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Somewhere, in a sketchy alleyway | "I don't get paid enough for this shit."

Oriax remained silent, taking in the girl's words, though giving no response. The demon was at more or less a loss for words - this girl's speech mannerisms, voice, everything seemed to match up with what Oriax remembered. "Bullshit, Dantalion's been dead for five-thousand years," Oriax replied, still frowning. Unfortunately, he did not possess the Raven's ability to tell truth and lie with but a glance. "And Archdemon Raum hasn't been seen by demonkind for the same amount of time - quit your bullshitting and tell me-"

For seemingly no reason, Oriax stopped mid-sentence, falling back to silence for another moment. This situation was too bizarre, the last thing Oriax had expected was to find his Lord's dead daughter, naked in the rain, far, far away from Hell. He would've sliced off the 'faker's' head by now, if not for the fact that he couldn't deny the odd scent of some strange magic in the air. Normally, he'd deny it, but there was indeed a probability that this girl was actually Dantalion. He let out a long, exasperated sigh, walking over in front of Dantalion, and pulled his jacket over her. "I don't get paid enough for these kinds of things..." Oriax mumbled to himself, still in mild confusion himself. "You remember anything? Best to not bother if you can't, side effect from resurrection sickness, probably. Remembering your death might be a bit of a shock; worst-case scenario, you remember all the shitty sensations and start feeling them even though they're not actually there."

With the enchanted jacket no longer protecting him from the rain, Oriax was immediately drenched in water. The sword disappeared from his hand before he raised it over his face, pushing his soaked hair aside. "And it seems you got your demonic eyes back... Just to be safe, use them on me and tell me what I've been doing recently."

Deathkitten Deathkitten

Mia honestly had no clue how to respond to any of this, and where one might normally be perturbed, she was all smiles. This was all so exciting and new! Though the woman pulled her daughter away, Mia followed slightly to give Aia a little return lick to her cheek, “It’s okay miss! If it’s how she says hello and explores her world then that’s okay with me! I bet I taste funny! She’s probably never tasted a robot before!”

She played a little with the watch, which was fairly high tech for just a watch, but she tried really hard to not break it. She diiiiid manage to set the language... to binary. How? She had no idea. She handed the watch back with a sheepish smile, “Well... I didn’t break it? Thanks...”

Mia giggled and idly pet Aia’s tail as her focus moved to the little girl that had wandered over after the man who waved said some rather rude things. She was cute! Mia was still smiling, “Hate is a petty emotion, I’ve learned! I’ve not had anything I hate yet. You two shouldn’t hate each other just for existing, mister. He is a demon of some sort, yes? If he’s here, for all you know he could have renounced his past, and has nothing to do with what you hate. You must make an effort to be more than the simple sum of your parts. If I wasn’t, then I’d just be another simplistic VI or a non-true AI. Nothing but a robot. Perhaps I should go explain this to that man as well?”

Mia moved to stand, then realized she was stuck on the inside of a booth and couldn’t get out without climbing over or under her new friends. “Whoopsie. Miss snake lady and miss snake lady’s mom? Can I get past you?”

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles LostHaven LostHaven Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Kyrenka Kyrenka
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"It's been five-thousand years??" she squeaked out, barely a whisper as her indignation turned to a simple frown, "I remember everything... yes... I... my first scream was from my panic... the... the pain and whatnot..." She pulled the jacket tighter around her looking up at him with a pitifully sad look in her eyes. That look changed in an instant to pure confusion. "I... what?" she asked, incredulous as she used her ability on him, giggling a little, "Oriax, how in Lucifer's name do you get lost in alleyways? I know you're a fan of all manner of debauchery, but really? To get lost in such a relatively small maze of buildings? You cause me to wonder how you ever managed to navigate Hell's markets."

She heaved a small sigh and offered him a smile, "I'm so happy you're alright, Oriax... How is Father? How is Lilia? Please take me to them. They're going to have all manner of questions, but I doubt I can rightly answer them. Still, I wish to see them more than anything. I do not know who resurrected me or for what purpose, but to accomplish it when my father could not... I worry about their power and capabilities. Perhaps Father will see something from me about the perpetrators."

LostHaven LostHaven
Somewhere, in a sketchy alleyway | "Uh, about your dad..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh..." Oriax let out a long groan in response to Dantalion's questions. "Uh, so, how should I say this?" He pondered out loud, scratching his head awkwardly. "Your dad fucked off somewhere, and nobody's seen 'em since Belial blew Raven's Court to smoldering ashes. That time, we were supposed to get to Lucifer's territory, but Belial's men intercepted Birdie and Lilia. Got him good with gaseous anti-mana, if I remember right. We assumed your dad bit the dust afterward, but it seems like Belial never managed to take the bird's eyes. As far as Hell is concerned, though, your dad's dead as dead can be. Which, if you haven't figured, is dead. So yeah, sorry to break it to you, but bringing you back from death probably hasn't crossed your old man's mind, even once."

Letting out another long sigh, Orias leaned forward and scooped Dantalion up in his arms. "But knowing that sly fucker, he probably wormed outta Hell and off to somewhere where nobody'll bother going to find 'em. Anyways, I can fill you in on shit later, could you reach into your right pocket and grab one of the keys I took off some guy I killed? You can find out the address by using your eyes on the key, right? Imma catch pneumonia if I stand out here any longer, and you'd probably like to be anywhere but outside, practically naked. Am I right or amirite?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten

Thanks to Wolf's quick thinking, they managed to avoid an actual fight. Hurrying their way into the doorway and shutting it firmly behind them, she spun around only to find...was that a town. In a dungeon. That made no sense! Whatever, fine, they were here now. Stepping forward with a nod she raised her hand in greeting. "We are indeed heroes. I'm Quasar, I just...don't look it at the moment. We're very sorry this has happened to all of you, and we're working to remedy the situation. We have reason to believe the cause of this is a young boy with powers he can't quite control yet. Please remain calm while we handle this situation. Are any of you injured, hurt, or in need of medical treatment in general?" Before they made any progress forward, the more pressing matter now was to make sure the civilians were safe and healthy. If any of them had standing medical issues, she had to make sure that was addressed first, or at least that they'd be fine for a little longer. If you went out to a park for a fifteen-minute trip, you didn't pack your medication you'd expect to be able to get home too with ample time after all.

Deathkitten Deathkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Morgan Adler

A small pang of annoyance flashed to the forefront of her mind, something she quickly stamped down without much issue. The man speaking 'just' loud enough to be heard was either demonkin or something quite similar to be speaking like that, no less to get such a reaction from Dietrich. However, he thankfully understood what was at stake on so many levels, and didn't go for the obvious bait. As his hand found hers, her fingers wrapping around his hand to comfort him as her thumb brushed back and forth across the back. Though the moment he tried to rush off or get out of the booth to go for the bait, she'd have to clamp firmly around his hand to prevent him. She felt confident he could resist but if she couldn't...she'd have no qualms with crushing his hand, or coming close to it, at least just enough to where he couldn't get away.

Glancing at the small child, that pang of annoyance came but dissipated again. "Ma'am, my friend has done nothing that truly could be considered mean, besides a harsh glance. We are in L.A, after all, not everyone gets along. Everyone gets a harsh look at some point, I've several. There's nothing mean about it, it's just a large city being what it is." There was no lie about that, something about her idle gaze seemed to bother people she'd come to notice. And one of their reactions was a harsh glare, something she'd just come to tune out long ago. Her attention returned to Mia, eyebrow raising a bit in question as she licked the non-human's cheek, as she'd come to stop thinking of whatever Aia was as a child. She wasn't sure if their age was genuine, or if she was even mentally disturbed, she could only be certain that she wasn't human.

Taking her watch back she glanced at it, nodding a bit. Quite interesting...it took only a few seconds, but the entire setting of the watch was to binary. Not an issue, easily fixable when she was home. "Fascinating. What does it feel like to interface with an object, if I may ask? Or is that too prying?" Mia was intelligent it seemed, as she'd come to summarize that the male had also been a demon...which meant she knew a bit too much then she liked about Dietrich origins. A risk she'd accepted when she invited the girl to sit with them however, she had only a very small percentile of Dietrich's information, not enough to be of any threat, even in the long run. "Miss Mia, I'm sure he'll be returning for his companion then. Perhaps wait until he does so, I think he went out for a smoke. I saw him grab cigarettes and a lighter off his person."

Deathkitten Deathkitten LostHaven LostHaven Kyrenka Kyrenka Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Diner | "Things are going to get really good from hereon."

"Hah," Raum let out a long puff of smoke, standing out in the pouring rain, covering the cigarette with one hand to prevent the rain from snuffing it out. "Honestly, I don't get it," Raum mused to himself as he took another look at the rolled-up stick of carcinogen. "This thing does more harm to bystanders than the actual smoker... It's good that these human-made poisons have little effect on demonkin." Raum took one last, long puff before he discarded the half-finished roll onto the ground, letting it die out in the rain. "Maybe I was a bit too petty," the demon chuckled to himself as he began to play with the lighter in his hand.

"It wasn't a bad idea to come here, though, this city ravaged by 'villains'. Plague, war, carnage, clashing ideals, it seems like this world is more chaotic than Hell in some regards." It was for that reason the demon loved humankind; the majority of their race were dull and uninteresting, but that only served to elevate the value of the colorful ones even more, and in that small establishment sat people who could steer the course of history toward better or worse. "Shall I play a card or two?" Raum pondered out loud, smiling to himself in the rain. In his head, he began to recall any worthwhile information and knowledge pilfered from a moment ago. He remained silent for some amount of time, before the demon, without explanation, burst out laughing. It seemed that he had found something rather fascinating.

"I suppose I'll wait before making a play of any significance," Raum told himself, chuckling in between his words. In an instant, Raum's mood was elevated, so much so that he was humming to happily to himself as he returned indoors, drenched in rain. Noticing that Visvian had left their table and approached the nephilim and the band of rather conspicuous personas, Raum too approached them. "History is a rather powerful thing; atrocities have been committed, and entire wars waged over unpleasantries long-past. That said, I suppose I should apologize for making a scene, please do hide your murderous intent better next time, sir Dietrich. " he said as he approached the table. Another one of Raum's habits, poking his beak into conversations that didn't exactly concern him. "Salve amicem, hodie quid agis?" He then asked, in latin, with a sly grin across his face.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
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Vice looked the tiniest bit annoyed as Sophia was there again and served as their transportation. She could have done it. "James, I could have taken care of that," she said softly, ears twitching just a little before she sighed and leveled her attention at the yet again strange scene in front of them. Everyone liked something different, she supposed. She wasn't the best swimmer, personally, so the ocean wasn't her favorite place. Still... its wonders were admirable. Vice could really tell what the woman in the hammock was, but like everything else, she wasn't human. What had James explained her as? A leviathan type of sea creature? How spooky. Cute for a sea creature, too.

She hung back a bit, allowing Sato to no doubt be the first person to contact her. She didn't want to startle her. Hers was not a face Thyris would know, after all, and Sato didn't exactly react well to it herself.

"Anything I should be aware of with this one, James?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
Dantalion let out a soft squeak as he scooped her up, "I know I'm not particularly physically impressive, but my legs are not broken, Oriax..." She was blushing. It felt like he always ended up picking her up like a delicate little doll. His words hung heavy on her, but she was not worried for her father. He was alive. He was no idiot and had lived as long as he did through great wisdom and a lot of backup plans. She drew out the keys he spoke of as she inspected the jacket a little, "How convenient that its anti-water spell means no blood is on it. It's large on me, but still quite comfortable."

She gave a small sigh after he had the keys, "The address is 11656 Montana Ave APT 206, Los Angeles, CA 90049, she read off as though she could read it straight from a piece of parchment. It's an apartment, relatively nice, relatively expensive... though I don't recognize this currency. One bedroom, one bathroom. Close to 900 square feet of space... which isn't a unit I'm familiar with either. This is going to be a bother... I'll have to snag quite a few books to catch myself up to speed."

Her conversation stopped until they were almost all the way to the building in question, but she suddenly piped up again, "Oriax I will find father. Don't worry. You shall have your purpose once again, as will Lilia... though you have not told me where she is or if you know. If I must draw attention to find him, then I will lay claim to his territory and take it from the bastard that managed to wrest it from us. That would get his attention easily, don't you think?"

"In the meantime, I hope you will still accept me as your ward, one to be protected... and if we need it, then your new employer as well... for if my father is truly gone, then I am the next in his line. While he is gone, I will act in his stead as best I can. First thing first, I will procure us money once the rain has ceased," she offered Oriax a sweet, genuine smile as she reached up and gave him an affectionate kiss on his cheek. Nothing untoward, of course, a gesture the same as any other to her. "We are safe together. Thank you for aiding me."

LostHaven LostHaven
He let out an amused laugh beneathe her lips, hands drifting to her hips naturally. After a good moment or two of letting her go to town with the kisses, and him returning them with impressive skill, he teleported just a foot or two away. He chuckled again, a smirk on his face, as he sat next to her now on the couch, "Cocky may as well be my middle name, same as crazy might be yours. You're gonna seem desperate, darling. I can't be so easy. You'd have more fun if I was a little hard to get, anyways."

Bryne stood, brushing his fingers through her loose hair as he did so, "Call your little friend and have your food before it gets cold. Just because you're playing nice, I'll reward you and wait until she gets here, but you need to call her." He, though he didn't move, suddenly had her cell phone between two fingers and wiggled it side to side, "You'll need this for that, yeah?"

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
'Stolen' Apartment | "Of fucking course my jacket's comfortable."

"Yeah, you're better off than before you bit the dust, I get it, I'm not blind like a certain someone was, curse your weak-ass dad for putting his dick in another weak-ass Demon Lord," Oriax retorted, rolling his eyes. Dantalian's comment about Oriax's jacket incited a smirk from the demon. "Yeah, it better damn well be comfortable, it's entirely woven of Ruinweb motherfucking Spider silk, do you know how much I fucking paid for that thing? Took all the feathers off six whole angels and two of their rended, wailing, tormented souls. I was pretty damn lucky that Lilia added enchantments free of charge, or else I'd have had to pay another small fucking fortune, probably would've had to beg your dad for three centuries worth of wages paid in advance."

He listened carefully to the address given by Dantalion, starting to move off as soon as he got the address, half-zoning out of the girl's words that followed. He could barely remember whose slit throat the key belonged to, but luckily, the location rang a bell. Utilizing his shadow-step ability, they were able to arrive at their destination rather quickly and were able to avoid leering eyes, also partly thanks to the horrible weather conditions that would drive most away from the streets and into their homes. "Yeah, humans seem to trade with coins, weird 'sheets' with a printed value, and some sort of magic card? They don't trade with 'goods' as far as I can tell, and they've all got these whacky, tiny devices on them as well, that's used for long-range communication? Dunno, doesn't seem like magitech to me. As for Lilia, she's probably still somewhere in Lucifer's territory, I imagine her impeccable skill as an enchanter's gotten her along quite nicely. Still can't cook to save her life, though. Her dishes are probably deadlier than Void-Essence."

He rolled his eyes once more at Dantalion's bold declaration, of giving him purpose, finding her shitty dad, and something about reclaiming her rightful territory from the cold, lifeless hands of Lord Belial, or something along those lines. "I'm not so pitiful as to seek purpose from a little girl," he said, "and you should probably think your plans a bit further before you act on them, not even I've enough balls to go fight a Demon Lord, and especially not that crazy bastard, Belial." There was no reaction from Oriax when Dantalion gave him a kiss on the cheek. He would've made a joke about only being interested in large-breasted women, or something along those lines, but was able to refrain from doing so by expending nearly all of his willpower. "No, once the rain has ceased, we procure you some clothes, I don't have spares. After that, we find somebody to make certain whomever decided to pluck you right out of Death's throes hasn't done anything else dodgy to you. Then, we do whatever the fuck else," he corrected her as they entered the apartment.

Pushing open the door, the two would be alerted to a terrible stench from inside. Oriax immediately put Dantalion down on the ground as they entered the apartment, before flicking on the lights. Flickering to life, the lights would reveal a headless body, sprawled over on the floor, blood splattered all over the walls and ground. "Oh, yeah, I didn't bother with cleaning," Oriax mumbled, scratching his head. "Ok, why don't you wash up first, and I'll get rid of this shitstain?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
oa kid.pngThe Mess at the Crater
Like a concerned friend, Tabby naturally reached out to touch Thomas on the arm in comfort, "Perhaps, sir. Like Axiom said, there will be others, but we're not sure if that's going to happen right now or later. If you want, feel free to stick around, but I don't know if you only respond to religion-adjacent events or... I dunno. I just know that some heroes specifically only do work when the church tells them to, and no other times. Anyway, unfortunately, it's gonna be a lot of waiting unless you can somehow dig out a collapsed tunnel. We gotta wait for crews to arrive and stuff."

She glanced at Thomas. It was always so weird when people thought she was someone in charge of stuff. The only thing she was even minorly in charge of was Thomas... and yeah her rank was relatively high and all that crap but... she didn't do any fancy squad stuff or whatever. She was so much better with animals than people. If they had an attack otter squad, she'd be the bomb, but uh... yeah, no. She was not in charge. She didn't even know what they were doing in the vehicle with the kid.

Shield groaned a little at the response SoulFlare gave, though the sound was a quiet one. They were going to go home but... not so anymore. Fun. At least it was about something interesting, though. He could hear them respond to her accepting the request.

“West side of the crater. There’s a van. Considering the risk, despite the proximity, we don’t want to move him yet in case we’d lose him. Nearby tunnels have been found, though it sounds like they’ve been collapsed to slow our advancement into them. I’ll fill you in on the rest when you get here.”

Considering her method of travel, it didn’t take long for them to get there either. Shield took the time on the ride to tie his hair up into a loose braid, something he was fairly adept at doing despite the wind working against him. This was again motivated by his desire to NOT get caught in the wheels of the bike.

He could see Axiom, some weird knights, and two people he didn’t recognize standing off in the distance, but apparently they were headed to the van and not to whatever that little group was about. As much as he was interested in the proceedings, as it were, he didn’t want to crowd an already crowded van. As such, he stood outside of it instead, waiting for if she called him. After all, if she needed him, she had no qualms about making it known. The only downside was the looks the military people were giving him. Nothing awful... mostly looks of concern and confusion.

Inside the van, the kid was tied down with just about every magical binding money could buy. He was still very out of it, beat up to hell, but stable and somewhat awake. He was crying. SoulFlare would be able to tell that he wasn’t involved with the crater itself. His soul wasn’t charred and blackened like a bog. In fact, she’d often see worse in a normal day. He was like a teenage delinquent. Still technically a child at only 16. He had fallen into the wrong crowd and got recruited by the terrible group for his powers and observational genius.

She could see that he had killed once, but in self defense. He didn’t even have the stomach for torture, quite literally. Mostly he just helped to plan and did a lot of research. Taking down data from some truly awful things, things which left scratches on his soul like paper cuts. None deep, but numerous, making him look like a scratching post for a cat.

Even without her powers, it was obvious he was terrified. Not of her, but of them. Being caught meant death for him, and he knew it, and he didn’t want to die. The realization that his short life was going to be over had hit him, thus the tears and fear.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
seiva face.jpgSeiva and Crew
Emma gave a polite bow, trying not to shake from the rush of power and adrenaline that slammed into her with that crimson sphere. She glared at Loki as his head disappeared, and then again as he walked in again. Once they left, she faced him fully with a hushed voice, "Loki, must you always be the contrarian in the group? People would like you better if you didn't casually threaten their life at every turn."

She sighed and looked at where they left from, "After you're done telling the others... A boy toy of yours called... though honestly, I'm not sure how he managed that. Regardless, he contacted me, said I was the least crazy of the bunch, and most likely to actually inform you after you returned from an outing. Which, I suppose, is correct." Emma sighed again, "His name is Chutes. He asked if you two could meet. He sounds cute. I made sure to tell him you're a horrible idea. He said you'd know where to meet him. I do wonder what you want his skin for."

Seiva answered for the group as they headed through a big portal to Earth, "Ruru, teleport back as you'd like. Lord Diadem, you're leading this little group in terms of location, so start. Shard, stick with your wife. Keep her safe. We all might want umbrellas." She flicked her hand out to the side, and her shadows crawled down and created their own black umbrella. With a shimmer that poured over her body in a wave, her appearance changed to that of a beautiful human with an intricate tattoo like lace on her face.

"Diadem do the same. Humans are fearful, and if your wife is in a bad situation, we don't want our presence to make it worse," she stated, turning to look at the reaper, "Reaper. If you have a more human form, please take it as well. I apologize for our curtness, but this situation is a stressful one."

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Scile groaned as she heard the annoying voice of an angel awake her. "cant even get a minute of sleep huh? fair enough. Just give me a second...." she moved her body a bit. It all felt sluggish. as if she was moving with chains wrapped around her body. Her soul had been quite drained by doing that. Maybe... a few days until she could probably do another brilliant blaze without worry... even now, she couldn't even manifest her extra arms. "so... I can still only manage one... Pathetic scile. Ya need to work harder." she complained to herself, before she looked at her stomach. Half that sword was still stuck in her stomach, reaching down, she pulled the sword fragment out of her abdomen and tossed it to the ground. raising her arms up she took a deep breath in. before her eyes went wide and she flexed hard. The charred skin surrounding her right side of her body being forcibly ripped off by the muscles beneath the charred skin bulging out. all that was left was a few layers of skin beneath. And finally. cracking her neck she turned around smiling. "thanks for the cleanup! We were just having a good fight. Bye now!" she turned around and began leaving without a second thought. Fight was done, she didn't really need to stay here any longer. Besides, angels are decent and all, but its all so much red tape with em. Boring boring boring, so much talking not enough fighting. She walked off without a care to the woman behind her. Maybe she would go back to Shards place. Get some food. This place is a goldmine of people to fight.

Xiards eyes went wide as his hand shot up from the rubble. digging his way out of the rubble her stood up only to collapse to his knees. supporting his body up with his hand her retched and threw up a black nauseating bile of miasma and darkness. That was the essence of the lich skulls he had absorbed. they were now forcibly leaving his body. After the long upheaval he weakly wiped his mouth and stood up..... He was naked, wonderful. his first thoughts instantly led to him laying eyes on the handle of his sword. walking over fast and ripping it out of the rubble showed the sword had been snapped in half. covered in cracks and wear. Xiard could only muster the emotions of faint disappointment. A sword did not betray, a sword did not fail. A sword had many jobs, but they all boiled down to Be useful for their owner. The sword had done its job more times then ever needed of a tool. And yet, it was gone now, it was not due to the swords lack of durability and strength. But xiards lack of skill and power. He had only himself to blame. A sword does not fail. The human wielding it does.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
James and Sato

James seemed one hundred percent unfazed as Sophia made her entrance, just giving a small wave of 'hello' in her direction. Sato however, looked a little less than pleased all around. "Prison or not, this is still my shrine Sophia. So I hope you didn't do any lasting damage..." Sato grumbled, heading through the door with the rest of the group. James, all things considered, was suffering whiplash. He knew his grimoires were like an ideal home for everyone he put them in...but he honestly expected Thyris to just be endless ocean not...tropical island vacation. Glancing at Vice he offered an apologetic shrug. "You said you were tired. As for what to be aware of..." he leaned over to her, voice dropping to a hush so only she could hear. "Don't bring up sea world or aquariums. Besides that, she's a sweetheart and the most well put together out of them all." Straightening up a bit, he watched as Sato shuffled her way across the sand.

The goddess made her way towards the hammock, before unceremoniously collapsing into it besides Thyris and giving a shuddering sigh. It felt...so much better to be here with her right now. "You're just as beautiful as I remember...nice to see you again dear. I like your island." She couldn't really think of anything to say, so she defaulted to small talk. She didn't really want to say anything, she just wanted to lay here and pretend nothing was wrong at all.

Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
One big mess at the crater

Thomas glanced at Tabby, giving a small nod of appreciation towards her comforting hand. It was nice of her to do, honestly, it was such a simple gesture but it meant so much. Let him know that she saw him as a person instead of a weapon. The crusader kept his gaze leveled on the trio, shaking his head slowly. "This is your war, not my own. I came because of the paladin, and now I must quest onwards onto my own duties. There is yet unfinished business I must do. I wish you and your heroes luck, may they find glory in battle and death to their enemies." The horse reared up before he charged off again, intent on finding a paladins daughter.

Thomas was a bit confused, glancing between Axiom and Tabby. "...What did he mean by any of that? Our war? Our heroes?... Did I miss something here? Axiom, any thoughts? On...any of what just happened?" He really should get out around people more, maybe then he'd be less confused socially.

SoulFlare drove into the crater with little issue, a smooth transition to uneven ground that didn't seem to affect the bike. Coming to a screeching halt and swerve near the van she dismounted, glancing at Shield. "Stay here. If anyone gives you trouble, let me know and I'll deal with it." Making her way towards the crowd in the van she glanced at the captive, taking a moment to take notes on him. His name was Caleb Warner, but he had Elijah Abadon as a second name...probably the O.A's name for him. That was two religious names for members now...strange. She'd make a note of it. "Alright, who radio'd me in? I didn't get a name." She spoke to no one really in particular, glancing at the crowd in silence, hand on her hip.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Deathkitten Deathkitten
The reaper seemed completely unbothered by Loki's apparent death and return, simply hovering a few inches off the ground in silence. "I thank you for your concern, Seiva Kerona Meldain, but I will be fine without. I of course intend to look a bit more presentable to the general populace. Allow me a moment." Lifting pale hands to the hood of her robes she slid it back to reveal a youthful pale face, with snow-white hair and soft blue eyes. Running a hand over her arms and torso, the reaper garb shifted quickly into a reserved black dress, and the Scythe simply disappeared into thin air, as if it had never been there. She stepped down onto the ground, her feet now in closed-toe short heels. "This should be presentable, I think. For obvious reasons, one shouldn't refer to me as a reaper. Please, call me Melita." She brushed her hair behind her ears, a simple skull hairpin appearing in her hair, a small memento mori as it were. "I will assist in finding Diadem Lucrums wife to the best of my ability."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Axiom watched as the knight rode off. What an experience. It was a shame the paladin had to die though but that's how it goes in battle...Thomas then asked him on his thoughts on the knight's parting words "He's...Refering to the Alliance...No...That's a lie, well, one-tenth o a whole truth...You know how urgent everyone was treating the hunt for OA, but what some folks might not understand is that for the past ten years, America has been pratically isolated from the rest of the world. It's obsession with find the one's responsible for the near decimation of one of the biggest cities in the country...The disaster to surpass 9/11...But it wasn't the only disaster that transpired however...Multiple catastrophes happened world-wide during that year and the subsequent years after: Incheon being destroyed by Tin Long, The Sylvan Horror in Sao Carlos, The Plaguebloom Outbreak in Quebec, Azura's overtaking of Sri Lanka. With the Alpha Syndicate being killed and more upstarts being picked apart within each passing year, the world officially felt that the world as they knew it was on their last legs. Forces beyond human understanding were becoming more and more commonplace and in desperation, some of humanity have taken desperate measures to stay afloat. From corporations advancing in armored and cybernetic warfare, to some smaller countries relying on PMCs and Mercenaries for wetwork operations just so they don't get rubbed out by their enemies, to more totaltarian countries drafting superpowers as soon as they can be identified, making deals with spirits, and even trying to make their own superpowers by conspiring with mad scientists to create superpowers for them...In horrible practices...All to have some semblance of safety. Of control. And because of their fear of one another or what might come from beyond...Wars were being fought everyday. Wars for power. Wars for necessities. Wars for beliefs. Wars for preservation. Wars for change. The world was flooding with blood and everyone's trying to stay above the it with the bones of their forsaken brethren..." Axiom shakes his head as flashes of these experiences cloud his mind like a storm growing more and more turbulent but then looks to the tunnel and remembers the mission has yet to be complete "But even with all that's happening inside and outside our borders, we fight, we cry, we die, we live all for the sake of the innocent... We carry on anyway, with hopes that we're in right in the end. Even if we never were..." Axiom begins walking towards the tunnel
Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Dantalion pouted softly at Oriax, seemingly unphased by the dead body, though upset at his words, "I was simply trying to be positive about everything going on around me. I want my home back... and my father... normalcy. You under our employ is the only thing I have left right now... you... you are the only thing I have left, Oriax..."

She went silent for a while as she walked past the dead body and into the kitchen, "This man probably had some clothing. While I'm not one to wear men's clothes... it will do for now... though... erm..." Dantalion paused before she opened the fridge, "I don't even have any undergarments... To be bare rubbing up against a stranger's clothes does not sit well with me. I can clean, Oriax... but while I do... do you think you could procure me underwear?"

She was blushing, embarrassed to even have to ask such a thing of anyone, let alone the lecherous sort that was Oriax.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, "Ah... though you did make a terrible mess of him, I'll be sure to have it clean before your return. I may be utterly useless, but I do know at least a little magic."

LostHaven LostHaven
'Stolen' Apartment | "Mwahahaha... hahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Oriax let out a long, tired sigh, facepalming in response to Dantalion's ceaseless declarations of 'getting her life back' or something. Some grand delusion, that was. "Spare me your self-pity, and for the last time, I'm not your pet. If you want me 'under your employ', you better damn well be ready to pay me a fucking salary. Unfortunately, I doubt you'd get your 'home' back, unless you're willing to usurp the Lord of Lies. And I'm telling you right now that you most certainly cannot - unless you somehow, by some miracle, get another Lord on your side. I doubt anyone in their right minds would help the daughter of a former Lord, who has no significant strength to boast, to retake her throne. I could take you to the Keeper of Contracts, however. Who knows, you can figure out what you want to do later."

Oriax's expression shifted into a diabolical grin following Dantalion's request for him to purchase underwear. For some reason, Oriax began to cackle ominously to himself, and his eyes were starting to glow an unsettling yellow. "Are you sure about that? Absolutely, undeniably certain that you wish for I, Oriax, to procure you undergarments? Very well! Your wish is my command, milady," he declared, in an obnoxiously loud voice. He then lurched forward, swiping his jacket off Dantalion, and spun around in one fluid motion, before dissipating into shadows before Dantalion could even object, disappearing from the apartment.

Some thirty-minutes later, Oriax returned through the front door, kicking it aside enthusiastically, a shit-eating grin spread across his face, carrying several bags. "Your undergarments, milady," he said whilst cackling wickedly. Many of the undergarments Oriax had bought were probably far too embarrassing for Dantalion to even consider wearing, and some bras were far too large for her size. "So, any you like?" He asked, with a sadistic smile.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Thyris. |

"i shall return to my work. It is...interesting to learn woodcarving. My.... skills are supplementing the need of chisels and fine point tools." Sophia said before disappearing. Going back to inspect the doors she had already finished making. Now she was just working on the final touches.

"darling you look exhausted." thyris said as her tentacles gently wrapped around Sato, pulling her closer. "are you okay? You must have been distraught when we showed up in the books. its okay, You didnt wake up from a dream... your still in reality. everyone's still here darling. Me James and the whole family" she said running a hand through satos hair. gently moving the mask so only thyris could see satos face. "Here. Have a fresh coconut" she chimed punching one of the trees the hammock was hanging between, catching a falling coconut. A free tentacle slicing the top off. "drink up darling, I would have given you a little umbrella. But this will do for now~" she knew sato was stressed, and the more she let satos mind focus on her and this beach. The less sato will worry or let her mind wander to dark places. Keep her focused on a task or subject. thats the key to her calmness.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten
1604589302779.pngMess at the Crater
Tabby gave a shrug at the leaving of the crusader and Thomas's questions, and then as well at Axiom's answers, "Dude, I have no idea. Axiom, you sound like a PTSD soldier grandpa. Geezus... I swear, I'm surrounded by pessimists. The world has had a lot of bad stuff happen, sure, but that totally doesn't pay attention to the good things. To the work of good people like yourselves. World hunger has been trending down, homelessness is at an all-time low, job rates are up. On the one hand, yes, all these bad things float around, but life goes on and we're doing alright. We're facing our biggest hurdles."

She watched as Axiom began to walk off and called to him with a hand on her hip, "What, are you gonna dig by hand or something? Be careful."

A man waved a half-hearted, one-hand wave to SoulFlare when she asked who called her in. Despite being military, he was dressed like a civilian, with only a badge around his neck to denote his importance. His skin was of a light purple tint, but aside from that and two wispy, shadowy "horns", what stood out the most was certainly his impressive set of soft-looking, black wings. He was a demon lord. Emphasis on was. While his soul definitely wasn't clean - it had all the markings of a war veteran that had to make some very tough, morally questionable choices - he was no longer in service to Hell. He didn't want his seat anymore, didn't want any of that, so he moved to Earth and started up here. Always a military soul, he ended up back in the military, just this time for the US.

He didn't seem bothered by her connection to heaven, though. He gave her a small smile, "John. Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming on such short notice. Knowing you're in the region, we wanted to take advantage of your expertise. No killing him, though. We need information, and if he's truly a minor like he seems to be, we need to get him under protection and in a facility for correction. Aside from that, just get anything you can out of him. We don't know how long we have until they realize we have him and try to get him back or kill him. Honestly, they probably already know we have him, so it's just a matter of the second. We need everything he knows about the OA."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Axiom didn't intend to burden Thomas with the truth of the world's circumstances, but he deserved to know. "My apologies for the depressing rambling! But I do agree with you! I'm anything but a doomsayer! I am very much a hopeless dreamer and an old soul at heart!" Axiom calls back to Tabby as he smiles to himself as she wasn't wrong. Alot of people would tell him that he spoke like an elderly war veteran of sorts despite his age being on the contrary....On top of suffering from sleepless night from the horrors of his past and present experiences. Being in constant conflict can do that to people. You grow up up faster than you should. And you fear shutting your eyes. Everyone should have a chance at life without having to take someone elses just to keep their own....Axiom was the type who would long for world peace among everything despite i being beyond impossible but such aspirations is what keep good men fighting. To tough it out until the light shines brightly and everyone's no longer suffering. Tabby was right. But even though their efforts have yielded it's beautiful results, the trade-off wasn't good enough for all the pain. To him atleast but they all had to make due with what good that does come their way. Once Axiom was at the tunnel, electric fire surges through the crevices of his armor. He juts out his arms, palms open, and a concentreated beam fires through the rubble blocking the cave, destroying the debris until they were all nothing but pebbles on the ground. With the tunnel cleared, he takes a deep breathe before walking into the tunnel once again. With any luck, there wont be any more complications.
Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Location: Home- Broker
Interaction: Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

Sirius nodded to her question. A moment of hesitation in her actions as she held Zaph’s hand for a moment longer than she probably should have before she let go of her and started for her closet to fetch Zaph something to wear. Looking through the plethora of nice suits and dress outfits she eventually found a nice soft white sundress. Pulling it out her lips curled into a small smile at her thoughts. ‘She would look beautiful in this’ Sirius thought to herself, letting the warm feeling flood her for a moment before nodding. Walking back out and into the bedroom she set her eyes on the still unclothed Zaph with a soft smile.

“It’s not much but I have this if your ok with it.” She said softly to the girl as she walked up beside her. Laying the dress out on the bed neatly before she brought her eyes to Zaph once more. Staring longingly at her for a moment before she snapped out of it and chuckled just a little. “I-I’m figuring you’re want to change alone so.... I’ll go get dressed in the closet and be right back out ok.” She said to Zaph, feeling she needed to reassure the woman that Sirius wasn’t leaving. With that she turned back and headed into the large closet again. When she came back out Sirius was fully dressed, wearing a beautiful formal set of clothing and her usual thigh boots and arm gloves. Her hair tied back into a big high ponytail. Her Left hand making sure the locks on her right glove where good before she smiled to Zaph now that they where both dressed.

Watching the girl seeming go from the sweet innocent girl Sirius has embraced just minuets ago to a seasoned killer Would have been off putting for her had Sirius not in many ways been the same way. they where both killers she could see that now. Seasoned and ruthless veterans of combat and for some reason it eased Sirius. While she still felt an overwhelming need to protect and keep Zaph safe seeing that look in her eye comforted Sirius in knowing she could protect herself. Walking over to the girl Sirius looked her over in the dress with a slight nod of approval. “You look beautiful.” She said softly to her before giving it a other nod.

With breakfast and clothing out of the way Sirius decided it was time for them to go. Taking the girl by the hand she left home with Zaph. Hopping into a car with the woman and heading across town to her “friends” little store so to speak. It was a long drive and by the time they reached the place it was already 1600. Pulling up into a dark alley way behind a massive Wearhouse Sirius larked the car and shut it off before hopping out. “Zaph. These guys aren’t exactly the nicest nor the most legal people in the world. The best option for us is to play it safe. Keep the talking to me and stay by my side ok.” She said softly to her as she made her way to the trunk and opened it. Inside where a plethora of weapons all man made of course and the same thick coat she wore when she had met Zaph. Grabbing a pair of sawd off shotguns she hung them on her lower back via a harness and threw the big tattered cloak on her herself to conceal them before going to Zaph’s side and taking the woman’s hand in hers. “Ready to get you that coin?” She asked the angel with a sweet smile.

Location: home
Interaction: Deathkitten Deathkitten

Havoc let out a little yelp when he disappeared from under her causing the woman to fall into the couch before her eyes went to him. A mischievous smirk came across her lips as she giggled at his statement. “Oh darling I’m way past crazy.” She said in a tone that could only be explained as crazy. Giggling as she slid next to him when he had her phone and snatched it. “Oh you’re no fun ya know that. But fine.” Havoc said as she curled up at his side and opened her phone. Dialing the number to Rita’s phone she brought the device to her right ear as her eyes went up to the tv. It only rang twice as she stared at the news report on the tv before she crushed it in her hand. Her eyes staring down the tv screen with a crazed rage as the report talked about Rita having been captured and taken away.

It was as if a switch had been flipped in her. Havoc in the matter of an instant has gone from flirtatious and horny to cold and filled with rage. Dropping the phone she stood up without a word and hurried her way off deeper into the house. It only took a matter of minutes before she came walking back into the living room for Bryne to see. Dressed in her usual outfit. Bullets hanging from her attire, an rpg on her right shoulder and a M134 Minigun Slung at her left hip like a satchel bag. Attatched to her lower back was a rather large box, clearly holding ammo in it and a lot at that with a belt reaching from the box to the gun. Despite the girls small size the weight of the weapons and ammo didn’t really seem to effect the girl as she looked to Bryne. “Oi sexy. $10,000 to do your little teleporty thingy and put me in front of that police station.” She said to him with a psychotic look. It was obvious what she was gonna go do and Havoc figured she might as well have some fun with it. Plus since the magical boy was here she was hopping to get him over there quick and easy for a lot of extra cash.


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