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Realistic or Modern Straight A's & Black Eyes (closed)

Good teen and bad teen....what could go wrong? Or right....

Bad teen:
Name-Asher Slade
Year- junior
Friend group- artist types, out cast's
School clubs- surprisingly the school paper
Likes/dislikes- loves photography and suffers through the school paper for it. Likes drawing as well. Hates popular kids,jocks,school functions
Talents- he isn't saying yet
Family- tragic story...maybe or maybe not but all in time

Good teen:

Name- Jinta Akiyama
Age- 17
Year- junior
Friend group- gets along with most everyone, usually hangs out with readers
School clubs- book club
Likes/dislikes- She loves goldfish, cherry blossoms, “fox weddings”, soft music. She's easily scared and so things like loud noises and the dark terrify her, yelling, violence.
Talents- Not much of a talent, at least she doesn't believe so, but she's got quite the green thumb, even being able to bring back plants people thought were dead
Family- lives with adopted parents after hers died in a terrible accident when she was young
She is an average height with a thin frame and hardly any curve, but that doesn’t really bother her much. Jinta has pale, porcelain looking skin that gives her an almost doll like appearance when it’s not covered in bruises thanks to her clumsiness. Her eyes are two different colors, her left one is brown and the other is a soft blue color. Her hair is a soft blonde color and usually reaches just past her shoulders. Normally she dresses in bright colors and cute clothes, but she always makes sure that her lower back is covered because she has a rather large birthmark there that she hates being seen.
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Good teen:

Name- Jinta Akiyama
Age- 17
Year- junior
Friend group- gets along with most everyone, usually hangs out with readers
School clubs- book club
Likes/dislikes- She loves goldfish, cherry blossoms, “fox weddings”, soft music. She's easily scared and so things like loud noises and the dark terrify her, yelling, violence.
Talents- Not much of a talent, at least she doesn't believe so, but she's got quite the green thumb, even being able to bring back plants people thought were dead
Family- lives with adopted parents after hers died in a terrible accident when she was young
She is an average height with a thin frame and hardly any curve, but that doesn’t really bother her much. Jinta has pale, porcelain looking skin that gives her an almost doll like appearance when it’s not covered in bruises thanks to her clumsiness. Her eyes are two different colors, her left one is brown and the other is a soft blue color. Her hair is a soft blonde color and usually reaches just past her shoulders. Normally she dresses in bright colors and cute clothes, but she always makes sure that her lower back is covered because she has a rather large birthmark there that she hates being seen.
Today seemed like any other day. It contained the usual mundane tasks of getting ready for school, eating breakfast, making sure teeth were brushed and bags were full and lunches were packed. For the most part everything was going the way it usually did, Jinta went to class, kept to herself, stayed quiet and under the radar. It wasn't that she didn't ike people or anything, it was more that she was incredibly shy and usually choked up on words whenever she tried talking to someone new. Being a quiet person she tended to avoid loud situations and areas, and loud people in general. Usually she hung out with the people in her book club, if she hung out at all, usually preferring to stay in the safety of her home with a good book. On her way to her locker she kept to the wall, humming a soft tune to herself because her friends were on the other side of the building, it was one of the few times she had to walk by herself between classes. Not that she minded, it was a nice time to sort of think. Let her thoughts wander. Arriving at her locker she put in the combination, opened the door and traded out a couple of books before closing it up. There was a murmuring starting not far down from where she stood, louder than the normal talking between classes.

Normally she would have simply ignored it and walked away to class. However, today curiosity was getting the better of her. She never really knew what happened when that murmuring started, she only heard from other people what had happened and usually those were all different stories blown out of different levels of proportion. A slight pause in her step, a nibble of the lip and then she found herself turning around. What compelled her to follow the noise was beyond her, but for once she figured it wouldn't hurt to actually find out what was going on. See something with her own eyes for once instead of hearing all the rumors about he did this and she said that. It wouldn't hurt to take a quick peek, she'd see what the commotion was about and then she'd leave for class, she had plenty of time. Turning the corner of the hall she caught someone talking about a boy or something, not the sort of girl talk that she usually overheard about how cute so and so was. No this was more of a concerned tone, something about a boy being dangerous or something? She couldn't quite make out the words, but it shouldn't have mattered that much right? She was only looking.
Asher stood at a locker with the schools truiency officer by his side. Dark eyes almost black flicked from face to face daring anyone to say something out loud to him. The officer was introducing him to the principal. Drowning on and on about a new beginning for his rocky history. He was still sporting a fresh black eye and scabbed knuckles from his previous school. Those intense eyes found Jinta and the serious mouth lifted at one corner. He wore jeans, a black T-shirt with a grey plaid long sleeve over it and black boots. Typical bad boy style.
The first thing she noticed was the officer, watching curiously because it wasn't every day that he showed up like this. And then her eyes flickered over to the individual, blinking a bit in surprise at the black eye and the intense gaze. A shiver ran through her spine, one that told her to run, told her that whoever this newcomer was was bad news. Those were the kinds of people she actively avoided because they usually were up to no good and they honestly scared her. Not because they were necessarily bad people, mostly because they tended to be the loud, violent ones. Swallowing a bit she took a step back, bumping into someone int he process as the crowd gathered. She was going to be late if she didn't get out of this crowd. Giving the new boy one last look over she offered him a kind smile, it never hurt to be polite, before she slipped away through the other students to hurry off to class. Her curiosity had been satisfied, at least for now.
He was told to wait in the library till they found someone to show him around. He was starting to get antsy. Asher hated sitting still and listening to teachers talk. He was smart enough to get good grades but the world was bigger than highschool. So after about 5 minutes he found himself wandering the halls. He wasn't destructive but he did like to get into trouble a bit. The adults took it way more seriously than he did. Asher just needed something to focus on.
As she sat in class any thoughts on the new student disappeared, she was really only focused on what was being said. Apparently for now they were supposed to go out and collect a couple samples, choosing to either find plants or insects to make a display with them later in the week. It was one of their bigger projects and like most any big assignment it had mixed reviews. After explaining what they were supposed to be doing the teacher let them loose, telling them not to stray any farther than the courtyard because they wouldn't have time to get back to class if they made it all the way out to the football field. The bright eyed girl made her way out the door behind the rest of the class, walking with one of her friends, discussing what they would be doing. She was unaware of the supposedly "dangerous" newcomer that was roaming the halls. There were already rumors floating around, some even going so far as to say Asher had killed someone at his old school.
He had managed to sneak his smokes in so he found his way outside watching as a group came out from a class. He was slouched on a bench drawing smoke into his lungs. Asher had anger problem and being unfocused made it worse. That's why smoking helped. He perked up seeing the blonde from that morning. Girls that looked like her didn't often smile at him. Unless they wanted to piss off the parents. He caught the eye of a few students getting rude looks. He blew smoke at them.
Jinta was unaware that the boy was even outside at first until her friend pointed it out, asking what he thought he was doing smoking on campus like that during school hours. She followed her gaze towards Asher, blinking in surprise because she wasn't kidding, the boy really was smoking out in the open during school. She watched him for a few moments before offering him another smile. It could have just been a nervous reaction, but anyone who knew her well knew that she just tried to be polite to everyone, her adoptive parents had taught her that. Everyone deserved kindness. It was difficult sometimes, and there were times she wanted to hold grudges and be mean back, but she could never find it in her to actually follow through with that. "Do you think all those things people are saying about him are true?" Jinta turned her attention back to her friend with a raised brow,"I mean...I don't know, he has a black eye and everything, but I doubt he's done the extreme things. Like killing someone or plotting bomb threats."
He flicked the smoke away and stood. As their teacher came out to check on them. Walking the opposite direction he slipped back inside and back to the library. He was paired with some jock guy and they hated each other instantly. Asher wondered about the girl but didn't really know how to find out about her. Lunch time rolled around and that's when his day turned to shit.
Jinta looked back at some point only to find that the boy was nowhere in sight. Turning back to her project she focused on catching a particularly large grasshopper for the start of her collection. It would be rather hard to find out anything about Jinta, she was quiet, never really partied. It was one of those things where you'd have to ask the right people, and good luck talking to them when you were a frightening boy with an already growing reputation. Lunch seemed like it would be going normal, she sat at her usual table with her friends like always. Too bad her lunch wasn't going to stay nice and quiet.
Asher came in glancing around. The boy he was assigned to left him to go find his own friends. The looks and whispering started as soon as he walked in. He kept his eyes up meeting the stairs till 3 jocks stood in his way sneering at him.

Andrew looked the guy up and down "so is it true you killed a kid cause he wouldn't give you money?" He looked at the jock next to him "Tom here heard you brought a gun to school that true?" People started to look up noticing the stand off.
At first they had no idea what was going on, at least until it seemed to get quiet for a moment before more whispering and murmuring began to rise up. Jinta and her friends quieted down, looking towards the cause of the commotion. "What do you think's going on?" She murmured quietly, picking up quickly on the fact that Asher appeared to be outnumbered, and nobody was even bothering to do anything about it. It didn't even look like the usual snitches were going to get a teacher for this one, and nobody would probably blame them. Nobody ever wanted to get on the bad side of the jocks, and Asher was new and terrifying.
He took a breath and looked around "not that it's any of you Fucks buisness.... actually it's really not so get out of my way before I lose my temper" his voice was quite and deep but held slot of anger. His fists balled up at his side's trying to control him self.
"Nobody's going to stop them?" she glanced at her friends, none of which ever really concerned themselves with a fight. Normally she wouldn't either, but it seemed like Asher was already injured and she was more worried about him getting hurt rather than there actually being a fight. Swallowing hard she hesitated before getting up, heart pounding against her ribs as she made her way over. Fear started creeping through her, telling her to run, screaming at her to turn back and just ignore all of this mess. "E-excuse me?" she murmured when she got to them, looking out of place, nervous and very much afraid. "Why don't we all just calm down?"
All 4 males turned to look at her. Momentarily silenced. Then Andrew called out "real tough guy needs a girl to take up for him. That your new boyfriend Jinta?" Asher was looking at her with his dark eyes questioning why she would intervene on his be half.
When they all looked at her she froze, her heartbeat picking up and she felt like she needed to melt away. "I-I..n-no, I don't...I don't know him," she mumbled quietly, averting her gaze to the floor, clearing her throat. She never should have gotten up, she should have just stayed put in her spot and now she could feel not only their eyes on her but also almost everyone in the cafeteria's eyes as well. "I just...h-he's already hurt, c-can't you just leave him alone?" What was she doing? Every part of her was screaming at her, asking why was she still talking, why was she still standing there!?
The sound off his fist connecting with Andrews jaw was loud in the silent room. "Thanks sweety but I got it" he winked at her then was tackled by the other too. People backed up as the rolling mass of fists surged this way and that. The next instants the foot ball coaches whistle blew as he and a few others ran in to see what the commotion was. They rounded up the boys and anyone close including her. All made to sit in an empty room till it could be sorted and parents called. Asher had a busted lip and some bruises forming the other guys did to. He had held his own.
Having not expected Asher to actually hit someone she jumped when his fist connected, stumping back out of the way as the fight broke out. When he told her he had it and then winked at her she blushed a dark shade of red, staring in shock as the boys rolled around. As they were rounding people up she squeaked in terror when she was included, sitting in the room beside Asher looking paler than usual, eyes wide and staring straight ahead, limbs tense. She wasn't supposed to be here, she had never been in a situation like this before! She hadn't even been part of the fight! Trembling lightly she dared a looked around, eyes glancing up at Asher before they glanced away quickly again.
He lounged his chair a lot more relaxed than her. He was trying to stop his lip from bleeding with his shirt sleeve. He reached out nudging her shoulder "girly you need to chill, you look like your about to freak out, ain't no big deal just a scuffle" he gave a smile dark eyes twinkling. It always felt better when the rage was let out. He could breath again.
She practically jumped out of her chair when she was nudged, squeaking loudly in surprise. Looking up at him with a frigjtened expression. "J-just a little scuffle?" What was considered a big scuffle? "I...no, I can't be here. I've never been in trouble before. I have class I have to go to." Her words were panicked and nervous until she spotted his lip,"oh, your...your lip, are you okay?"
He licked his lip wincing "yea I'm fine not my first split lip, your not in trouble I'm sure your just here to confirm I started it and the jocks are innocent". He held a hand out to her "I'm Asher by the way". This girl must never get in trouble. He thought. "So how come you helped me?"
"But...you didn't start it," she gave him a puzzled look,"they did, they cornered you and everything." Taking his hand gently she offered a small smile,"Jinta," she greeted in return. At the question she bit her lip and glanced down, trying to find an answer. "I-I don't know, I figured with your eye you were already hurt, you didn't need to fight again."
His mouth twitched in a smile "according to everyone else I started it". He let her hand go as the principal stepped in "Jinta may I speak to you first please?"
"But that's not true!" She insisted, looking over when she was called to speak first. If it was at all possible she paled even more before rising up and swallowing hard. Fearfully she shuffled forward,"y-yes sir," she managed, voice timid and quiet.

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