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Storm King's Thunder [CLOSED]

Coming to the stable, Ruthenia finds the others just starting to saddle the loan horses and divide tents and rations under the commanding organization of the Kenku. Although clearly eager to hit the road, Bell makes it clear that he thinks it worth five minutes for Ms Ironfist to don her armor instead of foolishly carry it. She bristles at being corrected by a non-military, but throws on the heavy coat and hastily ties the sides, to be redone later as she rides. Scale leggings make long hours very uncomfortable for both rider and horse, she knows from experience. So she carefully packs them in balance to the other gear and equipment.

The whole time they are gearing up, Lecuis is rambling his story about an elephant, but Ruthenia gets very mixed up as he tells jokes, other circus events, and about someone named Podrick. Or was Podrick the elephant? Ruthenia can’t follow if any of it is true or just one long tall tale. She asks a question about where everyone recently came from, if they enjoy travel rations or not, and even baits them with, “I see your axe is as big as mine,” but both Aseir and Lecuis seem a bit exhausted and Bell is tight-beaked and quiet, so she falls into silence herself as the town shrinks into the distance behind them.

The road grows eerie and cold as they enter the moorland, the muted fog and shadows during daylight unnerve Ruthenia. She worries a bit about Aseir staying alert enough to be on lookout, but he keeps to safe distances and signals clearly when taking his rotation as lead scout. Still, she strains her senses to the max just in case he misses something. Passing a handful of slower travelers after a few hours, and exchanging polite greetings with travelers headed toward Luskan, she relaxes at assurances that the journey is safe from orc bands and highway thieves.

As the sun behind them casts long-legged shadows into the fog in front, she sees the remains of two or three damp campsite fire spots by the side of the road, and hopes they can press on and find a better place to sleep than out in the open like that. When Bell whistles, Ruth is startled almost off her saddle. Is there danger?! Bell motions them to veer off to the right. Instead, a faint path leads them to a nice, dry place in some quality granite flagstone ruins to set up the tents and light a small, protected cooking fire. Well done.

Normally, she would suggest some games and an axe-throwing challenge to the two others who carry. But they are yawning and blinking before the camp is set. So she lets it go for another time. It’s no fun to win when the opponents are hindered.

Ms. Ironfist declares she will take first watch. She walks away from the fire to meditate in private and when she returns, the flames have dimmed, the mess kits safely stowed. The horses sleep easy, but she keeps her coat of mail on until just before she crawls into her bedroll.
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"is it alright if I play alittle with dinner?" Lecuis asks, pulling his lute out. "I've always found music can improve a meal." he begins to play starting off in the distance, watching the stars fly by. Eventually he sings along, off key and off beat. And it most certainly is in infernal. After a few minutes he stops and wipes a tear away. "Wake me when it's my shift, I think it's time for me to visit some old memories as dreams" he pulls his bedroll of his horse and lays down quietly and seems to drift off to sleep.
Aseir is quiet throughout the day, more than could be explained by just a bad night's sleep. He does what he needs to, saddling the horses, watching for danger, nodding along or laughing at the appropriate moments to support Lecuis' story, but it's clear his head is in the clouds. Almost literally, at that, trusting his horse to follow the others so he can watch the sky.
The sounds of early morning light - stirring insects and hungry birds - signal everyone awake. There is already hot porridge bubbling softly over the awakened fire when Ruthenia peeks her head out of the tent opening. “Morning! Who made breakfast?” She says with far more cheerfulness and pleasantry than is normal for her so early. It seems everyone else slept as well as she did too, and horses are fed, tents are taken down, and everything packed up efficiently. Just after sunrise, diffused and blueish through the gentle fog of the moors, the small band rides away from the ruins, leaving only the faintest traces that they had ever been there.

Bell estimates that with such an early departure, if they move at a good clip, they should reach the Black Raven River just after noon. Ruthenia is much less worried than she had been yesterday. Along the way, she asks Bell questions about his family, about his love of travel, and tells him how she travelled a trade road with her mother at a young age.

An odd shape in the road stops all conversation and they slow the horses. Is it a bear? Right in the middle of the road? They all stop an arrow shot away. Ruthenia dismounts, signals the others to wait, pulls out her shield and long battle hammer and approaches. No. It seems to be a large boulder. She straightens up and gives it a ringing tap. What is it doing here?

The discovery of several more boulders as she jogs farther away from the road, and the sight of elk legs sticking out from under the fifth one, is not a comforting sight. These stones came from above. Suddenly. Well, kind of more like rolled and bounced. Like dice. Some scavengers have clearly been at the legs, but they aren't completely stripped. From the state of what remains, and the dried blood, it seems a day or two have passed. “This isn’t right. These stones have the same composition as... as stone from the Spine of the World.”
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Morning arrives and now Lecuis feels refreshed. He hears Ruthenia bubbly voice and realizes, this is his future companion. He groans and gets up to pack up camp, eats lightly and loads up his horse. As they carry on, he waves to travelers and tries to think up some more tales to tell the new friends and decides maybe it's better to listen today. When they came apon the stones he just wasn't interested in big rocks till the heard where they came from

"Are you sure? That seems like a wild guess to me but I know to trust dwarves for such knowledge."
Bell leans forward on his saddle as he watches the dwarf inspect the rock in the road. He rose early to prepare breakfast and ready the camp for their departure so they could get on the road as soon as possible. Now the dwarf wants to spout off about rocks. Bell wonders to himself if dwarves are fed rocks as infants to make them so curious about building materials. He let's out a little chuckle and whistles for the dwarf to hurry up. They will need to part ways with the circus folk soon.
Feeling uneasy now, the cheerfulness of her goodnight sleep long worn off, Ms Ironfist glares at Bell when he whistles to her. Damn bird-brain treats us all like pet dogs. Thinks the road is more important than the town. Fine. I won’t tell him about the elk. I hope another rock comes and...
Lecuis’ words smooth down her feathers. “Yes, I have seen this kind of stone before. But you know the source isn’t as odd as the way they got here. See theses marks back there? And see how the mud is pushed up here?... I think it would be good to keep our eyes and ears open for any other... odd things around here.”
Ruthenia hoists herself back up on her horse and rides on, without a word or glance at Bell.
"Might I inquire, what kind of trouble? Because if it's more giants I'm not sure how the four of us will fair." Lecuis starts scanning the horizon praying not to see lumbering forms in the distance.
Walking around the boulders, Aseir begins to whistle a jaunty tune. He clambers up one of the rocks for a better view of the area, and, finding purchase, begins to sing down. "There are giants in the sky! There are big tall terrible giants in the sky... and that's about as much of the song as I remember."

He jumps down to rejoin the others. "Giants here, giants in the mountains, giants on the sea. Ever seen anything like it? Think Nightstone will be overrun?"
"Let us pray that you are wrong old friend. Now, have you all heard the old travel song 'He jumped from 40,000 feet and never cast feather fall?" Lecuis kicks his horse into motion and begins singing a morbid bloody song about a wizard falling to his death and being sent home as a clump in a jar.

When the group finally reached the point for the split, Lecius turns to his 2 new friends, "Well it has been an honor so far. Trust that we will make the town know of 50 foot tall giants barely being beat back by carnival performers. We will make this story infamous!" with an awkward bow je gets his horse to continue the trail
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Bell leans back in his saddle and gives a gentle pull on the reins to bring his horse to a stop. He leans forward and gives the horse a pat on the neck to let her know she understood his direction and she did a good job. The horse gives a few nods which probably indicates that she wants to stick with the group, but he reaffirms the command with another gentle rein. If only communicating with speaking people was as easy as this.

Bell jumps down from the horse and leads her to the edge of the road, ties her off to a tree and takes a seat on a log. Bell gives a nod and a wave to the circus duo as they prepare for the next leg of their mission. He watches the Ruthenia, still on the road near Lecuis and Aesir and wonders how awkward their time waiting will get. He stands again and pulls a bit of jerky from the saddle bag. He eats a bit and will hand some to Ruthenia if she decides to approach.
Aseir shrugs a goodbye to the dwarf and kenku, slowing his horse to a walk but not bothering to stop.

He waits until they're a ways down the road, out of sight and out of earshot of any passers-by, to speak frankly to Lecuis. "It's weird, isn't it? Lacking." His face clouds as he searches for the right words to describe the experience. "What do you think of them?"
Lecius thought for a moment before he answering, "I think the Kenku is more excited to be on the road then to be paired with us and I think the Dwarf is a dwarf. But the real question: are they trustworthy? For now, yes. It's obvious our ends don't Match but maybe with time, we will all be reading the same sheet music."
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At the road crossing, Ruthenia twitches her head in response to Aseir, and gives a small wave to Lecuis as they continue without stopping. She parks her smaller horse beside the Kenku’s tall one, and approaches the log where her companion is chewing some of the jerky rations. She instinctively shakes her head no at the offered piece, then immediately changes her mind.
“Actually, yes. Thank you.” If Bell is going to show her any signs of trust, she should strengthen the relationship. Even if it is only to last three more days. Thus the saying: Coworkers who trust each other at the forge won’t put a red hot poker in your back. It sounds much better in the dwarf language.

(chewing) While we wait... I have seen you are very alert, and certainly enjoy traveling a great deal. But how are we to go about the meat of our mission? ... How are you with negotiating, persuading, and reading people? ... You have spunk. You have wit. What if Shara Breakwood doesn’t appreciate it? Or... What if she has her own wit, and tries to play us against each other, or tries to trap us in a clever contradiction?”
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The mossy log was a comfortable spot to rest before the dwarf started asking difficult questions. Bell stands and moves toward Ruthenia's horse checking the packs and straps while he mulls over answer to her. Finding all is in order he turns back to face the dwarf before she can complain that he is ignoring her. He dices up her questions and returns them as answers, "...negotiating, persuading..." he mimics her questions followed by a thumbs down and a long wet raspberry.

The kenku then shifts to a bit of simple charades. He pokes himself in the chest a few times with his thumb then mimics the sound of a single bell ringing. Ting. He pats his hip where the whip hangs and gives Ruthenia a thumbs up. He pats the horse on the neck and points to his bow hanging from her saddle and thrusts two thumbs up toward the dwarf. "...Ting... very alert, and... eyes and ears open..." Bell ends his little performance with a finger pointing toward Ruthenia, "...the meat of our mission? ...trust dwarves for such knowledge." Bell walks back over to the log and flops down and continues chewing on his jerky.
“Ok.” Ruthenia ruminates for a moment. “No use hiding who we are. That won’t help us. Your ... uniqueness can be our strength. Let’s play straight. And, as you say, keep eyes and ears open. You are very good at that, and it was no mistake for Fellwell to put you on this job.
...Let’s hope Breakwood can tell that she can trust us. We are NOT spies, or bullies trying to treat her unfairly.”

Ruthenia realized she is speaking just as much about herself at the moment as she is about the future. She sits and leans back against the log, closing eyes and enjoying the feeling of her legs being straight and together. Maybe later she will take a hike to stretch. For now, she rests.
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Bell's neck feathers puff up with the compliment and he smooths them back down with a hand. He makes eye contact with the dwarf and bobs his head in response to her positivity. The kenku then tilts his head in a uniquely bird-like way, "...no mistake... Fellwell... put ...Ting... on this job... We are... spies..." mimics Bell followed by a short raspy chuckle. "Let's hope... hiding who we are... Breakwood... can trust us."
As Aseir and Lecuis's horses meander north beside the river, the two can see the moor country changing into hill-land in the distance, and, far, far off, the white caps of the Spine of the World.

More of Nightstone comes into view through the trees. The small settlement actually occupies two islands in a wide spot in the river. The southern island, with the keep proper perched atop it, is smaller, but rises high out of the water. A ramp descends from it to a larger, lower island where a wooden palisade with stone towers surrounds the buildings of the hamlet. A windmill, church steeple and assorted rooftops peek over the wall.

Neither man has been to Nightstone before, but it seems unusual that a large section is missing from the ramp that connects the keep and hamlet. About four-hundred feet ahead, the road curves over to Nightstone's gate, which is opened, and its drawbridge lowered.
Aseir smiles as Nightstone comes into view, glad to be back among people. "Alright, let's go get ourselves a meal and a bed," he says, already spurring his horse forward.
Having pulled ahead of Lecuis a bit, Aseir passes by the taller island that hosues the keep at a distance of about two-hundred feet. As the structure's northwest tower comes into view, he can plainly see that a considerable portion of it has crumbled away, revealing part of a room on the second floor.

From here, Aseir is also close enough to Nightstone to see the nearest of the hamlet's stone watchtowers. Maybe it's just his old suspicious urban bounty hunter mentality coming to the fore, but it's unusual that there isn't a guard up there keeping an eye on the road. There should probably be a guard up there. But no, there's just a purple banner snapping in the wind. The towers on either side of the gate are farther away, but there doesn't seem to be anyone atop those either.

From the hamlet, the tolling of a bell reaches Lecuis and Aseir. A half mile away, back at the intersection, Ruth and Bell hear it too, though it's quite a bit softer at that distance. It sounds eight times, then stops.
As they road to the gates, Lecuis noticed the damage but didn't care for it. When they reach the entrance to Nightstone Lecuis pulled his lute and began strumming to get people attention. "Friends! Tonight you all will be blessed with tales of giants and of heros from the city of Luskin. Come follow us to the Nightstone Inn and let me weave a story the like of you will never hear again!" just like drumming business for the circus.
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As Lecuis and Aseir draw closer to Nightstone's entrance, it's apparent that no one watches from the two towers that flank the drawbridge either. Purple pennants with fox head designs wave lazily up there in the afternoon breeze.

Halfway across the bridge, it becomes clear that there are no cheerful folk of Nightstone waiting to hear Lecuis' tune. A large open town square stands empty about a hundred feet inside the gate. To the right, where the windmill rises from a hillock, are some houses and small, fenced-in plots of land. To the left are larger buildings: a stable, church and what must be the Nightstone Inn. And everywhere, dotting the ground, are large boulders like the ones Ruth was so fascinated with earlier today. Some of the buildings have holes in their roofs, and one of the smaller ones next to a wheat field is partly collapsed.

The horses whicker and rear back slightly at the prospect of leaving the bridge and entering the hamlet. About a hundred and fifty feet away, at the far side of the square, there is movement in the shadow of the church: Next to a horse cart over there, two hulking beasts, horse-sized quadrupeds themselves, but with hunched shoulders and shaggy fur, are rooting around in the soil.

Muffled, high-pitched laughter reaches Lecuis and Aseir from somewhere behind the nearby stables. The notes from the lute trail off and fade, as one of the distant beasts turns and paws forward into the light of the square. It is like a huge, ill-proportioned, misshapen wolf. Its snout is too short and its face is bald, with features that are strangely intelligent and expressive. It sees the two visitors to Nightstone, grins, and barks to its companion, who also leaves its shadowy business and trots out into the square.

The church bell tolls again, ringing thrice before it stops. Both horses stamp their feet and buck, trying to turn and flee back across the bridge.
"I don't like this Aseir. Let's go back and get the others. I don't think the plans are going to work the way we want and I know better then to mistrust a horse " lecuis can feel the color drain from his face as he takes in the scene. this is more then just off, this is wrong, very very wrong. "Aseir? Please friend, let's go back now."
With the hideous wolf things stalking across the square, Aseir and Lecuis get sufficient control of their panicking horses to turn them around and race back across the bridge and onto the road to the junction where Bell and Ruth are waiting. Behind them the church bell rings five times. More bouts of sporadic tolling continue throughout the short, frantic ride—it takes fewer than ten minutes to reach the log. The bells, now faint in the distance, ring out eleven times, their longest series yet, then are silent.

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