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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars


The Man of Blocks stood still for a moment, before replying to Snake's plan with, as usual, a rather short message.

steve: ok.

steve is typing...

steve: tell if you see a cave.

With his message conveyed, the Block Man returned to the area he was mining out. Without coal, he couldn't simply start digging downwards, he had to make sure he had sunlight to see what he was mining, which slowed down the process of digging downward.

Then, he struck gold. Or to be more accurate, black gold. A block that looked similar to stone, but with black flecks sprinkled about it. If the pixels that made up Steve's face could have turned into a smile, they would've done so. Happily, he mining away at the block right beneath him. Finally, he could begin to properly mine, with torches!

In his joy, however, he had forgotten a very simple rule of Minecraft that if ignored, could lead to disaster.

Never. Dig. Straight. Down. Alex had done her best to drill this into Steve's head, but his literally blocky brain tended to forget important things like that. Luckily for him, he didn't have the misfortune of plunging straight into lava the last time this had happened.

He did take damage from the fall, his entire body quickly flashing red before returning to normal. An oof noise came from him, despite his facial pixels remaining the same. Tilting his head upwards, Steve could see light peaking through a block-shaped hole above him. While getting up there was no challenge for the Minecraftian, there was one small issue...

Bones could be heard clacking on stone blocks, approaching Steve! While Steve could've easily handled one lone skeleton, even in the dark with a stone sword and leather boots, a raspy groaning noise of the undead joined the clickily clacking of the skeleton, alongside the hiss of a spider. Pixelated undead fleshed smacked him at the same time an arrow went flying, sending Steve flying back a small amount! There was only one thing to do...

Swapping through his Hotbar, Steve selected his pickaxe and dug as quickly as he could, carving out a hole three blocks deep before sealing the newly created manhole with a block of dirt- which would stand out against the gray stone if a light source could be put down. Accidental luck. Mining a block to the left of him, Steve quickly used the 2x2 crafting table in his inventory to create a torch with the one piece of coal he had acquired by mining the block that had placed him in this situation. Bringing out the apple he had accidentally acquired, he chomped down on it, filling his hunger enough so that he could automatically begin to heal from the damage taken from that brief encounter.

Luckily Steve wasn't a prideful sort of little block-guy. Snake would see a message pop up in the chat function, longer than the little responses Steve usually sent

steve: so i ooped.

steve: and am stuck in cave.

steve: plz come help.

steve: theres spider skeleton zombie.

steve: i dig a hole and hide.

steve: need help.

steve: : ((((

steve: : (((((((((

Who taught him how to make a frowny face? Regardless, it looked like Steve was between a rock and a hard place- Snake better devise a plan of action, quick!

AvidElmV2 AvidElmV2

Location: The Swamp | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 wigi wigi
"Faclon Stroll! Falcon Stroll!" Yoshi cheered as he pushed himself forward. "Yoshi and friends go on Falcon Stroll!" It was clear the dinosaur had bought entirely into the name that had been given, not bothering to question it or even try to place his own name in it. He was more than happy to be alongside the others more than anything else. That was what he always enjoyed about being in the Smash Realm. Being around the other fighters was comforting after all, even during the tournaments they hosted.

Hearing Link begin to play his ocarina, Yoshi began to bob his head along with the music. It was a relaxing melody, though not one he was familiar with. He could only assume it was something from Hyrule, or maybe it was something entirely original. Either way it brought peace to the dinosaur. However, despite how calm everything was, he couldn't help but allow his mind to finally wander back to why he had come to the Smash Realm in the first place.

Stopping his nodding, a certain uncharacteristic seriousness overcame Yoshi's face. Tilting his head, he turned it towards his current companions. None of them had mentioned the gathering they were supposed to have. Did they not remember and end up here anyways? Maybe it wasn't on the top of their concern list. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to bring it up and see what they thought. It was worth a shot.

"Yoshi curious, anyone else remember promise to Princess Peach and try going to Stadium, but end up here instead?" he asked, though he was unsure if his broken English made enough sense for the others to understand what he was getting at, though he supposed his question was more directed at Falcon and Link than Shadow, unless the hedgehog actually was Sonic. Either way, he hoped to get some kind of answer, hoping that he hadn't entirely been lied to upon coming here. Even if he had, it clearly wasn't a bad thing given there were other fighters present as well. For all he knew, he could be reminding them of the promise, though that made their appearance in this world even stranger then. Maybe the world knew they were supposed to meet even if they had forgotten. It wasn't as if Yoshi could explain how this realm functioned. It was always full of surprises and new things to discover, whether he wanted to or not.
Paula shot Noctis a look that spelled don’t you dare do anything stupid she put her hands on her hips, if looks could kill, she’d shock Noctis’s butt with a weak PSI thunder to knock some sense into him. She can tell the boy is over thinking.“ Your friend is right, what would be the point of going in place of Joker and Inkling as King Koopa’s hostage? I have no doubts in my mind they’ll see right through your plan. It’ll complicate things even further and well.. She closed her eyes tightly, focusing all her psychic energy on her surroundings. Her praying ability has total random effects; the unique ability can cause some pretty nasty statuses not limited to feeling strange like confusion, or uncontrollable crying and likely paralysis, pretty damn nasty in her opinion. Fortunately for Joker he got cured by PSI Life Up. “ With my praying ability things will be alright now. Joker will do everything from here.” She opened her eyes, she didn't know the boy well. He seems like he’s capable of handling things from here on out. All she could do is be on stand by if Joker and Inkling need her.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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Deep Forest [Purple Fog] ---> Deku Tree
| GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Environment) |

Descending alone into the unknown once more, Samus strolled through the deep fog undeterred. While she didn't want to leave both Princess Peach and Pikachu unattended, the environment had forced her hand. For now, she had to trust the fact that they could defend themselves if in a pinch, or at the very least evade harms way. Hopefully she wouldn't take too long to deal with whatever was lurking here. Ridding the noxious gas would also be a net positive, if possible.

Eventually the bounty hunter would approach what appeared to be a small village out in a narrow clearing. It was dead quiet; save for the distant sounds of creatures moaning and gawking in the background. As she entered through the main road, her eyes kept tab on the surrounding establishment for any signs of movement. However, a quick scan would quickly confirm that the entire establishment was seemingly abandoned, though for how long was unclear. From the looks of it, it could've been abandoned as recently as a few days ago to a few years at least. Though while the living was nowhere to be seen, there was steady movement coming further down the road; followed by hallow breathing and rattling bones. Samus rose her cannon cautiously while she continued into the village.

Skeletal entities roamed aimlessly around the village premises, walking to destinations locked behind a higher train of consciousness. They didn't seem to take much notice of the armored warrior's presence, least from afar. Yet those stumbling into Samus by chance would reach out with their boney appendages, some brushing loosely against the metallic sheen of her suit. However, aside from her shoulder or arm yanking away from their shriveled fingers, she wasn't feeling too concerned over this rabble. These cursed figures didn't appear to be reaching out aggressively; their slow and loose gestures too weak to cause even as much as a light scratch to her paint. Rather, it seemed, as if they were pleading, begging for salvation. Their weakened breaths emitted from their gaping jaws and orifices, desperately trying to convey their suffering a misery in exchange for a cure or otherwise quick death. Even so, the bounty hunter couldn't help but feel a little pity upon these poor souls. It wasn't their choice to become what they were after all; or so she assumed.

The best she can do for now was to leave them be and press onwards.

Suddenly, Samus heard something cackle into being close by. Tightening her expression, she rose her cannon once more to see a small ghostly entity holding a lantern begin circling her obnoxiously while cackling in gleeful taunts. She was swiftly reminded of those horrid cupids that tried to vandalize her ship earlier, causing her to wince in annoyance. The thing quickly began conjuring up a fireball, forcing Samus to ready a plasma shot in response. Yet before either could take the first shot, a large wooden branch suddenly emerged and swatted away the creature's lantern. It shattered upon impacting a tree, causing the robed reaper to retreat back into the darkness from where it came.

The armored warrior's cannon swiveled to meet the owner of said arm, stepping back as a small group of creatures emerged from the tree line before her. Taking center stage was a large tree-like entity, glaring at her an ominous expression from his center eye and his barked arms outstretched to the side. Samus was initially worried it was going to attack her next, however despite its appearance, it would simply remain idle as the smaller creatures began circling her with considerable interest. These entities - made up of two varieties of small ghostly entities - hovered above her, cooing and chattering with a sense of excitement and appraisal.

One sported a similar design to the larger tree entity, having a black ghostly body with a tree stump and branches for a head. The other was a plump orange and black buff-ball, sporting wispy tips like those of a flower. It was as if they welcomed their so-called "savior". These must be the guardians that protected this part of the forest. Recognizing their non-aggression, Samus lowered her arm and continued staring at the mighty tree figure, giving a silent nod of respectful acknowledgement. It seemed they wanted her help with something. She could sense their anguish and fear, that something terrible was happening here. And thankfully for them, she was happy to oblige.

Following them down the trail, they would pass through the village as she was lead to another large clearing in the forest. There, standing in the middle of it all, she bore witness to a massive tree far bigger than any she'd previously seen thus far. Was this the entity Pikachu was referring to on the map? Yet quickly did she notice that it bore a face; resembling that of an old man engraved within its thick bark. But a closer look would cause Samus' heart to sink. His face was contorted into a silent eerie howl of pain; his once leafy branches now becoming withered and dead. Something was surely ailing it... and it was suffering because of it. Quickly she scanned the area for any clues, before being shown a massive metal stake that was lodged into the tree's side. Its sap oozed from the wound, bleeding pure life force, as the same noxious fumes bellowed up like a sickly plague.

There! That must be the source of the poisonous gas. If she could just take out the stake and plug up the wound, it should be enough to rid the gas and let her allies come through unharmed.

The forest guardians were beginning to become further distressed by the matter, crying and cooing solemnly over the state of their elder tree. No doubt this tree was of much importance to them. It had to have been responsible in caring for the forest; keeping the forces of nature here balanced and in harmony with each other. And now, whatever was uprooting it, was trying to take that away from them. She watched as the tree entity tried to punch the stake out, only to get zapped by an arc of black lightning forcing it at bay and knocking it to the ground. Samus dug her fingers into her hand with a dowered expression. Was this Dharkon's doing? Whoever was involved, was surely going to pay for their vile transgressions here.

And that stake had to be taken out immediately.

Samus prepared her grapple beam and was about to fire at it, before she noticed something moving just underneath the tree's mouth. She paused, swiftly cocking her head towards the disturbance, before witnessing seven hostile entities flying out of its mouth! The bounty hunter readied her plasma beam before quickly unloading at the fast-paced entities. But just as they all exited, something else emerged from the mouth. Samus glanced over as a wave of recognition washed over in confusion.

"Pit...?" she breathed, lowering her gun for just a moment. He looked very much like the angel boy she met during her time in the tournaments, being a positive and happy-go-lucky individual always ready to prove to himself and her green-haired goddess, Lady Palutena. Yet he wore a helmet and appeared to be wearing several unique artifacts on hisself. What was he doing here? Why was he harming this tree? She wanted to speak all this and more to him...

However, a closer look would also tell that he knew naught of who Samus was. He certainly didn't feel like Pit. Though just to be sure of who he was dealing with, Samus quickly scanned the false angel before he sent out its minions to attack her! Hardening her resolve, now accepting him as her enemy, she quickly engaged into combat. Eying the five arial cyclops descending rapidly on her, she had just the weapon to take care of the fodder. Utilizing her storm missiles she proceeds to lock onto all five entities - maxing out her target max - before quickly unload a sheer volley of micro missiles! These each took up five slots of her regular ammo, though she still had enough regular missiles on board if needed. That being said, she won't be able to fire another volley for a couple of hours... she hoped this was worth it.

Though the echo would perhaps be loud and chaotic enough to be vaguely heard by both Peach and Pikachu in the safe zone...

Now facing the bulkier angels, the huntress watched as they deployed their own volley of projectiles in the form of flying parasitic worms! They latched onto her suit, desperately trying to find a clear opening within her armor. It was a good thing her new suit was still seal-proof, with hardened yet flexible "tendon-like" sinews offering additional yet minimal protection against minor laceration attempts. Though she wasn't willing to find out if they could penetrate through. Quickly attempting to brush them off her suit, she then focused her attention on the bulky collins. Normal plasma round wouldn't look like they were going to get through that thick metal armor, and neither did she feel like using up more of her missile reserve either.

It was time to get creative...

Giving herself a running start, Samus attempted to hop against a tree, somersaulting in the air just above, or right by, the closest knight. Then she struck with the grappled beam, trying to latch onto it; before rapidly pulling herself forward to give a slamming kick into it!
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
"Yeah Dude! Trust both Paula and Joker on this!" Prompto replied. "She'll be back in no time flat!" Noctis dried his tears and smiled at his friends. "Thanks,I just needed that." He looked at Paula. " You're younger then me and yet you're more mature. What kind of king I'll be. I guess Gladio was right.
" Not really,dude. Gladio didn't seem to know what griefing means." Prompto replied.
Ploegy Ploegy Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- wigi wigi
"Say that again?" Shadow asked Yoshi. " I came here only briefly and I don't know anyone..."


Through the Inkling’s furious Squidbagging they’d continue to scan over the horde, looking for any sign of the thief. Yet despite all efforts they couldn’t pick him out, all of the little minion’s seemingly working together just to make things more difficult.

It was clear they weren’t going to get anywhere if they kept at this, so Agent Three would shift back into their kid form. Yet just as they did the squid would hear a cry of pain come from the center of the crowd, the owner of the voice obvious to them. Agent Three paled with dread as their eyes fell to a spike wearing Goomba on the outskirts of the horde, the tip of their hat glistening and sharp as a knife. They needed to get to him, NOW. If there wasn’t a path to him then Agent Three would just need to make one.

While the Phantom Thief would let out a massive eigaon attack from within, the Inkling would pull out their roller weapon and begin mowing down the minions one by one. A wide trail of ink with Koopas and Goomba buried in the ground followed Agent Three’s path of destruction as they broke through the horde little by little. From the center blossomed black curesed energy, from the outside was a ring of bright orange, with the army caught in between. Eventually with the two’s efforts a path would be made, as Agent Three would finally find Joker from within the crowd, but Great Zapfish was he not a pretty sight.

Even desipte the distance between Three and Joker they’d be able to make out the ugly maroon liquid seeping out from his exposed forearm, a rather grisly sight that surely wouldn’t look any better if they were actually up close. But as bad as that was Agent Three could tell it hadn’t been the only injury sustained as Joker hobbled over towards them, visibly avoiding putting weight one of his legs, likely another victim to the horde’s collective attack. The Inkling didn’t want to think about what other injuries Joker may have sustained from the horde’s mauling, as dwelling on it would only mean they’d waste more time. No, they needed to get to him, NOW.

Hoisting the roller, Agent Three pointed it towards the center of the army and ran like their life was on the line. Joker’s own orders to flee would fall of deaf ears as Three mowed down the Hammer Bros and Fire Bros in their path, narrowly dodging the flaming tools that were lobbed their way. Not even a fireball grazing the side of their head was enough to stop their path, as they’d scream out a cry and simply return back to their squid form, swimming in the splattered ink. They were so close! Only ten feet and they’d make it! Just…a little…more!!

Suddenly Inkling felt their tentacles float off from the jungle floor. Utterly confused, they’d try and lean back to the ground, only to find themselves going up higher and higher into the air. A group of Paratroopas were the cause, as a group of them desperately tried to hold on to their slippery body, the one wearing the red bucket clearly taking charge, barking orders at the hatless turtles. Based on primal instinct alone they’d begin to writhe within the Paratroopas’ grip trying to break free. But as the turtle’s began to sway towards the thief, the Inkling got an idea.
Shifting back to their kid form, Three began rocking back and forth, further influencing the Paratroops towards Joker. And when they’d just just the right momentum, they’d slip back into squid form and launch themselves in Joker’s direction, flying far above the grounded troops as they zoomed towards the wounded thief.

It wouldn’t take long for the squid to make impact as they’d hit Joker’s chest, a loud “schlap” noise echoing as they slid down to the ground. Without a moment to lose they’d quickly go to support Joker, draping his uninjured arm over their shoulder, only to find the wound on his forearm looking far better than it had the last time they’d seen him. But they could worry about that later as Inkling hurriedly pulled out their phone and opened the map application, thankful that the Beakon icon still was there.


Adjusting their hold on the thief, they’d make eye contact and raise their hand to mime a jumping motion. Sure, this was the first time Inkling had actually tried to super jump while holding a human but there weren’t exactly many other options not the time to think them up. So as so as the point was gotten across, they’d slip into squid form, a tentacle outstretched for Joker to hold on. They’d begin pressurizing the ink below them, building up as much as they could. It wouldn’t take long before they’d be able to jump out of there but, they were still left in a rather difficult position, as in the game of turf war it was common knowledge that a squid was left totally defenseless in the build up to a jump, meaning Three was left with no choice but to hope they weren’t attacked.
Interactions: Develius Develius Ploegy Ploegy
Location: Jungle Command Post (Map to be added)
Jeff adjusts his tool bag over his shoulder; there's no reason for them to stick around any longer. “ I have no objections wherever we go, I'm ready to head out.” His eyes widens like tea saucers, his face turned beet red upon Toon link suggesting that he sat sandwiched between Pyra and himself. He opened his mouth to protest the latter’s suggestion and closing it like a fish, but couldn't find his brain or his voice. Pyra is a pretty lady no doubt about that, how he wonders how soft her chest feels to the touch he quickly dismisses that perverted thought. Instead thought of his recent and future projects in hopes to keep those perverted thoughts at bay.

DAMN IT! JEFF! FOCUS! ON YOUR FUTURE PROJECTS! Not on the size and feeling of her.. SHIT!! SHIT!!!!

I think it’s best if you sit next to her..” Jeff mumbled, quickly scooting away, his face red as a tomato, his breathing heavily.


Jeff adjusts his glasses, quietly focusing on making a newer model of the late Sky Runner for thd future that would prove to be useful. He had in mind making it like a hover car hopefully it won’t crash beyond repair like its predecessor. “ If you have anything that needs fixing I’m that person. I.. I fixed this bazooka all by myself.” And he was proud of all his hard work. The heavy bazooka is a useful weapon for him, quite powerful actually. He figured he’ll have more coming his way in the near future. All his multi bottle rockets seem accounted for, he's ready to go.

Ploegy Ploegy GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
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Princess Peach

"...I knew it!" Peach muttered while nodding her head in understanding as she pieced together what Pikachu was saying.

So... That special tree was supposedly the Great Deku tree... But how could this be? Wasn't that tree part of Zelda and Link's world? Why was it here, of all places?

Peach sighed as she knew even if she COULD fully understand Pikachu the Mushroom Princess very much doubted that the little electric mouse had the answers...

She darted her head in the direction of the blasts inevitably from Samus' suit, but she didn't think they were in the sequence of the signal, so the pink Princess decided to stay still... for now.

"I wonder what Samus ran into...?" The Mushroom Princess mumbled, mostly to herself, but it was out loud and within earshot of Pikachu. She stood up and anxiously stared in the direction of where the bounty hunter had left, wishing desperately that she could follow the armored warrior...

The purple toxic fog, however, had other plans it seemed...

"So the Great Deku Tree is somewhere in there... We can't follow Samus into the toxic fog... Is there anything we CAN do?" Peach asked, again, more to herself than the electric mouse, but of course if Pikachu had any ideas the Mushroom Princess was ALL EARS!

(Still in the forest)

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pikachu)​
Location: The Forest
With: Samus Aran ( Develius Develius ), Princess Peach ( Minako Minako )

Pikachu's ears perked up at the sounds of battle coming from the direction of the fog. "Chachu!" On all fours, Pikachu paced back and forth and glared at the fog, fur standing on end and sparks flying from her cheeks. She was frustrated that she could not help her friend in battle! "Chachu! Chachu! Pikapikachu!"

She jumped as dark shapes hovered in the fog. Her surprise quickly turned into anger and the sparks from her cheeks grew brighter. She was about to unleash a Thunderbolt when the Phantumps and Pumpkaboos emerged from the fog. They were quite shaken, which might be seen as ironic as they were Ghost-type Pokemon, but Pikachu still remained wary of them. Ghost-type Pokemon were known for their trickery! Pikachu immediately began questioning them. She listened intently as the Phantumps and Pumpkaboos told her what was happening. Once she understood the situation, she stood on her hind legs and waved her paws as she pleaded for the other Pokemon to help her and Princess Peach. What can they do? How can they get through the fog?

There was a moment's silence, then one of the Pumpkaboo did a triumphant little dance. It had an idea! It floated down to Pikachu and conjured up an eerie ball of light. Cartoonish ghosts flew out of the sphere and merged with Pikachu, turning her into a Ghost-type! This was a special ability of Pumpkaboo: Trick or Treat!

Pikachu cautiously approached the fog. She hesitated a moment, then took a deep breath to gather her courage. She stepped into the fog... and nothing happened! Pikachu jumped up and down in jubiliation, then waved at Princess Peach. The Pumpkaboo looked to the Princess, then repeated its Trick or Treat power to turn her into a ghost as well!


The storm missiles struck true! Keepahs had no experience fighting one such as the armored bounty huntress, and the creatures were just as Samus thought of them: fodder. They dropped to the ground almost simultaneously, the pupils of their bloodshot eye replaced by a cartoony X, before they disappeared in clouds of darkness.

The Phils kept ramming themselves upon Samus's armored body. Their poison can slow down an angel; the effect it may have upon a mortal human could be devastating! However, they could not find an opening and they were easily brushed off. While the Collins were more tanky, their soulless, undead forms were incapable of any complex maneuvers or quick thinking. Samus was easily able to grapple one and kick it hard, sending it into its partner. The two dropped to the ground in a tangle of armor, struggling to get back onto their feet.

The Putt looked down at the Collins and silently shook his head at the incompetence of his fighters. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he raised his bow and shot two arrows of light into the Collins, despatching them himself before turning his attention to Samus. The bow radiated an aura that repelled the miasma. While it wasn't as powerful as the real Bow of Light Pit once wielded, the light within the copy was still genuine! The Putt made a mocking come-and-get-some gesture at Samus before spreading his wings and taking into the air, rapid-firing arrows of light at her.

Putts can fly!
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Pokey helped himself to the food, getting lost in his own thoughts he was stuck in that monochrome world with only Giygas and those alien cyborgs for company for six harrowing long months. Whereas Sora slept for eleven months. He fed on whatever bionic Kraken he had come by which isn’t much to him. “ Eleven months in cryogenic sleep is no joke, you must be starving, jeez'' Pokey is no medical expert. He's pretty surprised Sora still has functioning muscles. One would think the other boy’s body would’ve gradually weakened over time for being asleep so long. However, Sora is still here as if nothing happened.

He didn’t understand what Pichu was saying at all it sounds sort of complex to him. All the mouse said is ‘Pi’ or strung more Pi’s together. It would've been nice to understand the mouse’s language, perhaps it’s for the best. Pichu’s judgmental looks are not lost on him. Pokey figures Pichu is aware of the darkness in his heart. He just has to play the good boy role for now. It's really disgusting he’s not a goody two shoes like Ness, but it’s for the best his beef isn’t with Sora or Pichu. “ How does freedom feel?” He knows he can see a wide array of color again, feeling free and eating real food is another at least in his opinion.

Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing
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yra / ythra

Location: Southeastern Coast | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Watching Toon Link and Pit for a moment as the two ran around, Pyra gave a small shake of her head. While she was no stranger to situations like this given Tora's usual personality, it never got easier for her to simply accept. Letting a sigh escape her lips, her gaze eventually slipped from them as she quietly pondered possibilities that might be open to them. That was when Mythra decided to cut in. Are we really going to be dealing with children like this the whole time? We already have Rex at home to get our fill of this. Giving a small shake of her head, the redhead quickly dismissed the other's rude words. Mythra, please. It's not that bad. Besides, you like being around Rex. You just hate admitting it.

Hearing a huff come from the blonde, Pyra knew she had hit it on the mark. No matter how hard Mythra tried hiding things, deep down Pyra always knew she cared. The same applied for the others in the Smash family. The aegis would never openly admit it, yet she cared for them all, or at least most of them. The villains she could at least forgive her for disliking. Brushing the thought aside, Pyra drew her focus back in. However, Mythra was quick to interrupt any thoughts she might be having. Do you think those two will stop anytime soon? They're running ll over the place. Her question caused the fire blade to lift her head and look out towards Pit and Toon Link. Their chase was still ongoing. Sighing, she shrugged her shoulders. I'm not sure. We'll have to wait till they stop to continue any planning.

When everything began to settle down, Pyra stayed quiet until Toon Link made his proposal. At first the words did not register with her and her eyes shifted to the boat. It definitely wasn't big, that was for sure, and she could understand how it wouldn't fit the four of them. However, the suggestion wasn't one she found herself overly comfortable with and upon hearing Pit exclaim about how she was a girl, she couldn't help but blush. All of this was embarrassing. Covering her face, Pyra tried to keep herself calm, knowing she couldn't afford to get too bothered. There was no offence being taken, but it was clear she was uncomfortable. Even though she was used to odd personalities and all that, things like this weren't particularly common. Unlike her, Mythra seemed irritated by everything. Hearing her low growl, Pyra knew she had to prepare to keep control.

Let me at these guys. They deserve a good slap for this! Hostility seeped from her voice and caused Pyra to give a small shake of her head. Mythra no! It's fine! It's fine! There's no way we're going through with that plan. The blonde's grumbling hardly put the redhead at ease, but she couldn't stay silent for too long. Lowering her hands from her face, she took note of how Jeff was now redfaced too. This couldn't get any worse. Taking a deep breath, the aegis composed herself, though a red tint remained on her cheeks.

"Surely that isn't the only possibility open to us," she began, quickly pushing aside the embarrassment. "Maybe we could find a raft or small lifeboat that we could pull along with your own ship, that way we'd have enough space for all of us." It was a hopeful suggestion, but it would solve their issues and would spare them all the uncomfortableness the original plan brought forth. Besides a plan like this would keep Mythra at bay. The last thing they needed was her coming out and causing problems. Pyra could only do so much to hold her back after all. If the other willed it enough, she would make an appearance, despite how much she respected her other half. If there was no other way then perhaps going to sea wasn't the best route for them to take.
the hero of time stops playing his ocarina
link lets out a confused "huh"
he ended up here cause he was heading to the smash brothers tournament to meet up with everyone , he didnt even know why.
he just remembers agreeing to gather up with everyone.
he looks to falcon expecting answers.​

Location: The Jungle | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing Develius Develius Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
After his clear order to Inkling escaped his throat, Joker dropped his head and momentarily closed his eyes. His mind was losing all focus and even when he brought a hand up to hold it, he couldn't find any relief. Was this the end? No, he wasn't dying. His body knew that much. His wounds weren't that severe. It was likely the end of his rescue attempt though. His reckless plan had played against him. He gambled it all and he ended up with the losing hand. It irritated him. There had to be a way he could win. He couldn't let himself lose, it wasn't in his nature to. That was what had turned him into who he was today- the boy who dared to stand against the corrupt people that loomed above society and show them that he would not yield to their desires. While there was no corrupt adult in this situation, or anything like his own adventures, he still had to find a way to pull himself through. It didn't matter what state his body was in, or if he could even use Arsene. He could not afford to kneel to those who sought to slow him.

Finding determination in those thoughts, Ren's eyes opened once again and he slowly lifted his head, turning it to look at Kamek as he addressed him. Five. Four clones and one real... He immediately deduced before turning his head away again. He wasn't sure how he planned to face them in his current state or if he could even plan fast enough to deal with the attack they were charging up. Still, he had to try. That was all he could do.

Dropping his hand from his head, a sharp breath escaped the thief's lips as he sat there trying to forced himself to think. His other hand tightly gripped his pistol as if knowing it was his only option at this point in time. He had to shoot. The clones taking a bullet would be no issue at all, but he had to make sure he aimed for them and not the real thing. Maybe he could determine which was which the same way he could determine weak shadows from the strong. Could he even focus that much? He had no clue.

However, before he could even try, he felt a strange warmth overcome his body. It took him entirely by surprise and for a moment he thought Morgana had managed to arrive given how it felt vaguely similar to a persona's healing. As his gaze flickered around though, he couldn't find the feline's silhouette anywhere among his surroundings, nor did he see the shape of his persona either. Then what was he feeling? It wasn't something he could wrap his mind around, given his head had been too disorientated to hear Paula's previous words, but nevertheless, he could feel his body gaining some strength, although not all of it. He still lacked Arsene's usual power after all. No simple healing could bring that back. Letting his wounds be patched up by the effects of PSI Lifeup, Joker kept his hunched over position figuring it was best not to lead on that his strength was returning to him out of nowhere. It might give him an advantage. Any chance to gain even a slight upper hand over this situation was good enough for him.

While he was momentarily distracted, Ren hadn't noticed what had been taking place with Inkling until he felt the squid hit his chest. "Oof!" the thief coughed out from the impact, causing him to hunch over even more than he already had been. Eyes shifting to see what had hit him, his gaze settled upon the squid as she slowly began to shift back into her kid form. Staring down at her, the situation began to settle in his mind. She hadn't run like he told her, but instead came to rescue him. While he wanted anger to overcome himself, it didn't come. Instead, his face was soft, a smile managing to curl at the ends of his lips. "Guess you and I really don't like to follow orders..." he breathed out softly as he allowed her to drape his arm over her shoulders. He had no idea what she planning, but for now he'd accept the help.

Luckily for him, she'd go on to try and get her plan across. A jump. He could figure it was a super jump based on her original plan, though he wasn't sure how he'd fair when put into such a position. He'd figure it out when they got that far. Giving a small nod to her motions, he held the contact a moment longer as he lifted a hand up to give a thumbs up. "Woomy." He wasn't sure what the word meant, but he hoped it was some kind of confirmation. If not, oh well.

Seeing her slip back into her squid form and begin to charge the jump, Ren knew he had to deal with the problem that still lingered behind him. Allowing his eyes to close once more, he sucked in a deep breath. Focus. Find the clones. His mind seemed to sharpen and after a few seconds, he reopened his gray eyes and turned his head to look towards Kamek again. It was clear now.

No hesitation showed in the thief's movements as his pistol was raised and the first shot was fired at one of the clones. Three more. Keep going. A small shift of his upper body and another shot rang out, hitting his second target. His arm seemed to move on its own, setting itself up for the next one. Everything about Joker in that very moment exuded his true confidence nd it didn't stop. Two more shots rang out, one after the other, aimed towards his desired targets. With four shots taken, the thief's pistol moved to aim towards the real Kamek. Even from under his mask it was visible to see the harsh glare coming from the boy's eyes.

"If you fire, then I fire," he threatened. Would such a threat buy Inkling enough time to get airborne? He had his own doubts, but given the position he found himself currently in, it was all he had. He had to hope that threatening to shoot the mage might deter him from taking action on them.
Paula quickly shook her head, opening her mouth to protest,” I think you will make a great king, you have the qualities of what will make you good ruler.” She hopes her words will help ease Noctis’s mind; he seemed to have been through a lot. She can only imagine the trauma the poor man is in his mind. The girl had figured she did what she could to help Joker and Inkling. However, Paula wants to keep things moving forward. Is there anything I can do to help more? Let me know I’m on standby for now, She spoke to Joker and Inkling, luckily she’s able to reach them though her telepathy.

She had the will and energy to help the two escape safely and may as well put all her effort into it. She had energy from eating that magic truffle. It's useful for people like her who have psychic abilities. Now it’s simply waiting on the side for Joker’s next orders, trusting in his abilities. Paula for some reason looked at the clouds. One of them looked like Ness. It was comforting he’s still in her heart in place of not being by her side physically. Seeing that cloud gave her the boost needed to help her new friends.

Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Noctis Lucis Caelum and Prompto Argentum.
" Thanks!" Noctis replied. "I'll do my best,when I return to Eos that is."
"That's the spirit Dude!" Prompto cheered.
" In the meantime,we'll have to wait." Noctis added. " That's a good opportunity to take pictures. I mean,we're in another world!" Prompto replied.


Jungle Command Post
| (Kamek & Elite Trio) | SheepKing SheepKing (Inkling) | Ploegy Ploegy (Joker) |

As Agent Three began swaying side to side, Corporal Paraplonk and his fellow Paratroopas struggled diligently to keep hold of their troublesome prisoner. "H-Hey! Hold still!" one of the Paratroopas shouted, as they tried to recourse their flight path back to the airships. They began bickering with one another, trying to get ahold of the situation and suggesting the right course of action, all while unknowingly being moved to the enemy's advantage. But once they realized what the inkling was doing, it was too late. Swinging back with enough momentum, Agent Three turned back into her squid form and launched from their grasp right down towards Joker. The Paratroopas panicked as they tried to nab her at the last second, but they knew it was in vain. All Corporal Paraplonk could do was look down at the unfolding scene in dreadful suspense.

"Oh... oh we're so dead."

With Joker now surrounded by Kamek and his four other clones, the magikoopas all cackled gleefully as they prepared to knock out the poor kid several kingdoms over. However, just before they could go with their plan, they'd see the inkling prisoner fall from the sky and land directly into her savior's chest. All of them glared down at the two in an awkward pause, their maniacal expressions frozen in place as if a button cause them to stop moving. And then, right on cue, the Kameks screamed; their eyes bulging straight through their spectacles in utter shock and disbelief.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" The magikoopas waved around frantically, their flabbergasted heads swiveling around trying to figure out what bloke was responsible for letting her out of their grasp, "H-HOW DIDJA~?!"

Someone was totally going to be on janitor duty after this! Yet as they all tried to recover from this nonsense, Joker would take advantage of the confusion and draw his pistol upon them! The first shot hit once of the clones, vaporizing it into smoke. Three more. The other Kameks yelled furiously, as another clone would bite the dust! Two more. Finally, the last clone would take a fist full of lead into its head, unceremoniously dissipating from view.

Now only He remained.

Taken completely aback by the sudden counterattack, the real Kamek could do nothing as he watched his illusions be thwarted one by one. Before he knew it, he himself found himself facing down the barrel of Joker's gun, just stopping him from throwing a spell of his own. Well, wasn't this unfortunate! The blue-robed sorcerer scowled as his opponent warned for him to stand down, less he suffers the same fate as his illusionary cast of misfits. The minions nearby watched helplessly as they saw their second in command under gunpoint by the masked assailant, murmuring quietly to one another. Kamek could feel a chilling shiver crawling up his back, coupled with beads of cold sweat running down his brow. This was quite the ultimatum; one he loathed being part of against his will. They were on the cusp of victory, their vastly superior numbers and firepower being surely enough to keep the two from reuniting!

And yet, whether through dumb luck and/or sheer stupidity, the tide of battle had instantly flipped a total 180 in the enemies' favor! How? How could they have caused such a blunder to occur? Sure it was impressive, but how ultimately humiliating it all was! Now they were about to make their grand getaway and he could only watch helplessly from a front row seat. How was he going to report this to Master Bowser? In fact, where was he during all of this?


Before the two could go about their daring escape, something big would land just behind them with an ominous presence. Kamek blocked his eyes as the dust and shockwave brushed by him, while a surprised gasp emitted from the minions just beyond. It had to be! As the dust would begin to subside, the magikoopa blinked rapidly before cleaning his spectacles to get a good look at the massive figure behind them.

Well that certainly answered his question.

The whole battlefield was now deafly silent as dark silhouette of a furious Koopa King loomed over the troublesome duo.

"Ya know, I gotta say pal," Bowser growled in a lowly tone as he bent forward to glare straight at Joker's eyes, "I'm quite impressed that your little makeshift plan to retrieve your friend here had gotten you this far." While giving some shady compliments on their efforts, his overall expression was dark and gloomy. It no longer represented the dastardly silly and clumsy bloke that they've gotten to know of prior. He was pissed. And he's quite evident on making his expression known loud and clear. Stomping his foot, he proceeded to try and jeopardize inkling's jump-away, if his already bombastic introduction didn't do so already. "But GUESS what? If you think you're going to get away THAT easily, then TOUGH LUCK pal. You're no MARIO! Not even your spirit friend is enough to save you! You're just a petty little thief that causes nothing but trouble! Forget about Mr. Nice Guy! I'm gonna make sure to put an end to your meddling once and for all!"

But just before the Koopa King was about to make promise on his threatening words, one of the koopas near the airship proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs. "IIIIIINCOMIIIIING!"

Bowser's concentrated rage faded briefly as he turned to pay attention to the sudden warning. "OH WHAT NOW?!" he bellowed furiously while clenching his fists, "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ABOUT TO~!" Suddenly, everyone could hear the distant echo of a terrible roar coming from the southwest, followed by the faint sound of flapping wings. Now everyone was on high alert, with some already fleeing the scene or taking up battle positions in preparing to meet this oncoming entity. Eventually, the beast would make its appearance, casting a large shadow upon as it swiftly flew over the entire command post. Those looking up would see for a brief moment a pair of reddish-brown black-stripped wings, followed behind by a rather long and thick scaly tail adorned with long spikes on the end.

After its initial flyby, the draconic menace turned back around as it descended closer to the ground, with its belly almost scraping the forest canopy. Then, once it reached the outskirts of the clearing (opposite of where Bowser and the others are), it flapped its wings back to slow its descent before landing. Dust and debris was thrown up as its talons scrapped the topsoil, before it skidded to a halt. What stood before Bowser and his minions was none other then the iconic visage of a dragon! Or more precisely...

A Rathalos!

The beast snarled at his audience before unleashing a piercing roar that caused anyone nearby to flinch and cover their ears; or otherwise be knocked back by the sheer concussive force of that terrible noise! Now Bowser's attention was fully placed upon this sudden newcomer, as his eyes widened in absolute bewilderment. What the hell was a thing like THAT doing here? And judging by its behavior, it was definitely not here to make friends. The minions shivered cowardly upon the Sky King's presence, having no clear idea on what they should do next.

"WELL, DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU IDIOTS!" Bowser roared at his troops, being baffled by their sudden cowardliness as he pointed towards the wyvern, "DESTROY THAT THING!"

With that, the minions' concentration were now fully invested upon the giant reptilian monster that crashed their party. As they charged at the beast, the Rathalos quickly dispatched the closest fodder by unleashing three consecutive fire balls that exploded on contact. Each explosion tossed away a significant chunk of minions, sending them flying in all directions if not upright vaporizing them! Even as bullet bills were launched at it, they would deal only little damage against the wyvern's thick scaly hide as it began to charge through the waves of minions, bulldozing straight through them under foot with little resistance!

With the Rathalos' sudden appearance now drawing the Koopa army's full attention, it was now more than a perfect opportunity for Joker and Inkling to take advantage of this sudden "Deus Eex Machina" and make their getaway for real!
Steve had free reign while Snake balanced digits and decimals in the Codec. He watched the signal bars float and fall with the clarity of the transmission following that pattern, until a comical 'oof' startled him from his focus. He turned to the mineshaft, listening for awhile, first waiting for Steve to reassure his safety or come up and then waiting for something else to make itself known. When neither came, Snake slunk down the carved steps of the mine, navigating with the night vision function of his Solid Eye and his SOCOM drawn. In the darkest corner of the room, between static hues of green, he found a hole with a several foot drop. Pitchy groans and the clatter of bones echoed from the opening, but nothing he could see. "Steve?" Snake sprawled onto his belly, angling his head into the hole as comfortable as he could. Footprints covered the floor in circling, meandering patterns. He saw an squared spot of brown in the wall closest to him, standing out from the rest of the stone in color and texture. Amidst the other sounds still echoing against the walls, Snake heard what he thought sounded like bones clattering against the floor, followed by thick string or wire being tweaked and pulled taut. He pulled his head back just before an arrow could hit him, sticking in the wall where his head had just been.

Steve's messages reached Snake as he searching for a new way to observe the cave. "It's too damn early for mistakes like this..." He put a lid on his frustrations with them, clearing the frown that was festering on his face. They needed solutions, and for this one, there was an obvious one.

SolidDavid: Dig deeper, I'm dropping in an explosive.

Snake pulled a grenade from his stash and pulled the pin, holding the spoon it for as long as he thought Steve would need to get to safety, then a little longer just to be sure. When he fragged the cave hole, throwing his explosive in the direction he thought the arrow had come from, Snake hurried up the mineshafts steps to put himself in a safer position as well. He felt the explosion shudder through his body, without the telltale signs of shifting earth. He had Minecraft physics to thank for that, Snake was sure. When he descended into the cave again, he still had his pistol drawn, but sent another message to Steve as he went.

SolidDavid: Should be clear. Can you confirm before I come down to breach?
Funnier President Funnier President


Deku Tree
| GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Putt) |

Just before Samus was about to finish the Collins off with a charge beam, Putt would see their imminent demise and swiftly finished them off himself with two well placed light arrows. She could immediately tell that he was one of those "leaders"; a cold yet snarky individual seeing the units under him as disposable husks that can be replaced later. Sounded like a lot of other particular villains that she knew of... some more personably then others. The bounty hunter tensed as she turned to face him. The bow he used looked rather similar to the one the real Pit wielded, having a magical effect that pushed away the toxic fog for a considerable radius. Granted she never got a truly good look at the real deal, but it was at the very least a genuine-looking replica. Certainly explained how he's able to be down here unaffected by the environment.

As Putt taunted the armored huntress, Samus would unleash her charged beam at the false angel; only to miss as he took to the skies before it could hit him. She clicked her tongue as she watched him ascend, before he'd fire a volley of light arrows at her! Quickly, Samus attempted to dash out of the way of the projectiles, even rolling into her morph ball form for brief intervals to throw off his aim. The best strategy now was to take out his wings and get him to stay grounded; meaning she'll have to get him to come to her level. There was certainly an idea on how to achieve this, but she needed to wait for the right opportunity to capitalize on it. For now, she had to play the waiting game.

Sprinting around the airborne Putt, Samus fired off four regular homing missiles that immediately locked onto his location. Three would've been fine, but she remembered what she told her two allies. And on second thought, there was probably a better idea for a proper signal than wasting precious ammo, or having it confused for a distress in times of confidence. For in cases like this, such measures were of upmost importance.

Location: Outside Research Facility | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
After answering Pokey, Sora's eyes soon shifted to Pichu as he felt the bottle being tapped against his leg. Given the look the Pokemon was giving him, he could guess what he wanted. He should have figured the other would have had some troubles prior to grabbing his own food. It wasn't as if opening things would come easily to the electric mouse, though from the looks of it, he had at least been able to open a sandwich, although the only evidence that remained from it was the plastic wrapping.

Chuckling softly, Sora placed his own sandwich in his lap and reached out to take the bottle from his companion. Twisting its cap with ease, he handed the water back to Pichu with a beaming smile upon his face. "There you go! Drink up!" For a moment, he briefly wondered if Pichu could even drink from a bottle, but he quickly dismissed any concerns over it. He could clearly hold the bottle, so there was likely nothing to worry about. Besides, it wasn't as if they had a bowl to pour water into so things could be easier. They had to make do with what they had in front of them. That was fine by him.

Leaning back in his place, the keyblade wielder grabbed his sandwich once again and went back to eating. Despite how hungry he was, Sora was eating rather slowly, his mind clearly still distracted by the question that Pokey had posed before. He casually was brushing off eleven months of sleep as if it was no big deal, yet he knew that wasn't the case. However, he knew he couldn't focus on it now. All his questions on his situation couldn't be answered by anyone here, unless somehow those with higher powers somehow had been watching over him after his departure a year ago. Did any of them feel the need to even do that? It seemed unlikely. While his issues could easily spread throughout various worlds, he had yet to hear of heartless invading any of the other fighter's homes. Still, keeping an eye on his travels might prove useful for one of the others, even if they didn't directly involve themselves.

Sora's train of thought on the subject was soon brought to an abrupt halt as he heard Pokey respond. Blinking himself back to reality, the teen gave a small nod of his head. "I am, yet I'm not as hungry as I feel I should be," he mused. It was a strange feeling, though it wasn't something he could fully put into words. Explaining it felt difficult. "I assume some kind of magic was at play, maybe, I'm not sure. None of it makes much sense, but hey, I'm awake now and I've made it back here to the Smash Realm." Pausing, he finished off his sandwich and grabbed the can from beside himself as he gaze shifted upwards towards the sky. "And it's a good thing I showed up. Poor Pichu would have been left fending for himself in that place. While my magic does feel a bit finicky, it's a good thing it worked well enough to get us out."

Smiling, a light laugh came from the boy as he lowered his gaze towards the Pokemon at his side. As bad as he felt for leaving Goofy and Donald behind, given how things were here, it was a good thing he had arrived. It was possible that if things were wrong here, they could likely be off elsewhere in the Realm. If that was the case then this was more than just keeping the promise of coming back. He may need to step up and protect this world more than he had previously. Being the last to arrive, he had been in a rather odd situation last time around, yet he felt that he had at least done some good to help the others. This time around could perhaps be different, although the thought of trouble being back did mean bad things.

Keeping a frown from becoming visible, Sora brought the can of soda up to his lips and took a drink, chugging whatever had been left. Setting the empty can at his side, he rested his hands on the ground beside himself and rolled his shoulders back. "Say Pichu, if there are problems like this happening here, do you think there might be more?" It was an interesting question, but it was one that bothered the boy greatly. Something felt off after all. After everything they had been through before, he would have expected the Hands to have better control over the happenings here, but if what was happening in the facility was happening elsewhere as well, then they had a problem on their hands. Of course he wasn't expecting Pichu to have all the answers, or even be able to give much of one. The language barrier between them made sure that was a problem. If only he had Donald's magic to change himself into a Pokemon, maybe then communicating would be easier.

Shaking his head to rid himself of such thoughts, his gaze shifted to Pokey again, figuring he should ask him too. "Do you think something is off as well, uh..." Trailing off, Sora quickly realized he had never gotten the other boy's name. "Ya know, I don't think I ever caught your name." It was an awkward transition to have, but given everything that had taken place, proper introductions hadn't been in place. "I'm Sora and like you've already heard, this little guy is Pichu!"
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Princess Peach

Peach, at first, was on high alert when figures began emerging from the darkness, BUT it seemed as if Pikachu had it covered! The pink Princess smiled as Pikachu seemed to be communicating with them! They must be other Pokemon like Pikachu! She never even would have thought pumpkins COULD come to life!

"That's right... There are fantastic creatures in the world where Pikachu comes from, I wonder what---"

And just as the Mushroom Princess was about to finish her thought the little tree-stump and pumpkin-like creatures TURNED PIKACHU INTO A GHOST!

"Oh!" Peach cried as she ran up to... Well, the spirit of Pikachu? Their ghost?

If the Mushroom Princess didn't come from a world where ghosts regularly frequented and attacked her and her friends Peach would be VERY WORRIED that the pumpkin like creature had hurt Pikachu... Or worse!!!

Before she could really do anything else the Pumpkin-like pokemon repeated what it did to Pikachu and...

Now SHE was a ghost, too!!

"Goodness!" She cried, examining her new spectre-like body in shock and awe.

"Now we can get through the forest!" Peaach cried to Pikachu and the other Pokemon in glee, adding, "Yes!"

Ironically, they had to BECOME GHOSTS in order to keep from ACTUALLY BEING GHOSTS in the toxic Forest!


((Still in the /forest))


GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Location: The Forest
With: Samus Aran ( Develius Develius ), Princess Peach ( Minako Minako )

"Pikapika!" Pikachu squeaked happily, sharing in the princess's joy. She then furrowed her brows in determination before taking off in the direction of the fire fight. "Chachu! Pikachu! Chu-pi! Pikachu!" Hold on, Samus! Pikachu is coming!

Putt saw the four homing missiles coming his way. He raised his free hand and in it appeared an item Samus might remember from the Brawl tournament: a mirror shield! The four missiles struck the shield's shining surface and bounced right back in the direction of the bounty huntress! The shield's surface cracked. Just like the Bow of Light, the Mirror Shield was a mere copy; it will break with repeated use. Putt made no indication that he had noticed this, either that or he didn't care. After reflecting the homing missiles back at Samus, he fired another volley of light arrows to keep her busy before swooping down upon her and attacking with a swing of his bow. Whether the attack hit or not, Putt kept moving forward, due to momentum, before turning around and swooping upon Samus again, this time with a kick. Like an angry wasp, Putt attacked, swooping and striking, swooping and striking! Pit possessed superhuman strength; so did Putt. Even with armor, a blow from the false angel would, at the very least, not feel pleasant!


There was a clap of thunder and a powerful bolt of electricity shot out from the fog, striking Putt in the back and freezing the Underworld angel in the air for a brief moment!

The now Electric/Ghost Mouse Pokemon appeared on the battlefield, fur standing on end and sparks flying from her cheeks as she growled. Despite Putt's appearance, a sixth sense warned Pikachu of the danger. It may have helped that fighting evil clones of friends and other fighters wasn't an uncommon occurrence in the Smash Realm anyway!

Toon Link & Pit
Location: Southeastern Coast, close to Beachside Town (World of Light Map)
With: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Jeff ( Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat )

"Oh no... Pyra, I'm sorry! Augh, what have I done!" Pit mentally kicked himself. First he made Mythra withdraw into herself, and now Pyra's as red-faced as he was! It seemed despite dedicating himself to the service of a goddess, Pit was not savvy at all when it came to interacting with women. "This wouldn't be a problem if I could just fly on my own!"

Toon Link looked sheepish. He hadn't expected such a strong response from his companions. He waved a hand at them in an attempt to apologize before putting on his thinking cap once again. Well, they could go to Beachside Town and find boat there, or they could try and call Lapras. Toon Link recalled Pokemon Trainer using a strange device to get information on the Pokemon. It said that Lapras sing to communicate. Maybe if they played some music, Lapras will come? Toon Link believed it was worth a try!

He took out his bait bag, a bag that resembled a pig's face, and scattered little red pellets into to the sea water. The Hylian then took out his wind baton and pointed to Jeff, Pit, and Pyra. Did any of them know how to sing or play an instrument? Pit, seizing a chance to be helpful, waved a hand and a violin materialized out of the air. He took hold of the instrument and got into position.

"If it's music you want, I'm your angel! Please conduct, maestro!"

Toon Link grinned upon seeing the violin. He knew just what to conduct!

As Toon Link conducted, Pit played along, the angel looking quite regal at first. The lively melody soon got to Pit, and he was stomping a foot and swaying along with the music. Toon Link giggled as he conducted. The two Smash Brothers got into it! Boy, did they really get into it! Toon Link twirled on one foot, wind baton held up into the air and still swishing to and fro. Pit mimicked Toon Link's twirl, not even missing a single note as he played the violin. Toon Link planted his feet and leaned far to his left, his torso almost parallel to the ground. Pit leaned to his right. Both slowly straightened at the same time, and it was at that point that Pit decided to stray from Toon Link's guidance and go straight into the Underworld theme. Toon Link stopped conducting and watched, taken by surprise at the sudden shift, but couldn't help but laugh as Pit hop-skipped around Jeff and Pyra as he played, looking all the world like, well, a frolicking angel! Pit began to lean backward until his wings touched the earth. He skillfully shuffled toward Pyra before straightening up, his face so close to hers that their noses almost touched. He wiggled his eyebrows mischieviously before taking a step backward then backflipping away from her, STILL playing! Toon Link rolled his eyes. Okay, NOW he was just showing off!

Pit paused briefly in his playing to point at Pyra with his violin bow. "This one's for you, Mythra!" Straightening himself regally, he returned the bow to the violin and played.

Toon Link heard something in the water nearby. He turned and saw Lapras! The Pokemon's head swayed as it listened to the music. She dipped her head to grab at the floating bait then resumed listening to her personal concert. Toon Link jumped up and down triumphantly. It worked!
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Location: Kongo Jungle | Interactions: Funnier President Funnier President AvidElmV2 AvidElmV2
Everything seemed normal, until it wasn't. As Roxas quietly walked on through the sandy path of the ruins, a sharp pain in his head caused him to come to an abrupt halt. Letting go of his keyblade, it vanished as he grabbed his head and let a soft growl escape his lips. What was happening to him? He couldn't tell, but something clearly wasn't right. Whatever it was, it had a grip on him and was forcing his head to grow fuzzy once again. No matter how much he seemed to fight it, he could not win. Falling to his knees, he curled his upper body into itself and tried to steady his breathing. Now wasn't the time to lose consciousness. As much as his body fought against it though, it was clear some external force was out powering him and soon enough, he gave in. Everything grew black and silence filled his mind.

While Roxas was an unsuspecting target, none of what he experienced had come from some random happening. Once the boy was out, the golden, psychic Pokemon known as Kadabra appeared. Its reasons for targeting the boy were unclear, but whatever it was, the psychic type hadn't appreciated his presence and took matters into its own hands. The waves it produced clearly had been enough to shake Roxas's mind enough to momentarily pass out. That was enough for the Kadabra to teleport the boy away. Where it planned on sending the boy was unbeknownst to it, but having the boy out of its territory was more than enough for it.

The teleport was brief, though Roxas didn't find himself immediately recovering from his brief unconscious state. For a few moments, the teen laid there, just off the path, passed out. His face was buried into the grass and when he found himself finally coming to again, he was met with a mouthful of grass. Spitting in disgust, he rolled himself over in a hurry before a groan escaped his throat. Laying on his back, he brought an arm over his face and heaved a heavy sigh. The pain still lingered in his head, yet he had no idea what had caused it. It was no mere headache, that was for certain. Everything so far had proved to be a real pain for him. Was anything going to go right? He wasn't even sure.

Allowing himself a moment to recover, the nobody removed his arm from his face and opened his eyes once again. Unlike before, he wasn't met with the sights of the golden ruins he had been before. The dull brown hues that had greeted him when he last "awoke" was no longer the scene he saw. Vines dangled down from the trees overhead, indicating he was far from wherever it was he had ended up in before. What was going on? So many questions ran through his mind, yet none of them could be answered, nor did he have the time to find any. The sound of an explosion nearby brought all his thoughts to a halt and he abruptly sat up. The ground shook ever so slightly, but it was enough to tell Roxas that whatever had been blown up wasn't too far away. Just his luck.

Another sigh escaped his lips and he quickly ran his fingers through his hair. What was he to do? As much as he wanted to avoid trouble, he needed some kind of answers as to where he was. Maybe whoever or whatever caused the explosion would know. Was that even a good idea? Roxas doubted it, yet what choice did he have? Aimlessly wandering wasn't going to solve his problems either. Besides, if things were bad, he could always take off before he was dragged into some kind of mess. As cowardly as that sounded, it was at least some kind of plan.

With his mind made up, Roxas pushed himself to his feet and took a brief moment to look around. Did he even know where he was going? Not really. He felt he had a general idea of where the sound had come from, but that was merely a guess. Basing his entire plan off an assumption only added to his "luckiness." This couldn't get worse. Once again allowing his keyblade to manifest in hand, the teen pushed himself forward. He could only wonder what he was about to walk into. Was it some monster? Maybe heartless were causing problems. Who knew. Again, all he could make were assumptions and such things would hardly give him answers.

Walking for several minutes, he soon came upon the mineshaft. Unlike everything else around, it clearly looked out of place. Slowly approaching it, Roxas lowered himself to a crouch and peered down inside, though it did him little good. All he was met with was darkness. Nothing could be easy, could it? Lifting himself back up, a sharp sigh escaped his lips and he took a moment to consider his options- he could enter the dark cave that laid below or he could wait and see if anyone or anything came out. Neither option seemed great. The first had more risks, but it would possibly bring him answers much faster than the latter one would. Was it worth it though? He couldn't say. Rubbing his temples in annoyance, the teen found himself growing increasingly frustrated. Keeping his temper in check, he sucked in a deep breath and dropped his hand away. Just enter the cave. Find out what's inside, he mentally told himself. As dangerous as it could be, his curiosity as to what this mineshaft was got the best of him.

Gripping his keyblade tightly, Roxas stepped down the mineshaft and soon was met by the darkness that waited. Squinting, he slowly lifted his blade and allowed faint traces of fire magic to grace across it, allowing himself to see the area directly around him. As his eyes settled in to change of lighting, the silhouette of Snake caught the edge of his vision and he froze in place, staring towards the soldier's back in complete silence. He didn't dare make a sound, unsure if it was better to stay quiet or speak up. All he could do was stand like a deer in headlights as his mind tried to figure out what he should do.


Deku Tree
| GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Putt, Pikachu) | Minako Minako (Princess Peach) |

As the homing missiles screamed towards their target, Samus would quickly find her own projectiles being deflected back towards her! Her eyes widened as she tried dashing for cover, however one was able to just nail her in the shoulder. The impact of the blast knocked the bounty hunter off her feet for a brief moment, before skidding back onto her feet. It'd take her a moment to realize what just happened as she looked up to see the old, yet familiar, mirror shield being responsible for the sudden detour. Of course. Of all the enemies, IT would have to use one of those annoying shields. There was a reason why she refused to return to "item tournaments" despite it being banned during the Brawl Tournament.

Her eyes squinted in annoyance, but before she'd have even a moment to act, another volley of light arrows came shrieking towards her position! With nowhere to run and too late to dodge, Samus gritted her teeth as two of the projectiles found their mark within her armor. One would pierce her already damaged left shoulder, while another pierced her right midriff; breaking a bit of exterior armor in the process. Alarms started blaring through her suit of the imminent damage, alerting her of the dangerous risk of being exposed to the weakening fog around her. while her interior mesh and zero-suit underneath were more than enough to keep the fog out for now, she had to be careful not to get a leak in the system.

Seeing Putt's bow swing at her, Samus countered by throwing her arm cannon to block it away before firing his plasma bolts at him. Even so, the false angel was fast! Quickly he struck again with a kick; forcing the huntress to continue batting it away for as long as she could. She still had plenty of fight with her, but she couldn't help but grow tiresome for each precise block she bounced back. They were surprisingly strong, although considering the fact it was somewhat related to the real Angel himself, it shouldn't be too surprising. Or was it the fog now pouring into her bloodstream? And that was worse! Either way, she had to act quickly! The longer she stays in this gridlock, the more wary will she become. If she could only just...


A powerful lightning bolt cracked through the darkness as it struck Putt right in the back! Even Samus reeled back as her visor darkened to ensure she wasn't blinded by the sudden burst of light. She could've sworn she heard something within that strike, like a voice. A very familiar voice! And turning around, Samus would see the visages of both Pikachu and Princess Peach as... ghosts? The huntress glared with a concealed glance of confusion, surprise, doubt, and fear all plastered at the same time! What happened to them? Were they hurt? They didn't seem to be loathing their new forms at the very least. She couldn't help but give a nod of acknowledgement before quickly firing up her grapple beam towards the distracted Putt! Punting him twice against a tree as hard as she could, she'd then raise her lead before slamming him right onto the ground!

"I hope you two know what you're doing!" she called out to both fighters as she readied a rapidly growing charge beam at the false angel.
Sephiroth finally got the picture that this is a summoning ritual; it begs the question how long the Doomslayer has been entombed there perhaps for years. It’s like watching some sort of astral being welcomed from a long slumber. Except he doesn’t sense the latter is an astral perhaps down the ladder he may be equivalent to a first class SOLDIER. He watched as the glyphs and the sarcophagus illuminated, freeing the doom slayer. Perhaps this is Isabelle’s doing maybe she’s the chosen one.

He thinks Isabelle would be in his way given she’s just a Shih Tzu the Doom Slayer on the other hand would more than likely be a worthy opponent to him. It wouldn’t make much sense to involve his mother in this duel he prefers it a one on one with the latter. Without giving much of a second thought he sent Jenova to a hidden mako reactor that he found previously before making his way over to the military base. He wonders how they know Shinra’s technology.

“Would a duel be of interest to you?” He stepped up to the main entrance of the lab extending his gloved hand towards the double doors as if motioning the other to move along with him. Sephiroth’s mind is made up; he got what he wanted from the labs. The specimens were safe with him too. He may be coated in blood down to his boots but those soldiers and scientists were simply a warm up to him. Doom Slayer would be fun in his eyes if the latter agreed to the duel it would be awhile since there was a worthy opponent.

He did sense the monsters infused with Jenova cells by the strong pulse running through his veins and nerve endings. His serpentine eyes narrowed; they're just simple mindless creatures to him. Turning his back he walked to the door looking forward to the duel with Doom Slayer. He didn’t care what Isabelle did as long as she didn't get in his way or tried to stop him from getting what he wants. As soon as Sephiroth stepped into the sunlight, he unfolded his black wing. He has plenty materia handy on his glove though his limit breaks are more than to make things far more interesting.

SheepKing SheepKing Develius Develius
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Cyan kicked one of the sand worms away and slashed at another at its slimy body before heading towards Meta Knight. The latter’s attack seemed impressive enough. Luckily Mog healed their companion’s wounds. “ We should work together to take down these damn things.” He had more than enough energy to keep fighting those monsters. With Mog’s dance ability and Meta Knight’s blade storm they have a chance in winning. He did his best to keep the sand worms away. If any of them gets injured he has potions at his disposal. Fortunately, he had enough with no risk of running low on curatives. He rushed at the worms with his Quadra slice once again.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Sunsmiter Sunsmiter
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