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Fandom Star Wars: An Old Republic Story

"Well, are they," Venn asked. "They didn't attack us on sight, or even demand our surrender."

Well, of course they didn't the war is over. Cadence found his behavior genuinely confusing. Yes, they were on a diplomatic mission, but that didn't mean either he or she would have to kowtow to the Empire. Senator Tarth often talked about how the best negotiations begin from a position of strength. Cadence found the man rather snobbish at times, but he was a skilled negotiator. Would he have bowed his head to the Sith?

"They might've been our enemy years ago but today they're just another group of people saddled with the job of keeping a diplomat out of trouble. Don't lose that perspective, that they're people too," Venn continued, the soldier's words barely registering at the edges of her conscious awareness.

The young Jedi had been lost in thought, but an odd sensation drew her out of it. As the soldier kept explaining his point she turned to look over her shoulder. It felt like someone was watching them, but there was nobody there. She searched the area with her eyes, looking this way and that. Aside from a few Swokes businessmen, there was no one else in the courtyard with them. Who..., she thought, the question trailing off into the nothing.

"Come on, we got a perimeter check to do," Venn told her, his voice suddenly snapping her back to the present. She turned to look at him, but found him several feet away heading back towards the hotel to circle around the perimeter.

She hurried to catch up with him, that odd feeling she had a moment before fading from her mind. As they rounded the corner she trotted up beside him, looking up at him. "So, have you fought in many battles," she asked, a slight eagerness to her tone. He'd mentioned serving with Delrick before, but that story was boring. She wanted to hear about the battles, tales of heroism and courage from someone who'd actually been there.
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Ciel departed the delegation as they ascended to the suite, slipping into invisibility. Later, she'd pretend she left to check the security on the lower levels, but that was a lie. Why did the Republic trooper nod to them? Curiosity pulled her down the lift, through the lobby, and out onto the courtyard. However, before she could jump onto the hotel's roof, a group of Swokes Swokes businessmen passed by and around her. She only caught the tail end of, "a Knight during th-" before her eyes met the soldier's visor and a chill went through her. How did he know?

Shit. Not only did she miss what she was interested, but he noticed. Now he knew. Well, now she was more interested than ever. What led him to notice? Force sensitive? Overly observant? Some instinct?

The soldier cleared his throat. "-during the war, and the Knight used it the battle right after we taught him. Must've surprised the guy he used it on, it definitely surprised us."

Still, she arrived too late to hear the answer to her curiosity. If they were doing some sort of patrol... well, it was the same hotel. No harm in taking a walk and listening. So, she walked a few steps behind them, far enough to stop or move out of the way should they halt abruptly. In the case that they turned back rapidly, she'd jump onto the roof above to avoid detection. After all, this was about security and curiosity, not about culling Republic forces. The padawan said something, but she didn't bother hearing it. For now, she'd just trail, observe, and make sure no aggressive actions were taken.


Helia nodded at the Jedi out of politeness. Most people didn't notice bounty hunters unless it was to pay disrespect these days. That was one of the few things she liked better about the Empire. There, they respect. They were paid well and offered many interesting, enjoyable hunts. She cut her teeth on an assignment from the Empire, earned some honor for her brothers and sisters. Still, the Jedi noticed her and took a moment to acknowledge her. It was appreciated and she smiled behind her helmet. Kind of a shame he might not survive the event.

She received her key and headed up the stairs. It was less populated, but she waited until she got to her room to respond. "Padawan and soldier patrolling outside, looks like all others have headed up with the target. One Jedi ...master? and a couple soldiers. Looks like there's a Swokes Swokes in the suite with them. On your end?"
Venn Vorale

"So, have you fought in many battles?" Cadence asked eagerly.
Venn let out an audible sigh, it was a question he'd heard a lot before, in the same tone too. Sure, he knew he liked to talk, and stories just naturally came out of him in conversation, but whenever someone asked it was always stuff like, 'Kill many Imps trooper?', 'How many Sith did you kill?', 'You're considered a fighter ace, how many did you kill to achieve that?'... He particularly disliked having to attend formal events, where his dress uniform would be decorated by the salad bar of ribbons and medals for valor, wounds, commendations, and awards. There was no escaping that bombardment of questions from the wealthy, well connected, nobility, and general upper classes of society.

"Yeah." Venn replied, a little more tensely than he would have liked, "... Hold on let me just..." Venn said as they walked, he brought up a vambrace and tapped the communicator built in to send a message to Delrick. "Just earlier I saw a Mandalorian outside the hotel, don't know if he's here on business or it just so happens that he has family here, or something. Wonder if our charge has any political enemies. Thought it was interesting, and thought it was better if you knew." He spoke without trying to be quiet, then he tapped a button to send it. If that Sith was following, they surely would have heard. Venn wondered if their diplomat had any political enemies as well, and weighing at a glance which of the two diplomats was more likely to be targeted by a bounty hunter, it was probably the Imperial one. But he was no expert at politics. He just hoped that little decision wouldn't stab him in the back later.
Venn turned his attention back to the Jedi, "Yeah," He said again, softer this time, "A lot of battles. A lot more rescues though."
Venn hoped that he'd never have to wear his dress uniform in front of her, Marauder Squad tended to have more ribbons and medals pinned to their chest than most people in the hall whenever they had to put on the uniforms. It tended to be like that, despite their younger age, due to the function of their job. Generals loved having a squad of troops capable of pulling anyone out of the fire, or capable of throwing anyone into it unharmed.
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A Mandalorian? Cadence chided herself for not noticing. Spotting a Mandalorian in the crowd should have been easy considering the armor they wore. It had a very distinctive style to it that set it apart from any armor that one might find being worn by Republic or Sith troopers. She cast a glance over her shoulder hoping to spot the Mando, but of course he was already long out of sight. It was at that moment when she turned her head that the odd feeling from before had returned. She felt a tingle down her spine as the little hairs on the back of her neck began to stand on end. She shifted her gaze up towards the hotel, her eyes scanning every window looking for signs of movement. Someone was watching them but from where?

"A lot of battles," Venn said suddenly, snapping her attention back to the present, "A lot more rescues though."

"Uh, right," Cadence responded sheepishly. She looked first at him then back at the hotel. That feeling was gone again, a figment of her imagination perhaps? "Master Delric rarely talks about his experiences during the war and well--I was too young to remember," she said, turning her attention back to the front as they walked. "The Sith Empire took my parents away from me and I was sent to an orphanage run by a horrible, horrible man. He knew I could, you know, do things. Before I even knew how to walk I was levitating my toys out of my crib. I don't know how or why, it's just always been something I've been able to do. Varlo found out about it and threatened to hurt the other children if I didn't do what he told me. He had me hurt people, people who owed him money, and just when I was beginning to think that my powers were a curse Master Delric saved me. He took me to the Jedi for training but the Council refused. They said I was too old, so he decided to train me himself. That's why we're here on this mission and not somewhere else doing something--more. The Council is punishing him because of me. I owe him so much, that's why I want to prove myself. I want the Council to know that training me wasn't a mistake."
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Venn Vorale

The Padawan seemed a little on edge, granted, he didn't make the situation any better for her by openly talking about that Mandalorian, considering the Sith were close enough to yell profanities at. Everyone knew Mandos made fearsome warriors, even the rookie ones were clad in the confidence of the title, and that alone gave them an edge. He hoped she wasn't going to be too distracted, but his worries were for nothing. She began to talk, and that seemed to focus her. Cadence talked about losing her parents during the war, unfortunately a common story, and being sent to an orphanage, where she was used for her powers as muscle for a thug. Throughout the whole tale, Venn made sure she was heard, humming acknowledgements and nodding when she talked. It was a lesson Venn learned later in life, that sometimes people just want to be heard. It amused Venn, how Jedi seemed to rub off on him the more he worked with them, how it made him gentler and more understanding. Often he wondered what he would've been like without their influence, and often he concluded that he would have become one of those SpecForce troopers you didn't want to hang out with. Those who kept to themselves in their cool kid clubs, shunning everyone else, keeping everyone out of the loop during operations, those sorts were insufferable. Nobody knew what their whole deal was, or what they were thinking.

"Naw..." Venn replied, understandingly, with a gentle smile on his face, "If they were really punishing Delrick they did it in a really weird way. We got sent out to a place thousands of light years away from the Coruscant and the Jedi Temple, the likelihood of us bumping into another Jedi out here is slim to none. Seems to me that the Council just gave him a break and a vacation from the other Knights and Masters who would've really grilled him for taking you under his wing. Jedi who probably would've criticized him for every little thing, lots of hassling. Way out here, you learn at your own pace away from unfair critics, and you get wise to things you wouldn't learn in the Temple. I know Padawans spend years sheltered away in libraries and training halls before they get sent out into the galaxy, they're reading about the stuff you're living right now." Venn explained, "From a certain point of view, yes, I suppose they did just throw Delrick out the door to the tail end of the galaxy just to get rid of him. But from another point of view... well, you know mine. And trust me, if you made it this far," the Trooper said, pointing at her lightsaber, "You're already doing a great job. Keep it up, be your best self, and everything else will just fall into place. Proving the council wrong, proving that you're a worthwhile student, and becoming a great Jedi." Venn encouraged.
The ride up to the floor that held the Republic Delegation's room was quiet and filled with the expected small talk between Senator Tarth and the Special Envoy and the respectful silence, or even quieter conversations, of the entourage. Delrick stood off the side in the lift, arms tucked into the ample sleeves of his robe and folded across his chest.

As the lift doors open and the party stepped out did he feel his communicator buzz twice, letting him know that he had a message that he would listen to once they were in the room and away from the Swoke Swoke Envoy. Not that he thought that they could not be trusted, but if the message was from his Padawan or Venn, it was probably not for public consumption. And the fact that whoever it was had not called him indicated it was not urgent, and more informative in nature.

The Jedi Master entered the room first, walking around the suite as if admiring the furnishings and the view. Both of which were lavish enough to be respectable, as was to be expected. But what he was really doing was checking for any threats or anything that might pose a danger to the Senator. Not finding any he smiled and bowed to the Swoke Swoke Envoy as they departed. Tarth bowed and smiled as well, but as soon as the Envoy and the entourage were gone and the door closed, the smile fell from his face and turned to the AP-43. "Fetch me a drink, something strong." He said as he sunk into an overstuffed lounge chair, rubbing his temples. The Imperial Protocol Droid nodded and shuffled to the refreshments bar to procure the drink.

"If you'll excuse me Senator." Delrick said with a small respectful bow as he stepped out onto the balcony and listened to the message Venn had left concerning the Mandalorian. "It might be unrelated business, but with the Imperial Delegation and Sith here, we should be vigilant. I also noted a figure of note, a female in armour. Possibly a bounty hunter, maybe a second Mandalorian, but she was not wearing the T-Visor." He paused here and looked around breifly. "We seem to be in a very popular area." Sending the message and replacing the communicator in it pouch as he looked out over the city.


After getting his keycard and Chuka listened Helia's report as he rode the lift to the top floor. "No deviations from the second targets. They're in their rooms, but I lost sight of one of the Sith. Might have slipped out in the crowd." Stepping off the lift the Hunter did not go to his room, instead he moved to the roof access door and when no one was around slipped a digital lockpick keycard into the access port, and once it flashed green and chirped, pushed his way through and closed the door. Making his way quickly to the roof. "Meet me on the roof after dark to coordinate the contract fulfillment." Moving to the edge of the roof and leaning against a piece of machinery, pulling his helmet off and a flask from a belt pouch. Taking a sip of the Tihaar within.

Tihaar was a colorless alcohol spirit, made by members of the Mandalorian culture. Clear, and typically triple distilled, tihaar had a high alcohol content and strong taste, which varied from tihaar to tihaar as each was different, taking on the flavor of whatever fruit had been used to distill it.
'Too old?' Ciel thought, listening to the Padawan and soldier. 'Wouldn't it be more dangerous to leave an untrained Force user?' Sith didn't mind the age of their acolytes and children found to have abilities were largely left with their families until they were done with primary school, at least. Often, the only ones in training since infancy were born into a tradition of Force users. It made no sense to her to leave any, even the weakest and lowest of slaves, untrained. After all, with the right training and provocations, strength could be found. And leaving them untrained was just asking for someone's untimely death or a large-scale, unnatural disaster. And what was that with a Council that couldn't be asked to take on the consequences of their shortsightedness? She shook her head and glanced around.

Really, nothing was happening. Maybe she'd be served best by returning to the group and trying to sense threats? But without knowing what she was attempting to sense (beyond the vague idea of 'threats') she was sure to be unsuccessful. Well, she was learning much by listening to these two, so she kept following, strolling behind casually, silent and invisible.


"Heard." It wasn't too long before night, but she resolved to wait until sundown, at least. No need to make anyone concerned about two armored individuals on the roof. But what to do until then? Drink? No, she'd drink too much, too quickly. So, she laid down on her bed and waited for the time to pass.
Venn seemed to have a frustratingly positive outlook about everything. Okay, so maybe it's true the Council might have sent her out to the far end of the galaxy to a place where she could focus and train in peace. However, it was also just as likely that they sent her out here to minimize the damage they believed she'll inevitably cause. I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, she thought, but you weren't there. You didn't see their faces. The two of them walked in silence for a bit as they circled the outer perimeter of the hotel. They had just rounded a corner when that nagging feeling suddenly returned. Once or twice was probably her imagination, but three times?

Cadence stopped dead in her tracks and spun about, her hand reaching for her lightsaber. "Who's there," she called out, expecting to see someone but finding nothing. She waited a moment, hoping their mysterious intruder would show themself, but when nothing happened she sighed. What's wrong with me? That Sith from earlier has got me feeling all paranoid. Finally, she turned to look back at Venn. "Sorry," she apologized, "Let's hurry up and get this done."

She quickened her pace then, stepping past him as she hurried to finish their patrol. There was something about this planet she didn't like, but she just couldn't put her finger on it...
The remaining time before sunset passed uneventfully, Venn and Cadence concluded their patrol without incident. Although Venn insisted they pick a few things up from the local market, a crate of local wine containing six bottles as well as few smaller boxes of Swoke Swoke candies. A veteran of many battles and rescues, but still with enough youngling wonder to enjoy the little things and have enough to share with his current comrades. But even if they did not partake he would have enough to enjoy for a while on his own if this mission proved to be a 'boring' as was predicted.

Cadence would continue to have that nagging feeling she was being watched, come and go, for the rest of the patrol. Even follow her through the market and into the lobby of the hotel, fading into the blur of activity of the busy lobby with beings checking in and out as they continued with the rest of their lives. Whether she brought this feeling up to Delrick waivered in her mind. Though she was still looking forward to some sort of training upon returning from this otherwise pointless and uneventful task.

Ciel followed the Trooper and Padawan until they eventually made their way back to the hotel, via the local market and a few vendors. Where the curious Trooper, who she learned was called Venn, bought a few frivolous items. She could only assumed he was grinning under the helmet as he spent his credits. There was no useful intel to be gathered from these two, at least in this trip while they did a fairly good job checking for threats and possible egress routes. It was almost impressive, if they had been Imperial Soldiers that is. Or if the Padawan had been trained in the Dark Sides ways, she might have been impressed enough to not criticize her report to harshly.

Delrick, Senator Tarth and the imperial droid, were in the Republic suite when Venn and Cadence returned. The Senator was halfway through an elder vintage of local red, lounging as he was want to do when there was nothing that required his full attention, on the plush couch opposite the Jedi Master. Who had a still mostly full glass of the same wine in front of him. Both were chatting amicably about nothing in particular, small talk and thoughts about the future of the Republic and stories of the war. Some from the Senator and some from Delrick.
Eventually, with curiosity soured to boredom, Ciel returned to the Imperial suite. Though Bokden and a few of the Imperial troopers gave her a look once she became visible again, she didn't bother giving an explanation. The only one who could've demanded it with any sort of social right was the diplomat and he was three sheets to the wind. Who in their right mind thought sending a lush as a diplomat was a good idea? She'd like to gut that idiot personally. Well, best to rest up for the day to come. She headed to her chambers and set to securing the room.


As the sun set, Helia set out from her room. She took a jaunty stroll up to the top level and, once no one was around to see, headed up to the roof. She spotted Chuka quickly and went to stand beside him.

"Been drinking long, ruug'la jag?" [old man] she asked. "Shit, if I'd known that was fair game I'd've brought a bottle or two for an early celebration. You really that sure it'll go that well?"
Chuka was still leaning against the same machinery he had been before the sun had set. The flask in his hand, open and held at his chest. He had had only the one sip of the Tihaar, savoring the taste and memories it brought with it.

The older Hunter shuck his head at the comment made about his age. "Sushir laam adiik," (Listen up child) Giving Helia a smirk as he tucked the flask away. "When you have as many acquisitions under your belt as I do, you can have some indulgences." Setting his helmet down on another piece of machinery next to a bundle, his expression shifting to a more stern business like one. "If we both do our parts to execute this contract it will." Opening the bundle revealing several devices, each about fist sized with no displays and only one light that was extinguished. They did not look like professionally made items that matched the high grade gear that each mandalorian wore and carried. "Take three of these and plant them in a manner that fits with the contract. This should like one of the cartels carried out this attack. There should be no sign that we were involved." He did not look overly pleased with that aspect of the job, but a contract is a contract and he was known for being professional and completing each job to the letter.
Helia chuckled and stepped closer to inspect what he'd brought. However, when she saw the subpar explosives, she frowned. "Really? These? I mean, when I heard explosion I thought..." She trailed off, shaking her head. "You know, something... worth using? Cartel shit?" Disgust ruled her expression. "Why are we pretending to be Hutt lackeys again?"

Nal Hutta was the beginning for many bounty hunters. The cartels sponsored many an unknown and brought honor and glory to The Great Hunt, supplied enough credits to wandering Mandalorians to earn some sort of truce, but that didn't mean Helia didn't hate them. She found their methods vulgar and messy. Sure, she liked explosions and flamethrowers as much as the next girl, but they needed some elegance. These were dull, bearing the cursed insignia of a cartel. Even as she sneered at the idea, she grabbed three of them and tucked them away.

"Fine." This was a dent in her optimism, but the beautiful fire would bring her joy on the morrow.
Venn Vorale

Venn very happily set down the crate of wine, topped with the colorful boxes of candy, on a table and got to opening one of the boxes of candy. Inside were several smaller bags of wrapped sugar candies, and he grabbed one and nestled it into an empty pouch on his belt. His smile faltered a little as he remembered how Cadence still seemed discouraged, even after his little pep talk. Hopefully she would see the brighter side of things, even if it took years. He took another small pouch of sugar candies and tossed it up and down in his hand a few times. He turned, leaning on the table at the edge of the lounge of the Republic Suite.
"Hey Cadence," Venn said, once he had her attention, he tossed the pouch of candy towards her, "If you're not tired, I could teach you how to handle a blaster pistol." He offered, "No shooting or anything- we are in a hotel after all," He explained, looking at Delrick, "But how to move, aim, draw. If you're okay with that, Delrick?" He looked back to Cadence, "Or some of the hand to hand stuff they taught me at CQC School, if you prefer that."
Ryosuke Angulis

Location - Dark Space -> Abandoned Dreadnaught
Interactions - N/A
Mentions - N/A

"These coordinates better be right..." Whispering to himself, Ryosuke leaned back in his seat at the cockpit while he stared off towards the ceiling with a quiet sigh. Even though he had the lack of vision, after flying the ship for so long he had gotten used to where every button was and what it did as though he had his vision. While stretched out against his seat, the sound of jingles and scraping could be heard as he turned his attention over his shoulder at the familiar scent and sound of his companion, Razor. "C'mere boy." Patting the side of his seat, the Vulptex approached him just to rest his cheek against Ryosuke's palm. "Heh, don't worry. After this we'll go get some you some new treats--"

Just as he commented about the treats, the dashboard lit up to life indicating that they had reached their destination. Quickly scooting back to the console, he disengaged the hyperdrive as the ship rushed out of hyperspace just to end up revealing the sight of what appeared to had been half of a harrow-class dreadnaught that was just drifting out in space. Just staring at the ship left Ryosuke in shock and confusion even if this was what his contact had told him to expect, still, seeing it in person and easily feeling through the force that most of the life on the ship was gone was a whole another experience.
Engaging the thrusters, he brought his own ship towards any kind of clear opening he could find before docking the ship upon the ominous dreadnaught. "I'll be back soon, stay here." With those instructions given to his companion, he headed straight for the back of the ship where the ramp was before suiting himself up from head to toe in one of the spacesuits.

Slowly as the ramp to his own ship descended with a loud hiss, by the time Ryosuke stepped out, the sensation of the dark side hit him like a boulder to the face. There was definitely something still on the ship and it wasn't human. Taking slow steps through the corridors since the hanger was most likely part of the other half of the ship that was torn apart due to whatever had done this. In one hand, he held onto a large flashlight while the other held upon the sheathe of his lightsaber while he wandered around. Eventually coming across a large circular room that appeared to had been where meetings were usually held, he approached the table in the center just to find several datapads just laying there. It was a shock to find that they were still working as he switched them on just to read through what was left. "Makem Te, huh? A senator. Tsk." Just the thought of the senate reminded him of the Jedi Council which had him grit his teeth and squeeze upon the sheathe of his saber all the more tightly.

Even if his contact was wrong about there being a sith inquisitor somehow being alive on this abandoned ship, the new information that he ended up getting might as well as a good replacement in turn for the false information given.
Turning around to head back to his ship, the sounds of clawing against metal and gurgling growls had him stop in his tracks just to stare off down the dark corridor of where he came from. Guessing the sounds of his footsteps followed by his presence riled up whatever was lurking on the ship. Eventually, tons of rakghouls came rushing out from the darkness. Due to their being little gravity on the ship as it was, they weren't as quick as they could've been and the sight of them was less of a danger and more of an annoyance to Ryo. "You're what's on this ship? Really? Hmph." With releasing the sheathe, he'd raise his free hand up towards the large swarm of rakghouls just to have their internal temperatures drop instantly, the sheer cold from the space around them followed by their body heat dropping at an immense rate had them quickly drop to the floor before their flesh started to turn a dark blue and eventually frost starting to form over their corpses.

Stepping over them with their limbs cracking and shattering under the weight of his boot, he'd return to his ship just to set his coordinates for Makem Te.
Cadence was lost in thought by the time they arrived back at the hotel suite. Venn had taken her on a bit of an impromptu tour of the surrounding area, insisting on purchasing some wine and local candies. The whole time they were shopping she couldn't shake this feeling that someone was watching them yet every time she turned around there was no one there. She thought about mentioning it to Venn but then reconsidered, thinking the older man would just think she was being paranoid. As they left the store she paused briefly outside on the street to look up into the sky, a sinking feeling manifesting in the pit of her stomach. That feeling stayed with her for the rest of the evening, growing stronger as the sun set below the horizon. Almost as if the encroaching darkness was a sign of something worse to come.

"Hey, Cadence," Venn said suddenly, snapping her attention back to the present. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him just in time for a small pouch of candies to smack her in the forehead.

"Ow," she muttered, rubbing her forehead as she bent over to retrieve the candy. All the while Venn kept talking, seeming not to notice how distracted she was.

"I could teach you how to handle a blaster pistol... Or some of the hand-to-hand stuff they taught me at CQC School if you prefer that," he was saying.

Cadence was still rubbing her forehead when she straightened up again. She lowered her arm to her side then shook her head. "Actually, I was thinking I might turn in for the night. I'm feeling pretty tired," she said, then she turned to look at Delrick, "With your permission, Master?"
As the pair entered Delrick looked up with a small smile on his face; characteristically showing them that he was pleased they had returned and seemed to be in good spirits. He took this to mean that they did not find anything of note or worry.

Though he has been able to feel the worry and distraction that was plaguing his Padawan, a small subconscious wince played across his face as the bag of candy hit Cadence in the face instead of catching it. Her reflexes were not normally so dull as to be caught of guard like that. The Jedi Master was nodding in silent agreement with Venn's request to train her in skills Jedi normally did not practice, and was about to agree to let the trooper do so when Cadence requested to turn in. "If that is what you feel is best, but know I will expect a full accounting in the morning." Giving her a single nod of permission, also looking her in the eye and emphatically letting her know he would be available to discuss her feelings.

Looking to the trooper and motioning for him to take a seat on the couch, moving an empty wine glass closer to that empty seat. "Although trooper I would be interested in hearing your assessment now."

Senator Tarth watched this transpire with mild interest, it was unusual for him to witness the interactions of Jedi and soldiers in such an informal manner. He say quietly on the couch and took a drink of his wine, noting it was a nearly empty glass.
Venn Vorale

"Ah, sorry." He winced, keeping his head lowered in apology towards her. When she left the lounge to find a bed for herself, Venn walked over to the couches and sat, as Master Delrick offered. He looked at the wine glass and shook his head.
"Sorry boss, no actual drinking on the job. After though, we can party." He remarked, reaching to his belt and taking out his canteen of water. He filled the wine glass with water, and took his helmet off, settling it right next to him on the couch. He took a long sip of the water and sighed, raising his eyebrows. Getting to the topic of his impression of the area, Venn spoke fairly quickly, but with practiced enunciation.
"Alright. Well, we didn't see anything obviously bad around the hotel or the Swokes Council Chambers. I made some notes about escape routes and fields of fire, I can show you my sketch later. I spoke to a few merchants on the street to get the lay of the land and there's no significant criminal activity, no gangers or political extremists or anything with ambitions high enough to mess with a few big time Diplomats. At least none with territory around here. If we decided to walk from here to there I think the worst we'd suffer from the Swokes is a young pickpocket who wanted the achievement of taking a high society offworlders wallet." He said, glancing over to the Diplomat, "But don't worry about that, I've seen Jedi that could run faster than Nexu. And well, I can try to run as fast as a Nexu." He joked seamlessly. Looking back to Delrick, "Anyways, now this is just a hunch, but if I were a betting man I'd bet a few creds that one of the Sith decided to keep an eye on us. Nothing actually happened, the Sith just followed us around, I think that's what got Cadence so off-beat right now. I'd bet she noticed too, with the Force, if that's how that works. The Sith probably just wanted to make sure we weren't about to go around assassinating anyone or something." Venn shrugged, "Instead they just found out we liked shopping and looking around, in a nutshell."
Ryosuke Angulis

Location - Makem Te City Streets
Interactions - N/A
Mentions - N/A

By the time Ryosuke had returned to his ship just to disengage his landing gear and exit the large destroyed dreadnaught, he entered in the coordinates for Makem Te before re-engaging the hyperdrive and sitting back in his seat as the ship soon flashed in an instant before disappearing from sight. Knowing that it wouldn't take long for him to reach the plant, he stood from his seat just to head to the small circular dining room near the center of the ship. As he made his way there, the male kicked over several empty cans that varied between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Ignoring the mess that was scattered throughout the dining room, he'd continue his way through just to reach the storage room in the back of the ship. Closing and locking the door behind him once he had entered the room, he'd approach one of the shelves just to pick up and toss to the floor a hologram projector.
As the projector whirled to life with several flashing lights all around it, it was only a matter of time that several lifeforms of all different species formed around him; each of them wielding lightsabers while he was disarmed.

Taking in several deep breathes and exhaling out slowly for each one, he'd listen to the sounds of each of the holograms rushing him to attempt and slash him with their sabers, knowing that they would not be able to harm him either way due to them being holograms. He'd still side step and managed to avoid any bit of contact with any of the holograms. This went on for hours as with each hologram fighting in one of the seven different lightsaber forms allowing Ryosuke to adapt to any type of opponent there might be when he reached the planet.
Eventually, as the ship's intercom came to life suddenly during his own personal training, stating that they had arrived at their destination; Ryo was caught off guard only to have each of the holograms land a strike upon him even if it did no actual damage upon his body in any sense. Once the holograms were able to land a single hit upon him, they each began to disappear one at a time. All the while, Ryo made his way to leave the cargo hold and head straight back for the cockpit; making sure to grab a rag from the kitchen before reaching the cockpit.
While wiping himself at his forehead and his neck of the sweat, he disengaged the hyperdrive and allowed the ship to drift along the atmosphere of the planet while he stared blankly towards the surface in silence. "So, there are Jedi down there huh..? And a senator, I need to be careful." Whispering his own words to himself as he knew the idea of attacking Jedi with a senator around as well was going to draw more attention than he was looking for, the last thing he needed now was to have the Council target him as a priority target or make enemies with entire Republic all together.

Giving a quiet sigh, he'd soon take his seat before beginning his approach to the planet and towards where he believed the senator would be located. As he neared the city, just as expected, he received a warning and questioning from the local authorities about his ship not being scheduled to arrive as well as what business he had there. "I am but a simple traveler...Looking for a place to refuel, rest and do some trading." He responded to the message while he flew high above the clouds nearing the city every second. There was a slight pause and silence before he was given the greenlight to bring his ship down to landing pad 03, but since his arrival was not scheduled, there was going to be a search on his ship while he wandered the city. Since he did not exactly have a choice in the matter, he agreed to the search and finally brought his ship down to landing pad 03 as instructed.
While in the process of leaving the ship, Ryo gave his pet another gentle pat on his head before heading to his living quarters and making sure to take with him the several kyber crystals that sat on his nightstand as well as a bag of plant seeds next to it before stuffing them into an inside pocket of a large ragged brown trench hooded coat. With everything he believed taken with him that would make him suspicious to the authorities taken with him, he'd take his leave from his ship with his sheathed lightsaber also hidden under the hoodie as well.
As Ryo had stepped down the ramp of his ship, three men stood awaiting him at the end of the ramp, two stood behind one who stood in front. The two in the back were heavily armed while the one in front appeared to had been some sort of officer. "Papers please." The man in front spoke up with his hands behind his back as Ryo approached the trio before him only to have the guards raise up their rifles towards him to instruct him to halt. Stopping in front of the trio, he'd raise his gaze up towards the man who stood before him just to show enough of a glimpse of his own bandaged eyes. "As I have said, I am simply a traveler. I had not planned to arrive here but I am in need of refueling and possibly do some minor trading." As he informed the man before him, clearly realizing this was not the man who he had stated with earlier while arriving to the hanger. "Oh, I am quite aware. However, Let us just say...it is customary that new arrivals...especially unexpected arrivals are expected to pay a 'toll'...and if you do not pay, we cannot promise...we won't find any, lets just say...'illegal' substances on your ship." Just listening to the man's words, it was clear enough that the man was attempting to blackmail Ryo and just from seeing his the crimson aura that emitted from his body, it was clear enough he was corrupted and using his position to take advantage of others around him.

Slowly a sly smirk spread across Ryo's lips as he reached into the bag of seeds he had under his coat just to pull out three dried up seedlings before approaching the man before him before reaching and placing the seeds into his shirt pocket and patting the spot. "Understood sir. Here, I gave you some 'extra toll' expenses. Do feel free to enjoy and don't spend it all in one place." After patting the spot where the seeds were placed, the officer had nodded and believed what was given to him was a handful of credits as he nodded and allowed Ryo to pass in between the two guards with no further interruptions. After which, the three entered the ship only to have the ramp close up behind the trio and the seeds quickly sprouting from within the pocket of the officer as vines started to overgrow the entire interior of the ship before coiling around the three men, binding their limbs and squeezing around their throats to keep them from shouting or calling for backup.
Meanwhile, Ryosuke had continued on his way to leave the hanger and eventually find himself on the city streets. Now, the search had begun.
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The conversation between Venn and Delrick faded to nothing as Cadence left the room. She found her quarters at the end of the hall and stepped inside, pausing by the door to inspect her surroundings. The room was quite a bit more extravagant than she was used to. It was like a miniature suite, containing a bed, wardrobe, holovid and a small seating area. Cadence suspected this particular suite was used to house dignitaries quite often. The hotel manager had informed them from the beginning they had the entire floor to themselves. With a sigh she stepped forward and plopped herself down on the bed. The mattress was comfortable, of course, almost a bit too comfortable. She rolled over onto her side and gazed out the window, her eyes once again drawn to the sky.

'Seems to me that the Council just gave him a break and a vacation from the other Knights and Masters who would've really grilled him for taking you under his wing,' Venn's words echoed in her mind. 'Way out here, you learn at your own pace away from unfair critics.'

If that's true then why do I feel like I'm not wanted?
If the Council had their way she'd be right back at the orphanage where she belongs. Groaning inwardly to herself she slid off the bed and moved to the window, pressing a switch on the wall to open it. That sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach had not yet subsided and her room was far too quiet to concentrate. She leaned out of the window and looked up towards the roof. There was only one more floor above them so the distance between her and the roof was not that far, she climbed out onto the ledge on the side of the building then with the help of a Force assisted leap she jumped up onto the roof.

The air was cooler up here and the sounds of the city far below were a bit of an odd comfort to her. Truth be told she felt more at home out here than back in her room. Sitting down on the edge of the building with her legs dangling over the ledge she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. Meditation was never one of her strong suits, she just didn't have the patience for it. Still, she didn't know what else to do short of voicing her concerns to Delrick who at the moment was probably more concerned about the Senator's safety than his padawan's paranoia. After a few long moments of trying to focus her thoughts she gave up with a frustrated sigh, opening her eyes and turning her gaze upwards towards the darkening sky.

A bright streak burned its way across her vision as a meteor broke up in the planet's atmosphere and at that moment a sudden thought occurred to her. "Frak, how am I going to get back down?"
Chuka nodded and felt the same as his younger Hunter did about quality of the explosives and manner in which they were being used. But he was a professional and an honorable one, so if the contract (which was very lucrative) called for certain aspects to be just so. Then they would be.

The Mandalorian had just tucked away the last of his charges when he a quiet voice not far away. His muscles tensed slightly as his ears strained to hear more, count how many there were and where they were. 'No one should be up here, no way they can be onto us.' The older man thought. Looking to Helia with a grim expression, eyes locking on hers then darting to her right and up. Indicating he wanted her to circle around to the right and silently move in on the sound. He held up on finger to let her know how many he suspected there were.

With the speed, athletic grace and efficiency he did several things in one motion: donned his helmet, turned to his right, drawing his Ripper, bringing it to just below eye level, and smoothly moving along the roof.

The Mandalorian Ripper was an energy propelled slug thrower that was ideal for defeating most body armor and personal shields, and most importantly when dealing with Jedi and Sith the legendary lightsabers could not deflect the projectile back at him. The solid metallic rounds had a tendency of actually passing through the energy blades, partially melted, but still solid enough to cause damage.

Chuka moved around a large piece of roof equipment and spotted Candace sitting on the edge of the roof. 'The Padawan?' Raising an eyebrow behind the faceplate. In a voice barely above a whisper, but loud enough through the comlink. "Eyes on. It's the girl, she's alone. Minimal threat. Cover me and wait for my signal, I'll deal with her."

This was too keep suspicion off Helia, since she was responsible for the Republic delegation. Keeping his pistol at his side Chuka stepped out into open and slowly walked towards Cadence. "What are you doing up here youngling?"
Cadence slipped off the ledge of the building onto the roof then leaned over the edge to look down towards the street. She could see the window to her room from here, plus the balcony that led into the Senator's room. Getting back through her window at this angle would be tricky, not to mention she'd risk missing and falling to the street below. The balcony was easier and doable, assuming of course the Senator had not yet gone to bed. An even simpler way would simply be to find the hotel's roof access and just head back down to her floor via the turbolift. She'd have to explain where she's been and why she was entering the hotel suite from the outside again, but that was probably preferable to either falling to her death or causing a misunderstanding with her ward. She was just about to make the decision when she heard a voice from someone standing behind her.

"What are you doing up here youngling," the voice asked.

Cadence quickly spun around, expecting to see hotel security standing behind her. Instead, it was a Mandalorian, probably the one Venn saw earlier. Cadence glanced down at the pistol he held in his hand, suspecting he wasn't here to just talk. With her hands out to her sides, she carefully moved away from the edge of the building. "Just needed to get some air," she told him. "I could also ask what you're doing up--here!" She continued, punctuating her sentence by smoothly grabbing her lightsaber, thumbing it on then throwing it at him.

She didn't even wait to see the Mando's reaction, bursting into a full sprint and running towards the exit. She had one hand held out to catch her lightsaber on its return. The door was only several meters away, she needed to get back to the suite to warn Master Delrick of the danger. Just a few more feet...
Helia nodded and set to making herself... hidden. However, the padawan seemed hungry for... violence? That was a head scratcher. Well, grabbing a lightsaber was a deathwish, but shooting it? Well. Kiddo seemed to think Chuka was alone and turned her attention forward, so Helia took out a blaster, took aim, and shot the saber's hilt. The lazer wasn't strong enough to damage the weapon, but it did knock it off course. Instead of hitting Chuka, it would now clatter, somewhat uselessly, to the ground. Well, useless at hurting people, but the poor hotel would spend a few thousand credits for the repair. Poor hotel. Ah well, wasn't Helia's fault. Really, it was the padawan's.

She wanted to cut off the girl's escape, but then the girl would know there were two of them. Better let Chuka handle it.


Ciel wanted to spend her evening in solitary meditation, but a sound, muffled so much by windows and metal and concrete, disturbed her. She couldn't tell what it was and she didn't care to go see what it was. Instead, she glared at the ceiling. Was there a service floor above them? Something to do with storage? Must be a droid slamming into something. If it kept going, she'd go looking. Hopefully it'd end soon. She could understand a droid malfunction lasting ten minutes. She'd give it ten minutes.
Ryosuke Angulis

Location - Cantina -> Hotel
Interactions - N/A
Mentions - N/A

After dealing with the minor trouble in the hanger and now free to wander the city, even Ryosuke wasn't exactly sure where he was supposed to begin looking for the Jedi, or the Sith, let alone looking for a senator. As he continued down the streets, he'd eventually head into a small cantina in search of information. The instant he had stepped into the building, the scent of smoke from all sorts of variety of drugs was easily noticed following the well known song that most cantinas played by a band of four or five of the race of Bith. No one seemed to had paid any mind to Ryo stepping into the building which was exactly what he was hoping for.

Approaching the bar counter before taking a seat onto one of the stools, he'd wave an arm to get the attention of the tender over towards him. "Anything hard." With that, the bartender nodded and was quick to fix up the mysterious male his drink before sliding it in front of Ryo, who placed down several credits upon the table just to pay for the drink. "So, is it true? That there's a senator in the city today?" Questioning under his breath just enough for the human bartender to listen while he was cleaning a cup in one hand with a rag. "Yeah. Heard its some kind of big meeting going on, they even decided to bring in some serious protection. Heard they called in members from the Jedi Council. A master and their padawan. Heard they decided to get some rest at the nearby hotel. Hah, man...must be living the good life to be able to explore the galaxy like that...too bad though. We're just stuck here on this rock huh bud--?" While the bartender had been going on and on, it wasn't until he had brought back his attention to the mysterious male that he found that the hooded figure had left without so much as taking a single sip of his ordered drink on the counter. Cocking a brow at the sight of this, the human tender looked around questionably and confused as to when the figure had left before shrugging and returning to his own business.

After learning what he needed to know, Ryo made a direct b-line for the hotel that the human had informed him about. Quickly swerving around those in the streets with only light pushes upon shoulders and side stepping around others, it took mere minutes before the male had reached the entrance to the hotel. Upon entering the lobby and approaching the front desk, the female worker behind the desk brought her gaze up towards Ryosuke who stared at the desk rather than make any eye contact to reveal he was an alien. "One room please. Also...could I ask a question about a possible resident here?" The woman arched a brow while she had checked for possible open rooms for him. "I heard that there was a Jedi here...I am a huge fan of the Council..and was hoping to get an autograph from a Jedi in person. If that would be possible, could you assign me a room near there so that I may possibly ask for such a request from them? Gods, know when the next time we will ever meet a Jedi in person." Attempting to sound overly excited in his voice as though he were a child meeting his hero for the first time ever, the woman behind the desk could only chuckle before nodding and booking him a room as close as she could to the Jedi while not too close to possibly interrupt them with the possible over excitement of a fan.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." Continuing his façade, when handed the key to his room, Ryo headed directly to the elevator to head up to his room. During the ride up, he'd finally remove his hood just to clear his throat before checking his pockets to make sure that he hadn't lost anything during the walk here.
Delrick nodded and smiled softly at the Troopers adherence to the job and keeping a clear head, the Jedi could very much respect that level of dedication. Holding his own glass up an swirling it gently as he listened to the thorough threat assessment brief. "So no obvious serious threats beyond the ordinary pickpockets. Venn is correct that there is nothing to worry about on the streets." Nodding to the Senator Tarth, anticipating that he would want to be driven to the meeting and setting his glass down and leaning forward at the mention of the Sith and the suspected following. "That would make sense, and would probably mean the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy providing their Diplomat, with Laws and Justice assigning the Sith as protectors..." His hand went to stroke his chin while he thought. 'And spies or assassins.' Looking towards the door his Padawan had gone through, wondering what she had seen, or more specifically what she had felt through the Force.


"Just needed to get some air, I could also ask what you're doing up--here!" She said as she attempted to throw her lit saber at him. The action was not all that unexpected, he had intentionally come across as menacing and aggressive in his appearance. Especially to a novice such as her. This was to help him gauge her skill and actual threat level.

His left arm came up, Beskar vambrace coming in line with the glowing blade, though he would try and catch the hilt if possible. Easiest way to render most Jedi harmless was to take away the legendary blade that was, he imagined, their life in a similar manner as his armor was to him. But Helia's shot rang out and knocked the saber off course. Scowling under his helmet the older hunter shot his younger partner a disapproving look. 'Need to talk about tactics later.'

He started moving towards the roof door at a steady, unhurried pace. Bringing the Ripper up to eyelevel and aiming at Cadence, then offsetting just slightly and fired two shots in the same time it would take others to line up and fire one shot. She would hear the supersonic double crack and might feel the rush and tug of air as the rounds crossed just over and in front of her outstretched hand. The double impact of the slugs burring themselves in the door just above the handle that would have allowed her to open the door and false sense of security. "Stun her." Chuka said over the comlink as he continued to advance on the young Jedi, even as he saw her lightsaber return to her hand.

To Cadence he called out through his helmet. "Easy or hard way is up to you youngling. You are outmatched if it was just me, but you are also outnumbered." The slightly mechanically augmented voice from the helmet speakers would be loud enough for her to hear him clearly. His Ripper was trained on the young girls shoulder, no one would pay for a dead Jedi out here, while his left hand moved to a pouch on his belt that held a Stun Grenade.

These grenades were designed to explode on impact and could knock out individuals caught within the blast radius from the combination of concussive force, bright flash, and loud soundwave released. Some of the larger, or more experienced, acquisitions would sometimes require two or more to be subdued. However he had no doubts that a human, or at least a near-human, girl would not need more than one grenade or one stunner blast to be rendered unconscious.
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Cadence felt a flash of warning before the shots were fired. She lowered her hand, ducked her head then skidded to a halt. Her body half twisted around as she reached out with her other hand to summon her lightsaber back to her. The shots fired into the door busted the locking mechanism, cutting off her only escape. As the Mandalorian approached she held her blade up in an Ataru guard position. The blue light from her lightsaber illuminated her face.

"Easy or hard way is up to you youngling. You are outmatched if it was just me, but you are also outnumbered," the Mandalorian told her as he approached. In one hand he held a gun aimed at her, while the other reached for a small pouch on his belt.

Has that line ever worked on anyone?" She asked him, a note of incredulity in her tone.

The shot from earlier did not come from him, which confirmed for her that he wasn't alone. She could sense the other Mando's movement from somewhere behind her. They were probably moving into a better position to shoot her in the back. As for the man's boast that she was outmatched? Well, Cadence wasn't sure if she could take either of them in a fight, but then she hadn't intended to stick around and find out.
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