• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • interactions: Yahhah Yahhah

    ”Thank you!” the children announced in unison as they both climbed onto the elks back. They were far from graceful and their feet kept slipping because of the blood and morning dew on their feet but they eventually were able to get a good seat. ”My name is Lucy and this is Lucas my younger brother. We really appreciate you helping us!” the girl admitted. She sat behind her younger brother, helping him stay stable by wrapping him in her arms while clinging to the large elks neck.

    Up above the raven watched as the children clambered onto the golden stag. It cawed and left it’s branch flying above them hoping to keep a good watch on them. Being a bird with no magic qualities it might’ve felt bad for the human children, but being a normal bird it was simply following orders in the hopes that it’s master would give it some sort of treats later.
Aya nods at Valorie "Morning Valorie" she says "Goldren, can you skin some hares I killed early this morning? I need the meat for food" she says "And if you're not ready for customers then don't open your shop" she advises him putting the bag down "You can also keep two for sale and skin the others" she offers, she would hunt for more tonight anyway, so she could afford to lose half her catch and seeing as the town only has one butcher she imagine he could use all the meat he can get, she could use furs in her house, but she needed bigger furs than rabbits, so if she skins the animals herself she usually just gave the rabbit and hare furs to the poor families, but she wanted to get some tracking in today for her next hunting trip, she had been hoping to hunt a few bears, but never found any during the night. "I usually do it myself, but don't have any time I'm afraid, I want to look for bigger animals I can hunt tonight" she says, figuring Goldren off all people knew she usually skinned them herself, selling him the meat afterwards, but as it happens, she's low on meat for dinner "Oh hey Val, I'm hoping to find some bears tonight, got any advise?" she asks, she knew Valorie hunted and she's pretty sure Goldren does too, but any advise is welcome, as long as it's reliable anyway.

Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_
Aurora looked up as Goldren came out from inside the shop. She had found the page and now clutched it in her fist. She hadn't noticed Aya and Valorie coming into the shop, she had been too busy searching for that page frantically and making a plan along with it. Now that all the people who were capable of hunting were at the same place, her work had become easier. She could recruit either one or all of them for the work but she needed to figure how she'd tell them about it. All three of them were moral... somewhat. Aurora was sure they'd at least demand a proper reason for killing such a majestic beast and "wanting its fur to look pretty" was not good enough.

Aurora realized that she had barged into the shop without even a proper greeting and pretty much ignored everyone present there so far, she hurried to amend that. "Good morning, my friends." She looked at the three of them and smiled. "I have a job for you guys and if you calmly listen to me, I'll tell you exactly what it is."

She found a place to sit in that little shop and took a deep breath. "Please sit down or stand closer at least so I can show you your target if you choose to accept this job." She looked at each one of them and realized she sounded like some officer from the royal palace holding a meeting for the kingdom's spies. She mentally chuckled but then composed herself. She was feeling sleepy and the sleep kept taking her mind to weird places.

She shook her head to clear all of these errant thoughts and focused on the most important thing and which was the hunt of that golden stag. She unfolded the paper and showed it to the audience of three in front of her. "This is the beast that you have to hunt. I need its fur and I'm willing to pay handsomely for it." She exhaled. She knew this was wrong, killing a creature like that and there were most likely consequences that she would have to deal with but she was willing to go through anything if she could only cure this sleeping problem of hers. She wasn't going to tell these people the real reason behind this hunt until it was absolutely necessary.

Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Flame Demon Flame Demon
Ebony's smile grew as Pinoke gave a little laugh at her joking remark. Unlike how most of the townspeople found Pinoke coming to life one day, she found the concept of a living marionette to be quite fascinating. She was sure that the townspeople may have also found the situation of Pinoke interesting but that lead them to treat him differently, and from Ebony's own experiences, no one really wanted to be treated different.

She nodded to Pinoke's words. "I understand, but I'd still love to learn!" As she began to take out her pouch of money from her wicker basket, the familiar voice of Geppetto called her attention. Ebony immediately dropped the pouch right back into her basket as the old woodcarver clasped onto her hands. She could still feel his hands trembling which made her smile soften, he wasn't getting any younger and yet he still had to work himself to the bound to be able to afford a home. "I've been extremely well, your son was just about to teach me a bit about your craft! How have you been? Hopefully you enjoyed the batch of brownies from our last encounter." She gave his calloused hands a gentle squeeze. Her eyes noticed the cricket on the top of the woodcarver's head, to which she gave him a little nod.

It was when Geppetto insisted on her not paying where her grip on his hands loosened. She had always despised when this happens. When people think her acts of kindness somehow made her exempted from getting charged for resources she desired to purchase from them. "You're the kind one out of us two, Geppetto. But please, I insist on paying." Her green eyes pierced through the other's, puppy dog eyes. "You're still shaking from your encounter with miss Frydenlund. Please Geppetto, let me at least help you through my patronage."

She looked to Pinoke, smiling at his offer. Ebony wanted to join, but how could she possibly go? But then again... what would they do to her if she chose to go? Start treating her like an actual human being? Ebony had every right to go like the rest of the townspeople. A surge of courage went through her, maybe she can prove herself through this. "I'd actually quite like that." She looked down to the hems of her embroidered yellow dress, maybe she should change first though.
mentions: Jtucker19 Jtucker19

interaction: Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_ Flame Demon Flame Demon
"well might i advise that id not actually open yet...... I was just helping Val here.." he'd snap at Aya it was clear that he wasn't too happy with everyone being here letting out a big of a growl "but yeah val.... suppose that does make sense...." he'd then say with an aggravated sign grabbing the chuck of gnawed on meat and heading upstairs "look iv got something to do right now sooo if you would be so kind as to keep the noise down that would be great THANKs" he'd say with great annoyance as he stomped up stair making a animalistic growling.
"I knocked" Aya deadpans taking off her sunglasses as he heads upstairs, well so much for fracking today, she guessed she could go home and skin them herself, but than she's have furs she doesn't do anything with and leaving the hares out wasn't an option either, Aurora had barged into the shop and now he's irritated, great, really great.

Speaking of Aurora, she looks at the picture and raises an eyebrow "So has it killed, hurt or terrotized someone?" she asks, why on Earth would they kill that stag? She hasn't heard anything, rarely sees it during hunting and even if she did catch a glimpse it didn't feel right to raise an arrow at it. But on the other hand, she needed money, some furniture was beyong antique and needed to be replaced in her hut, now she could probably make it, but would rather ask Gepetto for help since it'd last longer than any of her crafting attempts, she could also join the search party, get some tracking in during that.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_ Lilliana2 Lilliana2
The Golden Stag
Lysander sat still as he felt the children grab at his fur and climb onto his back. Lysander flicked his ear as he listened to the children's thanks, before getting to his hooved feet and beginning to take a much more relaxed pace back to the area where he had been, the river and field would be a decent place to stay until he figured out exactly what to do with the lost children, it would be tough for predators to sneak up on them there. "I am called Lysander" the elk said, if introductions were in order, and that may be important so that the children knew what to call him if they needed something. Lysander pushed through a screen of ivy, some parts of the plant stuck to his antlers afterwards as he took a different entrance to the field. The brook would be heard as Lysander approached it, he stopped beside of the river and sunk back down in a sitting position again so the children wouldn't have so far to climb down. "Take a drink here, and wash your feet if you can" Lysander said, it'd been a long time since he'd carried passengers and the pair of children were heavier then his sister had ever been but they hadn't been tough to carry.
Lilliana2 Lilliana2

  • Valorie

    Interactions: Aurora, Aya, Goldren
    Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_ Flame Demon Flame Demon Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

    Valorie watched in awkward silence as Aya and Goldren snapped back and forth a bit at each other. She knew Goldren was a bit irritable so she always let him do his own thing. She was just glad that he bought the whole excuse for the rabbits blood. She turned toward Aya ”If you’re wanting to hunt a bear make sure you bring extra weapons and find a good hideaway, they usually don’t go down easy so it’s best to have a good escape route in case it turns on you if that makes sense. Also they’re a lot like raccoons, hey tend to hang out where people leave their food if they aren’t deeper in the woods.” Valorie gave her her two cents before Aurora asked them to sit town to check out the golden stag.

    ”I’ve seen him occasionally but usually just a small glimpse out of the corner of my eye and then he’s gone. I’ve never really gone out of my way to hunt him but he seems to be more elusive than the normal deers. I should be able to bag him for you.” Unlike Aya Valorie didn’t have much of a moral hang up on hunting the elk. Regardless of what it looked like it was still just a regular deer as far as Val knew and she hunted those all the time. She was a bit curious about why Aurora wanted it so bad but she was never one to pry into anyone’s personal business. She was about to ask for more details when the church bells suddenly began ringing. ”I think they’re starting to gather everyone up for the search parties, I’m heading that way are you two going into the woods as well?”

Aurora gritted her teeth at Goldren's rudeness. She did not like getting angry but when people were rude to her for no reason when all she had ever been was kind, she couldn't help it. Why was he so irritated, anyway? She was his customer, he should've been polite. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath to calm down. It did not help that Aya was making things more complicated than necessary.

"Does it matter if it has?" She asked with a forced smile. "I read the story of this stag. It used to be a dark creature and when it died, it turned into a golden stag. So, I'm pretty sure it has done some dark things. You can kill it without guilt." Aurora revealed as much as she could without risking the reveal of the real reason why she wanted that stag killed. She had told Aya not to feel guilty after killing the beast but she wasn't sure if she's be able to keep that guilt away from her. She shook off that feeling and focused on what Val was saying. This was good, Val was ready and since she was a good hunter, she was more than likely to succeed. If Aurora could only convince Aya to join Val... She jumped as the bells were sounded. The search was starting and she had very little time to convince the "moral" hunter.

"Look, Aya, if you join Val I'll pay you both thrice the amount anyone else would pay for such work. You can buy items of luxury, upgrade your little house, do whatever you want with that money. You won't even have to hunt for some time after that. Just think about my offer, okay?" Aurora poured all her convincing power into those few sentences and hoped for the best.

All of them rushed to the centre of the town at the sound of the bells and Aurora didn't feel like being left behind so she joined them. She was with the whole town so she doubted the forest would be able to harm her.

Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Flame Demon Flame Demon
Aya nods "Makes sense" she says "And yeah, I'll probably go and help out, will have to drop these off at my house first though" she says, now that she thought about it, she could do that quite easily while they're leaving "Eh I'll help Val hunt the stag, I need the money" she says before leaving the butcher with "Next time I'll visit in the afternoon Goldren", she joins the others after dropping her catch at her house, she didn't mind the fact that it was small, she could live in it, however she doesn't buy the whole reason it had to be hunted, but who was she to turn down that much money, there were easier jobs than huntress, but they'd also be more boring, for her at least. She stretches and looks at the forest, maybe, just maybe, she could get some tracking in during the search, she knew the forest, she knew the creatures that live there, but for now she'd ignore the feeling that it doesn't feel right, she never hunted a creature if it felt wrong to kill it, that's how she was. She checks her arrows and dual blades before putting on her signature black cloak, putting the hood up as not to draw too much attention to herself.
Kanade Utsurobami

OK, so as it turned out, there was no reply at the book store. Go figure. Admittedly a little dejected by this and thrown out of a loop, Kanade backed away from her original intention and decided to glance around to where she could go in the town and what to do at all. A period of thinking later, Kanade routed herself to the town centre, where church bells resounded nearby - could it be that the different groups of people were assembling? Lured in by the sound, Kanade decided to join the soon to be gathering hordes of people, and just hide in plain sight. As she attempted to do so however, she wasn't quite 'exposed' enough among all of this to be seen, for better or worse, so she just remained slipping around in the group before she would manage to poke out of the bulk of it, by herself for now on the 'outer edge' of the gathering. "...How busy it is, I guess those bells do still work wonders. That's good." She thought aloud to herself, though blunt in her tone and to nobody in particular, perhaps she's talking down on the bells.​
Viatiare Frydenlun

It took only a few hours to collect rent. Valorie was not home. She even put her at the bottom of the collection list for this reason. The social butterfly seemed to have forgotten. Viatiare made the last of the notes in her ledger and continued on to the small bank branch that was built into the town hall. There she was given a private corner to see to her affairs.
Counting the coin collected and writing a quick letter to the regions magistrate she was done just in time for bells to ring. Viatiare paid it no mine until she was approached by village council member. "Ms. Frydenlun will you be joining in the search?" the fat man looked at her outfit and smirked to himself at the thought of it covered in mud.
"What reason would I have to join the search for foolish children?" she tried to pass him but he raised a hand in her path. "It is mandatory for the village to assist in times of crisis. That if one is not on the council or physically hindered." She turned to him towering above the bloated pig. "I know the charter well. Missing children are not a crisis. While I may have been bared from serving on the Council, I am the one that ensures there is a council to speak of." The fat man put a stubby finger in her face. "And if you wish to continue to enjoy the privilege. You should join the search."
"If you do not wish to be penniless you should pay the taxes due." she said in response. The man recoiled in anger clearly she was not wrong in her assumptions that he and others had been embezzling funds. "Join the search, wench, or pay the fine!" the man marched off in a huff. Viatiare smiled to herself this was a victory worth a little mud.
She approched the bank manager and passed him some coin and the letter. "Be sure to have this out on the next coach. And if you see my foot man tell him to go. I will make my own way back home."

Business concluded, Viatiare secured her coin purse under the waistband of her skirts, and tucked in a corner of her hem as well to keep the fine silks from dragging on the ground as she traipsed through the woods with the fools. She could easily pay the fine but it would only prove a waste of good coin in the hands of that greedy pig. Besides her clothes and shoes could be washed, and she just had to make it appear that she was talking part. She kept to the corner hopefully out of view. With any luck she could just duck out and make a b-line for home where she could eat and count her coin in peace.
The Golden Stag
The stag sat still as the children moved to the river to get their thirst taken care of and washed their feet. His eyes turned and scanned the edges of the forest to make sure they weren't followed, his eyes spotted the raven again. A persistent scavenger... Or something more sinister. He shook his head a bit as if to keep insects away from his eyes. He got to his hooves in case he needed to move quickly and he was aware of the younger of the children taking a rest. The older of them began to speak, and ask him how he could speak. Thoughts that hadn't entered Lysander's head in a good long time were thrust to the forefront of his head. Thoughts he did not care to dwell on. "I was once a human, as a child I got lost in the forest. I drank from the wrong river and was turned into a stag. That's why I can speak... I don't think I can do much other then that, but I've never seen an animal in the forest that could match my size" Lysander explained leaving out the more depressing parts of his story for the child's sake. "This river should be fine though" he added just in case that fact alarmed the children.
Lilliana2 Lilliana2

The King of Cats
In a very dusty and overgrown lot a large group of cats were lounging, prowling and otherwise just hanging around. One particular orange tabby cat was lying on his back deep in thought. The thoughts of all those humans being distraught about their lost children was somehow getting to Sir Bao. NO! That wasn't possible, he was a king for Cat's sake he couldn't feel bad about such things it made no sense at all. It was none of his business. None at all. Sir Bao stretched out rolled over onto his belly, feeling the sun beat onto his fluffy back. If the humans wanted to run into the woods that was their business. Sir Bao looked upon his subjects and saw the felines weren't doing anything all that interesting, they couldn't chase mice en masse until nightfall when all the humans were asleep so most of their day was spent grooming and prowling around to see what is going on around town. Suddenly Sir Bao got to his paws and shifted into his human self. Gaer smacked a bit of dust from his shirt and walked through town towards the gathering where he could tell the humans were gathering. Going into the forest sounded like an interesting enough pasttime to take up his afternoon better than lying around and gossiping with the other cats. Yes he was bored that was all, no care at all for weepy humans, that would be preposterous. "Good afternoon everyone. So sorry if I'm late, I'd like to help search" the disguised king of cats announced as he entered the crowd.


interaction: none?
(apologies for short post just needed to transition)​
Goldren would just wait a while for everyone else to just leave he wasn't exactly happy at the moment. he wasn't exactly sure why he was even just so short-tempered this morning he really assumed it was Valorie just being around... oh well he could probably explain it away later if anyone asked. in that case, he decided to join the rest of the town in looking for those lost kids.. hopefully, he didn't get paired with anyone and he could talk a better look around
Geppetto hesitated a bit then nodded his head in affirmation, accepting the money.

Pinoke stood up, quickly. "Since Ebony has decided to come with me. Why don't you stay here and rest. There's no need for all three of us to go."

Though this was true, Pinoke knew that his frail father would ultimately only slow the search party down. Of course, he didn't want to say that, however.

Jiminy hopped from the old man's hand to Pinoke's outstretched hand.

"See, Jiminy will keep us company."

Again Geppetto hesitated. His heart was full and always so eager to do good. Finally, he acquiesced. Agreeing that he would provide them both with some food and drink for the journey instead, he hobbled off to the kitchen.

"Well, now that that's settled, I suppose we'd better head to the town square. You might want to change your clothes though. Hiking through a forest in a dress is never ideal. I'll wait for you at the town square."

He headed out the door after collecting the food and drink that his father had promised them and then made his way towards the town square. It wasn't long until he had arrived and a small crowd had already started to gather. He stood toward the back, glancing around occasionally for Ebony.

Mention: spooked.duke spooked.duke
The town center

As everyone gathered the mayor gave a speech about how important the mission was and told everyone some basic rules. Keep your lanterns on you at all times, run back if you run into trouble don’t try to fight, stay with your group, and give the children a basket if you find them. Names were pulled from the mayors hat to decide the groups that would be going into the woods together. As everyone grouped up each party was given a lantern and a basket. The lantern was given because even though it was in the middle of the day certain areas in the woods could be dark, the basket contained a blanket two slices of bread and two small blankets. After this the groups all walked together to the edge of the forest.

  • Valorie
    Interactions: Kanade BoltBeam BoltBeam

    Valorie listened intensely as the mayor spoke and quickly paired up with Kanade. ”I hope we find them.” she whispered to her partner as they were handed their supplies. Valorie worried slightly that her frail partner might slow her down but it made sense for them to get paired up randomly so that everyone had an equal opportunity to get paired up with someone who knew the woods.
    Valorie investigated the basket Blankets and bread, this isn’t just for the children it’s in case any of these groups get lost and have to stay out here for a day. The thought that the town was prepared for people to get lost out there made her a bit uneasy but she decided it would be in their best interest not to point it out. All the groups were led to the edge of the woods and Lily gave Valorie a hug before walking back to the town center. It was a silent one but Val knew it was her granny’s way of saying she was worried. She turned to Kanade ”After you!” she said bowing slightly and holding a hand out to the woods. It was goofy but she hoped it would help her partner feel safe and amused.
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Aya sighs looking at Pinoke and she hands him the lantern "Stay close" is all she says, she knew the forest, knew most of the dangers, but Pinoke is a kid "If you spot anything at all, tell me" she says before she wonders where the kids would be, maybe a stream or something? They'd have to look through the entite forest, it felt a little like she was babysitting right now anyway, did Pinoke even know the dangers of the forest? "Tracking's out of the question" she mumbles under her breath, guess that's a loss on her part "Pinoke, how about you stay in front of me with the lantern?" she asks "That way should we get attacked I'll have an easier time protecting you, should it come to that", sure she could've warned him in a less... blunt way, but where's the point in that.
Kanade Utsurobami

Kanade would remain silent as the mayor, with this many people gathered, would go on about the importance of the mission and what to do. Lanterns given should stay on at all times, don't try to fight, running back if in trouble is justified, stay with your group - and, if you find the children, give them the basket - which each group had one basket and a lantern between them. As she headed to the edges of the forest, Kanade would soon see who she was paired up with, per the simple method of 'pulling names out of a hat' - and, well, it could be worse. Maybe these two don't go together very well (alas, it was random), but Kanade was paired up with Valorie - and honestly, Kanade didn't seem opposed to this at all. In fact, she was quite happy with how the pairings turned out - as far as Kanade was concerned, having at least someone to keep the other(s) safe is a great thing to have - and guess who the incapable one in this situation is? Kanade herself.

”I hope we find them.” Her partner, Valorie whispered to her. Kanade listened and simply nodded. "Well, if we don't try to, it's likely we won't. I'm fairly confident they'll be found by someone, at some time, though." She said firmly and factually, and after that, she glanced to what Valorie was doing now - she was seen briefly giving a hug to somebody she seemed to care about (and Kanade seemed to recognise - in fact, she seemed surprised). Then, once that was finished, Valorie rejoined Kanade, bowed and motioned to the woods. ”After you!” Valorie said, to which Kanade managed a small smile and shook her head. "How sweet. Don't mind if I do." She responded in a lighter, more positive tone as befitting that smile she presently wore, before accepting and following Valorie's motion, into the woods. Fortunately, Kanade knew the woods quite well - she was feeling quite confident about this search, and hopefully they themselves will be the one to find the lost ones.

Lilliana2 Lilliana2
Aurora glanced towards her partner from the corner of her eye. She sighed. Only she could have the luck to get stuck with a kid who nobody wants around. How could he wear such expensive clothes, even more expensive than Aurora's if he was an orphan. He couldn't be trusted, he was most probably a thief and a thief would have a lot to steal from her.

"Hey." She tried to say it with as much politeness as she could but decided to keep an eye on him lest he jumped her in the middle of the forest for money or something.

All the people had paired up with each other and were each handed a lantern and a basket which Aurora found strange. The kids would eventually be brought to the village, so the bread slices made sense but the blanket didn't. The blankets didn't look like they were for the children. She shook her head, she wasn't going to get into a panic already.

Valerie's grandmother wished them all good luck as they reached the edge of the woods. The old woman always looked very familiar to Aurora. When she hugged Valorie, Aurora got an urge to go find Melanie and hug her too. She was going in the woods and Melanie's blessings were needed. But she didn't want to be left behind so she dropped the idea.

Aurora glanced at Gaer again. She was going to have to be careful of this one. Just as she thought that, a huge yawn came out of her mouth and her eyes widened. This was not a good sign. She absolutely couldn't fall asleep in the woods, especially not with a suspicious kid in company.

She took a deep breath and told herself to stay awake no matter what. When she was sure that she wasn't going to yawn anymore, she took out a little dagger from her purse and got ready. "Let's go."

Yahhah Yahhah


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1721a292b726b8516eb94e7e49a8ad9c.jpgViatiare Frydenlun

The wait was agonizing. Just like it for bureaucrats to take forever. (no reflection on you Lillian, love you, know you busy, just thinking in character.) Viatiare looked at the list and was a bit relieved to see that she was paired with the Butcher. They actually might make some progress, not to mention that there would be no idle chatter.

She took the basket and handed Goldren the lamp. Without a word she marched out unto the woods. Trying too keep all the dignity she could muster as she was not given any time to properly prepare. Heels even in the form of boots were not comfortable even on the smoothest of roads.

Looking where everyone else was dispersing to she chose a direction and began to walk. "Lets get this over with." She moved on ahead passing the tree line "Where should we start?" She could faintly hear the others but no sure where any of them were headed
The Golden Stag
Lilliana2 Lilliana2
The elk looked down towards the child when she asked if he missed being human. To be quite frank the early memories of his childhood were very appealing. Playing around town with his sister, joking with her and the other members of his family, getting into large groups and playing games with the other village children. All those thoughts made being human probably some of the best memories Lysander had ever had. Too bad those thoughts had been soured by his spineless father. "No I do not" Lysander said untruthfully, he convinced himself it was the truth. Why would he want to be a human again when he was now the mighty Golden Stag, no animal could match his strength or majesty in the forest. "Are you children hungry"? Lysander asked in an attempt to change the subject. He knew where berries and other such fruit grew in the forest. Not all of them were safe but Lysander knew of a few that were.

The King of Cats
Vi_Vi_ Vi_Vi_

When Gaer heard who he would be working with he had a bit of a dilemma that he didn't precisely know who that was. It wasn't his job to remember the names of humans. He happily took the basket and lamp from the older woman who was giving them out. Even if he didn't know the human's names didn't mean he was going to be rude to them. Even if he didn't need the lamp, of course he couldn't have these people know that. Moving towards the forest he was aware of someone's voice and eyes on him causing him to turn. Oh that must be who Aurora was. She pulled out a weapon and said she wished to go. Gaer nodded politely, "right behind you miss. I've never been too good with directions myself, which direction shall we go in"? Gaer said. Though he didn't show it he was a tad nervous about going into the woods, he hadn't been in the forest since his parents had banished him, hopefully they wouldn't even know. He doubted he'd have to go too far into the woods and even if they did find out Sir Bao knew he could outrun any lions they sent after him. Perhaps he should've put more thought before he had come out to help, eh too late now.

interaction: Alonthra Alonthra
goldren ended up paired Viatiare great... no way he was gonna get anything done properly as she shoved the lamps into his hands "right, now i know this is gonna sound stupid but i think it might be better if we split up you know? umm... i have my reasons..." hed say a bluntly.
After bidding Pinoke a brief farewell, she walked back to her home, though she was happy to actually participate in the search for the missing children, there was a small presence eating at her. It was tiny, something she could easily brush off, but for some reason she took a moment to acknowledge it. Could it possibly be... guilt? It's true, after agreeing to be with Pinoke in the search party, there has been an underlining feeling of guilt she got from going against the townspeople's wishes. It would be a complete change to her image. And image was what kept the townspeople happy, it was the least she could do for them practically giving her an "easier" way to live. But there was a thrill rushing through her veins, she was finally given the chance to do what she wanted for herself, and to actually be part of something bigger than herself. That sense of freedom and adventure slowly drowned out her worries and helped give her a cheer to her step. Ebony was going to do this. Whether they liked it or not.

She quickly changed into more "woods friendly" attire when she arrived to her home. To her own surprise she still owned some trousers, sturdy leather boots, and a dull blue linen blouse. After changing she looked to the vanity mounted on her wall. Like a deer caught in headlights, she hesitated at the sight of the reflection before her. With the blouse being rather loose for her thin frame, parts of her shoulder were for display. Many would say her skin was as soft and smooth as a baby's, but those who did never saw the entirety of it. As much as Ebony likes to run from her past, memories of them are still present to scar her. Literally. The jagged markings were etched into her shoulders, all the way to her back. The visible presence of them would certainly make people think twice when they call her pretty, or even choke on such a sentiment. She made sure to wear a long black cloak to cover it up. After changing she had packed the basic equipment of a lantern, a blanket for the children (they must be cold after staying within those woods!), and even secured a thin, black dagger. It was a gift from a huntsman long ago, it was given to protect herself from her jealous step-mother but soon after time the black dagger began to be her form of protection for a much more dangerous person. Ebony tucked it into a sheath and strapped it to the side of her hip. And though she wished to have packed a treat for the children, things like sweets could attract more dangerous entities lurking in the forest.

When Ebony had arrived to the meetup spot in town square for the search party she kept her presence as down-low as she could. Unfortunately, being someone like Ebony, her presence was naturally magnetic and it didn't take long for townspeople to notice her arrival. With the display of humbleness and all her usual pleasantries she stood her ground in the politest way possible. It still earned her some worried and protective looks, but she tried to ignore them to make her way to Pinoke, who was standing near the back. It was clear as day he was looking for her, and it made her smile. It was nice that she didn't have to take on this adventure alone. While he was looking the other direction she gave him a gentle tap. "Afraid I wasn't coming?" She asked partly as a joke but with a genuine question still mixed within. It was pretty out of character for her to actually venture out of these woods but to stand someone up would really be pushing her morals.

The search began and Ebony was with Aya and Pinoke. Unlike with Pinoke, Ebony knew Aya quite well prior, the woman was a hunter and was known to be very good at her trade, Ebony has even made it a habit to buy some of the animals she catches to make some stew on winter nights. Though Ebony couldn't say she was close with the woman, but Ebony had a strong sense of respect for her. Much like how Ebony is with in regards to Viatiare, she was curious to get to know the huntswoman. But the way Aya treated this situation sent shivers down Ebony's spine. Ebony didn't like the idea of Pinoke being in the front, to her it seemed more dangerous and although he was but a living marionette, a surge of protectiveness was set off. In Ebony's eyes he was still young, and it would be selfish of her to prioritize herself when she as well had a lantern that could lead the way. "It's alright, I'll stay in front. I have a way with children, I teach some of them on occasions, maybe if they'll see me they would go towards us." It was true, children loved being around Ebony, they'd play games and tell stories in between lessons. Sometimes children would go to her home to ask for snacks, which she would always be happy to make. It really made her wonder onto why these kids would venture out so far into the woods. "What could possibly lead these children out in the woods?" She asked the question more for herself but said it for the rest to hear. Her green eyes scanned the forest, with her lantern as her aid as she moved to the front. It was going to be a long night.

mentions: Jtucker19 Jtucker19 Flame Demon Flame Demon
"I wasn't offering him to the wolves, but animals tend to go for the back" Aya explains to Ebony "I can keep him in my sights and keep an eye on our surroundings, even though it's day there's a good portion of the animals awake", she didn't mind explaining to Ebony. She's also pretty sure Ebony's not as weak as she looks "If something big jumps out to attack us, you take Pinoke and run, alright?", Pinoke may be a living puppet, but that doesn't mean he's save, so she'd take the back of the group "We should probably look for a stream or something, you need water more than you need food"
The boy, Gaer, seemed oddly calm at the prospect of going in the forest but there was something there, Aurora could sense it, some nervousness in him. She would've been really surprised if he wasn't nervous. The forest is dark and dangerous, she was practically shivering in her boots but she couldn't let it show.

The boy was polite enough so Aurora decided not to give him the silent treatment all the way through. She gave him a cursory glance to make sure he wasn't armed, he didn't look like it, but she couldn't be too sure especially when they were about to go into the forest. "I haven't been to the forest in my whole life. At least not deep inside it and I have no idea where we should go but if you ask me, we should go in the opposite direction of the gooseberry lane. I wouldn't be caught dead there." She shuddered, remembering the feeling of being followed this morning.

Yahhah Yahhah

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