Poetry Sun Flower Paradise

'1.gif '2.gifI don't have "close friends "
When I wanna cry I cry on my mother's shoulder
My mother
My sister
My father and brother
When I have given my TRUST away
I imagine I have handed an arrow to somebody
One of those days


Do not dare to give your TRUST to anyone because one day he's going to use that arrow
Don't tell your secrets to anyone but god
keep them in your stomach

where your heart and brain can't reach it

00.gif 00.gifHow about when she needed you?
Where were you then?
When he doesn't show mercy he doesn't get mercy
There is a big difference
when I am forgiving and when I am weak
There is a big difference when I am humble in my emotions
and weak in personality
There is a difference when I respect you and endure you
because I love you
And when you go over the limit
I say it's enough
Big difference to when I take care of you and support you because I love you
and weak in my personality
There is a big difference to when I love you and you respect me and I love you and you don't respect me
The world is take and give
The one who is only taking from you
Tell them bye bye

Don't come near me

1111.gif 1111.gifWe are going to love the ones who love us
And we're going to remember those who remember us
And we're going to cherish those who cherish us
And we're going to carry those who have carried us
And we're going to respect those who have respected us
And we're going to advance our relationship with those who have honored us
And other than that goodbye
and the door can take in 100 camels
There is no one who deserves your tears
They don't deserve your heart getting torn because of them
because they don't care about you so why should you?
We'll work
We'll go to school
and we are going to say what is coming is better
If they have bought us we put them in our eyes
And if they sold us a big kiss to daddy

and we don't wanna see your face again

ttt1'.gif ttt1'.gifAs long as we are going to be scared of change
Our life will stay as it is
As long as I tell myself
if I went
RIGHT this and that is going to happen
if I went
LEFT this is going to happen
so let me just stand her
I'll stay the way I am
I am okay like this

You are not okay

You are not okay
Movement is beautiful
Movement is blessed
What's going to happen?
Right now if I change
If I left work and went to another job
What would happen?
You might say you might not be happy with the second job
But what if I wasn't happy with the first one

"They might fire me."
"I might stay a couple of weeks and leave."

"My boss might be perverted."
Your current boss might leave and you'll get a new one who's worse than your imagination
Don't be afraid of change
Don't let change be in control of your life

''''''''''''''''0.gif ''''''''''''''''0.gifI am nothing
And I have no problem saying it a million times
And I'm not embarrassed


People's opinion
but your choice in life you take it
You pray to god a million times

And your god is more merciful than any advice anyone can give you

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] ''''''''''''23.gif ''''''''''''23.gif ''''''''''''23.gif ''''''''''''23.gif ''''''''''''23.gif ''''''''''''23.gif
There is something called FATE.
It's not a person.
It's not a god.
You draw yourself a path and walk upon it.
So fate will come to grab you and throw you to the right side of the path.
You come again and you walk your own path.
Then comes fate and drags you back forcing you to walk right.
That means there's something on the right side.
There's something that you and I don't know about.
There's something that
MIGHT have something pleasant waiting for you.
MIGHT be the path of hope.
MIGHT be the path to happiness.
TRY the right side.
And because fate has been dragging you back to the right for years, try it.
Maybe that right side is really the right choice.
Overcome your fears.
Overcome your emotions.
No matter what life-changing choices we make in our life it's not a holy book.
It's not the constitution.

It's not written in stone.

1.gif1.gif" I'm not going to say "Don't be sad."
I won't say stop cutting yourself
Your depressed ok, it's fine
there's nothing wrong with it.
We've all been there and I understand that.

But in the end what do you get out of it?
You commit suicide ...now you're damned from heaven
don't give me the bullshit of Jesus loves all his children

NO, he does not
I'm not Christian and I've read the bible there are rules
you break them and it's done
yeah some can be forgiven but most

Jesus will tell you, "I warned you but you didn't listen. I told you have faith."
Let's say you don't believe in god
you're like "
That's bullshit blah blah blah."
what about that woman back at home?
What about that man who's been working day and night just so you have a roof over your head.

your life's shit
your being bullied
your parents are alcoholics

There are bombs going out everywhere
all over the world people have had it worse
why are they still
Why haven't they committed suicide?

14-year-olds are giving up on life
Teenagers are going well there's no hope in life I'm gonna take away my life....WHAT? WHAT? You have 50 more years ahead of you why are you giving up?
when have we become so weak?

FUCK anyone that says, "my life doesn't matter"
because it doesn't
for a while it might but

you will be forgotten
we will mourned you
but for how long
people move on with their lives

something you couldn't do

- I wrote this in my diary March 23 my friend had taken her life away early that morning. I was filled with anger so I began writing this the moment I found out. I guess I was just mad at her..idk. It doesn't even sound like me. For those of you who get offended easily I did not mean anything in here I was just letting off my anger.
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