Story Sun and Moon's Argument


Insane? Probably. Chill person? Yes.
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I didn't look this up, I thought of it and figured it would fit. I added some of my sarcastic comments to it. I put it here so that others can see my writing style.

If you've read The Story of the Opal or listened to someone reading it, then you know that the Sun and the Moon had an argument. But, when did this argument happen and what was it about? I'm sure something else you might be wondering is if the argument will ever be resolved. Well, this is the argument and what happened afterwards.

Long ago, before the sunbeam and moonbeam ever met, the Sun and the Moon were the best of friends. Moon would send her little ladies down as soon as she could, Sun would send his fairies back up at the latest he could.

One day, Moon became jealous of Sun. All the humans would run around and play in his light, while they slept during her night. You could say it was a story of Celestia and Luna if you've seen My Little Pony.

Despite this, Sun and Moon were still friends, talking whenever they could, but Moon started to be a little more quiet then she normally is. "Moon, may I ask why you seem upset with me?" Sun asked one day at dusk.

"All the humans run and play when you're awake, but they sleep and miss all my wonders." She replied.

"That is not my fault, for neither I nor my sunbeams can control what the humans do." He said, but Moon felt as if he was lying. Because I'm sure he doesn't want you to be happy, Moon. Now, the argument had began.

The next night, Moon watched. The only life she saw were the owls, raccoons, possums, other nocturnal animals, and the occasional human going for a walk or driving their automobiles somewhere.

At dawn, Sun tried to remind her that humans needed sleep, and he could not control when they chose to lie down in their beds, but she would not listen. Good choice, Moon, Sun doesn't care about your feelings.

One sunbeam meet up with a moonbeam. "Why does Moon not think that Sun is telling the truth?" The sunbeam asked. The moonbeam shook her head.

"I do not know, for even my friends know that he is telling the truth." She replied. See, Moon? Listen to your ladies, they know what's up.

From this moment forward, Moon refused to talk or listen to Sun, and after a while, the two were no longer friends. Now, an old bullfinch knew this and he passed the tale down to his relatives, all the way to the bullfinch that existed in the Opal's story. Or, should we say bullyfinch?

And there you have it, friend. The story of Sun and Moon and their argument. You could say it was a tale of Luna and Celestia. And many, many years later, is the tale of the Opal. Why men chose it to be October's stone, not even the bullfinches know, but they know how it was created.

The End

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