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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Toni’s heavy weapon fire slams into the damaged robots and wipes them all out in one fell swoop. When this happens, that woman’s voice can be heard from the remaining Steel Soldiers. It says, “Oh, you are quite magnificent! I can only imagine your zeal as one of my Legionaries! Come now, Toni. Stop this senseless fighting and join me. All of you will finally find true peace once you are one with me. We can unite the world, together.”
Toni almost loses her step as she hears the voice from the robots actually call her name. What the hell?!? It knows my name? Oh hell no! She calls out, “Cerberus! Let’s get the fuck out of here! You’re coming with us, bug guy! We are getting all kinds of attention that we don’t want right now, so let’s move!”
Jin's still translucent form freezes at the robots collective speech..naming one of their own.

Over the bio-comms Jin spoke... "Archos point us to one of those escape tunnels, activate stealth fields and switch to alternative vision modes if you have them, fall in on Archos. I will provide cover fire, watch for falling debris in the east side of the building"

Jin looks up in the open air of the building around them, fires her heat cannon away from the team (presumably on the east side) and turns it in a wide arc across the area to one, (think like a Star Trek Phaser) to distract the units in the airspace, and two, strike part of the building to bring some rubble down to create a lot of dust and particles in the air to provide the cover needed.

Heat Cannon Aimed Shot (2 attacks) 1D20+10 = 16+10 = 26!
Jin fires her heat cannon into the ceiling, causing a pile of rubble and debris to rain down all around the robots in front of you. It doesn’t seem to cause any damage to the robots, but it is much harder for them to be able to see you now.

Purr Purr is up with Chaska

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [5]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [6]
17 - Chaska [3] <====
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [4] severe damage, sticky
15 - robots 8 [3] moderate damage
15 - robots 9-10 [3]
12 - robots 11-15 [3] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [3]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
7 - Bellamy [4]
5 - robots 21-25 [3] light damage
3 - Archos [3]
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Come now, Toni. Stop this senseless fighting and join me.
"No, Legion," Chaska guesses. "We like Toni de way Toni is."

The wild-born Deliveryman keeps his personal thoughts to himself lest Legion perhaps hear over the bio-comms. Cerberus maybe compromise. Maybe whole Kraken too. ChiefRybeck must know.

From inside the WyldKat, Chaska glances towards the bio-recorder. He smile is confident. This prove everything.

She calls out, “Cerberus! Let’s get the fuck out of here! You’re coming with us, bug guy! We are getting all kinds of attention that we don’t want right now, so let’s move!”
Chaska nods and tries to repeat the instructions back. "O.K. Toni. Chaska get de fuk outta here now. Bye-bye, Legion! Now stop hurt people!"

Taking a page from Jin's playbook, Chaska activates the WyldKat's organic thrusters and makes away to safety while blasting the ceiling above his opponents with its dual heat cannons in the hopes of bringing the house down on them.
With all of the heavy weapon fire going off inside the parking garage, you all can hear that the structural integrity of the building is in jeopardy. A deep rumble can be felt in your feet, giving you more incentive to get out as the outer walls that are supporting the weight of the building are crumbling, causing the whole of the skyscraper to start to fall. As the squad begins to withdraw towards the entrance to the underground utility tunnels, large blocks of masonry start falling from the ceiling of the structure, causing you to have to dodge and weave around to avoid getting smashed on the head by the rubble. Finally, one by one, the squad skids to a stop at the top of the access shaft and start to drop down. Toni is lucky that her armor isn't any larger; she barely fits down the shaft as it is.

The drop down to the utility tunnel is just over fifty feet, but even with that much rocky ground and reinforced concrete above your heads, it feels like you might still get crushed under the mass of the falling building as the skyscraper continues to collapse above you. The sound is deafening, and it seems to take forever for the rumbling to stop. After what feels like an eternity the horrendous rumbling and grinding ends, and amazingly enough, you are all still alive - covered in dust and very shaken up, but alive.

Axel lets out a groan, and manages to grunt out, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I just pissed myself! Is everyone still alive?"

Archos rolls over from the sprawl he had fallen down in and says, "Yes, and Alpha and Beta are both ok, but Alpha is stuck up at the surface at the moment. We'll be able to keep track of one another through our bio-link as we head . . . that is the next good question, isn't it? Where are we going from here? Warlord Artemis is going to have to hear what we've just gone through. This is a matter that the whole of House Artemis needs to address."

Axel says, "Lets talk about that on the move. With my luck, the tunnels will collapse while we're sitting down here, jaw-jacking. Walk to live, people."

At the moment, there is just one way for you to go, down and out of the city along the underground utility lines.

Purr Purr celestialbody celestialbody Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
Axel lets out a groan, and manages to grunt out, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I just pissed myself! Is everyone still alive?"
"Chaska no piss self," comes his calm and straightforward reply. There is relief in his voice. "Chaska no die." Though he tremors inside from the ungodly crashing of what sounded like the very heavens coming down, Chaska's is the kind of personality that is simply happy to be alive, especially in the aftermath of such a hellish ordeal just now.

Immediately, he uses his bio-comm to make contact with Woodstock to inform him of his status. Woodstock might be a bio-organic being made with alien parts in his brain, but he knows that loyal Black Talon War Bird has deep feelings too - including the ability to worry. If Chaska is able to make contact with him, he asks to know what Woodstock knows and if he sees Archos's bird, Alpha.

He turns on his Simple Light Cell, Sensitive Whiskers, Heat Pits, and Motion Detection to help him locate everyone in the mass of rubble. To the newcomer Swarm Lord, Chaska bows at the waist in his sporty all-black Deliveryman Host Armor with feline characteristics (no mouth, but there are claws, fur, ears, Sensitive Whiskers, and a Prehensile Tail).

He carefully looks the newcomer up and down. "I Chaska. House Artemis Deliveryman attach to Cerberus squad." He points to each person while also examining them. "Dis Toni, our leader. JinLi, JodiAxel, Cerberus too. Archos is veteran Deliveryman straphanger of House Artemis. You no worry; he 'good in de wood.'"* If the Swarm Lord requires help getting to his feet, Chaska provides it. "How you? You O.K.?"

* By calling Archos a "straphanger, Chaska basically is saying Archos is not a member of Cerberus squad but is "on loan." To use the saying, "he's good in the woods," means Chaska sees Archos as dependable in a hot situation and he won't lose his head in a firefight.
Toni looks down at the mess of dust and thinks that this could have been a whole lot worse. She rises and says, “Up and moving, so that’s a plus. Talk while we run, Cerberus.”

As she starts moving, she glances down at the mess of her armor and is very thankful of the various defensive modifications she had put into Valkyrie. It may have saved her life today.

“Archos, take point. Chaska, bring up the rear. Axel, stick close to Chaska, and Jin, you keep on Archos’ heels. New guy, you and me have the middle. Now, everyone, status report. Are you hurt, and if so, how bad? And give me an update on ammo, too. Move us out of here at our best possible speed. Right now, stealth is less of a concern than evacuation.”

Once everyone is on the move, she starts to calm a bit, but is still very much on edge. “So, Swarm Lord, what’s your name? So I don’t have to keep calling you new guy.”
Chaska reports as he takes up the Tail-End Charlie position. He looks around and begins erasing their tracks as best he can (using the special Deliveryman counter-tracking skill for -40% to attempts to Track. As there appears to be only one way to go, he is largely doing this for the sake of practice).

"Chaska O.K.. Minor damage to WyldKat; WyldKat no use ammo."
Jin’s dusty blurred form takes a breath and stands up and tries to dust herself off as best she can.

“I have minor damage that is regenerating, and have only expended one round which will be regrown shortly”

She moved up behind Archos…peering forward and around with her various senses ”I am on your six Archos “
Axel lets out a sigh, muttering, “I hate being called Jodi.” Then, in a louder voice, he says, “Minor damage to my armor, but it’s going to regenerate in a bit, and my rifle has plenty of ammo. Other than that, I’m all set to rock and roll.”

He pauses, and adds, “I couldn’t help but notice that those robots had some sort of info on us, calling out Sgt. Toni like that. How the hell does the Machine know anything about is at all? What does that mean? For us, I mean.”
Oop. My bad

Bellamy grinned at Chaska, nodding in acknowledgment as he was asked how he was. "I'm fine, thanks."

He shook himself off, feeling the bugs crawling across his armor shift and adjust as he brushed off any stray dust. Picking up the pace, he moved to stand beside the woman in the middle, while the others took their positions around them.

"I’ve got minimal damage to my armor, and I only used one shell, which will regrow soon." He glanced back at the attached hive on his back, noticing the loss of a few bugs. "It’ll take a bit longer to regain my locust, though."

With a shrug, Bellamy added, "I don’t really mind 'bug guy'—it’s pretty accurate, after all. But my name’s Bellamy."
Axel lets out a sigh, muttering, “I hate being called Jodi.” Then, in a louder voice, he says, “Minor damage to my armor, but it’s going to regenerate in a bit, and my rifle has plenty of ammo. Other than that, I’m all set to rock and roll.”

He pauses, and adds, “I couldn’t help but notice that those robots had some sort of info on us, calling out Sgt. Toni like that. How the hell does the Machine know anything about is at all? What does that mean? For us, I mean.”
Toni nods as they continue down the tunnel. “Yeah, that caused a bit of concern when the robots called my name. We will need to be doubly cautious as we move forward. Right now there is no way to know just who has been taken by Legion.”
Oop. My bad

Bellamy grinned at Chaska, nodding in acknowledgment as he was asked how he was. "I'm fine, thanks."

He shook himself off, feeling the bugs crawling across his armor shift and adjust as he brushed off any stray dust. Picking up the pace, he moved to stand beside the woman in the middle, while the others took their positions around them.

"I’ve got minimal damage to my armor, and I only used one shell, which will regrow soon." He glanced back at the attached hive on his back, noticing the loss of a few bugs. "It’ll take a bit longer to regain my locust, though."

With a shrug, Bellamy added, "I don’t really mind 'bug guy'—it’s pretty accurate, after all. But my name’s Bellamy."
“Glad to hear you are in good shape. We’ll meet, Bellamy. I don’t know why you were at New Harrisburg, but I would suggest you stick with us for the time being. With Legion right on top of us, we can ask use the extra firepower. Speaking of Legion, are you familiar with this aspect of the Machine?”
Jin was following closely behind Archos, peering about while listening over the Bio-Comms.

"That information was very detailed...do you think Corporal Paseo may have been 'assimilated' by Legion and she fed it our information? The other possibility is one no one will like either..."

Jin paused...glancing around and then continuing.

"There could be a possibility that since Legion can merge organic and robotic...that they could listen in on our Bio-comms..."
Axel lets out a sigh, muttering, “I hate being called Jodi.”
Chaska turns briefly. "Is true?" This was a thing he was not aware of, for both times when it was earlier mentioned, either his mind was too occupied or he simply did not hear it.

For the sake of his teammate, Chaska adjusted. With great care, he pronounced the name:


With a shrug, Bellamy added, "I don’t really mind 'bug guy'—it’s pretty accurate, after all. But my name’s Bellamy."
"Welcome... Bell-ah-mee. Glad you O.K.."

"There could be a possibility that since Legion can merge organic and robotic...that they could listen in on our Bio-comms..."
"Yah," Chaska nods. His accent and manner of speaking easy to hear as he replies. "Think Paseo more likely, JinLi. Othawise, Legion know we here prior to ambush - could have kill us there."

Sherwood Sherwood He continues to try to establish contact with Woodstock.
Toni nods as they continue down the tunnel. “Yeah, that caused a bit of concern when the robots called my name. We will need to be doubly cautious as we move forward. Right now there is no way to know just who has been taken by Legion.”

“Glad to hear you are in good shape. We’ll meet, Bellamy. I don’t know why you were at New Harrisburg, but I would suggest you stick with us for the time being. With Legion right on top of us, we can ask use the extra firepower. Speaking of Legion, are you familiar with this aspect of the Machine?”

"I was on a supply run to one of the human resistance cells here with a group of others. We encountered a robot force, and while one of us turned back to report to our Warlord, the rest of us pressed on to observe and, if possible, continue with our original mission." Bellamy shook his head, remembering the tense situation.

"We ran into a group of robots, and I got cut off from the rest of the squad. I ended up pinned under that piece of collapsed concrete where you all found me. Thanks for the assist by the way." He finished explaining how he got there, shaking his head at the question she asked. "No, I’m not familiar with this aspect of The Machine. I’m afraid I’m just as in the dark as the rest of you."
Axel shoots a glance over his shoulder at Chaska, and he says, "Thank you, Chaska. I think my parents just wanted to torment me by giving me the first name of Jodi. In case you didn't know, Jodi is usually associated as being a woman's name, not what you'd call a boy. I had more than my share of fights in school over that fact, and ever since I just went with Axel as my moniker."

He then adds, "Welcome to the fun, Bellamy. Since it is also your neck on the line, I guess it is ok to fill you in on what we've learned about Legion. As most people know, the Machine is a super computer named NEXUS. Thanks to a bunch of contradicting directives, it went nuts, breaking its mind up into several different personalities, all of which want to kill off the human vermin from the world, and we've been at war with the Machine ever since. Apparently, there was a personality that humans never knew about. This one calls herself Legion, and she is a real tricky bitch. This personality made a special robot walker-factory for herself and apparently downloaded herself into it. Our allies from House Deluvane were contacted by one of the Machine's nicer personalities and was told about Legion wanting to unite all robots and people into one giant hive mind."

"To this end, Legion has been making hybrid weapons, combining humans with robotic parts to make something called a cyborg. Some of the things we've seen are really horrible, linking people to robots in a hideous mix. We have also come across what appears to be fellow Splicers that have had metal implants in their heads, turning them into puppets of this Legion bitch."

He then asks, "Sgt Toni? Once we get clear of these tunnels, what is our destination? Are we going to go back to the Kraken, or do we go straight to the Warlord in Avalon? We have to share what we've found out here with the rest of the House."
Sherwood Sherwood He continues to try to establish contact with Woodstock.
Through your bio-com, the Deliveryman is able to sense and communicate with Woodstock. You have a six mile range to keep in touch, and even through the thick layers of concrete and earth between you, you still have full communication with your bird. Currently, he's winging along in the air above you, keeping up with the squad. At the moment, he can see that there is still heavy fighting going on between NEXUS and Legion, and the city of New Harrisburg is getting torn apart in the process.
In case you didn't know, Jodi is usually associated as being a woman's name, not what you'd call a boy.
Chaska's voice over the bio-comms sounds honestly shocked. "Iz trooo?!" He thinks a moment and adds, "Axel-Papa and Axel-Mama somehow... not know... you boy?"

He then asks, "Sgt Toni? Once we get clear of these tunnels, what is our destination? Are we going to go back to the Kraken, or do we go straight to the Warlord in Avalon? We have to share what we've found out here with the rest of the House."
"Cerberus!" he addresses everyone. "Must warn Kraken! ChiefRybeck too!" Chaska explains to Bellamy as they move. "Bellamy? ChiefRybeck our... ah..." the word in the language they use eludes him so he uses the only word that really fits for him, "... sensei! He live on Kraken. He make us... Cerberus!"

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