Soldier Ezra Mir




"Injustice Anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"


Appearance: Ezra stands at roughly 6"4 and weights 168lbs. He has shoulder length hair that also extends just over his eyes, they take on a greyish blue hue which matches his soft blue eyes. His face is quite ;sharp' giving him quite an intense expression, despite being completely relaxed. He keeps himself clean shaven barely having more then soft stubble around his cheeks and chin. Underneath his right armpit is a large scar that extends down to just above his waist, a reminder of a painful foolhardy adventure when he was younger. 

Age: 24
Gender/Sex: Heterosexual Male
Height and Weight: 6'4 / 168lbs
Ethnicity/Race: British - Welsh Mother/English Father
Side: Soldier/Guardian of Peace
Element(s): Main: Ice / Sound Lesser: Water / Anatomy
Weapon:A one and a half great sword that he keeps sheathed around his waist. Its blade is lined with 4 holes (each roughly the size of a kiwi) that resonate with the wind when the sword is swung, releasing a soft whistling sound. He also carries a few throwing knives on his body.

For the Sword, see his main Picture.



Hand or Weapons Skills: Ambidextrous, Ezra is fully capable of wielding his sword with either hand with masterful proficiency. In conjunction with his abilities he is also fairly accurate with his throwing knives, though there is room for improvement.

Special Attack Solo:

Dry Ice - The ability to coat himself and his weapons in a sheath of dry ice. Dry ice is extremely cold and can freeze cells causing injury similar to a burn, likewise the mist it produces is cold and can hinder opponents eyesight. Ezra is unaffected by the severe coldness.
List of Minor Abilities: 

- Telescopic Vision (Anatomy) - Like a bird of prey, Ezra can alter his perception granting him telescopic vision which enables to see things at a further distance with perfect vision, whereas a standard human could not.
- Hollow Skeleton (Anatomy) - Ezra's bones are hollow much like a birds. This gives him lighter movement which in turn means that he can stand on surfaces that would not normally carry his weight, i.e. Branches. He can walk on terrain such as swamps/mud/sand with ease and does not leave footprints.
- Ice Manipulation (Ice) -By freezing the moisture present in the air, Ezra can create and manipulate ice in a variety of forms to suit his needs for both utility, offensive and defensive purposes.
- Echolocation (Sound) - Self  explanatory. Ezra can use echolocation in places where his vision is hindered. 
- Inaudibility (Sound) - The ability to devoid a small space of any sound. This is limited to a small area around his whole body. When activated, this prevents any sounds from escaping and being heard by others, such as footsteps or breathing.
- Enhanced Hearing (Sound) - Increased ability to perceive and hear sound.

- Bubble bombs (water) - Ezra's control over water allows him to create football sized bubbles. These bubbles will float aimlessly around the battle field, however will explode upon contact releasing icy cold air onto the target sending them flying backwards. Likewise, the cold air will cause damage akin to a burn on the skin. 

- Mist generation (water) - Creates a thick cloud of mist that hampers enemy vision by manipulating the water molecules in the air.

- Liquid Camouflage (water) - Ezra can blend into the water, rendering him unseen to the naked eye.



"For Evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing."


Ezra has a 'devil-may-care' attitude to life, often doing something reckless despite there being a safer albeit longer alternative to tackling the situation. Regardless of the outcome, he always comes out with a smile on his face and a lesson learnt. This reckless nature of his is not only limited towards his duty as a guardian, but also shows itself through his daily life. From barging into a fight he didn't belong in to his often failed attempts at striking up a relationship. 


Not one to anger quickly, Ezra has the patience to rival anyone. It is no surprise that he has on more then one instance found himself becoming the peacemaker within an argument; this has led to him getting a good fist to the face every time he has tried to barge in and diffuse a brawl. Really, the only thing that can strike an angry chord within him is the needless endangerment of innocent bystanders and civilians. 


Ezra never allows himself to get too drunk; on booze... or the fame that the guardians sometimes find themselves to be in. He will gladly forsake a few beers and be the designated driver, if it guaranteed that everybody else got home safe. Small sacrifices now may potentially prevent a bigger one down the road. 


There are those rare moments that Ezra sometimes comes across as a klutz, often during times of relative peace and tranquility when he can lower his guard and act just like a normal human being. These are the moments that he relishes, living life knowing that he has the time to be a fool without having to worry about dire consequences that may occur should his focus ever be lost. 


In regards to his position as a guardian soldier, Ezra is not too fussed about it. He tries to live life the same way as he did prior to partnering with Eos. At the end of the day, he is no different to anybody else and like most people, would rather live life in peace. 


- Sparring at the training grounds

- Observing the fighting styles of others

- Sharpening his blade

- Spending the day in various 'fruit farms'

- Freshly squeezed juice

- Keeping himself busy

- Working on a farm

- Days where 'Evil' doesn't haunt his thoughts


- How susceptible humanity is towards turning evil

- Overzealous people

- Unnecessary conflict

- Lectures




"With Great power comes Great responsibility..."


Ezra comes from a small family background situated in Paganum, raised by a couple who were unable to conceive on their own. One summer's night, the temperature around the village had dropped drastically low; an unusual phenomena for that time of year, likewise on the same night several villagers had reported seeing a large silhouette flying away in the night sky; believing it to be the cause of the unusually cold night.  Ezra was found the next day, his smallish figure wrapped tightly in a blanket surrounded by navy blue feathers. The owners of the home were left confused, but did not hesitate to take the young boy into their care. He was seen as a blessing by the heavens, their inability to have their own children answered by the arrival of Ezra. Of course they had consorted with the village elder, yet no one stepped forward regarding the matter and he was soon adopted by the couple. He was raised as their own son, oblivious to their lack of blood relations until they felt he was old enough to bear the truth; the night he turned 16.  


For the years Ezra lived in peace, Eos had kept a watchful eye over him, always keeping his distance from the young lad, believing that it would be best for him to be raised among his own kind rather than by himself, waiting for the right time to approach him. For reasons even he could not explain, he was drawn out to sea that faithful night, a faint voice calling towards him. The sea's that night were all but calm, the raging waters threatening all outsiders to stay well away from its icy depths. In the far distance, a small vessel sailed, a merchant shipped filled with artifacts from lands beyond and carrying passengers seeking for a better life in places far from their own countries. The ship was not built to withstand such violent waters and to no surprise soon found itself in trouble. Ezra was the sole survivor of that tragic night; rescued by the Praeses Eos; though not even he knows from where Ezra originates from. 


His father was a talented blacksmith having crafted several weapons for many guardians of peace, thus his profession had given him strong connections with the mighty warriors. As Ezra came of age, his father had introduced the boy to one of his many customers, a swordsman of note who had agreed to train Ezra in the art of swordsmanship. From the day he was found, surrounded by blue feathers on the coldest night in the village's history, he had felt the boy was destined to be far more then a simple craftsman. Believing this he had wanted to give the boy every opportunity possible to grasp his potential. He spent years under the tutelage of this man, his first solely devoted to building up his body, learning to use his left hand with just as much delicacy as his right. The second was spent on survival skills, learning how to create a fire, track down a target, live off the lands for days on end devoid of civilization. It was only when the third year came that he was instructed in the art of swordplay.


With their training reaching its end, the pair had began their journey back to Paganum, taking the main merchant road back to their village. However disaster happened upon them as they were ambushed along the trail, a dozen bandits taking his instructor by surprise and dealing a grievous wound to his leg. Being unable to move efficiently, Ezra was left as the only one capable of combat, though his odds of surviving unharmed were little more then zero. Thinking that this was their end, the boy and his teacher had resolved to take as many of the bandits with them as possible, knowing full well that they would most likely die in the process.  Ezra charged the bandits, only to be stopped in his tracks by a large gust of cold air. It was then that Eos revealed himself to the boy, the large Avian Praeses sweeping down from the skies above and landing among the group of bandits. With great ease the Great Owl had dispatched the dozen men, turning his attention fully onto the boy he had watched for many years. 

With his connections, Ezra's instructor had informed the chieftain about his partnership with Eos. 



'The NightStalker'


Species: Avian - Horned Owl
Gender/Sex: Male
Age: 4981
Size Information: His body is roughly the size of a mini cooper  with proportionate wingspan.
Element of Guardian: Main: Ice/Sound/Wind Lesser: Healing/Water







Special Abilities

- Ice breath - The ability to breath out icy cold wind from his mouth that instantly freezes whatever it makes contact with.

- Let it Rain - A series of sharp ice feathered projectiles rained down from his wings.


Special Attack with Guardian:

A combination of Ezra's bubble bombs and Eos's feathered projectiles, Eos will release a wave of icy projectiles down towards a field of bubbles, igniting all of them instantaneously to massive effect. An alternate version of this combination comes in the form of carpet bombing. Whilst Ezra rides on the back of Eos, he creates several large bubbles, which Eos then freezes, increasing its density and causing the explosive bubble to rain down upon the earth before exploding upon contact.


Theme Song

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