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Fantasy Supernatural Strangers

Chris had been helping Alex out with the entire lunch shift that had been a mad house and luckily with their perfect teamwork, things got out on time, tables got cleaned on time, and they were racking in everything that they could. Soon enough the place died down and only some customers were left. Alex decided to take her break while picking up her phone and he nodded, cleaning up and prepping things like tea and coffee just in case. Today was quite eventful, between Roje finding out the title she was given and what it meant, Dean snapping at him -which he assumed was the werewolf-, and then last night with Roje being chased by hunters. Too much had been going on and Chris didnt think he could take it. He'd get gray hair befor he was 30! He put his hand up to his face and rubbed his temples "Damn..." then he heard Alex yelling and he turned his head, seeing her come from the break room and asked him if he could handle the rest of the shift on his own. "I'll try my best." he smiled softly. The look on her face said that the matter was serious "Whatever is going on, I wish you luck and hope everything is okay." Chris said to her, walking over and giving her a quick hug "Go ahead, I'll manage."

~Meanwhile at the Institute~

"This is the vampire that had a run for your money, wasnt it, Alex?" asked the woman, leading the huntress to a door which she opened and allowed Alex to go into first and followed behind. The door locking behind them and revealing a larger room with a large cube in the middle of it which held Roje inside. The wall facing them was purely glass while the others were reinforced walls with a door on one of said walls. "Her name is Roje Jenkins. Vampire for quite a few years." the woman was handed a file and she looked in it "Battered a lot, killed wanted men. Not to mention seen with your brother who couldnt defend himself when we found him in her home with her pinning him." the woman handed the file back to the man who handed it over and moved to the glass to get a closer look at Roje in the chair which had been bolted to the ground and was a thick metal. On her wrists was rope drenched in rivane as well as around her ankles. Her head was dropped to the side due to still being knocked out "Our fellow hunters had to shoot quite a bit to knock her out. Luckily we got her." the woman then looked at Alex "We plan to get answers out of her, since she's one of the linked vampires. A set that hasnt been found for many of years"

She then looked at Roje again "If she doesnt speak willingly, we'd have to force the information out of her. I know so far is that there is a term for her kind when they enter anywhere where the dead are. Such as hospitals, cemetaries, etc. Doing this will cause them to scream in agony as if they're dying." informed the woman as she folded her hands behind her back, glancing at the burned wrists on Roje from the rivane "She's quite the interesting one though... I dont know why, just looking at her face makes her seem that way, wouldnt you say?" her eyes returned to Alex "You seem surprised, why is that? Have you met her before during daylight hours?" it was a possibility since Roje was actually out during the day without burning so clearly she was different. "Alex, say something at least instead of staring at her like she's going to lunge at you."
Alex walked into the institute, dragging her feet as she did so, dreading this conversation. The woman was a high up official from Idris. Of course they had sent an official. Ethan was going to kill her for getting the clave involved with catching a single vampire. But it did seem a bit unrealistic that there were so many people getting bent out of shape about one single vampire. As Alex made her way into one of the interigation rooms where the girl was being held. That couldn't be right... It was the girl that was at the diner this morning, the one who had her head in her book, the one that was friends with Chris. Had she really been under her nose the entire time? How could she have not seen this? It didn't make any sense! Vampires didn't associate with humans! And she had been out in the sunlight all morning, a vampire would be dead, fried to a crisp. Alex looked at the woman with an eyebrow raised. "Are you sure that you have the right person, I mean she was out in the daylight..."

The woman then debriefed her on all the information they had collected thus far. She wasn't like the others, she wasnt in the clan that resided in the hotel a few blocks down. This girl seemed to be completely on her own. "So she's an ancient type of vampire?" Alex pondered this for a few moments. It made sense, she was out in sunlight and she didn't burst into flames. Not only that, but she definitely different than other vampires ability wise, normal vampires were fast, but not as fast as the girl or roje, now that she knew her name had been in the restaurant. And the weakness to the dead? Well that was definitely a new concept for even her, which her extensive knowledge of the downworld. "So how are you planning on getting the information from her? We're not really equipped for it here. We don't have a specialist. Will she be taken back to Idris?" This was new territory for everyone at the institute. The clave would need to take the wheel on this mission from here forward. Not only that, but most of this case was completely classified to anyone not involved. "What did she even do any way? How did she break the accords?" It was assumed that she had attacked a human, but it had never been confirmed by any of the high ranking officials, they had just been given the mission.

(I'm sorry it's so short)

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The woman was sure that she had caught the right vampire. After all, Roje had a blood bag on her when they attacked. Snapping from the thoughts, she spoke "Roje is not a ancient type of vampire. According to her age, her birth date was a date that would have made her at least 30 years old. But she looks like she's 20 or 25 so she's a fresh vampire. Nothing ancient about it. But she was changed by a possible ancient vampire." she looked at Roje as her hands moved a little bit but then went limp once again "As much as I want to send her off to have the equipment, I pulled some strings to bring things here so that I may be able to do the work myself. As for her breaking rules... She killed one of our hunters. Found him dead at sunset under a tree but away from the public eye. This happened when we sent him out to keep an eye on her. Poor soul." she grabbed Alex and brought her to the door, opening it and walking inside "She wont bite. Too busy sleeping away." the woman let her go and walked over to stand in front of Roje (The chair was in the middle of the cube so there was plenty of space) before leaning towards the bucket sitting nearby and sticking her hand in it and returning to Roje to put her fingers on Roje's forehead, to which made her finally wake up and scream in pain due to the rivane. "Wake up, it's time to introduce you to a friend of mine. Not to mention I have plenty of questions for you. Hopefully, if you're willing enough, we wont have such a hard time." she took her hand off and watched Roje to see what she would do

Roje stopped screaming but her forehead was in some serious pain. Her teeth were grit as she lifted her eyes to the woman who caused the damage "If it werent for... These stupid ropes... And the shit you used to drug me... I would get out of this chair and kill you..." she said, closing her eyes for a moment and turning her head "Oh hey...its you...got any breakfast? That was a good dish you served me earlier.." she joked, laughing softly before glaring at the woman in front of her "I dont plan to answer any of your questions. You're gonna have to beat it out of me. Which I doubt would ever happen." spat Roje, struggling just a little bit and wincing in pain from the ropes burning her skin on her wrists and she faintly heard from the woman that she'd have no choice but to take it the hard way to get everything out of Roje. That's when she was slapped with rivane and she screamed in pain, hissing afterwards "You are one pain in the ass, arent you!?" she shouted, closing her eyes tightly and gritting her teeth in pain. Damn that wolf who got her caught.

(mine is a little short, im sorry. D: )
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Alex wasn't used to the idea of torture, sure she knew it happening during investigations, but the New York institute normally just sent their criminals back to Idris to face trial. The clave was the one in charge of carrying out the laws, we were just following orders from them, whether it be kill them, or capture them to send to Idris to face prosecution. Besides, when her brother Dean had been running the institute, torture or importer treatment of captives was never tolerated. In fact, the one incident involving mistreatment of a prison ended up with the shadowhunter being stripped of his runes, which is the same level of punishment as treason.

Alex looked from the woman back to Roje, the vampire had some courage to talk back to a hunter, and even more so to threaten one. However, for some reason she did not seem upset with Alex at all. Most downworlder that were about to face their crimes bad mouthed anyone involved, but instead she was complimenting the breakfast Alex had served her his morning. She actually felt bad for the vampire, even if she had killed one of her own. The woman was definitely not following the regulations this institute had in place, but Ethan would probably have to issue letting that slide. After all, with him being the new leader, he had to kiss up to the clave to get in their good graces, something her brother had luckily never cared about. However as second in command, Alex could invoke her authority over events inside he institute. When the woman slapped her, that's what she decided to do. "I'm calling for a pause in interrogation until further notice." It might upset the clave, but she had jurisdiction over the New York institute unless they decided to remove her post. "The vampire will be under surveillance and guarded until further notice. Only the two heads of the institute will have access to her." With that, Alex walked out of the room, finding security to post at the door. She was going to run the institute just as her brother did, by the law, there would be no gray lines and the downworlder had rights, even if the clave liked to ignore them.

After the fiasco at the vampire's apartment and the rather rude conversation with his sister on the phone, Dean had to go to work. It was slow as always, and he was done with all the repairs he needed to complete today within an hour. He had only been following the claves orders by telling Alex to go in. But, he had gotten her in trouble by doing so, that much was obvious. Now that he was technically no longer a shadowhunter, could he still be punished by the clave for not bringing the vampire in? It didn't seem likely. In fact, now that he was a downworlder, it was probably more likely that they had wiped most of his shadowhunter file. The clave definitely had a liking for cover ups. Many people at the institute probably acting like he had never existed.

He got let out of work early, because there was nothing for him to really do and they weren't going to pay him to sit around and do nothing, Dean made his way back to the diner. Chris was probably just about to get off, and he should probably tell him about what happened to his friend. At this point, it was obvious Chris knew what was going on with her, and even more obvious that he knew she was being chased. When he walked into the restaurant, he looked around but didn't see him, so he sat at the counter, waiting for him to come out of the back room. There were a few more waiters coming in to cover the dinner and late night shift, but they didn't pay him any mind.
The woman looked at Alex as she disrupted her... lovely way of telling the vampire to talk. "Okay." she then looked at Roje and spoke "Consider yourself lucky..could have been a lot worse." the burns on Roje's face began to slowly heal and revert back to her silky smooth skin. Roje had laughed at the woman and informed her that she should be lucky because she'd wipe that pretty little face off of her. This caused the woman to narrow her eyes "You watch your tongue." with that, she walked out as Alex informed her of the vampire being under surveillance and guarded untill further notice. Not to mention only the two heads would be able to get into the large cube-like room with her. "We plan to keep her off blood untill she is in a weakened state. After that takes effect, we'll be giving her little blood to keep her alive. But according to what I heard while we had been both inside, she eats human food? Wouldnt that make her half vampire rather than full?" now that was quite interesting. To know that a vampire can eat food and drink blood? Any vampires they captured sometimes had gotten sick from human food but would eat it anyways. Or at least try to. Then Roje managed to call out to Alex and say "Hey, tell the mutt that I'm gonna kick his ass in when I get out of here!" she was joking but still, it'll raise some flags with Alex to her brother. Oh well, Dean needed a little slap in the face and wake up to fresh bacon in the morning and see what the hell was going on right in front of him.

Chris had been working since Alex left, serving most tables and having a decent pace day. When the time hit for almost three, he headed off to the back where he had something to eat, and was checking out his phone. Just a little bit worried for Roje who left in a hurry and in front of Alex and Dean nontheless. She really was ballsy to do some crazy shit like that. Seeing as nothing came through the duration of his break, he put his phone away and cleaned up before heading back out into the dining hall where other waitors and waitresses were coming in for dinner. A little early but he didnt mind that. While they took care of everyone else, he spotted Dean and walked over "I see you're here for dinner time." he said, pulling out his small pad and pen "Would you like your usual or something different today?" Chris was acting as normal as possible but something told him that Dean knew exactly what his relation to the vampire was. But he was going to act normal till his cover was compromised by the werewolf. Chris then thought about earlier and sighed "Look, man, I'm sorry about earlier. I really dont know what I did to piss you off but really, i'm sorry." he didnt want heavy slates with the brother of the woman he was going to date, he wanted it clean and clear. Even if Dean didnt approve, he was still going to go on that Date with Alex.
This woman was really starting to piss Alex off, coming in and acting like she was taking over the institute, but she had no authority over her or any of the hunters without proper authorization from the clave. Since she came with no paperwork and no notice of her taking over the mission, Alex was planning on giving her the hardest time she possibly could. She wasn't about to starve a captive and she wasn't going to let the woman do that either my downworlders may not be her favorite people to deal with sometimes, but they were important and they had the same rights as anyone else. Plus, there was no way they'd get any information out of her by treating her like an animal, it would only make her hate them more and she'd be more spiteful than she already was. The comment about her brother had atleast been pretty amusing, and there had to be some reason Dean was wrapping himself up in this situation. So Alex would just have to wait and see, because it was obvious there'd be no answers anytime soon. She just had to get this woman off her back, Alex was going to do her interrogation her way whether she liked it or not. 

Alex found a group of Shadowhunters to guard the door, and had one of them fetch some water and a blood bag for Roje. She would.make sure she got some human food later, but for right now she had to write up some paperwork about the catch and fill Ethan in on what had been going on. Alex planned to come back to visit the vampire when she was done, she had some questions for her, but Alex didn't want that woman around. So she'd bring the food and ask her questions then.

Dean waited for Chris to come out of the back room and when he finally did, he hopped down from the stool. "We have to talk. Preferably somewhere private." He didn't agree with Chris hanging out with a vampire but he still deserved to know what was going on, that and Dean wanted more answers. After spending some time on and off with her (not in the best situations of course) she really didn't seem that violent, maybe a little short tempered, but not dangerous. If he and Alex were going to get kissed up in this mess, he wanted to know what Chris knew, any amount of information could help. Though, he had to be careful not to release too much information, he wasn't about to tell him about the Shadowhunters or reveal his sister. But, he assumed Chris pretty much knew he was a werewolf at this point. With the way he and the vampire had been acting, it was pretty hard to conceal it. "You don't have to be sorry. I just need answers. You haven't been honest with me and I haven't been honest with you, but I'm protecting my little sister and if you can respect that then we'll be fine."

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Chris knew it, Dean knew. "Alright, fine." he put his pad and pen away "Just to be clear: I'm only giving you the littlest information possible. I have no means to tell you everything I know. Or everything I know about Roje." he nodded towards the exit "Meet me outside. I'll clock out." with that, Chris vanished through the door to the back and took off his apron and his shirt, putting on a button up over the tank top he had and grabbing his wallet, keys, and phone. He then headed outside where he seen Dean waiting around and he walked up to him "From the tone of your voice, I can assume you know about Roje being a..." he looked around and then spoke softly "Vampire. Not to mention she warned me about a 'mutt'. Which I could only assume it's you who's the werewolf here." he crossed his arms because this was going to be a serious talk about the supernatural world "Before you start going on and assuming she compelled me and used me as a blood bag: You're wrong. She's been more human than vampire ever since she had been changed into a creature of the night. Despite her adventures out during the day with no effect at all. Now, ask away and we'll see what can be answered." he gave him a brief smile but then lost it almost instantly because something told him that whatever was gonna be asked...he wouldnt like. Nor whatever that Dean would tell him about. Why did this worry Chris? He had no idea at all. But he waited patiently for Dean to start talking.

The woman very much didnt like the silence and she spoke again "I'll be on my way. I have other business matters to attend to." with that she walked off and left Alex to be on her own. Little brat. She'll be in the way of what we need to know now. Who she's connected to. We also need the information on her kind. Damn it. The woman was gone within seconds and walked through a door, still lost in her own head and planning to get into that room with or without help.

Where as Roje was sitting in the chair, her eyes closed and her breathing a little off "This is so dumb..." she muttered "Get caught after running for ages...got my answers and now I get this in return. Guess my luck has ran out." opening her eyes, she looked down to her wrists and shifted them just a little, only for them to sting and burn her skin "Damn it!" was this really needed? Well...Maybe it was just so she couldnt attack who ever walked in and bust down the door to get away. Good call...but a painful one. No matter what she had no intention on telling anyone, anything. Not even if it was someone who knew her -aside from Chris- or if there was a stake at her heart. Roje knew something everyone did not. That if she was in a life threatning situation, since she was Shadow Kissed, she would be saved by the effects of Spirit used to make her this way. It was almost comical to think that something like that could actually be real. "You know you wont get not one word outta me." she called out the guards "You can beat me, starve me, and threaten me all you want. I'll say nothing. No answers. Just threats I can dish out and irritate the hell outta you guys! Maybe I'll sing terribly to annoy you guys to get the hell out of this room that you take safety in from the cube I sit in now."
"Look I'm sorry about getting mad at you earlier, but you can imagine how I felt when I learned you were running around with a vampire near my little sister. I just don't want her getting hurt, and my previous experiences with the vampire didn't really help all that much." Dean was definitely not used to apologizing but he had completely snapped at Chris which had been pretty unfair of him. But, it seemed as though he didn't know how dangerous any of the supernatural really were. "You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into do you? It's really to your benefit right now to tell me everything." Dean sighed and shook his head. "So that girl is a vampire of some kind and you're friends with her? You really have some way of picking friend don't you Chris?" It was true, between he vampire, Alex and himself, he had accidentally surrounded himself with the entirety of the supernatural world, well minus the demons warlocks and faeries. But he was probably better off staying away from those, demons were mean sons of bitches and faeries, well they never told you the straight truth.

"I figure you've probably realized who I am at this point. I'm a werewolf. Which is why I've been so after your friend, Roje was it?" Chris didn't need to know that wasn't the full reason, he didn't need to know that he and his sister were also Shadowhunters. "Listen, Roje got kidnapped by a group called Shadowhunters, I'm going to need all the information about why they might want her in order to get her out. I need to know the information she was looking for and why. I also need to know what she did to get them so mad at her in the first place." It occurred to Dean that Chris might not have all the answers but right now it was the only place he had to start. 

The paperwork had taken longer than she thought it was going to, now that the clave was directly involved, not only did she have to keep record for the institute, she had to report everything directly to them as well, which meant twice as much work than she normally had. When she was finished with that, she had a copy of the report sent to Ethan and one to be put away in the files. She personally made sure the report to the clave was sent out, before returning with an apple, some crackers and another water for Roje. The institute wasn't exactly stocked on food most of the time, cooking was often the last thing on their to do lists, so the majority of the time the Shadowhunters went out to eat or ordered take out. None of the Shadowhunters knew how to cook, they spent too much time training to take the time to learn. Alex could make the basics, Mac and cheese or pasta but that was about it.

When Alex reached the holding room, she waved the two guards off so they could have a break for dinner and entered the room. Placing the food on the table, she walked over to the vampire. "Listen I'm going to cut your arm restraints so you can eat, don't try anything alright?" With that she summoned a small seraph blade from the hilt she kept in her pocket (the blades are made of light) and cut the rope on her wrists, hopefully the girl wouldn't try anything, but Alex was armed and ready in case trying to escape sounded like a good idea. "Sorry it's no breakfast. The institute doesn't exactly have a full stocked culinary kitchen. I'll get you something better when I have a chance." Alex sat down in the chair across from Roje. "Sorry about the improper treatment, the clave is still a bit backwards with the way they treat downworlders. We're supposed to hunt you guys if you commit crimes, but you're still awarded a fair trial most of the time."

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Chris almost rolled his eyes but as soon as the word 'Kidnapped' came from Dean's mouth, Chris's expression was serious. These "Shadowhunters" took Roje? There was no way that she got caught like this. She was so fast and no one ever caught her. Also, the fact that Dean needed information on what she was looking for and why pulled up red flags for him even though he knew Dean. "For one: I've known her before she was a vampire so she is someone that can be trusted." he informed Dean, wanting to make it clear that Roje wasnt a threat. "The reason why she's in trouble is because she killed one of the hunters that planned to attack her. I wasnt there, though, from what she told me, that person had been following her for ages. The second he pulled out his weapon, she attacked before he could." should he really tell him about Roje being shadow kissed? But that was information that could be used against her "What she was looking for was something for her own personal need. Something she's been looking for, for a very long time." had to keep it subtle "Just a term that had bothered her for years and finally got the relief of knowing what it meant. It has a side effect with the dead. If she walks into a Cemetary or Hospital, she'll be overwhelmed with pain in her head. From what she described it was a anvil dropping and squishing down on her brain. Heck, even funeral homes are a place she cant walk into without being in pain. Luckily she's been learning how to block out everything from what she's told me."

Was this too much information? No...He hadnt used the term. All Chris used was the side effect and what she was doing to control that side effect. Not to mention that she found out the meaning of the title she was given. Nothing important, no key words to bring anything to mind on Dean "As much as I want to tell you more about what she found, I'm not going to. That's something that you have to ask her yourself. I dont want to tell things that she didnt want others to know other than myself." he wanted to go and save his best friend, but something told him that these "Shadowhunters" wouldnt let him anywhere near her. Hell, not even near their HQ where she probably is being held captive at. "Before we even dare keep talking, tell me your plan on trying to free her from wherever she's being held captive. After finally getting peace with the one thing she hunted for, being thrown somewhere  she has no clue about is probably the least place she'd want to be in."

Roje continued to sit there after she spoke, closing her eyes, trying to relax her mind, work on her meditation again. Learn to strengthen herself to block out the dead from bombarding her with their screams and whispers. A long while after sitting there and meditating, the door opened from the outside which caused her to open her eyes and see who was approaching the cube. It was Alex and it looked like she had a bit of snacks on her. Baby snacks but still snacks nonetheless. She disappeared from view and came into the room behind her which caused Roje to look over her shoulder and look over, watching as she walked to a table and put the things down before taking out a blade which sliced the ropes off her wrists and made Roje sigh in relief, rubbing the burned marks on her wrists "I told your brother I wouldnt hurt you. I plan to keep it that way. Anyways, not that I can move, my feet are still strapped down." she reached for the apple and brought it closer to her, looking at the fresh-looking apple. "Eh dont worry about the breakfast. I'll look forward to when you bring it." she bit into the apple and listen to Alex apologizing for the improper treatment before chewing and swallowing the chunk "Honestly, I really wanna rip the head off that pencil-skirted bitch. Rivane hurts like putting your hand on a burning pilot on a stove, times that by like...5." she informed Alex.

"If you're here to make me talk, I'm not gonna say much. Other than the fact that I killed one of you hunters because he was planning on attacking me first. I got him before he could react." her hazel-brown eyes shifted to the glass behind her but then shifted back "Other than that, I have nothing more to say. Especially to the bitch who tried to get information out of me on who I was linked to and what I was named. Titled. Put it that way." she took another bite of her apple and chewed, thinking about that werewolf and how she needed to beat his ass in for getting her caught. That werewolf was this one's brother. Maybe she'd get to see him sometime soon.
Dean pondered this for a moment, so Chris knew her before she had changed? That was helpful information, obviously she couldn't be all that bad if Chris still trusted her after she turned into a monster. She must've gotten control of her blood lust pretty early then, more vampires couldn't stand being around humans for over a year after they had changed, it was too tempting to sink their teeth into a human's neck. Most vampires that they hunted were newborns that made mistakes similar to that. "That hunter really shouldn't have attacked then, they work in partners, so if he was by himself that must mean he was looking for intel on her. Which isn't something they do anyway, normally when Hunters are sent out for missions, the Clave already has given them the information of their crime and what they're to do with them when they're captured. Something tells me they didn't provide either pieces of information to the institute." Something fishy was definitely going on, one vampire would not normally get the attention of the Clave. Her reaction to the dead could have something to do with it, he felt like he had heard of something similar somewhere but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. The Shadowhunter history was vast and there was a lot of information to keep straight, most of which Dean paid no mind to unless it helped him in combat. Alex had always been the technical one, it was the reason she had risen in rank so fast. It was the reason she lead the majority of the large hunting parties. "Alright well that isn't like most vampires, which might explain why they're after her."

After he let Chris finish explaining, he stated that he wasn't going to give him anymore information. That was fine, it was more than he originally had to go on. "Alright Chris, I'm going to do my best to get Roje back, but I'm not sure how much I can do to help. I can't get into the institute, no downworlder can without special permission from the people in charge. It has a protection ward." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll do my best to figure something out but it's going to take some time. I've got their motive which helps, but they're sure to have her under lock and key, you and I, we can't get in." He would have to talk to Alex about this, convince her to break Roje out but that was going to be an uphill battle the whole way.

Alex raised an eyebrow, why would she be safe because of her brother? Had they met before the incident in the vampire's kitchen? "What do you owe to Dean? After all, he was the one that got you stuck in here, the one that got you captured. I don't see why you'd want to keep me safe because of him." If anything, it should've been the complete opposite. She should be lunging and trying to kill her right now. However, they agreed on one thing, a complete dislike for the woman from the clave. "I'm doing my best to get rid of her, believe me. This isn't the way we normally run things around here. We certainly don't burn vampires with rivane. I'm really sorry about her." Alex wanted that woman out of her institute as soon as possible, but she wasn't going to piss off the Clave by just kicking her out. She had to do something that would get the woman sent back, maybe find out what she was really up to, because she certainly had her own agenda. "I never sent a hunter out on surveillance... We don't need to, the clave provides us with all the information we need fro most missions. I never heard about one of ours getting killed either."

This whole thing was so strange, there was something weird going on. This wasn't like the clave, nor was it like anyone at the New York institute, but the woman in the pencil skirt had runes, so she was definitely a shadowhunter of some sort at least... "I do have some questions, but they're more for getting you out of here than for asking about your abilities." She was innocent, that much was clear, and therefore they couldn't legally detain her here. Roje would have to be let go, even if her powers were something that hadn't been seen in years. As much as Alex wanted to study her, to learn more about this type of vampire so that she could help the other shadowhunters be more prepared in the future. "So, you killed in self-defense, killed because a shadowhunter killed you in cold blood. That would be enough to let a normal person go, but it's going to take the clave more than that to let someone so valuable go. Do you have anything else that we go on, a lead we can use so we can let you go? Anything you can give us to help you get out of here?" If not, she'd need to find a way to get her brother here without the woman seeing, maybe with both of them, they could figure a way to get her out of her that wouldn't turn Alex into a fugitive. 

Roje didnt say anything till after she finished speaking "I owe dean nothing. But he did save me from death inside a cemetary which I ran into by mistake running from you guys." she shrugged "Not to mention I told him if he told me your name I would avoid killing you if I got cornered by hunters. Didnt wanna kill his sister and then have him after my head too." besides, Roje wasnt a killer, she didnt kill for sport. She ridded those who were wanted men for horrid crimes and that was it. Otherwise she drank from blood bags and ate human food. "As for the rivane, it's not your fault. Again, its the bitches." she then took a breath and shook her head, glancing at her wrists and watching the burns disappear "If you didnt send anyone else to keep an eye on me...then we both know who did it." it was obvious who it was. The one woman who already started to hurt Roje with Rivane. Man, what was with her and needing information from Roje? Not forgetting to mention the hunter that was sent out to keep an eye on her and then try to kill her. Clearly this woman was manipulating and swaying hunters to do things for her. "I dont have anything else that could release me. Maybe if you try to check out bitchies office or something that was made on file for me. Something could have been falsely accused against me. Would make sense." the vampire shrugged "I do, however have a plan B if all else fails. And until then, just go on and see what you can do, pull strings, ask questions. See where you can get before I tell you what my plan is..." Roje then dropped her voice "But I will tell you secretly. Cant have the guards here knowing my plan. Or else it'll fail too." then she spoke normally "Though tomorrow I want you to take that date Chris set up for tomorrow at six. He's a good guy and quite honestly, he needs someone like you in his life."

"Well that's just great, isnt it?" Chris sighed and then lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck. Hopefully Roje was okay and nothing horrible was happening to her. Lets just hope they put her in a cell with a bed and blanket... "Well for now, lets just...see what we can do. Who knows what they're doing to Roje as we're sitting here, chit chatting." he pulled out his keys and unlocked his car, walking over to it and opening the driver's side and looking wards Dean "Are you coming with? Or do you have other things to do? Not that I mind." Chris was just trying to stay calm and see if he could come up with something other than entrust Dean with all of the planning on getting roje out of the situation she's in. Chris leaned into the car and put the keys into the ignition and turned it as the car then roared to life before he turned his attention back to Dean. I really hope Roje is defending herself... Or at least trying to escape without running into major problems. I know her, she's strong...she isnt a whimp

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Alex sighed, no new information to help her with the investigation, this was going to be harder than she thought. "Alright Roje, I'll see what I can do, I have more authority than most of the other shadowhunters here, which was the reason I was able to get the bitch out of here and put you on lock down to keep you safe from them, but they're still the Clave and I have to be extremely careful in how I approach this. I can't go pissing off the entire Clave, I disobey them and they de-rune me, which means I'd cease to be a shadowhunter and would be the whole supernatural world. Plus its super painful and I could die from going through it so I'd rather not." How was Alex supposed to deal with corruption within the Clave? She definitely could not pack up everything and go to Idris to have this all sorted out, it could take weeks, and then no one would be here to protect Roje. She couldn't just blatantly disobey the Clave either, but at this point Alex wasn't even sure if the Clave had sent this woman. If only Dean still ran the institute, then all this could be solved. Alex had authority, but Ethan was the main one in charge, and obviously he wasn't about to help her when it seemed as though he was letting this woman take over the institute. At least Roje had a plan B, that had to count for something right? Surely she had something up her sleeve that could help, even if she wasn't ready to tell Alex the plan yet. Until then, Alex would have to gather the information that she could in order to get Roje out of here, any files on this case could help, any motive for this woman being here. 

"You expect me t drop everything here, the whole investigation, in order to go on the date with Chris? No offense Roje, but that's kind of crazy. You won't have any protection if I'm not here, you won't have any way to get out and I can pretty much promise you that the woman will somehow convince Ethan to be let back in here, and who knows what will happen to you then. I really can't risk it with so much going on here at the institute." As much as she wanted to go on the date with Chris, there wasn't really much she could do about it. Being a shadowhunter came first, which meant that if she had a job to do here, she'd have to prioritize that over any of her personal endeavors. Besides, if anyone found out that Alex was going on a date with a human, specifically her brother, things were not going to end well for either of them. Alex really should've thought through saying yes to Chris asking her out, it was completely impractical, but she really did like him... 

"Whoa. Dude, Chris, where do you think that you're going? I get you wanna help, but one, they'd skin me alive if I ever showed a human the institute, and two, you'd really only get in the way, I don't want to have to worry about you getting hurt or taken. No offense, but you really don't have an abilities, and you'd just be a liability." He definitely understood where he was coming from with the whole, lets just barge in and break her out idea, but the Shadowhunters weren't like that. They couldn't even get in without somehow deactivating the security ward around the institute. Not only that, but they'd be breaking and entering into a place that housed dozens of highly trained, extremely skilled killer. They were essentially trained to kill people. Even Dean, who was one of the best shadowhunters of the New York institute, maybe even the best, couldn't handle taking on that many hunters at once. "We need to think this through before we make any rash decisions, if we get the Clave after us, or even just the institute, we're toast, and Roje will be gone. They'll take her back to Idris and we'll never see her again. We can't just walk into a nest of assassins without a game plan first." Going after the Clave, well it was one of the only things that Dean would not do, yes sometimes when he was in charge he had ignored their orders, but he had been a well known, highly skilled shadowhunter, now that he was a wolf, well that was all out the window. They would not threaten to kill him or any other downworlder that got in their way.

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"Who said I wasnt crazy?" Roje shot back with a smile "Just go on and do it. I've been through worse than Rivane.  I can handle myself when it comes to people like her. Besides, clearly that woman wants me alive and if I'm dead... Well then... She wont be too happy." Roje cared for Chris and hoped that Alex would just go rather than stand him up tomorrow. She wasnt a child and could handle herself. Even though she was tied up in a cube within a room that had been sealed so she couldnt escape. "C'mon, Alex. Dont just stand him up. He really does like you. Dont let me being captured ruin that. Like I said, if all else fails I have another plan so really there isnt anything to worry about on my end. I may have said to your brother that I wouldnt attack you, but that doesnt mean I'll kick your ass in to go on that date." she teased, finishing up the apple and leaning back in her chair "And if big brother decides to hurt my best friend...well he's not gonna have a nice day." Roje was quite the vampire. She just seen herself as a normal vampire with no perks other than the speed, strength and compelling people. The woman wanted to know what her kind was called, who she was linked to... It bugged Roje insanely because what would a human want with a Shadow Kissed vampire? Was it just to be used to find the person who made Roje what she was now?

Chris rolled his eyes "I didnt say I was gonna go up to their front door. I was actually gonna head home and I was offering a ride." he told Dean "If you plan to make a game plan, count me in. If you have any floor plans of the place we could plan routes." then he sighed "Come, get in and we'll talk on the way." he then got into the car and buckled up, waiting for Dean to get in the car. If there is a nest of assassins in that HQ, then surely they would need assassins to get into the place too. Fight fire with fire... But where the hell would we find assassins?  I guess that Idea is off the table. Unless Dean knows what I dont know. This is what happens when you get caught in the supernatural drama. Things are up in the air, there are secret orginizations, hunters, other creatures out there other than Roje. Just a big fat mess is what the supernatural world was.
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"Alright alright, if you really want me to go, I'll be there. I just thought that maybe a kidnapping was a little bit more important than a date. But I get what you're saying. And I wasn't going to stand him up, I was going to cancel, there's a big difference." Alex laughed when she said she'd kick her ass. "I'd like to see you try Roje, I may look small, but I'm much stronger than I look, I can give Dean a run for his money. Besides, it'd be a little difficult for you to, considering you're currently tied to a chair." If Roje was really okay with staying here for a little while longer, then Alex wasn't going to argue about it. It seemed odd that Roje was acting so non-chalant about being captured, but maybe that was just the way she was. Alex didn't really know much about Roje anyway.

The vampire spoke up again, this time about her brother hurting Chris. "Believe me, I hope that isn't happening either. Dean's not used to being out of the loop, normally hes the first one to know about anything shadowhunter related. I think this whole thing is just hitting him kind of hard. And although I can take care of myself, I think it freaked him out a bit to find out Chris, one of our good friends, was involved with you, someone we had come to know as dangerous and unpredictable. I just think he didn't want me getting hurt." It was true though, her brother was way more protective than he should be. But she knew Chris could handle himself, hopefully. Her brother may be a brute, but she and Chris were about the only ones that ever stood up to him, so she had some hope. "Wait... Chris never even told me where we were going. Oh god. Um... That'll be interesting. And where is he going to pick me up from? Dean's? He can't exactly pick me up from the institute, it looks like an abandoned church from the outside because of the glamour."

"Alright, Alright, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to do anything stupid to get yourself killed. You're like the only friend Alex has, she'd kill me." What Dean didn't realize was that Alex and Chris now might be involved, which would make his previous statement even more accurate. "Alright, so game plan, I've got a contact within the institute and they might be able to help us. I doubt the whole institute is okay with this random capture of a vampire, because they're technically breaking the accords. Obviously, I can't tell you who the people I can contact is at risk of them finding out I told a human about them, but I can see what I can do. But, they can't know that you're involved in any way, it'll get you killed and it get me up shit's creek." That, and he didn't want Chris to know the truth about Alex, in fact, it was likely that he could never know the truth about her and what she did late at night. 

(Shadowhunters are actually part angel, the original shadowhunters drank angel blood from a cup of sorts, but we'll get into that later ^_^  )
(oooo plot thickens xD)

Roje laughed softly "I like your attitude. Anyway, I can always snap Dean into his senses. Flick him on the nose. But I do understand where he's coming from with the whole protective brother. Besides, he shouldnt hold it against Chris for being friends with me. He knew he had to keep my species a secret from everyone else. Clearly my whereabouts were compromised by that hunter that you didnt send after me." when Alex began to worry over Chris not telling her where they were going, she had a soft smile on her lips and spoke "Well, if you get to his house on time, you'll be able to catch him before he leaves. Tomorrow at Six, was it? Yeah. He's gonna take you out to the movies first. But make sure to dress nicely because he has a surprise afterwards. I'm sure you've been to his house. If not, just ask Dean because that's where he found me in the first place." It was obvious that Roje really wasnt ashamed of telling Alex that she was actually in Chris's house. So it was pretty noticable that she did nothing with Chris that night. Aside from him taking a wooden bullet from her back. Roje took a deep breath and shifted in her chair, only wincing at the ropes still around her ankles which burned as she moved. Her being trapped was worth it, even if she was going to be tortured by the bitch who put her here in the first place "Alex, if they start taking blood from me, I'll let you know the next time you come in. I have a feeling that woman wont stop till she gets what she wants. How I know? Because im a bitch too."

Chris began to drive once Dean was in the car "That's fine if you have to keep me almost out of the loop. Secrets are needed in this world to move on, wouldnt you say?" he glanced at him for a moment before looking back at the Road "Roje is not what she seems, Dean. She really is a good woman, despite being a vampire. I've been her friend for ages, and I'll always be her friend till I drop dead. Because of you being a werewolf, I'm sure your natural instinct is to hate her. But dont. She's trustworthy." he made a turn and continued to drive "By the way, Dean. Better not kill me for this: But i'm going on a date with your sister tomorrow." he said in a relaxed tone, glancing at Dean for a minute and then back at the road "Dont worry, I'm not like those douches that try to pressure their girlfriend or something. You already knew that." Chris was the last guy to try and treat a woman wrong. It was something that bothered him to the core and if he accidently acted like that, he'd instantly apologize and hope that he gets forgiven. "If I do, I'll let you punch me a few times, Alright?" he couldnt help but grin and glance at him with a chuckle "I have no bad intentions for your sister."

(Little short but better than yesterday)
"Well, I'm glad you do I suppose, because it's not about to change anytime soon." Alex was very confident in her abilities, her close combat ones in particular, because she had been top of her age group since she was very young. The brunette had always been one of the best hunters in the institute, ever since she got her runes. The only people that could rival her skills were her brother, who was extremely well versed in all types of combat, including long distance which was her weakness, and Ethan, who had taken over the Head of the institute because Alex was too young to be in charge. Not only that, but Alex had never wanted the responsibility of running the institute, it would mean giving up her free will and spending the majority if not all of her time locked up in the institute. She also did not want to be held responsible for the body count at the end of the day. Besides, Alex absolutely detested politics and all the corruption they brought. The Clave may be important to the structure of the shadowhunter and supernatural world, but they often caused more problems than they started with. This had become even more blatantly obvious with the situation the hunter found herself in right now. If they had so easily overlooked the reason for capturing Roje, who knew what other dirty work Alex and the other hunters had done for the Clave unknowingly. 

"A surprise? Oh god..." Alex absolutely hated surprises, anything she couldn't plan for drove her absolutely crazy. "What kind of surprise? Like are we talking don't just wear ripped jeans and a sweatshirt, or are we talking a cute dress? Or are we talking drop dead gorgeous fancy dress? Roje this is very important, I can't over dress or under dress!" Now Alex was beginning to become a little ridiculous with how much she was overthinking. "Sorry... I just really like Chris and I want it to go well, I can't do that if I don't dress the part." The hunter didn't even notice the comment about Roje knowing about being at his house, and the red flags that normally would've raised. "But, don't worry, I'll do my best to make sure you get blood while I'm gone. I'm going to keep all my orders in place and I'll assign someone to bring you food and such but I just can't guarantee the pencil skirt bitch won't somehow override my orders."

"Roje is definitely not what she seems, but the problem is I just can't wrap my head around her, one minute she's threatening me and the next she needs my help and she doesn't act like a human or a vampire. It's really enough to make your head spin trying to keep track of everything. She's a character, I'll give her that much." Dean really hadn't ever come across someone he couldn't pin one way or another, Shadowhunters were very straight forward, black or white type people. It wasn't like them to be constantly changing their emotions and their sides on situations. Though, it seemed to be exactly what they were doing right now, going to help Roje after trying to hunt her down for so long. "I see now that she's alright though, she had a lot of opportunities to do stuff that screw us over or put us in danger and she hasn't. You know other than the whole Shadow Hunters swat team break in thing." Dean chuckled but then stopped dead in his tracks when Chris said that he was planning to take out his sister. "Wait you what?" Dean's expression went from easy going and amused to completely serious. He was joking right? Surely Alex hadn't said yes even if he had asked? Surely Alex knew that she couldn't date Chris didn't she? Why was she getting her hopes up? "You can't date my sister." Alex was a shadowhunter. She had to date another shadowhunter. If she didn't well not only would she be shunned, but she would be part of the reason the shadowhunters were dying out! Shadowhunters were supposed to marry shadowhunters and that was that. Not only that, but Dean definitely was not comfortable with Chris dating Alex. They were friends, which would make him dating his sister be extremely weird and awkward. He knew he wouldn't hurt her, but now was not the time to do this. "No, Chris it's not a good idea."
"And why not?" asked Chris "Just because she's your sister, it wont change things between us being buddies. Besides, it's just one date, and if she doesnt like it then we wont go on another date." Chris was a little worried as to how serious Dean sounded. He's been wanting to finally date Alex after holding off for a long time. This was his chance and Dean wasnt going to let him? That was so messed up in many ways. It was as if Dean didnt want his sister to date anyone and that was too protective of a brother. This irritated Chris greatly "Dean, I know you love your sister and I know that you're very protective of her. But if you're going to be this protective over her, how is she ever going to get someone to be by her side other than you? No offense." Things were going to get intense, he could already tell. But the fact that dean said that he couldnt date Alex and that it wasnt a good idea, actually hurt him. What was it that he didnt want him to know? "You're acting as if she's going to get in trouble if she's involved with me in some shape or form." Chris was going to regret speaking his mind but Dean needed to know the truth. After all, Chris had no idea that Alex was part of the hunters, nor did he know that she wasnt allowed to date humans outside of the shadow hunter institute. Even if Dean told him off and not to dare go out with his sister, he'd still call her and get her to go out so they can go on the date "If you're angry about this, Dont take it out on her. It was my choice to tell you. If I didnt tell you, I would bet that you would be far more angry than now."

"Woah woah woah," said Roje "Chill out, Alex." she laughed "Just dress up in a cute dress. Not too fancy but not too... sloppy. Just cute. I'm sure if Chris saw you in a cute dress: He'd blush like a madman." She leaned forward and reached for her hands, holding them in her own "And dont eat like a bird. Eat as much as you like in front of him. He loves it when a woman eats as much as she wants in front of him. Proves that 1: you'll be full and 2: you're not afriad to eat." Roje then released her hands and sat back with a happy sigh "I'm so glad you're gonna go on a date with him. He's a really good guy for you." Even though Alex was a shadowhunter, Chris was still human and wanted to date the right girl that he fell for. It took him forever and a lot of Roje pushing him on to go and ask her out. If she rejected him, he would have most likely been crushed  because he liked her so much. "As for the blood, dont worry about it. I had a bag before bitchie decided to go bust into my house and have billions of darts shot at me. I'll be alright for the next..10 hours. Human food is a good subsitute. Just human food doesnt hold me for a super long time and if I go days without blood, I will get weak, start looking like I caught a bad flu. Not a pretty sight im sure." Even if the bitch did override Alex's orders, Roje can hold out. She had friends who had her back and knew that they'd get her out (Said people being Alex, Dean and Chris) and get her away from this place. If plans did go right... She wasnt sure if she'd be entierly cleared. Which is why her plan would clear her wether the people liked it or not.
Dean sighed and shook his head. Chris really didn't get it. Alex could get into trouble for even being seen with him, if they went on a date? Well it wasn't normal. It was tradition to marry another shadowhunter to carry on the blood line. They had to keep Shadowhunters alive and the only way to do that was to not muddy the bloodline. Hell most Shadowhunters had arranged marriages that were set up in Idris. He liked Chris, he really did, but it just wasn't realistic for Alex and him to be together. Sure it was one date, that was true. But one date lead to another and the next thing they both knew they'd be on way over their heads. If Alex did decide she wanted to be with Chris then fine, but it wasn't as if he could know anything about the main part of their lives. Chris could never meet any of their family, or see the institute. He could never know how she went out and hunted demons every night. He'd never know the true Alex. Hell he couldn't even see the runes that covered her body or the years of scars and marks that came from hunting. That may be hard for him to swallow, but Dean was really just saving him more pain in the long run.

"You and my sister, you guys just aren't good for each other. I get you like her and I'm sorry I just don't think it's going to end well. Yes I'm protective of her and I wouldn't like anyone she chose to date but this isn't about that. I know you're a good guy Chris and I know you wouldn't hurt her. It just shouldn't happen. It won't end well for either of you guys if you go through with this." As much as he wanted to tell Chris about he and Alex, it was against their code. And either way, it wasn't his secret to tell. It was alex's. "You're right though. I'd definitely be even more pissed if you hadn't told me. Chris I'm not going to like give you my blessing or anything if that's what you want from me or some shit. And I'm not happy about this. But Alex is an adult so she can do what she wants. You should talk to her about it though. Make sure you guys are both on the same page about where this whole thing is going."

Alex rubbed the back of her neck and blushed a little. "Sorry my I guess I just haven't been on a date in a while." In all honesty Alex had never gone on a normal human date, anyone that she went out with, well they had always been just suitors from Idris, other Shadowhunters that were just interested in upkeeping the bloodline. Even earlier than that it had been Shadowhunters her parents had set up with her but she had never taken any interest in. She didn't want a suitor or an arranged marriage. Alex didn't want to get stuck with someone she barely knew to make babies to continue the shadowhunter race. She had always held out hope maybe she'd find a shadowhunter she actually liked and could have a natural relationship with, but it was obvious that it wasn't going to happen. Many of the suitors she had already rejected came back for second visits. It was slim pickings being a hunter. "I hope that you're right Roje, I'm breaking a lot of unspoken and spoken rules by going out with Chris. I could get in some serious trouble, were supposed to only engage in courtship with eachother, not downworlders and especially not humans." It was so frustrating, the brunette hated all the rules that surrounded her social/personal life but the law was hard but it was the law... "Well figure this whole thing out. And then we'll get you out of here. It can't be that hard to prove your innocence, especially considering there's no paperwork for the Intel mission the shadowhunter that died was sent on. Meaning in the Claves eyes he should be seen as working for himself or someone else unofficially."
So he didnt want him to get hurt? Was that all this was about? Not to mention he said that he and Alex werent good for eachother. How would he know!? What did he know that Chris didnt? "I wasnt going to ask for your blessing or anything, so you dont have to worry so much about that." said Chris "But as you said, she's an adult and can do what she wants. When the time comes I'll talk to her but I really dont feel like scaring her off on the first date." something irked Chris during this and he very much didnt like it. As he pulled into his driveway, he parked and pulled the keys from the car and got out. "Lets just do what we need to do, just to help Roje right now. Who knows what might be happening to her." but little did he know that she was fine and was talking with the woman he asked out earlier this morning. Now thinking about it, not too long after Alex left, he was told that Roje had been kidnapped. Chris wasnt stupid and it just felt too... odd to have two things happen almost at once. Did Alex know about the Shadowhunters? She had to...if her brother did, what made him think that she wouldnt? Now things were beginning to piece together but he didnt dare mention it to Dean. Who knows what he might do or say so it was best to keep his mouth shut "Or you can stay in my car and call your...'special' people like you were planning to earlier while I head inside?" either way, Chris was going to have his mind filled with nonsense for a very long time and until everything is cleared up.

Roje found it really amusing that Alex was so excited for a date. Especially with Chris. Then again, Alex really did like him so it was pretty predictable. Roje lifted her hand and waved it as if nothing bothered her "Dont be sorry. You're excited, I cant blame you for being excited." plus it was cute on her. She seemed a lot less...Hunter and a lot more human which she liked very much. But hearing that she was breaking spoken and unspoken rules just by going out with her best friends and could get in trouble. Apparently they need to do all this courtship shit "Well that doesnt sound too fun. Sounds like you're being held down by a ball and chain. I would break all those rules and do whatever the hell I want." just to be controlled that way? Might as well get brainwashed first and then get all of that done "We'll see what pops up then. I look forward to being let out and able to do almost anything. If there was another vampire that can compell me then that would make life far more eaiser but obviously I dont think you guys have super strong vampires at your disposal to even try something like that. I cant compell myself either so that's out of the question entirely." before she knew it, her eyes stayed open and were glossed over with gold as she was looking through another person's eyes. Her ears ignoring any sound that was currently around her and was focusing on the vison at hand. Who was this? Where was this? Watching as the person looked down, she noticed the hands were male. This was the link that she experienced few other times but only for brief moments..
"That's exactly what it's like, and the worst part of it is, every single one of those shadowhunters from Idris are so traditional and boring! It's not even properly dating, they just want to get the approval of the family to marry and they don't care about the actual relationship between the two people. It's seriously infuriating. Between the boring stick in the muds, or the arrogant, over confident assholes, there's no decent choice. At least not that I've seen, and I've had quite a few suitors I've had to chase off with a seraph blade." Alex laughed lightly, forgetting that they were sitting in an room meant for captive people meant to be questioned with Roje tied to a chair, it seemed as though they were just two girls talking normally. Alex had never had many friends, particularly friends that were girls. It was a nice change to the dull conversations of strategy or fighting techniques. Besides most people that tried to talk to the brunette about fighting, bragging about how good they were, ended up on their back before they could blink. 

Roje mentioning enjoying the thought of getting out here and going back to being able to do whatever she wanted snapped Alex back to reality. She needed to figure out how to get her out of here, and soon if they were going to avoid the woman with the pencil skirt. "We unfortunately don't have many strong vampires at our disposal, the majority of powerful vampires get that way by doing things that break the accords, such as feeding off of the unwilling. Therefore the majority of old, strong vampires are on the run from us. But, I think with the lack of paperwork and lack of backing from the Clave we'll be able to get you out of here soon. I'll need to search all the records we have of your case so far to be sure though. After that, well we wouldn't have any reason to detain you and there isn't anything the pencil skirted bitch could do." At that moment, the vampire's eyes glazed over gold and she went completely stiff. Was this another side effect of being that special kind of vampire? Alex wasn't exactly sure how to handle this, considering she was caught completely unprepared. After a few seconds, Alex realized it wasn't stopping and that Roje wasn't moving at all. She got up and went over to her side, hesitant to touch her but curious none the less. "Roje? Are you okay?"

Dean could tell that Chris was upset with him, and honestly he couldn't blame him. He didn't like being told no either. And it wasn't as if he could offer any type of explanation as to why he was so against the idea of the two of them going out on a single date. Dean knew Alex, if she was actually giving Chris a chance, which she didn't do for almost any guy that asked her out, she had to be serious about being with him. This Dean was sure was going to lead to trouble for everyone involved... But still, he wasn't about to go make this decision for Alex, even if she was being extremely stupid and reckless. She wasn't sixteen years old anymore, which meant even if he wanted to tell her no, he couldn't and she wouldn't even listen if he did. That girl was definitely stubborn, she rivaled even him with how hard headed she was. Chris seemed to be just as certain about this decision, even if he knew little abut him and his sister's past. Dean wanted to warn him, because though Alex could egt shunned by the shadow hunter community, he knew a break up would be even harder for Chris. But it wasn't his place to get overly involved with it if they did get serious, that would be between the two of them. Besides, it would probably be best not to push him when he was this pissed off. The last thing he needed was to get into a fight, although it might be a good way to blow off some steam... No, Chris was just in his reaction and Dean knew it. "Alright yea, lets just focus at the problem at hand, we can worry about all this later." Dean pulled out his cellphone after Chris got out of the car. He quickly dialed his sister and tried not to seem to conspicuous about it. The last thing he needed was to blow Alex's cover from the phone call. He waited and waited for her to pick up the phone. 

Roje had still been staring into space. Her voice soft as she spoke "I-Its a male... The person who changed me..." but what she didnt know is that this person was in a bathroom and before he could reveal his face in the mirror, she was shut out and her eyes had gone back to normal while she looked around in a slight panic before relaxing with a sigh and landing her eyes on Alex who was by her side with her hands on her arm "Well I didnt know you liked being this close to a woman." she said in a flirty tone and gave her a grin before laughing "I'm teasing. I'm straight too so dont worry." then again, all joking aside, she did just go through a whole scene of staring into space and she lost her smile and spoke "You just witnessed me looking into space didnt you?" it was obvious by the look of consern on Alex's face that she did witness it. "Alright, if I tell you what happened just now, you need to promise me that all this information stays between us. I hate telling other people and the only one who knows is Chris." Roje turned as much as she could and turned Alex's head and leaned close, whispering into her ear "That bitch wants the information of me being Shadow Kissed. Shadow kissed is the title they give to vampires who were brought back from the dead by a Spirit user. I dont know what that is but whatever. I am plagued with ghosts in areas where the dead are most common such as hospitals. This is the reason why I have such a hard time going into places where the dead are located."

Then she continued "Apparently I can go mad if negative efffects from the person im linked to is shoved onto me and can cause self harm and all that jazz." Roje can trust her, she knew she could. Alex was going to be dating her best friend and he knew that she was a vampire so... Yeah. "She wants to know who im bonded to which obviously, I have no idea since he kicked me out before I could see his face. Probably because he's a strong vampire...Probably one of the strongest... Not that I would know, I never met the dude since he just fed from me, healed me and left. Leaving me to figure out things on my own." which wasnt the best part of her adventures at all. Trying to control the hunger, the pain, the strength. She was just a big fat mess the first few months of being a vampire in that mansion that she slowly grew to hate. Roje then pulled from Alex's ear and looked at her, giving her a slight smile but losing it instantly. "Keep that between us, Alex. Promise me you wont say a word...If you want, I can compell you and no one will be able to get the answer out unless they're strong enough to override my compulsion."

(Since I have nothing for Chris right now, he just went into his house and left the door open for Dean :3)
When Roje came to, Alex could finally take a deep breath. "Okay, I've seen some pretty sketchy shit, but that was just plain creepy. You okay?" When Roje went back to making jokes, specifically flirtatious ones, she just laughed. "Alright, I'll take it that you're fine then. Considering you're making jokes." Then Roje got serious again so Alex went to go sit down in her chair again, what had happened was obviously important in some aspect. As she explained, Alex sat there quietly, nodding when it was appropriate. "Alright, so never let you near anywhere where people die or are dead, good to know." So Roje was something called shadow kissed, well that was something to go on at least, maybe the institute library would have some information to go off of, after all they had documents that dated back centuries. There had to be something there that could help her, but of course the most important thing would be to get her out of custody first. But Chris knew about all of this that wasn't good. That mean he probably knew about her brother, and possibly her being a shadowhunter, which wasn't going to end well. "Alright so Chris knows? How long has he known?" Alex had never gotten any clue that Chris was involved in the supernatural world. How had she never known he knew about them? He just seemed so normal! 

"Everything that we talk about stays between you, me and Chris, and possibly my brother if you plan on including him in any of this. I know you guys don't exactly get along but he's definitely good to have on your side. He knows his way around the supernatural world, even more than I do, considering he's now a downworlder. He's seen both sides of it." The brunette sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen now won't we? We don't want you going crazy, and I don't want you harming yourself either. That would be bad to say the least." Alex began to think tactically, how could they find out who this man was? Had the shadowhunters ever come across anyone similar to him, or even him before? She'd have to go through all of their records to make sure, it may take a while but it was obviously important to Roje to figure out exactly what happened to her and what the entirety of her abilities now were. "you don't have to compell me Roje, I just wanna help. We can figure out what happened and we'll find as much information about your condition as we can. We'll figure this whole thing out. But I think it'd probably be best if you were out of custody first. And I think Chris would much prefer that anyhow."

Just then, Alex's phone rang, it was her brother. "It's Dean, maybe he figured something out." She picked up the phone and stood up. As walked the length of the holding cell as her brother explained what they had been up to. Shit he had found out about her date with Chris. "Dean this really is not the time for that." Once she had managed to get him back on topic, she explained their current situation, how she had put Roje in lock down and how the woman after them didn't have an documentation that she was actually from the Clave. She talked about how a shadowhunter had been unofficially been sent out after her and had attacked her. "Yea, yea I know." She was glad that he was on her side about getting Roje out of here, but he even seemed surprised that she was so willing to help. "Well of course I want to help! I may have been hunting her, but this is totally illegal. Plus this woman is using torture to id you tell Chris about me being a hunter? Are you Planning on it? No? Alright. No Dean, I don't know what I'm going to do about it. No I don't know if I'm going to tell him! Would you stop harassing me please!" Alex sighed and shook her head, continuing to pace along the floor. "Alright yea, I'll put in the order. But she can't go to the city of bones so I don't know how we're going to pull this off. No there's no way she'd survive, it's a mass shadowhunter grave site! The whole place is built out of our bones for god sake!" Alex finally got off the phone with her brother, glad that he had called because he had come up with an almost fool proof plan on how to get Roje out of the institute. "Alright Roje so this is what we're going to do." She began to explain the plan (Dean's going to explain to Cris and I didn't want to have to write it twice ^_^")

After getting off the phone with his sister, Dean headed inside Chris's house, realizing as he walked through the doorway that this was the house he had tracked the vampire to last night. As he walked through the archway and over to the living room where Chris was sitting on the couch he began to apologize. "Okay so, don't get mad, but that person that was here last night after Roje? Yea that was me, i'm super sorry bro." Dean was sure if Chris still considered him a bro after how the last few days have gone, but he hoped that they were cool. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Alright anyway, now that that's out in air, we should get down to business." Dean sat down in a chair across from Chris. "Okay so, we're going to have to contact a place called the city of bones Now don't freak out we're not going to take Roje there, I know she can't with the dead and stuff." He remained serious as he began his explanation. "So there are these people called the silent brothers, they have special powers. And they have a sword of sorts that forces any supernatural being to tell the truth when they hold it. They look pretty creepy, they have their mouths sewn shut, which gives them their mental abilities. They're shadowhunters of sorts, but theyre much more extreme than the average one." Dean realized that he was going way too much into detail about the people and not how it was going to help Roje.

"Alright that's not important, what's important is the sword. The shadowhunters at the institute can hold a trail for Roje. It'll prove her innocence and they'll be forced to let her go. The sword can't be argued, because it's physically impossible to resist it." As long as Roje was telling the whole truth, everything would be fine. "The silent brothers owe me a small favor, so it's possible for us to get one of them to come to the institute to hold the trial there. That way Roje will be safe and we can have a fair trial. There's a woman that has it out for Roje, someone that claims to be from our form of government but isn't." It was the best chance they had of getting Roje out of there without her being wanted or so that they didn't piss off the Clave. Plus, Alex wouldn't have to risk her position at the institute by sneaking around and trying to find information to pin against the woman. that was after Roje.

"Chris has only known the whole title thing since this morning when I spoke to him. As for me being a vampire...a few years. But other than that, he has no idea about your night shift and only knows about me and your brother. I'd be worried if he found out about you because I wouldnt know if he'd dare change his opinion on you... I doubt it but you never know. People can change for better or worse." but hopefully Chris wouldnt if he ever found out about her. Alex was a good girl, Roje could tell. She had a heart just by how she pitied the vampire. Going out of her way to help a blood sucker who tries to be good with the humans. Guess the world wasnt full of assholes after all. "Your brother will learn eventually. Might as well tell him but when you're both alone somewhere. Seeing as he's going out of his way to save me too, there's no reason to keep him in the dark. So go on ahead when you get the free time." Alex was determined to keep Roje from hurting herself and going crazy, a smile pulled at the ends of her lips as she tilted her head a little and looked at her "You dont know how much I wanna get out of custody. I feel like I'm a kid in Juvie." she joked, looking towards the glass and at the guards standing outside door through the window that was exposed. They looked pretty serious and buff looking. Not to mention their blood must have been tasty. Wait... Why was she thinking like that? That is not how Roje rolls.

The vampire shook her head and soon enough, a cell phone began to ring and she glanced over at Alex who said it was Dean and picked up. Of course, with her heightened hearing, she listened in on the conversation and found it amusing that Dean was actually getting side tracked with a date that Chris and Alex were planning on going on tomorrow. "Typical protective brother." she quipped, still listening in. Apparently there was a place called the city of bones and to Roje, that didnt sound too fun for her brain. More or less it sounded like a death trap for any Shadow Kissed vampire. That doesnt sound too good to me... she thought but her worries had been cleared as Alex told him that she couldnt go through it. Good, Alex was thinking of her sanity. Once done, Alex began to debrief her on the situation that was gonna be on hand "So, about the City of Bones..." she said, allowing Alex to explain. Apparently there was some sort of sword there that could make anyone tell the truth. Pretty much impossible for anyone to resist the power of being forced to tell the truth. Just hearing the guys who had the blade, actually had their mouths sewed shut and that didnt sit well with Roje. But hey, to get her out of here? She'd do it. "Alright. Doesnt seem as bad as I thought. I'm sure it's worth it. Just hurry and start now. I dont know how much time I got till she comes back to torture me till I talk. Which, by the way, wont happen. Ever."

Chris looked over and shook his head "Dont be sorry. You didnt know at the time. Now you do." watching as he took a seat in front of him, Chris made himself lean forward with his head resting on his folded hands, taking in every piece of information that Dean had given him. That was until he mentioned the creepy guys with sewed mouths and a truth sword which rang bells almost instantly in his head. Then he went onto how a woman had been after her who has not been part of the group that she says she's part of. "Of course there's someone out there who has it for Roje. Perfect. As for this truth sword, how does it work? We cant let Roje spill the whole truth, she has a secret that she doesnt want anyone to ever know aside for those close to her... Im sure she doesnt want everyone in the court to hear what she found out just this morning." why was he so concerned for her secret? Maybe then again...it was something big and can reveal a whole lot "Especially if that woman is there...she'll get everything she wanted from Roje." why did he have to be part of this? Why couldnt he be normal like Alex...? He ran his hand through his hair "This is just a lot to take in, Dean. Seriously. The city of bones, sewed mouths with a sword that makes you tell the truth, shadow hunters. Is there any magical faries or dragons I should know about?" maybe a date with Alex is what he actually needed. To relax, push aside all stress that is weighing down on him now.
"Yea, I'm very worried about the way he would react if he found out about me being a hunter, everything that has been going on is probably a lot to take in considering he hasn't grown up with this." There was a reason Alex hid her being a shadowhunter, besides the fact that she wasn't supposed to tell any non supernaturals about their world. "I'll tell him when the time is right, when everything has calmed down a bit because right now we have enough going on right now. With trying to get you out of here and the Clave not actually being involved. Them getting the silent brothers would make things even more complicated but it was better than them sneaking around and possibly coming out looking like the bad guys. "He might freak out with so much going on at once and not being able to control or be directly involved with it and I can't say I really blame him for that. After all this used to be his institute, he probably hates the fact that its being corrupt like this. And I know you want to get out of here, we're going to do our best to get you out of here as soon as possible. After all you shouldn't even be here in the first place so." Hopefully things would finally go back to normal after they got Roje out of here. Alex was used to hunting and killing demons and capturing the occasional rouge downworlder. She hated politics and this seemed an awful lot like corrupt politics to her. 

The silent brothers, well they were definitely an interesting bunch, but they'd be able to set things straight. They would only ask about the things that were relevant so hopefully things would go okay. Hopefully Roje's secrets wouldn't get revealed. But it wasn't like it was going to be someone biased that was going to be doing the questioning. It was going to be one of the silent brothers so hopefully everything was going to go fine. "The silent brothers may seem scary and intimidating when you first meet them but I'm sure that you'll be fine. After all they're unbiased, and they wouldn't do anything to hurt you. The nice thing about them is they're impossible to persuade or corrupt so we won't have to worry about that. Just don't try to resist the sword, it can be quite painful if you do." Unfortunately, Alex was speaking from experience but that was another story for a different time. "If you want me to get started now I will, it should just be a summoning and they'll probably make the preparations to travel with the sword and I imagine they'd be here some time tomorrow. Though I can't promise what time they'll arrive. They're very mysterious with that kind of thing. It's not like they'll call when they're getting ready to leave." Alex laughed at the thought of one of the silent brothers picking up a cell phone.

"Yea whatever it is that makes her so different, the woman and whoever is working with her, they want it. Or at least the information about it. I couldn't really say why though." Dean really wasn't sure what information about an ancient race of vampires that no longer existed would be beneficial for. "The sword has a sort of truth serum type of power. Its extremely influencial, and resisting it can cause an immense amount of pain. Don't worry though, as long as she doesn't resist, she'll be perfectly fine. The silent brothers are the ones who officiate the trial, so there's no possibility of the person asking questions to be influenced. That should mean that Roje's secret should be safe." He shifted in his seat and continued to speak. "Roje should be safe. And my friends at the institute are on her side too. Roje will be fine." This was so much to explain to Chris in such a short period of time, there was no wonder why Chris was having trouble wrapping his head around the whole thing. It was a complicated world, and he was getting dragged into a world he didn't even belong in. "Well, I mean there are faeries but they're not your average day pixie or anything like that. They're more like a group of warriors, and can control magic. You should stay away from them because they're very tricky creatures. They can't lie, but they never tell the truth."

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Roje nodded slowly "Once you tell him, Im sure things would be easier to accept. Of course, as you said, after everything has calmed down." Alex was right, so man things were happening between her kidnapping and then now going to have to get these brothers to do a trial with her and bring the truth sword and all that jazz. Not to mention going to this "City of Bones" place. So much to do in such a little time frame that they wanted to get done in. "I can wait...Sorta. Losing a bit of patience here to be quite honest with you. Waiting isnt exactly my specialty." she continued to listen on with Alex and nodded "Well I have faith that they wont hurt me. At least they wont be able to be made corrupt or anything like that. As for resisting the sword, I have no reason to unless it has something to do with my one secret. Other than that, I wont be holding back." even with personal things like a love life, or what she does in the shower. It was all carefree except that one secret. And of course her inner self that she refused to really let anyone see. Except Chris. He knew how soft she could get. "Sometime tomorrow is better than next week. Go for it, I'll be here. Chilling out. Probably gonna scream a few times, throw a few threats, maybe bite the girl and see what happens... Probably more tranqs or something like that. Ah, life sucks sometimes If I do say so myself."

Thinking about the times she was free, she really didnt do anything bad. She saved innocent people, ridded the evil like murders, tried to make this world a better place. She was also thinking of adopting a child or two just so they can grow with someone who wont think of ever hurting them no matter what. She also thought about her ex boyfriend, he made her so happy and made her feel so great inside, till he vanished and left her for a long time with no return. Her cousin did whatever he wanted, her brother was wherever and she was just stuck in the ever emptying mansion before she left and did all that she could do. Run around the world -or almost all of it- and see what she could. Got a few cool jobs but didnt last long cause she moved. Her life was rather...hectic. But it should calm down after this whole trial. Without even thinking, she said this aloud: "I think I should really thank your brother... If it werent for him, I probably would have went insane, or died." she was just deep in thought and speaking aloud "How do I thank a werewolf? Give him a love bite or something? I dont exactly have a tail to run under his nose."

(Okay I may have ran into a block with chris for now XD)

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