• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy SOCO's Affiliate Codex



-----This will not be an order-restricted RP.
It’s hopeful that everyone can maintain, at least, one post per seven days prior to their respective responder (the person they’re interacting with). This, however, depends on the situation but it does allow you more time, in some cases, than just seven days to laze about without posting.

If you fail to post within that seven-day period, you will be discluded from any decisions made for the RP, meaning we will timeskip without your consent.

You will never be dropped from the RP--you will only be deemed on HIATUS. Following your absence, should you decide to return, we will help you jump back into the loop.

-----Paragraph posts.
I respect all writing tenses and creative powers but do, I beg of you, provide your fellow writees with substantial detail in your posts. (Yes, I know “writees” is not a word. Sue me. /signs the check/)

If you find that your character and another is about to do the dirty deed, stop at a kiss and skip over it like you would a sex-scene in front of your four-year-old cousin.

-----Only two main characters per person and one side character available for killing off.
You are allowed to have two main characters but only one of them can be a Variant. If you wish, both of your mains can be Non-variants for the sake of the given ratio. Following the two main characters, you can create side-characters but do keep in mind that they will be killed off.

If you have read everything, please provide a writing sample of sorts at the bottom of your character sheet, as well as a theme song for your character.
Bruce Barnes

Leave this N/A for now
Elder (1 open), Lieutenant (2 open), Junior (2 open), Rookie (3 open)

Eighteen or older, please

You can write this in detail or describe them in bulletins; however, do include an artistic image if not anime for visual's sake
Please provide their height

Variant or Non-variant? Wanted or Unwanted?
If they are "Wanted" then tell why. If they are "Unwanted" tell why they joined Standing Ovation.
Characters who are "Wanted" will be required to hide their identities on missions. Your character can become "Wanted" within the story based on interactions.

Specialties or Stats
Apart from their rank, what are some valuable things they're good at?
Example: computer science, medical assistance, athleticism, etc.
Rate their proficiency in their specialty from 1 to 10, so [Precision Shooting (3/10)] which, despite the low number, will still be considered higher than that of someone without that specialty listed. This helps with choosing which characters to send on which missions, so make sure to read each other's sheets.

Intelligence, Physical Fitness, and Brutality are required--Brutality being their willingness to kill.

Variant Ability (Aka. Variation)
Required only for Variants. Describe their ability.
Keep in mind that their power is allowed to alter their appearance but also be reasonable about it. They are still, kind of, normal humans. Their power should be simple but with some room to build on. Think of contractors from Darker than Black the anime. If you don't know it, look it up. It's a worthy watch.

Recession Period
Only applies to Variants. A Variant's recession period is a time during which their variations disappear, meaning they cannot access their powers. They are often triggered by something and are different between people. They also last longer or shorter depending.

Give us a creative quote from your character. A motto of sorts.

Use bulletins, please, but elaborate on them with short descriptions explaining your character. So...
Timid - She doesn't argue her opinion unless directly asked to and is easily frightened by loud noises.

Feel free to include additional details where you feel needed.

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August Augustus Augustine


Unwanted Variant -- August was born into the organization that is Standing Ovation, raised by his father to be a suitable Elder like himself. He was given the position for his eighteenth birthday.


August 29th, Virgo

Country of Origin
Born and raised in America's California


Six feet, four inches

200 lbs

- Brown eyes
- Black hair, pompadour styled
- Strapping, muscular

(Enhanced Strength) August can withstand 200'000 pounds. The closer to this number something weighs, the more limited he is to what he can do with it as far as pushing, pulling, throwing, and lifting applies. As a result of his ability, his bones often break and take double the time and attention needed to heal. He also possesses an increased appetite, which plays a role in his ability to perform. On an empty stomach, August might struggle more to lift August.jpgthat which he easily can when he's well-fed. He can jump higher and sprint faster than the average person.

Recession Period
August is rid of his variation every 160 hours--this is much more frequent than most Variants--for 25 hours.

- Intelligence (5/10)
- Physical Fitness (9/10)
- Brutality (7/10)
- Composure (4/10)
- Overall Combat (6/10)

"I don't think what we do is evil. Justice is opinionated..."

- Stubborn: he is often unwilling to accept his faults and he hates losing.
- Loyal: he is always prepared to die for the other affiliates.
- Hot-headed: he gets easily frustrated by simple things, such as being confused, but this trait is overpowered by his ability to stay calm.
- Dense: as far as romance is concerned.
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Morello Delris

N/A (Preferably Elder)



Six foot three

Eyes: Dark brown

Wanted Variant, wanted for human trafficking

Specialties or Stats
Intelligence (9/10)
Physical Fitness (5/10)
Brutality (10/10)

Variant Ability (Aka. Variation)
Hypnotic Gaze - Morello can cause those who look into his eyes to hallucinate, tricking all of their sense into believing the illusion to be absolute reality. A large number of people (between seven and eight) can be affected at once so long as Morello is able to concentrate well enough. Morello can affect his victims up until four hours has passed since eye contact has been made, but can reset if eye contact is made over and over again. Using his variation dehydrates Morello, forcing him to consume plenty of liquids when using his variation too often.

Recession Period
Everyone 12 hours, day time from 7AM-7PM

"Am I evil? Yes. But are we evil? Also yes. It's just good business."

Clever - With word and wit Morello can mingle and plan his way out or around any situation
Devious - Morello plays dirty constantly, and a wise man would never fully trust even an 'honest' agreement with the man
Refined - Morello, while underhanded, isn't uncivilized or brutish in his ways
Open - He tells the truth of all things, both good and bad
Blunt - He isn't tactful when speaking to others
Honorable - Morello honors his deals and holds up his end of the bargain
Opportunistic - If he sees an opening, he'll strike while he can

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🍬🍭Mina-sor Pigeon🍬🍭

Name |Mina-sor Pigeon
Nicknames | Mini; Pig; Mina
Rank |Elder III

Age | 19
Birthday | May 4, 2000
Status | Variant (
Mina-sor is wanted for manslaughter and identify theft

Height | 5'4
Hair color | Brown
Distinctive features |Chubby cheeks;
Birthmark on her right cheek;
Big brown eyes; Long neck; Extremely pale

Intelligence . (8/10)
Physical Fitness . (5/10)
Brutality . (4/10)
Sniping . (7/10)
Medical assistance . (2/10)
Bomb Specialist . (6/10)

🍣 Variation 🍣
Invisible | Mini can render herself unseen by the naked eye.
If she so choses she can keep some parts of her body visible.
For example she could be a floating head or even a float heart.
Limitations | Rain, Liquid, Food, may show the shape while still invisible;
User can still be detected by things such as smell, hearing, touch

🍣 Recession Period 🍣
Depending on how long she uses her abilities the recession period varies
Time used | 1-30 seconds = 9 min Recession period
Time used | 1-41 min = 2 hours Recession period
Time used | 1 hour = 3 hours (
doubles every hour)

🍣 Quote 🍣
" I'm sure cutting of heads is very satisfying, but that's not the way you get people to work together. "

🍣Personality 🍣
Loud |Mina-sor is often characterized by her loud obnoxious voice that could possible be mistaken for a police or ambulance siren.
She is known to be very expressive in her speech like shouting loudly when she is upset.
Anger issues | You would think someone that tiny would seem quite and sweet...Mini's temper is comparable to a sudden volcanic eruption; sudden, destructive and with many casualties.
Kind | Despite being a B*tch Mina-sor is extremely kind this is why most people chose to tolerate her. Her kindness stands firmly along side justice which can be a bit tedious at times during "work"
Sensitive | Despite her loud and obnoxious self this young lady is extremely sensitive crying almost instantly. Her feelings easily get hurt, most tend to forget because she's always butting into peoples business. Mini seems like a confident person in fact even when she's crying she's still yelling and will probably resort physical violence.
Not responsible | Mina has no sense of direction from easily getting lost to misplacing all her belongings. Depending on her with any personal belongings wont end well mina's slipper hands will get the job done in less than a second.
Clumsy | For someone with the ability to become invisible Minaaaa CAN'T walk in a STRAIGHT line. Whats the ppoint of being invisible if people can hear u tripping over bacteria particles. Tripping over air is a talent that she has and that's why she only uses plastic plates

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[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone."
Name: Mika Lockwood
Alias: TBA

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Rank: Lieutenant
Status: Wanted Variant - Organ Trafficking

Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: White
Height | Weight: 5'6 | 121 lbs

+ Dignified/Elegant Dissecting someone really shouldn't be something that seems dignified, but Mika somehow manages to pull it off. Everything she does seems to have at least a hint of elegance, even when her current activity is less than... graceful/lady-like/etc.
+ Loyal Like most members of Standing Ovation, she is loyal: to the syndicate, to the elders, to her brother.
+ Intelligent Mika is quite intelligent, both in the sense of the mafia---she was inducted 7 years ago, when she was 19---and in the sense of education---she holds a doctorate, and regularly practices medicine. She never took her board test, so it isn't legal, of course, but what about the mafia is?

= Ambitious Her eyes have always seen far past the present, and she won't be stopped by anyone or anything as she strives to accomplish her goals.
= Deceptive Although she's honest, Mika is extremely sly, and prefers to work around the truth instead of just blatantly lying.
= Contradictory While Mika is fair to some people, she can be extremely cruel to others. She'll say one thing, but do something completely different. It's these little quirks that really seem to make people think she's a hypocrite.

- Condescending She would never treat a superior like it, but Mika is often quite condescending to those beneath her. If they're directly under her command as a lieutenant, they're fine, but anyone else is fair game.
- Sadistic Well... if she doesn't like you and you've managed to piss her off, your days will get a lot duller quite quickly.
- Impulsive Mika's smart, but that doesn't mean she's rational; she'll often jump right into caustic situations on a complete whim.

Intelligence (8/10)
Physical Fitness (1/10)
Brutality (6/10)
Medical Knowledge (9/10)
Subtlety (7/10)

In the span of things, Mika's variation may seem a little strange. It's nothing particularly flashy, like some of the other variants have but, then again, she's less likely to be caught. Mika can speed up her body's healing factor, as well as the healing factors of others. However, the faster she heals other people, the more painful it is, which results in her power often being used in... less than kind-hearted ways.

Recession Period: Mika's recession period appears in two forms. Like most variants, one takes place every so often, with her variation disappearing every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. The second form is triggered by intense pain; if she's in too much pain to focus or she loses consciousness, she isn't able to heal/regenerate herself, much less other people.

- character !
- character !
- character !
- character !
- character !

I am interested in both romance and friendships for her, so if you're interested, just let me know :)

From the second that her husband had announced the ball that was soon to take place, Drusilla had known it was a bad idea. Now, she was never one to overestimate her intelligence---that was a trivial mistake, made only by truly dim individuals who wished for their fall from high society to be swift and brutal---but it didn't quite take a genius to realize why bringing the three largest gangs in Euclid, along with the uprising faction of humans, to a party under one roof was a poorly thought-out idea. Surely, with the topic of conversation at the simultaneous Leader's Meeting bringing the financial business of the humans into the light, it was inevitable that some kind of altercation would occur, not to mention the current rivalry between her coven and the werewolf clan.

Nevertheless, Drusilla went along with the new plans. She was not one to needlessly provoke her husband's temper, even if she believed that the humans and their infuriating leader could be squashed as easily as a bug beneath her heels. That would settle the whole affair, wouldn't it? Regardless of her thoughts, Drusilla now had more important matters to attend to; making sure she wasn't an embarrassment to her coven, at a ball hosted by Helias, nonetheless.

That is where Drusilla found herself mere hours before the beginnings of the “celebration”. Her hair was already pulled up into an elaborate twist, curling strands meant to frame her face were pulled back gently by a plain white headband. Drusilla applied her makeup the same way that she approached her duties as the esteemed wife of the most intricate gang in the city: with unrelenting intent. She needed to dress her best in order to save face were for events at tonight's ball to go awry. Finishing up with the faint powder that dusted her face, Drusilla released her hair, letting it fall back into its proper place. She dressed quickly and glanced in the mirror. Her dignified floor-length dress was a season or two out of style, but it would do for an event such as this. ‘We don't want the dogs and slaves to be getting an idea that we think this function is of too much importance, after all,’ Drusilla thought to herself, slipping on her heels and grabbing her clutch on the way out of her bathroom.

She didn't see her husband for the entire way to the foyer, and, after waiting around for some time, Drusilla decided that he had already left, or that it would be redundant to wait for him, considering that he was perfectly capable of calling one of the slaves to drive him. After grabbing her gold lace mask from the hallway hat stand, Drusilla made her way out to where the chauffeur was waiting outside of the Escalade. He opened the door for her and shut it once she had gotten in.

Once the flashes past her window began blurring from the bright city lights of the North to the calmer, forested areas of the East, Drusilla knew that they were close. She hadn’t personally even been to the Helias Estate; why would she even need to? Regardless, the scenery was certainly a change from what she was used to. When Drusilla made her way up to the doors, the two guardsmen let her in without complaint, and she walked into the house.

Drusilla was by no means comfortable in this strange building, but, in her mind, it was always best to put up a front of nonchalance in situations such as these; who even knew who could be watching her from afar. As she entered the main ballroom, she grabbed a flute of champagne from a wandering server and began to survey the current guests of the festival.


codedbycrucialstar | hidden scrolls, hover over photo
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potential character.jpg
Austen Rae Wakely
Name: Austen Rae Wakely
Nickname(s): Rae, Loud Mouth, Swan Lake, RB (Stands for Root Beer, since her first and last initials are AW, and because of her brown hair. She is pretty sure her younger brother came up with that one)
Rank: Rookie (1)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
B-day: June 7th (Gemini)
Status: Whatever the opposite of a variant is! She helps the variants find refuge
Ethnicity: White (Hispanic background)
Height: 5’1
Weight: 114 lbs.
Born: Brooklyn, NY
Sexuality: Unsure atm, most likely bisexual
  • Brown hair- Upper back length, straight
  • Green eyes
  • Petite- Not a lot of curves, has a ballerina-esk stature
  • Intelligence- 7/10
  • Brutality- 4/10
  • Physical fitness- 8/10
  • Medical knowledge- 2/10
  • Evasion/ escape artist- 7/10
Quote: “As Albert Einstein once said- ‘NOBODY LIKES A SUCK UP!’”
+ Loyal- Will stick with her fellow gang members through anything. They are her ride or die
+ Blunt/ honest- Tell things like they are, doesnt beat around the bush
+Outgoing- A very outgoing, energetic personality that helps her get through tasks easily
+Determined/stubborn- wont finish a job until its finished. Not afraid to stick to her moral compass

-Blunt/Honest- Her honesty and lack of a filter usually gets her into trouble
-Stubborn- Can cause issues with starting a task or between other members
-Actions over words- Will occasionally jump to conclusions and act how she sees fit without knowing the whole context of a situation

Theme song:
RP sample: WIP
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Baron Leatherwood




September 10th: Virgo

Houston, Texas


189 lbs

- Brown eyes
- Black hair
- Lean muscular body



Illegal Weapon Trafficking
Breaking his variant brother out of jail

Physical Fitness: 7/10
Hand to hand: 4/10
Vehicle Mechanics: 6/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Firearm Specialist: 6/10

"The world is all about enjoying the little things in life. Like breaking your brother out of prison for the third time."


  • Adventurous: Baron's lifestyle has always centered around having the time of his life, and staying in the same area doing the same thing over and over again has no appeal to him. If a day were to be moving slowly he would often go out in an attempt to speed the process up. Sometimes even purposely looking for trouble.​
  • Confident: Despite being a non-variant Baron has full faith in his own capabilities and is often unafraid to accept a challenge if he his ever challenged in one of his specialities.​
  • Calm: Possessing a relaxed nature Baron seems be without a worried expression despite given most situations.​
  • Flirtatious: Regardless of who you are if there exist something that Baron finds interest in, or sees something he could exploit for fun, his overall tone and mannerisms change drastically into something with much more energy. Whether from playful teases to genuine comments about what he thinks of them Baron can often be seen as an entirely different person given the circumstances.​
  • Impatient: Having a severe distaste for idly waiting by for something to happen to him, or in if someone is taking too long in the bathroom, he can often find himself becoming highly agitated and sometimes rather impulsive. As in he isn't afraid to open the door and share the bathroom with someone or venture out on his own for a bit to find himself some proper entertainment.​
  • Reckless: When danger presents itself before him he does not bat an eye at the consequences that may fall upon him. Baron is always willing to charge in headfirst without a single plan in most situations.​
  • Carefree: Whether being yelled at by a superior or when consequences may show itself to hold him down Baron is often unfazed by the ruthlessness of the world surrounding him. He is often never seen without a smile on his face, and the burden of his failures seem to never have an everlasting effect on him.​
  • Stubborn: While always on the hunt for something exciting there are times where Baron will refuse to do anything. If he were to do something it usually revolves around his own particular interest. He is incredibly hard to make plans around due to this nature of his.​

Theme Songs:

RP sample: WIP​

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