grace it once again. Even to warm up for later acts..." He shifted nervously from foot to foot, his face flush with embarrassment.
Jackie Honeystep was not as ontentatiously dressed as before, he was not wearing the heavy golden make up, nor the flowing, orange gown he did during his performance the previous night. Still, the halfling was finely dressed and his perfectly-combed golden hair matched the make up around his eyes, that followed the approaching half elf. "Oh, right. You are that fellow from last night, Garthek, or something. Well..." He glanced to a door next to the staircase. "I won't be performing today, need to rehearse with Jamie for whatever she's got planned for tomorrow. I don't think the patrons would mind a charming guy strumming that lute of yours for some time." He said with a warm smile, then his voice changed to a more serious tone as he continued. "Can't promise you any payment, but you can keep the tips if the crowd think you are worthy of it." The halfling's grin grew even bigger as he patted the bard on the shoulder. "Go on, boy. Might as well keep the stage warm for next night's play."
Giving him a warm smile, he thanked him. Returning to his friends table he laid down his backpack, bow and any other cumbersome items. "Fantastic news my friends! I shall once again return to the stage and wow audiences with tales of romance and danger!"
Quick as he arrived he was gone again, leaping into the stage with acrobatic grace. Arms raised for applause, before taking a seat on the stool present.

"Good evening once again my friends! No your eyes do no deceive you. I Garret Tallman have returned once again to grace your fine stage. The good Jackie Honeystep could not bare to see you, his noble patrons, go a night without proper entertainment as he prepares for tomorrow night! A round of applause please!" Working the crowd up for tomorrow night would hopefully play well with the Honeysteps and potentially secure him some sort of income while in town.
Waiting for applause to die down first, before continuing.
"come now my friends, for I have tales to tell and night to fill. I bring stories from strange lands to fright and delight. Song to bring both tears and laughter! We shall begin tonight with a story of Rebellion long long ago in lands far far from here."
Assisting himself with music where appropriate, he then launched into the story of the great Paladin Luke Skystrider, who overthrew the Lich Pal'patine and saved his father from damnation.

All the while keeping an eye on the room.
Chuckling at Garret, Mellis moves herself over to the bar. Just close enough to be able to overhear what her group may discuss. But not to close to be immediately associated with them.
Then, the waiting game began.

Garret played his music on the stage and the room listened attentively. Some followed the rythm with their foot while continuing their respective conversations; Others stopped what they were doing to fully delve into the tales sang by the bard throughout the night.

At their own table, Barost, Kaesalor, Snow and Murk tended to their drinks and waited anxiously for him to arrive.

Mellis, at the bar, tried her best to be disconnected from the exchange that was about to take place in this establishment. Meanwhile, she payed very little attention to the nonsense spilled by Jackie while he chatted with the other patrons, leaving the bar to be properly managed by someone else.

In these three different spaces of the large common room of the Song and Sorrow, they waited. All six of them had their eyes darting to the doors, every time they noticed someone new had walked in. Surprisingly, Mellis, you are the first to notice the gentleman that sat next to you at the bar. "Mug of ale," the hafling said to the barman, tapping the table impatiently until his drink arrived. When the mug was placed on the bartop, you could see, as his dark sleeve rolled back, the tattoo of a roaring lion inked on his tanned skin. "Thanks," he said while nodding to the barman, his finger still tapping the hard wood repeatedly.
“Put it on my tab.” Gesturing to the ale in the halfling’s hand. Mel takes a small sip of her wine. Smiling, she tilts her head to the side. “beautiful tattoo, I’ve always loved lions. Where did you get it?”
The halfling turns around, not expecting this kind of conversation. He arched an eyebrow at the exchange, but simply nodded and raised his mug. "I got it many years ago, in a small parlour next to the postal service by the docks. It wasn't a big place, but the owner, a dragonborn, told me about how he moved here from afar and his complicated life story." He pauses and drinks a fair part of his ale, while his dark eyes studied you intently. "Weird how some people cover such distances only to own a small place such as that one. Sorry for rambling. Why is a lady like yourself alone at the bar? I assume you're not only here to find out more about tattoos, right?" The man smiled warmly, his finger no longer tapping the bar ever since he started talking.
Nodding along with the story, she messes with her hair. “People have their reasons.” Releasing it from the ponytail, so it cascades down around her face, framing it. “I’m not, mainly here to get some drinks. As I am passing through. Though theres some people I met earlier that were here for a special reason.” Gesturing to the main group, she smiles. “Something to do with a package.”
The man frowns for no longer than a second, then he quickly recomposes himself and smiles back to the noblewoman. "In that case, let's meet them."

Garret, from the stage, you are able to see most of the tavern. When you take another glance at the door and find no trace of the person you were supposed to meet, your eyes wander back to where Mellis sat at the bar. Instead of keeping a low profile, as she told said she would, she was talking to some red-haired halfling. The dots slowly connect inside your head, until the man gets up and moves to sit with your four other companions.

The tattooed halfling takes one of the taller seats, made for the small folk, and leans onto the table. "You people are not exactly the definition of discrete." He speaks in a low tone, making sure the nearby tables couldn't eavesdrop on the discussion. "You are carrying their package, right?"
Snow was entranced by this goings-on, never had he done something shady before. Ok well, he did do a few shady things, not many, however, and never with a group How interesting is this? Are we smuggling something? I've always wanted to be a smuggler he knew to keep quiet though, he had read it in stories, whenever people sell things off like this they need to look tough. Instead of providing an answer, he puffed his chest out and put his drink down to cross his arms. Just like the people in stories, certainly he was the most intimidating person within the tavern
Trying to ease his nerves, Barost focused on the music Garret was creating, the fellow half-elf apparently hitting his stride today. Though not as frequently, he still made small sparks between his fingers as his gaze worked across the room, landing on Mel, before continuing onwards. At seeing someone approach the table directly, he sat up a touch more attentively.

Barost leaned forward as though he were reaching for his drink and replied, "Nor are you -- coming directly to us, eh? Couldn'tve even pretended to buy drinks fer old friends ya recognize?" To the halfling's question, Barost merely nodded with a smile. "What a wonderful tavern this is, aye, ta' see a friendly face! Innit it?" he asked towards the pair of tabaxi seated with him and the large firbolg.
The halfling smiles and raises his tankard. "It's been too long since we last met! Longer than it should have." He winks and says in a lower tone."Let's just say that Jackie owed us a favor..." He motions to the barkeep to bring another round before turning back to them."But it's nice to see you aren't half bad at this. Good to know you all aren't amateurs like my boss thinks you are."
The storm sorcerer smiled, "Surprises all around it seems today. While it may've taken awhile, at least we're together again." Barost sipped from his drink, raising an eyebrow at the halfling's words, replying, "So tell me, how have ya been since last we saw each other? Seen anythin' interestin', met anyone' stranger than th' company I seem t'keep these days?"
The red red haired man smiles and nods. "It's certainly a nice surprise. I'd say it was meant to be, if I believed in such things." The teenage boy that helped Kaesalor with the antelopes the previous night arrives with the five new drinks. Once he's left again, the halfling continues. "Bold words for a pointy-eared folk like yourself. But between you, the lady at the bar and the big guy," he motions towards the firbolg, "you're definitely up there. I've gotta say, it's the first time I've seen one of your kind." His gaze longers on the barbarian a moment longer before he continues. "You all are surely the weirdest. Some would say it's too late to join the game, especially in a town as complicated as this. The boss is too busy to account for yet another player at the table, but you've been reliable this far. Maybe you'll get what you're looking for in time, Bankshire is still a great center of trade with most kinds of shops and goods."
Smiling at the boy as he brought fresh drinks, Barost traded his emptied mug with a new one. "I think if an interestin' player is lookin' t'join a game, people tend to make room, usually fer two reasons: either they look like a destined loser, or they look like an' interestin' addition, one t'keep an eye on." The half-elf looked over his mug at the halfling with a smile.

Taking a drink, he placed it down and continued, "You know -- as luck would have it, we did pick up somethin' recently -- such fortune we've got as I was thinkin' of ya when I got it. Wasn't sure if I'd see ya to hand it off before I left again, but well, here we are, aye?"
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