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Fandom Sonic the Hedgehog: The New Freedom Fighters RP



The number 1 most confused person in the world
I won't lecture y'all on the rules and storyline, if you need to be reminded of them just check the interest check XD here's the link: Sonic the Hedgehog Fandom RP: The New Freedom Fighters (Interest Check)

"Got it!" Sonic yelled in triumph, lifting up a stack of papers from the printers.

"Is that all of them?" Tails asked as he approached Sonic.

"Yeah, finally, are you sure we need all these posters?" Sonic asked, peering behind the stack of papers he was holding.

Tails nodded. "We need to spread the message as far and wide as possible. It's important we actually find mobians that are willing to continue fighting against evil. Not many mobians are gonna be willing to make that sort of commitment, or just have the skill. Spreading the massage far gives us more chance of finding a good selection of fighters to protect the planet."

Sonic frowned. "Are you sure this is necessary? You're making it sound like I've got old."

"That's exactly what he's saying." Sally smirked, she was laying on the couch.

"Oh haha." Sonic laughed sarcastically. "Seriously though, I'm 35, and I'm still fighting robots! I've still got it!"

"Well, put it this way, we have to start training the new Freedom Fighters while we've umm... still got it. that way, the new Freedom Fighters will definitely be ready when we can't fight anymore." Tails explained.

Sonic sighed. "That does make sense."

Tails clapped his hands. "Come on, fastest thing alive! Get these posters up!"

Sonic rushed out at full speed, and immediately came back again. "Done it!" He smirked.

Tails shook his head, smiling. "I guess you proved you still got it. Although, let's just hope some mobians take the time to actually read the posters."

"I don't see why not, Amy designed them to look eye catching enough." Sally pointed out.
Some time later, in the Mobius skies, a jet passes at high speed.

I'm getting hungry. I'd better land somewhere to get some breakfast." Sky says to himself. He lands his airplane in a plain area near one of his favorite restaurants. "Time to get some waffles!"

Sky enters the restaurant to order his favorite waffles as he does every morning. After eating his waffles, he pays the bill and comes out of the restaurant. However, before he gets into his jet again, he sees a poster that catches his interest.

"Hm... what's this? I didn't see this here a moment ago." Sky says to himself, as he reads the poster. "Wait a moment... new Freedom Fighters? So they're looking for new promising fighters to protect Mobius?"

Sky then stops to think for a moment, and imagines himself as a Freedom Fighter, piloting his plane and shooting down waves of robots coming towards him. He then comes back out of his imagination.

"Well, if Mobius needs me, I must answer the call." Sky says to himself. "Freedom Fighters, here I come!"

Sky reads the poster to find out where he must go to get started, and after that, he goes back into his plane, and goes to sign up for the new Freedom Fighters.
Willow hummed to herself as she skipped down the street. She didn't know why, but today felt like it was going to be a good day. Those who walked by gave Willow weird looks, but she didn't care, it wasn't her fault they were all grumpy.

Something made her halt in her tracks, was that the Freedom Fighter logo on a poster? She sharply turned towards the poster:

We need your help!

Can you fly? Are you a skilled mechanic? Can you shoot laser beams out of your eyes? Can you control time and space?

Although you might not have these exact abilities, we are looking for powerful individuals who are willing to...


There will be a meeting at Freedom Fighter HQ tomorrow at 11:00 am
12 - 18 year olds only

Remember, your planet needs YOU

Willow squealed and jumped in the air. New Freedom fighters; she should join! Imagine all the powers others would have that she'd be able to research! She was so excited that she didn't notice that everyone on the street were staring at her as if she had gone crazy.
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Dawn was walking across the dry roads of Mirage Saloon, thinking about everything she had seen lately. Despite having hard times, she tried to remain positive. Things could always improve, after all.

As Dawn walked, she encountered an interesting poster, with the Freedom Fighters logo. The poster caught her attention, and she came close to read it.

We need your help!

Can you fly? Are you a skilled mechanic? Can you shoot laser beams out of your eyes? Can you control time and space?

Although you might not have these exact abilities, we are looking for powerful individuals who are willing to...


There will be a meeting at Freedom Fighter HQ tomorrow at 11:00 am
12 - 18 year olds only

Remember, your planet needs YOU

Dawn smiled. This was exactly what she needed! As a part of the Freedom Fighters, she could help protect others so they don't have to pass through the same experiences she's been through.

"This is perfect! Ah'll be there for sure!" Dawn said to herself. She went back home to prepare her things. She'd be going to that meeting at the Freedom Fighter HQ tomorrow.
On normal days, it was hard-pressed for Circuit to notice anything else besides the prize on his trips to the hardware store, but not even Circuit could miss the poster plastered on the wall next to the doors. "Huh? What's this?" he muttered to himself.

We need your help!

Can you fly? Are you a skilled mechanic? Can you shoot laser beams out of your eyes? Can you control time and space?

Although you might not have these exact abilities, we are looking for powerful individuals who are willing to...


There will be a meeting at Freedom Fighter HQ tomorrow at 11:00 am
12 - 18 year olds only

Remember, your planet needs YOU

The ferret blinked owlishly, re-reading the poster a few times over. Was this legit? Well, the Freedom Fighters had no reason to pull a prank, although it could very well be someone else... Well, it made sense. The Freedom Fighters had been around since, well, the beginning of the Robotnik War, and now that he gave it some thought, he supposed even ultra-amazing heroes wanted to retire.

But it sounded like they were looking for powerful people, and Circuit never really counted himself as powerful... However, the thought still plagued him, through the normally fun errand and all the way back home. He...never really knew what he wanted to do. Well, he knew what but not how. And the Freedom Fighters? Well that was a downright dream come true! And... wait, they wanted mechanics too! He was a mechanic! By the fifth poster he passed, Circuit snatched it, holding it in his hands like a cherished trophy. Yes! He was going to do this!
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Sima had been a waitress for precisely one week and two days. Today was the day, it would seem, that she must reasonably decide to call it quits.

"You can't just walk away! You haven't fixed my coffee! I demand a new cup, and make it less bitter this time!!!"

Sima, like the reasonable person she was, responded for grabbing the first glass she saw and hurling it just over the insufferable customer's head. "You ungrateful wretch, don't complain to me about bitterness until you have tasted the cold stale bread covered in snow at three thousand feet above sea level! I QUIT!!!"

She slammed the door on the way out, and two blocks later, stopped and sighed. This wasn't working. Maybe she shouldn't try the city, after all. Perhaps a smaller village somewhere? Something that felt more like home? She just needed, somehow, to find a place...and that's when she saw it.

We need your help!

Can you fly? Are you a skilled mechanic? Can you shoot laser beams out of your eyes? Can you control time and space?

Although you might not have these exact abilities, we are looking for powerful individuals who are willing to...


There will be a meeting at Freedom Fighter HQ tomorrow at 11:00 am
12 - 18 year olds only

Remember, your planet needs YOU

Sima didn't know if that poster was there this morning or not, but now, her breath caught at the sight of it. She tore it off and took a closer look. A freedom fighter...she had heard the tales of their exploits before. She used to tell it, even, to the village children. They were heroes, the reason why, despite ongoing threats, their world enjoyed so much peace today. It's why people like her, in the Dragon Kingdom and wherever, were free. Were they really...looking for proteges?

She read the poster again. She couldn't build. She couldn't shoot lasers. She couldn't control time and space. But...she did have skill. Sima knew that. Yes, sometimes she doubted...but she knew she could fight as well as the rest of them. She had been trained for that, all her life. Sally Acorn didn't have powers; neither did Antoine D' Coolette...perhaps, could they really teach her? Could she have a mentor again?

She was decided. There was no reason why not. She was going to that meeting tomorrow.
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A cloud of dust blew up into the air as Tish pushed open the door to the building that used to be her home, causing her to cough as she inhaled the cloud of dust. Tish looked around the ruined building, it was completely shrouded in darkness apart from small areas where holes in the walls and ceiling allowed the sunlight to stream into the building, illuminating the specks of dust as they danced in the air. Tish sighed, she was currently feeling a strange mixture of emotions, on one hand, being back home made her feel as if nothing had ever happened, like Eggman never attacked and like she never left, but on the other hand, the damage to the building and the thick layer of dust was a painful reminder that not only had the attack happened but also that no one had been inside the house for a very long time. Tish suddenly felt short of breath, partially due to the vast amounts of dust and partially due to the overwhelming tidal waves of emotions and memories that were flooding through her mind. Tish quickly left the house and took a few steps away from the abandoned building, she needed some air.

Tish walked from her childhood home to the centre of the small village she'd grown up in. In many ways, the village was the same, she didn't know hardly any of the people who now seemed to live here but the architecture was all almost exactly how she remembered it. There was a small pillar in the centre of the village that served as a sort of memorial to anyone who fell victim to Eggman or his robots, the names of each victim had been hand carved into the side of the pillar, some of the names had started to fade away but most of them were, at least, still readable. Tish looked over the names, there were many more than she remembered there being the last time she had been here, many of the names were familiar to her, friends and family who'd been stolen from her by an egotistical maniac and his toys. Tish was about to walk away from the memorial when she noticed something that made her blood run cold. Tish ran her fingers over the cold surface of the memorial pillar, feeling the letters of one of the names with her fingertips. Among the list of the dead, she had found her own name.

Tish turned around, ready to leave, she'd had one too many painful memories for today. As she made her way towards the outskirts of the village, something caught her eye, it was a poster of sorts. Out of curiosity, Tish walked over to where the poster was pinned and read it, she had been expecting it to be for a local event of sorts, but as she read it, she quickly realised that that wasn't the case. The poster was actually a recruitment poster for none other than the freedom fighters. The idea of being able to work alongside her heroes immediately filled Tish with an intense sense of excitement, there was no way she was going to pass up this opportunity...
~Time skip wooo!~

The next day: 10:50 am.

Willow bounded lightly on her toes. She had been eagerly awaiting this moment, and now a huge mixture of nerves and excitement boiled under her fur. Nevertheless, she was ready for this moment! She entered the Freedom Fighter HQ and was lead by signs to a grand hallway with rows and rows of chairs. There was a stage at the front, most likely where the Freedom Fighters would talk. She was startled that a lot of the seats were taken up, but honestly, how many would decide to come back after this talk?

Willow approached a seat at the end of an empty row at the back and sat down. She was wriggling and tapping her feet against the floor. She couldn't take this anymore! She needed to let out her excitement in some way. "ISN'T THIS EXCITING?" She suddenly yelled, the chatter in the room fell silent. Willow didn't care, she was glad she got that out of her system.
"What was that?" Sky wondered, as he noticed the room fall silent after Willow's yell. "Meh, it doesn't matter." Sky says, trying to ignore it. He had only one objective in mind, and that was to become one of the new Freedom Fighters. As many people where here at the moment, he knew only very few would become Freedom Fighters. And he would do his best work to be one of those few.

Dawn felt out of place. Things never got this crowded in Mirage Saloon. To be honest, she felt uncomfortable in the middle of such a crowd. The noise of the crowd, the sight of so many people around her... she was beginning to feel disorientated. Suddenly, Dawn heard something. "ISN'T THIS EXCITING!?" Everything went silent after that. Dawn just felt relieved that there was a moment of silence. This was her first time in a crowded place like this, and she was still trying to adapt herself to this new situation. She just hoped the Freedom Fighters would come soon. The crowd would certainly remain silent once the Freedom Fighters started talking.
Tish walked into the building that served as the Freedom Fighter HQ and followed the signs that lead her towards the meeting area. As Tish walked into the grand hall she froze momentarily. There were many more people here than she was expecting which made her feel slightly overwhelmed. Tish had spent the last however many years it had been with very limited interaction with other people and the vast majority of her limited interaction had been negative in some way or another so the fact that she was suddenly thrusting herself into a situation that would require a large amount of social interaction was somewhat overwhelming to her. Tish forced herself to move forward and headed towards a seat that was near the back of the room and that didn't have that many people sitting in the nearby area, hoping that she would somehow be able to avoid having to directly talk to anyone, at least for now.
Willow's ears pricked up when she noticed a fox that had sat down on the same row as her, just on the complete opposite end. Willow just needed to get out all of her excitement right now, so she shuffled down all the chairs until she was right next to the fox. "Hi!" Willow greeted. "Oh, I'm so looking forward to this! Which Freedom Fighters do you think will come out to give a speech today?" All theses question were coming in one fast continuous stream. "You know, I've heard rumours that Team Dark and the Chaotix, and that time traveller and princess from another dimension are also going to be here! AAAAAAAAAAAA I CAN'T WAIT!"
Geozaki Geozaki
Tish was a little distant, she was slowly looking around the room, trying to accustom herself with the gradually growing crowd of people around her. A sudden noise beside Tish made her jump out of her fur, she looked toward the source of the sudden sound to see a deer beside her talking very loudly and at an incredible speed. Before Tish had really been able to fully process the girl's sudden appearance, she'd stopped talking, leaving a rather startled Tish trying to process what the girl had said in order to make sense of the words in her head. "H-hi..." Tish responded to the excitable girl nervously, her heart was still pounding in her chest as a result of the shock of the girl's sudden appearance. Tish took a deep breath, trying to compose herself a little. "Wh-who would you most like to m-make a speech?" She asked, unsuccessfully trying to hide her nerves.
Dontforgettograbastick Dontforgettograbastick
"Hmm.." Willow tapped her chin in careful consideration. "For some reason, I want Knuckles to give a speech, his will probably very short but he'll probably yell all the way through!" She laughed. With a jolt she suddenly realised how nervous this girl was, she stuttered on her words and frankly looked like she was about to have a heart attack. "Don't worry! This is just a speech, there's not going to be any fighting today," Willow comforted the fox, misunderstanding why the fox was nervous. Willow tried to ease the girl's mood. "My name is Willow, what's yours?" She asked pleasantly, holding out a hand for the fox to shake.
Geozaki Geozaki
In another chair, a yellow furred fox with a white muzzle, looking similar to Tails was sitting. His name was Blade Eastwood, and he had come to try out for the Freedom Fighters as well after reading the posters spread through Spagonia the other day. Blade was interested by the idea that the Freedom Fighters were gonna train a new generation of Freedom Fighters, and so he came to the tryouts. He may not be able to shoot lasers from his eyes, but he's an excellent pilot, gunman, driver, had great levels of strength and was a skilled and tactical melee fighter. His aunt Courtney approved of his decision, seeing it as the perfect way for Blade to serve justice, and his friends Danny Richards and Maurice Lennox supported his decision as well, although Danny and Maurice didn't come to the tryouts because they weren't skilled enough, but they supported Blade regardless.
"Here goes, Blade. You're gonna do this, you're gonna show the Freedom Fighters your skill, you're gonna keep calm, you're gonna demonstrate quickly, and then you're gonna hope that you'll make it." Blade thought to himself as he took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
Tish giggled a little as her head became filled with an exaggerated image of Knuckles storming into the stage, screaming a few words at the gathered audience and then storming off again. “Fighting?” Tish asked uncertainly as the deer mentioned that today was just a speech. In all honesty, Tish hadn’t really thought about the possibility that they’d have to fight someone as part of the whole initiation process. It should have been pretty obvious but Tosh hadn’t really thought much about what would happen once she got here. Tish looked up at the deer as she announced that her name was Willow, noticing that Willis hand was outstretched for a shake, Tish shook her hand. “T-Titian... I-I’m Titian... B-but you can call me Tish... I-if you like?” Tish explained, stumbling over her words a little. “I-it’s nice to meet you, Willow.” She added. She’d noticed that she was trembling, but hoped that Willow wouldn’t notice. As much as talking to someone who had, until moments ago, been a complete stranger to her terrified Tish, she was actually very thankful for Willow’s company.
Dontforgettograbastick Dontforgettograbastick
"Aw! Tish is such a cute sounding name and I don't even know why!" Willow exclaimed. When Willow came into contact with Tish's hand, she felt that Tish's hand was trembling, rather violently. "It will be fine! I promise!" She tried to soothe the sweet looking fox. Willow glanced around a bit, and couldn't help but notice a fox that looked almost disturbingly similar to Tails. Willow's eyes lit up and she proceeded to shake Tish's shoulder violently. "DO YOU THINK THAT COULD BE TAILS' SECRET BROTHER? I'VE BEEN ON THIS FORUM AND WE'VE BEEN THEORISING FOR AGES NOW, DO YOU THINK WE'VE FOUND HIM?" Willow practically screamed this in Tish's face, and this shout was probably audible to the entire hall again.
Geozaki Geozaki AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat
Blade was startled by Willow's shouting and looked to her.

"I might look similar to Tails, but I'm not related to him. It's just a coincedence." He replied to her.
Tish felt herself blushing as Willow announced that her name was cute. "Th-thanks..." She mumbles shyly. Tish giggled as Willow shook her shoulder and practically screamed her theory that the fox she was pointing at could be Tails' secret brother. Despite her nerves, the fact that people were turning to look at them wasn't making her as nervous as it usually would have, it was nice to be involved in something that was a little bit... 'crazy' again. The fox in question turned to face Willow and informed her that he was in no way related to Tails but rather it was just a coincidence. For some reason, Tish was finding the whole incident hilarious but she was trying her hardest to cover up the fact she was laughing. She didn't know why she was finding it so funny, maybe she just needed a laugh, it had been a while since she last had reason to find anything even in the slightest bit funny. Tish took a deep breath and wiped her eyes which had started to tear up. She composed herself and the laughter pains in her stomach gradually faded away. "W-well... I guess that answers that one?" She said playfully, despite having known Willow for a very short amount of time, Tish was already starting to feel comfortable around her. Maybe it was because of her excitable demeanour or maybe it was something else, Tish didn't really know. "Maybe during this whole process, you might get a chance to ask Tails in person if he has a brother?" Tish suggested.
Dontforgettograbastick Dontforgettograbastick AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat
Sky hears Willow yelling again, and starts to lose his patience. "Alright, that's it! Who's yelling so much back there!?" Sky stands up and looks towards the back rows to see who's yelling so much.

"Hey, let people yell as much as they want!" Dawn calls out from another row of the room. "It's not like the speech began already or such."

"But it will soon." Sky answered. "And we won't be able to hear any of it if the ones in the back rows keep yelling so much!"

"Just deal with it." Dawn says, looking a bit annoyed. Sky rolls his eyes, and sits back down at his seat.
There were a lot of people here. Too many people.

Sima stood against the wall and watched from the side. She would sit down, but she felt her stomach fluttering a bit, though she didn't know why. She just needed a little distance. All the yelling was keeping her hand on the hilt of her sword anyways--it felt like something was just going to explode, any second now. But she told herself it was fine. Yes, riff raff was to be expected. They did specifically request younger Mobians, after all. She, at 18, was just at the top of that range. And she would consider herself quite capable and mature...if she did say so herself.

"Who's yelling so much back there!?"

Sima jumped once more at this eagle yelling a storm a mere few feet from her, before getting reprimanded by another voice from across the room. She sighed. When were they going to get to fight to prove their mettle already? This was taking too long. "You know, it is rather counter intuitive to express distress about yelling with more yelling." Sima cut her eyes at the eagle as she addressed him.
Blade just chuckled. He had been compared to Tails for most of his life, but he didn't mind, as he saw being compared to Tails as a compliment. He then started imagining himself out on the battlefield as a Freedom Fighter. He was running down the battlefield, gunning down Eggman robots, saving civilians, driving them to safety in a car, anything that could be considered heroic. Blade smiled at the idea of him as a Freedom Fighter.
"Me as a Freedom Fighter...I never would've thought that would be possible...But it just might come true..." Blade said to himself with a chuckle.
Willow ended up feeling really disappointed. She was sure that fox was Tails' brother! Or maybe they were cousins, very distant cousins. Satisfied with this explanation, she turned back to Tish. "You know what, maybe I will ask him." She smiled. Suddenly, she caught the Tails-lookalike speaking to himself.
"Me as a Freedom Fighter...I never would've thought that would be possible...But it just might come true..." "I know, isn't this crazy!" Willow responded. "All our childhood dreams are coming true! Well, I mean, shouldn't we have expected this? The Freedom Fighters aren't exactly going to be fighting robots when they're 60!" She chuckled.
Willow's ears pricked up as she heard someone else yell in the hall. An eagle was standing up and wait- was he shouting at the back row? Oh jeez, he was shouting at her specifically. She felt her cheeks begin to grow hot with embarrassment. The thought hadn't occurred to her that she was being disruptive.
"Alright, that's it! Who's yelling so much back there!?"
"Hey, let people yell as much as they want!" Another voice added, it was a rabbit with a cowboy hat. "It's not like the speech began already or such."
"But it will soon. And we won't be able to hear any of it if the ones in the back rows keep yelling so much! "
"Just deal with it."
"You know, it is rather counter intuitive to express distress about yelling with more yelling." Someone else added, this time it was a snow leopard. Dang, did that girl sound smart!
Willow stood up, gripping one of her arms in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for causing this! I will shut up now!" Willow sat back down.
"Looks like first impressions aren't looking promising." Willow muttered to Blade and Tish.
AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat BlossomingRosebud BlossomingRosebud Geozaki Geozaki Redfork2000 Redfork2000
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Blade turned to Willow, chuckling awkwardly.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting them to be fighting robots in a wheelchair either. It's up to us to carry on their legacy, if we make it through the selections, that is." He replied. He then noticed all the yelling around him.
"Yeah, the first impressions for most of these people aren't looking that promising." He muttered back. "Fortunately, I am a lot more mature, and I don't shout unless I feel like I need to." Blade added.
Willow laughed and lightly punched Blade's shoulder. "I'm glad to have someone who's mature around here! Considering I have the maturity of a 5 year old!" Willow once again felt embarrassed. "I apologise for needlessly shouting, I'm just so dang excited! And nervous!" Willow confessed. She started to tap her feet impatiently on the floor. It was 10:58, why couldn't the Freedom Fighters just start the speech already? She turned to Blade to try and pass the time. "Me and Tish here were talking, who do you want to give a speech-"

A figure could be seen walking on the stage. A spotlight came on, to reveal none other than Sonic the Hedgehog himself. At the back of the stage were the Freedom Fighters, Team Dark, and the Chaotix standing all in one row. "Hello everybody! Sonic's the name, speeds my game!" Sonic greeted to the audience. The crowd immediately started an uproar of cheers which Willow joined in with wholeheartedly. Here she was, seeing Sonic the Hedgehog in the flesh. This was such a momentous occasion! She started to shake Blade and Tish violently. "It's him! It's really him!" Willow whisper-shouted.
AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat Geozaki Geozaki
Blade was startled by Willow shaking him violently. "Y-Y-Y-Yeah, it is him!" Blade replied as he was being shaken like a piggy bank by a child who was one nickel short for the ice cream truck. He straightened himself and turned to Sonic to listen to his speech.

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