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Abandoned Warehouse



Ari, Toby ( apolla apolla )

The feeling of her blade sinking into the chest of that wretched vampire was almost cathartic for Raven. The first blood of any fight released something in her, something primal that made her the type of hunter she was. It was instinctual, the 'fight' in the fight-or-flight response. She turned the blade, hoping the vervain would seep into her opponent and weaken him enough to make the impending battle a bit easier. Four vampires against four seven hunters were barely evenly matched. So much so, that Rae would be surprised if everyone in the hunting group made it out alive. But, she had come to terms with the fact that people she cared about would die. It was inevitable in their course of work. She had seen friends ripped apart at the hands of beasts, watched their crumpled bodies fall to the floor. The worst were those that she had to retreat from, the ones where she had to leave her partner's body behind. It broke her heart every time.

But this wouldn't be one of those times. At least, that's what she thought going into it. They had planned and trained, there was no way it could go wrong. The side of the warehouse seemed to almost implode, shattered glass shooting across the floor. A bright light filled the space, and Rae thought for a moment that she might go blind. But she didn't, instead able to see the dark smoke filling the room and crawling across the floor. "What the hell..." she murmured, not even noticing her friends and targets crumpling to the ground around her. Her body began to feel, and Rae did her best to keep it at bay. Unable to stand any longer, her knees hit the ground and her eyes grew heavy. Ever the fighting, the blonde wasn't about to be taken down so easily. She drew another blade from its holster, holding it in a shaking hand. She barely caught sight of a cloaked figure before she finally fell to her side and succumbed to the shadows.

The place between life and death wasn't what Raven had imagined it to be. She could see a light off in the distance, and part of her felt drawn to it. But there was no way someone like her belonged in the good realm of the afterlife, right? Not after all she had done? The blonde huntress continued to look around, seeing nothing but shadows. And then a mirror appeared. It was stand-alone and full-length, framed in black, smoky wood with gold designs of skulls and sigils etched into it. Walking closer, she could see her reflection. Maybe a bit paler, and dressed in her normal gear rather than the seductress get-up she was wearing in the warehouse. But it was her. Raven couldn't help but feel confused. Was this death, was this her judgment? She slowly reached out toward the mirror. But, as soon as her fingers touched the glass, it shattered, a piercing scream filling the air. Her scream.

Back in the warehouse, Rae sucked in a breath, her icy blue eyes shooting open. She still felt sluggish, and her cheek stung from the slaps Arianna had instilled on it. "I'm awake," she said with slight annoyance, probably from the thudding in her brain and the remnants of the scream she could still hear. Everything came rushing back, and the sound of Toby moving in their direction caused Rae to stiffen. Still brandishing the knife in one hand, the blonde huntress gripped it tighter. Even though she was exhausted and sluggish, she didn't waste a moment moving between Toby's approaching form and Ari. But Toby shot past them and into the stack of crates, destroying them. And almost immediately, it felt as though Rae had been hit by a truck. Her whole body ached, and she sucked in a breath, wincing. Were these the after-effects of nearly dying? Turning her attention to Ari, Rae nodded to the other blonde. "We need to find Ellie and Ro, and we need to get the hell out of here. Now."

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:






Abandoned Warehouse


Arianna, Toby ( apolla apolla ), Rae


Witches were one of Malakai's least favorite supernatural species. As a several centuries-old vampire, he had certainly had his fair share of run-ins with witches. They were clever and conniving, often worked in packs they called 'covens,' and always had some sort of self-beneficial plan. They were quick to curse, even if it was over something as simple as a leave-before-morning one-night-stand. And, to be honest, they didn't really like vampires in the first place. They held an air of superiority wherever they went, condescending and egotistical. Their magic left a distinct scent in the air, sulfuric like rotten eggs. So much so that Kai knew it as soon as the warehouse wall shattered. The bigger question though was what were witches doing at their warehouse? Were they working with these girls, who were certainly hunters? Had they followed them in search of the vampires' bachelor pad? Or did they see this as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, hunter and vampire?

Whatever the case, they had the advantage. That familiar murky smoke crawled across the floor, and Kai turned to run. But it was too late, they were surrounded. He tried his best to avoid breathing in the smoke, but couldn't hold back. He heard someone call to him as the spell filled his lungs, and Kai collapsed to the floor in mere seconds. He wasn't sure how long he was out, though death was kept at bay. Witches were powerful, yes. But they weren't powerful enough to take out a vampire with some fog. So, he wasn't scared of dying. At least not then. When he did awake, however, he wasn't alone. The two blonde huntresses had already seemed to stir across the room, and Toby had gotten up in what he assumed was to take care of them. "This had to be the worst Boy's Night," he muttered to himself, scanning for the huntress that had caught his eye earlier. "Even worse than the junkies."

Though the smoke from earlier had pretty much dissipated, Kai still felt as though he was a bit blood-drunk. He felt sluggish and hungover, maybe even drugged. Even in that state, he believed he could take a young female hunter. But four of them, possibly more if they had back-up? That was pushing it. The vampire pulled himself to where Rowan lay still nearby, standing over her. It would be so easy to take her life then. It would take him mere seconds to lean down, snap her neck. He could drain her while she was still knocked out. But that didn't seem fair. She was young, pretty, and maybe pulled into hunting when it wasn't what she wanted to do with her life. Or maybe he was just personifying. Whatever the case, she deserved a fair shake. Malakai crouched alongside her body, placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking slightly. "Are you still alive?"

♡coded by uxie♡





Arianna went too far this time. She had always been after Elektra in some way and the brunette started to think she had some sort of a weird obsession but this was a job and they were all trained professionals. The idea was to set their differences aside for tonight and get the world rid of four more bloodsuckers. But apparently, Arianna didn’t get the memo and had to poke Elektra until a fight burst out between them. Ellie was ashamed of herself for letting her emotions get the best of her. Until then, she was almost having fun with the handsome vampire and he was slowly succumbing to her charms. The job would have been easy once she had him where she wanted him but Ari messed everything up with her bitchy attitude and spoiled-ass manners. Someone should teach her a lesson already and Ellie was more than happy to since her parents seemed to be doing such a shitty job. Soon, the girls were grunting in their fight, scratching, punching and pulling hair. It might have not looked like much to an outsider but their punches hurt like a mother fucker.

Until the loud thud broke the fight off and soon, everyone in the warehouse was aware of the ambush happening around them. Ellie tried to refocus and pointed her knife at Zach but it didn’t do her any good. Before she knew it, she fell on the ground, covered in glass shards and dirt and the world disappeared. Darkness devoured her and sent her conscience down the rabbit hole, spiraling and falling into a seemingly bottomless pit.

Once her eyes flickered open, Ellie remained lying down, trying to make sure she was still alive and well. The latter was rather debatable and her head felt like it was just buried under a bag of bricks but at least she knew the explosion didn’t cost her life. With a groan, Ellie tried to push herself back up. Her hands were flat on the ground in front of her and she used them to sit up. A glass shard sneaked its way under her left hand, though, and as Elektra pushed against it, it pierced her skin and penetrated the flesh. “Fuck!” Ellie breathed, used to physical pain, but it still sent millions of painful impulses to her brain. She looked at her hand, the shard sticking from it and with a shaking right hand, she pulled it out, hissing and cursing in the process. Holding the bloody shard in her hand, Ellie looked around for the first time. Her head was still buzzing and she was dizzy, eyes were not the sharpest but her first thought was where her team ended up.

A flash of red told her Arianna was nearby and she was trying to take care of Rae. Rowan was lying closer to Ellie and she watched, with horror in her eyes, as one of the vampires crouched to her. “Get…away from her!” she panted, moving to her friend’s body. Whatever happened to her was still slowing her down but the vision of her friend dying at the hands of a vampire fueled her fire. She was not going to allow it to happen again. Using all the strength she had left, Ellie raised her hand with the shard and attempted to stab the vampire. Her senses and reflexes were way too off and she only managed to hit his shoulder but it seemed enough for now. “Ro! Ro, come on!” she shook her friend, trying to pull her up in a sitting position. “Rowan, we gotta go, please. Come back to me.” she pleaded, terrified of the worst-case scenario.

bite me

♡coded by uxie♡





Trenton watched with a grimace of disgust how the fragile pretty blonde who was about to dance with him was now trying to claw her friend’s eyes out. He never understood why women had to do this and why they were always trying to compete against one another. Although this didn’t even look like a competition. Those two simply looked like they didn’t even like being in the same room. Trent was not about this life at all and seeing the girls grunt and wrestle like some stray alley cats, he couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose. “Have some class, ladies.” he mumbled, not that it stopped the fight.

What stopped it though was the sound coming from outside and in a few seconds, Kai announced everyone witches were coming. Trent was extremely not fond of their kind even though they never really did anything to him. He barely even encountered them. However, they were unpredictable and filled with pride way more than they should. One had to be careful around them because even the tiniest slip of the tongue could offend them and it could end up in a precarious situation. Learning that witches came here to mess up with the boys' night out, Trent was slowly growing livid. He was ready to tear some throats out and even started talking but never managed to finish as he fell on the ground, unconscious as everyone else in the warehouse.

When he regained his consciousness again, a few others were already up. As he managed to sit, a loud noise echoed around him. His head felt like he had been drinking nonstop for the past week and Toby’s loud crash didn’t help, quite the contrary. It sent a series of pinches in his brain and Trent growled with pain and annoyance. The air still carried remnants of sulfur but there was something else. A soft, gentle waft but it was there. Someone was hurt because the smell of blood entered Trent’s nose. He felt his need grow and his fangs came out. Trent barely had some control over his body and he fought to get back on his feet. His nostrils flared and his hunger was reaching the level of insatiable.

The girls were helping each other and Trent watched them for a moment. They all seemed equally shaken and hurt and so Trent excluded the version of this being their doing. But he still heard their words and how they were hoping to get out of this place soon. The source of blood was further than he thought and his legs still reminded of a newborn puppy. Yet, he reached for the girl that was the closest and his fingers closed around her neck of the blonde as he pulled her up. “Where would you want to go, hm?” he almost whispered, pulling Arianna closer to him. “We still haven’t had our fun. Come on, stay a little longer.” he fake pleaded, his fangs now completely out, eyes turned darker, face much paler and the veins around his eyes more prominent than ever. “We can still enjoy tonight.” he hummed against Ari’s neck and before he could stop himself, his fangs sank in her neck. In that moment, two things happened. He almost moaned over the sweet taste of blood on his tongue but the pleasure only lasted a split of a second before searing pain tore through his own neck. Trent roared and shoved Arianna away. His hand reached up to the wound and fingers returned covered in his own blood. “What have you done to me, you little bitch?” he bellowed, towering over the girl, ready to tear her into pieces.


♡coded by uxie♡

Rowan Fairday

Despite dreaming of her death nearly every time she slept for the past few months, Rowan had been utterly unprepared for what she believed to be her abrupt end. While she hadn't been surrounded by the same flames from her nightmares, the warehouse had been filled with smoke, and that had been enough to convince the young huntress that once she lost consciousness she would never reawaken. The darkness that consumed her as the spell was cast was overpowering, and it felt like she was being ripped from her body. From the very earth. From existence. Rowan tried to scream but she had no control of anything. Only the sudden sensation of fire burning through to her very soul stopped the chaos, tethering the young woman back to her body. But that too was overwhelming, and eventually the darkness was absolute.

The relief of dying in one's dream, only to wake up in the safety of one's bed had nothing on the feeling that swept through Rowan as she first began to regain awareness. She wasn't dead! Or, if she was, she at least still existed in some sort of afterlife. Though she was still caught between sleep and consciousness, the young woman was beginning to attain the use of her senses little by little. The smell of sulfur still lingered in the air as Rowan filled her lungs... Vibrations of the floor alerted her to movement around her... The feeling of someone touching her shoulder pulled her closer to lucidity... And the question are you still alive, voiced by someone other than herself, confirmed her wildest hopes. Yes. She was.

Rowan's aforementioned relief was unfortunately short lived though. Just as she was coaxing herself to fully wake up, she recognized Elektra's distressed voice calling out to someone. The light pressure left her shoulder and was replaced seconds later by a sharp pain that caught Rowan by surprise. She gasped, shutting her eyes tighter in discomfort as someone lifted her from the ground into a haphazard sitting position. The movement made the injury shoot another jolt of pain through her shoulder, and Rowan finally found her voice, crying out in pain as her eyes flashed open. Elektra's face was the first thing she saw, her terrified expression making Rowan fear the worst. Her hand shot to her shoulder, expecting to find a knife or something impaled in it, but there was nothing there. Instead her fingers just found torn flesh and a warm substance. Drawing her hand back, she stared at the fresh blood which coated her skin and felt her stomach lurch.

While the young huntress had built up a tolerance for some pain over the last couple years- bumps and bruises from hits or falls were often ignored or pushed through- the pain of pierced flesh was something Rowan still wasn't used to. A whimper left her lips as she gritted her teeth, looking from Elektra to their surroundings. They were still in the warehouse, and they were still with the vampires. Fuck! Blue eyes flashed to the vampire she'd been chasing after when everything went dark, and Ro noticed that he'd been stabbed with a shard of glass in the shoulder as well. For a moment the coincidence of their injuries struck the young woman as odd, but she didn't have time to dwell. "Wh-what happened?" Ro groaned, returning her attention to Elektra, searching for answers in the brunette's face. She tried to sit up on her own, putting pressure on her shoulder with her opposite hand and cursing under her breath as it throbbed.

Ro's head was spinning, and her heart was racing with the adrenaline that was starting to kick in as she realized she couldn't just sit there bleeding in a room full of vampires. "Rae...? Ari?" Ro began, looking around for the blondes. One of the vampires was towering over the latter, looking ready to kill Ari. "No!" Rowan shouted reflexively, trying to push herself up onto her feet. Her body was not cooperating though and her movements were slower than usual. It was like moving through water or at a couple second delay. This wasn't from her wound though. What had the fucking witches done to her? To them? It suddenly dawned on Rowan that the vampires must have been affected too, otherwise the huntresses likely would be dead by now. Before she managed any other thought a low growl from one of the vampires echoed through the warehouse ordering everyone to stop.


Abandoned Warehouse

nine lives


Zachariah Crowley

As a soldier, Zach had witnessed the chaos of war and felt the toll it took on one's body. Those feelings were much like the ones he awoke to in the middle of the destroyed warehouse surrounded by bodies of his brothers and the entertainers-turned-huntresses. For those first few moments as he oriented himself, Zach almost felt mortal again. Almost. The grogginess and lethargy that slowed his usually keen senses were foreign to him. Things that had been part of his life as a human, but had since disappeared from existence since he'd become a vampire. If he had not been in such a precarious situation, Zach might have even relished in the discomfort he felt, seeing it as a change from the monotony of his potentially endless life. It was different, and different wasn't something he got to enjoy terribly often anymore.

Movement in the warehouse drew Zach out of his thoughts and back to reality as his powers of observation started to instinctively kick in. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, but remained where he was as he took stock of the scene before leaping blindly into action. One by one as his brothers and the huntresses began to regain consciousness, Zach began to notice a few strange things... before eventually discerning that there was a pattern to the madness before him. The first observations were small, accidental even, as he just watched things unfold naturally.

The troublesome blonde who'd gotten into a fight with Elektra moved over to the other blonde woman and tried to lift her up... and failed. While Zach would expect for the young woman to react to the pain of being dropped to the floor, it was Toby who winced from across the room. And again, when Ari slapped Rae to wake her, Zach's eyes flicked between Rae and Toby, who once again was reacting to phantom discomfort for no apparent reason. Perhaps it was just a fluke, but... Suddenly Toby shot across the room towards the blondes, but uncharacteristically overshot his target and crashed into crates. A groan issued from the crash site, but Zach's attention was caught by Rae sucking in a breath and wincing almost immediately after Toby's impact. What the hell?

The beautiful huntress he'd been enjoying before all hell broke loose finally woke, and pushed herself up. A sudden pain in his palm distracted Zach, and he glanced down as he turned his left hand over in time to see a gash appear on it as if by magic... Magic? Fuck! Zach's thought and Elektra's exclamation were simultaneous, bringing his attention back to her. The dark haired woman pulled a shard of glass from her palm, and Zach winced, feeling the same pain in his own outstretched hand. A frown etched the brunette vampire's face as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing, but there was no plausible explanation for his wildest suspicions except... Witches. Clenching his fist against his own blood and the desire to drink Elektra's, Zach was now determined to see if his damning theory was correct, acting more as a scientist observing an experiment than an active participant.

Right on cue, the last two pieces of evidence happened nearly simultaneously. Elektra had darted over to protect her friend from Kai, impaling him with the shard of glass. Within milliseconds, the huntress Elektra was holding was crying out in pain and clutching her injured shoulder. She and Kai sported nearly identical wounds to each other, but hadn't felt anyone else's pain. And that left... Turning his blue gaze to Trent who had just sunk his teeth into the blonde woman's neck, Zach practically counted down in his head, waiting for... Trent roared as he dropped Ari. He too must have realized that his fresh neck wound was connected to the blonde's because he bellowed What have you done to me, you little bitch?

Trent looked like he was ready to tear into Ari, and Zach feared what the disastrous consequences night be if his brother did so. "Stop!!" Zach growled, jumping to his feet and rejoining the fray. His body didn't cooperate like it should, but he was still quicker than a human as he darted over to the blonde vampire. Standing between Trent and his potential victim, Zach placed a firm hand on his brother’s chest, not realizing he probably looked insane for protecting a huntress.

nine lives

arianna jamison
the fairy
at the warehouse

Arianna felt sluggish and tired, almost like she'd heavily drank the night before, but there were a couple problems with that. On the one hand, she knew she'd only had one swig from that bottle. On the other hand, it was still the night before. Something had gone extremely wrong; a simple hunt of four vampires had led to some sort of surprise attack. Somewhere in Ari's sluggish brain, she knew that the vampires couldn't have been the ones behind it, considering they were still here. The vampires hadn't run away, nor had Ari and the other huntresses been kidnapped and taken somewhere to be tortured and killed.

Still, something wasn't right. Ari crawled to Rae and tried to get the girl to wake up, but Rae seemed to be in the same boat as Ari. Eventually she muttered that she was awake, much to Ari's relief. Both girls looked over when they heard Toby's voice, and Ari felt her heart thud heavily against her ribs. But whereas Toby should have easily been able to get the jump on two weakened huntresses, even Rae with her brandished blade, he seemed to overshoot his attack. He landed in a pile of crates, but Ari's eyes shot back to Rae when she sucked in a sharp breath. When she mentioned Ellie and Ro, Arianna automatically looked around for them, spotting Kai hovering over Ro. "Hey!" She shot out, spinning around, her plan to push herself to her feet and launch herself at him.

Ellie beat her to it, but for once, Arianna wasn't mad at the other hunter for it. She managed to stab Kai in his shoulder, and Arianna could see Ro's body tense up in pain. But before she could actually try to figure out what was going on, five slender fingers wrapped around her throat and pulled her off the ground. She gasped for air as Trent's voice sounded off right by her ear, making her blood run cold. He pulled her to him and she knew what was going to happen about a second before his fangs pierced her skin. She cried out sharply, her eyes going wide and her body jerking as he held her there. But before he could drain her dry, he withdrew those fangs, roaring and shoving her away. She stumbled, falling to her knees as her hand lifted to press against the twin bite marks on her neck.

Twisting around to look at him, she narrowed her eyes in his direction, though there was no disguising the fear there as well. "Maybe next time you'll ask first." She hissed, never one to be able to stop her mouth. She heard Ro yell, but Arianna couldn't look away from Trent, knowing that these were likely her last moments. But before her world went black completely, a voice rang out through the warehouse, commanding everybody to stop. And then one of the other vampires appeared, standing in front of Ari and blocking Trent's path to her. For a moment, the blonde couldn't move, but then she forced herself to stand, still pressing against the bite marks. "What the hell are you doing?" She half whispered to Zach, looking between him and Trent, the latter of whom still looked like he was ready to murder her. She forced herself to look away, at the other three girls. Rae was right; they needed to get the hell out of here.

coded by natasha.
Tobias Meyer
the vampire
at the warehouse
on edge

Toby had absolutely no idea that by him getting hurt, Rae had gotten hurt as well. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear the bits of conversation going on in the room, but he wasn't really focused on it. He was more focused on trying to ignore the pulsating pain throughout his body, wondering why it hurt so bad. He was a vampire for christ's sake, he'd hit and been hit by much harder things than these crates. But whatever had happened before he blacked out had really done a number on him, and the pain was making him angry. It took him a moment to push himself up and steady himself, shoving the remnants of the wooden crates aside with an annoyed growl. Rage flashed in his eyes as he slowly stalked towards the group, his hands balling into fists by his side.

Had he been less angry and able to pay attention to what was going on around him, he might have noticed what Zach did. Then again, maybe not. Becoming a vampire only strengthened his human attributes, and he'd never been known for his observational skills. "You're going to pay for what you've done." He stopped right by Rae, his eyes darting over to Trent as he picked the blonde huntress up from the ground by her neck. Oh, they were allowed to use violence now? Say no more. With a wicked grin appearing on his lips, his eyes slid back to Rae. "You should know better than to think you can win against vampires." He told her, kneeling down, his tone gentle despite the anger in his eyes. He suddenly reached out to grab her wrist and yank her to him, planning on sinking his fangs into her neck as well.

But then Trent threw Arianna onto the ground, and Toby paused, looking again at the other two. The veins under his eyes darkened with his hunger, but he wasn't about to drink from Rae if the same thing was going to happen to him. There was more commotion going on behind him, but Zach's voice commanding them all to stop kept him from figuring out what it was. Suddenly Zach was between Ari and Trent, his hand on Trent's chest in an attempt to stop him from going after the blonde. "What the hell are you doing indeed, Zach?" Toby echoed her words, looking down at the hunter's wrist that he still held in his hands. Following her wrist to her arm and then to her face, he narrowed his eyes, not even bothering to hide the veins under them now.

Pushing himself to his feet, he pulled Rae up with him. In an instant, he had his arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her to him. Making sure she was facing the rest of her friends, he inhaled her scent, feeling his fangs aching from the need to drink. But he refrained, looking again over to Zach and Trent. "What's going on here?" He hated not knowing what was happening, and it seemed that Zach maybe had an inkling that the rest of them did not. "What did you and your idiot friends do?" Now his words were directed to the huntress in his arms, his eyes drawn to the blade still in her hands. "I'd drop that knife if I were you, sweetness. Doesn't seem like it's going to be doing you much good now, does it?"

coded by natasha.






Abandoned Warehouse


Ro, Zach( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom ), Ellie ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )


Trent ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ), Ari, Toby ( apolla apolla )

That mission had become the worst job Raven had ever been on. Not because it wasn't well planned, they had spent months training and learning and practicing and preparing. And not because the vampires were stronger than them either. Sure, they were immortal, faster, and physically stronger. But, mentally fortified? Rae and her team were levels above those cruel bloodsuckers. How could they have ever expected this mission to include a second type of supernatural creature? They rarely were in the same place at the same time, let alone interacted with one another. What could these four vampires possibly have done to piss off a witch coven so badly? That thought gave Raven pause. She was blaming those bloodsuckers without even considering the fact that those witches could have been after one of her companions. She had worked and trained with most of them, but she didn't know all their past transgressions or enemies. The hunters could have been the targets all along.

Regardless, it was Raven's responsibility to make sure those that were still alive would stay that way. Despite her entire body feeling heavy, something felt even worse. Somewhere, deep down, it felt like part of her was missing, or maybe broken. Like she wasn't the same woman that had entered the building a few moments before. But the blonde couldn't quite put her finger on what was different. She just felt...darker somehow, colder even. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Rae tried to get her bearings. And just like that, Arianna was ripped away from her. She tried to reach out after her, to protect her with what little energy she had left. But it was no use. "No!" Rae heard herself shout, watching with wide, angry eyes as one of the vampires sank his fangs into Ari's neck. Despite her rocky relationship with Ari, the blonde huntress wouldn't risk the bloodsucker life, or lack thereof, on anyone. Everything was going to shit, and in her current state, there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was going to die there.

Trenton shouted and practically threw Arianna aside. Raven wanted to go to her. But the quieter vampire stepped in front of her, taking a protective stance. What in the world? This whole time, she did not doubt in her mind that the vampires were planning on drinking from them and then most likely killing them. But now one is protecting them from the others? Whatever the case, Rae still didn't trust him, and instead went to move to help Ari anyway. A mass loomed over her, blocking her way as he kneeled in front of her. Rae felt her heart begin to race, but mentally she felt strangely calm as she stared into Toby's eyes. "We've won before, and we will again," the blonde huntress shot back, just as snarkily. Almost imperceptibly, she felt pulled towards Toby, and she wanted nothing more than to sink her vervain-infused blade directly into his heart. But she didn't, not yet. Raven stared into Toby's eyes with silent defiance, the dark veins beneath them not phasing her in the slightest. She would not be broken.

The blonde huntress sucked in a breath as she was pulled to her feet, her body pressed against Toby. She held her chin high as she looked out at the others, not flinching as he inhaled her scent. Half-expecting him to snap her neck then and then, Raven slid her icy blue gaze across her fellow hunters. From Ari to Ro, and finally Ellie, she met each of their gazes, almost as if to say goodbye. Was she giving up? No. But did she want to go out without some sort of respect towards the women she had spent a good portion of her life with? Definitely not. "What did we do?" Rae repeated Toby's words with a dry laugh. "What about what did you do? Those witches were probably here because of you, not us. We always clean up our messes." Rolling her eyes, she slid her blade back into its holster at her thigh. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. There were seeming at an impasse now anyway. And at the back of her mind, something was still wrong and different about her. She woke up not entirely whole. "So what did you do to piss off a witch?"

♡coded by uxie♡






Abandoned Warehouse


Arianna, Toby ( apolla apolla ), Trent, Rae


Rowan, Zach( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom ), Trent ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )

To be completely honest, Malakai didn't quite understand the concept of hunters. They were humans with no special powers or strengths other than potentially better weapons and hand-to-hand combat skills, trying to take on much more powerful, supernatural creatures. What did they think would happen? Sure, they could band together and take one on. Or maybe, if one was particularly skilled and had an insane amount of luck, they could kill a supernatural on their own. But, in Kai's time, that was exceedingly rare. Instead, the mortality rate of hunters was incredibly high. He had killed quite a few over the years and felt less and less guilty about it each time. After all, they all wanted to kill him. It was just self-defense, right? Eventually, though, Kai began to enjoy the kill. He fed off both their blood and their fear, and it gave him some sort of strange satisfaction. Did that mean he was a sociopath? Eh, maybe. He preferred to think of himself as ecofriendly, feeding on the world around him. But he needed the chase to make it all worth it.

Kai tilted his head curiously, shaking Ro slightly once more. He could faintly hear her heart beating, her light inhales and exhales. So, she was still alive. Well, maybe she would make this kill interesting, and he wouldn't feel bad after all. That being said, the brunette vampire had planned on giving her some time to try to fight back. But, despite that, the other brunette huntress pulled herself over, anger apparent in her eyes. He was surprised she could do so, given how he felt from the blast of those witches. Humans were usually so strong or strong-willed. "I wasn't..." Malakai started to say, trying to tell her that he wasn't planning to hurt Ro, at least not yet. But before he could, he felt the sharp pain of a piece of glass directly into his shoulder. "Fuck!" he cursed, looking at the jagged shard that protruded from his flesh. Had he not still felt slightly drunk, he might have been able to react and prevent the attack. Those stupid witches...

Despite all that, the smell of fresh blood entered his nostrils, and Kai's head shot up, eyes immediately zeroing in on the viscous red liquid dripping from Elektra's hand. Dark veins immediately appeared beneath his eyes, his irises darkening to a dangerous tone. Working in a professional kitchen as an expert in worldly cuisine that he didn't really eat, Malakai was constantly surrounded by delicious tastes and smells. But nothing would ever compare to the sweet taste and luxurious texture of clean, fresh spilled blood. He stood up completely, yanking the piece of glass from his shoulder and throwing it so hard that it shattered against the wall. "You certainly have some moxie, I'll give you that," he said with a low, slightly maniacal chuckle. Despite all the chaos happening in the warehouse, from Trent trying to drink from one of the blondes and Zach protecting her, to Toby latching on to one of the others, and Kai himself barely refraining from exsanguinating both brunettes, he found it in himself to pause and look over at Zach questioningly. "Zach, you better explain yourself quickly. I'm getting thirsty."

♡coded by uxie♡





The world was spinning so fast that not even the Hulk roller coaster Ellie went on when visiting the Universal Studios in Florida was a match. And that thing was fucking crazy! But it couldn’t compare to what she was feeling now. Every inch of her body hurt and she honestly felt like she was run over by a mac truck. The whole warehouse was now nothing but pure chaos and she was aware that if she was in such a state, her friends had to be too. Or possibly even worse. But the mere fact that she was still alive was evidence enough that those four bloodsuckers were not getting the better end of this bargain either, purely judging from the fact that everyone was alive.

Ro was the closest friend Ellie had, location-wise at this point. She immediately went to her and tried to fight off the vampire leaning over her. It wasn’t the easiest task to evaluate the situation properly, not with the constant ringing in her head. But from her point of view it looked that Ro might be in danger so she interfered and stabbed Kai with the large shard, covered him her own blood. At that moment, Elektra had no idea what was happening, she didn’t know about the curse or anything but the sound of Rowan’s whimper. Ellie’s gaze flashed at her best friend and she saw a bleeding wound on her shoulder. “What did you do to her?” she hissed at the vampire but nobody could get any further because of a greater drama.

Under any other circumstances, Ellie would just roll her eyes, blaming Ari for wanting to be the center of attention just as usual but not now. Now it was the matter of life and death and the huntresses needed to get out of this place as soon as possible. The vampires seemed to be confused as well and it could work for their advantage if they hurried. But not with one of the vampires biting into Ari’s neck. Ellie froze and her breath hitched in her throat as the piercing sound of Ari’s voice echoed in the warehouse. Ellie’s mind was hazy, she didn’t even know how but she was standing and ready to launch her attack, even if she had to use her bare hands. Maybe she and Ari didn’t see eye to eye most of the time but no vampire was going to treat her friends this way. But just as she was about to interfere, a low but loud growl sounded as the vampire she had been trying to lul with her seduction was now stopping everyone. Ellie’s eyes found Kai who had his own hunger-related comment on it and she clicked her tongue in annoyance before reaching her hands to Ro, helping her friend to her feat. “Lean on me if you need to. We gotta get out and do it soon.” she whispered, snaking one arm around the girl. Just then she heard that cursed word. A witch. Just another reminder that every bad situation could totally get even worse.

bite me

♡coded by uxie♡





Without having the slightest idea about anything that was happening, that was really happening, Trent decided he had waited enough and simply grabbed Arrianna, ready to have his meal. That was the whole purpose of this get-together. Sure, it was their boys night out with vintage alcohol and expensive cigarettes but having a delicious meal provided by delectable young women was the main highlight of the evening, something Trent was immensely looking forward to. And not even some fishy witchy business was going to stop him from sinking his shiny pearly whites into the pale neck of the fiery blonde. So what that everyone was confused and wounded? So was he. But his friends were welcome to grab their meals and have a go at it as well. Trent would not have any problem with it.

But what happened right after was infuriating and at the same time, so surprising he could barely understand. The second he pierced her skin and his tongue touched her sweet fragrant blood, he felt like someone just sent an icepick into his neck and with a roar of pain, he let Ari fall down, grabbing the side of his neck only to see it was flooded by his own blood. His eyes found Arianna and he immediately suspected her of causing that. In the mayhem that followed, somebody mentioned witches and Trent with his suspicious mind immediately came to the conclusion that some of the girls were to blame. Maybe even all of them. That only fueled his rage and he was ready to jump the petite blonde immediately and enact his revenge. Nothing else interested him, just the little bitch who made him bleed.

And yet, before he even managed to step forward, Zach got in his way and placed his hand on his chest, stopping him from tearing the girl apart. “Zach…” Trent growled dangerously. “What are you doing?” he asked and his eyes sparkled with anger unseen. What was Zach doing, protecting a witch or a huntress or whoever the little sneaky weasel was? Kai joined Trent in his questioning and everyone was eagerly waiting for Zach to explain what his antics meant. “You have your own, dinner may as well be served now.” Trenton kept growling and let go of his neck as the wound was already healed, just smears of blood remained. “If you don’t want her, I’ll gladly take care of her, just say the word. But don’t you dare get in my way, brother.”


♡coded by uxie♡

Rowan Fairday

There was so much going on in he warehouse that it was almost paralyzing. Rowan’s head was spinning as she tried to figure a way out of this for her fellow huntresses and her, but not knowing what was going on in the first place made finding a solution nearly impossible. Having dreamt of her death on repeat for the past years made Rowan 99% certain she wasn’t going to die by the hands of a vampire, but her friends… she wasn’t so certain. Ari’s flesh had been pierced by one of the vampires and she looked seconds from death if not for the broad shouldered one intervening. And now Rae…

Ro’s blood ran cold as she made eye contact with the blonde who’d been her mentor and taught her almost everything she knew about hunting vampires. Unfortunately, Rae couldn’t teach Ro how to be faster than a vampire and she knew that the vampire who held her friend would be able to snap Rae’s neck if provoked faster than she could reach Rae. Especially with the way Ro felt now. Her body felt sore and not entirely like it was her own, and her skin felt unnaturally warm, almost feverish.

Before Rowan could come up with a way to save Rae, her body tensed as if in anticipation for what was about to come. Rowan instinctively turned her ice blue eyes towards the vampire she’d been with earlier just as his hand closes around the shard of glass in his shoulder and he yanked it out. The glass didn’t even have time to shatter on the ground before pain shot through Rowan’s injured shoulder once more, fresh blood leaking from the wound as the phantom pressure in it was removed. The brunette bit her tongue to stifle her moan as she dropped her head to try to breathe through the discomfort. She didn’t know what was happening, but she knew it fucking hurt. When she glanced back up, the vampire was saying something to Ellie, and Rowan’s eyes narrowed at Kai in irritation, blaming him for her pain as the vampire who’d called a stop to the commotion explained what he thought was going on. Fucking witches.

Everything had been at an impasse while he’d blocked the blonde vampire from Ari, but then the brunette vampire stood down, leaving everyone else to do as they wished. Elektra helped Rowan up, offering her support, and the latter nodded in agreement as the other brunette said they needed to get out of there. And fast now that the peace keeper was gone. Rowan opened her mouth to hash out a plan of escape when suddenly Ellie was wrenched away from her. Without her friend for balance, Ro stumbled, falling to her knee before catching herself with her good arm. Her head shot up to locate Elektra and she was confused to see her being pulled away through the warehouse by an invisible force in the direction the dark haired vampire had departed in. Rowan didn’t know what was happening, or if the vampire was somehow compelling Ellie to follow after all, but whatever it was was apparently against the brunette’s will. “What the fuck…?”

Pushing herself up from the ground, Rowan darted after Ellie, grabbing her hand and trying to hold her in place. This seemed to stop her movement for a moment, but then Rowan started to lose her grip on Ellie’s hand and she was forced to grab hold of her friend with both hands. Rowan’s shoulder screamed in protest, but she just gritted her teeth against the pain, unwilling to release Ellie and loose her. “What is happening?” She asked in a strained voice as her heels started to slide along the cement floor of the warehouse.


Abandoned Warehouse

nine lives


Zachariah Crowley

It didn’t escape Zachary that his actions would raise questions- he’d be confused too if one of the other vampires had suddenly protected a human. But what they didn’t understand was that he was only protecting the blonde to save Trenton from himself. Even the girl look up at him and asked what the hell he was doing when she should have thanked him. The brunette turned and glanced back at Ari on the ground, his expression impatient. “Would you rather I not intervene?” He asked stoically, before turning back to Trenton.

“If you don’t want to heed my warning, that’s your prerogative, brother.” Zach replied curtly, dropping his hand from Trenton’s chest. “And if you want to be the reason for your own demise, then so be it. But I won’t be falling victim to whatever trick the witches are playing.” He continued, turning his gaze towards each of the women for a moment. The way he saw it, whether the huntresses were part of the witches plot or not, they were tainted. Booby traps laid out to snare them when they fed. Zachary already felt weaker than normal, and he didn’t want to take the risk of playing with tonight’s entertainment any longer. “You may want to quench your thirst elsewhere, whatever harm comes to the girls seems to befall us as well.” He added, his now healed hand curling by his side as he addressed Kai.

Zach’s steely gaze then shifted to the brunette woman who’d been dancing for him earlier. He’d known she was hiding something and had an air of danger to her, but he wouldn’t have guessed it was because she was a huntress. While he wasn’t keen on killing if it could be avoided, particularly women- he was still old fashioned like that- he didn’t take well to people who intended to do harm to him or his brothers. And had the witches not intervened, he was certain that was what the women’s intentions were, though he doubted they would have been successful against four vampires. Even if the brunette did manage to stab Kai. Had Zachary not been convinced that the witches had turned the huntresses into some sort of voodoo doll that affected him and his de facto brothers, he wouldn’t have been as benevolent.

Turning away from Elektra and everyone else, Zachary took a few steps towards the warehouse door. “I’ll be finding my next meal elsewhere.” He called to Kai, Toby and Trenton, knowing better than to piss off a bunch of vampires and then stick around to face their anger. Tapping into what abilities he had at the moment, Zach used his vampire speed to run out of the warehouse. He wanted to be away from there and the brunette as fast as possible, naively believing that would dissolve whatever connection he had to her. However, as he ran he began feeling a backwards pull, as if he was connected to a rubber band that made each successive step more difficult to take… until the rubber band was stretched to the max and Zachary found his escape halted. He wanted to move forward, but an invisible force was stopping him, hardly 100 yards from the warehouse.

Growling in frustration, Zachary used all the energy he could muster to take another step forward, and then another, and another . It felt like he was being ripped apart, but when he looked down at his body, he was intact. Perhaps the witches had set up some sort of barrier to trap them in the warehouse? Determined not to let the witches best him any further, Zachary stubbornly forced his way down the alleyway along the warf. It was as if he was pulling an anchor with him, but at least the anchor was slowly moving… until it hit a snag. Something interfered and Zachary stumbled back a little. He looked around again, certain there had to be some sign of what was immobilizing him, but there was nothing but the darkness of the early morning hours around him.

Zach’s usually calm demeanor was taking a hit as his blood started boiling in frustration. What should have been a night of entertainment and fine dining had become a nightmare. Hopefully his brothers had come to their senses and would follow shortly, and they could lend some thoughts as to how to rid themselves of whatever spell the witches had cast. Until then, Zach tried once more to make his way home, growling against the strain as he made it a few more feet further.

I tried

Abandoned Warehouse

nine lives

arianna jamison
the fairy
at the warehouse

Although the dark haired vampire had stopped the other one from coming after her again, if he expected Arianna to be grateful or even thank him for it, he was sorely mistaken. Her eyes narrowed at his question as she took a step away from him, brushing some dirt off of her dress. A thousand insults sprung to her tongue but he was already turned back to Trent, the sarcasm dripping from his voice as evident as it'd been from her own. She took a moment to look around at the others, her expression softening as she took in the shape her sister hunters were in. They were each looking worse for wear, Arianna herself included. Were she to catch sight of herself in a mirror right now, she'd probably have a heart attack on the spot. Her bright red dress was covered in dirt and grime from the floor of the warehouse, her blonde ringlets no longer beautiful and bouncy like they'd been before.

But when Zach spoke again, Arianna's head whipped back in his direction, her eyes wide with shock. But as she replayed the events of the last few moments in her mind-- namely the part where Trent had bitten her and then thrown her to the ground like she'd hurt him-- it made sense. Her blood rushed through her ears and she felt dizzy for a moment, but thankfully, the feeling passed quickly and she managed not to faint. He headed for the door, saying something about finding his next meal elsewhere, but all Arianna could do was stare at the others in the room. "This is insane..." And truly, it was. She'd literally just uttered the words when things suddenly got a whole hell of a lot worse. Elektra had helped Rowan to her feet when suddenly, Ellie was gone. Wrenched away from Ro, who almost lost her footing in the process.

Through the shock, Arianna managed to gather her senses and shot off after Ellie a few seconds after Rowan did. "What the fuck is happening!" She snapped, though to nobody in particular. "Elektra, stop!" Her heels clicked on the warehouse floor as she ran after Ellie, who finally stopped moving as quickly through the place. Crouching down next to the brunette, Arianna gave her a onceover, trying to figure out just what the hell had happened. But even as hunters, they weren't exposed to magic alot. Normally, witches just stayed to themselves, or at least most of them did. But clearly, these weren't your average witches, and somebody had done something to piss them off. "Come on, Ro, let's help her up." Ari glanced at Ro before she hooked her arm under Ellie's, attempting to lift her off the ground. But it was almost as if some force was pulling on Ellie still. "Rae! A little help here?"

coded by natasha.
Tobias Meyer
the vampire
at the warehouse
on edge

Toby wasn't an idiot, contrary to popular belief. When he straightened, he pulled Rae up with him, inhaling her scent from right beside her. She smelled tantilizing, and he wanted nothing more than to sink his fangs into her neck, but after watching what had happened to Trent, he wasn't about to test fate himself. A low growl emanated from him, though it was more of a growl of want than of warning. Her return question paired with her dry laugh made him lift his eyes from her neck to look at the side of her face. "So just because we're the vampires here automatically makes us the bad guys, hm?" He asked her, chuckling under his breath as he shook his head. "If you clean up your messes so well, then maybe you can tell me how come when my friend here tried to drink his dinner it didn't work out in his favor?"

His eyes darted to Trent and then back to Rae, another small laugh escaping him when she asked him what he'd done to piss off a witch. "Who the hell knows." He shrugged, releasing her suddenly. The longer he held on to her, the more he wanted to drink from her, and as much as he loved a good teasing, that was only when he got results. Glancing over at Zach when he heard what the other vampire said, though, Toby felt his expression sober some. Looking at the others in the room, he took a few steps around, peering at the different injuries. The blood on Rowan's shoulder, the blood now drying as it slowly dripped down Arianna's neck, almost matching her dress. Clicking his tongue, he let his eyes linger on each girl individually before he looked back at Rae. "Looks like we've got quite a conundrum here. A particularly nasty puzzle we need to figure out."

Before he could go further, Zach made a dramatic exit, made even more so when one of the dark haired girls was suddenly yanked across the expanse of the warehouse. Toby's eyes widened as she went, though unlike the other two hunters, he didn't make a move to follow. He did, however, carefully watch what was going on and after Zach's explanation from a few moments ago, it didn't take him long to piece the puzzle together. "No shit." He muttered, a half bemused, half insane grin appearing on his lips. "Those pesky fucking witches." He looked over at Trent and Kai, that grin only widening. "Brothers, I think we've got ourselves a permanent play partner." Hearing Arianna called for Rae, he used his speed to turn around and grab Rae by the waist again, resting his chin on her shoulder. "She's a little preoccupied, princess. Try again later."

coded by natasha.






Abandoned Warehouse


Zach, Trent, Kai


Elektra ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ), Rowan ( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom ), Ari, Toby ( apolla apolla )

It was ingrained in her, to absolutely refuse to let the creatures she hunted see her fear. Despite the feeling of tightening in her chest, the rapid beat of her heart, Raven kept her brows furrowed in anger. Needless to say, resting bitch face was one of her few superpowers. But there was something different there, something darker. As though the devil on her shoulder's voice was louder than the angel on the other. Go ahead, just stab him it seemed to say, taunting her to rid the world of the bloodsucker that held her so tightly. But, the logical side still overcame the shadows, forcing her to realize that, by doing so, she would not only be signing her own death certificate but that of her fellow hunters as well. Besides, if there were witches involved then she could only assume the worst. "You're literally the definition of cruelty," Rae found herself responding to Tobias, rolling her eyes at the thought that a vampire could be anything but the bad guy. And then a thought came to mind that made her happier than it should. "Maybe those witches cursed you to be allergic to blood. Wouldn't that just be ironic?"

Raven didn't put it past the witches to play with their victims that way. They certainly had a dark, dry sense of humor. Hell, one time when she went up against a witch, the damn thing lived in a house made out of candy, just like from Hansel and Gretel. She claimed the fairy tale was based on her, but Rae didn't believe her, even if the thought of killing a self-proclaimed 'celebrity' would have made the kill that much sweeter. Maybe there was something wrong with her, something that allowed her to kill without care. But what she killed were murderers too, and so it all turned out to be some slightly twisted type of justice in the end. The blonde huntress could tell by the look on the vampire's face that he wanted to bite her, probably drain the life force from her one drop of blood at a time. But he refrained, for one reason or another. And for that, part of her was grateful. Her icy blue eyes followed his gaze as he looked around the room, and she saw the blood dripping from the injuries of her friends. While the bite marks on Ari's neck made sense, the blood dripping from a wound on Rowan's shoulder didn't. When was she stabbed there?

Toby suddenly released her, and Raven wasted no time taking a few steps away from him. Despite the pull she felt toward him, the practical side of her wanted nothing more than to get away from him. But things could only get weirder from there, as the other brunette vampire moved to leave, and Ellie began to get dragged along with him. Rae could only stare for a moment, as though there was an invisible rope tied around El's waste and the vampire held the other end. "What the fuck..." she muttered, her blue eyes wide in shock. Despite all her years as a huntress, the blonde had never seen anything like that before. At the sound of her name, Raven was abruptly pulled back to the present. She took a step toward Ari, Ro, and Ellie, but was stopped by arms wrapping around her waist. She felt the bloodsucker rest his chin on her shoulder, too close to her throat and carotid artery for her liking. Stifling a shudder, her blood turned to ice in her veins at his words. Permanent play partner? What in the hell could that possibly mean? She didn't want to be his permanent anything. And then, everything started to make sense.

The one vampire bit Arianna and was in pain himself. Elektra stabbed another, and Rowan was now bleeding from her shoulder. The one currently holding her crashed into the crates, and Rae felt as though she had been hit by a truck. The last tried to leave and dragged Ellie along with him. No, it couldn't be. But it was the only thing that made sense. Rae knew that type of magic existed, but she had never witnessed it before, didn't want to believe it. Despite what she had read in the witch lore and heard from visiting hunters, it all seemed far-fetched, in the realm of fairy tales. But there they were, with piles of evidence that could only mean one thing. "They bound us together," Raven said softly, suddenly feeling so vile in her skin. Maybe that was the brokenness she kept feeling the darkness creeping up in her mind. She looked over to her fellow huntresses, eyes widened slightly as she explained. "If lore proves correct that means we have to stay with the one were bound to. That if we're injured then they're injured. If we die, they die. And vice versa. We're..." Rae had to pause, the word on the tip of her tongue terrifying her in a way she hadn't felt before. "Trapped."

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:






Abandoned Warehouse


Arianna, Toby ( apolla apolla ), Rae


Ro, Zach( Desert_Blossom Desert_Blossom ), Ellie, Trent ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )

Malakai was the type of vampire that enjoyed playing with his food. Hell, as a fairly accomplished chef of human cuisine, it was only natural that his artistic side bleed into the world of...well...blood too. He enjoyed the chase, enjoyed when they fought back or cried for help or even begged for mercy. They already thought of him as a blood-thirsty creature, a sadistic murderer. So, he might as well live up to those expectations, right? Kai had discovered several interesting ways to end the lives of his prey. Some were more humane than others, and some were far more brutal than words could even begin to describe. But each stripped a little bit more of his humanity away, bit by bit until there was nearly none left. But in moments like that, when he was just simply checking on someone to see if they were alright with no bad intentions, a piece of humanity peeked through. What he had thought he'd lost decades before still existed, despite his best efforts. And maybe he enjoyed stepping into the light again, just a bit. But those feelings were squelched by accusations.

In those moments, Malakai wanted nothing more than to rip the hearts out of those brunette huntresses' chests and drink the blood from them as they made their last beat. But, he trusted Zachariah and knew it was probably best to hear the brunette man out before continuing with his plan. Nevertheless, his vampire hearing picked up on Elektra's words, and he turned his gaze back to her for just a brief moment to say, "If you value your life, you should stay where you are. Hunters or not, you're still slower than a vampire, sweetheart." Kai could see that Trenton was just as fed up with all the tomfoolery as he was, annoyed that what had begun as a top-tier dinner party had so quickly turned into a complete mess. His throat had begun to go dry from thirst, and the intoxicating scents of sweet, clean blood tempted him further. "Trenton's right. This is getting ridiculous, and I'd rather not have to resort to the type O negative CapriSun I have in the fridge at home. So, whatever the issue is, can you just get to it already?"

And once again, Zach's words gave him pause. What the hell did he mean by responsible for their demise? They were vampires for fuck's sake. Immortal and nearly unkillable creatures. While these hunters certainly had vampire-killing weapons in their arsenal, they were certainly outmatched by the four vampiric men. And the witch's spell had failed.... hadn't it? "That's all it is, a stupid trick that didn't work and now we're wasting time," Kai responded, but he wasn't convinced, even by himself. After everything that had happened that evening, it didn't make sense that the witches would do nothing and then just leave. They had a plan and, if they left without making their presence more known, it was likely that plan worked. Zach's words rang in his mind for a moment, and he tilted his head curiously as he watched his de facto brother exit. "Whatever harm comes to the girls seems to befall us as well," Kai found himself murmuring, repeating those words as he turned them over in his mind. So they couldn't hurt those huntresses without damaging themselves. But they also couldn't leave them to live another day, to tell other hunters about their findings and the vulnerabilities that now befell the vampires. What an impasse.

Zachariah moved towards the warehouse door, ready to leave and find a different blood bag to drain. But as he escaped, one of the brunette huntresses was nearly dragged out of the warehouse with him. Kai stifled a laugh as they struggled, for a moment not recognizing what that meant. But when Toby and his current plaything spoke up, it all made sense in Kai's mind. "Are you fucking kidding me? Those absolute witches!" he growled, practically spitting the final word as an insulting name rather than a title. And everything came crashing down. Malakai had never feared death, not since he was human anyway. Why should he? The things that could kill him were usually far beyond the capabilities of a mere human. And supernatural creatures usually knew better than to go after one another, unless they had a war to wage. Even then, as he got older, any fear of death dwindled until practically nothing. So, for several years now, he hadn't even contemplated the possibility. But now, it was just as real as when he was human. Because she was. And Kai knew at that moment, despite his annoyance, he had to protect their lives like they were his own. Because they practically were now. Rushing to the warehouse doors, Kai called out them to Zach. "Bro, wait! There's more to it than you think!"

♡coded by uxie♡





After a certain amount of time, it became hard to follow the line of events in the warehouse thoroughly. Elektra’s head started to buzz and she felt that hammering pain in her temples, a clear sign that migraine was about to take over. It disabled her brain and she couldn’t focus on the matter at hand properly when her head was about to explode. Squeezing her eyes shut, Ellie tried to filter the noise out but the pain coursing through her body was too much to handle. Moreover, there was someone yelling all the time. She needed a long hot bath, two pills of ibuprofen and long sleep before she could hit the field again but that was just wishful thinking in the current predicament. Now, they all needed to get out of here. All meaning Ellie and her three huntress friends. She could care less what happened to the damn bloodsuckers.

First, Ellie helped Rowan get up and offered her to lean on her. That bleeding wound needed to be checked as soon as possible. Ellie was ready to try and run for it. It couldn’t get any worse anyway. Her knife was gone and the only thing the closest to a weapon were her sharp boot heels. What she didn’t expect though was the sudden pull she felt. Her head jerked to the back to see who was fucking kidding her but imagine her surprise when there was no one to be seen. Ellie squealed in shock and Rowan slipped from her grip. “What…?” she exclaimed as that invisible force was forcing her to stumble towards the warehouse entrance. Arianna screamed at her to stop but tried as she might, Ellie simply couldn’t. “And what do you think I’m trying to do?” Ellie snapped. “It’s not that fucking easy!” she yelled back and gripped Ro’s hand.

Even though she was not too fond of Ari, Ellie was more than glad to see the blonde come and lend a hand. “Something’s pulling me, I can’t fight it!” she cried out on the verge of whining. Both Ari and Ro were trying to hold her in and Elektra’s eyes also found Rae, pleading and begging for help. But as much as her blonde friend wanted to help, she couldn’t since there was a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist. The pull on Ellie was painful at this point. It was as if something was trying to throw her out of the warehouse. Tears pricked her eyes. Tears of frustration and pain. And also tears of fear. Once Rae explained what was possibly happening, Ellie lost her voice. “No…” she mouthed quietly and stopped fighting the force for the briefest of seconds. She remained hanging between Ro and Ari.

In that very moment, the pull got so strong it wrenched Ellie out of their grips and she barely managed to take the steps. She didn’t even know how, it seemed to her like she was flying through the air when she suddenly hit something hard that felt like a brick wall. “Ugh, fuck, what…?” she started to mumble and slowly realized the pull was gone. And that brick wall was not really a wall but the tall ripped vampire she had been trying to seduce before. “Shit…” she breathed and stared at him, terrified and yet frozen to the ground. If Rae was right then this was the vampire she was bound to. Fucking figured she got the one who could break her in his arms as a twig. Well, they all could but this one’s arms were insanely huge, something Elektra usually enjoyed. But this was a completely different situation. Unarmed and hurt, she took one step back, breathing hard and fast, never taking her gaze away from him. “So…you got far…” she commented dryly. “Aren’t vampires supposed to be like…fast or something?” she asked, resorting to the only weapon she always had at her disposal. Teasing sarcasm.

bite me

♡coded by uxie♡





Trenton hated a lot of things but witches definitely made it to his top three. Possibly even the top one. They were nosy pricks who felt like their little hocus pocus was going to earn them the world. One swish of their magic fucking wand, one murmur of some stupid spell and suddenly, everyone would be lying at their feet. Well, not Trenton. He’d rather tear their throats out and kill himself as well than to bow down before them. But this time, they had gone too far. Trent’s own blood was boiling in his veins and he felt his face crumple into a scary grimace. And the whole feeling was only strengthened when Zach stopped him front hurting that little slippery girl who dared to somehow hurt him.

His lips parted as he was about to snap something extremely rude and agitated at Zach but those words stopped him. Witches playing a trick did sound like it could be the truth and it stopped Trent from his quest for revenge. His anger-sparkling eyes found Arianna but he made no move to hurt her again. Not this time. Not just yet. With his jaw clenched, Trenton stood there and growled quietly, growing more impatient and irritated. He was hungry and needed his regular fix. Kai was right, drinking his dinner out of a blood bag was not what he was in the mood for. He needed it straight from the source, he needed to feel his fangs piercing a hot pulsing vein and sink into pooling blood, hot and fresh. Not just some cold replacement that mostly served as first aid.

A sigh of exasperation escaped his lips and Trent squeezed the root of his nose between the thumb and index finger of his right hand. “This is growing tiring.” he growled and looked around, staring at the mayhem around them. We should leave. Someone might come around soon and while I’d be grateful for any fresh meal to come and see what the shebang is all about, I’m not risking those bitches to come and examine their newest work of art.” he spoke after a while and his need to depart even grew when Kai and Toby’s blonde snack spoke. So what they wanted to say was that Trent basically hurt himself? When he bit his pretty blonde, he basically bit himself? Okay, but that was just unfair!

“Well, if she’s my play partner, then I can just take her home with me, right?” he smirked. “And I suggest you, gentlemen, do the same. This place is soon going to be swarming with guards, witches and hunters so if we do indeed value our lives, it’s time to go.” With a few long strides, he approached Arianna. “She doesn’t need you anymore, Zach will take good care of her, won’t you, brother?” Trenton sneered, glancing at a brunette by his side. His arm wrapped around Ari’s slender arm and he gripped her so hard it was bound to leave bruises. “Let’s go, lady. I’ll show you your new home.” Trent snarled and without waiting for her reaction, he started walking out, dragging poor Ari with him, not even looking whether she had the chance to walk straight. As far as he was concerned, she belonged to him now. One way or another.


♡coded by uxie♡
With 8 minds toiling over the mystery of why Elektra was being dragged from the warehouse after Zach, an answer was reached quickly. Though it was one that no one wanted to hear. The witches had cursed them, binding the huntresses and vampires to each other. The individual ceased to exist. Pain was shared, freedoms restricted. Rowan’s life, what little she had left of it, was no longer only hers to live. Which then meant… Blue eyes found the vampire that had once sported a matching wound to her own and she wondered how he would take the news that she- no- they had less than nine months to live…

Her other half, for lack of a better word, suddenly ran to call after Zach and within moments Ellie was ripped from Ro and Ari’s grasp. Once again the brunette fell to the ground, but this time she made no move to immediately rise again. It was quickly becoming clear that in this moment the vampires had the upper hand, and the huntresses, while not in immediate danger of being exsanguinated, would not be returning home. The other women were quickly becoming immobilized, leaving Rowan their last hope. The rookie huntress knew of course that she alone was no match for vampires, even if she could harm them without injuring her friends, and so she had to figure something else out. Shifting from the position she’d fallen in, Ro noticed the bloody hand print she left behind on the ground, and an idea began to form…

With everyone else either distracted or detained, Rowan took advantage of the last of her freedom to quietly creep away from the fray towards the massive crates nearby. If they really were bound to the vampires- and there was currently more evidence to support that theory than negate it- then it was futile to try and runaway. Ro’s intentions weren’t to escape though, but rather just to buy herself enough time out of sight for a last ditch effort to get help… eventually.

Tucking herself behind the large wooden crate, Rowan took a moment to catch her breath. In her current state, the simple act was more laborious than it should have been and she felt like she was burning up even in the cooler hours of the morning. Gritting her teeth against the pain to keep quiet, Rowan used her good hand to slowly peel her jacket off her injured side, wincing when she got a good look at the gash on her shoulder. It wasn’t even her injury, and yet she was the one bearing the brunt of it while the damn vampire was already healed. Fucking witches. With one arm out, Rowan twisted her body a little to shrug off the other sleeve, freeing herself from the garment. The cool air felt good on her skin, but did little to lower her internal temperature. She’d have to worry about her fever later though, chalking it up to a side effect of the spell.

Clearing the ground beside her of debris, Rowan set to work on a message to the hunters that would eventually come looking for the missing team. The brunette began writing words on the concrete floor with her bloody finger, using the crimson liquid that was running down her arm for ink. Based on the muffled discussion between the vampires and her fellow huntresses, Rowan didn’t have much time and she stuck to shakily inscribing just the key words. She slid her finger along the ground under the word “BOUND”, hoping someone in the organization would be able to find a way to reverse the problem.

Knowing she was on borrowed time, Rowan finished her message with a messy “HELP” and pulled her blood-stained jacket over the words to hide them. Only then did the reality of their situation begin to truly settle in, and Rowan slumped against the crate, tipping her head back against it to keep tears of frustration at bay. She already felt trapped in life with a death sentence hanging over her head, and now her metaphorical jail cell was getting even smaller. One spell had been daunting enough to break, but two… Rowan burned with hatred for witches, figuratively and literally.

coded by natasha.
Generally speaking, life had been pretty easy for Zachariah Crowley over the last few decades. But his carefree days were looking more and more like a not-so-distant memory the further he tried to get away from the warehouse. No matter how much he growled in frustration or tried to use his abilities, he couldn’t break free of whatever was pulling him back to the warehouse. He’d hoped his brothers would have joined him by now, but their absence troubled him. Either they had ignored his warning and ended themselves, or had found other trouble in the few moments of his absence. Drained and in pain from his efforts, Zachariah ceased his attempts at escaping and glanced back at the warehouse. He was considering his options when he heard Malakai call to him that there was more to this mess of a night than he thought. Of course there was. Witches were involved, he should have known better.

In an instant Zach was back in the warehouse, his speed no longer hampered when moving in the direction of the pull, but nothing could be easy. The moment he set foot inside the large entry way the vampire was greeted by a sudden impact. Only a few hours ago, Zach would have barely felt Elektra slamming into him, but now… well, her pain was his pain and it felt like he’d hit a brick wall. He let out an irritated growl, his hands moving to the brunette’s shoulders reflexively to prevent her from toppling over and causing them more pain. Zach glowered down at Ellie, noticing the terror in her eyes. So her earlier bravado when she was holding a knife to him was gone, huh? The girl moved to take a step back and Zach released her shoulders, confident that should he need to apprehend her once more he’d easily be able to do so in her state.

So… you got far… Elektra’s sarcasm made Zach’s eyes narrow in irritation, and he let out a grunt that said as much. “Hn. So did you.” He retorted simply, before turning his attention to Kai and his brothers. “You’ve discovered something else to this trickery?” He asked, eager to learn why he’d been called back. And why he couldn’t leave in the first place. His answers came from Trent though as he referred to the blonde girl his play partner and announced he’d be taking her back to his place, causing Zachariah’s scowl to deepen. It was one thing to allow the huntresses to live after the encounter when they had no information beyond the vampire’s appearance and names… but to take them home made the vampires’ livelihoods vulnerable. There would be no allowing the women to live once they saw the location of their townhomes… but there would be no killing them due to the spell…

Before Zach was able to voice his confusion- apparently he’d missed a lot while gone- Trenton was grabbing the blonde and promising her that Zach would take care of the brunette woman. Blue eyes flicked over to Elektra, the thought of inviting a huntress into his quiet life of wood working setting his teeth on edge. “Hn.” He grunted once more in response to Trent as his brother began dragging the blonde from the room. Show her her new home? This was sounding much too permanent. Trenton wouldn’t take on a pet unless he was forced. Which meant…

Zach’s gaze hardened on Ellie as the pieces started to fall into place. There was no force field around the warehouse. She was the reason he couldn’t leave. She was his anchor. The only way to go home would be to drag her along with him, which explained Trenton’s motivation. Fuck. His life of bachelorhood had no place for a woman, let alone one that had tried to murder him earlier. Or at least had intended to try to murder him. Glancing to Toby and Kai as if to confirm his suspicions, he waited to see if they would follow the blonde vampires suggestion. “So this is how it has to be, huh? We’ve been… bound?” It was frustrating that such a petite and comparatively fragile beings could restrict their freedoms so much, but what choice did they have right now? Curses didn’t often just wear off…

Removing the space Elektra had put between them, Zach tipped his head to the side a bit, trying to ignore the scent of blood still tempting him from the cut on her hand. “Would you prefer to leave like your friend? Or will you come easily, Elektra?” Zach asked flatly, masking his anger towards the situation beneath an emotionless tone.
coded by natasha.
arianna jamison
the fairy
at the warehouse

Even if Arianna wasn't Elektra's biggest fan-- and vice versa-- she didn't wish bad things to happen to her. Okay, most of the time. Arianna wasn't the epitome of a saint, alright? But with whatever was happening here, Arianna didn't want to see any of her huntress sisters hurt. But it'd already happened, and the only thing Arianna could do was try to keep things from getting worse. With Ellie held up between herself and Ro, Ari called out to Rae for help, but two strong arms wrapped around the other blonde's waist. Tobias' voice was sultry and even a little bit amused as he told Ari that Rae was busy, but before she could even process a snippy response to him, Rae's words stopped Arianna cold.

"What?" She couldn't help but snap, looking over at the other two huntresses, hoping with everything in her that they thought Rae had gone crazy too. But the looks on their faces, especially as Ellie stopped fighting whatever force was trying to take her with it, told Arianna that insanity wasn't the case here. Sliding her blue eyes back to Rae when she heard the other girls voice again, Arianna started shaking her head. "That's not possible!" Hating the way her voice whined, she started to say more before Ellie was torn from her and Ro's grip. "Ellie!" Arianna tried to grab for her, but she was already gone. She managed to get one step in to follow after the feisty brunette when Trent's voice reached her ears, and she felt a chill creep down her spine.

"In your dreams, you oversized mosquito-" She tried to scramble backwards, but he was too fast. Within seconds, his fingers wrapped around her arm, pulling her tightly to him despite her very vocal protests. "Excuse you, let me go you son of a-" But he was already walking, pulling her behind him, not caring if she managed to find her footing or not. "Hey!" She somehow managed to keep herself from going down, and immediately started trying to tug her arm out of his hard as steel grip. "I'm talking to you, you leech!" It was a combination of her attitude and fear that made her fight him so much, the fact that he was a vampire aside. Her heels sank into the ground as he tugged her along, and she looked behind her for her friends, her stomach twisting uncomfortably.

She could hear them, she thought, but this vampire dragging her along didn't seem to give two shits about any of them. Looking up at him again, Arianna could feel that anger and fear spiking. What happened next was really stupid on her part, but he wasn't letting go, and so she defaulted back to her main defense mechanism: violence. The more she fought, the more she could tell he was getting quite annoyed with her, but she only needed a second. And that's what she got. He finally stopped, whirling around to face her, but she was ready. In a second, she had her heel off and had jammed it into the side of his neck. She had about half a second to feel proud of herself before a searing pain shot through her own neck. She screamed, stumbling back, her hand flying up to grab whatever was hurting her-- but there was nothing.

coded by natasha.
Tobias Meyer
the vampire
at the warehouse
on edge

Toby found amusement in alot of things, and most of those things were probably not funny to others. He found humor in the things he shouldn't, laughing at inappropriate times and earning a glare or a smack upside the head. But hell, he was an immortal being-- where was the fun in being a stuffy asshole like Trent? Not that he didn't like the vampire, but Toby couldn't imagine being so serious all of the time. Maybe him having the little blonde as a plaything wouldn't be such a bad thing. She was a spitfire, alright, and Toby thought she could keep Trent on his toes. Or she'd end up dead once this curse was lifted, one way or another. It wasn't any skin off of Toby's back what Trent decided to do with her, same with his other brothers and their own playthings.

Another thing about Toby was that he liked pushing people's buttons. So he had no qualms in getting close to his huntress, resting his chin on her shoulder as he told Ari she was busy. And there was truth to that statement, because she was busy figuring out and explaining to the other huntresses what had happened. His grin only widened, fangs on full display as she finished. Trapped. The word resonated within him, but likely not for the same reason it terrified her. After all, he and his brothers were still on top here. Sure, they were bound to the girls as they were bound to the guys, but as hunters, it was their job to kill vampires. But in being bound, if they even tried to hurt one of them, someone else-- one of their own-- got hurt in the process. It was a lose lose for them.

There were cons for Toby and the others, as well. Like having a human blood bag around all the time and being unable to drink from them, as Trent had displayed already. But once they found a way to break the curse-- which Toby wasn't in a hurry to do-- he could easily swipe Rae and drink from her. After all, Toby was a fan of the long game, and this would be a true testiment to that. "Trapped, indeed." He chuckled, the sound low as he looked up, watching Trent approach Arianna and grab her. Reaching down, Toby found one of Rae's wrists, lifting her hand to shake it a little bit. "Wave bye to blondie. We'll see her soon, I'm sure. Maybe in like a week? A month?" He shrugged one shoulder, straightening, letting Rae take her wrist back. "Something like that."

Trent was right, though. It was time to go. Looking over at Zach, who'd returned, Toby moved to stand beside Rae, one arm still wrapped around her waist. Zach was asking Elektra if she was going to come willingly, and Toby just laughed. "One look at her tells me that you've got your work cut out for you." Shaking his head, he looked down at Rae, smiling sweetly at her. "But I think that goes for me, too. So, sweetcheeks, shall we?" He held out his arm, already having a feeling she wouldn't take it. "Since we have to stick together and all, you know. We're not far from our homes, but if your feet are hurting you, I don't mind carrying you." Winking at her, he laughed again before he started heading for the door, whether she placed her arm through his or not.

coded by natasha.






Abandoned Warehouse -> Outside


Ari, Ellie ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )


Toby ( apolla apolla )

Raven had what was certainly considered an unusual childhood experience. She grew up 'across the pond,' as they say, in London, England, and she absolutely loved being in the city. There was always something new and interesting to see, a new bakery to try, a new park to visit. It was an exciting life. Her father, Horatio, was a retired Captain and Armourer for the British Army, and her mother, Meryl, was a school teacher. After moving to London, however, they quit their jobs to start a business that combined their interests: a weapons training and self-defense studio. Despite wanting a son to raise and follow in his footsteps, Horatio was wrapped around Rae's little finger as soon as she was born. He often teased his wife that the only girl he loved more than her was Rae. And though she knew it was true, Meryl was never angry at her husband because, honestly, she felt the same way. They were the perfect, though unconventional, family. Were being the keyword in that sentence.

During the day, Meryl homeschooled Raven and taught her all the book knowledge she might ever need to know. Then in the evening, she would train with her father. Her life was planned out for her before she was even born, and Rae found solace in that. She was terrified of the unknown, hated not knowing where her life would take her. Eventually, after years of training, she was one of the best in the business, nearly as good as her father. But, that type of life could be a bit isolating, especially for a child. Even into adolescence, she didn't really have friends her age. And so her people skills weren't exactly the best. Maybe that was why she was so cynical and cold sometimes. Or maybe that was because she saw her parents get brutally murdered directly in front of her by some unkillable creature disguised as a man. What made it even worse was that no one believed her when she tried to tell them what happened. No one until she ran away from her foster home, found the Organization, and began hunting. She would avenge her parents if it was the last thing she did.

For those reasons, Raven hated being restrained in the arms of a bloodsucker without the ability to kill him. She wanted to, so badly. But he wasn't the one that murdered her parents, the face of that vampire was ingrained in her mind permanently. And so, she couldn't sacrifice herself for the greater good. Not until the creature that murdered her parents in cold blood was in a grave of his own. Arianna looked over and Rae met her gaze evenly, biting down on the inside of her cheek. It most certainly was possible. Even worse, it was happening. Her heart clenched in her chest, both in panic and sadness. She did her best to push it down, knowing those types of emotions wouldn't help her. So, as she watched her friends and fellow hunters be dragged off into the unknown, effectively splitting them up. She may not have a plan just yet. But she would figure something out, to save as many of them as she could.

Raven flinched when she felt Toby grab her wrist, quickly looking over her shoulder at him with her icy blue gaze. She didn't fight his movements but stiffened in disgust. As soon as he was no longer touching her, she felt a sense of relief, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. Yet, the invisible force pulled her closer against her will. On instinct, she took a step away from him, reaching for a blade, but stopped herself. But her relief of being away from Toby was short-lived, stiffening once more when his arm wrapped around her waist. "I get that we're bound, but that doesn't mean you have to touch me, bloodsucker," she snapped, shooting him a stormy glare. She suppressed a dry, humorless laugh at his comment. "You have no idea." Crossing her arms over her chest, she ignored his outstretched arm and stood there for a moment. He began to walk away, and she was free from him for a moment. But eventually, she felt herself get dragged along as Ellie had earlier. And so, with an annoyed sigh, she jogged to catch up to Toby, falling into step alongside him. "So what kind of hellscape are we headed to? Cemetary mausoleum? Abandoned castle atop a cliff with unexplainably constant storms? The sewer? Wouldn't be surprised at this point."

♡coded by uxie♡

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