Side Story: The Thirsting Forge - Complete


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The Thirsting Forge

Rank: C


I have heard one of my pieces is being used in the Leaf by a certain Ukita. A piece called Eijuu Aikata. Every piece I make is my life’s work, my pride. I’d hate to have it fall into disrepair, so how’s this for a spin? I’ll pay YOU to bring it here to get repaired. I’ll even pay for a C-rank mission seeing as I do live by the Hidden Waterfall. Would hate to see anything befall you, I’ve heard about how uppity these smaller villages are getting. I doubt you’ve heard of me, I’m mostly a small time smith. You can find me in the Thirsting Forge in the woods Southwest of the Waterfall Village.

Sincerely, Murasame

Hideki stared down at the letter, what was he to think? A messenger coming to him in a public washroom and putting this under the stall for him and fucking off? Lady didn’t even wash her hands, what the hell… Wait, he was in the men’s washroom too!

Or.. so he hoped…

Finishing up and washing his hands he sighed once more, sighing, god how many times does he sigh in a week? How many situations make him sigh? To many, typically they involve Mai, but this couldn’t involve Mai could it?

Nah, she gave up the sword thing....

The young man stepped outside, deciding it was bets to head out now… Wait, shit he forgot the sword at home, wouldn't that be awkward huh? Go all that way and forget the damn thing?


The trip there would almost be pleasant, the way the light played with the thin trees of the forest painting it green was a far cry from the dense woods the Leaf was known for. The forge itself was found quickly too in the light, a thick black smoke trailing high into the sky.

Two men outside the forge were engaged in a fierce duel, the air around them cutting to their blows, and a training mat being sliced in two from a glancing blow. Watching over them was an old man dressed in a black kimono, sitting on an anvil, smoking a pipe. At Hideki’s approach, the dueling swordsman turned to Hideki, leveling their blades at them. The old man blew smoke at them.

“Tenjin, Yoshitsune, show some respect for our guest. Welcome to the Thirsting Forge! The best blades in the lands, if you can afford it...or… are you the one I sent for, Ukita? I’d love to see that blade if it is.”

The young man went for his signs, rather than his sword when it came to the men facing him, but once they let their blades down he stood at ease, somewhat, once more. “I take it you are Murasame the smith. I am Hideki Ukita, as you requested.” he eyed the two men currently standing none too far away… “I would ask what you wish with the blade first, then I will think about allowing you access to it.”

He didn’t even think that the blade had a smith, much less a living one… it seemed like a thing that would spawn out of somebody’s nightmares…

“Such care, it does me good to see my blades in possession of one such as that. I simply wish to inspect it, sharpen it a little, and make sure it still… collects like it should. I have such good memories of the time I forged it. Instead of stilling it in water as is custom, I stilled it in 28 buckets of blood. Seven the number of good fortune, four, for misfortune. Together to make a blade to give its owner luck, and befall all her enemies with misfortune. I never thought I would dare part with it, but then that woman approached me, Himiko Amatsu. She was so desperate. So… ambitious. I couldn’t help but want to help her. She had desire in her eyes, I, as a smith, am merely a toolmaker for desire. So I gave it to her, 21 years ago. Then I heard she died. Tragic. I thought the blade lost, claimed by an enemy. Then I heard rumors of a sword that fit Eijuu Aikata’s description belonging to you. I would love to see if my creation lives, and I would love to tune it up. How did you end up in possession of it? Seem a little too young to be a good friend with Amatsu”

“...You… Knew my mother as well?” he never heard much of his mother’s past.. Did she walk such a bloody path to? She was a ninja, that much he knew, but that sword… Could she really have wielded it for so many years?

He gets headaches just holding it for a day or so, but 21 years…

“ died a couple years after I was born, something with her blood.. But why did she wnat this sword? It’s troublesome enough as is, but to think for 21 years she used it… Why would she need it?”

“Boy why are you so rude I’m right here…”

“You know nothing of your mother then! I have never seen such passion except in her eyes! Would she need it? Tch, she thought nothing of taking this. The only blade to ever wound that monster she hunted her entire life. No… more like the monster that hunted her. She had something she HAD to do, to keep off her so she could live a peaceful life. From what I heard, she succeeded. She made that monster feel a terror it has never before, yet never since felt, she wounded it. She made it mortal. Sadly, I have a feeling someone lied to you boy, well, technically told the truth. What do you think she really died of?”

Murasame waited a second before continuing somberly.

“Every power has a price… May I see it?”

“Lied to me…?” he questioned this, the only monster he could think of is that Ko woman… She was immensely powerful, powerful enough that standing next to her was like watching a mountain move.

“So mom was strong then…She died of vasculitis apparently… Like an aneurysm.” he tapped the side of his head. “...She also had anemia, weak blood. Doctor told me he was shocked she even survived giving brith to me.” the young man seemed rather vulnerable when talking about his mother… But his eyes still looked like an animal ready to strike at the first thing that moves his way.

“I got it from a man who said he was a friend of hers, didn’t stay long, he gave me it like it is now.” he took up the sheath and withdrew the bladeless blade. “Hardly a sword right now to be honest.”

Murasame’s eyes became narrow and he became still as the ‘blade’ was presented to him.

“W-who… what idiot…”

He was silent for a moment, before he finally picked up the bladeless sword. He swung it once or twice, and then laid it on his lap.

“It’s still alive. Tenjin, get me some blood.”

The swordsman complied, scraping his blade against his wrist, letting it bleed onto the sword. The handle of the blade began to tremble as the bleeding sped up alarmingly. In a quick flurry, Murasame kicked his disciple as hard as he could, sending him dozens of feet away, into a nearby tree.

“I meant from the slaughterhouse you dumbass, son of -... Screw it, Yoshitsune, get him to Aito inside, then get me blood. Alot of it.”

He turned to Hideki.

“This… this sword is dangerous. All swords are dangerous, but how do you not cut yourself on them? Now, imagine a sword, sharp as any, without form? This sword feeds on blood, but without a blade, it goes into a frenzy. Imagine, what would it do to someone who broke it? Especially if they cut themselves doing so. I’ll put form on this sword once again so that you can use it. It IS a part of me…”

Even Hideki was shocked to see the swordsman do such a thing, he had watched the blade feast before, coating itself and revealing it’s horrid form… “I… I see…. So this sword killed mother…? Or… Just a consequence…?” the young man shook his head, why would she shatter it if she knew it will harm her like that…

Or maybe she had to to fight that monster Murasame talked about.

“I’ve used it before, it… Somewhat had a form, it could still cut and stab but barely, it followed intent but couldn’t puncture deeply. But… Even so, it would drain a man dry in moments.. To think i’ve come so close to death had I accidentally…” he paused, no, but what would’ve happened if he cut Mai, Yumi, or anybody else…

Even on accident… This sword didn’t care, it made sure he knew it well.

“Alright, we need to keep this thing from continuing it’s frenzy, it causes enough of a headache as is.”


“Oh, no, let it frenzy, but let it be a controlled frenzy. These things are instruments of death. A swordsman is a killer. Just like a ninja I suppose. Well, I guess you could call me a merchant of death then, heh. Well, let’s get you to the forge, Eijuu Aikata, you’ve been incomplete for far too long. So, young man, tell me, how was Himiko before… well, you know. I was always fond of her as a swordswoman.”

Hideki nodded, the man was wise.. If crass at times. “Well, i don’t remember much but I’ll tell you what i do remember, and what i’ve been told…”


A few hours later, Murasame exited his forge, stepping out towards Hideki, a blade to his side. He was sweating buckets and looked like he might collapse any minute.


Unsheathing it, he presented a beautiful red blade from its sheath to Hideki, the color a dark crimson. He waited on one knee for it to be taken.

“Hundreds of hours of work, done in 3, because I am the best smith this world has ever known. And through my works, I will forever live on.”

The young man blinked for a moment, the way the man was working eh could’ve sworn the man would die from exhaustion.. But here he was. The young man took up the sheath and with the other arm grasped the blade, his whole body pulsed once he had his hand upon it, it was a strong blade, and he could practically feel the tempered lust for blood within it…

He rose the balde up and pointed it towards the sky, the evening sun shined upon the sword,bringing upon the ground a crimson reflection. He only wished he was a better swordsman, perhaps he should see to training more with it, now that it wasn’t raking at his brain like a furious cat.

“True as you say, it’s beautiful… And feels at home in my hand. The sword mother used…” he trailed off before looking to the smith. “Did my mother ever tell you of anybody else? Or perhaps you know of anybody who may know of her?”

“Hmm. An odd question, there was this boy she had a fascination with, I can never remember his name. Uki... “ He paused, looked at Hideki and chuckled, harder, and harder, until it was fullblown laughter. Tired as he was he wandered by his favorite anvil to sit on.

“Well, that answers questions. To be honest, I’m not sure. I do know the monster she wounded was eventually killed: it took no less than the First Hokage; his guard, The Berserker of the Leaf; and the Beautiful Phoenix Uchiha. I know Himiko’s sister, your aunt, as well. I keep telling her to buy from me, but then she gets drunk and forgets I exist. Did commision me once off of a drunken dare, but that sword was far too impractical for anyone to actual use… and she forgot to pay me for it. I’d collect, but… Anyways. Other people…. To be honest, I don’t know much other than what I knew of her personally. She was a beautiful swordsman. She was more determined than anyone I ever met. She hated her clan. I can’t comment on her skills too much, as I never saw her engage in any fight that lasted longer than a second. And that fight took two swings instead of one. The fact she wounded that monster when it took three otherwise is proof of her skills. I’m sorry.

But do me a favor. I hate to be tacky after such a heartfelt moment, but not alot of people know about the Thirsting Forge. Advertise for me if you would. I’d appreciate it. Well, good luck boy.”

Hideki nodded, looking happy, truly happy to have a connection to the women he thought fully lost all this time. The sword that plagued him was now… warm… Like holding the hand of a loved one you haven’t seen in a long, long, time. “So i really do have an Aunt as well.. I can’t say I know who those four were, but I can most definitely speak for the quality of your swords.” the young man was quite pleased.

“Perhaps one day I’ll come back to commission something, I doubt I’ll need more than this sword for some time but you never know…” he smirked as he sheathed the blade. “I have a friend who will be the next Uchiha heir, perhaps he will like the idea. Until then, farewell Murasame. Thank you for your help.” the young man turned to leave, still keeping an eye on the swordsmen as he did.

His companion was reforged and became a thing of tamed bloodlust.. He doubted he’d walk with it uncontested henceforth… he did surprise himself how formal he was during all this, he had been practicing most of this along the way, god knows he's spent far too long with his colleagues so it’s hard to get serious now and again…

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