Story Time, One sentence at a time

El Chapo, with his army of Liberals riding on the back of very large...
Jeffrey and Frank were forbidden lovers, as pineapple ISN'T supposed to go on pizza despite the fact that cannibals do so.
However, since Frank is the main villain of this part of the story, Frank didn't have time to be in a relationship, so he continued with his evil doings, building up an army of Germans, Japanese, French, Italians, Robots, Aliens, Monsters, Pineapples, Pizza, and Draculas, destroying cities using the Death Star, and conquering countries; all of it so he can take over the universe, but secretly, it was all to impress Jeffrey.
As starkiller base was actually the giant head of Starkiller, the sith clone from the Force Unleashed Games.
It was Jessica, who somehow survived the nukes, and who also became the sex symbol of the story, along with her new boyfriend, Donald Trump.
She then murdered Donald Trump for that sweet insurance payout.
Then Lucifer (the really chill, pokey eating, anime Lucifer) ate Drumf/Drumph and Jessica's corpses and threw a party because-
The gods argued between themselves on internet forums about who would be the best fighter, before finally coming to a decision and choosing Rudolf the Red-Nosed Raindeer.
Rudolf, being a badass reindeer, used the magical powers of holiday themed cocaine to actually fly and smash their skulls in with his steel-plated hooves.
Rudolf increased the luminosity of his nose to the max and shot out a beam of red light so powerful that it began to drive the Death Star's ray backwards, Dragon Ball style.
The Death Star's laser failed, making Rudolf's laser reach and blow up the Death Star's donger, making sure the Death Star can't fire again.
The Illuminati comes in and summons Santa to handle things from now on, tired of this insolence.

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