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Kyle raised one eyebrow at Arydr'e having possession of the grimoire. She was an Adept, while he was only a Master.

"We are not at Court," he said acerbically. "Spare me your false solicitude. To assuage your curiosity you have undone hours of work. I do thank you for pointing out the deficiencies in my Working. I shall make certain in the future that should my defenses be breached, the one who breaches them shall not gain the prize within."

Kyle sat at Ardyr'e's invitation, though he did not relax. When Ardyr'e gave her rather pithy observation in English before shifting to their native tongue. he simply cocked his head to one side, not letting his irritation at her discourtesy show. He had not given her his name, even the diminutive he used here, but here Ardyr'e was, using it as though she had every right to. As Ardyr'e continued to speak, Kyle simply rolled his head to the other side, raising a single eyebrow at her advice and her expression of concern at his possible interference in the Seal's removal. When she was finished speaking, Kyle rose smoothly, moving to stand near the fire as he gazed into its depths.

"Some things, it seems, transcend species." he said. "And as I observed earlier, one can be removed from Court, but the Court cannot be removed from one. It is also quite true that those not actually in a situation seem far, far too eager to inform those having to deal with the circumstances upon the best course of action. What does or does not develop in the future is not your concern, unless it is your intention to use your greater Power to force a Pact upon Esme in order to break what currently exists between us. I rather doubt that she will acquiesce to such a course, and since I am bound by Pact and Oath to defend her interests and well-being I should be forced to object, and you would be forced to kill me. Somehow I doubt that she would enter into a Pact should that come to transpire."

Kyle turned from the fire to gaze at Ardyr'e, raising a sardonic eyebrow. He was quite certain that she could slay him, but he was also quite certain that there was a better than even chance that he would manage to take her to the Dim Plains with him, and at the very least, she would be a long time in the healing should she vanquish him.

"As to the removal," he continued. "You are going to hurt her. A lot. And there will be nothing I can do to assuage her discomfort. Knowing that it is coming, I shall remain uninfluenced, though not unaware. If it will spare her hurt, perhaps I shall share in the discomfort. Perhaps I will be unable to. We do not know what will happen. I do wonder though, who will pay the Cost of this Working? For that matter, who paid the Cost of the initial Sealing, and the ongoing Cost of maintaining it. You are Calinathra. One cannot help but wonder if the Price demanded of Esme's mother was the ability to feel empathy or display any emotion to her daughter save disdain. Or... maybe she's always been a cold bitch."

Kyle said the last six words in English. Say what you would about modern English, its bluntness was well suited for some things.

Fable Fable
(Polite demon has left the building. Frustrated and angry demon has taken his place.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Ardyr'e annoyance meter increasing.)

Ardyr'e sighed, "My you are quite a tight ass." She was growing tired of his attitude, she'd lived in the mortal realm long enough to no longer care about Court ways. A few centuries here and she was happy to not be involved in that web. She knew that he hadn't been here long enough and simply couldn't see past her past, so she tries to draw upon some patience. "Honestly, fuck the Court.
I'm talking to you as I would a normal mortal. So please drop the shit with the nonsense about the Court. As far as what may develop in the future, it is indeed my concern."

She glanced at her nails for a moment, adjusted her legs slightly before looking back at Kyle, "I could break the pact between you two, but it's too risky. You know that a Pact can kill, depending on the circumstances. If Esme truly talented in really screwing up the Summoning, breaking the Pact might kill her upon completion or removal. I'm not skilled enough to look into the weavings of a Pact for that. It isn't in my interest of Esme's to remove it at this point."

"You're speaking to me as if I'm some bad guy. That I'm secretly cackling and toying with them when you don't even know of how our association came to be," she stated, skipping the topic of Esme's seal for a moment. "So, allow me to clarify this connection for you,," she said with some harshness as her patience wore thin. "There was no price demanded for the Seal, not from Áinfean or Esme's grandmother. The deal for Esme's Seal was that should Esme live a normal mortal life, my debt would be paid in full. You see, when I was exiled to this realm, I wasn't just pushed through a portal. I was thrown here in a weakened state and left at the whims of the zealot mortals who were more than eager to try and torture me to death. Esme's ancestor bargained a deal with me. They weren't anything special, an average mortal who took pity on me. They weren't a fool though and bargained a deal, a life debt. In exchange for saving my life, I would owe their lineage this debt until it was repaid. I had thought at the time it would be an easy debt to repay. Humans are fragile and weak creatures, easily falling sick or dying to injury. Who knew that his stupid bloodline was so lucky and too stubborn to require my services."

Ardyr'e picked up her cup, but didn't drink. Instead she idly traced a delicate finger along its rim, "Áinfean's mother came to me when she found out her daughter was pregnant, from there Áinfean stated that if I could protect and save Esme's life the debt would finally be over. The price paid was from myself alone, a trivial matter to me really, a few years in a magically weak state. You should now understand my investment regarding the Woods family. Áinfean's personality I have no influence over and she can feel very deeply, and cares very much for Esme, though perhaps a bit twisted. I cannot say what Áinfean's purpose was in her treatment of Esme. Perhaps she tried hard to keep from loving Esme, becoming overprotective in an odd manner."

"That being said, I would appreciate you to stop assuming I'm the evil one here. I do still have a temper on me and constantly feeling accused of things annoys me. Now," she said, changing the subject, "you won't be able to spare Esme anything when the Seal is being removed. I won't bother lying, it's going to be painful for her and therefore possibly to you as well. You must swear to not interfere as much as you may desire to, doing so will interrupt me and will cause a whole different problem."
"I, see." Kyle said slowly as Ardyr'e finished speaking. He turned to face Ardyr'e squarely, and gave a slight bow. "Thank you for providing information I did not have. I apologize for the intemperate words my ignorance permitted. I do not apologize for criticizing your destruction of my Working. You could have simply waited and asked to see the contents of the case. I can say, in all honesty, that I would have removed the grimoire for your perusal."

Kyle shrugged, then continued speaking, his voice calm and level, though he switched entirely to English.

"You've been here for centuries," he said. "I've been here for weeks. The last time I was here, a matchlock was high technology. Now, I could be killed just walking down the street. I was Summoned by a drunken mispronunciation of a Name, and bound to a Pact that makes no sense, thanks to the Seal which should have made a Summoning impossible. Then the same drunken girl confronts me with nothing save a broken bottle to defend her friend who is passed out drunk while I appeared in full Battle Form. Then, despite what the humans know about our kind, that same young woman actually tries to help me adjust to this world. She befriends me, despite all demons represent. So, do you wonder that I admire Esme? That I would do anything in my power to see her safe and happy? What may or may not develop in the future, after the Seal is removed, is just that... the future. She may die. I may die. I may be forced home. We may decide we despise each other and part ways. We may decide to become close friends, or even more. Who knows? I do not. None of that is, by your own definition of your Debt, your concern."

"As for being a 'tight ass'," he said, "You may well be right. Save for Esme, no one seems willing to give me the time of day. Her mother seems, from the interactions I have observed, hell bent on making Esme's life as unhappy as possible. She is, in my opinion, arrogant, judgemental, and prone to blame others for things she cannot let go of. I suffer from a bit of this myself, and know it is a weakness for others to exploit. I'm working on it. As to the removal of the Seal... I am K'ylenthar, once of House Lenthandir, now of the Shaman. I shall not interfere with your Working."

Fable Fable
(Demon is partially sorry, partially not.)

Ardyr'e nursed her drink as Kyle spoke to her, trying to regain her patience as she knew he wasn't long in this world and still had so much to learn. She wasn't a mentor and had no intention of teaching him, but she wanted to make it clear that here was not 'there'. They were not in their natural domain and she had desired to make it clear she had no interested in returning to that world and its laws either. She was perfectly content living in this realm where after time, magic has become nothing more than fantasy to humans leaving her with power beyond what she could have hoped to ever have back home.

"I wanted to be sure that what you brought wasn't some hidden threat, old habits are hard to break and hearing from Áinfean about your presence brought concerns. As far as your relationship with Esme, I've given you my warning and that is all I intend to do, unless your relationship proves a threat to her life, then I would interfere per my debt. I don't doubt your admiration for the girl, humans are strange creatures and at worst, annoying, complex and contradictory."

She took a sip of her drink, finishing off the contents and setting it down upon the small table, "Áinfean distrusts you with her daughter for fear of a repeat in history. She doesn't wish you to do to Esme like Esme's sire did to her. She tolerates me because I am useful to her, though she's still more of a friend to me than those back from our side. It is best let Áinfean act like a cold-hearted bitch, but perhaps you should take a closer observation of the woman and try to see the cracks in her mask. You might be surprised what she hides there."

Ardyr'e puased before she softly said his name, pondering on it. "Interesting," she said with slight amusement, "Very interesting."
Kyle chuckled wryly as Ardyr'e said she would have to interfere in Kyle and Esme's 'relationship' if it became a threat to her life.

"I am, perhaps, curious as to when, and more particularly how, you would make the determination that any relationship that may or may not develop is a direct threat to Esme's life," he said. "Such things could very well be considered subjective, rather than objective. However, it is your Pact, not mine. I understand that you must do as the Magic bids you, as must I. Let us hope that it never brings us into direct conflict."

Kyle chuckled again, but this time the bitterness was obvious, and when he spoke again, his voice was flat.

"As for Esme's mother... I have not been given her name, so shall not speak it. I wonder how much she actually knows about our society? Should I have been of, say Vyseriad rather than Lenthandir, what do you suppose would have happened when Esme completed her drunken Summoning? I understand that her mother has no reason to love my kind, but surely she has to understand how poorly things could have gone, Seal or no Seal, if I had been of malicious intent."

Kyle grimaced as Ardyr'e murmured his name.

"Interesting," she said with slight amusement, "Very interesting."

"Indeed," he said with a grimace. "Esme and her mother are not the only ones who have had their lives stood upon their heads. My Summoning and subsequent events have caused a rather large upheaval in my existence as well. I have to wonder if the Universe hasn't thrown us together to, what is it the humans say? Ah yes... 'Fuck with us'. In the end, it doesn't matter I suppose. We have no choice but to walk the path unfolding before us. Do you perhaps know her Sire's House? And whether or not she will have any affinity to a specific Magic once the Seal is lifted?"

Fable Fable
(Reasonable demon is trying to be reasonable.)

Ardyr'e said nothing about what she would regard as a threat to Esme's life regarding the relationship between Kyle and Esme. She too did not desire to enter into a conflict, but she should she need to at least he was understanding of it; for now. Kyle still did not care for Esme's mother, which wasn't surprising to Ardyr'e. Even she was quite annoyed by the woman when they had been first introduced, but after years of observation over her and Esme, she'd figured out the woman may not outwardly be mother of the year, but she still did consider Esme more than she let on.

"Áinfean only knows as much as she has sought out. Basically, she knows just enough and nothing more, but she still views everyone as a potential threat, though I cannot blame her. Covens here are nasty business. As far as who is Esme's Sire and affinity inheritance, it is complicated and I would prefer to not have to repeat myself. We shall wait for Esme and Áinfean to be ready to continue the conversation."

At this moment Esme entered the library. Her hair was damp still, but it was clean and she was in dry clothes. She felt much better after a long hot shower and had been directed by the butler to where the others were. She glances back and forth between Kyle and Ardyr'e, wondering if she was interrupting something.

"Esme," Ardyr'e began pleasantly, motioning for her to sit down, "Please join us. Also, Ben, please ask for Áinfean to join us." The butler who had followed after Esme bowed his head and left to do as ordered. Esme didn't move to sit down, but she did get closer to where the two demons were sitting. While Esme wasn't about to bolt back outside into the stormy weather, she still felt very uncomfortable and anxious being here. She had managed to press down her upset, betrayed, and hurt feelings to the back of her mind as best as she could so she could listen to the truth about her existence.

Áinfean appeared and the library doors closed behind her at a wave of Ardyr'e's hand. Esme's mothers eyes were slightly red, leaving one to wonder if she had perhaps been crying. "Now then, shall we continue without further outbursts? I would rather not have to lock down the apartment." Ardyr'e looked to Áinfean and then to Esme, "You have questions, so fire away."

"What exactly is going to happen once the Seal is removed, me being what I am..."

"I won't lie, you're life will get much more difficult. The Seal has kept you off the grid, as the slang goes. To others who are magically inclined, you are just a normal human. Of course after your little summoning I'm sure they are aware of your existence now. You would have created a bit of a magical ripple doing that before the Seal did what it could to stop further magic use. Once the Seal goes, they'll try and track you down. Covens these days look at half-demons in two ways. One, you are an abomination to be destroyed and two, a power source to increase their own fading magic. Witches are slowly going extinct with each generation becoming weaker. Those who have a patron demon they can summon are the ones who have managed to survive this long. It's one of the reasons why witches are now believed to be nothing more than fantasy. They all have their own insane reasons, but the outcome would be the same for you; your death."
Kyle kept his expression carefully neutral as Ardyr'e spoke. He was not surprised to hear that Esme's mother was, less than fully informed about his kind. He supposed that she had some reason to distrust his kind, but he rather more thought that her own hubris was to blame for her situation just as much as Esme's Sire was. A flicker of, something he couldn't quite pin down preceded Esme's return to the library, her hair still damp, but her clothes clean and dry. He could feel discomfort now, that ramped higher as the butler left to retrieve Esme's mother.

"This will not do," he thought to himself. "Somehow, Esme's mood is influencing my own. I must find a... hmm. I wonder."

Kyle quickly called up his lessons pertaining to House Calinathra, leafing through his memories until he found what he wanted. There, that was it. A quick modification to his personal shields, and the press of Esme's emotions faded away to a feather-light brush in his mind. He could still feel her disquiet, but unless something drastic happened, he would remain uninfluenced.

"I suppose that I will have to practice with my empathic abilities," he thought to himself. "It would be a powerful tool, but until I can ensure that I am not unduly influenced by those closest to me, I shall have to keep it mostly blocked. I wonder how Ardyr'e manages to keep her own abilities in check?"

All of Kyle's introspection and shield modification had taken very little actual time, and his attention returned to the library just as Esme's mother made her appearance. She seemed a bit the worse for wear. Interesting. At Esme's question about the removal of the Seal, Ardyr'e launched into an explanation of how this world viewed S'ynivekt, which seemed to pretty much mirror the opinions of his world. There hadn't been a confirmed S'ynivekt in thousands of years, but the terror tales still abounded. Abominations, less even than the mindless Beastials, who should be destroyed on sight, that was how all of the popular tales labelled the S'ynivekt. Kyle had his doubts about the accuracy of that view, but the fact remained that Esme would be in even more danger on his world than she would be on hers.

"Despite that the stories say," he thought to himself, "You don't see her as S'ynivekt, you see her as Esme. You made assumptions about Ardyr'e based upon tales and her House which proved to be incorrect, so let us see what happens, rather than assume the worst."

"They all have their own insane reasons, but the outcome would be the same for you; your death." Ardyr'e was saying, and Kyle couldn't help the harsh snort that escaped him.

"You have certainly placed yourself well and truly in a cleft fork," he said, his words dripping with irony. "Knowing now the Pact you labor under Lady Ardyr'e, I believe that you are, as the humans say, 'Damned if you do, and damned if you don't'. I do not envy you your position, and despite my words earlier, I hope you may find a way to navigate your own Pact successfully."

Turning to Esme and her mother, Kyle smiled lopsidedly.

"Esme, you certainly have received the 'short end of the stick'," he said. "But I shall do everything in my power to see you safe until you are capable of defending yourself. As for you, Lady Witch. I have nothing to go on save how I have seen you treat your daughter. Based solely upon that, I do not like you. However, I know the lengths you were willing to go to protect your daughter, despite your lack of caring demonstrated to her, so for that you have gained a small measure of my respect. More-so now that I know the tale of Esme's origins. I would remind you that 'my kind' are as individual as you are, and painting me with the brush of your prior experiences, while understandable, is a mistake. A mistake I have been reminded I have been guilty of, and I am trying to adjust my thinking accordingly. I hope you may do the same."

Kyle shrugged, then addressed the room at large.

"Could we know the House or Clan Esme's father was from?" he asked. "That information might prove useful in determining which ways it might be possible for Esme to defend herself against those who wish her ill."

Fable Fable
(Jumbled demon is a bit jumbled, but he's trying his best to be open and honest.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Sorry for the delay. X3 Thanks for your patience as well. Still stuck in a hotel without even a real desk.)

"I am indeed stuck in a very complicated situation, as are you," Ardyr'e replied to his comment about 'damned if you do, damned if you don't.' She said nothing more as Kyle's attention was directed away from her. At least until he inquired about the clan that Esme's father was from. She let out a bitter laugh before answering, "The clever bastard lied and gave her a false one, claimed his clan was called Dar'ange, which doesn't even exist. If I had known the clan, her seal might've worked out better had I known what hereditary skills she would have been gifted with. Had Áinfean let me take Esme when she was a babe to Le'cin'der he would have been able to determine who her sire was, but she was too scared stubborn to listen."

Áinfean frowned at the demon woman for her remarks, "You wanted to take Esme to some demon you made very clear you considered a quack."

"No, I said he was a kook, not a quack," Ardyr'e corrected before speaking to Kyle once again. "Le'cin'der is another exiled demon sent here courtesy of the oh-so-generous Demon King. He's so old he tends to... get distracted very quickly, but that might simply be due to the nature of what his job was when he worked for the King himself. He'd be the one to ask your ever-burning questions."

Her eyes slid over to Esme, "Such as what is means for you to be half-demon. How old will you live to be if you are not killed? Will you ever be able to live as a normal mortal? Those questions I can see behind your lovely eyes that you're too determined to keep to yourself, yet as desperately desiring answers for."

Esme frowned at the woman, but said nothing, not validating that the woman was right about those questions. Kyle was ancient, did that mean being a half-demon meant she would age slower than a normal human? She'd aged normally thus far, but was that perhaps a reflection of the Seal?

"I want to see him," Esme announced, "I want to meet Le'cin'der, where is he?"

"Last I heard from him, he was in Russia," Ardyr'e answered just as Esme's mother tried to open her mouth to protest. "He tends to move frequently as his mind is a vast well of knowledge that many mortal witches would love to steal. Seeing as I'm pretty much your unofficial godmother, I think I should bring out my gifts."

Esme's brows furrowed as Ardyr'e snapped her fingers and the butler appeared, carrying a strange leather wrapped box. He approached his mistress and handed her the box with a bow and then excused himself. She opened stood up and went over to Esme and offered the box, which Esme took warily. She opened it and her eyes widened at the contents before she looked at Ardyr'e.

"This is..." she began.

"The moment Áinfean contacted me I had these prepared. Fake IDs, passports, bank accounts, social security numbers, credit cards. You cannot travel as yourselves to go see Le'cin'der. I would have liked to find something to hide your presence, but such items in this realm are rare to stumble across, though Kyle seems to have gotten lucky. It's best he continued to use them as you're untrained in magic and they wouldn't be ready for confront him if he stays by your side."

"I've hired a few people who I'll disguise as both of you and send them off in various directions. One group will be joined by Áinfean to make it more realistic. It'll only work for a little while, for those who are using the lazy methods of tracking you through mundane means."
Kyle was in total agreement with Ardyr'e on the bogus nature of Esme's sires House. He had never heard of any Dar'ange, and none of the histories he had been taught had mentioned it either. He listened to the byplay between Ardyr'e and Áinfean with half an ear, paying just enough attention to extract the salient points. He was of two minds when Ardyr'e described Le'cin'der. He had met several eccentrics during his lifetime, and he was not one hundred percent convinced that someone that Ardyr'e described as a 'kook' was going to be stable enough to help. Then again, it was not his decision to make, as Esme forcefully reminded him.

"I want to see him," Esme announced, "I want to meet Le'cin'der, where is he?"

Kyle sighed internally, wondering if he had stored up enough Power to repeat the process he had undertaken to craft his ID. Dur his dive into the human's electronic systems, he had discovered the concept of passports, though he remembered them only vaguely. Unlike his regular memories, the temporary memories and skills granted by Knowing did not remain, leaving behind mere ghosts of themselves to be triggered at odd moments. While he was contemplating the work ahead of him, and wondering if he would have to Bargain with Esme, since he would be expending Power for her benefit, the matter was taken from his hands in the form of a box presented to Esme by Ardyr'e. Esme opened the box she was presented, and her eyes widened as she scanned the contents.

"This is..." she began.

"The moment Áinfean contacted me I had these prepared. Fake IDs, passports, bank accounts, social security numbers, credit cards. You cannot travel as yourselves to go see Le'cin'der. I would have liked to find something to hide your presence, but such items in this realm are rare to stumble across, though Kyle seems to have gotten lucky. It's best he continued to use them as you're untrained in magic and they wouldn't be ready for confront him if he stays by your side." Ardyr'e said. "I've hired a few people who I'll disguise as both of you and send them off in various directions. One group will be joined by Áinfean to make it more realistic. It'll only work for a little while, for those who are using the lazy methods of tracking you through mundane means."

Kyle moved to stand beside Esme, looking into the box curiously. There seemed to be more documents than Esme would require by herself, and one ID caught his eye. Reaching into the box, he plucked it out to find his own face staring back at him. Apparently he was not only Kyle Smith, he was also Samuel Jenkins.

"I presume that your minions garnered my image from the records I inserted into the electronic systems when I created my 'Kyle' persona?" he asked bemusedly. "I find myself simultaneously relieved and appalled by the apparent ease with which you had these documents prepared. Then again, I imagine you have had far more experience with this kind of thing than I, so I bow to your superior knowledge and resources."

Kyle actually paused to give Ardyr'e a slight bow before proceeding to speak, a slightly crooked but genuine smile upon his face.

"I do not misdoubt that your items will stand up to all but the most intense scrutiny," he said. "But the immediate matter to hand remains the Seal, and I find myself growing concerned by what will be required to remove it. I have pledged not to interfere, and shall not be forsworn, but I find I must ask. How long, and how much Power will be required to accomplish that task? I know that this is going to hurt Esme while you remove the Seal, but what may we expect once it is gone? Another outburst such as sent us into the storm might prove, lively lest her Power is given another outlet once it is unbound."

Fable Fable

(Concerned demon has concerns, but also some ideas, depending on the answers he receives.)

Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Some more Kyle/Esme time XD )

Esme was shocked when Ardyr'e explained her plan, to send out doubles and give them new IDs to travel with. While she should have been glad her mother wasn't going with them, she was concerned as well because the way things were going, it really did seem like this was actually dangerous, and not just for her. Kyle stepped closer to look into the box and view the contents, taking out the ID meant for his use.

"It was quite helpful for you to create your human alter ego within their system, otherwise I would have had to actually gone through more magical means to procure those. Living in this realm for so long, the humans will notice the lack of aging and it's a requirement to reinvent yourself after a period of time. I've been at this since long before they started in-depth record keeping and tracking. I've got a very interesting assortment of clients," Ardyr'e finished with a wink and a small bow of her head in response to his own.

"The Seal will have to wait until later this evening," she sighed, "I have a previous engagement I swore to attend before this incident occurred. One which I cannot cancel. I'll actually have to be leaving soon for it and shall be gone until around midnight or so. As far as your other questions, it's going to take quite a large amount of power because I put much in. As far as what to expect afterwards, I'm not certain myself. Nothing or something could happen. There isn't a guide for these things, but should I believe in Le'cin'der's advice, she shouldn't magically explode once the Seal is removed, as long as she remains calm and doesn't try to be foolish and Cast something."

"Now then, please excuse me," Ardyr'e said before leaving the room to get ready for her evening.
"Well," Kyle said with a wry grin, "It appears we are to be left to our own devices for the time being. I think I shall seek out sustenance. Perhaps we should prevail upon, what did Ardyr'e name... Ah, Ben. Yes, I shall seek out Ben and see if we may avail ourselves of Ardyr'e's hospitality."

Stepping out of the library, Kyle cast about, finally spotting the aforementioned butler emerging from a room down a hallway he had not yet entered. Waving, Kyle managed to attract Ben's attention, and the butler approached with an unhurried step.

"How may I assist you Sir?" Ben asked.

"I am no Sir," Kyle replied, smiling crookedly. "I have spent most of my existence avoiding titles of any kind. I was wondering if arrangements had been made for an evening meal? We have been subsisting upon food from the train's 'dining car', and I fear that such fare leaves much to be desired."

"Of course Sir," Ben replied with a shudder. "I have sampled what the transportation service calls 'food'. I feel we can do quite a bit better here. The Lady has requested that I see to your needs, and I would certainly say this is a need. Down the hall to the left is the dining room. If you and the ladies would head there, I shall provide something to tide you over until the meal is prepared."

Thanking Ben, Kyle watched him scurry off down the indicated hall, going past the indicated door to enter the next one. Shaking his head, Kyle re-entered the library to find Esme and her mother looking at each other silently. Things were definitely still tense between the two of them.

"Ben is seeing to a meal for us, and requests that we make our way to the dining room," Kyle announced. "If the ladies would care to join me?"

Esme nodded silent agreement, moving towards the door where Kyle was standing, and after a long moments hesitation, her mother began to move as well. Kyle backed out of the door, and turning, made his way to the door that Ben had indicated. The dining room was as lavish as the rest of the penthouse? apartment?, Kyle wasn't quite certain of the correct word, was, with a table fit for a dozen guests, but currently only set for three. Apparently Kyle's request had been anticipated well in advance. The position at the foot of the table had been set, as well as one to either side, and Kyle didn't hesitate, moving quickly to pull out both chairs to either side before taking the seat at the foot of the table for himself. Politeness dictated that he seat both women, but he was quite certain that Esme wouldn't see it in that fashion, and he shuddered to think how Áinfean would respond to what he considered common courtesy, so he left the women to seat themselves. After a few seconds consideration, both women sat, just as Ben entered through a swinging door, pushing a small cart. Moving quickly, he set several carafes on the table, and a small platter of what appeared to be cheeses and fruits with an accompanying assortment of breads.

"We have hot chocolate, mulled cider, and water," he said, indicating each container in turn. "If you wish wine or something stronger, please do not hesitate to ask. For now, please enjoy a selection of cheese and fruit with bruschetta while the main meal is prepared."

Ben glanced around the table once, and seeing everything set up to his satisfaction, made his way back to what was probably;y the kitchen, leaving Kyle and the ladies to their own devices.

"Shall we?" Kyle asked, gesturing politely for the ladies to make their selections first.

Fable Fable

(Hungry demon is hungry, but remembers his manners.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
(Thought I hit post, apparently not because my laptop is a POS ;-; )

Esme wouldn't have asked about a snack, so when Kyle did it instead she felt a bit relieved. The food on the train wasn't that great or even that filling, it was really ust junk food if she had to define it. She sat down on Kyle's left side at the table, her mother sitting across from her silently. Esme still didn't have the desire to speak to her mother. What was there even to talk about at this point? Her mother had sex with a demon for more power and Esme was the result. She just couldn't feel anything but contempt for the woman who gave birth to her right now. She had made Esme's entire life a lie and not only that, she had done too much for Esme to forgive at this point.

She sampled some of the fruit and cheese, opting to stick to water where her mother had turned to request some wine. "I must say I had expected you to be repulsed when you heard about Esme's situation," Áinfean stated as she took a piece of bread as her own snack. Esme glowered at her mother's words, taking offense at the word 'repulsed.'

"Is that how you feel about me then?" Esme asked her mother lowly.

Áinfean sighed, "Esme, you're my daughter and that is that. I know I am not the soccer-mother-of-the-year, but place yourself in my position, what would you have done to protect someone? Desperate people do desperate things, even if they aren't the right things, even if they risk making others hate you. I wanted to give you as normal a life as you could have and with the limited options I had to make a choice. You can stay angry at me if you wish, I've never faulted you on that."
Kyle raised one eyebrow as Esme's mother made her comment about his not being repulsed by Esme now that he knew her origins. Before he could reply, Esme and her mother began to trade barbs about words and feelings.

"Esme, please stop." he said quietly as her mother ran down. "While you may take exception to her choice of words, your mother's question is well founded. S'ynivekt, what humans would call half-breeds, are used to scare children on my world. There hasn't been a confirmed S'ynivekt in centuries. We are taught that they are lower than the Beastials used to wage war, tainted mockeries of true thinking beings useful only as sacrifices for raising Power."

Kyle paused, taking a small bite of truly excellent cheese before continuing in a level voice.

"My teaching was a bit different. You know that I spent our trip here reviewing my training after the revelation of my status as Chaktarini, and I was taught that the only reason S'ynivekt were vilified by the Great Houses was fear. Fear of diluting their Bloodlines to the point where their enemies would find them easy prey. For them, Power is all."

Kyle shook his head sadly, glancing at Áinfean out of the corner of his eye. Some things transcended species, and usually not the best things.

"The Houses need to convince their progeny not to stray," he said grimly. "And not just... nevermind. You are weaker than a full blooded demon Esme. That part is entirely accurate. You should be stronger than any single witch however, since your mother already had Power. The problem lies with multiples. It would most likely only take a couple to overwhelm you, where any less than six to ten would regret ever crossing my path. I could easily be slain, but not drained. You could be drained, over and over. That is the life your mother was trying to spare you. While I do not agree with her methods, any more than I agree with my own mother's choice to keep me ignorant, she made it with decent enough intentions. The execution however, I do find lacking."

Kyle applied himself to his plate, giving Esme a chance to digest what he had said. He didn't approve of the method, but perhaps Áinfean did think she had her daughter's best interests at heart.

Fable Fable fyu
(Demon hopes Esme doesn't kill him, but he swore honesty in all things. )
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Esme's upset at Kyle's more factual response XD After this post I can always timeskip for Ardyr'e to get back. )

Esme's mouth snapped closed and she narrowed her eyes when Kyle told her to stop, she didn't glance at him as she felt anger begin to return even more, but now with some directed at Kyle himself. She felt as though her mother were trying to get Kyle to admit that he was repulsed by Esme's existence, as much as that was the worst case scenario. Esme tended to think the worst things right now, and having him think that of her would be the worst.

She already got the idea that what she was meant she was considered beneath demons and witches. Just being told that existing was considered some awful thing really got to her. She wanted to tune out Kyle and just fade away from all these complications, but she couldn't. As much as part of her understood Kyle was just answering a question, it got under her skin. "Whatever," she sighed before standing up.

She was done with this conversation. Kyle's response had been one she didn't want to hear, the same basic information already made clear; Esme was something viewed as "lesser." He may have said he was taught differently than the Houses, but he hadn't actually answered her mother's question. What did Kyle think of Esme, now that she was what she was? What did he really think about it?

Esme had some stupid faint part of her hope that he would have been bothered by her mother's word choice, or even just plainly stated he didn't mind her being what she was. Instead he just spoke about the facts of what he was taught and their odds in a fight against witches.

"I'll be waiting for Ardyr'e," she said before she left.
Kyle watched the door swing shut behind Esme, his heart sinking. This never to be sufficiently damned language, his inability to choose the right words when they were needed, Esme's inability to see a conversation through to the end without automatically assuming the worst had all conspired to create yet another perfect storm of misunderstanding. One of the architects of the storm was still within his reach, and Kyle turned flinty eyes on Áinfean.

"You know," Kyle said conversationally. "I have actually defended your decisions to Esme twice today. Ardyr'e claims that you actually care for Esme in your own, twisted fashion, and I tried, oh Goddess how I tried, to see good in your actions. Now I find myself compelled to ask, was it worth it? Was the Power you received from a Pact you made of your own, free will, worth the destruction of your daughter's spirit?"

"Firstly, I have never requested for you defend any of my actions," Áinfean began coldly, "Don't defend those you dislike or do not understand. I love Esme enough to push her to hate me. I love her enough that I will do what I think will protect her, even if she despises me for it. Your thinking seems to only gaze upon the surface, and it's wonder how one as old as yourself still has much to learn. But then again, you're a demon and have only lived here, what a few months? You seem to think I went into that Pact willingly once I heard the cost. You don't know the power of Covens here. You think once I summoned the demon I didn't wish it could be undone once I heard the price? Covens don't allow members to refuse Pacts they consider beneficial. I hadn't expected to conceive Esme, I was a foolish witch to think something as simple as birth control would prevent such a thing from happening, and my Coven happily convinced me of that lie."

"Kyle, you know why things happened the way they did? I believe you have an idea. A silly, naive young witch wanting more for herself joins a Coven. A Coven who sells her to a demon under the guise of helping the girl achieve more power. They get more power by using a vulnerable girl. I will not let Emse become another victim of a Coven or Demon if I can help it."

"Esme spirit isn't broken, if it was she wouldn't be as stubborn as she is. You'll probably believe I'm delusional in this thought, but does Esme really seem that weak to you? She may stumble, fall, and struggle to overcome things, but she will always overcome them at some point. She's not fearful of letting you touch her, she doesn't fear you as a demon. She is not a spoiled, coddled child who expects others to save her."

"No, she is definitely not spoiled or coddled," Kyle replied. "And do not for a moment think that I defended your actions for your sake, I did it for Esme's. And do not think to, what is the pithy phrase you humans love to use, 'bullshit yourself' about making the Pact. You always have a choice. Making a different choice may well have cost you your own life or Power, but you had a choice. You chose to live, and now the consequences of that choice are coming home to roost. And don't think to tell me I do not understand such choices. I made a choice that could very well have ended my life, and it did end the life of someone I loved."

Kyle had to pause for a second, waiting for his throat to loosen enough for him to continue speaking.

"You say you love her enough to make her hate you," Kyle said. "That you are making her strong, and to a certain point, maybe you are. When I forge metals, I must heat and shape, heat and shape, over and over until it is in the form I wish. Once the final form is set, I must heat and then quench the metal to harden the shape. This makes for a hard blade, but that blade can be brittle, snapping when truly tested for the first time. To ensure a longer life, I must then temper the metal, allowing some of its hardness to fade into flexibility. You have forged Esme into what you think she needs to be to survive, and you have quenched her in hatred. What you have not done is temper your creation. Despite what you think you know about me and mine, I can promise that I have lived for millennia within the forge, beaten, quenched over and over. But unlike Esme, I have been tempered by the knowledge of my mother's love. Even as she taught me the harsh lessons of reality, she let me know that I was loved, and that I would always have at least one being in the world who would never question my existence. I tell you now, Esme does not have this. You may have some remorse, but she has never seen it. Why was I the one to sit with her in the rain, listening to her desperate pleas to the universe for the knowledge that her mother didn't consider her some horrible mistake. Begging for the tiniest scrap of your approval?"

Kyle's voice was rising slowly as the memory of Esme, her eyes full of hot tears in the pouring rain, replayed itself behind his eyes.

"Why am I, the horrible, terrible Demon fit only for the scorn of your kind, the one who is trying so desperately to let Esme know that she isn't alone in this thing?! Why is Esme so afraid to accept a simple compliment. looking for hidden meanings?! I know some small bit of that is not your fault alone, but the basis for it IS your fault. What damage would it have done for you to tell your daughter that you love her?! WHY CAN'T YOU SHOW HER AFFECTION? DO YOU WISH HER TO BE ALONE AND VULNERABLE THROUGH IGNORANCE, MISERABLE FOR HER LONG, LONG LIFE?! SHE IS SO STRONG THAT SHE CAN'T BELIEVE I AM HER FRIEND! YOU HAVE TRAINED HER TO ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WORST... ARE YOU PLEASED WITH YOUR WORK?!"

The final words Kyle uttered were so forceful that the tableware danced about the surface of the table, and Kyle had to reach out quickly to stop his glass from tumbling over.

"Oops," he said in a normal voice. "I seem to have become upset. Perhaps Ardyr'e is correct to worry about my ability to remain calm where hurts delivered to Esme are concerned."

Fable Fable
(Demon has finally gone nuclear, but he stayed human. He feels maybe a little bad for Áinfean, but he is terrified that Esme will shatter like a poorly tempered blade. Timeskip or respond, or if I went too over the top, let me know and I will edit.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Seal is gone X3 )

Áinfean drank more wine as Kyle responded to her. She already knew where this was heading and didn't bat an eye at his seething at her. "You can assume all that you wish about me, I know very well that none of my words will change your perception of me, nor do I really care at this point what you think of me. Esme must always expect the worst, because that is what will be coming for her."

With that she wordlessly left the room, leaving Kyle alone without further explanations.

Just as Ardyr'e had promised, she returned around midnight, tossing her handbag at her butler and kicking off her shoes the moment she was within her dwelling, "Oof, the negative energy in this place. They didn't kill each other did they?"

"No madam," the butler replied.

"Pity," she said with a laugh, clearly joking. She went to her bedroom and quickly changed into more comfortable clothing while Ben went to inform her guests she had returned. Esme was back in the library staring and the burning fire while her mother stared out the window onto the street below. When Ardyr'e joined them she stretched out her arms, "Now then, Esme we'll be doing this in your guest room. You might want to drink something hard. I doubt it'll do too much for the pain of this ritual, but maybe it'll take the edge off your nerves."

Ardyr'e then turned to Áinfean and then Kyle, "Áinfean knows she's not allowed anywhere near the room and so you're going to get the same warning. Kyle, please do not even touch the door lest you get an unpleasant zap from the ward. As much as you may share a connection, I don't know if you'll feel the pain as she does , but if you interrupt me it shall increase the risk of something going horribly wrong."

She clapped her hands together once and then motioned for Esme to come with her. Esme gave Kyle a slightly worried glance now that the time had some. Áinfean's eyes gazed as Esme's reflection via the window, those appeared as though she was just standing there without a care. Once Esme was within the guest room she was using, Ben brought a cart with a few items and then left, closing the door and standing off to the side. He wouldn't really be able to stop Kyle should he try to enter, but hopefully a firm reminder would prevent any mishaps.

With the doors closed Ardyr'e cast a ward over them to deter disruptions. At first there was simply nothing, just soft murmurs as Ardyr'e spoke about something to Esme. After about fifteen minutes was when the screaming started. Esme's back was searing with pain as the Seal resisted being removed while also trying to negate the magic Ardyr'e was using. She'd left a loophole so she could remove it, but it was not exactly working as easily as she had hoped.

Eventually Esme's screams were silent after she lost her voice from crying out in pain, feeling as though she was being burned alive starting at her back. Her head throbbed and she felt like there was acid in her stomach eating away at her. Two hours into the ordeal Esme fainted from the stress and pain, a small mercy for her. In all the ritual to remove the Seal took five hours.

During this time Áinfean paced, even flinching at Esme's screams. When Ardyr'e removed the ward on the door and stepped out, she looked completely drained, drenched with sweat and seemed ready to faint herself. "Well, I am exhausted, so please excuse me if I don't stay to chat. Esme is fine, her Seal is removed but she might be out for a bit so I would let her rest. Oh and Kyle, she is topless at the moment, though laying on her stomach, do be a gentleman and keep your eyes from wandering to intimate areas."

Ardyr'e staggered slightly as she went to her own bedroom to rest, she was going to be out for a while.
Kyle shook his head sadly as Áinfean left the dining room after her pronouncement. He hadn't meant to shout at her, but it had apparently bounced off the armor of her certainty like water from the back of a duck. She thought Kyle naive and inexperienced, despite his millennia of life, and she would never be dissuaded. They burned brightly, these humans, but once entrenched in a belief, they were impossible to sway.

"I spent hundreds of their years with the same attitude," Kyle thought as he set about cleaning up the disorder that his outburst had caused. "Changing my outlook was difficult indeed, but I managed. It's amazing how love can so nearly destroy you, yet bring you back from the edge of oblivion. I wish I could articulate in a manner that Áinfean would accept that planning for the worst is not the same as expecting the worst. You will always get what you expect, but you do not always get what you planned for."

Ben appeared and silently set to helping Kyle clear the table, not commenting on the absence of the ladies. While he really had no appetite, Kyle remained in the dining room, eating what Ben put in front of him without really tasting it. His time was spent berating himself for not managing to say whatever Esme had needed to hear from him, and worrying about what would happen after the Seal was removed. Worrying about what would happen while the Seal was being removed. When he finished, he once again helped Ben with clearing the table, despite that worthy's protests. Kyle needed to be doing, not brooding. Thinking about what was to come, Kyle took out his bag of moonstones and set to work. This much he could do.

Kyle wasn't certain how long he worked, but he was brought back to the present by a quiet summons from Ben, informing him that the Mistress had returned and was ready to commence. When he entered the library, Kyle found Esme staring into the fire while Áinfean seemed fascinated by the blackness outside of the windows. Ardyr'e made her appearance before Kyle could speak to Esme, and after admonishing him not to interfere upon pain of pain, she ushered Esme out of the room. Esme cast a worried glance at Kyle as she left, and he nodded slightly with a crooked smile, mouthing 'I'll be here for you' as she was herded away to her fate. He felt the wards Ardyr'e cast take form, and quickly moved to a clear spot in the middle of the room, settling down cross-legged. After a moments thought, he removed his bag of moonstones and tossed them onto a handy chair, placing his own ward over the bag. No point taking chances.

"Please remain clear of me," he said politely to Áinfean. "I do not know how what is to occur will affect me, and despite our differences of opinion, I do not wish you caught in any backlash."

Kyle then turned all of his attention inward, building shield upon shield about the core of his Power. The breath hissed between his teeth as the first tremors passed along the strange link he had with Esme, but he sought out the channel and shielded it, only to grit his teeth as a strange, crawling sensation began to make itself known, even as Esme's first scream rent the air. Every instinct tried to drive Kyle to his feet and to Esme's side, and only the knowledge that his presence might cause her death kept him seated, fighting to keep what was being done in the other room from calling forth his own Power in reaction. The sympathetic pain his body felt was of no consequence as Kyle focused his entire being on control. Esme's voice gave out, but the struggle continued, and Kyle felt the moment when the ordeal finally claimed her awareness. He remained aware, feeling for her, though thankfully his shielding seemed to be blunting more and more of the effects as the Seal slowly succumbed to Ardyr'e's will. When the Seal finally yielded, Kyle managed to stagger to his feet, his Power severely depleted from his struggles to shield himself, his clothes sodden with sweat.

"I think it is done," he croaked out, just as Ardyr'e made her disheveled appearance.

"Well, I am exhausted, so please excuse me if I don't stay to chat. Esme is fine, her Seal is removed but she might be out for a bit so I would let her rest. Oh and Kyle, she is topless at the moment, though laying on her stomach, do be a gentleman and keep your eyes from wandering to intimate areas."

Kyle didn't deign to respond to Ardyr'e's gentle jib, just nodding as she took her leave. He set his own steps towards Esme's room, and while he did not stagger as much as Ardyr'e did, his steps were far from steady. Esme was indeed 'out', though Kyle could see that her bare back was covered with sweat from the painful ordeal she had endured. Remembering her screams, Kyle reached out a single finger, letting it rest lightly on the back of Esme's neck. Trusting that Ardyr'e had done her work, he let a tiny trickle of Power flow out and into Esme, searching for irritation and damage, just as his mother had taught him.

"Goddess!" he whispered as his magic let him feel Esme's body. "She has screamed her voice away."

Gathering what Power he still had, Kyle let it flow down his arm and into Esme in a gentle, green tide. That tide washed away the fierce burn of raw, red tissues, soothing and relaxing muscles that were still knotted and twisted from over exertion. Kyle felt it happen, then his vision tunneled down as the world began to spin about him. He retained enough control, barely, to direct his fall so that rather than collapse over Esme's prone form, he sprawled in a heap beside her bed.

"I'm here," he said as his own awareness began to desert him. "I don't care that you are a half-breed. I don't care that your mother does not approve. I am here for you... ashke."

Darkness claimed Kyle as weariness and relief conspired to snatch away his final scraps of consciousness.

Fable Fable
(Demon finally found the words, but Esme isn't awake to hear them.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Ashke isn't in the demon-english dictionary we have going, lol. XD Figured he might still be out as well, if he wasn't I can change it. )

Esme groaned softly around 12 hours after she had been brought into the room. Her throat felt dry and oddly... not in horrible pain. She wished she could have forgotten the ordeal of having the Seal removed, but that pain was seared into her memory and a phantom pain throbbed on her back. She felt like she had been hiking non-stop for days, her limbs felt weak and she wasn't sure she wanted to try and sit up.

She cautiously rolled onto her side, pulling the sheet up and over her bare torso before she sat up. She looked around for her shirt and found it folded neatly on top of a dresser with a bottle of water in a small metal tub of ice. She wanted to roll her eyes at the oddness of it, but she was too tired and too thirsty. She got onto her feet and went to put on her shirt and chugged down the water. The chill of the water helped sooth her dry throat.

Esme wanted to take a shower since she felt the familiar sensation on her skin of dried sweat. She finally glanced towards the door wondering if she should tell the other she was awake, but then noticed Kyle on the floor. She stared at his prone form in confusion and walked over to him, kneeling down and looking at him. Why was he asleep in here on the floor? He didn't see her topless did he?! No, Kyle wouldn't have taken advantage like that. But, why was he here?

Thinking about it, she'd never really seen Kyle sleeping, like actually sleeping. He was either awake before her or just seemed to be sitting in some weird meditation thing. She studied his facial features and then blushed feeling that she was the one taking advantage of the situation. She cleared her throat softly, but it didn't really come out easily and it irritated her sensitive throat. So, she did what her annoying normal self would do, she poked his shoulder a few times.
The music was lovely, and as he and Esme glided through the simple Harvest dance, Kyle was content. He couldn't exactly remember how they had wound up in the small Holding high in his House's lands, but he didn't really care. Despite their formal dress, the farmers and craftspeople had welcomed them as though they belonged, adding them to... Something poked into his shoulder, causing Kyle to look away from Esme. Nothing. Looking back, Kyle was alarmed to find Esme's features slightly blurry, as though she were far away, not right in his... Poke. Releasing Esme, Kyle turned with a snarl to confront, empty air. When he turned back, Esme was nowhere to be seen, no matter where his frantic gaze... Poke.

Kyle opened his eyes, bleary vision having difficulty focusing. The shape in front of him seemed to be at an odd angle.

"Oh, I seem to be on the floor," he muttered, levering himself into a sitting position before trying his recalcitrant vision once again. Esme's face and form swam into view as his vision cleared, not the Esme of moments ago, but a visibly tired, slightly disheveled Esme. The Esme he remembered from...

The events of the night before flooded back, and before either of them knew what was happening, Kyle had swept Esme into a fierce embrace.

"You're okay," he whispered. "You're okay. You're oka..."

Kyle stuttered to a stop, suddenly acutely aware that he was violating Esme's personal space. He released her with an almost spastic suddenness, scooting backwards to clear her 'safe' zone. He cast a fearful glance at her, afraid of what he was going to see. They had not left things well the night before, and what he had just done.

"I'm sorry," he said in a small voice. "I didn't mean to. I wasn't. I'm just glad you're okay Esme. I... after what I felt from you last night."

Kyle shrugged helplessly. "I'm just glad to see you."

Fable Fable

(Awkward Demon is AWKWARD.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Esme's not minding Kyle in her personal space much these past few days XD Esme is very embarrassed. )

Esme tilted her head slightly as Kyle slowly awoke, realizing he was on the floor of the room. She wondered why he seemed a bit confused about being there and was opening her mouth to ask him about it when he suddenly pulled her against him for a tight hug. Her eyes widened and she heard him repeat his words before he just as quickly released her and retreated a safe distance away. Part of her wondered if it was because she was a half-breed, but that was a dark thought that made little sense, at least for her state of still waking up.

She didn't move as he apologized and said he was glad she was okay after last night. She pointed to her throat before she spoke at barely a whisper, "Besides a sore throat and feeling like I've gone days without rest, I'm fine." She paused to yawn widely, bringing a hand to her mouth and her eyes watered slightly. "I honestly thought when the thing was removed I'd be like Spiderman or something, " she tried to joke.

Esme hadn't actually been bothered, nor was she upset, but Kyle hugging her. It was actually a bit comforting since she had been through what seemed to be a lite version of hell. "So, you... felt all that too huh?" She leaned back against the side of the bed, shifting her body so she could sit more comfortably on the floor. She really didn't have the energy to stand back up right now.

"Wait," she said after a moment and her eyes stared down Kyle, "You felt what I went through?" Esme's face turned red, not out of anger but pure humiliation. Did that mean he could feel other things? What other things? A mild panic set in because this was just something no girl ever wanted to consider. A guy was not supposed to know how a girl felt, in this kind of manner at least! What if he had been able to tell she'd have a weak moment or two around him? He couldn't read her thoughts, right?!

Just as she mentally asked that question, she really stared at Kyle seeing if he would show a sign that he - in fact - could read her mind.
"Wait," she said after a moment and her eyes stared down Kyle, "You felt what I went through?"

Kyle couldn't possibly understand why Esme's face was turning red. Had he somehow done something to infuriate her yet again? She was staring at him intently, as if she were trying to convey some meaning, but Kyle just couldn't figure out the message.

"Esme," he said. "I'm not certain what I've done this time to upset you, so please, just tell me. I felt your pain, despite my best attempts to block it. I knew when you passed out from the ordeal, and I had a vague sense of when it was finally over. I'm so sorry that there wasn't anything I could do to help, and I hated feeling so helpless while someone important to me was in such agony."

Kyle shrugged slightly as he levered himself into a slightly more comfortable position.

"I knew that my empathic skills were being influenced by you, and I had to work hard to keep my Power shielded and under control while you endured, that. I wish I had Ardyr'e's understanding of this world, that way I could stop making these stupid mistakes. To add to this, now you know your origins, and I am quite certain that you are now questioning your very existence."

Kyle shook his head slightly, then looked at Esme, hoping she could see the sincerity in his gaze.

"No offense to your mother," he said. "But fuck your parentage. It doesn't change who you are. Me finding out that my father wasn't my father didn't change your opinion of me, and I'll be damned if finding out that you are a half-breed changes my high opinion of you one iota. You are still the strong, independent woman who faced me down with a broken bottle to protect her friend. I just hope I can prove worthy of such friendship."

Fable Fable
(Clueless demon is asking for a clue.)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Sorry for the wait, I think I need to rewatch this thread cause my alerts aren't really showing up for it. :\ )

Esme listened as Kyle stated he didn't understand why she was upset with him this time, and if he was determining that then it seemed he couldn't read her mind or really her feelings either. She let out a tired sigh as she ran her hand through her messy and tangled hair. Esme wasn't sure what to think right now as he continued about how his empathetic skills made him influenced by her, but not really explaining what those skills meant. Right now she just needed to calm down because she was just too tired to have a calm conversation on this subject.

He changed the subject, first stating he had no offense to her other before saying he didn't care about her parentage. "Well, I don't get how knowing who your biological father is would change my opinion. It's not like he's some infamous figure here. Even if he somehow was, you're not your father so it's not a big influencing factor."

She paused for a moment and then yawned as her body still wanted to rest. "So, me being what I am doesn't unsettle you? At all?"

The conversation was interrupted as Ben knocked on the door and entered, stating that Áinfean and Ardyr'e were waiting for them and that there were snacks and drinks waiting for both of them. Esme struggled but got up on her feet, "Guess we should go and let them know I'm alive."

She left the room and followed after Ben, her hand raising once to her mouth as she walked. He led them into the dining area where there were assorted snacks on the table from fruits all the way to junk food. Esme grabbed a grape and popped it into her mouth without hesitation before she turned her attention to the two elder women. Ardyr'e looked tired still but was still well put together. Her mother looked as though she hadn't slept in a while, seated at the table sipping what was most likely coffee.

"Ah, very good, both of them awake and sane," Ardyr'e joked as she sipped her tea. "I'd ask how you two feel but based on how long you've slept and your current appearance I would say still very tired."
“I shall allow that we are indeed, awake.”Kyle said with a tired grin. “I shall make no commentary pursuant to our collective sanity.”

Excusing himself for a moment, Kyle went to the library to retrieve his bag. The wards were still in place, which surprised him. Apparently Ardyr’e was tired enough not to bother breaking this ward. A quick gesture dispelled the ward, and Kyle picked up the bag, heading back to the dining room and the ladies. Settling back into his seat, he reached into the bag and removed three stones, offering one to Esme and one to Ardyr’e.

“In payment for your hospitality Lady Ardyr’e,” he said. “The Power within is neutral. Esme, one of your first lessons will be the recharging of this stone, so it is a loan, not a gift. Now that your Seal is gone, we must tread carefully in matters of Magic.”

Kyle tapped the Power in the stone he still held, letting it flow into him. It wasn’t nearly enough to restore him, but it took the edge off of his exhaustion. Dropping the spent stone back into his bag, he turned a smile on Esme.

“They aren’t much, but they help a bit.” he said. “The rest is time and food. Hopefully Ardyr’e will allow us to impose upon her hospitality until we are fit for travel.”

Fable Fable
(Demon is trying to put his best foot forward until they are fit to travel,)
Tarmagon Tarmagon
( Mostly over my cold and since I am not moving right now, I am gonna get a post up! Sorry for the delay. ;-; )

Ardyr’e quirked a perfectly groomed brow at Kyle as he offered her a power stone. She paused before she took it, idly rolling it around with her fingers as she watched Kyle hand one to Esme as well. It wasn't nearly enough enough for the price she paid to remove the Seal, but he was well-intentioned from the offering. Esme wasn't sure what the stone was as Kyle handed it to her, she brought it up closer to her face to curiously inspect the item as Kyle explained her first lesson would be to recharge the loaner stone.

"So, you give out pet rocks," Esme tried to joke as she pocketed the stone, not really knowing what it was beyond Kyle stating it was for a lesson to 'recharge.'

Ben entered then and Esme's nose picked up the scent of coffee and she didn't waste any time in taking the offered cup of her vice. He walked over to Kyle and offered a cup as well. Esme took a sip and her tense shoulders dropped slightly at the comforting familiar taste of the caffeine-laced concoction.

"You're both welcome to stay here up until you are mostly recovered. An unfortunate affect of that Seal being removed was sending out a fairly large ripple of magical power from Esme, hence why she's drained. My wards can only cover up so much and two demons and a half-demon who was just unsealed is going to attract attention. It's why I planned for your dopplegangers. I would say you have two days at most before you both need to make your way to your next destination, staying any longer greatly increases the risk of being located. It is also better for her to travel while her magic is still fairly low because they won't be expecting her to move while magically exhausted."
"I cannot refute your logic Lady Ardyr'e," Kyle said. "And while I cannot speak to your or Esme's recovery, I feel that mine should be fairly swift. It is fortunate that the cloaking spells which disguise my nature do not depend upon my own reserves. And on the subject of our doppelgangers, I think that perhaps these shall be of some small assistance."

Kyle reached into his bag of moonstones and pulled out two smaller pouches, each only large enough to hold perhaps three small stones. He set them on the table in front of Ardyr'e with an evil grin.

"My contribution to your subterfuge," he said with a chuckle. "Each contains three stones, bespelled to act as decoys. One bag contains stones that mimic a faulty cloaking spell, leaking the most subtle aura of 'demon' to those skilled enough to detect it. The second bag's stones radiate like a most basic shield, the kind an inexperienced practitioner might cast in an attempt to contain their Power from outside observation, not realizing that the shield itself is detectable. I do not have the knowledge needed to mimic Esme's mother's Power, since she has kept her Power closely held in my presence. The decoys will activate when removed from their silk pouch, and will remain active for no longer than three days before their Power runs out. And no, they cannot be used to track back to me. I was careful to use ambient Power, and withhold any essence of myself from the Working."

Kyle accepted the proffered cup from Ben with a word of thanks, and sipped appreciatively as Ardyr'e considered the two pouches. After a few blissful moments however, he spoke once more.

"I do hope that we will have something more to go on than 'in Russia' on our search. What I have gleaned from the human 'Internet' does not fill me with happiness about traveling to Russia, much less going and being forced to search for someone trying to remain hidden. I do not doubt for a moment that a single misspoken question could well prove far more, problematic, than a similar situation here. Please tell me we will have something more to aid us in this quest."

Fable Fable
(Accommodating demon is still trying very, very hard to be reasonable and calm. And I'm happy you're feeling a little better, I just wish you were in your place already.)

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