• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Location: High-Class Bistro
Interactions: Astra, Sandra, Ash, and Richard
Tags: Specialist Specialist thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Winona Winona

Vera Arleth

Vera was in the middle of indulging in a glass of champagne when the alarms blared red. She choked on the drink, spitting it out in a mist followed by a fit of coughs as the captain ordered the evacuation. Everything seemed to slow down for Vera, who was spastically looking around like a lone soldier surrounded by nothing but jungle and enemies. She was hyperventilating, thoughts running rampant as she clamped her hands over her hears. But after a few seconds of panic and quivering breaths, she sucked it up when she noticed her friends staring as shocked as her. Vera remembered Haghi having to take a phone call, and her shrugging it off as they celebrated.

She spoke swiftly, stammering in her words. "You guys get to an escape pod, I'll find Haghi!" Life had been so kind up until this point; was this its way of evening it out? She did not know, nor did Vera spare a split-second to answer her own question as she darted out of the room. "Haghi!" she yelled, but even after straining her vocals she was still muffled by the raging currents of passengers. She was inevitably swept away by the crowd, losing sight of her friends. Vera kept fruitlessly yelling, begging in her mind that this was just a nightmare. Soon, she found herself in a separate room, where she recognized the fleeing guests as the rich socialites.

Then, a stumble, and a crash. Vera was shoved into an... android? The pace was picking up, and she didn't bother to check if it was an android or a person. Either way, she had knocked both of them to the floor. Vera was first to stand up. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she pouted, helping Astra up amidst the chaos. She was hyperventilating again, blanched and wobbling. "Have you seen Haghi? H-He's a friend of mine who..." She went on to hurriedly ramble on about his description, hoping that she--by little chance--took notice of such a person.​
The sudden shudder of the building through Leo off balance as he looked around. He had felt similar things previously when there were the occassional asteroid field but this felt different, more severe. The red warning lights lighting up and the call for the escape pods made him realise what had happened. He turned to look for Erik only to see his former band mate's back as he scurried over whoever he needed to, to ensure he could reach the exit. Meanwhile a loud scuffle caught Leo's attention.

He saw Kal with his back to the floor, mounted by one of the worst looking addicts he had ever seen. He looked inhuman with an overly gaunt face and deep set eyes. Reacting on instinct Leo rushed forward and drew his leg back. With a sickening crunch he drove his foot into the face of the mysterious addict. Teeth, blood and addict sweat flew into the air as his head snapped back brutally. The ferocious kick knocked the man unconscious, Leo quickly dragging him from ontop of Kal.

"Come on mate we have to get out of here." Leo reached out his hand to help the dealer to his feet.

Trektek Trektek robbybobby93 robbybobby93
Middle Class Section - Arcade

With encouragement and permission from his Grandmother, the boy quickly found himself inside the attraction. A few button pressed from the attendant and soon he felt his entire body shift off balance nearly falling over for a moment, the change visible even in his clothing as his untucked t-shirt almost hesitated before moving with no gravity pulling it down. With a jump Robin found himself launched up into the air and quickly enthralled in the attraction.
Tagging the ceiling he quickly leaped over to another target that he spotted glowing neon on the chamber wall, it was the hundred point target, sweat! Doing a half-flip in the air and landing half-sticking the landing feet-first atop the target he see's the points added to the scoreboard as he gets ready to bounce off once again.

Then the alert is played across the ship, and the attendant goes running...

Robin in shock has his unsteady feet slip from the wall of the Zero-G chamber, and his young body quickly finds itself stranded helplessly high-up at the heart of the chamber and far from its walls, leaving him with just the frenzied sight of the ship's staff and passengers pushing and shoving, screaming and running, all erupting into chaos bellow. Yet despite his best efforts to reach and flail he could't reach the ground, he couldn't even reach a wall, let alone try and run.
"Hey, hey! Ii'm still up here!" A panicked plea is made but amongst the chaos either nobody hears, or nobody cares.

Then the ship violently shook, throwing his elderly carer's off their own balance, while Robin himself got hurled into the nearby transparent wall, though the force was cushioned by the attractions internal-dampener. The boy peeled his face off the scoring panel now flashing with fifty extra points scores, and looked around. The chaos was worse, and he know what was happening. He remembered the safety instructions, the evacuation drills, but none of it could tell him what to do right now.
Pulling off zero-G manuevers that on any other day he'd brag about or want on video to show his cousin he propelled himself to the bottom of the chamber and bangs his fists against the chambers doors. His words, a desperate cry for help. "Grandpa, Grandma!" They were still picking themselves up from their feet but he could see they were trying to open it, but to no luck. His own fingers pried at the door, he kicked and screamed all in his panicked state having no idea what to do but try and force it open. Yet to no luck.

Scared out of his mind, the kid shouted through the transparent wall to his grandparents. "You both need to get out of here!" He knew they wouldn't want to. So again he shouted another desperate cry. "Go please! Just run! ...I'll.. I'll find another way out! ...There's got to be an access hatch on the top! I'll go that way." Robin forced a brave face to them both like he had many times before despite his obvious and undeniable fear. Yet it was a plan, a ray of hope he'd come up with as Robin began to leap up onto the walls. "I- I'll meet you at the escape pods!"

The only thing was, there were no access panels, and Robin knew he wasn't going to make it to the escape pods. He knew what was about to happen, but.. This way atleast his Grandparents would be okay. That's what he thought to himself watching them follow the red-arrows to the arcade's exit. Yet it was that final statement of love from his Grandmother that really did it - As soon as they both turned the corner, the boy like any kid, hell anyone in his situation just broke down in tears, both eyes welling up like balloons without the gravity to pull them down his cheeks.
Sat against the wall of the chamber, head braced in his arms he prepared for the worst...


Location: High-Class Bistro; en route to Escape Bay 5-10.

Interacting with: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Winona Winona , StaidFoal StaidFoal

Cross-referencing the map once more, she was just about to turn back toward the Southern exit route when she was slammed into. Reflexivly letting out a grunt, her gyro-stabilizer failed to kick in half a milisecond after recieveing the sudden shove; sending the gynoid ungracefully plummeting to the floor. With a reflexive extension of her arm, Astra allowed herself to be steadied as the stabilizer finally kicked in. Looking to the woman, Astra's irises pinned and twisted as she attempted to access the list of individuals on the ship, but soon canceled the search as her eyes returned to a normal dilation. "There's no time, Ma'am. You all need to get off this ship before something happens. Please follow me to the Southern escape route- time is running out." Astra's borderline monotonous tone didn't serve any favors to ease these people's discomfort. Turning toward the Southmost exit, she began walking in a brisk stride away from the crowd and toward the escape pods; about 500 feet away from their current position through a long wind of corridors. She entrusted that these people were behind her, and held out on a cautious hope that these Humans would heed her directive. She needed to get as many as she could out of harm's way before she could enter a pod herself.

Upon finally arriving to the destination, the last hall revealed a door covered in a pristine, sterile white; machine-stenciled red letters spelling out 'SOTHERN ESCAPE BAY 5-10.' just above the door. Moving toward the door to raise her right wrist, she was confused when the door's panel beeped red with a low droning alarm. The damn thing didn't open, but she was quick on the trigger. Holding out her left hand as a signal to back up, she took a step back and flicked out her right arm; a black blade extending out of her wrist and beginning to glow orange near the tip. With a recoil of her right arm, Astra impaled the console as the door slid open with a flickering green and red acknowledgement. She quickly retracted the blade, and turned to face the group. "Get yourselves seated immediately. I'm going to look for more survivors."
Location: High-class Bistro

(Moments before)
Even after three long years of sleeping together and traveling with one another, Sayogoromo couldn’t tolerate the sound of Arthur’s snoring. It was comparable only to the sound of a rusty cup being chewed up by a rusty lawnmower. Were this one of his homes he’d just wake the older man and send him to a guest room for the remainder of the night. Unfortunately the second room they booked for the trip was occupied by Araña and while that was a bittersweet fact, Sayo would focus solely on the joy he felt in having her company.

In an attempt to escape from the spine chilling, sleep depriving noise that was Arthur’s breathing, Sayo traveled to the bistro. Dressed in a pair black leather pants and a black fur waistcoat, he joined the other high society guests. Thanks to his relationship with Arthur, he’d met plenty of highborn people, some old money and some new, but either way he knew how to address and play them all. He was seated at a small table for two in the middle of the room just for him and Ana. The commotion that had unfolded didn’t interest him and in fact he never even glanced in that direction.

Instead he made small talk with the waiter, placing an order for a meal that would cost more than a pair of shoes and a drink that wouldn’t even get him buzzed. “One day Ana you’ll be able to snag one of these shady business owners for yourself. Then the stars will be at your finger tips.” Sayogoromo raised his right hand up as if reaching for the heavens, but he was actually admiring the diamonds around his fingers and his wrists. “You just have to work on you-.” Before he could continue the room’s atmosphere changed as an alarm cried out and red lights flashed. “What the hell?” He turned in his seat, slowly watching as others began to panic and abandon their expensive food.

Half listening to the words of the captain and the screaming staff, Sayogoromo only focused on the fact that they needed to use the escape pods. That was the worst possible thing wasn’t it? That meant the ship was going down and they’d be stranded on some foreign rock. “Kent.” Quickly he got up from his seat and looked to his friend. “You should get to the escape pods, I’ll meet you there once I’ve found Kent.” The look on his face showed strength and courage, as if he weren’t at all worried about being left behind. Such a thing wasnkt even a possibility.

cinnabuns cinnabuns
N O W. . . L O A D I N G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 🕷. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .🕸

Location: Room -> High-Class Bistro, en route to Escape Bay 5-10

It was always really nice, being able to spend time in a fancy schmancy place such as the Sunset Horizon. Araña had to admit that she didn't treat herself to such nice places as often as she did when Sayo was around, so she was incredibly thankful the man had decided to treat her to such a place. Because she even had her own room, she was allowed to conduct her own business without worrying that she would catch the attention of Sayo or his Keeper, Sir Arthur.

So while Sayo had to deal with his Keeper snoring away, Araña had been up for hours, studying the information she'd found on the ship. She had been watching the security feeds, trying to get a better look at the bounty hunter she was supposed to be targeting, but honestly, she found something a little more interesting while searching.... It confirmed to her that the corporation that owned the Sunset Horizon was just as bad as she thought. With a tap of her nails, she opened up a search bar, looking for the man's information.

Now, why exactly would a cruise ship be carrying such a deadly human being as their cargo? That wasn't very safe--

Araña's eyebrow raised as the feed suddenly cut out when she looked back. ...huh. Well, that wasn't ominous. Was something going on, behind the scenes? She decided to continue looking up his information until she received a knock on her door from Sayo. In a moment, she waved her fingers, the multiple screens projected around her vanishing as she got up, a grin settling on her face to see her best friend.

"Is it food time already?"

“One day Ana you’ll be able to snag one of these shady business owners for yourself. Then the stars will be at your finger tips.”

Araña watched, amused as Sayo looked at the diamonds on his wrist, while she sipped her champagne. He was her favorite drama queen. If only he knew she'd snagged a few, but in a much different manner than his own. Blackmail had a way of keeping someone under your thumb, after all.

Before he could say more about her absolute need to change her behavior - a topic they seemed to never quite agree on or leave alone, even if she knew he was right - an alarm began to go off. Almost immediately, after hearing the captain and the staff, Sayo got up and told her he was going back for Arthur.

"You sure--" She looked at his face, saw how assured he was, and thought over her words. "Alright, I'll see you at the escape pods." She then turned and headed in that direction, already knowing the layout of the cruise ship like the back of her hand from late nights she spent working while he kept himself entertained with his Keeper. "Don't be late!" She called back, loudly, as she continued out of the bistro.

Araña really hoped Sayogoromo knew where he was going after he found Sir Arthur. She regretted, once more, leaving him behind. At least she knew where everything was; he didn't have that luxury. She almost turned back around when she was knocked into by a frantic member, and then another. "Carajo!" She cursed, as she was knocked into a wall. "Watch where you're going, you'll get someone killed!"

Of course, the two were already halfway down the hall. Araña cursed again to herself as she continued forward, bracing herself every time the ship shook on her way to Escape Bay 5-10, hoping Sayo was having better luck getting Sir Arthur awake.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L O A D I N G . . . C O M P L E T E D ! 🕷 🕸

Location: Room -> High-Class Bistro, en route to Escape Bay 5-10

It was always really nice, being able to spend time in a fancy schmancy place such as the Sunset Horizon. Araña had to admit that she didn't treat herself to such nice places as often as she did when Sayo was around, so she was incredibly thankful the man had decided to treat her to such a place. Because she even had her own room, she was allowed to conduct her own business without worrying that she would catch the attention of Sayo or his Keeper, Sir Arthur.

So while Sayo had to deal with his Keeper snoring away, Araña had been up for hours, studying the information she'd found on the ship. She had been watching the security feeds, trying to get a better look at the bounty hunter she was supposed to be targeting, but honestly, she found something a little more interesting while searching.... It confirmed to her that the corporation that owned the Sunset Horizon was just as bad as she thought. With a tap of her nails, she opened up a search bar, looking for the man's information.

Now, why exactly would a cruise ship be carrying such a deadly human being as their cargo? That wasn't very safe--

Araña's eyebrow raised as the feed suddenly cut out when she looked back. ...huh. Well, that wasn't ominous. Was something going on, behind the scenes? She decided to continue looking up his information until she received a knock on her door from Sayo. In a moment, she waved her fingers, the multiple screens projected around her vanishing as she got up, a grin settling on her face to see her best friend.

"Is it food time already?"


“One day Ana you’ll be able to snag one of these shady business owners for yourself. Then the stars will be at your finger tips.”

Araña watched, amused as Sayo looked at the diamonds on his wrist, while she sipped her champagne. He was her favorite drama queen. If only he knew she'd snagged a few, but in a much different manner than his own. Blackmail had a way of keeping someone under your thumb, after all.

Before he could say more about her absolute need to change her behavior - a topic they seemed to never quite agree on or leave alone, even if she knew he was right - an alarm began to go off. Almost immediately, after hearing the captain and the staff, Sayo got up and told her he was going back for Arthur.

"You sure--" She looked at his face, saw how assured he was, and thought over her words. "Alright, I'll see you at the escape pods." She then turned and headed in that direction, already knowing the layout of the cruise ship like the back of her hand from late nights she spent working while he kept himself entertained with his Keeper. "Don't be late!" She called back, loudly, as she continued out of the bistro.

Araña really hoped Sayogoromo knew where he was going after he found Sir Arthur. She regretted, once more, leaving him behind. At least she knew where everything was; he didn't have that luxury. She almost turned back around when she was knocked into by a frantic member, and then another. "Carajo!" She cursed, as she was knocked into a wall. "Watch where you're going, you'll get someone killed!"

Of course, the two were already halfway down the hall. Araña cursed again to herself as she continued forward, bracing herself every time the ship shook on her way to Escape Bay 5-10, hoping Sayo was having better luck getting Sir Arthur awake.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
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It took a moment for the reality to sink in, but people were flooding out of the room towards the escape pods. Giulia slowly and almost comically lifted her head towards the intercom. She then let out a panicked scream and immediately bolted to the back of the wall of evacuees, attempting to shove past them as though her life made any more of a difference. Her shoes were hindering her mobility, so she kicked them off and carried them with one hand as she made haste. She really wanted to return to her room and grab her bags, but now that she was caught up in the mob, she was jostled away from the stairwell and towards the escape pods.

The rich were just as uncivil as the poor when running to secure their escape pods. Someone bumped Giulia, causing her to lose her balance and hit the ground with a frantic “OOF!” She managed to roll to the side to avoid getting trampled by a few stragglers. So much for exiting in an orderly manner...
The Sunset Horizon
robbybobby93 robbybobby93
, CaptainSully CaptainSully , Goonfire Goonfire , FireFlare FireFlare , StaidFoal StaidFoal , Knightrider Knightrider , FortifiedBunker FortifiedBunker , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DapperCat DapperCat , Dawnstar Dawnstar , Winona Winona Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Funeral Funeral , @Just_a_loneley_pilgrim , Specialist Specialist , cinnabuns cinnabuns , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars


High Class Section
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
, Winona Winona , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Specialist Specialist , cinnabuns cinnabuns , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

The other scientists looked worried, but they left in a hurry to try to find an escape pod, hoping that Vera and Haghi would join them safely on the planet's surface. At the very least, they knew the planet and the species on it very well. That was why they were going there after all.

Astra managed to lead a group of people from the high class section into the escape pod, including Vera, Richard McCarth, Ash West and Sandra Colts. The pod looked like it had enough room for all of them, plus a few more. There were seats and straps to hold themselves in.

After her harrying experience fighting trhough the running crowds of people, Ana makes it to the Escape pod in 5-10 and sees the gynoid tell the others to get into the escape pod.

The ship began to shake some more and started to lurch in a forward motion. Looking out of the windows of the escape pod, it looked as though the ship was starting to turn downward.

Seikatsu made it back to their quarters and found Kent still fast asleep. Apparently, the alarms had not phased him at all. Upon closer inspection, the man had ear plugs in his ears. He must have woken up at some point after Seiki had left and put them in his ears for a continued restful sleep.

Middle Class Section
Dawnstar Dawnstar

As the grandparents left at the behest of their grandchild, they hoped that they would see him again, that there really was an escape hatch on the ride. It was a heartbreaking thing to go through. Neither family member knew if the others would ever see each other ever again.

As the boy had fallen into despair, a passing runner stopped in front of the machine. It looked like a teenager, but she wore an employee outfit. Brown hair mostly hidden under a blue hat labeled "Sunset Horizon". She started working on the panel and the by gently lowered the boy to the ground before opening up the door and grabbing the boys hand. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

She started leading him to an escape pod.

Low Class Section
robbybobby93 robbybobby93 , CaptainSully CaptainSully , Knightrider Knightrider

The sickly looking man shrieked as the two thumbs penetrated his eyes, blood gushing down his face and onto Kal's face, before he was violently kicked away by Leo. As the two headed off in search of an escape pod.

As they traveled into the distance, the loud shrieks could be heard accompanied by the man's voice yelling. "YOU'RE DEAD. I'LL F--KING KILL YOU. YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!"

Engineering section
FortifiedBunker FortifiedBunker
, DapperCat DapperCat , Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

Kayin raced through the hallways as a section of the ceiling collapsed in front of her, cutting off her route. At that moment, she could hear the voice of the chief engineer calling out to her from behind. "Kayin. I'm so glad that you are safe."

He was huffing and puffing after trying to chase after the speedy youngster. This type of activity was for the young. "Come on, this way."

He led her through twists and turns as the ship started to lurch forward as they made it to an escape pod. A hiss of steam from a pipe bursting sent a sharp pain through the chief engineer as he collapsed onto one knee. He put his hand on his side and blood came back with it. Something had pierced his side.

The Bowels of the ship
Funeral Funeral

John Dacre was led by his two associates into the nearest escape pod and they launched onto the planet below. Who knew what sort of horrors awaited them?​
Joun was making his way to engineering when all hell started to break loose. The Captain's sudden orders to abandon ship caused a cold dread to seep into his stomach. Beyond the natural desire to live, he mostly thought about what his son would do without him, and that scared him most.

Luckily he was in a less traveled service corridor, but one deck up, the sounds of panic were terrifying. The vibration of hundreds of sets of feet pounding their way towards an escape. Screams of the desperate and the dying, as the unfortunate were trampled to a bloody pulp. "They cram way too many people into the low class sections" Joun thought to himself angrily. As he got close to the service sector escape pods, he had to brace himself as the ship rocked then lurched foward. A young woman running in front of him wasn't quick enough to grab the rail however, she tumbled about 25 feet into the bulkhead below and was knocked out.

"Come on" came a random voice suddenly, looking up at Joun. The escape pod was right around the corner, but now it was a 10 ft drop. "Climb down I'll grab you, the pod is gonna go!" He almost screamed.

"We got to try and help her." Joun yelled back, motioning towards the unconscious woman.

"How?" The guy answers back, exasperated!

Joun climbs down the rail slowly to meet the man, almost out of breath. (He wasn't that young anymore.) "I... I got rope!" He exclaimed.

Lucius was sitting and enjoying the view of the planet, he had never seen anything so beautiful before, it might just be the classical music in his headphones though that was giving him that vibe. Did he begin to hear something faint, was it part of the music? no, it couldn't be right it sounded like screaming and alarms, it would be some weird as music if it was. he took his headphones off and his body was overtaken with dread, it wasn't part of the music. Lucius looked around and began to see people running for the escape pods, "fuck" Lucius thought to himself.

"calm down, calm down get to your room and grab your luggage and then get to one of the staff escape pods" Lucius began to make a run for his quarters. halfway there he felt a hand grab him, it was a security guard. "sir please move towards the escape pods" he said in an angry voice, to which Lucius reposed with punching him in the junk, a cry came out of the security guard as he collapsed to the floor.

"maybe military school wasn't such a waste" Lucius chuckled to himself as he entered into his room. he launched to his briefcase and grabbed the energy pistol which was one the night table. took a look around right before leaving, and saw the one thing he was almost about to lose, the neckless that he wanted to give veronica all those years back. he didn't have time to get it, fuck, welp he ran through the halls to the escape pods and as he turned the corner he saw some of the staff readying an escape pod. he held is pistole up as he yelled "get away from the escape pod right now!" he was lucky enough that none of them were security. one of the staff members cried as he walked towards the pod, he almost felt sad for her, he pointed down the hall with the briefcase as he said: "if you are quick you might get a seat in another pod."

the people began to scramble away as he climbed into the pod, he activated it, and saw the doors close in front of him. he buckled into one of the seats and watched out of the window as it shot out, he opened his briefcase and took out the helmet and equipped it, safety first, he closed the briefcase and waited.


Location: High-Class Bistro; en route to Escape Bay 5-10.

Interacting with: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Winona Winona , StaidFoal StaidFoal


Astra stopped in her tracks. Halfway down the hall from the escape pods, the red notice scrawled across her upper right view. This wasn't by her own matrix; it was the ship's autonomous warning system broadcasting to anything that connected to the central server, including her. It would have seemed more formal to a Human viewer, but she was registered as ship security. Typically, those personnel were the last to board the pods, meaning almost all pods were at max capacity, or passengers still being escorted or loaded in at the very least. Something must have been serious enough to warrant an all hands abandon, and this was the notification. Looking back to the escape pods, the gynoid used the last remaining signal strength to access the CCTV cameras ni Sector F while she turned and made a beeline for the fullest escape pod. Under no circumstances could she allow the subject contained in Sector F to reach the Southern bay. Silently clambering into the pod with the three human females, she sat furthest from them and bladed her body toward the entrance, as if anticipating something. She jerked her head to the side, specifically the rightmost of the hatch where a red button stayed on the wall next to a display as she addressed the Humans. "I have been advised to self-evacuate. Bridge Server has reported that most of the flagged passengers have already been escorted to the evacuation pods. Hit that button on the wall to start the launch sequence if you're ready."

Astra didn't expect a reply, and anticipated the Humans to be locked up with fear. She'd hit the button if no-one else did within a minute, but perhaps she was underestimating on their part. She'd only been provided essential information on Humans and what they were predisposed to experience, not what they were capable of outside of countering combative, hostile individuals.
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location: Engineering Section
addresses/mentions: Trektek Trektek
music: x
Panic kept on overwhelming her. Was she going to die here? Was she going to die here... here... without her father, with all these people she didn't know. Please, she couldn't die here.

Her breath stuck in her throat. Something crashed right in front of her, causing her to stumble back and crash down onto her rear painfully in the now smoke-filled hallway. This couldn't be happening. No. No. Not after everything-

"Kayin. I'm so glad that you are safe."

The woman tried to shuffled to her feet in a hurry. She felt a stabbing pain on her right butt-cheek, rubbing it with her palm as she looked to the Chief Engineer incredulously. Why did her come for her? He was so out of breath. And to be honest, she knew she wouldn't go back for someone unless it was someone she really really loved. And even then, her scaredy-cat reflexes might've still prevented it.

"Come on, this way."

She couldn't do anything but nod. As fast as her untrained legs could carry her, she huffed and puffed right alongside her superior as they made their way to one of the escape pods. But then, an all too familiar hiss popped in front of her, steam crashing into her superior as he crumbled to one knee.

"A...ah-," she whimpered, her fight or flight instincts stuttering as she just stood there for a moment or two.

But right before she short-circuited, she puffed out a long and tense breath. With seemingly renewed albeit forced strength of mind, she nodded to herself as she knelt down to try and grab the man by his arm.

"Come on old man-- let's go!"

Middle Class Area - Arcade

Robin had no words to say, his eyes and cheeks too puffy from the tears. This sudden ray of hope from nowhere. He was confused, he was scared, he didn't have a clue how this person found him but he didn't care - Survival instinct running he quickly just nodded as he tried wiping his face and got pulled along by this heroic teen who really deserves a promotion.

He had no idea what was going on right now, or really where he was going but presumably she'd be leading him to some of the escape pods or something at-least. Anything was better and waiting for the ship to crash!

"...Thank you." Robin manages to make out the words quietly through they were just barely audible over the alarms and the speed they were running. Given how tightly the boy was holding the teens hand however, his gratitude was pretty obvious.

When he returned to their luxury room, Sayo had expected to find the room empty and his keeper missing. That wasn’t the case though. His gaze fell upon the young billionaire still in bed, sound asleep despite the blaring of the alarms and screaming of their fellow passengers. “Kent! What’re you doing?!” He hollered just before his hand collided with Kent’s face, slapping him hard enough to cause his hand to sting.

Sayogoromo began to rush around the room, sprinting from the dresser to the closet, grabbing clothes for Kent along with other important things like the man’s phone and wallet. “We’re abandoning the ship Arthur! We have to hurry up and get to the escape pods!” He grabbed Kentworthy by the wrist and pulled him out of the bed. While the man stumbled to his feet, Sayogoromo rushed them out of the room, his other arm full of clothes and three jackets.

With Kent in tow he rushed through crowds of people, trying his hardest to keep his balance and keep hold of his lover. “Please be ok.” As thoughts of his best friend crossed his mind, he could only worry for her safety. But his determination to survive whatever was happening kept him pushing other passengers out of his way. No one would stand between him and life.

In an attempt to find Ana, he traveled back to the bistro and from there he headed to the escape pods. He only hoped that she made it and was safe.
N O W. . . L O A D I N G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 🕷. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .🕸

Location: Escape Bay 5-10

Araña hated that she was doing this without Sayo and Sir Arthur.

She watched as the figure told her and the others to get into the escape pod, and was shoved once more, but before she could tell that person where they really could shove it, Araña felt the ship lurch forward and stay that way.

Shit, shitshitshit.

She grasped a pipe to keep balance, but some members of the ship behind her went careening forward. She guessed the ship was truly going down, and although she wanted to wait for Sayo and Sir Arthur - especially for Sayo - it seemed like she didn't have any time.

Once again, she absolutely regretted not going for Sir Arthur with Sayo. Sometimes, though, those who were sick or old tended to hate having someone by their sides at every moment. They hated being babied, especially if they were doing better. Araña had seen it in her grandmother, and she definitely saw it in Sayo at rare moments, now that his surgeries had been successful. She didn't blame him at all for this - honestly, the freedom had to be so nice for him.

But now, because of her knowledge of this, they were apart. Her best friend was out there, with Sir Arthur. This would be fine if she had any fucking inkling where they were going to be landing; she had a feeling neither her best friend nor his billionaire Keeper had much fighting practice.

She thought, for a moment, that she saw Sayo and Sir Arthur, but with the frantic yelling of the figure before it disappeared into the pod, she grew equally as nervous, heading into it after giving the two she hoped were her friends a glance to let them know which pod to enter, if they had the time.

Araña sat in an extra seat in the pod, noticing with slight irritation that her fingers were trembling as she fixed her strap and buckled herself in.

She hated it when things didn't go to plan.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L O A D I N G . . . C O M P L E T E D ! 🕷 🕸

Location: Escape Bay 5-10

Araña hated that she was doing this without Sayo and Sir Arthur.

She watched as the figure told her and the others to get into the escape pod, and was shoved once more, but before she could tell that person where they really could shove it, Araña felt the ship lurch forward and stay that way.

Shit, shitshitshit.

She grasped a pipe to keep balance, but some members of the ship behind her went careening forward. She guessed the ship was truly going down, and although she wanted to wait for Sayo and Sir Arthur - especially for Sayo - it seemed like she didn't have any time.

Once again, she absolutely regretted not going for Sir Arthur with Sayo. Sometimes, though, those who were sick or old tended to hate having someone by their sides at every moment. They hated being babied, especially if they were doing better. Araña had seen it in her grandmother, and she definitely saw it in Sayo at rare moments, now that his surgeries had been successful. She didn't blame him at all for this - honestly, the freedom had to be so nice for him.

But now, because of her knowledge of this, they were apart. Her best friend was out there, with Sir Arthur. This would be fine if she had any fucking inkling where they were going to be landing; she had a feeling neither her best friend nor his billionaire Keeper had much fighting practice.

She thought, for a moment, that she saw Sayo and Sir Arthur, but with the frantic yelling of the figure before it disappeared into the pod, she grew equally as nervous, heading into it after giving the two she hoped were her friends a glance to let them know which pod to enter, if they had the time.

Araña sat in an extra seat in the pod, noticing with slight irritation that her fingers were trembling as she fixed her strap and buckled herself in.

She hated it when things didn't go to plan.

Location: Lower Class Decks
Tags: robbybobby93 robbybobby93

Things had gone to shit in the space of moments, the great atmosphere of the gig making way for what was essentially a riot. People fought their way to the escape pods, scrambling and climbing over those unfortunate enough to have fallen over. Numerous times Leo felt the lifeless corpses of people beneath his feet, their limbs and bones cracking beneath the weight of his feet. The wave of people made it impossible to stop and help anyone, an attempt to stop would mean certain death.

With Kal and to his right the pair continued forcing their way forward as best they could. That was until a mighty crash knocked Leo from his feet, sending him tumbling. The floor of the corridor above gave way, coming down onto the crowd that had been in front of Leo. The singer was fortunate to narrowly avoid being crushed by the floor and with the collapse he had found himself forced into a corridor that was an offshoot of the one he had been on. While still on the floor he looked to see Kal but could only assume he had either been crushed by the floor or forced to move on by the rampaging horde. That or he was just out for himself.

As Leo rose to his feet he could see that the trampling herd of people had resumed their charge for the pods and for a moment Leo looked at it and said to himself, "Fuck it." Taking a step back and watching the animalistic urge for survival rather than being part of it, he could see just how feral people could be when it came to surviving. For the risk involved with the herd, he decided to try and find another way.

Turning away from the main corridor he made his way down the new corridor before coming to a junction. One sign post said recreation area while the other said security. In a split second decision he decided to head towards security. The corridor became far less decorative and was stripped back to the metallic wall, only the carpeting remaining. At the end of the corridor he could see a sign above a door that was ajar, Security, it read.

As he approached the door he took a moment to listen in, the last thing he wanted to do was to find himself with a bullet to the face. Fortunately the coast was clear and he entered. Whoever had been in the security rooms had gone, likely to join the panicked crowds to get to an escape pod. He scanned the room quickly, not wanting to linger too long. It was then he spotted the weapons cabinet located across the back wall, beneath a staircase. He rushed over to it only to find it locked with an electronic key pad. "Shit." He looked to the staircase above him and started on his way towards them, but was stopped by something that caught his eye. A fire extinguisher sat fitted to the wall and it gave the man an idea. Long gone were the days of water fire extinguishers, the modern world had saw the development of extinguishers capable of unleashing a fire retardant that sat at rather 'warm' -250 degree celsius. He quickly removed the device from the wall and began to unleash it upon the lock. The freezing gas enveloped the lock until the container became empty, now having a new job as bludgeon. With the bottom end of the extinguisher Leo began to unleash a ferocious onslaught on it. With a seventh almight crack the lock gave way and the door swung open. Leo found himself presented with an array of weapons but he had no time to analyse every single thing.

He took hold of a nearby bag and began to fill it with the abundance of ammunition that included lethal and non-lethal options. Once the bag was full, he hoisted it onto his shoulders, the weight of it pulling harshly onto his shoulders. He reached into the cabinet one more and took two pistols, tucking them both into the front of his belt. He then grabbed a shotgun and with what little ammo remained in the cabinet, loaded it. The design of shotguns had rarely changed since their inception, still featuring a pump action and looking much the same. Cocking the weapon he made his way up the stair case.

It was a hard task, the weight of the ammunition made it very difficult. With every few staircases climbed he would find himself at a different level but the rooms looked the same as the previous. It was clear that as a quick response option, each of the security rooms had been linked by a single stair case. If he just kept going he thought, he would find himself in the upper class. It took a further few minutes before the staircase finally ended.

His breathing was deep and heavy, the physical toll of the climb greatly impacted by the weight he was now carrying. He approached the entrance to the room and exited quickly. In an instant he could see the disparity between the upper and lower classes. Even the corridor to the security room was more flamboyant and extravegant than most expensive parts of lower class. The immediate thing he noticed was the distinct lakc of rampaging crowds, instead what he saw was small groups of people hurriedly, but carefully making their way to the escape pods. As quickly as he could he followed a family of four. The parents were dressed in the most expensive attire while their two young boys were adorned in the latest in high end fashion. With Leo's heavy footsteps the attention of the parents turned to him and a look of horror took over their expressions.

"Please dont hurt us!" The father called out while the mother screamed. Leo stopped and raised an eyebrow as the two children cowered, holding tight to their parents legs.

"What the hell are you stopping for?! Get your kids to the pods!" Leo's voice was stern and anger filled.

"Please! Take all of it!" Both parents began to empty their pockets and throw their jewellery at Leo whose expression now showed his anger.

"I don't want your junk, just get your kids out of here!" With that Leo continued on and past the family, hearing their cries and tears fade away as he carried on.

Within minutes Leo found himself at the escape pods, some had already departed but many remained empty and not launched. With how sparse the crowds had been as he had moved through the upper class, he did not understand why there were so many pods. He didn't stop too long to think about it, instead getting into an empty pod. He took the bag from his back and strapped it securely into the seat next to him. The last thing he needed was that flying around the cabin. He looked around the cabin for a moment before poking his head from the door, calling out to anyone who moved past. However, family after family gave him a wide berth. He decided to wait a further five minutes before he would launch the pod.
Deacon was sitting in his luxurious suite, in the high class part of the ship. A half-empty glass was on the desk next to him, a little shot to help him get his thoughts together on that next target. He'd gone through the trouble of making sure all information available to him was printed. If someone told him he'd be lugging around concealed folders and not have everything neatly stored in his database two months ago, he'd call me loons. Alas, desperate times call for desperate measures, and his quarry had proven much harder than anticipated.

The dirty dozen and their little pest, Mirven, his proxy, had called this latest batch of contracts. And indeed, those twelve he was tasked to kill were really mean, according to their files. He dared not delegate such difficult jobs to his subordinates. He'd hunted each one personally. Many had been rather difficult-leading entire bands of "Revolutionaries" or hiding in homes of friendly civilians. But Deacon never missed a mark, and sooner rather than later twelve names were checked off his list.

Then he checked up on Mirven and his fireteam. An ex-soldier and a fireteam of veterans. This would be an easy mission, he thought. Instead, all fifteen of them were dead. Their own breach charges detonated in their backpacks, something the corporates assured them was impossible. Deacon realized his mistake but the trail had once more gone dark-and finding the little spider proved troubling, even to his vast network. Eventually, a rogue hacker seemed to have found some intel on this Nephila, and he would share, for a worthwhile sum. But, he said, Deacon was a tincan. And while no normal hacker would be able to breach these cutting tech augs( With a quadruple-layer security system!tm) , Deacon refused to be played a fool. Instead, he'd purchased the services of another hacker-One infamously expensive, but alas, money was no issue for Deacon. He could provide code uncrackable even to the best of the best. With some extra zeroes added to the pay, he was convinced to meet Deacon at the same place Deacon would meet his informant.

He sighed out loud, feeling that something was amiss. Sure, she'd have absolutely no way to know he was here. He was just another name amidst millions that traveled via this route. Still, that video of his proxies played in his head, over and over... Mirven had underestimated her. Now Mirven was buried, and the contents of the coffin could barely fill a soup can. She was vicious and immoral: A vigilante. He nearly retched in his mouth. In her glorious crusade to make the world a better place, she'd left many more bodies than initially were there. Because people like her were all the same: They thought evil in this world was just like one of these vintage movies he liked so much: A massive eye of blackness sitting atop it's tower, and their goons monsters that sprouted from the earth. Little did she know about Mirven's three kids, stuck so deep in debt that Mirven had initially taken the contract against Deacon only because it was the only one with pay great enough to allow him to repay it. Little less did she know about the gang wars, power vacuums and losses of reputation that had been caused by her actions. No, she was "the hero", "making the world a better place."

And against a delusion so strong, so absolute, one must be very cautious: Because these people are not sane. They do not obey the rules of everyone else. They-
A loud blaring from the ship's intercom interrupted his train of thought. The ship was....The ship was coming down? His mouth opened in shock. Did she know he was here? Was she willing to blow the whole thing to bits just to keep herself safe?
He found it probable, but as his mind made such macabre thoughts, his hands were already moving furiously, stuffing everything on his desk into his mechanical backpack, which was already full of useful things. Rule 1 of the Hunt: Be prepared. He then proceeded to quickly reach under his bed and pull out what looked like a metal carapace with some electronics on it. Quickly, it activated and began enveloping him-it was his combat exo. A thing of finest quality, just like Deacon himself.

Wasting no further time, he rushed outside, sprinting at a tremendous pace-the augs in his legs really helped his speed. He passed by a few full escape pods before finally finding one with some room still left. He rushed in and quickly buckled himself, before taking note of the weird looks many of the other occupants gave him. Yeah, seeing a man in a combat exo might be considered weird, especially when he has a metallic case full of unknown stuff and a holster with a revolver at his hip.

"Nobody panic! Sergeant-Major Jiro Amano! The gun is merely a personal possession! Are we waiting on someone else? Is everyone strapped? Make sure there are no loose objects!"

He wasn't worried about his items, of course: the holster was tightly sealed and his case was magnetically attracted to him-not enough to crush him if it was flung, but enough to never stray far away or open on it's own.

cinnabuns cinnabuns Specialist Specialist Trektek Trektek
The Sunset Horizon
robbybobby93 robbybobby93 , CaptainSully CaptainSully , Goonfire Goonfire , FireFlare FireFlare , StaidFoal StaidFoal , Knightrider Knightrider , FortifiedBunker FortifiedBunker , DapperCat DapperCat , Dawnstar Dawnstar , Winona Winona , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Specialist Specialist , cinnabuns cinnabuns , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars , Xemanorth Xemanorth

The_split_Nation The_split_Nation

Lucius watched space as his escape pod launched and so did many others. The ship was going down and many people were not even waiting for a pod to be full before taking off, stranding people that were needing an escape pod to get off the ship before it crashed.

Looking out the window, he could see lasers going off and hitting some of the escape pods, vaporizing them before they even made it to the planet's surface.

Another escape moves a little too close to Lucius's pod, bumping into it and sending it on a spiral. The pod began to get hotter and hotter, before crash landing into the ocean with a sizzling sound. The door seemed jammed.

Specialist Specialist , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Winona Winona , StaidFoal StaidFoal , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Athanas Athanas

A few other people rushed into the escape pod before Deacon made it inside. It was starting to get a bit packed, but the escape pod was still designed to hold many occupants. However, as soon as Deacon showed up with his gun and his combat gear, one of the others pulled Astra in to safety while another one pushed the launch button.

Whether or not people were buckled in, the pod jettisoned into space. The could see red colored lasers hitting the ship from out in space and even some of the escape pods. The pods that were hit, instantly exploded. It looked like the defense system that protected the planet was for some reason turning on the ship and the escape pods.

Some lasers came close, but none hit the pod. Once the pod came into the atmosphere, a parachute deployed, allowing the pod to land safely into the jungle. Looking outside, they were clearly deep within the jungle. The foliage was mainly green, but with purples, blues and reds. Some strange animals nearby scurried away at the sight of the pod.

CaptainSully CaptainSully , Dawnstar Dawnstar , LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

As the teenage girl was leading young Robin around, it seemed that all of the escape pods on this level were taken. "Dammit. We'll have to check on the upper floors." She whipped out her keycard at the nearest staircase and started taking them up flights of stairs. Before long, they found the upper echelons of the ship, where the rich people were. Everything was so opulent, and everything seemed so empty at the present. They must have already gotten on the escape pods. "I've looked at the escape plans before during orientation. They always listed a large number of escape pods in these upper levels. We should be able to find some here."

Before long, she found the pod with Leo in it and got Robin situated before locking herself into place.

Sayogoromo and Kent went past pod after pod that had already been ejected, before finding one that had Leo, Robin and a teenage girl in it.
Before long, a few other people piled in and the teenage girl launched the pod after everyone was secure.

Watching outside of the pod, they would be able to see the laser light show of the ship being pummeled by the defense network. Some of the pods were getting hit and exploding as well.

As the pod entered the atmosphere, the parachute deployed and gently lowered the pod down onto the ground. Outside, they appeared to be on a beach of some sort. The water was crystal clear and the sand looked as though it was untouched by human hands. Off in the distance was a large forest.

Knightrider Knightrider , DapperCat DapperCat

The floor that Joun was on, collapsed downwards as soon as he mentioned that he had rope. The upper part of the corridor was crushed by a higher level of the ship. He landed next to the woman who was sobbing. "We're going to die here, aren't we?"

The ship began to lurch more and shake as though it were getting hit by something. Looking further ahead, there seemed to be a pod past some debris that was blocking an opening. The pod door was open and a young woman holding an older man could be seen past the debris.

"Ugh." The older engineer groaned as he was moved into the escape pod. "I..I'm not.. planning on dying yet Kayin. Still got things to do, and tricks to teach ya." He gave a pained grimace.

Kayin could see past some debris down the corridor, there was a man and a woman. One of them she recognized as one of the ships engineers.

Xemanorth Xemanorth

Misha Price was asleep in his room on the ship when he heard the alarms begin blaring and the captains announcement that was cut off. He began to feel the ship jolting and listing forward, which is what woke him up. Something was definitely not right.​
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Location: Escape Pod Seven

Interacting with: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , Winona Winona , StaidFoal StaidFoal , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Athanas Athanas


Astra blinked as she felt the digital tether of the connection between herself and the sever snap as the pod plummeted, miraculously, toward an unknown terrestrial planet. There was no need to try and interface with the pod's control unit; any unintentional or manual deviation from the programmed course could be deadly. Given the telemetry analysis of the planet earlier, and the notation that most of the pods had been deployed from their bays, there was little chance that the containment breach in Sector F made it to one of the pods, and an even slimmer chance to die in these things if the chute opened at the appropriate time. For now, Astra stayed seated in the pod and looked around at the pod's occupants in an emotionless stare.

location: Engineering Section
addresses/mentions: Trektek Trektek
music: x

Kayin held the man up with difficulty, guiding him into one of the escape pods with a pained huff and puff. She wasn't made for physical feats.

"I..I'm not.. planning on dying yet Kayin. Still got things to do, and tricks to teach ya."

Normally this would've made Kayin melt from memories of her father, but now, all she did was look intently at one of the seats in the escape pod. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a pair of people, then on the other side another person.

She wasn't feeling heroic and she wasn't stupid. But she didn't do nothing either. The woman put her palms onto the sides of the escape-pod entrance walls and yelled out to the three on opposite sides in the corridor.

"Heeeey! Over here! A pod here! Hurry your asses up!"

Her voice had a slight rasp to it. Perhaps it was the smoke inhalation? Perhaps it was fear. But that was all she could afford to do for the people outside of the pod.

She turned her attention back to the seat next to her superior, clicking the seatbelt shut and rolling her shoulders to get rid of a few cracks in her spine.

"Now we wait.. just a little. Then we go right? How... how do we fly this thing? Please tell me you can fly this, old man."

The superior's normally capable engineer had seemingly lost all her usual knowledge. Instead, she tapped the toes of her boots impatiently on the floor.

"What is -keeping- them??" she repeated impatiently; "Hurry up!!"
Sayogoromo Seikatsu

The pod was crowded, their departure was unsteady, and on top of that they were separated from Ana. Sayogoromo was full of woe as e thought solely of the disasters that had befallen them since attending this cruise. As the space pod rattled and woke him from his daydreams, Sayo’s hand tightened around Kent’s and he gazed out of the small window. Somewhere out there his closest friend and confidant was surrounded by strangers, plummeting to the ground in uncertainty. When one of the ship was hit and exploded, his eyes widened. “Oh my god! Ana.” Surely it wasn’t her, it couldn’t have been her. She was only her to keep Sayogoromo company, the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to take her life.

As the pod entered the planet’s atmosphere it shook and Sayogoromo was thrown off his feet into an empty seat. He and Arthur quickly strapped in as the parachute deployed and they began their descent to the ground. At least he still had the older man by his side and he wasn’t completely alone in this.

When the ship landed he wasted no time. First he wrestled with his seatbelt and then threw Arthur’s things off of his lap to race to the door. Throwing it open he stepped outside and felt the sand, followed by a cool breeze off the ocean. Right away he turned, taking in their surroundings and analyzing everything. The area seemed ok, but where were the other pods and where was his friend?

“Kent! Kent!” Right away his calls were answered as the billionaire emerged from the ship. His eyes narrowed as he glanced around and then settled his gaze upon Sayo. “We need to find Ana.” He declared right away, to which Kent only nodded his head with an exhausted look about him.
The pod was crowded, their departure was unsteady, and on top of that they were separated from Ana. Sayogoromo was full of woe as e thought solely of the disasters that had befallen them since attending this cruise. As the space pod rattled and woke him from his daydreams, Sayo’s hand tightened around Kent’s and he gazed out of the small window. Somewhere out there his closest friend and confidant was surrounded by strangers, plummeting to the ground in uncertainty. When one of the ship was hit and exploded, his eyes widened. “Oh my god! Ana.” Surely it wasn’t her, it couldn’t have been her. She was only her to keep Sayogoromo company, the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to take her life.

As the pod entered the planet’s atmosphere it shook and Sayogoromo was thrown off his feet into an empty seat. He and Arthur quickly strapped in as the parachute deployed and they began their descent to the ground. At least he still had the older man by his side and he wasn’t completely alone in this.

When the ship landed he wasted no time. First he wrestled with his seatbelt and then threw Arthur’s things off of his lap to race to the door. Throwing it open he stepped outside and felt the sand, followed by a cool breeze off the ocean. Right away he turned, taking in their surroundings and analyzing everything. The area seemed ok, but where were the other pods and where was his friend?

“Kent! Kent!” Right away his calls were answered as the billionaire emerged from the ship. His eyes narrowed as he glanced around and then settled his gaze upon Sayo. “We need to find Ana.” He declared right away, to which Kent only nodded his head with an exhausted look about him.
N O W. . . L O A D I N G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 🕷. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .🕸

Location: Escape Bay 5-10 -> Mysterious Planet

Fuck, fuck fuck--

Araña's fingernails cut deep into the leather of the armrests, her teeth biting down onto her bottom lip.

She'd...never realized, on the Sunset Horizon, with its great mass and sturdy capability, that she was afraid of heights and of being shaken around like this, but uh. In an escape pod? With a bunch of strangers, while her best friend could still be on the ship? And if she looked to her left, she could see some of the pods being shot down by lasers, of all things?

Araña felt incredibly sick.

She caught the lack of emotion on a fellow occupant's face - man this was really doing a number on her, wasn't it - until another pod exploded and Araña's eyes were fixated on the ship, on the rest of the destroyed pods, hoping, with a heavy sigh, that Sayo was with Kent, and they were safe and happy.

Something let out a thunk, a heavy noise, and when Ana looked out of the window again, it seemed like...was that a parachute? The pod had, she confirmed after a bit, activated a safety mechanic to get them down.

Araña had no idea what had spared her pod and a few of the
others, but she had to hope Sayo and Kent were on one of the others. Maybe the pod had GPS access to the other pods, so she could have a general idea of how big the planet was....

First, and foremost, someone would have to peel her off of this chair.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L O A D I N G . . . C O M P L E T E D ! 🕷 🕸

Location: Escape Bay 5-10 -> Mysterious Planet

Fuck, fuck fuck--

Araña's fingernails cut deep into the leather of the armrests, her teeth biting down onto her bottom lip.

She'd...never realized, on the Sunset Horizon, with its great mass and sturdy capability, that she was afraid of heights and of being shaken around like this, but uh. In an escape pod? With a bunch of strangers, while her best friend could still be on the ship? And if she looked to her left, she could see some of the pods being shot down by lasers, of all things?

Araña felt incredibly sick.

She caught the lack of emotion on a fellow occupant's face - man this was really doing a number on her, wasn't it - until another pod exploded and Araña's eyes were fixated on the ship, on the rest of the destroyed pods, hoping, with a heavy sigh, that Sayo was with Kent, and they were safe and happy.

Something let out a thunk, a heavy noise, and when Ana looked out of the window again, it seemed like...was that a parachute? The pod had, she confirmed after a bit, activated a safety mechanic to get them down.

Araña had no idea what had spared her pod and a few of the
others, but she had to hope Sayo and Kent were on one of the others. Maybe the pod had GPS access to the other pods, so she could have a general idea of how big the planet was....

First, and foremost, someone would have to peel her off of this chair.

[ Mentions: Specialist Specialist ]
Giulia regained her footing and eventually reached the escape pods. Some people were launching their pods prematurely, while they were only half full. She practically dove into the first available pod, tunnel vision making her painfully oblivious to the man standing right there.

The lawyer took a moment to catch her breath, eyes closed. She was a mess after being splashed with liquor and nearly trampled. Her hair was disheveled, makeup smeared. After getting a hold of herself, she finally looked up and froze. The guy with whom she was sharing a pod was... ‘different’—what her colleagues called ‘undesirable’. Giulia gave a nervous grin, clearly masking a hint of terror as she sat perfectly still. Gaining more awareness of her surroundings, she noticed the mysterious bag bound with a seatbelt. That didn’t seem too savory, but at least the other occupants seemed normal enough. Since they seemed okay with the metalhead, she figured things weren’t as bad as they could be.

After landing, she waited to take in her new surroundings; she doubted she could handle any more bad news, at this rate, so she sat there, letting the rest of the day’s tragedy digest. The ocean breeze hinted at her ultimate situation, though, creating a sinking sensation in her gut.

Trektek Trektek CaptainSully CaptainSully
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Interactions: Specialist Specialist Winona Winona StaidFoal StaidFoal
being loaded onto an escape pod and then getting shot up.. bu laser wasn't exactly sandra's idea of a good afternoon, the technician did seem overly scared, but instead, she just seemed annoyed as if she'd done this all before, in truth she hadn't be it was better to be pissed off then start making everyone freak out like crazy "don't worry to much you lot... sure we getting shot at by... a plant but could be worse.. could be dead already hey?" trying to calm everyone down... although it probably didn't work too well, once the escape pod had landed sandra was the first one to pull herself out of the thing looking around it seemed they were in some forest. or something at least there where animals... maybe the could get of this darn rock? "right you lot... looks like we are going to be here for a while hope your all happy just the bare minimum of anything really..."
The Pod/ Beach

Robin was quiet throughout the pods launch towards the planets surface, choosing not to watch much of the ships destruction from the small pod window. He had his head down and braced as he was taught to do in a emergency, all the while praying that his grandparents got to a pod safely. The pod rocked and shook in the atmosphere, the boy only held in place by being all buckled up. Yet not a peep came out of him.

... Touchdown

Robin didn't really move at first after it landed. Just kind of frozen in place expecting something more - Did we land, did we survive...? He raised his head slightly and looked around, starting at his hands and the other passengers for a moment as the other pushed open the pod doors, the bright beach sun shining through and blinding the poor kid for a moment.
"Ack- where are we..?" He did however follow, climbing out of the pod himself and dropped down onto the sand outside to look around. It was apparently safe if the others were already doing it. His first sight is the crystal waters ahead and the tall forests, his eyes were wide with the beauty of it all as much as he was scared. He'd grown up on spaceships and big cities, he'd never seen a place as beautiful as this. "Woah.."

He quickly looked over his shoulder back at the pod, checking if the teenage girl and the other passenger who he thought was pretty scary looking (Leo) were disembarking, and then again over to the pair currently talking to each other, one apparently called Kent? He had this searching look on his face, almost as if he was trying to ask what he should be doing though he didn't want butt into the conversation between interrupt Kent and Sayo, or shout over them to the girl in the pod, or to the creepy guy. I mean he knew he got put onto a high-class pod. All these people were probably really rich or important and he was just some random kid in bargain-store jeans and t-shirt...

Mentioned: CaptainSully CaptainSully (Leo) Trektek Trektek LadyOfStars LadyOfStars (Kent and Sayo)

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