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Fantasy Tales of Gaia CS


Grossly Incandescent
Roleplay Type(s)
Tales of Gaia CS:

Name: (
Self explanatory)

Aliases / Nicknames: (
What are they called by the people they know or just by other individuals?)

Race: (
What of the many races are they. Hybrids need to point out what type of hybrid)

Gender: (
Self explanatory)

Age: (S
elf explanatory but there are obvious restrictions)

(What are/were before, what job did they have?)

Appearance: (You can use an image, describe it with words, or both.)

Personality: (
Self Explanatory)

Bio: (
The characters life up to the point of the RP, it can be short, but I won't complain on long Bios.)

Motivation: (W
hat drives them to seek the wish? (This isn't set in stone, and it can change as the RP moves along, however that is up to you)

Abilities / Magic: (
This can vary from the magic your character has inherited to arcane magic they know to racial traits that grant them the equivalent to superpowers but toned down. Please contact me to make sure the abilities are balanced.)

Skills: (What can your character do well? Be sure to not go too overboard with this one, same thing with abilities applies here.)

Weapons: (
Self explanatory, just keep it balanced like skills and abilities.)

Equipment / Items: (
Same thing with Weapons)

Strengths: (
Self explanatory try to atleast look for 4 strengths)

Weaknesses: (
Self explanatory also look for at least 4 weaknesses)

Other: (Whatever else you want to add, the CS is not set in stone and you may add a couple things if you want to.)

(Side note: Please contact me first if you are interested in the RP and I can invite you to the discord and help you in making a CS and actually explaining what the RP is about, however I am not accepting that many more players currently, so please understand if you aren't invited)
Mekoh An
Name: Mekoh An (May-k-o An)
Alias: Mene, Menaiatos the Mountain
Race: Hybrid (Cinderheart+Chosen)
Gender: Male
Age: 112
Occupation: pilgrim, drifter, ex-dragon slayer
Appearance Description: a mountain of a man with the remnants of old battle scars still adorning his body. His hair had long since fallen out. He wears a large smile and a long blue robe he uses to hide his patches of crimson red scales. He stands at about 7 feet tall. Mekoh has a large diagonal scar that stretches from just below the left breast to just above the right hip. The scar is about 3 inches (4cm) wide.
Personality: Mekoh is strong of heart and dependable. He is courageous beyond belief, staring down even the worst nature has to offer. Mekoh would never leave a man behind or abandon an ally. He values honour but more so values personal righteousness and mental control. Despite all his control, Mekoh is always haunted by the Siege of Vaalkeynin.
Motivation: people see a chaotic group of misfits. Mekoh sees a team of naive youths finding their way, if they don’t have a guiding hand in this world they will surely die or end up someplace terrible.
Abilities: Mekoh has learned Negative Energy (see below), though due to his poor fitness, he cannot use it effectively. He can also release a roaring flame from his mouth as a part of his draconic heritage.
Skills: Mekoh‘s childhood as a Chosen soldier have given him training in almost all forms of combat, such as martial arts and most official weapons, this is present in his Martial Manoeuvres. His attacks are less flowery and graceful (due to his weight) and more focused on brute force. This brute force is a skill An inherited from both parents, leading to a punch that can crack ribs and hugs that may be fatal.
Martial Manoeuvres: Mekoh knows many different manoeuvres and skills from his decades of honing his skill in battle. Each manoeuvre reveals a different “tell”, meaning opponents are increasingly less likely to be affected by a manoeuvre as they see him telegraphing his attack.
When Mekoh hits a creature while unarmed or having at least one free hand, he can attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item it's holding. Targets stronger than Mekoh are likely to beat him and keep their item, while weaker creatures are more likely to fail and lose it. Mekoh can choose to either snatch the object in a free hand if he is able or to drop it at the target’s feet.
Opening Strike
When Mekoh hits a creature, he can distract it momentarily, giving his allies an opening. The attack opens the enemies guard if he is capable of doing so. Creatures with natural armour instead of worn armour are immune to this manoeuvre.
Mekoh can feint an attack, faking one direction before attacking from another. Attacks after feinting are more likely to hit.
When an attack misses Mekoh or is deflected, he can counterattack. This attack does not have the same ferocity as it must be delivered faster than his usual strikes.
When Mekoh hits a creature, he can attempt to knock the target down. If the target is larger than him, it is less likely to fall, but smaller targets can be easily tripped. Creatures are also less likely to fall if Mekoh uses an unarmed attack, as it has less power than with his staff.
When Mekoh hits with a weapon, he can focus the attack into a powerful leg strike, temporarily hindering the target’s mobility. Creatures with more legs are less likely to be negatively affected by this, such as giant centipedes.
Deflect Projectile
The hardest manoeuvre in Mekoh’s arsenal, but one of the most effective as it does not reveal a tell. If Mekoh is fast enough, he can deflect an incoming projectile if it is big enough to hold in one hand. When Mekoh was younger and faster, he could even catch it, though those days seem long gone.

Weapons: Mekoh carries an old wooden walking staff that comes to his shoulder, about six feet long. It has been magically enchanted to not break when struck.
Equipment: Mekoh carries a locket with his wife and son’s portraits inside. He owns a worn tea set and an old scroll of texts.
Strengths: Mekoh can calm his emotions quickly and is slow to anger. He is always looking for the kindest solution. He has gained wisdom in his long years and is eager to share it with his newfound compatriots.
Weaknesses: While he has nearly mastered his emotions, he cannot contain himself at the mention of the Siege of Vaalkeynin. He also has a weakness for food and wouldn’t mind a snack or twelve.
There was once a Chosen warrior named Arete who took on the greatest challenge of her lifetime, to create the perfect Empire soldier. She stole a young Cinderheart dragon, Vaalhund the Red, and bore its child. Arete died shortly after but the child was healthy and alive. Menaiatos (Mene for short, later changed to Mekoh An), it was named. Mekoh was born in Akrasus, a Chosen city renowned for its proximity to multiple locations and an imprisoned Tideforger made some of the best weapons in Gaia.
Mekoh’s upbringing was not unusual for Chosen children, gruelling physical exercise and displays of unwavering loyalty to the Empire. It was only after his peers graduated that Mekoh was allowed to touch real weapons instead of wooden replicas. His training was moved to a few private tutors, and Mekoh practised wrestling bulls and oxen, sparring with criminals fighting to avoid the executioner’s axe, and studying with some of the best strategists all the way from Kuznitsa Natsii. After decades of training, Mekoh was then given his biggest task yet, to clear out the Dragonwood. He took 500 of his most trusted soldiers and advanced upon the forest. Burning would not work, the dragons would simply flee, so he resorted to the old way of going about things. His action was cruel and merciless. Any hint of a dragon was sniffed out and exterminated; foolhardy Wildwings who got too close, Timbermanes defending some kind of honour. A pack of Mandrisks were also imported directly from Kuznitsa Natsii to aid in hunting down the menace. After over a year in these forests, the death toll finally stopped rising, and Mekoh returned victorious, though he had his doubts about clearing the forest. He has come to peace with the events, but by no means forgives himself or thinks himself exempt from blame in any way. For this exalting deed, Mekoh was made Lieutenant Colonel of the West Gaia Infantry.
Through a series of letters to the General of the Army, he proposed a plan. His commanding officer had laughed him off as a “clueless halfbreed”, but this General did not know he was half-dragon, so it was under this disguise he was granted the role as advisor on the largest operation he had ever seen. 5,000 elite straight from the homeland, donning armour crafted from dragonscale, wielding weapons tempered in the blood of the unfaithful. Perfect soldiers. Perfect dragon slayers. He took hundreds of siege weapons and advanced upon the lair of Vaalkeynin the Wrathful, an ancient Cinderheart that had been terrorising the countryside by the Serpent’s Tail Mountains, and most intimidating of all, the mother of Vaalhund the Red. Mekoh knew his plan inside and out. He knew every possible fault and every possible solution. He was wrong. Vaalkeynin shot out of its lair like a crossbow bolt, it ignored the hundreds of archers who blackened out the sky with their arrows, it ignored ballista that shot around it, coming too close for comfort. It came straight for Mekoh. he panicked and sent the wrong unit to flank the dragon, it twisted and engulfed the entire area in brilliant flames before continuing forward. Mekoh fought to the best of his ability, the ultimate challenge for a Chosen. He was a hero. He was a Chosen. He would win this battle and everyone would see he was not some “clueless halfbreed”, they would respect him. Unfortunately, Mekoh did not win. Its wings batted him off his feet and one quick strike from its claw damn near bisected him. The army was sundered and fled. Vaalkeynin returned to its lair.
But Mekoh did not die. His arm broken and using the other to keep his organ from falling out, he walked all the way back to Moonmirror. Mekoh did not find Fairshire Castle, rather he found himself in a strange land alien to him. Surrounding him were an ethereal group of Shibuki Koku at the base of a seemingly endless waterfall. Starlight Falls, they called it. They healed him and taught him strange practices. They taught him to put down the sword and control the rage and sorrow building inside him. He was taught to express himself through martial arts and the manipulation of Negative Energy. He found great difficulty in Negative Energies, he feared that if he trained his body to the extent that he did in Akrasus, he may fall into old habits. To his family back home, he had died in battle. Mekoh even travelled into what he once considered to be the heart of enemy territory, Tyre. He studied martial arts under the Statue of Emon. But with every victory comes a crushing defeat. Mekoh ranked his son, Geleon, among his most trusted soldiers. But the unit that was supposed to stay far from the battle ended up being the unit that was wreathed in flames. His son was dead, reduced to ashes on an unnamed field. He botched the job and his son paid the price. It was Mekoh who made the mistake and he was fine, but his innocent son was dead.
Now, his training complete, it was time for Mekoh to rejoin the world. There was a rumour of a powerful ritual for near unlimited power. Mekoh does not want the ritual but he knew the type of people who would, and if he could not help them they would surely die.

Negative Energy:
Arcane Disruption: An can hit a person in places that blocks their mind from controlling Arcane magic. For one minute, any spell they attempt simply fails.
Conflagration: An summons the elemental fire in his hands to empower his attacks and burn enemies, this fire propels his arms in bursts of speed. An can even shoot this flame small distances, up to about twenty feet.
Electroconvulsive: An redirects, manipulates, and even summons lightning. Summoning lightning is incredibly taxing on his body and soul. After summoning it, his movements are sluggish and he cannot fight for long after.

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Name: *poof*
Aliases: Kiki. Seriously it's just Kiki. I promise!
Gender: Female
Race: Faery
Age: 72
Occupation: Unemployed Entrepreneur

Note: She is about 16cm tall. Cannot change her form thanks to a powerful curse.​

Personality: Kiki is a fun-loving trickster at heart, and while pranks are a favourite pastime of hers the tricks she pulls are not always lighthearted. Her morality is on the questionable malleable side, and she is not above using dirty tactics and manipulation to get what she wants. So long as something is in her benefit she will go along with it, be it crime or helping people, but the bottom line is that Kiki benefits. It is rare for her to go out of her way for someone else unless she hopes to gain something from it or save face. Most of the time she gets other creatures and people to do the dirty work for her, or otherwise hides behind illusions and charms.

When not relying on her cunning, Kiki enjoys acting innocent and cute, partly for her own amusement but also to throw off suspicion. She is an excellent liar, having loads of practice, and will always try to redirect blame away from herself, even when everyone knows it was her. It has become so much of a habit that it's hard to tell what is true and what is false with her. Her mischief-making reflects her childish and excitable side, which is the motive to many of her impulsive whims such as stealing small things from shops or hiding objects from people.

She loves attention and compliments, no matter if it is real or earned. Authoritative figures annoy her, though this usually manifests as pranks and sass. She doesn't like being told what to do, but she is not an idiot. Kiki has ambitions and low cunning, so she knows when it's most beneficial to behave or act a part. While it can be hard to believe by her spontaneous plans, Kiki is a very driven person who never loses sight of her long term schemes.

After having a major disagreement with her terrible mother, Kiki was cursed out of pure spite. She had finally stood up to her domineering parent and as such she was punished with being stuck as a tiny fae and forced to endure humiliation. Thankfully through wit and luck she managed to flee her home before she was locked away forever or worse. From then on she traveled the land, searching for a way to break the curse.
Kiki is the 13th and youngest daughter of Queen Vaerillis, regent queen of the Yvesian Fae Court. Her father was one of the many lordlings, though a rather disappointing one in the end. His role in the story of our sweet hero is rather minuscule and forgettable at best, for he was only at court for official meetings. Instead, Kiki was raised under the guidance of her mother and 12 sisters. With little else to compare it to, things were fine and well until the solidification of her powers.

A faery queen's magic is strong, but as her children grow younger the thread of magic tends to fade. Vaerillis had 12 daughters, all of whom through sheer luck were exceptionally gifted with fae spells. Some were illusionists, others memory weavers, and then there was Kiki. At first Kiki did not see the difference, only the occasional patronizing smile or hushed whispers hidden behind hands. The change was slow yet ever steady. Her mother lost interest in her and one by one her older sisters found no more time to spare. If it came to it, they ignored her. They had bigger issues to face.

The daughters of a queen are ever in competition. Only one may ascend to queen and each is a representative of a noble bloodline. In reality all are half-sisters, but in the absence of any concept of marriage, they are sisters all the same... if one was to overlook the looming competition at every step of their life. Every action they did, every spell they could do was measured and judged by their mother. They were constantly compared and even as unmarked ranks changed, Kiki was consistently at the bottom. She was overlooked at best and completely ignored at worst.

It was during this time that she developed an affinity for playing pranks and hiding things, much to the annoyance of her mother, sisters and royal subjects but at least they paid attention to her. Left to her own devices, Kiki read books, maps and stories of Gaia, often sneaking into libraries or private collections. She learned how to make charms on her own, which was considered an archaic and primitive method of fae magic, but to Kiki it was like finding the cure to all things. While her sisters were in the spotlight she mastered the use and creation of these antiquated charms, filling in the gaps where her magic failed. On the bright side of being forgettable, Kiki could lie away suspicion while pursuing her own agenda.

In learning about the rest of Gaia she found out about the lost fae queendom of the riverlands (something that was oddly never mentioned in most history books). It didn't sit right with her that the humans had taken something that should belong to a better and older race. What's more, they were destroying the Wildwood and slowly moving in like rot. When she mentioned this to her mother and sisters they all told her the same thing; that they should avoid the young races of Gaia and remain unknown to them, even if it meant losing parts of their world. Kiki hated this attitude and decided to do something about it. Smuggling Yvesian species and using her charms, Kiki snuck to the Wildwood and combated the humans in secret. She terrorized villages, destroyed new hamlets, and used her animal minions to drive out travelers. Among other things.

This lasted for a time, but eventually her little game was found out. Her mother was furious that she had broken several laws of secrecy and had her punished. She cursed Kiki, binding her form to a tiny size and shackling her already limited magic. Kiki was then magically banished from the Fae Queendoms. For years Kiki searched for a means to get rid of the curse, trying many different methods but none of them seemed to work. Now she only has one option left...

Motivation: Prove a point
  • Faery light
    • Summons a floating mote of magical light near the user. It moves based on the caster's whim in a radius of ~8m. The color and intensity of the light can be manipulated, allowing for signals if one is clever enough. Its size and shape can be somewhat altered, though can be no smaller than a coin and no larger than a plate. The light will fizzle out if struck by an attack. Can work underwater.
  • Speak with animals
    • This spell allows for the understanding and communication of beasts. Most fae have a general understanding of what an animal's intentions are, but this spell allows for a mental link to grant crystal clear communication. Only one species can be active at a time.
  • Invisibility
    • Until she is hit, Kiki can become visually invisible. This invisibility lasts for as long as she can hold it, but any other spell usage will break the invisibility. The spell can be extended to someone else she touches, but they have to remain in contact with her. The more people added to the invisibility spell reduces its potency (1 person = near perfect, 2= shimmers when moving, 3=mostly terrain camouflage).
  • Illusions
    • Kiki's second favourite spell. The spell creates the impression of something that is not there and can range from anything from a fire to a person. Complex illusions that are 3d, audible and mobile can be made with roughly the mass of a normal human. Illusions that are 2d can be twice this size, and illusions that are stationary/silent/2d can be thrice this size. For complex illusions she has to focus on the illusion like a puppeteer in order for it to talk and has to maintain sight with it. When an illusion talks she mouths the words, so it can be a clue to the illusion's origins.
  • Charm beast/humanoid
    • Beast: This allows her to magically charm a beast into following her commands as if she fully trained them. While they follow her commands, the spell can break if she sends them to do something extremely unnatural such as asking a whale to beach itself or a horse to jump over a cliff. Whatever the beast thinks is important to them (their young, their treasure, their packmates, etc) is redirected to Kiki. This bond only exists until the spell ends (which is 20 minutes) and fades over time. The effect can be extended through the creation of a 'Faery Charm'. [Max size of charmed creature is currently 5 meters in length].
    • Humanoid: similar to the beast variant, charmed humanoids follow Kiki's suggestions in a hypnotized manner (for weak willed individuals). This lasts 5 minutes. For more strong willed individuals, this charm makes them temporarily more friendly towards Kiki, giving them a false sense of friendship or duty towards her for 10 minutes. Whenever the spell ends the individuals will remember everything that happened. It is highly taboo and difficult to make a 'Faery Charm' for a humanoid.
  • Faery Charm
    • Faery charms are small talismans that can be used to empower all of Kiki's abilities for a set period of time depending on what the charm was made out off. When the charms are used they will shatter and grant an empowered version of her spells while also allowing her to cast two of her spells at a time. If she uses multiple charms at once only the duration will stack and not the power.
    • Creating a charm takes time and needs to be bathed in moonlight in order to be activated. Charms can be made from anything from bone to gold, but they all have the same symbols painted/engraved into them.
  • Sleep
    • Creates a magical dust cloud that poofs out in a radius around her or shoots towards one target (applying to the first person it hits). The sleep for one creature lasts up to an hour and will be broken if the target is hit by something. Loud noises do not count, though a splash of water does. The potency of the sleep decreases based on how many people are afflicted (divide 1 hr by how many creatures are hit).
  • Fae Fire
    • Summons a fire in a surface including an individual near her. The fire can be of any color she wants however it is best that she uses the normal color to deceive people best. The fire cannot harm anyone or create any heat, however the fire does give one the feeling that they are receiving heat and that they are being burnt by it. The fire cannot be extinguished but does have the duration of one minute. The fire also is more painful than regular fire and has more than once caused people to fall unconscious from the sheer pain it causes. The fire can only be created to be the size of a small individual but can be made smaller or bigger if charms are used.
  • Levitation
    • Upon touching anything with her hand, the touched target will now be unnafected by gravity for up to 2 minutes. She may either do that or channel it within her and whoever she is constantly touching will also be affected by levitation.
  • Feather Falling
    • Kiki and whoever she is touching in the moment will fall extremly slowly preventing falls from being fatal. If feather falling is used while they are falling, they will slowly decelerate until reaching the slow and safe fall. This spell doesn't have a max duration but must be constantly channeled.
  • Surface Walking
    • Kiki and whoever she is currently touching will be able to walk in any surface quietly and effectively. Mud will be stable, Rough ground will be safe, sand will be stable, and even can be used on water. However the spell can only last for up to a couple minutes and their are certain surfaces that the spell will not be able to work on unless empowered.
Skills: Knowledge of fae, can understand many 'ancient' languages, knowledge of plants and animals, picking locks/pockets, getting into small spaces, lying, history, mapmaking and reading (also a fair bit of lore), charm making.
Weapons: Just magic. (its not like she could wield anything in her current size...)
Equipment: 3 unbound Faery Charms (worn around her waist and resting at her hip like a belt).
  • Can fly
  • Quick
  • Small size means it is difficult to find her in battle and land hits
  • No mana
  • Immune to charms
  • Natural resistant to magic
  • Good at hiding!
  • She is small so a solid hit from a physical attack can mean serious injury or even death.
  • If her wings are removed she will die.
  • No direct attacks
  • Cursed to remain in her small form.
  • Cannot carry much
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WIP Korone happy doggy.gif

Tales of Gaia CS:


< Elrin Soar >
~Lady Bloodbog~

  • Aliases / Nicknames: Lady Bloodbog, Bat with a Beak

    Race: Vampire (former Enthralled)

    Gender: Female

    Age: ~800 Years

    Occupation: Researcher

    Motivation: An obsession with restoring the past, not simply once, but on command.

-> experiments
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