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Fantasy Seiunita OOC


the ammo strap on his chest.
What do you mean by the ends of the bullets though?
No, like... something that would have a similar shape. My kid has decided he wants to be a Heavy for Halloween and asked me to help him make the costume.
I wanted it to be more sturdy than that. xD I was thinking like... foam but that would be a pain to cut into that shape and for the case I was thinking PVC pipe... oh maybe I could see if I can find some funnels that are the same size and just cut the ends off....
Hmm, here are the current results of my naming spree:

Southern Duchies:

Iarlaith, Iavios, Gristlestare and Rambercht.

Southern estates:

Ashelm, Auxen, Olamantis, Darios, Gurord, Besaria, Zarkost, Fairgos, Pettarius, Camden, Almesia, Maelnor, Malachais, Graeme, Luscger, Crester, Haraldr, Vastya, Fairford, Dricswig, Merrybell, Meadols, Gilmilien, Burks, Murdoch, Fulray, Klastel, Galrick, Iilina, Madranca, Walrich, Gasbern, Osvald, Barabald, Tursk, Lauxland, Fieroks (the estate was named by a lord who didn't know how to spell), Agneta, Veron, Rusul, Huallan, Masina, Baljezza, Taluela, the Badlands (the estate run by generations of outlaw bandit lords, Robin Hoods), Cegaea, Rumena, Wrenli, Urienna, Jaros, Ayseland, Miloroid, Tahari, Eckmost, Mounamine, Vildrs, Granmari,

Also, I have decided that the people from each estate are descended from a tribe, kingdom, or ethnic group that was assimilated into the Elysian kingdom by means of being converted into their religion, through political alliances, or by being conquered in a crusade.

Ashelms, Auxenians, Olamantians, Dariosians, Gurordians, Besarians, Zarkostians, Fairgosians, Pettarurians, Camdenians, Almesians, Maelnorians, Malachaisians, Graemesians, Luscgerians, Cresterians, Haraldrerian, Vastyan, Fairfordian, Dricswigian, Merrybellian, Gilmilien, Burkian, Murdochian, Fulraidian, Klastelian, Galrickian, Iilinan, Madranca, Walrichian, Gasbernian, Osvaldian, Barabaldian, Turskan, Lauxlander, Fierokian, Agnetan, Veronian, Rusulian, Huallanian, Masinan, Baljezzan, Taluelan, Badlander, Cegaean, Rumenan, Wrenlian, Uriennan, Jarosian, Ayselander, Miloroider, Tahrian, Eckmostian, Mounaminer, Vildersian, Granmarians
Having one of those "the universe hates me" days, I had a deadline to meet and every program on my computer worked together to make sure I couldn't meet it.

Well, fuck, that sucks. We all have one of those bad days, Nogood. My room only has one bathroom and I had to hold my shit so I could avert a disaster. I felt like my ass was going to explode this entire time.

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