• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Natalie Brenton

Putting her new apprentice through the wringer was interesting. He wasn't the strongest, but he was stronger than most run of the mill humans who didn't put all their efforts into being human tanks. Wasn't really the fastest, she could actually outrun him if she wanted too. His intelligence was notable, something she made a point to keep tabs on. It was strange, he knew a lot of eastern languages but absolutely nothing from western Europe...doubly strange, she had heard that accent slip into his voice this morning. His invulnerability was to be expected, he was practically proofed for anything. The only thing she could think of that might actually kill the poor kid was her eating his literal soul, or...Agas. Given the fact Agas channeling her own power was much stronger than Natalie using it, she figured Agas might be more effective but there was no way to test that, nor would she want too.

It was good that he knew the laws and a little amusing that even purse snatching left a poor taste in his mouth. She completely understood the idea of breaking into places because they looked cooler after dark. There had been one time she snuck into a natural history museum before she became an exorcist when she was just a teen. Giant dinosaur bones were cool. But giant dinosaur bones in the dark? Even better. If one looked away and glanced out the corner of their eye, they could swear it was moving, perhaps even watching them. Then there was one time she went skinny dipping in the local pool back home...the orphanage Sister that caught her was so pissed, she could still remember it! She looked like she could glow in the dark...better not to tell Darren she'd done any of that though, so she didn't.

Gun practice was entertaining, he seemed like he knew what he was doing. Bored out of his everloving mind the entire time obviously, but knew what he was doing! By the time they had gotten back from the range she had put him through their final little crash course, hand to hand. He wasn't as bad as she expected, and he even managed to give her a swing across the jaw. It hurt, obviously, but it was more of a game to her than anything. She'd been hit by bigger and tougher people though, so no harm no foul. The rest of their sparring match was them trading blows every so often, though she gave more than she got. By the end of it, she had flipped him over her shoulder and was holding his arm at an angle that'd be awkward and painful for anyone but him. She took a breath of air, grinning down at him. "Right love, I'm impressed! You've got a nice right hook on ya. Well, I can't really think of anything else to test you today with, so I guess now it'll boil down to QnA. You're free to ask me anything and everything, and I'll answer with the God honest truth. Sound good?" She dropped his arm, rubbing her jaw. That'd be sore for a bit, but it'd be fine. If it bruised up, she really didn't care.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Morgan Adler

The redhead studied him in silence as she parsed his words...time travel? An interesting theory and she hadn't bothered to dig too deep into that, yet, time travel would only be a tangled web to deal with if any of the theories held water. Her tongue pushed the tootsie pop between her molars, jaw closing shut as the lollipop shattered. Reaching a hand up she pulled the stick out of her mouth, letting it roll through her fingers like a small baton, each finger rolling it to the next, and back again. Chewing up the inside and the remnants of its hard coating she frowned a bit...far too many variables right now. Time travel...possible, but messy. Imposters? No, no not likely. To be an imposter would mean deviations in performance, power and its scale, mindset, and even alterations in appearance. None of that seemed to be the case, not right now.

She chewed up the remnants of her tootsie pop and flicked the stick into the trash can, speaking up finally. "You know I find it folly to put too much face in 'coincidence', it leads us to letting our guard down and hoping things will play out for us. I'm going to mark out time travel, for now. That sort of technology is beyond the modern mind, and all that many have right now is theory. I haven't dedicated time to studying it myself, I find it to be a pipedream for now. Say someone figured out time travel...what then? They would either sell it to the highest bidder or use it for their own goals. Then we have to consider the two theories that changing anything dramatically affects the timeline, or by doing so, you create an entirely new timeline of events and a new reality....Reality...now there's a thought. What if dying, they were simply jumped from our current reality and dimension? Or perhaps they have undergone a true resurrection. Whatever it may be, I don't like it. I bet a month of no tootsie pops that this is no mere coincidence and that things will only become stranger."

The young woman was serious if she was betting her one guilty habit like this. She continued to study her companion for a few more moments before her voice cut in again. "We've always been very careful, but we'll have to be doubly so with the change of events. We can't chance these heroes taking an interest in us...while we could face them, it's better to not have that fight." She stretched a bit before getting out of the chair, glancing towards the door of the hotel room. "We should get moving, have to go to a florist, after all, don't we?"

Kyrenka Kyrenka

Hearing her shout cause the entity to slowly start to sink into the ceiling, only freezing up at the sound of the voice at the door. A chill of horror ran through his 'back'...if someone came in, this was all over. His chance would be gone. Thankfully, Jupiter covered for them both, letting him slide back out of the ceiling. "I am, this is true. And you are making many jumps in conclusions. I have never fought a hero, why would I go out of my way to fight one now? I am doubtful I have set off any alarms, besides your yelling at me. If I set off alarms, I'd find my life quite a deal more difficult, wouldn't you agree?" Starlight eyes regarded her as she seemingly turned him down...what was he supposed to do now? Though then she found a loophole, and if his heart could leap from his chest it would. "Very well. I will await you at the front door. For reasons we both understand, you won't be seeing my face...I would not come to you if the needs were not dire however...Thank you for your...cooperation."

Shade dropped from the ceiling, only to fall into the floor and disappear. Shit for manners? Manners wouldn't help in his current situation, he needed things done. Manners would only slow him down. Surfacing out of sight near the house he took on the same disguise he had used the other day at the church. By all regards, he looked human, from his jeans to his button-up shirt. The only strange thing about him was his head was a swirling mass of shadow with two large owl-like eyes...strange, yes. But many people had powers that manifested that they had no control over, this could be passed as one of them.

Walking to the front door he took a deep breath before gently knocking on it, waiting in silence. He needed Jupiters help, he needed her knowledge and expertise. He couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to his wife and daughter, so no matter what he had to do, no matter what it took...he'd get them back and help them.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Corsair - Devil's Tale Bakery

She swiveled around on her legs, the limbs twisting without a sound as she turned over to face the girl who called her out. Gods, she was tall ! Over 6, maybe 7 feet... Leslie eyed her from head to toe, appreciating the girl's sense of fashion that she had put into her outfit - well, she was appreciative of the thigh-high boots at least, and the rest of the outfit made for a nice ensemble. Obviously, she had been startled a little by the girl's arrival, but she wouldn't let that surface in her expression or mannerisms - the latter was far easier of course, as her fingers were never idle, and her entire body language was that of someone who'd been plugged directly to a power plant, but her face was another matter. She didn't stare mouth wide open anyways, so that was a good point, and to prevent any unwanted looks from her, she bit her lower lip, gauging the younger girl.

"Yeah... Yeah it's me. Corsair. I gotta say, you were smaller in my head... Pfft, nevermind."

She chuckled a little and smiled at the girl. Well, if anything she looked promising.

"So. Let's talk business. Since you're here, I take it you are really interested in getting a job at my place, aren'tcha ? So tell me, why should I hire you ?"

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Ohhhhhhh, she was way too excited about this! Sudden family member, sudden mentor, sudden house outing! AAaaaaaa!

She bounced happily, smiling as she skipped forward, checking back every few seconds to make sure she was still going the right way. She had no clue where she was supposed to be going, after all. Chrysie walked backward after a moment to face her uncle, "So what should I refer to you as while we're working? Not that we're working today, but I'm just wondering. StarFinger? California Warlock? Uncle? Sir? Mentor? Teacher? Um.... senpai? I dunno. How does this usually go? Have you ever had an apprentice before?"

She seemed to remember her need to breathe, luckily, and allowed Henry to actually respond to her barrage. She played with her rings as she turned back forwards, avoiding running into anything with the help of the discs. Anytime she would have run into something, the rings would touch it first, and she could divert - like a blind man's cane.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Thomas Black- Downtown LA

The middle-aged gentlemen sat in the back seat of the Humvee, staring out the window as Tetra drove like a madwoman. At one point in his life, this sort of stuff would have been enough to set him off, but plenty of practice at keeping his calm and far too many convoy rides gone insane had been enough experience for him to relax. He didn't have much to say, much to add, anything. Tetra was handling the communications, the driving, everything. He'd neve worked with the woman, and vice versa. He had been briefed about her power set, and again, vice versa. He wasn't sure if she had any opinion of him...if she did, it was probably negative. His role here was simple, be muscle and help if things got out of hand, though honestly, he'd rather be in bed and listening to music than running the risk of causing mass panic. Though, he'd been told his partner would be able to limit the destruction so...he could only hope that was true.

Snapping back to reality as he was addressed he nodded a bit, taking the bottle of coke from her. "Right, got it. I'll help however I can...though hopefully you guys won't need me." He popped the cap on the soda bottle, taking a swig from it before responding, glancing at the material. "Everythings fine, I've made sure it didn't jostle around." He glanced out the window towards the hero they were cooperating with, only raising his hand a bit in greeting. He didn't know the guy, and he wasn't the one for conversation. Though one thing was obvious, there was almost no way he was going to fit in the vehicle. Pulling out his phone he pulled up youtube, turning down the volume to watch 'Americans Funniest Home Videos compilation number 34'. Anything to stay relaxed helped.
Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye
Ghost of the Clocktower

A frown crossed her features in response to his expression and cackling. Seeing him draw his weapons she heaved a small sigh, violence it was then. No sooner had his insult left his lips and the blades left his hand did she act, her eyes shifting to red just as time seemed to...stop, all together. The blades hung in mid-air, and Razka stuck in much the same situation. Rushing forward, first order of business was to make sure his weapons didn't continue their flight. Using her daggers she smacked each one downwards, intending for them to change flight path towards the ground once time resumed. She had a minute seventeen, and she had just spent four seconds disabling his weapons and closing the distance.

Spinning around him she lifting him into the air in a choke hold, applying pressure to his neck with her arm and just...staying there. Once time resumed, his body would suffer a cumulative effect of no air...for a minute and thirteen seconds. A human could last about a minute without air, and then they passed out. She wasn't sure about goblin biology, but their lungs were obviously smaller than a human, so it was safe to assume that he'd take less time. Better to be safe however...as she neared the end of her time stop she brought her other dagger around, slamming the pommel into his temple with enough force to send a full-grown adult male out of consciousness. Letting her arm leave his neck she stepped back with exactly one second to spare, weapons still at the ready in case he was still somehow up and kicking. "I suppose I really didn't waste time, did I?" It was fun little quip to her, she had a sense of humor!
Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Father Anderson
The pounding of his head was what woke him up. Like a hangover had a few rounds with a boxing champion. He groaned as he sat up and his eyes darted to the angel in the room.

...Great. He had gotten himself mixed up in angelic business... again. Not his brightest move. How long had he been avoiding the whole prophet shtick? How many years? There was the young man too... Someone who had the right mind to avoid attention while Uriel was talking. He must have been a prophet as well. Anderson scanned the rest of the room, finding naught. Where was he? The boy must be scared, troubled by all this greater than thou stuff that was going on. Angels didn't make things easy. They had one way they wanted to do something, and like hell - pardon the pun - would they do it any different.

"Zaphkiel, was it?" he asked, giving a sweet smile to the woman, "If I'm not mistaken, I am lucky enough to have your blessing. Your concern at a draw on your power was what brought Uriel over. I apologize that he did not take a more cautious and gentle approach to meeting with you. He probably scared your ward quite significantly. Is he well? I'm pleased he didn't try to toss me out a window or something for fear Uriel would return. I must apologize yet again that I collapsed on you. Such... erm... intense emotion and intense power does not play well with the human form. I tried to stick it out as best I could."

He swung his legs off the bed, "Though, now that I am awake, please do let me know if there is anything I can assist you with. It would be my honor."

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Kyrenka Kyrenka

I sighed amusedly as she kept spewing out questions one after the other in quick succession. It seemed like the little bird on crack was overexcited about this entire situation, but hey, I didn't want to spoil the mood, so I just went along with her antics, though part of my brain was thinking about how much of a bother she could possibly be with that attitude of hers - being an overachiever or overly eager to get into heroics could easily spell one's doom if preparation and training were neglected, or unconcern or pride too important personality traits. That said... Well, in spite of her erratic behavior as an excited teen, she did seem to have some hard-headedness to her when it came to business.

"Just call me Henry. Everybody calls me that to my face, so it'll just make it easier if you do the same. And no, I've never had an apprentice before. I felt like I wasn't the right person to be a teacher to youngsters, and there were many more people around who could fill that role better than I would if I did. That said... As it seems, times change, and here we are, you being my first apprentice, and me being your first mentor - hopefully you won't have to seek a replacement anytime soon."

I looked with a repressed smirk as she fluttered about, avoiding obstacles and people with her powers as she went. Funny. But... If we were going by foot, better go with a portal. Snapping my fingers, I made a gate Portal-mode in front of her, just so she would reappear to my side.

"Calm down. We're gonna use magic to get there, or else we're gonna be walking for the next three hours."

Saying that, I opened the aforementioned portal, displaying through it the front of my house, a 19th century-style two-story building... On the outside.


"After you."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mjr. Sadensei - Downtown LA

"Aye. That's me. Though honestly it doesn't see a lot of use around those days, and I'm not displeased to not have to shank people at every corner. As we're on a mission right now, call me Trident - it's my operation codename, so better stick to it."

She gauged the... whatever species he was, but he was rather imposing. She quickly looked at the seat besides her, and back at Mazok.

"I think you can fit in, but it'll be a bit cramped. Sorry for that, if I had been informed correctly, I'd have taken a bigger vehicle. Well. What's done is done."

She sighed through her gritted teeth, emitting a strange metallic sound as the air whistled through her throat, sucked through the almost invisible gills that slit the sides of her neck. The fact that Hermes had forgotten about half of the important stuff had gotten on her nerves, and she wanted nothing else but get done with the mission so she could return to the base and slap that idiot in the face.

"Well anyway. Is everyone in acquainted with the mission objective ? Anyone got questions ?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye
While he'd love to say he was panting come to the end of the sparring match, that'd be a lie and a blatant one at that. He wasn't tired at all, though, the fight was kinda fun at least. She was really good. If she wasn't pulling her punches, then he wouldn't stand a chance. As is, he already could barely land a hit - and this wasn't even with her all fired up and skeletal! So cool.

QnA time came up, and to be honest he didn't really have many questions he could think of right now. He hemmed and hawed about it for a moment, before coming up with a few.

"Well... I am curious about where you're from. Your accent, I mean. It's clearly from somewhere in the UK, unless you migrated somewhere like South Africa," he gave a small smile, hands going into his pockets. "I'm..." he started, faltering a little, his smile dimming as the accent she had heard from earlier came forth, "I'm from the UK myself... I'm Welsh, but I don't exactly make that known. You're the first person I've told in a long time. It's been a good few years since I've been home though."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
he nods, fitting himself in the front seat. "we'z are hunting for a sub under the pacific waters owned by the black fang warriors." as he get's out the cracked helmet, looking at it again. "you mind if we stop at a scrapyard or something? i'z need to make this my helm."
Thomas Black

He nodded a bit, glancing between Tetra and Mazok before his eyes returned to the phone. "My role here is to be of whatever aid I can be. Be that breaking a firewall or breaking...other things. Outside of that, I'm to stay out of the way and stay cool. If we're heading into the water I'll either have to remain on land or...well, Trident knows the drill." Thomas was the epitome of 'point this end towards enemy', as much as he hated that fact. "I don't know if we can swing by a scrapyard, that's her call. I'm just here as contingency...It's uh, nice to meet you." He winced a bit as someone on the AFV compilation fell off a ladder into the swimming pool, giving a soft laugh shortly after.
chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Natalie Brenton

She continued to work her jaw for a moment, flashing him a grin. "Bingo! I'm from London, England. Grew up in the Brenton Orphanage, nice little place. Pissed off the Father there, and just about every Sister present. Was nice though, it turned me into the English Rose I am today." Hearing that accent slip back into his voice her grin widened a bit, hand going into her pocket as she studied him. "Gotcha, welsh. I thought I knew that accent when I saw you this morning, but I didn't want to push it...bit strange how you know so many eastern languages but nothing western European. Well, for better or for worse, you may wind up seeing home at some point while you're working with me. I'm employed by the Church, usually the Christian and Protestant sectors. Every so often the Catholic branches will call me in to help too...even got to meet the pope once! Real nice guy. The point is, I bounce around a lot, so you may wind up seeing home at one point, at least until your probationary apprenticeship is up. By the by, if me being religious is gonna be an issue, I'll tone down that conversation as needed."

She shoved her hands into her pockets, walking over and peering at him for a moment before a wide grin spread across her face. "Besides any reservations you have about Faith, I think we'll get along fine. Here's a question for you...what kind of equipment will you need? Your only saving grace is you know how to scrap a bit, and you're invincible. That won't help anyone in some situations though. You're either going to need a weapon or equipment to help people. What's your fancy?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
She was grumbling complaints the whole time she was getting herself ready to go. This wasn't the first time someone wanted her help, nor was it the first time a vig or even someone unscrupulous wanted her aid. After all, most demonic casters weren't exactly heroes. The stereotype existed for a good reason. She was an anomaly, and that meant that a surprising amount of people wanted her help - or her damnation, if you looked at certain church members. Ten years on, it didn't surprise her this was no different.

...that said... breaking into her room like that was a first. The Shade of LA was a boogeyman... gods above what had she gotten herself into now?

1591098891067.pngMeanwhile, there was a knock at the door, and one of her relatives answered. A girl with bright purple hair about the same age as his own daughter, though much lighter hair. She had a book bag on one shoulder and looked ready to head out the house as she peered up at him with the bored eyes of an unamused teen.

"Um... hi, sir. What brings you to the Oscalia household?" she asked, polite despite her annoyed look.

Jupiter donned a hoodie on top of some clothes she had chosen more or less at random - pants and a buttoned top - and headed out to the door. Someone had already answered for her. Good. The guy needed to realize how stupid this was to come out like this. All the same, she was still gonna help. She couldn't NOT help and leave somebody in danger.

She hopped out of her room and hurried over to the door, "Amy, thank you for answering Hunny. Did you have breakfast already?"

"Mhm," the girl responded, "I was just about to leave when this guy came up."

"It's alright. He's here to talk to me," she explained, smiling at any discomfort she may have caused the man.

"Ech. Nothing new there. Is he paying you at least?" she mused, stepping to the side, "No offense to him, but be careful Jupes, he gives me a weird feeling."

Jupiter laughed, "Hah. That's a funny thought. Payment. Not really how that works most of the time, chickadee. Also, manners Amy, geez. Sorry. She gets sensations about people. It's part of her powers. Not that they're very precise yet."

"Hey! I'm working on it. You try to learn a language nobody's teaching!" she huffed, moving out the door past Shade, "I'm gonna go to school. See ya. Have fun with whatever."

Jupiter chuckled again and smirked as she watched the girl leave, "She's frustrated she's not made more progress, apparently. It's nice though, even though I practically just met her - she was like six when I died - she's accepted me without question. When her ability likes someone, she trusts it. It's a good sense. I hope it develops more." She sighed, "Right. So. Let's take a walk and chat, shall we?" She motioned him out and down the pathway, Amy still visible in front of them, "Tell me about this problem. Why me and what do you want me to do about it? ...and also what should I call you? The Shade isn't exactly discreet."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Warning - Domestic Abuse and Uncomfortable Situations Follow...
The man who demanded I call him daddy was anything but a good one. He made me want to claw my flesh off he made it crawl so bad. Where was my dad? What did we do to deserve this sort of thing? Was dad dead? Was something worse happening to him?

I was fiddling with my jacket that man had given me for school. I was being forced to go to school like nothing was wrong. Any time I tried to open my mouth to talk about it or tried to write it down, nothing came out. My voice wouldn't work. My hand wouldn't make the pen go.

At "home" if I argued with the man, it would make it worse for momma. She didn't seem to remember everything like I did, she was confused all the time, but she was still clearly uncomfortable. His hands were all over her - he called her his wife.

Breakfast time, he made me sit with them and eat at the table like a "family". I ate in silence, head down, not wanting to look at his hands on momma. She tried to smile through it, her awkward, nervous laughter haunting my dreams. With her memory so messed up, it's not like she knew anything different.

He called me over to him after we ate and grabbed my forearm. I tried to tug away. I hate needles. I hate this part.

"You need to stop squirming or it's gonna hurt more, Angie," he said, brandishing a needle that made me wanna vomit. He refused to tell me whatever was in it, but he had been super adamant about giving me these shots. I tensed and bit my lip until it hurt, but it didn't distract from the burn of whatever he was putting in me. It fucking hurts, whatever it is.

As soon as he was done I tugged my arm away and rubbed the sore spot on my shoulder. His face made me wanna vomit. Was he even a man at all?

I loved and hated being able to head out to school. I hated leaving momma alone with that monster... but I loved being able to get away. It's not like I could run. I couldn't just leave her. I'd take what I could get though, and breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the door closed behind me.

The backpack's straps were squeezed in the palms of my hands as I began my walk, trying to stop myself from wincing at the burning sensation that moved through my shoulder and across my collarbone as well as down my arm. Bastard man.

I came to a little corner store and stopped to wait for my friend.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Shardaken Lucrum
Devils tale Bakery
Shard sighed as he took orders. Darting back and forth from the counter to tables with grace. Ruru was on her day off. so Shard had to handle most of it by himself. "Honestly, every day she takes off always is the busiest..." shard mumbled to himself as he handled order to order. and of course...two heroes had to show up today. He had nothing against heroes, in fact he was in favor of them. Savages need champions to keep the populace under control, Perfect for the humans. " Coming right up madam". He said giving a nod as he worked on the young woman's order. An archer though... shard was quite fond of archers, even human archers he showed respect to. To him Archery was a beautiful art that can not be compared to anything else. "perhaps a gift is in order" he mumbled to himself with a coy smile. He quickly shook his head some, going back to his serpent like smile. Eyes soft and his smile gentle, A perfect merchants face. "Here are your orders. and for first timers. complimentary latte art" He said proudly setting their drinks upon the table before displaying the latte art. image.jpg "call it arrogance. but I never forget a face, So please do return for future visits dear heroes." he added giving a small bow before traipsing off into the attic of the store. many sealed crates covered in magic runes. "hmm lets see. they should be around here....ahh here it is. What did that man call this? 'Purgatory Piercer? heh, for a name so ambiguous its effects are rather simple...to think a human would had such a holy arrow. maybe a relic from one of the many wars we had before civilization started up. A mere arrow. Taking an entire arm of mine off. Luckily it takes more then that to kill this weakling. " he talked to himself as he opened a gold lined satin case, a golden arrow laying upon crushed velvet.defdb8f1fe8aca4aa22199389e0305d1.png Gently taking the arrow out of its box, his fingers burning as smoke emanated from them. "Hasn't weakened even a bit, lovely. It would be a shame for an archer to leave this world just because they met a demon. Don't you agree?" he said looking upon a skull in the same box crate before placing the arrow back in its box and taking it, closing the crate. "Now then... yin for yang as Scile once said" he grabbed a random arrow from a quiver and without hesitation stabbed it into his burned hand. "Blood Enchant. I dub this manifestation of my body, blood and soul as 'Et scindite corda cælum' let thy tip pierce the heart of angels. let thy shaft be bathed in heavenly blood, and let thy feather glisten maliciously through the air." he chanted his blood soaking into the arrow crystallizing around it, by the end he was out of breath as in his hand was an crimson arrow with the latin he spoke carved into the shaft,
636284705050167886.jpegeven a common citizen could tell was teaming with malicious forces. The tip of the arrow vibrating as if it was a starved beast thirsting for prey. "this shall serve her well" he chuckled bandaging his hand before setting it within the satin box as well. He quickly bandaged his hand before walking downstairs with the box, Setting it behind the counter as he patiently eavesdropped on the heroes conversation.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Ruru was in lamens terms. suprised to see an adorable fuzzball jump out to catch the butterfly. she dropped her whip in confusing before seeing it try to stand up. "Oh fuck me its adorable" she whsiepred to herself before looking down at it. unable to resist those giant eyes she squatted down. "hey little....guy? girl? thing?" she said gently lifting it up. If this was a trap. it was worth it to feel the soft fur. all anxiety and caution she had dissapeared as she held Yami in her hands.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(im sorry but im bad at making long posts when theres little actions to do)
Location: Alley way
Interaction: Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Yami’s mouth opened in an over excited smile as it jumped up and down a little before being taken into the woman’s arms. The voice whispering inside Ruru’s head was clear now. Echoing through me her mind as Yami nuzzled into the girls chest as it’s arms curled into its own chest happily. “You who have found Yami. An opportunity for power lies in you’re arms. Fetch it what it wants and it will be yours. 4 simple Rules for you to uphold. never take Yami for granted. Never turn against Yami, to use your new power on yami or harm it is to erase yourself from existence. never keep secrets from Yami, to do so is to betray the power given. Love Yami and they shall love you, for once the love is lost so is the power.” Yami was still unknowing of the voice whispering into Ruru’s ears as it nuzzled into her chest more before looking up to her with a big smile. It reached up and gently reached out with its smaller main arms and grabbed the girls cheeks, staring into her eyes with its own unblinking innocent orbs. It stared just long enough for it to slightly become awkward before flashes of broken images zipped into Ruru’s mind.

A unamed street with a shop, the sign unreadable and blurry though very similar, various images of what seemed like a Bakery store though which one it was wasn’t specified. The last photo was that of a parfait being set on a counter in perfect crystal clear quality, presumably what Yami happened to Want when Ruru found her.

“find Yami what it wants. Abide by the rules set and Yami, along with the power it brings will be yours.” The voice whispered into her mind before disappearing as Yami’s trance like stare abruptly ended as it smiled happily and nuzzled back into the woman’s chest. Making cute happy humming sounds as it hugged its little arms around Ruru’s chest.

Location: Street farm
Interactions: Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten

Aia had as one would have expected caught sight of the blobs as soon as they moved. Watching it move as she remained motionless in her position. Her tongue should gently poke from between her lips and hang out about an inch as she slowly and smoothly leaned down. Getting onto her hands and feet, watching the slimes in a position that resembled a cat getting ready to pounce at it. Though before she could she heard Anne’s unmistakable voice and her head whipped to look at her mother curiously. While she didn’t know what Anne said she somewhat had an idea of what Anne wanted. As her mother slowly started forward Aia moved next to her, standing on her legs as she continued to watch the slimes.

Observing her mother be careful of the little weird things Aia did the same. Grabbing onto the back of Anne’s coat so she didn’t lose her before looking back to watch her tail. A focused look on her face as she glides her tail between and around the slimes to avoid them while letting Anne lead the way. When Anne got to the door and opened it Aia looked forward. Sliding her tail under her she lifted her body up. Her feet reaching out and gently hooking onto the belt of Anne as she grabbed her mother’s shoulder and peered over Anne’s head. Curiously sniffing inside of the Cabin as her tong gently hung out in a little “blep” fashion. For the most part she ignored whatever her mother was saying as she continued to sniff and look inside the room while clinging to Anne’s back.

Location: devils tail bakery
Interactions: Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Charlie couldn’t help the slight blush that slipped on her cheeks at the almost perfect porcelain looking face of Corsair. Sure she had seen numerous photos in the time she researched villains but there was something about it that she found alluring. The way her hair perfectly boarders the face and everything about Corsair complimented everything else about her. It was so much so she nearly missed Corsairs words as she blinked a few times before she giggled slightly embarrassed.

“A-Ah yeah well. That is understandable. It’s not everyday someone is as tall as I am so.” She said with a nervous itch of her cheek. When Corsair decided to drop straight into business Charlie was caught a little off guard as she looked around for A split second. Then the attendant of the store came with there orders making Charlie let out a mental sigh of relief as she got a chance to collect herself as she took the coffee with a delightful smile on her face. “thank you sir.” She said happily to him before immediately focusing onto Corsair once again. “Well I guess to put it all simply. I’ve been bestowed a bow from a god which increased my physical abilities along with my height as well as give me access to numerous powers via the bow. And you’re a very successful hero so who better go teach than one of the best!” Charlie said to her with a slightly excited smile before she sipped the heavenly coffee. Doing her best not to melt into utter bliss at the taste of heaven that ran down her throat as she waited for Corsair’s reaction.

Charlie had to admit it though that Corsair seemed to be the type of girl you would never actually be able to read which brought some internal struggles to her mind. Was she coming on to strong? To preachy? To white washed hero? And Staring into those eyes that Decorated the Porcelain esqe face of Corsair wasn’t helping her find any ques to see if she was going overboard even if it was her simple truth in her mind.​
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~Kaden Caruso~
Tomb's Subway

1591153359431.png The best sleep Kaden had gotten in a long time was rudely interrupted by the rumbling of a train. You're in a train. His eyes snapped open as he floundered for a moment. The demon snickered as the teen's face reddened as he realized that his train car wasn't the one that was moving. "Bitch," he muttered. Mashu made some inappropriate noises that he resolutely ignored. Stepping out with hair awry and wrinkled clothes, he noticed Tomb before he noticed the new train car. The brunet opened his mouth to ask a question but it died instantly as the train opened up. What the fuck? Wasn't this place abandoned? How the hell did another train get here with supplies? It's from his employer dumbass. Kaden's face hardened. That made sense, but that also meant that this train brought another job. Another murder.

It only got worse from there. Tomb held out a package for him. They know I'm here. His heart skipped a beat as he tried his best to look around without being obvious about it. Mashu sighed. She sounded...disappointed?
Rookie mistake kid. You really think that this meathead is going to be running loose without supervision? Nah, they probably know everything about you too now. That didn't help. His heart was now ricocheting in his chest. Staring at the tube like it was snake poised and ready to lunge, Kaden didn't move until Mashu practically threw up her hands and yelled, Get your ass in gear! He finally moved forward and cautiously picked up the package. Not because she told him or anything, but because he figured that if Tomb's...master? Employer? Whoever they were, Kaden figured that if they wanted him dead he'd be dead already. Dynamo Publishing? Well, it was a start to figuring out who the fuck this person was.

Reading the letter simultaneously made his stomach drop and anger burn inside of him. They know about Mashu. But how? He literally ignores her all the fucking time; and it's not like anyone besides Kaden can even hear her. That didn't matter much though when he read more. This person, Z, fucking dared to thank his father? To mock what he had done? He didn't do it for you, he did it to help people! The paper charred around his fingers as small spirals of smoke wafted up. Calm down! He didn't need to worry about keeping his guard up though, Mashu was distracted by the letter too. He could practically see it, the demon's pointed teeth being displayed as she grinned widely. Now this is fun. He didn't know what to do. Fuck, what could he do. He was trying so hard to be careful. He never wanted Rosa to get dragged into this, that's why he ran away in the first place. Angry tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. He was trapped. It was inevitable. She said it so aloofly, like as if it didn't matter. You're tough but too wild. Going around killing people and burning shit always draws attention. You really think a hoodie was going to stop people from finding you? People with connections? Mashu scoffed. You're naive.

"Shut up!" His voice rang out through the subway. "Don't fucking act like you know it all!" He was losing control, the paper wilted in his grasp as the edges glowed a dim orange. The demon wasn't interested in wrestling control from him now. She was enjoying the show too much. Throwing the paper down, the teen paced as his hands grasped his head. "Fuck!" Your teenage angst is really going out of control here. He screamed as he kicked the canister that once held the letter. The demon laughed, obviously pleased with his meltdown. You better be careful...your new friend is probably watching you piss your pants right now. Kaden halted in his pacing. His grip on his head tightened before releasing. Eyeing the letter, he resisted the urge to spit on it. He hated it. He hated whoever Z was and he hated how cocky the person was. He hated being trapped. He hated that his sister was being threatened. Fuck, he hated that his Dad went and got involved in all this shit in the first place! I wish Mom and Dad never died. Wishing didn't change anything though. He was still here, standing in the middle of a abandoned subway with a demon inside of him, a too eager hitman, and no help in sight.

((Interacting with Trashler Trashler 's Tomb))
She squealed in surprise as she fumbled with her balance, suddenly beside her uncle again. That was cool!!! She wanted to learn how to do that!

“You’re so cool!!” She blurted out, and then she saw the new portal, “THAT’S SO COOL!” Chrysie had no hesitation darting through the thing and onto the lawn of Henry’s house.

“So where is this place? Is it still in LA? You did say we’d be walking for three hours... so it must still be in LA,” she mused, answering her own questions as she slowed down finally and let Henry go first. After all, he’d have to unlock the house.

Quieter, she asked, “Are you excited to be home? I’m impressed your lawn is still kept after all this time. Heh.” Chrysie knew she’d be excited if she was him. A place away from the rest of the family sounded like a haven. Though also probably a little nervous. Ten years is a long time. Stuff could be different.

She couldn’t help but steal a glance over to the mailbox. Just because someone died didn’t mean people stopped sending mail to the address. There was probably a lot he had to go through.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
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seiva.jpgSeiva - Devil's Tale Bakery
The woman that walked into the bakery next was one that Shard would recognize instantly, not just from her appearance but her energy and sheer presence as well. She wore a wispy black dress, no shoes, with horns sprouting from her head in calm partial spirals. She was stunningly beautiful, but clearly not the sort of person to underestimate.

"Mister Lucrum... My little general," she purred, walking right up to the counter to Shard with a smile that could kill, "A little bird told me they saw you and wanted me to come to check on you. Well, when I heard about a demon running a bakery, I just couldn't resist coming right away." She brought her elbow forward and smacked it down on the counter with a loud thud, resting her head on her hand. Seiva looked him up and down - she was one of the highest-ranking generals in Hell. One of the ones in control of the largest army, and a close ally of Lucifer himself.

"Get me and you a scotch, Shardaken," she said, voice trailing on his name. Before she gave him a chance to pull away, though, she reached forward and grasped at the collar of his shirt. Assuming she could grab him, she pulled him forward and looked him in the eyes for a long moment, then looked to the side, scanning the room.

"Where's your girl?"

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911
Shardaken Lucrum
Devils tale Bakery

tumblr_pl06ljaStE1uocgm5o7_500.jpgShard was readying another drink before his eyes went wide. "No....nononono. Anyone but her. Why. why now, of all times. WHY!? WHY DAMN YOU! OF EVERY DAY YOU DECIDED TO SHOW UP YOU SHOW UP TODAY! " Shard screamed internally as Seiva approached the counter. This wasnt just his boss. This was THE Seiva. Sure, shard had a pretty impressive rap sheet despite being weak. But Seiva, she could kill him blindfolded with one hand behind her back. As she slams down onto the counter he forced himself not to gulp. there was the slightest hint of a frown and twitch of his eye, sure, he was terrified. But even he knew how to keep a calm looking face. "Right away Mad-!" he began trying to back away before he was dragged close. Hearing the questioning about Ruru, his daughter, his eyes went wide. His calm demeanor completely shattered. "i-if you must know, Today is Rurulians day off, She gets two days a week." he answered eyeing the heroes at the table. Hoping they wouldn't interfere. "To what do I owe the pleasure...... Landlord" he said aloud. His eyes silently begging Seiva to play along. He worked too hard to get all the permits for this place!

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Deathkitten Deathkitten
1591203887065.pngThe Farm
With a knock on the door to the shed, there was no answer, but seemingly on command, the door creaked open with a thick, short squeak - a sound straight from the game. Inside it was definitely a little bigger than it looked on the outside. There was a bed, a tv, a table, and a rug, as well as a tiny kitchenette. It was pristine as though it had just been cleaned, and didn't really look lived in... plus the bed was kinda small, as though it were for a child.

As they peered inside, three of the slimes took interest and hopped their cute bodies along until they hopped onto the tail of Aia, sticking to her skin like glue. Even if she flicked her tail around, they were very difficult to get off, and seemed to appreciate the warmth of her body.

((Sorry this is so short! Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Kyrenka Kyrenka ))
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1591207006964.pngRose and Oscar and Destiny and Fay and Caesar and now Hayato too
Garnering no response, Rose simply pouted and wandered into the kitchen, "Wow he's really beat up about it, huh? Can't be helped, really. That villain is a nutjob. They're just lucky no one was more seriously injured than they were. Hospitalizations, sure, but if they weren't there, those hospital visits would be morgue visits."

"I know, Rose. That doesn't mean he wants company right now though," Oscar responded with a groan through the house.

She looked at Jewel and Fay and scooted by them to get at the fridge. Geez, these people were zombies in the morning. Jewel gave her a death glare as she was passing by. Rose hadn't been the most... supportive, shall we say, of their wedding. Until more recently, Rose still would have preferred Destiny just be rotting in a cell. Ah well. Destiny knew she couldn't help who Oscar's friends were, but damn it if there weren't a few goodie two shoes that she'd love to smack upside the head. Elementa was definitely one of them.

Oscar walked back over to the door as it rang and opened it up to see Hayato standing outside. Without a word, they stepped inside, and it was taking Oscar a while to process who this was.

"Hun, Caesar doesn't want to see anyone right now... but yes, he is here," he said, giving the boy a sad smile. It finally clicked who he was, the face registering with him. "You were his apprentice before... everything," he stated, smile turning into a frown with a furrowed brow, "You haven't aged a day, have you? Look. Lemme take you over to his room. If anyone can get him to get his head out of the rut he's dug himself, then maybe you can. After all, if you're still around and still want to be his little apprentice, then he's still got an obligation to you. It'll give him something to focus on."

He motioned for the guy to follow him and walked off to Caesar's door, "Just don't be too down if he's an asshole right now." After having said that, he walked back out to the kitchen.

Osuka Osuka Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

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