Search Frustrations and RP dynamic issues


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So I had given up on 1x1 RPs a while back. This is for a variety of reasons. Primarily, it's because I don't like the aspect of the RP being consisted of just me and the other individual. It doesn't matter how many characters or NPC there are. In fact, I DON'T like to RP as a handful of characters. Having the entire RP hinge on the input of just another person and myself is a lot of creative responsibility to shoulder, and I just don't care for it. Another thing I don't like about 1x1, is that it makes me extremely anxious to be involved with just another player. This is for the former reasons stated, along with OOC chatter and just generally being too personal. I also don't like the fact that my turn to post will come up so frequently. If it's just the two of us, after I post it's theirs, and then me again. I don't like being pressured to return so quickly. Even if it is understood that their is no rush to post, I still can't help but feel pressured to get a response out asap. I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple other reasons, but surmise it to say that I just am really uncomfortable with 1x1 roleplays.


It is seemingly impossible for me to find group RPs on here. RPN is by far the most active roleplay site I am on at the moment. Yet, since my joining back in July I have yet to get in on a successfully started and moving group RP. I love group RP in many of its dynamics. But OH MY GODS, is it difficult to get one going. It's hard enough for me to find topics that interest me. And whenever I do, they seem to die off very quickly or not even get started at all.

Some might feel that the obvious solution to this is to make my own roleplay. This is not just a no, but a HELL, NO! for me. I've tried to GM before. I've put tons of work and time into my settings and lore. And just like the group RPs I join, they also peter out and fail. So I'm not going to waste all that effort for nothing anymore. Another thing I should point out is that I just don't have the time to GM anything nowadays. I can write my own character in someone else's setting with little issue. But to be in charge of the entire setting is something I just don't have the time or patience for.

So, given all this. I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my time here. Should I attempt a 1x1 again, out of desperation? It's not really something I'm interested in, and I feel like I'd be doing both myself and the other party a disservice by even putting an ad out for it. But doing this thing, where I'm just constantly checking in and hoping that a a group RP that suits my interests pops up, is just really frustrating and discouraging. What I'm definitely tired of getting for advice, is that "I just gotta wait". Clearly, waiting around isn't working for me. I mean... 4 months and nothing? Really?

I really only have time for one or two RPs (probably just one, if I'm going to be completely realistic). Currently, I'm in none. So what I DO try to get myself involved in, can't just have a passing or half-hearted interest of mine. I need to really be into it, otherwise I will almost assuredly drop out. I know this, so I have become a bit particular about what I look for. I'm not just going to plop myself into whatever roleplay, afterall.

Anyways, sorry if this is a little rant-y. I really am trying to find a solution here. And I know I've posted something of similar feel to this before. But obviously, I'm still in the same boat. And I just really don't know what I'm supposed to do at this point besides give up, maybe?

Edit: Sometime last month, I had even attempted to gather other individuals that felt they were in the same situation. This was at the suggestion of one of the mods. Great advice. But ultimately, nothing came of it. The intent was to come up with a group RP idea, and get someone to GM it. However, the majority of the gathered party were silent the whole time, with only like one or two others contributing to the discussion. After about two weeks of dealing with this, I dropped out of the channel out of inevitable disinterest. I'm not one to push people into something they clearly aren't putting effort into.
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While I enjoy 1x1 RPs, I totally get the point about your turn to post rolling around awfully quick! So groups feel like a little less pressure. But they are harder to keep going long term too.

Maybe try a few 1x1 RPs with the expectation that they will be short-lived? A single scenario and then close out the story. Put a nice 'The End' tag on it. Try it with a few different folks and if you click with a couple of them, see if they're up for group scenario?

That could be too specific. I dunno. But I have one of my favorite group RPs going (on another site) that sorta crept up almost by accident that way. The shift in focus from 'long term rp' to 'let's tell a cool story about X' was a good one for me.

If you ever do decide to try your hand at GMing again, why torture yourself spending hours and hours making lore? (Unless you get enjoyment out of it alone! I know some do, but it doesn't sound like you do.) Grab a pre-written module that you like and go with it. If the group actually manages to make it through the end of that adventure and are itchin' for more, that's a good problem to have! :)
While I enjoy 1x1 RPs, I totally get the point about your turn to post rolling around awfully quick! So groups feel like a little less pressure. But they are harder to keep going long term too.
Yeah, its hard enough to keep ONE other person interested, much less a group. And more often than not, the leaving of any given individual takes some bumbling around to recoup from.

Maybe try a few 1x1 RPs with the expectation that they will be short-lived? A single scenario and then close out the story. Put a nice 'The End' tag on it. Try it with a few different folks and if you click with a couple of them, see if they're up for group scenario?
Funny you should mention it. When I used to try 1x1s, my stipulation was that they be short-term. Episodic at best. Not necessarilly a one-shot, but I definitely did not want to commit a 1x1 for a long-term roleplay. I guess I just feel... confined? I guess that's a word for it. I don't like the notion of being locked with one other writer for an elongated period of time. In a group, I can switch up who I interact with. Also, people come and go (sometimes) and you have new faces as the adventure goes on (if it doesn't die).

Like I stated in my OP edit, I actually tried to group together some like-minded individuals to get a group going. But they were all randos, and it didnt get anywhere. As far as me getting to know ppl on-site, I'm not really into it. Like, I'll talk plenty in the discussions. But I get kinda weird and awkward when I keep seeing messages pop up in my PMs. I usually have the option to PM me as "off" if at all possible. And only open it up as necessary.

If you ever do decide to try your hand at GMing again, why torture yourself spending hours and hours making lore? (Unless you get enjoyment out of it alone! I know some do, but it doesn't sound like you do.) Grab a pre-written module that you like and go with it. If the group actually manages to make it through the end of that adventure and are itchin' for more, that's a good problem to have! :)
I actually DO like writing all the lore. One of the last settings I made had a map i made myself. it has over 75 points of interest, and each one was defined down to how the cities and town interacted and traded with one another. I had several races as well. Lots of background for them too. What I don't like, is to write all this extensive setting, only to have everything fall through. I'm also kind of hard-nosed when it comes to people conforming to the setting. I lead a pretty rigid character creation process, and I don't think most people like that. But if I went through all the effort to write the lore and setting, I must insist that the characters be held hard to it. In truth, I might not even be a very good GM. And I'm okay with that. I love worldbuilding, but I hate having to adhere and lead others through it. It's such a chore.

I'm actually not into pre-made stuff, tbh. I prefer everything to be OC if at all possible. Like, I'll do a very small amount f fandoms. but even in those fandoms, I only RP as original creations. Oh, on that note, that's another thing about GMing. As a GM, I feel that one can't properly play a character in the RP. Like, I know a lot of people make their characters for their own settings. But I feel like this kind of gives an unfair tilt to that character, and everyone wants to centralize their actions towards them. And if they DON'T, then they get left out of the "main story". So if I were to GM, I couldn't rightly put a character of mine into the mix. And honestly, that kind of defeats the point.

Anyhow, thank you for the reply. I hope your day/night/morning/whatever is going well. :-)
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I'm sort of having this problem -- it's more of "is-this-even-fun-for-me-anymore" crisis. I think the root of the issue is people just really suck at communicating, haha. Your experience in the channel across two weeks is a perfect example. For as long as I've been RP-ing, people are much better than band-wagoning than putting forward ideas of their own, though that's only really a bad thing when you want "more" from the hobby. I've only seen it as: either I temper my expectations, I nut up and make the RP myself, or I go work on a web serial instead.

I'm in your boat where I'm not a fan getting to know people, but actually connecting with people might be the key to getting the ball going for a RP. It's weird having a bunch of strangers writing a story together. You can coordinate a lot better if you at least know where your players are coming from, when they're not so anonymous anymore.
I'm sort of having this problem -- it's more of "is-this-even-fun-for-me-anymore" crisis. I think the root of the issue is people just really suck at communicating, haha. Your experience in the channel across two weeks is a perfect example. For as long as I've been RP-ing, people are much better than band-wagoning than putting forward ideas of their own, though that's only really a bad thing when you want "more" from the hobby. I've only seen it as: either I temper my expectations, I nut up and make the RP myself, or I go work on a web serial instead.

Yes, people really do suck at communicating. I'm the type that goes into an interest check asking all the questions I'll need in order to create a character to the setting. I usually get back with the character within a day or two (depending on how intricate the CS is). But it has happened SO OFTEN that I'm one of the last people to join an RP, and one of the first to submit a character. This wouldn't really matter, except that I can only hold my interest in an idea for so long before I feel like it isn't going to go anywhere. The way I see it, if people are dragging their asses just to get a character app in, what does that say for their later participation? And trust me, I have been vindicated in that notion on many occasions. When I join up on an RP, i want to get u and started as soon as possible. I am NOT going to wait around for two weeks for everyone to get their shit together. ESPECIALLY if looking back on the posted comments, others have had a week or more on me to get the same thing done. It's just a big red flag.

I'm in your boat where I'm not a fan getting to know people, but actually connecting with people might be the key to getting the ball going for a RP. It's weird having a bunch of strangers writing a story together. You can coordinate a lot better if you at least know where your players are coming from, when they're not so anonymous anymore.

I've talked to people here and there in the forums. Even friendly with a handful. But most of it is through these discussion chats, and I wind up not having RP interests in common with a lot of em'. I chalk that up to a generational difference. My RP days started back in 1997, and I can't relate/don't care about a lot of the RP topics I see nowadays. Especially the fandoms. Currently, I'm just trying to find some kind of classic medieval fantasy setting I can play a goblin in. I didn't think that'd be hard but... well, the proof is in the forums. Before that, I was looking for space opera. That's actually my preferred genre, but super hard to find. Another thing is that most people are more into 1x1 than group. I've had some members express interests in some ideas just by chatting about it. But they dont do group stuff.

And I don't really want to go recruiting again. It's a pain in the ass, and a lot of effort for little (or no) turn out. Like I told CorralDust, I love worldbuilding, but I hate organizing people. This hobby is supposed to be fun, and organizing others is NOT fun for me. It's a lot easier on me to find something established and carve a little spot out, than have to get the whole thing going.
Ugh, right. It's like you just want to drop in but there's all this prep beforehand. It takes a perfect storm of community and luck to find a RP in something you're interested in. That's why I'm becoming increasingly interested in GM-ing something of my own, but like you said, you have to recruit people. For me, that wouldn't be a problem... if communicating with people on these sites didn't often feel like pulling teeth.

Honestly, if you want to play something specific, you might do well looking at sites specifically dedicated towards a setting/concept. I've seen a couple of Jcink- and Proboards-hosted medieval fantasy RP sites and one of those should have an option either to make your own race or have goblins/goblin equivalents available. PB/Jcink has its activity issues too but usually the problem isn't getting to RP at all like it sometimes is on forums.
Ugh, right. It's like you just want to drop in but there's all this prep beforehand. It takes a perfect storm of community and luck to find a RP in something you're interested in. That's why I'm becoming increasingly interested in GM-ing something of my own, but like you said, you have to recruit people. For me, that wouldn't be a problem... if communicating with people on these sites didn't often feel like pulling teeth.

Honestly, if you want to play something specific, you might do well looking at sites specifically dedicated towards a setting/concept. I've seen a couple of Jcink- and Proboards-hosted medieval fantasy RP sites and one of those should have an option either to make your own race or have goblins/goblin equivalents available. PB/Jcink has its activity issues too but usually the problem isn't getting to RP at all like it sometimes is on forums.
I actually have gone through quite a few Discord servers of that very nature. The entire server dedicated to a singular RP. The problem with those, is that everyone just winds up pairing off in 1x1s as a standard. And the quality of writing on Discord is... atrocious to say the least. I feel like the platform is catered to people that don' like to write in multi-para format. Because 9 times out of 10, all I see are bunches of tiny replies in quick succession between the members. And the spelling, grammar, and descriptors are not something I would want to waste my time with.

I... have no idea what PB/Jcink or proboards is. Doing a google search, I couldn't find anything usefully defined for PB/Jcink . but I did find a proboards site. Did the registration thing and then searched for "Medieval Fantasy Roleplay". I figured if they have ANY kind of roleplay, it would be medieval fantasy. Got literally 3 results. :-/

Looking into them, this proboards place seems kinda dead to me.

  • First one i looked into had no one viewing the board but myself (1 guest)
  • Second one is under maintenance, and takes you to a staff login page.
  • And the last, third one has 16 guests viewing, 0 members, 0 staff. So pretty much the same as the first one.
So I then just searched for "roleplay". And the results ae pretty much just what I see anywhere else: Anthro stuff, Feral stuff, Superhero stuff, Harry Potter fandoms, Anime EVERYwhere!, warrior cats, magic academy, a D&D Neverwinter Nights RP, etc. All stuff I do well to avoid in any RP forum. Hell, even saw a twilight roleplay. Gross! I'm on like my 6th or 7th page now and it's all stuff I've no interest in. (shit, there are a LOT of feral RPs on this site O.o)

Anyhow. Thanks for the nod towards that site, but just from the get go, it's just another clone of everything I find everywhere else.
baggysack baggysack
Update. I got into the Jcink thing. They have a total of 45 rp groups.
I went into the roleplay section, searched "medieval". 0 results. Searched "fantasy". 0 results.
Did a manual run through: X-men , harry potter, pokemon, a few multi-verse (barf!), A couple adult-rated. etc. etc. Nothing there either, sorry. :-/
Oh if you don't want anime/animanga characters, you might be fucked. You could find a dope Harry Potter site though!!!!!! That has... hobgoblins? Sorry to hear about Jcink too. Yeah, I was mostly referring to the "animanga" side of things with has a bunch of Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy-type high fantasy sites with different races. I've only seen "anime-less" fantasy on a couple of rare occasions, and yeah, they haven't been too active. (Shame: there was this really dope D&D site, but it didn't get off the ground.)

It is mostly character-character on those PB/Jcink sites too, not just Discord (and from what I've seen of Discord RP: yeah, writing's hit or miss -- and it's hard to tell until you join), though some sites encourage like "missions" or big plot-heavy threads with multiple characters at once. I don't know if I prefer it, or if I've just gotten used to it, but at least there's some to breathe. It's been awkward for me, coming back to a forum and seeing eight different characters doing eight different things in the same thread.
Yeah, I'm not into anime. Like, at all. It's one of my big turn-aways, actually. And I'm def not into Harry Potter, or OC Magic Academy RPs, either. And I see those in spades. lol

My RP preferences are listed under my "about me" on my profile. I also have a long-running ad that I occasionally bump that basically mirrors that in more detail.
I can feel your pain somewhat. I do prefer 1x1 simply because there's less pressure to post quickly and such(I'm a slow poster), but it's hard to find RP's I'm even interested in. Most of the interest checks seem to be for the same few things and I have some more obscure interests that definitely only appeal to a niche audience. I have tried to GM some dystopian and post-apocalyptic stuff too, but I never have success. I get a couple people interested, but then nothing ever happens from there.
I can feel your pain somewhat. I do prefer 1x1 simply because there's less pressure to post quickly and such(I'm a slow poster), but it's hard to find RP's I'm even interested in. Most of the interest checks seem to be for the same few things and I have some more obscure interests that definitely only appeal to a niche audience. I have tried to GM some dystopian and post-apocalyptic stuff too, but I never have success. I get a couple people interested, but then nothing ever happens from there.
This makes me sad. I always figured my problem stemmed from being adamantly poised only for Group RP. But is it honestly the same in terms of variety even in the 1x1 sections?
This makes me sad. I always figured my problem stemmed from being adamantly poised only for Group RP. But is it honestly the same in terms of variety even in the 1x1 sections?
It is. It gets tiresome trying to find RP's. It's why I'm not very active here anymore. I just can't find RP's I'm genuinely interested in.
It is. It gets tiresome trying to find RP's. It's why I'm not very active here anymore. I just can't find RP's I'm genuinely interested in.
I just keep hoping to find that unicorn, ya know? But I've definitely become jaded.
This thread struck a chord with me, so I'm going to try and answer as best I know how. Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that getting a good, long lasting group RP on this site from total scratch is like squeezing blood from a stone. It ain't gonna really happen. The best and longest lasting rps I've been a part of have come out of groups where most of us already knew each other from participating in previous failed roleplays (largely within the same genre). In my experience, those just seem to last longer both OOC and IC.

Aside from that, my tactic has been the exact opposite of yours. I'll join group roleplays even if they're way below my standards or typical level of enjoyment so long as it is remotely related to my favorite genres. Not only does it keep me writing and in practice, I can get familiar with others who like the same things. Since some of the best partners I ever had came out of failed roleplays, I really don't consider it a waste of my time.

The other thing I have recently resolved to do for those 'once in a blue moon', amazing RPs is to be the last roleplayer standing. As long as even one other person is writing in it, I will post back and respond if I am able to (as my schedule allows). It basically means I've done all I can to keep the story going - and, if I'm really lucky, I can occasionally get additional roleplay requests or invitations out of it.
This thread struck a chord with me, so I'm going to try and answer as best I know how. Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that getting a good, long lasting group RP on this site from total scratch is like squeezing blood from a stone. It ain't gonna really happen. The best and longest lasting rps I've been a part of have come out of groups where most of us already knew each other from participating in previous failed roleplays (largely within the same genre). In my experience, those just seem to last longer both OOC and IC.
Yeah, as previously discussed, I don't really have the time and inclination to be getting familiar with different peeps on the internet. I barely have time to interact with irl friends. I HAVE seen familiar faces join up on stuff I attempted to get in on, once or twice. But for the most part, its always a new crowd.
(There have been a few faces that join in that I wish I wouldn't see, though. lol)

Aside from that, my tactic has been the exact opposite of yours. I'll join group roleplays even if they're way below my standards or typical level of enjoyment so long as it is remotely related to my favorite genres. Not only does it keep me writing and in practice, I can get familiar with others who like the same things. Since some of the best partners I ever had came out of failed roleplays, I really don't consider it a waste of my time.
I just really don't have the time to be joining RPs that I'm not feeling. Firstly, because I won't have any motivation to be a part of it. and secondly because I really only have the time to dedicate to one or MAYBE two RPs. Also, this assumes I even FIND those RPs that I'm interested in. My biggest issue is simply that the considerable majority of what's out there doesn't appeal to me in the first place.

Let's take Star Wars, for instance. I'm a fan, I guess. Not huge fanatic or anything. But my interest actually lies more in the EU than the actual movies and series. When I've tried to look for RPs in the settings I want, they simply dont exist. And when I DO talk to others about SW, they aren't familiar with the timelines I'm into. This, even in real life. Juxtaposed to that, I don't keep up with any of the new movies or series. I DID watch the Mandalorian. But it served to mostly annoy me with how much stuff got retconned. The helmet removal thing especially. Anyhow, I digress...

My point being is that I'm just as out of water with the things people are interested in, as they are to the things I'm interested in.

The other thing I have recently resolved to do for those 'once in a blue moon', amazing RPs is to be the last roleplayer standing. As long as even one other person is writing in it, I will post back and respond if I am able to (as my schedule allows). It basically means I've done all I can to keep the story going - and, if I'm really lucky, I can occasionally get additional roleplay requests or invitations out of it.
When I see a roleplay going down, I jump ship. And I've seen enough go belly up to register the signs ahead of time. I don't have the time or patience to tread water for a GM that isn't doing their job of keeping people interested. But I commend you for your efforts. lol
Yeah, as previously discussed, I don't really have the time and inclination to be getting familiar with different peeps on the internet. I barely have time to interact with irl friends. I HAVE seen familiar faces join up on stuff I attempted to get in on, once or twice. But for the most part, its always a new crowd.
(There have been a few faces that join in that I wish I wouldn't see, though. lol)

When I say familiar, I don't necessarily mean getting IRL friendly and cozy. I mean it more as an established group of people who are in to the same stuff you are as a roleplayer. That's a huge deal because you should already know how they write, what they're good at, and if your personalities mix at all. It's especially important if the rps you join are niche because you're more than likely to run into the same people again.

I just really don't have the time to be joining RPs that I'm not feeling. Firstly, because I won't have any motivation to be a part of it. and secondly because I really only have the time to dedicate to one or MAYBE two RPs. Also, this assumes I even FIND those RPs that I'm interested in. My biggest issue is simply that the considerable majority of what's out there doesn't appeal to me in the first place.

Let's take Star Wars, for instance. I'm a fan, I guess. Not huge fanatic or anything. But my interest actually lies more in the EU than the actual movies and series. When I've tried to look for RPs in the settings I want, they simply dont exist. And when I DO talk to others about SW, they aren't familiar with the timelines I'm into. This, even in real life. Juxtaposed to that, I don't keep up with any of the new movies or series. I DID watch the Mandalorian. But it served to mostly annoy me with how much stuff got retconned. The helmet removal thing especially. Anyhow, I digress...

My point being is that I'm just as out of water with the things people are interested in, as they are to the things I'm interested in.

Well, there is a massive gap between the longtimers and the younger crowd. That isn't really about to change anytime soon. And I'm not sure what I can suggest that will be helpful other than maybe trying out D&D or some other change of scenery at this point that isn't RPN. Unfortunately, being extremely particular and picky about what you're getting while also relying on other people to GM, is going to be an absolute trial no matter how you slice it. Unless you're down to GM the roleplay yourself, try a 1x1, or give the vague ballparks a shot, there really isn't much to be done other than wait for the unicorns to come along.
When I say familiar, I don't necessarily mean getting IRL friendly and cozy. I mean it more as an established group of people who are in to the same stuff you are as a roleplayer. That's a huge deal because you should already know how they write, what they're good at, and if your personalities mix at all. It's especially important if the rps you join are niche because you're more than likely to run into the same people again.
Well, I have met one or two excellent writers on here in the 4 months of my membership. But so far, I only saw them in the one instance of attempted RP. Niche is definitely what one of those RPs were. My problem is I hop around from one genre to another, and I'm very dependent on my mood as to what I wanna write for the moment. And when that mood goes unrequited, I hop on over to something else. But I guess you have a point, I should try to compile a list of these players if I see them repeatedly. It means they are active and searching like I am. At the very least, we can tag each other when we find something worth writing on.

Well, there is a massive gap between the longtimers and the younger crowd. That isn't really about to change anytime soon. And I'm not sure what I can suggest that will be helpful other than maybe trying out D&D or some other change of scenery at this point that isn't RPN. Unfortunately, being extremely particular and picky about what you're getting while also relying on other people to GM, is going to be an absolute trial no matter how you slice it. Unless you're down to GM the roleplay yourself, try a 1x1, or give the vague ballparks a shot, there really isn't much to be done other than wait for the unicorns to come along.
I have been around the RP block, tbh. There are sites that don't even exist anymore that I've been on. I'd have to guesstimate that I've been on about a dozen sites over the last 20+ years. I can confidently say that RPN has a much healthier rate of traffick than pretty much everything else Ive seen in the last couple years. That doesn't mean that it is things I'm interested in. But at least it's alive here. Other places drop off to posts that are months and then years old before you get to the second page of requests. OR they cater almost exclusively to 1x1 and aren't geared very well to group. I usually only keep active on like three or four sites at a time. But recently, I've whittled it down to this and one other. And I haven't really been doing much on the other one lately, either. Discord is a mess, and I have met nothing but disappointment on there. lol

I'm currently on a fantasy search. But if I don't get anywhere on that in the next couple days, I'll likely switch off to something else. And on the note of D&D, I actually have a lot of the 3.5 books. But I just read them for the lore. I have never played, and I hate all the stats and die rolls. Not my style at all.

Anyhow, thank you for the advice. I hope you have a great day.. or night. lol
I have been around the RP block, tbh. There are sites that don't even exist anymore that I've been on. I'd have to guesstimate that I've been on about a dozen sites over the last 20+ years. I can confidently say that RPN has a much healthier rate of traffick than pretty much everything else Ive seen in the last couple years. That doesn't mean that it is things I'm interested in. But at least it's alive here. Other places drop off to posts that are months and then years old before you get to the second page of requests. OR they cater almost exclusively to 1x1 and aren't geared very well to group. I usually only keep active on like three or four sites at a time. But recently, I've whittled it down to this and one other. And I haven't really been doing much on the other one lately, either. Discord is a mess, and I have met nothing but disappointment on there. lol

I'm currently on a fantasy search. But if I don't get anywhere on that in the next couple days, I'll likely switch off to something else. And on the note of D&D, I actually have a lot of the 3.5 books. But I just read them for the lore. I have never played, and I hate all the stats and die rolls. Not my style at all.

Anyhow, thank you for the advice. I hope you have a great day.. or night. lol

I've been on a lot of different sites too. They all either shut down or had very limited activity so I ended up here. I rarely RP here, though, since it's so rare I find something I'm interested in. Fantasy RP's are a dime a dozen, but it's rarely the type of fantasy I'm into. Then many of my other interests rarely, if ever, even pop up at all.
I've been on a lot of different sites too. They all either shut down or had very limited activity so I ended up here. I rarely RP here, though, since it's so rare I find something I'm interested in. Fantasy RP's are a dime a dozen, but it's rarely the type of fantasy I'm into. Then many of my other interests rarely, if ever, even pop up at all.
They ARE a dime a dozen! That's why I thought I'd have an easy time finding one for my current endeavor. but, nope! I mean, I can at least understand when I can't find a Space Opera including the Sol system with a "Wild Frontier" sorta feel to it. That's pretty specific. But generic Medieval fantasy should have been a shoe in. Yet, here I am, NOT finding a place for my goblin. lmao!
They ARE a dime a dozen! That's why I thought I'd have an easy time finding one for my current endeavor. but, nope! I mean, I can at least understand when I can't find a Space Opera including the Sol system with a "Wild Frontier" sorta feel to it. That's pretty specific. But generic Medieval fantasy should have been a shoe in. Yet, here I am, NOT finding a place for my goblin. lmao!

See, that's exactly my problem. If I want fantasy I don't want Medieval fantasy(with the exception of Middle Eastern inspired fantasy settings), but rather urban fantasy type stuff that doesn't involve angels, demons, or vampire/werewolf romance.
See, that's exactly my problem. If I want fantasy I don't want Medieval fantasy(with the exception of Middle Eastern inspired fantasy settings), but rather urban fantasy type stuff that doesn't involve angels, demons, or vampire/werewolf romance.
angels, demons, or vampire/werewolf is all stuff I steer away from, along with ANY kind of romance. But I also don't like modern stuff. For me, its either far future, or stuff set in a pre-industrial era. Though, I AM sometimes in the mood for steam/dieselpunk. But that mood is rare.
angels, demons, or vampire/werewolf is all stuff I steer away from, along with ANY kind of romance. But I also don't like modern stuff. For me, its either far future, or stuff set in a pre-industrial era. Though, I AM sometimes in the mood for steam/dieselpunk. But that mood is rare.
I usually only like modern stuff if there's fantasy elements involved. Regular realistic modern stuff rarely interests me. I will do realistic, but typically only in historical settings.
I usually only like modern stuff if there's fantasy elements involved. Regular realistic modern stuff rarely interests me. I will do realistic, but typically only in historical settings.
I've given it a shot a couple times. But I just can't. I lose interest pretty quickly, and I can't get into my characters with the same enthusiasm. I've never done a historical setting because I feel like I'd fuck it up, not being particularly adept at history. lol
I've given it a shot a couple times. But I just can't. I lose interest pretty quickly, and I can't get into my characters with the same enthusiasm. I've never done a historical setting because I feel like I'd fuck it up, not being particularly adept at history. lol
I'm not a huge stickler for historical accuracy in my RP's tbh unless a person uses their common sense. Like, a 1600's setting is not going to have modern technology or women wearing pants, little things like that.

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