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Fantasy Sohnelbuy Detective Agency: Red Card

Prologue 1


WARNING: This quest is frequently features excessive use of explicit language. Viewer discretion is advised?

The year is XX52. An evil necromancer has risen up to threaten the lands of Avarisse. That was the idea, anyway, until a brave hero and his four companions rose up to defeat this vile opponent and save the Kingdom. That was 15 years ago, and since then the hero has reigned as a benevolent ruler of the kingdom capital: Cogsburg. That story has no relevance to what will transpire today.

For 14 years, the land was peaceful and everyone could live freely and happily. That was, until a new threat bared its fanged and descended on the world with plans to take over as rulers of the land; a shadow group led by none other than a vicious mage and his army of spies and mages. However, they were thwarted by the daughter of the previous hero. Again, this story has nothing to do with today, but it is nice to tell kids about.

Now... nothing has happened, yet. Anyways, let's talk about something else. The capital of Cogsburg is in the South of the donut shaped continent of Avarisse. The biggest city; Sohnelbuy, is in the North, which obviously makes it superior. This is where the legendary Sohnelbuy Detective Agency is housed! Yes, we are detectives in this brave new world, as criminals and thieves have become more cunning since recent day, as is expected of a growing city. Even the contraption known as the "flintlock", which has been banned from civilian use, has found its way into the hands of criminals, and they must be tracked down and stopped!

"Are you done yet?"

"Uhh. I guess, do you need something?"

"Tell the two to get back to the office. I've got a new assignment for them."

XX67, Sohnelbuy
A man wearing a thick, leather coat walked down a dark alleyway, making sure to keep a low profile as he looked for his target. Then he stopped, staying out of the sunlight that illuminated the nearby corridor.
Some people were going to be meeting here; the local detective was to isolate and capture the illegal weapons dealer, and then... wing it.

He waited. One, two, four minutes, but at last his quarry appeared. Two men approached the area, with one of them just looking like all of their brainpower was exhausted for muscle mass. They were met by a man in a longcoat and fancy hat, carrying a large bag with him.

"So, I assume you've got the guns in there?" The first man asked.

The dealer chuckled. "Of course I do," he said, highlighting his high, sleazy voice. "why would I come here if I didn't?" He then opened his bag for the buyer to look in, who inspected the contents of it for a few seconds before nodding.

"How much for em all?"
"I told you this yesterday, 300 gold pieces.
"I wasn't sure if you were joking or if that was the actual price. If all these are worth 300, then I want to know that i'm getting my money's worth."

This might take a while, though now might be a good time to act, or plan out something for this. That burly man might be a problem though.
The detective reassessed his equipment: A silver-plated flintlock, a short sword, and a magical communication crystal.

ButtonX.png Wait for the trade to finish, then follow the dealer.
ButtonS.png Threaten everyone with your pistol.
ButtonC.png Shoot the big man.
ButtonT.png Actually... (Write-in, do something else)

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Sana Natsuko Sana Natsuko
Some quests will usually feature a Write-In option at some points, in case someone's two cents happens to be better than all the choices presented.
For a write-in, you must present a different choice and then possibly hope that people agree with it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, sorry my brain didn't process the 'write-in' for some reason and I was just like, '...green triangle'
Prologue 2
WARNING: This quest is frequently features excessive use of explicit language. Viewer discretion is advised?

Wait for the trade to finish, then follow the dealer.

You know what? The most obvious approach, is just to chill. The mission was to catch the big fish, anyway.
The detective just casually leaned against the wall, waiting for the long drawn-out argument about whether a bag of guns was worth 300 gold pieces. Probably not, but mercenaries make a lot of money these days.

"Alright, alright! You got me. I'll settle for... 270 gold." The dealer said in a defeated manner. Hardly a discount at all if you ask me...

"Are you- ugh, y'know what? Fine, take your stupid money! I've been wasting too much time out here with you." With that, the purchasing man slaps a pouch of gold with a big 270 marked on it on the dealer's hand and takes the gun bag.

The dealer cheerfully grinned and gave his 'satisfied' customer a wave. "Thank you for your-"

"You shut your mouth, you goddamn imbecile." The angry customer snapped, turning to leave.
Both him and his goon walked past the detective leaning against the wall, obliviously giving him an unassuming glance.

"Another day, another deal. Well done." He literally gave himself a pat in the back. And begins to walk away; now's the time.

Ring-a-ding ding! His communication crystal in his back pocket suddenly begun reverberating, signalling a receiving 'call'. "Oh shit!" He shouted out, though luckily the leaving dealer didn't notice.
Despite being on an important mission, he activates the crystal anyway. "What is it?" He whispers, clearly stressed.

<< Spade, return to the office. We've got something we need you for. >> A female voice softly echoed through the alley from the crystal.

What... "I'm in the middle of something, boss! I need to catch this guy before he leaves my sight." Glancing to his right, he noticed that the dealer had left his sight. Panicked, he walked over to the street where he last saw him, and easily spotted the dealer casually taking a walk.

<< ♪ Did I interrupt something important? ♪ >>
"Yes!" Keep walking, Spade. Gotta stay focused on that guy.
<< Oh. Well, come back quickly once you're done. >>
"Yeahsurewhatever, alrightseeyalater." He quickly 'deactivated' the crystal and power-walked towards the dealer as he had gained quite a lot of distance in the meantime.

Of course, since the dealer was so bad at making sure he wasn't being followed, Spade was able to trail right behind him, and just walked into an unassuming house, which was probably his.

Being the polite policeman he was, Spade subtly knocked on the door. The dealer opened it, unknowing of what was to happen. "Hello? Can I help you?"


"Yes, I believe you can. You see, i've heard of some disturbing reports of a man illegally selling guns to people without a permit. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"


Found another homicide today. A man shot and killed via a pistol. The killer left the crime scene quickly... but not fast enough. Sure, look around in all directions to make sure you're not being followed, but none will think to look above them.

After running away for a few minutes, the killer came to a stop in an abandoned, wooden house, panting. He took one last glance around him, and sat on a crate knowing that he wouldn't found for a while. At least that's what he thinks!

The price for murder is justice as any cost. That means he has to be taken... Dead, or Alive.

Slinking in the shadows, the witnessing person hopped through an open window and into cover behind some debris from a broken roof. Alright asshole, let's see how you like it when you're going to get your ass handed to you.

Got two iron-plated flintlocks. And a dagger, I guess.

ButtonR2.png Shoot his dumb ass.

1576089559692.png Slit his throat.
1576089570753.png Whack him.
1576089579072.png Let's tone it down, slightly. (Write-in)
Prologue 3: Two Paths
Sana Natsuko Sana Natsuko Doctor Nope Doctor Nope D duegxybus official clown business official clown business thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
WARNING: This quest is frequently features excessive use of explicit language. Viewer discretion is advised?[/I][/B]

Shoot his dumb ass.

The figure stepped out from the cover, the sunlight illuminating her medium, light-brown hair and dull green eyes.
"Heh." She smirked, pulling a flintlock out from her thin leather jacket and aiming it at the murderer's head.

And then the communication crystal on her belt began making an annoying ringing noise.

"Wha?" *BLAM* The floor was immediately painted a sickly red when a dead man's face met it.

After a quick twirl, the woman holsters her pistol and activates the communication crystal, raising it to her ear. "What now?"

<< I just heard a gunshot. Was that you? >>

She pauses to glance at the bleeding body. "...yep. Nothing to worry about, though."

<< Whatever you say. Head back to the office as soon as you're able. We've got an important task for you. >>

"Why can't you just tell me what it is now?"

There was a slight giggle on the other end. << Now that would just be too easy. No, Ana, we need both you and Spade here. Also, it would be a good opportunity to stretch your wings. >>

Ana grunted slightly, preparing to angrily respond, but the crystal stopped making noise, signalling the "hang up". "Hey!" No good. "Ugh..."

Making sure no one was outside to investigate the noise, Ana stepped out herself. She adjusted her jacket slightly, and then... Two large, bat-like wings sprouted out of her back. Rapidly flapping them, she ascended into the air and begun flying towards the station, making a mental note to tell someone to clean up the body.

S.D.A. Offices

Walking through the hallways of the station, a woman wearing a black officers uniform complete with a cap, was starting to hear some slight talking coming from the lobby through some doors.

Dramatically, she opened the doors, the non-existent wind blowing her long, white hair.
...though no one seemed to pay attention to it.

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it, Mr. goody two-shoes!" Seems like local detectives Spade and Ana were bickering again.

They really gotta sort out their issues. Not that it's my job to do anything about it, though.

"Don't just give me that!" Spade shot back, frustrated. "You have a duty! If you just keep killing people indiscriminately, people won't learn to respect the law!"

Ana hissed. "Like I give a fuck! I don't need you to tell me how to do my job!"

"That's enough, you two." The officer said in a sternly. She looked at Spade. "I brought the dealer to lockup, so everything is fine now."

"Thank you, Officer S." Spade said, bowing slightly. "But I think my point still stands. Officer Fricker indiscriminately shot and killed a man."

"It wasn't indiscriminate! I saw the guy shoot a fucking person."

Spade shot Ana an angry glare. "But you didn't-"

"Save your lectures for when I'm not here, Reiren. I didn't call you both here just to listen to your argument." S turned around. "Follow me. Officer Tranquil has requested your presence."


"Yes sir."

"...yes sir."
They both followed S, with Reiren trying to ignore the victorious smile that Ana was giving him.

S led Reiren and Ana through the halls and stairs of the office complex, if you could even call it that in this day and age.
Eventually, they reached the office of the head honcho: Tranquil.
Without knocking, S just opened the door, with the two detectives just letting themselves in. "Here they are, boss."

Tranquil was a large man with black hair that created sinister shadows over his eyes. He wore a similar officer's outfit as S, with his body pretty much towering over everyone in the room. "Thank you, Officer S." He said, bearing a cold smile.

S just reflected with a blank, happy stare.

"You can leave now."

One nod, and S left the room, making sure to close the mahogany door behind her.
"Now do you know why I called you two here?"

By the way, the office? It's just a two nice chairs with a table between them.
"So you can waste our time again with a long speech?"


"Because you had an important mission for us, sir?"

"Correct, Officer Spade. Now, have any of you ever heard of a vampire?"

Ana certainly didn't. "What now?"

Reiren took a step forward. "They're a race hailing from the Ash Islands, sir. Farther north than where the succubi came from."

Tranquil smiled dryly, and then slowly and dramatically walked around his desk. "There's been a series of murders in some of the settlements outside of Sohnelbuy. Evidence points to the culprit being a vampire, but no one has actually witnessed the murderer."

"So you're stuck, then?"

"I'm sure I don't have to remind you about your job, so I'll spare you the lecture. I need you both to find whoever committed this massacre... And put a stop to them."

Reiren saluted. "Right away, sir. I'll-"

"Both of you take care of it, together."

"I beg your pardon, sir?"

"Is he fucking shitting me?!"

The two detectives were outside with S, who was casually reading a paper. "Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad. In fact, it'll probably be good for you!"

Ana angrily pointed a finger at S. "Oh, don't you fucking start with that shit again, bitch."

Meanwhile, Reiren was polishing his pistol. "I think you'll have to take this seriously, Ana. Remember that Tranquil had us come all the way over here to tell us."

"By the way... Tranquil said I had to put one of you in charge, otherwise you'll just argue over every decision." S put her paper away and stood up to give the two a staredown. "Now let me think..."

"Are you actually thinking about it?"
"Shut up, she needs to concentrate."
This decision will affect the rest of the story. Aim carefully.
Reiren Spade, the reasonable detective who always keeps a level head.
Ana Fricker, a brash but reliable detective who knows how to get the job done.

Reiren Spade
<< This idiot doesn't deserve to have a name like this. >>

Hew, age 20
Description: This nice guy prefers to keep any criminals as alive as possible when confronting them, as it's more on the humane side. Reiren has been with the SDA for 3 years, but his dedication to the job have given earned him the respect of his superiors and colleagues... all but one. He will be unlikely to attack first due to his standards, which is both a blessing and a curse to some people, but he still believes he can make the most out of a bad situation. Reiren is capable of casting some weak air magic, capable of disarming loose-fingered foes or jumping farther than usual.
Appearance: Wears a nice detective coat, along with a nice hat, tie, and shoes. Underneath the coat is a white shirt and generic leather pants. His hair color is a dull red and his eyes are colored hazel. Shaves frequently, so there's no hard boiled stubble.
Carries his silver-plated flintlock on a left-hand holster. Also equipped with a short sword.

GOOD COP.... ★★★★
BAD COP.......

Ana Fricker
<< You know, I kinda doubt that that is actually her last name. >>

Half-succubus, age 19
Description: Being a succubus, Ana is apparently supposed to have vibrantly colored hair and the ability to charm other people into doing her bidding. However, she is unable to have either due to slight genetic defects, not that it matters since it won't stop her from flying or shooting people. Ana has been with the SDA for 4 years. Always one to go for the easiest route, which usually involves committing murder herself, though she only gets a slap on the wrist most of the time. Ana has limited magic, only being able to conjure a triplet blazing darts, light things on fire, or instantly cause explosive material to combust.
Appearance: The main article of clothing she wears is a thin leather jacket that reaches about halfway on her arms. She wears generic pants and a pair of boots, along with a pair of leather gloves. Her short-ish hair is brown and her eyes are a dull green. Unlike most succubi, her wings aren't very large and her spindly tail is a little short.
Carries her iron flintlock on a magnet attached to her satchel, as well as a second one in a right-hand holster. Also equipped with a dagger.

CHARM........ ★★
SHOOTING.. ★★★★★

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Red Card 1: Bandits again
Doctor Nope Doctor Nope official clown business official clown business thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


He perked up slightly. "S."

"Ana will be taking charge. Have fun following her around."

"Wait, what?! Sir, you can't be serious!"

S made a small 'heh' before responding. "Consider it a gambit, Officer Spade." She then turned around to leave. "Evidence is on the table near the lobby. ♪ Try not to get into any trouble now, you two! ♪"

Before her commanding officer could leave, Ana quickly stepped forward and shot her hand out. "Hey, wait!" S turned around. "I killed a guy in an abandoned warehouse on the east side of town, so...?"

S nodded. "Of course." And then actually leaves for realsies. "BILL! Another body needs to be cleaned up!"


Ana was reading the evidence folder while Reiren was leaning on a pillar, clearly stewing in anger. "So, have you figured out what to do yet?"

"Of course I do!" Ana says, closing the folder and tucking it in her pocket. "We'll just head out of town and look for answers in the nearby settlements."

"Is that all?"

Ana just gave Reiren an angry glare. "I'll make it up as I go along. What's with all the questions, anyway? You don't trust S' judgement?"

Reiren just shrugged in response. "Most times I do, but recently i've been beginning to think that it's being clouded."

"You just think too fuckin' hard. Let's get outta here already." Ana beckons Reiren to follow her out of town, which she reluctantly does.

Extra Outside!
"Alright, so we just have to visit the little village down the road and hope those idiots tell us what we want to know." Ana repeated, walking while reading the evidence again.

"Uhh, Ana? I think you might want to stop."

"I don't think I will. I'm in charge, dumbass. You should be listening to me!"

He sighed. "You're kind of acting immature, but you should really-"

Ana turned to face Reiren. "WHAT?!" Sheepishly, he points behind her, where there were a few shady looking fellows. Three, to be exact.

"Well, well, look what we got here? Some people thinking they can walk on your road for free?" A hat-wearing thug starts. "Boys, that ain't very mannerly, is it?"

"It ain't, boss!"

The lead thug threateningly brings out a club, holding it in his two meaty hands. "Well, I think you heard my... associate. Why don't you pay up, missy?"

The succubus merely scoffs. "I think you should get the fuck out of my face."

"Oy, shuddap, you!" The leader barks to his goon, then he turns to the two. "Now... where was I?"

"You're intruding on official business, sir. I suggest that we part amicably as to remain unharmed." Reiren says, trying to reason with the hooligans.

The leader blinked. "Oh, oh, you hear that? He -suggests- that we part -amuhcublee-!" He immediately starts laughing, with his buddies following suit.

Then, the big bossman takes a step forward after wiping the tears from his face. "Now I suggest you hand over your money if you don't want this to get ugly!"

"Are you threatening me, shithead?"

"Yes, ma'am! So you better gimme your gold!"

ButtonR2.png Add another kill to your list.
ButtonSq.png Threaten him.
ButtonCi.png Run the hell away?
ButtonX.png Hmm... (Write-in)

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Red Card 2: Minor Situation
Doctor Nope Doctor Nope official clown business official clown business honeylemon honeylemon thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Add another kill to your list.

Ana shrugs and immediately takes a step back from the thug while drawing her firearm and aiming it at his face. "Told ya to fuck off."

"Ooh, real scary! Watch out, miss, you might-" Hurt someone? Yes, that's exactly what happened when the loud roar of the pistol sent metal into the bandit's face, instantly killing him.

"W-woah no!" One of the bandits tripped while taking a few steps backwards, and immediately began running. His partner on the other hand, was more angry than frightened. "Oh, you bitch! C'mere!" He pulled out an axe and started running towards Ana.

Reiren drew his pistol in response, but Ana was faster; she holstered her pistol, and then immediately hit the bandit with a quickdraw using her second pistol.

He staggered back, now having a hole in his chest. "Y-you..." He groaned as he collapsed to the ground.

As for the remaining bandit, he was still running away. Reiren had his gun trained on him, though Ana wasn't so interested. Alright, let him go then. "Hm. I was expecting you to ask me to shoot him."

"Nah, I was outta ammo." Ana replied, slowly reloading her pistols. "Did you want to shoot the bastard?"

He holstered his firearm. "Uhh, no. Just that..."

"We're all good then! So I'm guessin' you don't have any complaints?" With a heavy sigh being the only indicator of a response from her compatriot, Ana headed over to the nearest village.

West Outskirt Village

For a village, it seemed pretty empty. The doors on all the houses were closed, presumably to stop strangers from barging in and pilfering their valuables. "Huh... Not a soul in sight. Think the vampire ate them all?"

Reiren frowned. "Vampires don't eat people, Fricker. They drain life out of their victims using their fangs or magic."

"Whatever you say." Taking one last glance around the place, Ana turns to leave, ignoring the creaking of a door. "Welp, no one is here. Guess we should get going to another village?"

"Not yet. I think we should investigate the cause of the missing villagers first." Reiren was about to talk to a house and open the door, but turned to the direction of noise. "Watch out!"

"What?" Ana turned to see a man assaulting her with a wooden stick. "Ow!" She cried out, falling over.

Reiren quickly ran up to the stranger, who was raising the stick again, and blocked the incoming assault with his sword. "Hey- what's the matter with you?!" He then sharply pulls the top part of the stick towards him, snapping it over the sword.
The stranger stumbles forward with his weapon broken, allowing Reiren to push him off his feet.


Keeping an eye on the assailant, Reiren extends a hand to Ana. "Piss off." She quickly says, standing up on her own.

On a quick inspection, it appeared that the local attacker was just an elderly man. "Get outta here, you monsters!" He shouts.

"Watch what you fucking say." Ana snaps back, aiming her gun at him. "After what you just pulled, you better HOPE I'm feeling generous today!"

"Hey wait, don't!" Reiren interjects, gently moving the pistol away from the old man, he then turns to him. "Are you a villager? Listen, we're not here to hurt you."

"You think you can lie to me? I know you tried coming here yesterday, but those adventurers stopped you!" Reiren briefly looks over at Ana, exchanging a few glances with her. "Once they come back, they'll teach you a lesson!"

The detective shakes his head. "I believe you're mistaken. We work for the Sohnelbuy Detective Agency; we're here to help you."

The old man breathed heavily, and Ana was just rapidly tapping her foot on the ground waiting for a response. "I... I'm sorry, it's just that they've been causing us grief for days, and everyone is too scared to come out of their homes."

Ana smirked. "Oh, those guys who tried ambushing us outside? Yeah, we took care of them."

"I don't believe that bandit groups comprise of three people. There's probably more."

The old man rose up to his knees and pulled on Reiren's jacket. "Please, you have to help us! We can't handle any more of this!"

Reiren nods. "Don't worry, we'll handle it."

"Hey, that's not what we're here for! Our investigation is for murder, not pillage!"

"But we have to protect the people!" He yells back, taking the villager's hands off of him.

"It's not our problem!"

"It became your problem when you killed some of them! That guy we let go is gonna tell the other bandits what happened, and then they're going to come back and kill everyone with a vengeance!"

Ana opened her mouth to say something, but then just shrunk back and was only able to mutter a small "Goddamnit."

"So, will you help us?"

"They don't need our help. We're leaving."
"Fine, but this better not take long."
"Do it by yourself for all I care, Reiren."
"I'll take care of it if you deal with the case."

Red Card 3: Working on it
Doctor Nope Doctor Nope official clown business official clown business honeylemon honeylemon
"Do it by yourself for all I care, Reiren."


"You heard me, if you're sooo concerned about these villagers, then you take care of it!"

Reiren sighed. "Fine, I suppose I will. Does this mean you're going to be investigating the case, then?"

Ana nods in response. "That's right, since one of us knows how to do their job."

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" The old man said happily.

However, Reiren waved off his gratitude. "Save your thanks for when I've actually stopped the bandits." He turned to walk a few steps, but then paused to look at Ana. "I didn't know you were so vehemently focused on your job, detective Fricker."

Ana scowled. "Shut up! Get the fuck outta here."

Reiren simply smirked and left. Though he may or may not have asked for directions to the bandit camp on the way out.


Ana turned to face the villager, who finally stood up. "I'm not done with you yet! I got some questions I need to ask you. First off: Have you seen a vampire?"

2 hours later...

It only took about half an hour for Ana to regret her decision to let her partner go, as it was a pain in the ass for her to meticulously question every villager by herself.
Most of them said some useless shit.
"What's a vampire?"

"Wait, are you one?"
"No, dickwad. I'm obviously a succubus."

"Thought I saw something in the night, but when I went to investigate, it was just my ex stalking me."

"No. Did it eat my dog?"

Ana was unfortunately getting nowhere, so he had to trek to a nearby village to ask the townspeople who were, luckily, not shaking in their boots from the threat of a bandit attack.
Again, not much progress.

"Heyyy, you're kinda cute! How 'bout you swing by my house later today and we can chat over dinner?"

"..." The only proper response was to rear her arm back and slug the idiot in the face, knocking him out with a single blow. "Huh. Can't believe that actually worked." She moved onto the next villager.

"A vampire, you say? Is it responsible for the disappearing villagers?"

"Where is my son?! GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!" That encounter ended with Ana running from a broken mother.

"Did you just say a vampire?"
"Yes, as if you didn't hear me talking to those other idiots in this village." Ana replied with blatant frustration in her voice.
The villager scratched his chin. "Well, I think I might've seen something in the night several moons ago..."
"Really? Tell me what you saw."
"So I heard a screaming during the night, and being the brave soul I was, I went outside to look for it. The screaming suddenly stopped, and I think I saw why; there was a figure, black as night on top of a nearby house, holding the body of one of my neighbors! It took off into the night sky with my neighbor, never to be seen again!"
"Wowww... That was great, seriously. You should become a writer." The detective replied with partial sarcasm. "That was all I needed to hear, now I can get the fuck out of here."

The investigation had taken so long, that the sun was literally to dip below the horizon.
And there was no sign of Reiren. "Shit, what's taking him so long?"

Well I can't continue without him... Maybe I should...

DPad UP.png Go look for Reiren.
DPad DOWN.png Search for more clues.
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