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[SEEK PLAYERS] Pathfinder: Spirit of the seasons

Lost Swordlance

"You do ask many questions"
Sup guys.
I am taking in some players (preferably at least a bit initiated to D20 systems) for an awesome story, in a homemade world.

I do not plan this to be a forum roleplay, this will be a virtual tabletop roleplay. (Played weekly or monthly)

What I require :
- A microphone, typing slow the game down too much.
- You manage your own XP, GP, Character sheet. I just can't babysit anyone.
- Access to the Roll20 platform
- Discord or Skype.

What source material I allow :

- Pathfinder Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide
- Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide
- Pathfinder Ultimate Magic
- Pathfinder Ultimate Combat
- Pathfinder Ultimate Equipement

Additional source material need to be approved by me.
I do not follow character creation nor leveling, but I expect you to be able to provide explanation and reference for any items, feat or spell used.

What you can except of me (PROS) :
- Always a scenario ready for you.
- Listen to your cravings and reads your character's background (Try to add some background elements to the game)
- Pretty much always available for questions.
- Extensive knowledge of Pathfinder and other roleplay systems
- Experienced GM
- Known how to handle problem players.
- Can provide additional info about the world in form of documents and when discussing.
- Fair, Funny and Friendly.
- Open to original content and customisation.

What you won't get (CONS) :

- Perfect English and rich descriptions on the go (I will do extra prep work to make description for defined creatures, NPCs and items, but I am not the best English speaker and can't always find the right words.)
- Nice little maps in roll20 (for three reasons. First, extra workload. Second, no adaptability. Third, encourage railroading.)
- Help with your character sheet concerning stats or other mechanics. (I MAY do it anyway because I always like to help people but it should not be expected as a guaranteed service.)
- Pure freedom (I'll set some veils and lines depending on the story concept. Example : No PVP unless under mind-control, No Evil characters.)

How to join :
Express your interest right below, I'm currently taking in a maximum of 5 players. We'll start planning the first game after we reached a party of 3 players.
What I need to know :
- Rough player experience (with pathfinder or roleplaying in general)
- Story-line preference (see below)
- Roleplay tone preference (see below)
- Discord or skype username (If you don't want them to be in plain sight, PM them to me.)
- (Facultative) Character rough concept
- (Facultative) Character class
- (Facultative) Personal veils and lines
- (Facultative) You may add me directly on Skype or Discord (Lokionze)

Story-lines available :
- Guardians (General) : Play as a member of the organisation which is tasked to please the holy spirits and solve problem across the world. No real main story, good for people who just want to play a light hearted roleplay without much problem in case they miss a session.
- Guardians (The tragic story of the Deptelion) : Play as a member of the guardians organisation and discover the tragic story of the Deptelion family. This campaign is lead by a powerful main story which will lead you to uncover some of the deepest secrets of the guardians.
- Backstory orientated campaign : Follow the backstory of a PC or NPC into an epic quest !

Roleplay tone :
The tone of the session, how it will be played and how the scenarios will be made.
- Serious Roleplay : Immersive roleplay, jokes should be kept to a minimum or at least be made only in moments of calm. Heavily focused on story. Put an good focus on PC reactions and roleplay rather than actual martial talent. Fights are dangerous and may result in your PC's death.
- Semi-serious Roleplay : Immersive roleplay, jokes should be made in moments of calm or as a quick out-of-character moment. Focused on story but keep an eye on the fun side to entertain players with funny situations and good fights. Fights are challenging but I will try to preserve players from death caused by sheer bad luck.
- Dungeoniring Roleplay : Focused on mechanics and dangerous dungeons, fun, fast and furious. Jokes are open and character death is always at the door. May be hard, but always fair and on paar with the group capabilities. Roleplay is mainly used in social interaction and the story typically is not the main focus.
- Joke Roleplay : Focused on fun, there will be a good amount of jokes, ridiculous spells, additional rules and unfairness. PC's are expandable and the world look like a good pile of shit and giggles.

Roleplay best practices :
Those best practices are "rules" that I would like to be followed. But are not mandatory.
- I'll give you time to speculate, focus on the situation at hand.
- When I ask for a check, give me your total value and notify me in case of a natural 20 or 1.
- Session's health > Character morale (Don't fuck up the story just because that's what your guy would do)
- You don't know if an action respects your character morale / session's line and veils / session's tone ? Notify me before initiating the action and I'll shine my light on the subject.
- Giving advice is good, but give them after a particular situation / turn / action is performed, you don't need to tell people what to do.

Aaaand that's about it !
Feel free to ask any questions and we'll hopefully see each other very soon in an epic adventure !
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I am new to any DnD style, but I really would love to try this if you could be patient with my lack of knowledge in roleplaying in that style. I have been in dice styled roleplays, though
I am new to any DnD style, but I really would love to try this if you could be patient with my lack of knowledge in roleplaying in that style. I have been in dice styled roleplays, though
No problem man, I introduce people to the game all the time. :closed eyes open smile: I am used to it.
(Ps: Dont forget about the form ! :csmile:)
(Ps Ps: I should be available this saturday, maybe we can make your character at that date ?)
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  • 13 years roleplay experience, only about 2 years using dice.​
  • I think I prefer Guardians with the mains story​
  • Dungeonirig roleplay or semi-serious.​
  • Demonkitten (I believe)​
I will have to do the rest after work.​
I have played dnd twice, i am still really amateur to it, but i think i can manage! I can make a roll20 account AND I have a mic and discord. Am i eligible?

-5 years of detailed and organized RP, 2 years of just fluf cringe
-2 DnD sessions
-Im a fantasy nerd.
-Guardians General sounds pretty neat
-will post my discord stuffs when i get home
-i do have to work from 9AM-2PM EST tomorrow so if stuffs going down then, im unavailable
-Can get roll20 account, though i am unfamiliar with it
-plz wizard me
-If what you mean by Lines and Veils is things that i don't like or offend me then...
I love creative combat and great imagery, i have noooo lines.
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Also with checks, im 900% honest, i like it when bad and good stuff happens.

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