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Fantasy Soulless, Breathless, Heartless || Recruitment


Queen of Dragons (no, not that one)
Roleplay Type(s)
Active Characters
Lore Thread
Main IC Thread

This is a world of humans.

Located in the United States, the city isn't a giant, overly populated one like New York City or San Francisco. However, it's not a middle-of-nowhere small town either. More mid-sized, with a population of roughly 200,000 permanent residents, civilization thrives here. Skyscrapers spear the sky in downtown and business areas while residential zones push ever outward. A river cuts a jagged path through the Eastern section of the city, slicing at a Northwestern angle. Nature has been largely tamed, with groomed trees and flowers beds, manicured lawns and a pair of local parks that are well-maintained by taxes; the larger of the two is located more towards the center of the city. Several high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools make up a bulk of the local education system, extended only by a community college. The closest university is about 170 miles West. Despite that, the city does possess a small airport, just barely keeping the city from being isolated by all means of travel save driving.

In the light of day, humans need only concern themselves with the frustrations of work or traffic.

When the sun sets, concealed by the darkness of night and of carefully managed ignorance, creatures lurk under their noses. Magical beings, possessing a myriad of shapes and abilities, struggle to thrive under the overwhelming rule of humanity. They do what they can to blend in and coexist for the sake of survival. At least, they do so in this city. This city is neutral territory. Without neutrality laws, Werewolves, Vampires, Angels, and all other sorts would have torn each other apart. Benevolent and malicious kinds both exist, both depend upon the ignorance of humanity to stand any sort of fighting chance for life.

That doesn't mean there isn't any threat.

Demons are the common enemy, the spurring force that prompted the tense treaties and neutral zones into creation. Demons do not care for human existence, most of all. They thrive on chaos, bloodshed. They are born from it. The destruction of Supernatural kind would merely provoke a surge in their strength. Especially the downfall of the Angels. Their cosmic battle has long since spilled onto the Earth, into the realm of humanity and the mortal Supernaturals. As that endless war has raged, the creatures have adapted and evolved, pushing the Angels into doing the same. They feed each other, maintaining a delicate, unseen force of balance that could tip at any moment.

Ensuring this city remain as neutral territory for the Supernaturals, a council naturally needed to be formed. Consisting of a spokesperson from each of the more powerful Supernaturals, meetings are held annually, privately and secretly. Emergencies or matters of great importance can cause this Council to convene more than once in a year. However, for the most part, each group polices their own as seen fit within the neutrality laws and many do not enjoy the prying of outsiders.

From this Council, another division sprang. Dubbed the Mythological Task Force and possessing Supernaturals from all groups capable or willing to lend assistance (sometimes with... payments, for services rendered), these individuals work in teams. Their primary targets are the Demons that threaten to consume humanity and Supernaturals alike. However, it's not uncommon for some teams to set out against other enemies.

Survival is the utmost priority. Maintaining the neutral zone ensures that survival.

This is a world of monsters....
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  1. Follow Forum regulations.
  2. Civility is required.
  3. Character sheets are to be posted in the OOC.
  4. Werewolves, Vampires, and Angels are currently the playable characters.
  5. If you wish to have a Supernatural besides those three, it can be an NPC.
  6. Alternatively, you can present a good reason/idea for having the Supernatural as a PC that is subject to approval.
  7. I will not limit characters, but I will advise that, if you choose to play a Vampire, you might need a second character for daylight hours.
  8. Sub-plots and Mini-plot lines are encouraged from the players.
  9. Run them by me so we can make sure Sub/Mini-plots are organized and each one can be adequately played out.
  10. There is a Discord for this RP to aid in communication, though it is not a requirement. I'll send a link if interested.
  11. There may be further Rules and information as things develop through the RP.
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Okay, thank you for the tip!

As for the crow npc, they aren't exactly intended as "characters". They're there for a plot reason :3
ooooo interested in maybe making a water angel and mayhaps a vampire
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Wait, I'm dumb. Did you mean a crow as your angel's go-to animal companion for work? Because I was thinking of the crows that seem more like ghosts lmao If the former, then yes by all means!
Hey there and welcome to RPN~

I will second that interest and also that recommendation for organization. Typically on here the Interest Check is what goes up in the Recruitment forum (that would be post #1 + the rules in post #2). The organizational threads (CS, OOC, and Lore) go into the Extra Pages forum.

Your character and plot line submission skeletons would be at the top of the CS thread, followed by your characters from post #5. The info from post #3 and post #4 would go into the Lore thread, and plotting discussions happen in an additional OOC thread(/on Discord).

Once you feel you have enough players to start, you would put up an IC thread in the Group forum (where that little 'Current IC information' bit would go). You can then link all the threads together with your Threadmark Index, making it easy for people to toggle between them and find the information they need.

Now all that being said, this is your RP and you should run it however you want, but just thought it might be helpful for you in terms of recruiting players to have some info on a typical RPN group RP structure.

Aaaaaanyway Imma try to read through everything and see if I get any character inspiration, because I'm digging the setup here ^^
Thank you for that breakdown, Ayama Ayama . I come from other forum boards that don't utilize such a structure. ^^ Usually, it's just the OOC and IC thread and one or both has all of the information slapped in. I'll go ahead and set up some of the extra pages for character sheets and lore specifically!
Is it possible to get some information on the Mistress of the Seethe (name, age, background, personality...)? Working on CSes now.
Ayama Ayama Of course!
I haven't fully worked out her character at this moment ^^' But she's a good few hundred years old. Everyone calls her "Mistress" or some variation of that, though her name is Aurelia Eirlys. She's kept her history a pretty closely guarded secret, so various rumors about her life are definitely floating around. What some do know as fact is that she was originally exiled from Barcelona, Spain, and she has an ability for teleportation. She's often a stern leader who takes the safety and health of her Seethe rather seriously. Any sense of humor she has is incredibly rare to see and the closest someone gets to it is her dry sarcasm.

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